HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-10-17, Page 6AYER'S • Hair VIGOR *..tot.. natural color to the hair. sad Ilea prevents it t&Utnt out. Mes. M. W. lrnwtek, ae Digb1. !. S., wags: •' A little more than taro years ago my hair began to turn and fall out. Atte. ter talk use of Ono 15rttle of Ayer's Hair Vigor my hair was restored to its original color and ceased falling out. An Occasional application has since kepi the hair in good condition."- $. F. FlsNwtcit, Digby, N. B. Growth of 1 -lair. "Fight ye,..Is age% i haul the vario- loid, and lost my hair, which prey'. ously was quite abundant. 1 tried It variety of preparations. hut with- out beneficial result, till I Degan to fear I should be permanently halts. About six months ago, lay husband brought home a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor, and I began at once to Ilse it. In a short time, new hair. be•gsn to aPp.ar, and there Is now every prospect of as thick a growth Of hair as before my illness." - Mrt. A. IVEstER, I'ulyuluia Jt., New Orleans, La. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR yorr.tuto uv IM 1. C.APERACO.,LOWELLiASS.,U.S.A. lige r'a PM. retro Mick Headache. MY,.NEIGHBOR'S BOY He mem* en he Meq•) bees In one, , So met. :m a he 4,10111.1111 ebe. yeller' Aso tar ito t.,eyeue th:u11e that brit' MI 0041 tk n,.t.d cat trn ender seer twooth t Isar, 11. 6.1. tits whole 01 hot Aar, ..f 1111•a• WW1 Ms atrom,t, .ire tight team sad hie hairy i.e.. Hr is ea:y cowsrolo, very breve, Me 11 L,LIi seal ...1111. ,,W,u •Yea tad, A brute •. d • two. ' t\ no old use The boat Iron' the on id. .•f toy oeythbot . lei • The nein and the oot.le strive today Which ..1 the power* ail hetes Its way THE SIGNAL': GOD1tRICN, ONT.. THURSDAY. orr i ,. is91S, veswtb Wails slid • shower. The Snit step wee worthy el eea,MIb is its progress esd ate remelts, She cut the skis and seise at the laud of the feet, or claws. ad these with • noet•1 skewer drew down sed out, ore by owe, the leadere frees the drumutwke these tough, d sagns•ble nerds woe often ea0ustere ta .fiat without thew t1 • most t0eth•sON part. The leis its image were removed neat, ae the menu calls for "fillet. o1 dock ea mud "de%11114 uhtukiese leg, but the midmeoee leagued maw the Sartre fowl might be dressed whole without .slug the booed*. The *stirs tutorial e000sem7 was easily re- moved assist. The *mart was split sod washed, and the giirard ' Well, the mi- mes preos•t will be havtag • • 1,i•rd reform g.prsm es started is their endivtdeal kit ages as • result of whet they learned about A little hominy on the 000somy of • stock sie pot •mpredthe S.po.iuns of the peel, bones esd ekto of the cleated Muck en to • s•ac.pas, with fees cloys, bay leer owl • acr•p of moon, t.1, bi severed with .old era ter wad set to simmer. The bssu,fully Ptak, *toe lookieg bird dida t peed w•mtatag -sudher did the 000k s Made She wiped thous os • white doyley. Myron/ •t'lesatug &chicken is beautiful work. It is • great deal comer thea boiling potatoes, ad riot hell se dirty • lob we minium and mudsUine. For the smutting of • devilled Mocks. lege Abe mete • mixture of bread crumbs,• drop of cameo Ivies (from • rapaeuh eaten , and chopped pi.. tuts to the proportion of two tieb'sepo. o'sls to • gall of crumbs. A wotnau present wanted to know wboo pine note were, tad thea everybody learned that they some from the ooee of the Lew pools*, ea they are called u the Smith wed W41111. These Date are cheap and • desirable alditioe w matey dishes. Mrs. Reser de seethed ne• made of Moulin of mutton minted with bread *rumba, • soupcon of woos, and pi.* •uta, fried in tiny balls, sod served with tomtat• sauce, which is per featly delicious. The nate have • bitterly guslitv,&md • smooth, pleasant flavor. They are oleo as improvise's' to e.lusch and to mato.*. apropos of stock, she said never to u.. water:whoa Mock ear be substituted. If there a mo sack is the house beef extract will do, but that is expensive, whsle • stook pot should be m•ist•teed is say .rdtsary household without ceding • missy. "A men ms) have • bran them will Dover • dieter plate, hit if his stem•eh is out of order be .an t ash:.ve very mea h,' set 1 Mrs' Rorer. "For breis workers the red meats are most gutamorog, such as beef ad matter. Bread ail potatoes should be avoided as mach as possible. Neither should the brain worker eat warn over meate. At all *,mate not tined the work of toe day as over. Most • f the dainty' entrw of which people are ee fend *res the dishes 1 am now preparing, are simply bash. They have beet 000ked 1,101. br•oaed or parboiled, and the vo- odoos, ■s matter how good the teed tastes, is not wholesome. The chemical result of • *nos.' so k nr te to harden the albumen, making it ioltgertibli, She also gave mane astonishing 6eares, which show that if tewaurw ore utelttgost• ly applied. • family of four penmen' coo tore comfortably on 110 a week. When the deliciously looking little fillets of white meat ot chis L.s were dropped Into the fat to fro, me et the •udteoee asked The at .14 iv needing bis streuotii and •kill t abomt ti. "tet. He will ,lake hwarle happy .r wake them It is oil, ' was the answer. "The same sal I used last week, and if 1 fried thugs here for • Year I should 00.1. Sue to use it. I tet it lours. Thea 1 •m always most exact about the temperature when putting Wall be ruse sod draw others up with hien: shisgs into it. A thermometer w • safe OT toe bent that is to hum burs low &md gside for the »1,k. If it revs 't.S the oil is testy. 1 have sever heard women alk about col boiltng over bee&use it was tea bot. That is Impossible. Tha hotter it is, the .tiller aliases If it spatters 'tis be cause some foreign sabotasse is Fewest. eche, What power w to hum for good or ill' Werth • t uta. paths vol au swift lest tak. din.' Rut what a toy seighboi • bit to use 'Nieto tli•u flu 41.aaaCe My neighbor's buy, Tbougl 1 mai have some fear for what be 1115, l)v, 11 • Sort Ce 11 « 1:citude, Mow and )uv, And • , •ottaot yleasure lau+uwa 1 pray Tb.t tie best that a era hon, wt I rule seine .lay. He pares 1115 by with • smL. awl • sod, He knows I h•.e lope 01 him - 111111515 100 That 1 whisper his t:ud That men to do. And 1 think that many woul.f have mere )0) 11 they loved sod prayed for • ee.ghbeee buy. London t'hn.tme World. name wheo I mil of may be righteous, hu work the Modern raid. " 1 un 1 weary, mother dear, Kotesl-led mad o'erw -re : I cermet wrtld • broom, 1 fear, Nor pull &ud husk the cora. " Twould leop•rdi,• mer health to make The beds or ma the trust, Or help you .suet, or e.w or bale, Fre 1 TN strength rearutt. ' Thus ep..ke the maiden', rave it sough, To strengthen her appeal, Then ,lonoed her 1•I ..mers sod rode off Teo *ilea op..'. her wheel. TIPS F'OIt THE KITCHEN. A COOK'S DELICATE SURGERY Mow to Prepare a 4-bIrk.. Willem* &yea 5.111.8 Ike Used.. A large and atrocities audience ot womoe sat in the convert hall of Holliston Square Gardens yesterday atteronom and !••rand hew dainty • trooper the "drawing of • chicken may become whop It is earned out by stale as ort.st mo 000k1111 se Mn. `er&h T Honer. 1►e the large stage there was 1,o tumour. save • milt oblong able ooyored with • damask mot hot gas eters three poem to the right of i,, and hook ..f that &mother little square able to set discarded dishes E pos. A onlore.' meta *errant Mood in the back/resod to render may n.ce.sa•ry & 1.t- &mrr 1'reetdseg •It.rsately over save est teal• was the,cook, is • plain bleak freak with fold. of clear white muslin oro15sd.er phos woo over her boodu.o, esti broad Doffs of the sheat stuff laid ever her cleat auisg sleeves, and a large, Bee white apron tied ahem her wale• tire Rorer has soft grey hair, • geni.l smile and • waft vatic. Whom ekeatonm+ there anti performed a smogs, u pon se alleged PhrladelpMes eluoken she smote an &etreotis• p,cture. •.erudi.g to her the nisi11 of that r•iek en was mewled/01e alleged, for she mays be was hung nv awl bode, wMeh sever hoopoe to • gw.ese sleeker be.. ieatead, their lege are Glia t•yother, and their wings tea sad up b.fnra they ore amid, while .•nut the sseeeekg is taut • bawd of usin ssie, by whis$ tin* Iln Rawer seek • &eewer. sod with me Meeks mewed the head. Ager Nm bee *sly begiemse1 me • small sharp--psLLW DAIRY COMMANDMENTS - sugar, Yeti age of grated bort v $, seas tesspooa Mask pepper ewe Nam ,elegy mid .I'1 ali tbiereeeltly. ekes flash is et, pu„r 1.uIlieg via.gar over old tie up. - Wurn.ukrad. rxA. N 111 111.151,. Take three cups of fluor, sift it with three te••poess of hokum powder, ores half tea open of salt. rub tate 1t three fourths e1 • oup of better or 1aru, .ad nos with • little o weN milk. Rel1 our se ler biscuits, cos with • biscuit cutter, press the metre down this so se to term • rime, till with sugared shoed peaches. bake or steam, serve with whipped cream, /rear• rwdt/d. tow. a moult ad *over with via gar, sad tet stead is• or three day* . pour off the t .otter awl add coo tosspeoolul of salt, 1,.e of brows sugar and rward to thicken: let Dome t. • bid *tad beas hisses ire. 114,1 we sod • quarter pounds white sugar, 0•e ytart w•ttr,urated trod til four lemee.s, owe .rouge . oboe told add to the syrup the ono* of lemmas and the onuses. Strata all through • cloth and freeze hard. -- Even' tug World. "What be you think of this previous os- mium.* theory ` "1 knew it to be support- ed by fosse For tustaes, 1 knew a we - ma only 27 tsars old, who Olga ahsssbt- lnsly telt. •bout thing that kappas 25 ) seesaws" As 1 know mast readers are muob ister sated is dairy work, 1 wul rive them the Freon' eemmeedmesu issued to dery woods in a certain pastoral dietost. There wins at the first gloom to be • epee ot humor u them, as if the character of the light heart d Freon► dairy mud wanted a reminder new aid again not to be as. fnvoloos. The rough trepidation may be aka as follows 1 Arno briskly at daybrevk. This u e very neceee•ry qualification, as the sooner the cows •:e amended to and fed the bettor the quality and .lu•otaty of the 2 Wash sed elotke yourself properly. Milk is stub se •b.orbeit that of the dairy said is Doi .1-saly, and her firma sweet ad free fr&mt duet std dirt it to sun to .os - template the milk. -(lily en Saedsys and holiday mut you rwip or employ the *eels'v of the farm boys Mea who are working about the sables mad form tvd, or &moistest suck Mock, suck as pigs authoring from swine fever, or horns with `leodors, might com- municate be .001.501 .1 their elothug them dowses to the milk. Os Sunday and holi- day* the milk maid mould hay. ex.haagd her work'sg dress for holiday attire, she mea &tee. No um* should be wasted is gossip. Thi remarks °over the ground or the issuing e1 not only Number 3, but the two foll•wi• : 4-014 ad snug thou shalt tarn out o1 the dairy - 5 - Reserve thy .ar15•es solely for the cows. rattle diseases might be oommuoi- eased by the maid patting or stroking deg., borne or other aimaIs. 6 -Milk with geetlesees if yea mantel leave abundant,* of milk. Rough, .pee medic milkier tends to irritate the soul.. They ressit it ad bold hook the milk. HOULEHOLD RECIPES. jollns sot file rtheumati36ti iIuSculer Reno a9Atrl.11j Why hot �r�A,� try fll1 f_ ?Imam! Nev. a rttgot ms oar. if cured like magic Tors long tams 1 sud.rd ei h Rheumatism is the dark so severely that /mat! not ...oat e trught Me wife advised a I. A 1. Menthol P laster. I teed at and sae won going shout all n`ht a C. Warren, Seem* coria. Prom the. .11111 SAU.7. Twenty four mdium-eir l ripe tomatoes, four groom pepper., four oni.e., ebop al fine together, add two ablsspooussalt, lour tablespoons angst, four reps of meager, boil two hours. Wommaki.d. r.,ram .Aar P. Os. peck of tameless oat a two pet w Le boil : wham boiled well, raid through • sieve, and o each gallon of juice add e5e gears vinegar, two table.peeae of salt. two ableepbea of mnatard seed, nae ablesp..t of red pepper : one cop sugar ; hod ose ►al( hour, bottle- Woen•okend seer rt.ap•orYw 1/se cop of °hopped old hof, rime amp of bread crumb, midi •K wall bastes, • pima of salt, pepper, &.d • tier bit .f sage. Moulton the bread mamba with • little gravy or stook, wee sig thoresehly, form is cokes mad dip ie alt/ sad meeker ortmbe sad fry ie balms 1.rd. rem* coos. Take .so MI( peek .f grow t. -w... Iv. mime, we I•rge hard of cribbage. sight green peppers, me rd poppers, oaf" Ilia, mix well with .alt, and lot drrim over meat I. the merslrls eases= til tine nem est and ails wish am pita& dol Isisers DOtN'T DESPAIR WILL CURE YOU We guarantee 17.rfd's Kidney Pills to cure Goy case of Brtht'e It -ease, Iitabetes. lumbago, Ikogv. Rheuma.is.n. Heart lksease, Femair l'rou- blas. Impure Blood -or mosey refunded. Sold by all deal rs to medicine or by oa receipt of once, v1,. per boa. or San bonnie -5a. DP 1-. A. SMITH b CO.- Toronto. (MOND ,,i rtcP LLS CONSTIPATION. 6'BILIOUSNESS, H DYSPEPS!A,-7) RICK HEADACHE, EGULATETHE LIVER ONE PILL AFTER EATING INSURES GOOD DIGESTION. PRI GE25 CTS.TncfODOS fTgo1j BEST FOR }BIAS N AY JuJ' 5OAPE� NEW FALL C000S IN DRESS GOODS, GOLF MANTLINGS, CAPE AND MANTLE CLOTHS, TWEEDS. Patronise True Competition. Ta CANADIAw PACIFIC RAILWAY Oo. e Tttta.a.rtt has been established to et,. the rubles alstodss service veldt fair and p.r- mnmst *smspst'11oa. It M tasaegeiM mmaamm prisetpla and la the tattered of Me poor. It deserves the mewl .r perms who beUev.{l..erpet (tion. For .eters de.pnt.b taw IM. t'ompeay s Rows, connecting with all Ilse* tad 5554.. Is 151t.d 1151... Canada amid 5...p.. Moo through wires to all points 1. the Kortbwast 11 Oolambda aatilaso Coast Ofaee- seem tide wee It. - -1111141- .. S. ■ e wrzu 7L, Lori Manscer. Gederleh Fieliot The Old Reliable Still of Deck. THE BEST AND ONLY SCRANTON COAL tee Meatiest ('sal ever mold t. this market A11 Coal weighed ss the ill•rket Sealer, r that You're sore yes got year weight. Orders telt at HARPER b i ECH promptly attended to. WM WAX UURe . . . MANTLE 5 are tlirect froul tate Manufacturer. The tit is perfect, and the snaking cannot Is. beaten. Pait'fts RoeK xxITT4It1s We are n iia show- ing tht' best a'sort- 'tient of GREENLAND SEAL CAPES that this %Iark, t affords. lot of MEN'S WOMBAT FUR COATS at about Two -Thirds Regular Pricer. A Complete Assortment of Ladies' Underv'est.t, Long Sleeves, from 15 et tits. \Vool Vests at 50 cents are Special Value. We have the hest All -Wool Men's Shirts and Drawers in the market. 'Just received a let of Bleached and Unbleached Table Linens, Table. Niph.ins, Towel, and Toweling,' direct from Belfast, which are great value. 54 Stab AU -Flax Table Liam, 25 mete, Unbleached. 54 •. •. " 48 " Blesehed. 64 •• •. " " 60 " BIe•ehed. We have still a shall lot of Drees Goody that we are selling at al eta Half Price. Our All COBORNE CLAUS. Ths Great Oaryet area Lace Curtain W&rehonse of the County. Coal. Coal TEOROLD CEMENT or ¶ATiti LIME. t125 PER BBL. The undersigned begs to in- form the Public that he has gone into t} business of supplying'. Coal, has opened nut in J. S. PLATT'S WOODYARD, where he' will4p on hand the Best Qt lities of Lehigh ValleY CoaI! which will be deli verc.l promptly, at Lowest Market Prices. D. C. STRACHAN LOOK / p ramtN�� • YOf / efILL �r G� ( flu► T.. rii•rsnr W.. art- ea OtwdaN t� TME Oaifr,w G.cYtle CO* ITR. •. nf♦orei, Ont. J 0 YOJ►t..: ai , M • c a .J ! J s r% PJN& IP% raa_Nevo 1 weONTINu , J. 5 't 0.0ft CA TALOOUI G. W. THOMSON ROi►RRi('R. or#r. Agent. PLANING MILL. ISTHMUS*, Ilk*. llucIlaualls & Ill1yllS wAlraeaarommr SASH, DOOR and BLIND ileum. is •11 kluge of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Adtd ►m Owes isimenel .f every 4ssoAeea . Baal Timm a WWII a AN 1) stoma FIRE BRICK $4 PER 100. AT R. W. McKENZIE'S CHEAP IIAIt1OWARK 131ORL SEE HIS NEW STOCK OF GUNS. Sporting Goodsl We are headquarters for these goods. Having purchased in�a very tow market, we are enabled to supply you with POWDER, SHOT AND SHILL anti all other Sportsmen's Goods at Very Low Figures. A full line of General Hardware always on hand. We hold) the fort for Good Goods at Reasonable Prices. DAVISON & CO. Cannot be Beaten... In this issue of Tose Si(•INAL I announce to the citizens of Goderich and surrounding country that I am to the front with a magnificent stock of Clothing, which for quality, price and variety cannot be ex- celled outside the larger ciiiett. To show that I'm in the push for your trade, a few quotations are given : $6.50 wi11 hey as All -Wool Fries* Ulsterrm .04 , it bw.ed-limed, 54 inches long, with raised seams, •te1.., slashed peeken. '. • world heater. afF 75 will My • ib.bd-ligo•et•d, Hes.y Serge A.it, properly de end WIJ templed worth f7 25 of say uses • mosey. •11 dttrx.e, 46 o 42. buys • Uosbd-Yreset 4 Serge Suit, warm heed, winter wotgkt. Cheap at 113.50. $2.75 $8%� will hay &m All Wool i000k Tweed fish, hist of trimmi ew. b.ugbt •t •��+ • .0511105, worth 1. t5. regalar .&y 112 00. See t►1. Asst. It will pay you M trade with ale. 4$ 1ill yna • Heavy Pair of Tweed P&ma, built to =sod keep .25 1w5..M.13 wt. Aoemu ... bsNer sswm 1,e wit► 1 ....b..4. 1 4. use•, 11.50. 11.75 sad $I 00- I am in a position to do better for you than any of my competi- tont, having little or no expense, and being a PRACTi('AL TAILOR I know Woot. frota SHODDY, and know when a garment is right If Low Prises and Good Goods will win your trade, it's mine. Md. CARR, >Y ■rMea etyma, mar the Naar*. A*d*1lsh.