HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-10-17, Page 8d THE S!GNAL': OODERICI, ONT.. THURSDAY. OCT, 17. 10g. 5i=� -. S.A.= Fancy Goods and China. Great reductions in price, as we are making room for holiday effects. . . TEE LATEST LITERATURE Always on hand. Be sure and buy S. R. Orocket's new book, "A Galloway Herd," in paper, 50 cents Every line of School Requisites always kept in stock PORTER'S COLONIAL BOOK STORE. 1 'steal T. lep•••er 1 \r.a,.jr. A};�'� i►�' 'I'IIE I►IS'IIUCT. From our ownCorr espondenta. T.ere is lerer_.,11.\ Mer. !Lar I ■e..( be r •u.d ta) - Mule Iles \res. 01 tier . •n,$) .p..-I.ls) a. versed Per Vier 0Iotes, DUNGANNON. N .:.iv.. I lie ,Deal &nen., 10 ltuiy,t•no\ tar rex ttta.•r. is at the cisco of J. 0. ward• J.P.. ,snveyeseer. Ro.. who will receive er dere tor •ubecrlptio\s. advertieitta 0nd i.b work. sed is authorised t0 (Ive rennet@ or •_o,int• paid for the same ft t:-irtt, (hot. 1.'. Di.lstos Coi•Kr.. I)trinon court will be held houses inlay Duty, the lath October. Di Na*I'SONIT.• A, Kotin hire. fuse, (silo of Dr. T. E. (..e. is visaing rel. titres at Exeter. t+irteig.- liter Hamlin. et Ripley, and formerly of Dungannue, .muted relatives here last week FAUNS 1.s* -ria if W and R. Mallough have lewd their tarns us Ask Geld t o Jamas How•, t. ROTA Kis Huex. T. H. Walker and wife. who have bee. on an estended twit to relatives here, left for home at Ingersoll on Monday, 19th -to'. A I. 'kl. „ Key. H. Irvine, of i.odsnch, preached excellent services, morning and ave.t.g of last vbbetb in the Meshedist church, churches. There was • large Otte mbime , The .rdss•tion end induction were Mid is the Presbyterian church at it. Helm, We extend to the )Dene peter, coagratelatioes sad wish him spirituel, as well as temporal succor In hon ministry.. 1;11010.: The other de, Mr. Black/di was sent for very hurriedly to attired • nck horse which would neither sat nor drink, 'end which. it was faired, wee girlhood the same way as Mr. Sharpley'e were. The heree's temperature tadlosted no ailment, and the veterinary was 10; • momeat our/ led, but when be looked In the horses • mouth mind found a piece of hemlock lumber wedged aerate the law, the saes* of its ail• meat was aeon solved. ('Linton W. tt. Se•rth, of Winnipeg, who has dust bet. appointed Deputy Minister of Agriculture tor the Dominion, ..d who was also en aspirant for the Ltsutea•at-l.over- O onbip of Manitoba, 10 y old l'Itatowr.• he beteg • resident here at the time M ., A Hueter were in business, about Jere we, sad he was also auditor on N 7san K R. It is rem•rkeble how mar • & 1. a• wawa nave worked up sot, .y old Clin The salary he is to ieeeive r promuenee. term ..3,500 .e Deputv-Mow- SPECIALTIES FOR THIS WEEK. x x x x x x Ladies' Hygeian Vests at 62 I -2c., worth 75c. + + + + + + + Men's Shirts and Drawers. American Flannelette Blankets, at 75c. a pair. + The Best Grain Bag in Town at $2 25 a dozen. + Ladies' Fur Capes $22. line for $19. $25. line for $22. Ins pectiozk of our stock invited. • J. T. ACHESON. STAKE STOCK OF OUR WINDOWI C. RUSANE&CO McLEAN'S BLOC$. been 1f t0! A,.... Mrs. A. Sproule, whitI n visit sag aryu•mt•nces •t Hens.. .es seine time, returnedhome lest wee' .1 for pleased with her visit Nx•. 1{lanai i• 4), Westbrook are prepaying ' 10' Messrs. , ,rept of a baking "tai •r the oommenee m wtU eomeade hush .iiahment hen, and E.( t aw1� Tit A' .so to the sear future. $,.Pott will b• Sacrament of the lard's here ea e . dispensed la 1•:rekta• chord'0000. h Alt Sabbath enmmenctog •1 the Add par Prep.rstory services will be .a the shurub en Ender next. `- ge..l,t, et M1 ..i•IYa11'111'\ . I'II� --Tb. seu0icip•l oouoctl of "est Waw.nosh will meet ta •be usual place on Saturday. the 1 itb of (October. Seaton to commence .t 1 • olook r u. sharp. A11 concerned take. n ote. Pter•ro R I -I I... -- file securing of the po - tato'rep is en(aitieg the .11.0(1.0 of thew oo\clrod. The tuber. •re prunouosed M be of snest•.Ily Tarp .ltmeoa1001 It seems that •lthe irh the hey crop was light, the "tattie crop is oxtrs � ILcK .x H, • f., . %V, have been kindly presented ht • venerable friend with a leo site of •0 uecemmoe ave, it b.mh g ' inches by 13 tnohes The weight .1 egg was t Ib., nr o/. Me) ane helm continue t(, apply h im with such large friar. rvlToh.. MIs. .1.1101. McKs,te, e1 I.derioh, Is simmer the flosses Currie and I .k. • W hyo rd, sed eeems,se dealt whe visit f:.*ods Dere, to en;e- herself . Mrs. ♦!.soder (hell, of (.oderich, tq of . visit to Mrs lames Trimble and other friends here. ()RDr11.Ti., 4,1 1.IrIrT1 � IM Turn ds. last after the usual ordination question* wheels were answered t• the satisfaeti•n os the Ptuali4 tar) board .f examiners by Rey. on jidnov M Wbslev, he windueted tato tan share, of ;It. Helen., and Fast Ash w (ieY'e eengregatioof the Presbyterian muck HAVE Yui 'KEN Full Line of Seasonable Goods. Ladies' Fur Capes a specialty, C. R. MA -NZ & 00. Agra). for tae ranulae Ls.adry, amilton St BAKERY E\CIIAN(:Ell IIANDS. DAVID STODDARTI JB 1 Natty Sterling Silver Goods Sterling Silver Tooth Brushes Sterling Silver Curling Tongs Sterling Silver Button Hooks Sterling Silver Book Marks Sterling Silver Scissors Sterling Silver Triiby Pins Sterling Silver Bracelets Also Gents' Congo Oak Silver Mounted Canes and Ladies' Gun Metal Watches. wishes: to atrnounce that lie hu pur- chased the Hamilton Street Bakery from John A Green, and intends car- rying on the Business in all its branches in such s manner as will give entire satisfaction to the people THS NEW of l:oderich. A Full Supply of Bread, Bans, Cakes, Confectionery, &c., will be kept Constantly on handl. C. A. HUMBER & SON, JFs:WFLERS. CREAT SALE Or GENERAL HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS. GUSS, CUTLER!, ETC., FOR 60 DAYS_ Having decided upon adopting the Caah System, I will, for the next 60 days, offer my entire stock of Hardware, etc., at greatly re- duced prices for cash, part of which will be sold at cost, and many articles for leas, to make room for new goods coming in this Fall. At the expiration of the 60 days, I intend to adopt the Cash System, and my customers may then depend upon getting any Goods in my line of business at the lowest cash prices for which they can be sold. Thanking my customers and the public generally for past patronage and soliciting a continuance of the same, I remain, JAMES Y4TES. FALL AND WINTER MILLINERy We have already made several to our stock of well a.• sorted in so that now we think W4 have everything that could he desireli. in the line of A FEW LEADERS WITH US. New Wall -Papers and Window Shades, prices low. School Sup- plies, extra quality. Alpha Inks, best and largest 5c bottle sold- H.B. Lead Pencils and others, 2 .for 5c. Big value package -24 sheets good Note Paper and 25 Square Envelopes for 12c. No. 6 and 7 good Buwine.•ss Envelopes for Bac. and $1 per 1000. Extra tine note papers, per quire 10c. Blank Books, from 25c per 100 pages. New Tissue papers, crepe and plain. New goods in purses, Fancy Goods, Dolls, Gaines, Toys, Pipes, at quick selling prices. Silverware at cost price, to clear. Stamping done to order. N B. --Stock all new. STEEL STOVES AND RANGES Wednesday and Saturday AT r a >n WORSELES sIoM1-WICE1rt>LY (luarenteed not to Crack. Warp or Break. TWE haul the largest and finest assort aleph of Stoves ever exhibited at the G. N. W Exhibition in Goderich, •n,1 we are selling them very cheap. Small profits and quick returns ' is Our motto J. H. MULL & Co, The SISTe sad perases a.rtyr�olrar., Dotter YonlasenL Spectator ig PIIRLISHRD. To most Post Offices this is nearly as gond as a Daily Paper, while the price isonly $1 per year. Tf you sub. scribe NOW for I $% we will send the balsam o( this year ERF:F. OF CHARGE. "Th. earlier you subscribe the more you get for your $1. Sample copula free on application. address - Printing Co., fiAt111111wta f41I. Now Car . West street. W=IR_ FALL 1895 MUNRO'S_ full lines in UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY and YARNS • No Netter value to be had in Gotlerich. As usual, extra value in storm aril hard finish IERS in BLACK, OXFORD.GREY NAVY and AI►MIRAL BLUE. A. MUNRO LOIN Draper and Haberdasher. HAVEYCU NOTICED THE NEW WORK ` in til. Wiedow at "T HE FAIR." F INE MILLINERY. MISS=S YAT�S_ 1' S. -We have tin dw.11io/ moms shave our store which we will teat for eery rwse.able terms. 11 c are the only agents for this Y wk here. We make SPUSHERS, FLOOR MATS, TABLE SATS, ETC., at prices which will astonish you. Guaranteed not affected by water, as they are made under a special patent process. A good, live man wanted to sell these goods for us. Be sure and call. " THE FAIR" Nat a sire.; a Itreaad M a Parrot. Pittsburg Dispatch A parrs* intone*, Man opera rempsy, sad whisk A..r.e la sae of the •otl of the show, .eesped from its keeper sl the New 1 ork Central Roailreed station this morals( while the mernbon 01 Lha eemo011t were waiting ler • train. As the MMo1ut palled fiat. the static's. and there was a rash for the gates, the parrot, tram the top .1 tho big •Inch, send out "Hello ' yes have f.rootten Ismet►t0(.' foster& people hurried hack 1. Mair tots he look for stab'. sr Fareslr. As the pee- emore earns is from the train banns ib.y mews tnelsd delle ' Barry . Halls ! old ►y... All the m\mb.rS el the essepany pained i. Intim he meth the hied, bat did nen easseed lar a lets( Idea *snag which the perms kept up it. shatter. At least twenty Ave people raised thee Maurits .easing book es Pella rem_rk the* Huta *L had Mee far. /ethos. "1'.s," said the benison ma he the elee(ymaa. ••I'.. lest a good deal of toes, m my life." "By frown/4 1t away, i w► pees t.. •'Ne, bv betas po.ets01 to my sp. psia*rnesta"--Bswes Courier. C. Dt.nnelly, proprietor of the popular sod Wel: known Wtnd.or Hotel, Allintoa, (let., was tro.hled for roars with iteh- i one Piles. He was pur..ded by Jamas Mdisrtey, Alliston, livery maw, to moo Ohre'. Ointment, which be did, was eared. hes had so retorts of them ofd highly r.asmmende this Oi.tenlest an s sewerage sure fo. filen. REMOVAL SALE. oN'= WEEK v.c= till we move, and our Removal Sale has ben successful in clearing out odd lines, but we must keep our bargain table full till we move, but the lines we are turning out now you will find BETTER VALUE THAN EVER. This week we show our special cut prices in INFANTS_ (Sizes 1 to 7 ) Kid, laced boot, turned sole d $ 50 . $ 25 Kid, buttoned hoot with tip 75 50 Kid, buttoned hoot, plain toe 65 50 Potent leather, buttoned, turn sole, tine 80 65 GIJEtI's. (Si,.e, ,, to Iia, Heavy laced hoot, rivetted 65 50 Heavy, whole stock laced. pegged 80 70 Oil -pebble, buttoned, spring heel, riveted 1 00 R5 Fine kt4i, buttoned, J. 1). King's 1 50 1 20 MIssEB_ (Sizes 11 to 2) Oil pebble, buttoned, rivetted 1 r5 95 Satin calf laced, 11 and 12 only 1 25 75 Kid, buttoned, extension sole and tip 1 35 1 10 75 60 Regular 1'rier. Oslo Prise. Heavy laced, pegged II.ADIES_ Kid, buttoned and tip pointed toe 1 50 1 20 Goat skin, buttoned or laced, none better to wear. .. 1 50 1 20 Glove grain, button or laced 1 35 1 20 Fine French Kid, buttoned, hand turned 2 75 2 00 BOMB' 8z MENS_ Boy's heavy laced boot, whole foxed 1 25 1 00 Boy's school boot 1 25 1 00 1 85 150 Boy's long boots ENS. Heavy gaitors, solid all leather 1 Fine Kid, laced, pointed toe 1 Fine Kid, gaiter, extension sole 1 and for $1.$7 we can give you goods sold at 52.25 and $250. 60 1 25 85 150 90 1 50 WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY on every line, no matter whether you want fine or heavy. First comes gets best choice. „e.e.,I fro l(epatnng ,done neatly and promptly H. B. POLLOCK. AS CLEAR AS A BELL. IF A PUPIL OF THI Forest City Busin:`:i; and Shorthand College, London, Ont• Mss eM grew a oder, readily. we repeat and unt11 be Irmo K. Wie �+Wr dont, We snit par repmvaslea that We 151004 to oumala It ho dvt0i • tttIrres*b la art 5.W.my world, We yah Hook mud Sodas= Paper by • ��' e about It. twee woes beet It net tatM•it. (].tatmruIr free. r. D... h....psed eke ps(dMes el ►wkkesp•r with !. D. rlMss Arm' Baran J. W. W18TIERVSLT, PrindP