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THD W8 .A PZ2t O?' T11l.ON OOVNTY"
611TY-1 YENTIIYEA R.-ir.39
Tuesday Evening, 22nd October, 1895.
By The Ramsay Concert Company,Toronto.
Tuesday Evening, 22nd October, 1895.
a BUndlnt Snowstorm.
steamer •antra and err row. ebe ars.
era reader Isar Mete. tial •al
•• board ate Lithos Tbsugat
To Re tlrwwned.
was r*ceiv«l 'Wednesday of
. reek of two barges owed Dv Yn. A
u:Ere, of Toronto, sed kaoline as the
sa mors -evert. The wreck •.carred off
.res: side or t6. Brace pent..rla during
riding .ow.torm and Mere. fives were
sue" is the wtldoe.e of the cwt
re the diaster took path that although
married Monday night it was Predates
. ftenoon bion tate news reached Ter-
. The tuliuwieg .ii.p.uh was ...t ley
'tiver.idss .f the gev.rn from Stokes
who u ul.o • !Mae, when Been last sight,
was pro. r.red with the sews that bad
reached her,but a hope( against hope that
h' sem* chem. ber busby d may bays es
ammo. Capt. lemon was mesidered sue of
the met .axetil .hipenaat.er• on the lakes,
and hail bees with the use Mr. 1 bruins for
hfteen tears.
4171 MA Ir, 1.011T 511 eaOTlata .A%51,.
William Maim, who was aloe lest, is •
brother of Jests" don, of tb.'evers. The
two were you,, sed unmarried, sailors
moos children and natives if Now 'cote
110T ep,.s'x•R arc' 1 TMST alit, is
papers holey/lug to Miss lee wen torsed FROM OYER THE BORDER.
on Tuesday mud we found Forest's body •
with • life buoy en it Wdaeday. '
('.pt. Silverside' retureed bose last stria
u Stoke • Hey, to retest hu crew, who are
10 miles berth et diem. He said Wore
" 1 de not think there es • chanes •f any
•1 the Africa • crew theta( escaped. Th.
beat meet hays gone down in • manta, as
when we famed the Id. beat we thread tell is
bad mot Mon used, as the fold -pias were net
drawn. Those of the grew who put ea life
bus)• twirl probably he washed ashore, but
the other fellows will probably never he
ewe agate, as it must have been at least 15
New. Note* A•om Wanhlagto■
The ♦tUtsde ot Ute I sited Mateo es tb•
tubas dlowiU5e-eesa.*r refer lea
Rama. rillatra-F:Iertrtr user
vier is 1.a. easy.
Item ear Regular Correspendeat-
Matthew Hayes, the .*gather, has been miles from shore where the Afrits seek. WASHINGTON, U.C., l hut. 1 -1.---
working on the Attlee sines is commenced ••I am going ba l-osw to pay ,ft the 'Iser*elittlerdoubt&moodthebes.informed
resile( last spring. Se was 39 years of age. mea. They .r. p•trdNsg the bath looking people is wsehi.gtoo thy,' the Admruietr•-
•sd had • wife and two daughters results. ,for ane hodres that tiny knee been weighed' ti.• wasdoas the usa of the rivulotto°
et 660 Kisg-street west, * bo had beard no asht.cre.. t s rslaMNS. hpv t gone 1 Stokes gain timeless, but .1 . it ole. that view of
p•rtieular. of the wreck. Haves heel bias Roo t• briar lb, bdy to T.ro.to for site saner is uwxpteii•bl., •z,pI apes
.a esgt.*er w tie beats for a .umber 01 ' hurial. tin theory that tee chalices sir •Irsys
•ears, sad was wreaked about ev..ears ago - - -
sealant revoluuesusts sueoesdiug, or that
is the si
egsberhoed Manitoulin Y•0iulls Inland 1 HUNGER KILLS TWO CHILOKEN•
•ad given ■p for lest.
Seam Readies cath or heme, la Tomato.
Tal. , At'T411' • ,T011.1.
It was • terrible sight that net the eyes
l'eptais Silverside' of the 111 anted Seven of Dr. Kerr, whoa he t.p•.ded to • cali
The .teamehip Atria, of Owen Sound, •raved m the
coy from Owen wand Frt. 6.t stents( to attend the bedside of • child
wren ..o.ro, of Toresw. wan Mad hay sonic(, esti told to • World reporter e1 • manly menial Hillary The hones was
,mak• Hoven oa tie lee of ilctob•r t., a most tbrt.tias story of the storm that free of furniture, and the cupboard ban of
• wand, waded with coal. vvhes 20 wrecked his boat tied tb. atessiar Africa food. The family had scarcely ono h
s moth . went of Cove lathed light the Is. Mende., and is which •• ready li.e clothing to cover their oakdsees, nod tbs
a let go of the q•vra • tow iia•, both were lest. Tate headships the crew of the poor aht1.1, redo -ed to • .1 .1. o*, was is
a maktsg baa weather. `revers endured wet• almost betood d.eenp- the throw of se.ih. There was no proper
The ,ast wen ot her by the Severn she uta• soured -men t t r keep body and soul together.
rolltsg heavily sod • few mantes later " 1 believe 11 was erd•tned th.t 1kem two Stervuen dad its work, wad *kilo the dee-
verer. amus .otbieg of bet. The men of bests should be wrwkd," said tee wotuis, ter labored over it,the tittle one breathed it.
Severn think that she went down with .Itkeugh we dads t expect gel•0 eek as last.
n board, tewaatug of 12 of • mew. we bad alter the egnnou. A beg wise en Only two oigbte before a a nnlar some
Tse Severn rub before the gale wigb when we were to the St Clair River, nod was .accred. Another child was relieved
pe es until Loyal (shied was reached w• Ivy there for 10.00 hour, ewug 10 • by death from distressing poverty. Two
may,. bora, ell Ron., .b. Wald de wreck Ivo( is the river, pet where es did children in as many days from
one more the* go es the beach 1*. pot know. That *eves hours was fatal .beer want is the oily of Toronto. Tb.
is north by northeast from Level 1s1•ad,! Hod we but pose es w• shield have bees Lather of the family has • horse and wages,
• If aeon. ' able to got *bolter from the .term.
The Africa let go of the `toter. •t 1171sad Y
I " For all 1 know the Atwater s
I.k r M. en .1. 7, and tie Sayers wait (.row ally lutes also bees wrested, as they
Ise b.ueb at 10 r. s. Sb. it • total loss, have sot rot rea.h•d Owes '„nod, although
gammas. ▪ Mug saved by s.mgammas. tb.y left Ashtabula at the mote time as we
r twang o aha rigging 20 Yuen. mei did and west alma/ while we wore •*.bind
Dew at Stokes Bey. is the river 1. is possible though that
they have goo* tato •bolter, as they had •
T1111.11, Vito AND LOW. mI e good lend of ss when we encountered the
(1. eases et the ea re the Savers 1 storm that wrecked e. Wleft Ashtabula
twpt J. Silveresd•s, Owes Sonora: I i. tow of the Alma', at shout S o'clock on
es E. Mass, .ata, Ternale : Malcolm Frills' osrbt- The weather bong very
•rises, sailer, (Tree 8.11114 ; Thomas I t. of morning. • for, until Mo•y mog. when
i.rtaoe4 ir.spyille: Ds J•ekes, e.►lor.: we re.chd Sad Q•y, to s Hiro`. Mon
favorable and r•meiorng se, with the •xoep
.hall retroe our step to a certaI• extent. OVER THE HURON TRACT.
There will probable be wtres enough left on
all the •raiser• w formals all the eleutrie
lights seeded dad perhaps for other pur-
poem, but the wires put is to be used for The °Plat from 91110 IIwe.1 MW..
etg.sIIisg orders will be sakes out, and
speaking tubes, whish qac elwa)e be de
Fended upon, put in. We hall* to loam b.
expense., just as people do is everything
♦ weetlyS Digest of .'crash Vew• Served
• p se $.K !Everybody - ritb aid
re/at.:lipped and l'Ndessed
Irma Biers aerates.
Tru Niro Yoss Wost.n, 'Naive A a •xh
t.DIT1Att.-The twiwa week edition of the
Anthers lir. look has been 15esgugd
New Tal World has bees converted too as�
pi pal of our school for that year.
the t'un'unlashes-•-week. [t 'unlashes 3 payersBrtsse1.. Al the I:orre Fall Fair last
of 6 pages amnia, or eighteen pages .
week, at the old Drew of *he dollar • Saturday 1'.. H. Mel:rwkes teak 21 prizes.
year. This srvss 156 paters • year ter one Tackmith . The trustees of S.S. No. 4
dollar and every paper has b podia SI have esg•ged Thos. Bruwlee as teacher for
columns wide or 48 ootumas is •11. The I low.
threes •weak World is not only muck larger Task•r.math . Yrs. deity Y..ou has
than any weekly or semi weekly newspaper
we her farm at 50 same o A. t;ordoa ter
hat it furst,hes sews with match greater 02.200.
trq usety ..d promptness ln 111-11.11.1110111•
Secrew 1 MUS. pl5uee mor. faith 10 the biose all the crisp, fresh yuaht.les of • daily
words of the Spanish mtsieter than he does with the attractive special features of •
in the news them Luba gaited is the news- weekly. --
papers. Whoa the Atteraoyd%soeral wren MUNICIPAL COUNCILS.
letter several days age advising •garnet
oar summit publulp impressing their .yin UODLRI. 11 Ti,"
paby ler the reveleuonuta bemuse it would 1 t T,with 7th, 1fi�fb.
b lisdomrmosa to Sp•ia-a hd hrwl or 1'.uo 11 met pur•usut w adloursweot
Ye.ber••ll present Miautssuf last mastic(
his part. o the opinion of many -he nom- read aid p...d. M•avd by cubs. Wal
mane .umoreas poop • treat wbleseyer way Imam...needed by 1'bw, t'6areb, thei by
the isdiv•dwl sympathy .f members of the uses. No. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, sow read, he
Ad.wutratI0* miebt leen, their prelusion ,•es.d. Moved by Jas. Cooaoll', ..waded
was ageism the revolu110•uts These who by Thine Churchill, that eslector s bonds be work •lid throe ler fruit et the Mambo'. the Admoutr•ties right or wr0.g ao..ptd. Movd by Jail Johnston, *mom!.\ow.
say that this re hat oadtlos tomes the boy . by Jas. Coanelly, that t6e following all Chutes . "we Merl' Shipley, so. of
*rumens from baud .mbar•so*d or ►•veer m•un ta were pard : laws, os by 1•., 25o; ion popular you'll, , Ldres, weunited to
to may e°t en
• 105 01 met' for ude.aity o •i
registry s.sh, (1 ; eagle/et i expo..., .0 rriagto i Yomse Smallicimbe, ot
case it toot • wroag.feu fad `Spain slier- making award es dram, ('45. Moved by
wards su.cedd o putting down the re- Jas, Coasolty, .eeendd by Thee. Churohili, taw..
volt that tf the eoetrsmtore are not prepared, to lisforth James lessen has add Ilia
It can be .anted 1 stoat tb..ptle driving so the Helmeaville 1 farm es the Huron Road, M.Kitlop, near
bridge on Tuesday, the 8th October. that S•af•rth, t. John Devereaux, .r., for the
the laspiectur appointed t,y the musts, go sum of 16,000.
sed pat s. recuses, relit lit nod put in •.ul Se•h.rtb : Jas. Arm.trostt, who had bees
wort. Moved by ('has Williams, seconded .nsp/uyd in Wm. Pickard. & (:oa dry
.las, Connolly, that Tbo.. Churchill be goods stove, left last week for Uetrott,wber.
•peoud t•inspector for the county at Col hi will study dentistry.
Grey Mrs. Bolt. Brown, • well knew.
ident, was betr by • pig while engaged
ie teedtrg them.
Gents : B. Young threshed on the farm
of Alex. (.115on, 9(X1 bushels of oats u throe
and • half hours.
Dieatorth . Phomas Wilma, son of U. 14.
Wilma, left ea Tueey for Chicago, where
he will study dsamstry.ss
Brurle New teaks have been revived
at the noble library this weak. The Gey
slimmest a emest great this ye1165.
Tuckenmtth : Mrs. 4;•urge Nett,of Trek
eremith, was awarded L1 prices for ladies
es good antborit that
nail for some time has beep .melee •pins the Admiwtr•uo0 will make sin charge in
a•rww li•eL600d as 5s itleerant voter, but its attitude towards lube before Courses
tines ars bard. and he was uwble to brie( meets, wiles. thole mesons* radical eb•ages
re his little noes the .ort of (cod his should u the situation u Cubo. The Sp•aub
have hid to, iced that they required. --
Minister bas told Rssretery Olney that it
Tomato Star was absolutely cert•ta the revolution would
AM her ars. ieemar. be at an end esters that time. It that pro- borne Hill. Adjourned to meet on int Morns James Holster •ad Jus. Hooper,
The moth aoeeal meeting of Toronto Di. pb.ci be correct that will, of wrrse,be .d
the M.•y u November. Ni541.gsLITelma:e ST1 .Y, seerTea mon Wining to the Moth -
last of the wools busia.ss, unless it be n- Clark• Mutt church, Belgnv• circuit, •r. efferiag
Th. Prohibition ttu.stiin. b sense pastors in evgeluttu work.
Clotos Joe. Hriddleombs, who bias
bier in business is Plantes continuously for
ever 40 years, dodo his health becoming
5. preeartsus that it u necessary for him to
Brawl.. Rrua*eb council have dimities'
to get • dew bell for the tows ball, sad
Berry Smithies have the esstrect Tb* old
boars will be gives to the 'wheel board for
the pew school. The new bell will w.irh
1,200 pound..
Holmeslllle Os Wedond•) .\' Miller
met with • very painful •widest. While
malted pins rafters his adz dipped and out
an ugly Rash is kin foot He will be lard up
Mr some time.
Oona. : Frank Pollock, who has had
sh•rRe of S.B. No. 1 thus year, intends to
give up teaching at the sad of the present
term and put to a tour year course at the
Toronto University.
Yomo : Walter Barns, who has bees
laid up for this pest 13 week. from • dis
shied ken, is improyis*, we are pleased to
hear, and will probably remover the tree the
of the injured member.
Moms • On Wednesday ••enia(, Sept.
26th, a very pleasant agate was .pest at the
marriage ot Edward C. Lundy, of Morris,
and Mies Marguerite May Moore, at the
residence of the bride's father James Moors,
Hallett The ether day an adopted
daughter of Thos. Adams net with • had
e 011*... Rho us quite peony, sod, while
walking baehw•rd. ma the Hear, fell ta-
to a pot of boiling water, scalding herself
N. Wawano.h • Tha romans of tb• late
Mr.. Pollard, who died is Stratford, on the
25th Sept., were takes to SI Augustus. for
burial She was • former r•eideat of the
4t1 sea., and leaves • busbs.d and f•ns
ily of mall child to moues her desliso.
tact W.C.T. U. was opened at the detre: mired by another revolution. But, oa the
h@odqu•rtii, - 4Im .treses, last week. other eared should the Cuban. .tail hold
their ewe to lJoe*anber, ,Ong
Mn. Ruthertor , the president. to the
As appeal for aid to Mr. Letitia You
.deer : Witham Hewers, St. (�N•n0es . day the weather was threetesing, and b. mass, the honorary president of the union,
ale Alhsoa, cook, Toronto. coos It had chs god to is still breeze eomiod was red. Yrs. 1'es.ans ha. boon • hop6 w. if it goes ate further. The Idea of go•
Thom last en 16. Africa erg Capt. from eke west. We sere mala„ bed 1... ovli1 for *eves year,, and her meses is( the whole bog sod reoogdzug the lads
I' Isrseo. Toronto ; Willis. Melones. weather • seunk of hours after sod at 4 are almost exthseted. Each rotes was
postdates of Cabe des not and will not goal
o, I sees liobd Mat Hayes, chief w .desk the wnod hod .handed ague and win asked to pee from 125 w 150 a order to
adv tea both is and out of (.oagroot
ser. Toreute ; Ed Forest, .road so enceueterd a gel. from the northwest. pra..,rvs the temperance .sues tram the u.• S.5•tor 16.8.x, of Kassa., u u wo.biag Rev. Mr. Murtable -A- myortty el some
er, Toronto ; William Mons, wheals "At about 4:30 our misfortunes anomias spas kohl. diagram of •Ilowm` these wham Ho eats the farmers of K•aas. h•v I�'� of the •ours of Ontario have decldd
.. Toronto ; Joh■ Kiat, Oakville : Mies cog, shin the toroth of tb `evert blew oat wattle life has besi gtvei cot the work o de is favor el the probibitIoe of the liquor tr•1-
y i. poverty. Lady Remerset and Wes Wil �� g� crop. aid ors airy altatiprosperou., fie. N. undenwd that Sir Willnd Lour
so.,,,, Teraeto ; two Aromas sad two of the bolt and the atom gaff breaking acro nkat there u no pSGtfw1 6gitaues s0
sheds, carnes unknown. t shortly afterwards owned l6. suwil 10 lard have promised 150 • year to any fundair has already promised cast a plebiscite of
Ws erste still making nkat mi ht be rained. II,'" State sob year, w rimy odbty ore to t►. whole Demotoe shall be taken in the
'The Africa was last .sen eo°lbweet from do by t6. board.` • seg • Justiw of ate supreme Ceara •re to
n Island, distance about 20 miles. headw•1, however, although rolling heayi- The "shag of the meeting was well ex- event of he attaining power is the Doming
y h of the *ea. Something pressed byone delegate, who said the wt ' ~ Speak tag of sort year .contest
'I.Ner b n Issrsed that t6. poked
.life . 1 is the toes( lx •gaga he olid : "N•uoo•Ily it will be the old fight
a as1 Ilse sr.lerv*e6 were tacked rep es mast here (nee erose with the Africa •t Kan esmpugnsr shesN not b •Mowed 1* to
evilest p•moonta •ad it
r1• 11'15541, Lake Slures, on this west •f , about 6:30 as she let go the tow line witb want for anytbug. The oolleoten to bo leak. Ilk• the Republicans hams • ere
Q 1►eo *et ear .tee this,. 1 thigh they will elect the Pretti-
est and a ta•iority ot the Hose of Repro
sestativea 1hes their arouses. will bogie.
They will thou he is the same prdiosme.t
Two bevy Wadeable AN... the Desteca•te are now M. A breaking up
is eon to Deere, and both the old parties
la the thirteenth oestury the Chisels* may collapse before 1900. It will d•peod
(loveramenl gashed 5..e paper o.rrs.o). largely ° the maim' of Coagr.ss Whoa
Today there are probably but two .ales of tie op mimes shoat, 75 et t6.
that ire .xbant One is in the British Zise@enitLi° party slid 25't. of the Rdpob-
Y°.wm, and the other is t6. ponswies ot llo. gf ray w111 helmet* Populists, and se
oW arol every dep•rt.•et of obi 4...
the 4)riemtal Sesisty of St. Petersburg. t, which will them ha administered
Theam iota won weed in the taiga of interest of the people and cot •f t e
Haag Wee, t6. foamier of the Xing 1)yw• •leeks and efwesiators.
t 1, who died is 1594. The fags value of publican and Democratic Sisseton have
them *otos m about a dollar, an4 that made it plena that then do .et props.. to
of paper aurrseoy was the co ly OM 016w the populism to realise any bea•8t, se
granted by On Chimes. G..erta.. t. s. feu as tie reerga*i,auoo us eoato•read,
day them cotes are probably the sod
most valuable of eurreaey issued early
all sots ealleutors sad Obis•s* ksttker. w
ply... been wast M an o I hill aware el their exM.temoe their vel•
g etting 151,5 .►*Iter from the •In..eo. we F
d separately into the Geld. sad dad a�-H5rPsr's Bind Table.
hes, the metre .f wbieh
j•( •box of mate need /he wars
were dry w0*gk o lybe, we started • firs
es the Deals W rhes mote • meal of some The atmmi.n and ever
feed we feed, whieb, although .•*king , rel kidosy trrtable, , 1
wet, we wore 1054 o Rel. nth in lac., tiro qo
"Words outset exFoss ►.w beglad wit at frost (,h. w'. P111t.
were at 7 o'clock le sea s isber Dont Kidney -Liv
Stoke* Ray leakier for tin at • big risk o o>fher sedges
themselves is the terrible ma that was
l' rens will take Wb.. Mr. Laurier resumed his seat at
the matter .p. •d, If expressions of opinioe Carleton 1'1.0• meeting, ROT. 4 .w. (;. Hux-
trem members and s.5atan tout for any t*ble,Methodist mmuter of t'erth.eddressed
%biog, it will direct the Ad.unistrati.a to the chair.
reoog°tu the belligerency of the revolutioi "Mr. Chairman, would you permit me
lust for one mes,wt to ask `tar et'tltnd
Laurier the question '"
Mr. Laurier - Yes, certainly.
est any waning. •
T.5 Two t.e5T w5.. I mail sod mi,zeo to try ad work her oto
Aires and !Samna wen originally Beat Beat C.'•. where there is • harbor. The
t of • (est of throe vessels owned by t6. 1„ were v." heavy 504 win wire m•ki.g
Sirs of Christie, Kar A Co., limber "Th. Afriea had dropped to th.leeward,
tress. The Marquis, the ether vel st j sed we last saw her ascan of es about halt
'tot, was wreaked u Saginaw Ba)', an bear after she Int go the tow line. My
'se nen e this mouth, bet without crew kept the heat afloatby
yminritugwu••the • sad
t.f Isle The Afries was • .tens, barge pump.
titers* 1 was suable to •tent for Bost Cow,
Tyra' freight•d ct ten a.bink. Th be f
break a and w. tie piano i tbe'1.v.y. • bow barge, wbiob aware and we wee anvil &grouts w the sed at
wmpsaid ter. T6. veessl. bate 6.•s . Severs
voce began te
Tw botw*es B*Rab t' k our u t rig -
for some ser.. After t6. death d
y ib 16.15 1 deet know bow
iiliottaosol R, (of th e A Januar► Inst and keg. irItaat s bitterly sold, and we were
"" 1s•tieb of the of hi t6. two hoots keg.
6. •11 wet through1.55bl !Every ora• the winter
nAr at 44 W ileal -int. Allo. Kerr not !hi?' wbieb ked bas
,the aut,owevir,. wesrim( 6e..1esi05. bur P' wen ,railed bask *pee the ship
rah. 5.6..45
Ifs tb.ir pewit trip the* wire journey with tsrribo fere* A when M. hist 1.�r• washed
1 trim Ashtabula ib Owes Sowed with ear Marta
sad won to pressed from thou b
m • ',mond to lead lumbar from Trs.wss
The Atria was eee.id1rd an sops.
.fs vem.1, •cel it was thought 16.1
• mold weather any .hemi.
Th• Severs carried 860 toms sod due
her 420 tees .f seal. The ssrg• was
111. C. P. R. W„ who bed it hilly tw
!be vessel. lift Ashtabula es Friday last
.i wore doe o roue► Owes Sssed O°
•eclat Tao Sievers was valued al 5h.�
laed late the tassel. Yrs. airings..
.week ss we thought oar time ►•d eoe.•, as
rt. of tie •h
h ppertrsity of
taken up at the nodic enemies to be 6.N
,der the joist auspices of the W.C.T. U.
sad Tempsrsase iwsges will be devoted ta
the Youmans fund.
d w111 be • total Ism, as me teens. Moor WS- Oar 01.tkes wan beim •sig'
arc was ~Med s b.r. T6. vales of t6. were is as awful .eeditioe. Mr Bradley,
tries ear estimated at 1114,000. with • ,t•- the biomes whit,
withwith 'is Wserves prt m d ire
w tusaruase d io.IJim r r w 6. did fee a Why. ms,
,•than trsasx. yes deal knew what the &sager was to
lath •6•. n 11/1 weseder t6. 1pteism1 ties that small boat ■p to u writsk threat
ss.yoment ei Cagiest Mari llamas. miss •• ge o Mosso at say meanest,
an a red 51 that. 1 b." bp"s.UMRta
'Ito weSet down with the. �fiitsa(lsrtsis sats, and i was .seer ane• g
'inn . of the flowers metal smear Id.
'41., Copt Larsen was . nerdy ia.ish1410u1.,, whallus en r
bthe gest IskN5
;minket 90 year.. A. a W is iWaansSk
e rt is three years e. the .alt waters. He
X46 yews d •g• enId bad elweys weed
°Illos.se Mt lesson Ms etilly
▪ R wits aid Wisdoms jliesa.leed
*T• rvma&6 at di IIarbsidw IIw.
kw 36 ylife tithe ear to win Yr
e5. alM kyin mak.. They git es •1
Sneley Nt used h6.vk ..ee ef the
without gay Webs,.a
crew were hardly We to help themselves
but thsy�! es all to shore •dile. inhere
wealts@ sal de]
••41e Wiest y lir wheal wt We than sneR~
M MNh el Afrt5. dad • psis. d
M Ya
t warning
iota and weak-
ly relieved by Dr.
original and only 26
Pill.. When all
. they sera
Ono/r. 1M l,s.emirsr.
" mid the I..tmrer, pentium
the ba.taulis-' alert es the
le where year War b."
me .1t,"rid i. el the .w..te.
are 4s sneer. My liver i. Maki@
-Beeper's Moser.
151 gar TM.
/ 1. • pseisisa •.rbus, an i11 -bred mak
made m prisms* whoa • very
.testlon. I would Ilk. to ask, is the event
of that being dose, and • majority of that
Lot.( done, ud • mujorrty of the electors
deetdi°g in fever o1 probibities, will Sir
Wilfrid Laurier pledge himself to give as a
prohibitor♦ liquor law '
Mr. Laurier made this reply : •' 1 moat
tell my friend, first of all, that i •m wt Sir
Wilfred Laurier : 1 am enly plain Wilfrid
launer. 1 am • D.mo•nt tie the bi11.
Fier. Yr. IIwxtsbl.--So •m I.
Mr. Laurier -Very well ; this we will
itedetetesd stab other ell the bitter. The
Liberal party has pledged itself u oe.vem •
Hos at Ottawa that whenever they wen u
power they would take • plebi.•ite on the
Ilgo*r question, se to whether the people
want • prohibitory law or net The nae
woo is wt is my Mods. it is in the hands of
this people, and, •oserding to their answer,
snob legteletio n they will hams at this hands
of the 4;ovsremnmt
through their bolding of the bah••. of Wingthn J. C•rrath, of tows, is
}heir M t6. 9se.te. No exact prey -ago waking Inquiries as to a late fortune that
6. bow arranged, bot ea •gr•oaweat hes has 6... left ro the Grvt' family by the
bow rosebud ander which the De.00rat. eleath of s wes1167 °.ole is Inland.
mai Rep*blipsm nese Se are to divide the F �ville: A reed 1111.., ie t6. par.°°
.ksiranuaohips et t6. Senate mean thew fm
selves end set glee the Populist @ousters of Ds" moo". Sr., of P.g.ess'•t11•, p°..•d
asythiai. osier it ..
srht be the eh•irs.• from this life ea T°Osd•y last, haven( rss.k-
ship of as astmplrtast oestmntt•- er two d oho Rood LIP of 87 ywrs. Mr. Moen
The j oprlist deters who have hew is was bore ,t° Cntgr.Nte, Tifedin, Boot
Ww'ligto..face this supposed deal become Ind- 1° 1833 6. was .srtid to Mise
bees■ say they de sot oars o dins. it s% Isabella Chalmers, awl is 1848, with his
this time, but express their ability to take fancily sod so•ostpanied h • brother Josses
care ef themselves. matte te 05sod•,iettlieg ea the farm ss the
Although this Y efts. rsfsrrd Mas the Kipp road, Taekeren.i1, where he sou
ago el .lset isisy then le one place is whisk limbed is rends instil shut 13 Years ago.
oho w d..sslr4sUtyhss not tees the sewee, wb.5 be retired from :the active duties of
1 *5 ems •:passed of ft. Tai in up., the life sad mate to reside is Ilg.ordyille.
Mg sneered vessels ot the Navy. Rzpon• Meafortk A vert pretty wedding was
some bas da.eestr*ted thee .early all the solemnised at'• ..Wmde," the residuum" of
1.4.15 sin sleet smmeesetIT out et.rdsr,•.d 0, 1). Miler's, Esq., es Tssdny last, whoa
that ,5 ■ an impossibility tor's,.ir them hie daughter, blies us, Dawas married he F.
whim Ned
wee ars meet mssd. 1sw people W. Tweddle. of this Iowa. Th. ..rse.my
hems eny Nim d the q.itdty of Menne was performed at high moos by Rev, A. D.
wiw there is es •1we of tits ships. 0. s.s► M.DoesM. D D., emulated by the Rev. Colin
Flebker, Y A., Thames Read. Tbe ►ride
looked eherm6g M an eagsiita rows d
w\il silk trimmed with lass ad pearls.
sad kir stater, Mem Maggie, who meted as
bridesmaid w attired M • grateful dress
d fawn sloth, wttk p6k silk trimming.TM w grewas swWsd by J tt . iivi.R. t wife will take op their reddens, M Mr.
lutea.. 'Maw's home..
ef several el the maw .nisi.( these are t5.
Net old lady gut M. miles if wire semi fa,II Am
mo w. t" be exdd under his edictal edictal the Nin w
.pR1.t d
breathhes se Wally that the sMdy Inthis matter emN : '• Ws have simply ever
he .
dens the .1otri. bssl.m e es the sreleee.,
•111," •ho+sd. 'Lyme kinsmen omen* le sod indite that ate wine mown be de -
like illwh's Ash jj N taboo km Iii IMO eimb poa&- sten. *Whig be the see el se snob
-yess dp.b.ve r t.Ma1. the sonstreeliw el the vide. w.
Roxboro : Mian Jean ihokeos, daughter
.f John T. ihekeoa, of Rozbore, who lately
paired the Toreel. Normal school examiw•
tio. with Misers, bas bees appointed, est et
• large Dembsr of applicants, • teacher is
M. Queen vseteri. school. Toronto, and bas
gime o •.minces duties shortly.
MoKillop wings. R.biase., basher is
*sheet sectio. N. 6, MoKillep, has headed
is his resig.stien to the treatises sail is
Ieavfa( the s.hool. He is 'nisi to study
for • drawee*. with Jobs Rotors. Beafortk
Sf8. troetoes have ear.gd Mies Aguie
Hay., d•tghter ef Thomas R. Hays, Iraq
M bas& the remainder .f this year sad .1°.
.est veer.
fkssads The handy of Jolts Rkaw re
reeve to Teamster sex% week, when Yr.
Slaw r prta•tpsl .t the putt.
5.l.•I. Tb•y ars .Id .red 'Molly es-
teemed rapidest• of Brssmels amid telt. best
wishes of • large elude el friss& mospmpsay
them le their mew hems A. 1. MIT and