The Signal, 1895-10-17, Page 2THE QTv:`q A 1. • r'OPP'P1r11, ONT.. TArTRRD+Y. Ot r. 17 1.1•M
(ramps •M ChelanS
Morbus, nearness. 1) S
salary and tNumtwrr t'ue•
pialnta e' one, auras. sad
Bruise*, NurS. linage, .e♦
&auburn can all be premier
1, r.II.ved by
1.0001 DAVIS'
Palo Killer.
USTI" al' IKOM 1 .1+T reg M.
N,), 1 know :othing stave what his
wItr has told tar 1 rave met hist Mit ouee,
and 1 lupe to 1 r uhlidM' to meet his
again AM he wtbl ,•• gra- • h. a private
interview, retina. her I.:Stera onopewed, sad
refuter* to i oio 'Unless. wilt her *scups
through hi. lawyer. She has over and over
agam begged me to go to him and
plead her wmer 1 dila t want to 1t that.
hot • taint tome sister 1 herd by •eetdeat
that he wasto he present at • large party to
be [teen by a .1 • kety whoa,
Younger .hildrr• ate toy pupil.. Invite
time bad ion ■e., to herself. her Son, and
a niece who wta seared with her, but who
wad colied home just Miters the affair came
oft. M. e.pluyerssksd me if I would like
te go to the plum of her nem. and I told
her I would if she coul4 manage to get me
introduced to Mr. Landoroe, &.d I expiate
.d the reason, for 1 thought if 1 could get a
few words with him is a public place he
eoulds t nerspreeest my moduot nor mu
metres my mottoes. Her sen get inter
*.ted is tie matter, and he and his mother
managed it all Iteautifully bet. oh dear '
. h. broke *l with • warted gestate
•• Will you toll me why waa the result of
your meeting'. migrated ■.mptoo.
" It makes MO hareems t• renemhor it,
but 1 will tell venule H. eked me to dance,
sot knewr.g. you understand. wh. rt, was.
iMac with Inc p• mood that he
awaited the a !d maid t eutrwow.
Could 1e helrsv• his eyes ` Instead of
tee Bort et woman he expeuted there sew
tett gni the doorway, .11 smiles end blsabes
the lee roma• who hat, ..ocapied w much
of \s thoughts mute he has Int tees her
Wieling u, ly through the aures of the dance
at fu friend • party. Hu surprise was no
ergot telo• as he rum W greet bar, he did se
in a Luise• 1 mincer, glanmn( bevesd her
teroegb tae eprh door se tf expecting an•
other person to fellow her, as he ozcl.un
"Oh, is it you Mise Searle' 1 was expeet-
log .author p•rse.a.
Then was a 01144111 twinkle in the
sardine le own eyes as she *damsel towards
hotu, but this sae ufleet by the sweet errs
estuses with which she cud •'l see you
urseurpri•ed, Mr. Hampton, •t swing me
u re•pne's to your sots to 'totes Page,
mace 1 purp.nely gore you mamma s card,
'stead e1 my owe, wiles you asked for my
address, for I live with her, of course, .od
the bu•inoss en which 1 saw you was
twamms'• as well as my own, as i thick 1
thele 1 to IJ ale's Busies pertain( to mit
salience work 1 have directed to our club-
room, howeter, as o•an fumes u • little
saw,tive about having it come to cur bo..
. ddrees My ego moue, you know, is Pon
•lope Pave It is mamma wholle nano es
Searle. 'ly owe tether a name •w.s Page
"'tut I thought yes were sallied Nell., he
said hluedensgly : thee i• auswSr m bar
wonderer look, seine be had betrayed
bemself he went s1 "Now you are wonder -
1 said 1 preferred • little quiet talk with log Mw 1 time to knew that' To tell von
him. He looked flattered, but 1 very soon the truth, though you were sot aware of it,
undeosivsd his A. .nen us t• usderetood I was at the party when you won intro
whe 1 was. and my .•irpnse in seekisg bis, duped to Mr. Leedom., std heard your
he laughed to my farm, sad left tae with lady freed ad lrer you' as Nelle, w of
ems very unpleasant rs.arkS. 1 dupes cease. I thought et a diminutive of Khmer.
him ' She lerake out passionately, " and fly interest in your seams affairs caused
use to remember baying sees you before I
mak• this *collimation to "reuse my perhape
impertuest surprise, but how is 11e world
Should 1 gams that a young lady like you
maid be • prossimat worker to sash a --well
I weeder how sy rnwla, or any women,
could endure, mash lose le.. for, rhe eo
Witty of eseb • manMammas .xneriencs
sad that of Mn Laod.rns are .Meet lee
sone for all unmarried women '
Hew the leyely eyes Hashed. For • me 'cranky. .use or write .e musk a letter as
meat Har. pion was inelined to otter a jest 'Penelope fare, Yofr.gist, wrote•"
i.g weed is defence of mankind generally, The girls Sys. klled with tsars.
bet •"cooled leek, at thegirl'Ssincere face full "Mr H•mpteo, eke said, and there was
of lofty contempt for mull mea as lenders., • deeper asneusoees is the soft voaag aces
he minion' 1e had felt also • Intl. anger than he had vet heard "whoa the other day
at himself. as he Ijateoed to this explans I told y"■ my poor cause. S *.d story, and 1
tios of • same which he hied is witnessing, hinted somewhat es regard t• that of my
to wrongly interpreted. and he longed to owe dear mamma, apparently you did net
make some reparation for the wren., den thiel 1t at •II angular "lot" roan • Ni-
eves is thought to her Bat he could not 1 mu as I "should 1. able to feel • (Imola*
explain this t• her, and here eroded him referent an deer troubles, ter to have •
sol( with promising to ase whet could be
I Iboreuerh usderstandiag of the wrongs done
dose in the way of • private seventeen, of them by reams of the i•lusuee of mea -mode
fence to interview landorn.himself, and to laws regarding the position of women in
repent entrees .n her as early as possible. marriage se tempered with that of mea. 1f
When he asked to whom he ehnnll address y.. Stop 10 thal 0Mi111 u, yon 1.111 ase that
hie report, She gave him • card, hearing the I sines I e. in duly sempasioaship with
same " Rimer Searle, the street sad sum- these M. wrouesd women, whine stories
tor correspondag with the address given "turally dew &round them many other
wow.n wish ,pilar life sereneness I.xperi-
•i -• r Men e •• by no meaas rare -MMS
pts .- 1 .w, ..i.umt ,ocli..d to think web
mom the rule rather Mean the exo.ptioot
w►y, I should be leaking is mama sense,
as well as u the oom.oseet sentiments of
hsma.ity, if I did rot dedicate& the hest of
myself to the work of emancipation of
wens. • Ito you knew, Mr. H&meta,
that to me nothing Mena se stream as that
you. -• lawyer s.lwumd with Um *justice
of the statutes is regard to mere lean tie
half 'the people' lead net the uoedueated or
unthukiag hell) of this so called republic,
sad • law -soaker as well, for thousands of
wrested end voiceless, voteless woma,
should wader that a young woman like
myself eMSld have takes up with what you
oboes. to call 'smoky' serious' If you
wader at me, s girl who bas had pranticel
illustrations of the evils of arse sided, one.
sexed ewe, I would lute ❑kc te ase year
• muo.ont if you could tweet the many
sweet girls, younger than myself, ehildree
of these noels, clear thiekine men and
wearies who have devoted their lives to
working for suffrage reform, girls who,
without my personal wroege to right, ore.
loy form of t.heritasea, fearlessly working
to behalf of women'* esfraneshisement. 0
Mr. Hampson, 1 feel proud, 'toed, to work
is sash company ' Bat da't, please. mein
sedertand me se d.sryiog the Isek of
sympathy of thew who have not toles d. -
eased to Mese hoes. 1 can quits mdse..
Mood your wile, Mr. Hampton, and your
mother or sisters, well -eared for and pre
t.sled by a just teas, may •ngmtasios5sy
oppose the suffrage moremeeat Mesas. they
are asanluaiotsd with the pressure of oa
jest legislating', 1st it mold be perfidy and
memos for sed as I be refuse to do all that
within us hes to bring sheet a acre *quit-
abl. stew of stain. Bet eves teem who
h•A sever gu,on the sobjeet meek rh.ught, de not "offer, even you, may have daughters
bet hisrtsombrsele of theta. wrath flashed lea ta,taret Mom Meir parent (soy own
from the loveliest brows even be had ever nt&m0155 fabler was &.eerreesnanl sod for
looked into, ever "man's inhumsatty to thstr sakes it behooves you teem th•t mon
wemwn," mode mei re red 1' Peg•'s last sea st.tew should take Me plow of an
letter malt &nation. And whom half an • outgrows, •se sided wide of mammies. law '
h ear later be laid ,side bis cies be write a " 91. 00M* sew. Mise Page," hen eta,
medial yet digniled levitation to tbe y raroed Mask Rempto., who bad frews.d
,native maiden lady .fguieg herself "Poem &.d smiled, &std misted by terse at this
tows Ings, tufr.g'.t," to moot hiw at he warmest Sew of weeds, " you ere altogether
slim darts( ►wines* bean tie next day, it
was with me Amin te make sport of the
e,sok,'• she esde.Medly wee, het rater
wit an ears. 1 dot.r.imstiw M used♦ the
memo qualities more •►ly teas he
yet heal. Awl whom 11. following day the
elle. bey, with • mainim! grim. Maoghk
tuts Hamptet•. beer a deist, and
bombs Ad melee, "ism. Penelope Parks N
win be & mem m binding of the q./..
tor Mn. Landorn.
Despite the pressor* of 1e manifold
duties as lawyer and leeislstor, Mark
Hampton, dur:ng the nett few d•%8 fund
himself, t* hie own surprise, reselling fn
qu..tly the tubs. tones. sae gestures of his
visitor and at every unoccupied 14545101 kits
mud dwelt en th• poeeehilitise of hringyeg
Mn. Iwsderne a mite t1 a happy epnclusies.
1e smiled at he own deep estereet in the
setter. rod wondered at his unl•wyer-lik•
enthusiasm is so c".mospiaes •u affair. It
haunted him s. persistently that he sought
winch earlier than he otherwise Should as
interview with I,oaderne. He game away
fres that later.ew In • very dammed
frame of mud, and with • contempt for tbe
handsome. insolent creature, which was, to
say the least, oohseinese like ; vat he had
kept kis indignation e. well in band that
louden. 1.d se auspices of that Imbue in
bum . otherwise he would sever have yield
.d to the resewahle argumonte pretested
in to Irisedle • way by Hampton, to get his
divorcees •hat point no argument. maid
.aye Ian) quietly as possible, and t1
secs* his wife and *held • cum sufficient for
their wpport en toud,tios that she did est
.setoff he wit for desertion. promisees sloe
to leave the child is her sire and custody's
the some terms. He sueess was m 1ittfe
tem •c*nrd with what be bad hoped that he
put net ddy by day writing to Mise Searle
( Hampton thought of her as "Nell•"1 fest-
she would think him lees isterest.i to
the ease than le really was.
While in this u.mrtal• sato he same
serer, one d.y. the •Inset forgetter letter
of the woman snlragi.t, "Penelope Page'•
H • bad heard it hinted that is • day or two
the 1.11 on behalf of ..aimpal suffrage
ler women would be called op is J. Roses
of Hepr.e•ntetives. As we have soon, he
405 freak 1 sleight have elven the *shiest
sors.ereeew att stile. Thank Mayes, she
was me well protected that she serer fwd oc
moon to eves *•sales the hatter, theirs
fere, 1 too, hove bees is tgeoraeoe. '
Peselope dropped her eyes is sweet ma-
fuuos TMs Mee (Homed se sweetly.
•• Nay, thee, she mod. " by whet right
of mural law did ,.0 presume te mama the
officio of rspr ..ut.u.e for our ward when
the emus eel legal age uutuumlwv Ole mac
sine* you are set the ropreseotetie• of wee
use wooson is the ward '
"• 1 beg your perdos," tried Mark. •• but
really 1 am set to flame. I Jude t elect my
self rate offew, reme.Mr, and if you 11 ler
give my egotism, 1 feared some Irene semi
melt be elected if 1 refuted the plate '
" 1 oil aro lorgtv.o,' the smiled, " sad
•h. more readily eines 1 feel free to do se.
having lead no vote in the matter Rut we
worsen are not usgr•teful, ss you will hod
it you snake • pretty speech is hebalf of out
bill when it eom.5 up. 1, for ane will pro
rite 'en that occa5•oo to oast my first ballot
for your re election, provided 1 .1,ll think
you s suitable nun for the tibiae
From this the talk drifted into other
branches of the sane subject, nos este her
000SI• a etas, • hopeler ooe, Hammes felt
ameured in his lamest thwght, death be
des net consider it n000sary thee to tell
Miss Page So. After a little the conversa-
tion ta•L s mere persona! turn, and by a
aerie of is.idious lowysrly questioaist•,
Hamptes Isarned from her that thousb
Penelope was the name given to her is bap
time • Ltnily same of which she ws•
"mud yet her peressal fries& had mites -
ed ,he denoted (:reek pronomen into
" Nell• for b.•m• use ; that she was turn -
t% three .oars of age : that she had ambi-
tions in mei* ; but that the real estbeeiesm
of her 4.tero was meet thoroughly aroused
in behalf of the rights se well as duties of
her esu sex, whose wrongs had been very
tully impressed upon her trom her earliest
Both had grows so interested that it was
nearly dart. Moro their long talk ended.
Thee he surprised himself se .00h .s her
by preffensg her his eomrt to her hose, es
the plea of still farther discussing's
suffrage on the way : as offer, however,
which was met by a ,tromp[ but polite re-
Mark H►.pt.e s sleep that night was
much disturbed. His mind was busily en
gaged is the new aspects of the woman
question' brought betore him by Peselope
Page. The views of a lovely girlish farm,
a pair of pleadisg expressive brows eyes,
sed the haunting musec of a wetted wis-
. i.g voice served also to help dispel the
power of slumber.
Donee that seesioe of the Massachusetts
legislature the bill tor munleipal suffrage
ter women was dimmed tor some length by
eppessrs sad favorers of the movement
some the representatives. Mark H•.p-
, ten, much to the surprise of old frieed. std
mustitm.SM. made several eloquent sad
effusive spemhes in behalf of the bill. This
however, did not seem to affect them us
favorably, for the next year he was still fur
tier honored by ss election to the Ruts
He is still is politics, •od an ardent salvo•
est of wonon's equality is politi.•1 right.
will man, as well es of her right to an ac-
kuowlegel iseivideality, an evident.. of
which is sheen by always addressisg
the letters he seeds his chemise and bril-
liant y.usa wife whomever either are ab-
sent from borne by reams of pahlts duties
to her full name, Mn. Penelope Page
Hampton. For bis heart had helped plead
she womos's mum &ad his reason was all
the more wily oo.yisoed whoa es lovely a
. ed sensible • woman as Nella was m him
the tnoarsatiou of all her sex: and Nulla
was too proud of her settle woven to risk
losing seek a shoetrees by refusing to love
him. when by booming his wife she bald
secure her influeoea over him forever in
behalf et womankind Tbough, as be had
feared, his legal lore arse 1f no avail in pre
venting the divoroe sought by Mr. !end-
orse, yet it moved more successful in eo
oaring justioe-and a diverse for kir wife •
mother, eeounne from this treseherous mo-
oed husbasd the property belenfi.g to Nal -
la's father out of who\ be had illegally de-
frauded both .ether and daughter. Some
small portion of that mosey was reeestly
expended on a handsome marble slab erect-
ed ever • grays in • quiet corner of Mt. Au-
burn ...etery, whish bean the name •f
"Mrs. Clem IAsdorne."
Some of his treads •fast to pity Senator
Hampton became hie wife is s pronounced
woman seferagi.t who .omootemes eves ad-
dress public andionoos ea that subject; but
whoa this is mostly hinted to him as times,
kis happy floe takes me a more than usual
radiant smile as be glasses at his lovely
sad.tylal lookeer wife sad he jestingly
says he profess that she should lectins* the
public a its dati.S, rather than him in pri-
yam es his (ailiage,as is the fashion of es.m
wives with their busbaada
tee fast in your 1eselmiem.. Yon •scribe
toe malty geed tet time" tae, and osddles
me with • Mavis. Wed of obligations be t1.
Seat. rhos 1 oyer thought of bearing. i ase
sot serried, Itemsegsonny have re daugh-
ter* to worry ova,, arm any wife to r'epf.-
sen• : i some W • Water. and Me dearest
enemas to me, in all Mt werM, .y ..cher.
died a ear *gale 1 .sal.* N she W bee
obliged le melees soy el the 11b e11 whish
ti.ermm►ai..w err
- r
A KBFRESHMENT room at Karl's
Court. Mase Mrs, and Mw 01.erod. As
[boy pees see of the taklas, a y easg mea
starts vtoleetly sad half ries,, sad takes off
he het. Mrs. Orowe.l eyes him will as
lmpertu.-eat stars sad Mee* Ormerod looks
Gladly at the wall beyond loin. TM yoga(
man hastily resume le seat. Whoa they
have found "sate at a safe and or
dared rebus/meat, tM ladies vire vest to
their isligoation
A Common as senh seem Portrays • Ps
sheer Mesa.
Not loss am 1 meta rouse lady in pov-
erty whom 1 had previously known in
wealth, and this was, in .hetasse, the
Mary she told roc . "Father died euddaly
is Washington, sad the prefeernnel ehil1
[brag\ whirl be hod mixed messy for es
died with \era. 1 &int net weeping bemuse
we aro pear. 1 •m brokom-hearted because
nose o1 us saw that 1. was dying. Was it
sot pitiful that be Medd think it bust est
ttoll any ofmthat bewas siok! Aed i,
Ids petted daughter, these\ i loam be was
takes( spinet to soothe his great pais. was
. absorbed by my lovers, . (MIME and
my drosses, that 1 lest beeped it would .11
mese right If i meld only remember that
even saes 11/d pitied his omf1riog or holt
maims abet his life. I Might bear bin less
better ' "
The Mary is mums. soeagh. Many •
father. year after yssrgw in sad out of
h is home ..rryise the Mrd.. sed d=be
them til Iib, while th.whom Ise temda,ly
loves held with bus Medina hemi .11 el
besot Sad gold be wins by tell Sad pia.
The mune day hi. heed .std basis ass
wee! no Me 1 Anel the herr thee bow
not leered tib grate Ines a eseel`b Isms
while love was their tea.m meet sow bo
v'1a their end do whoa rove hes IA thea
ter over. R 1.n, i• 004111
iadles' Rees JosseaL
•• Well, Laura, of all tM impodest
"• Mr. Marston never was noted for hoe
modesty, .other
" 1 should think not : out 1.osden is -the
platy to Aria him to his bines*. He 11 neon
Gad Isis level hum
•• I wonder what he is doing' He "rens
well dressed
Coaster ln.pinr or shop liluag, 1
or sold Magee. That's all he's ht for
"Its mild waltz divinely.
"Thea he km one red.e.ier festers.
Perhaps he towhee dameag
As that band musk) seam playing, sundry
staple saunter ia.
•• Why, there, Sir William' 1 do hope
h,.11 too 05.
•' Why dee..'t the mss look this way
" if he 1.'t telking to Mr. Manton' how
•' •ttered that young man must feel '
•' Perhaps he is ordering a sew Beat
"Or, snore likely, complaints, about the
" 1 bps he is arruaging for some dancing
lemmas. Ha waltzes horribly.
" Yon could forgive that it be were only
" At any rate he is very good natured-'
" Or he would sot be talking to yorog
•' At last he me us."
The ladies how grsoefslly,
walks &croon to thein,
" Now, whoever would have thought "1
m55ting you here'"
" Row load!, expressed. Sir William' A■
■se:pee ed pleasure' would ham weeded
m much better.
"I sit o.rretted. loss, I ems : they are
Geed •. '
Very bad . but we ore pretesdtsg it's
Sir William
•: By the way. 1.•un and i are quite
dveeg to know what you have in oemmoa
with Mr. Marston.•.
" A very Brat deal, Mrs. Orm.rod.
" Coat, and- waistcoats "
"Really, I ought to have had an ase, for
without one I • e so aanectioa. Yen know
Manton, thee!"
"1e was • clerk is fathers offtea. W •
did ksew him, mother'
'Corniest!, my dear. Sir Willem will
soderstsnd the degree of stissaov that ex•
sir Williams leeks from use to the ether
in a doubtful. questiesimg misuser, .ed then
my. gravely -
"Mr. Mantes if • trieod of mise.'
"How extremely emelsoeodisg of you to
sit it Mott way. Mr. Mantas would he
flattered if he limed vee.
"1 tail tome why "
"Cook &t your dilemma writers 'is life.
Yoe an • .an of title."
"And Manton is a mac of genime-a
somewhat Harem article
"Why, west has he done'."o
"gave yes not read ' R •iti.g' '"
"Of mune. flernmre seat me soapy. I
never found out who. Bat that was h
'Godfrey Newcome --
"Quit .o- Marston's pssadoaym. Tisa
I krew you have sees his play. few i was is
your box at the L►•som-ea Tuesday was
itsot "$
"Did Mr. M•rstoa writ 'MY Ealy
daiofel' !"
"i.d•.d Mdid.Mrs. Ormoods. 1 •m sur-
prised you did net know it."
Mise Unmade appears lest in thought.
Then .ne sees Marsta refuse m go ; she
turns quickly to Sir Willem.
"D" me t) favor. Tell Mr. Marston I wish
to renew our old fr.sndship.
H. hastens atter Mamma.
"Mentos, as old friend wishes to speak
to you . Miss Orm•rod•."
"Does .M A mus. "You ro...h.r
what i told you •►eat that girl is she emus -
try who said :she would give her .newer
whoa I hems' fames
"f told her .he weld hays Imo seed for
me this, as I .bald .ever ask her again.
Yoe have just Meaght ler se..osa"
"The does. 1 bey. '"
"Slot hon cooly jest !*reuse that i .a .r-.
"Not • whimper of it till 1 told her."
"i thoneht se R1ue at roe dead • quar-
ter of an bear age. lt'S tee late now, cid
man. Tell her --what you like, only dost
hart her uos".S.srily. "
"All right. sassy, i uoderuteod. Wait
for mu. outside."
Rejeioiog the ladies -
"Mr. Marines widen me to sat he weld
have hem delighted to hey* had roar mw -
sage • quarter of • bear earlier, but as it
'•Well, Sir William, es it ie •'
'•As it i., Morse. sad 1 ams Massing to
tows tomorrow. (mond •, Wise'
A hnadte. Prague Pleas Veva, to 41M
Load .1 (5etaths.
V • ves7 . ei I Speslal l O.t. 14- A pas
Mg's by the lens ve.el from Chine .atd
the ether day that a.eeg ether C.adia.
•redset whieb are feet en.hg isles favor
. the ('hives treaty peels• is Mo Geordies
•peen* remedy for kitten diseases of all
blade brews se Dsdd's R Pill . The
medhiee wee Gest Merede ed ( .adlen
and the iso ase. of it we by Mire
pease .std .erns".. I. &Weitesed fest to the
*souses of Ms Inter la the Outsell.-- sad
Ainerises sewspapere easy at IOWA ere
eoesteed Mdetect ether pots, mitt/
Ishii M N he Wham Alsesololti on very
M. N I. M.r►IY-
Results Astonish
fttatemest of a Well Knowe Doctor
•• Ayer's Aar1aparilla Is without an equal
as a blend -portlier and Spring eedieese, ante
eanno( have praise enough. 1 Tuve watched
:s efforts in ehrMlle eases. where other
treatment was of no avail, and have Deed
astonished at Use results. No other blood
asedlctne that 1 have ever used, and 1 halm
tried them all, 1* so thorough In Its attick
sad elects so may permanent cures as
Ayer's SarsaparWs."-Dr. H. F. email.,
Augusta, Ile.
-Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Admitted at the World's Wale.
Aper'. Pills for !deer sled heeeele.
Teat Sirs barber ted lama seal v. %i Mors
tea Donna 1* 'rote
Mamie, Ind., Oct. 4. A etre.• premon-
ition .o.erred.s, atilt. Muth sit Mum o yos-
teedsy morning which is proal that drums
really come true snnennee5, if n"r •Iwaye.
Wednesday night Mr. Mary `ihsett dream
ed that her father, Thomas i'le•seg•r, aged
80 years, wee dead. When .45 next
money .1. told burr hu•t,•a•t •.1 the dre.m,
and teemed greatly h••ihaired NC. b•otesed
her 1•re.kfsst &led lino to her fa.ber•s
home, a milt det.ut Ips.. arriving she
foosd the lane Iv •+.mug i,reskf..', ups.
the father Mrs Shoe.• was emoted and
mealy brewhlee•. hot .now repeated the
etrasgo peroro s.e.1I. and 1-d the way to
their holes • sow im.ut. As the door was
pushed open 'lee cold •ad Idolise body of
rhe mean was loused. lend the woman Id'
f.mtirg to th• H ••.r couplet• It prwtrated.
Mr ( leveoger w•. ass or Ins terse modest
in encu• y , and he had amassed
quite a lary1• f^rt no.
• arab.-. *sten.
Death as the result of e brokoe Mart is
of •uob rare o.urrsoo5 a this
uteaeet• pear tlsl sal .•t,er et,fsot
geooratios, flat one is arbor( to r.onive
with auspices bordenag on ekepricism the
mtets.en1 that broken Merle are • comm.
dity in hours .flair.. 1 et an apmaromtly
gss,se ease of ti's kind comes in • ohs
patch from St. Paul, where Mese Addie
Bosses was fouled setting is a chair dead es
Friday, ber eyes wide up. -a. lo k•.r toward
the .1,, *111.4 wub • Io k . f horror, sad
her heads upheld, as it tee earl off a blow or
Sash from view some dr.edful enjoin Os
her lap lay & letter dated Pittebuegh, where
she lied hem wonting early is the sutwmser.
It wee signed " H. ry, and told the girl
Mat, though he I•eved her been ..t all, he
had' de ideal that iti wee beet for him to
mere. 000 who nail metre money than she.
The letter was polite, but et must have
broken the gvh. heart. end shedtod. Then
WWII se sign of disease er os.n. Remora.,
with a fig R, ob.-mid be the portion of the
heartless yews. team.
:110 Vinisor ores radars.
" New, Het. Fish,[ bore. the lawyer eh*
eead.sted the oro.-5xa.,.Won, " e it set
tees that you harbor • female who gees by
the semis of Mrs. Fah
" Yee ser."
" Do you set support her
"•Ido sir."
" is she your legal wife
" Ne, sea" --jurors scowled.
" You will admit, although you have
sever bees married to her she byes with
you '.,
"• 1'... sir"
"• That is all. Yon may step dowers"
The I...I light looked victeriou.Jy at ties
One meat, Mr. Fish," said the ap-
posing lawyer " What relation *mists be
tweet you .ed the lady referred M r
" She is my grandewther. "
Ask your Druggist fit
Murray &
Par IIhemIkSsi. M(. Teti teal Sr,
The Signa
wee mem. elute grain •t4ution t, 14
Joh Pros' [Wil ares, whish •so ems.
passed oetuds Me cities for .kr Lrowps
sad Proper 01.0511100 of au ol•te....1
prostitute A perusal of thin esu, use,.
nest UMW' ssgm 11.1 r.twethi. y -u n,ay,
be u .••.1 of, sad is such oo.e w" w.11.
alt you, estrus.;*, feslyry, a.nd•leat
that my mics»e to please will 114551 • al*
Us .p..0.51 ..f our estrous
yv\t: Iii
uentuI rine is kept in the fall
rutg.' of queltiel warm as letter
hesla. N'hi e
etft�tt, k\free&s
are nut so generally used, tthey fill
e n implortant place in mat.erei.l
/•OrreYpouriencs. Hoe what we've
got under the above heads.
Ire <ter i\et.&s
• In thea line we have a very large
atom d tette wntityt prpera suit
.4. of busiault
locality, ,
wove, linens,
papers, ruled
er unrulrrl, as may be required.
-1SA i\e(ata►s
1f the " pay .!teleyou-go" plat, was
the order of the day the demand
for account paper would not be
so great ; but there are souse men
who get so many dunnerw that
they wonder if Use stock will etre
run out. We don't intend it to,
and et present our stock is coin
pier* in this line with four sizers.
Gouts paper and neat ruling.
<t�►<t! rove Ms
table for every cl
represented in this
prising laud and
quadrille nets
Beth single and double dollars
Kod te sits columns. They .•roue
cheaper than bill heads, and are
the proper thing to send after a
delinquent once a month. They
are sure to fetch him 'roand
Now, it would be hard to get
along without envelopes, and to
keep up with the demand for
them we keep a large stock on
hand. We have now about •
hundred thousand in stock, and
the prig will range from 75c. to
$2.00 per M. We handle cum
mercial and legal sizes exclusively
ommerAo.k Z' g,
hs. already been partially ennui
anted in some of the heads above
There is, however, a vast amour
of work under this head that to
enumerate would more than take
up the entire space occupied by
this adv't, but we do it all at Tax
`11XV:AOX stns
to an "At Home" or a wedding
require considerable taste in selec
tion sometimes, but we make it
an easy matter by keeping in
stock the very latest and ben
samples to be had. Call and bete
of entertainments and meeting
promptly turned out, from the
plain but neat to the most elegant
with cord and pencil attached. ev►Aor t
We aim to excel in all the differ
sot kinds of work we turn oat,
but especially in this, and keep
in stock plain and fancy papers
suitable for all requirements.
c far at tan& T.ek•A$
This head covers a large range of
work, from a bread or milk ticket
to a neat calling card, from an or-
dinary admission ticket ti a tasty
business card or a hnadwmely
printed membership ticket,
4 otters
Our facilities for turning out this
class of work are evidenoed by the
fact that the great bulk of it is
done by os. This line also is
*Lich oar ilree fast-reenjng J'1
presses ors .ble to turn oat in
surpridngly .bort time.
%fa\t 13A\ I)
belong to the pottier deu.rtsie•t
also, lend we make • ep+ai.lty clef
thes_promptneas being our digs
in this respect. A notice of sale
will appear in Tea SIGNAL free el
charge when bills for eine nee gni
#tet os Work
in the typographical printing Ilam
can be dose in this establi.hasest
in an expeditions and artist'
w oes. and
ON.V le %AIA ve;.tt br, Soht►u"
tptry rtutonu►bkt.
we a stwad ear
ors, and solicit a
&amts ler past fey
sostins•aes of th"
ISA 01111,44.1at
L _r . or.