The Signal, 1895-10-10, Page 4*IT 4 r ,k4t e414'iP 10.! It Arr i; CT.* TH E SIGNAL • OODIRICH, ONT., TA 171113DAT. our. 1, HOS. 4 "•>°C.,:" The $,qual • ,,,, ,o , HI PVIELiallib 1, \Idl it' IiilitItten were not t hub EVERY TIIITItriDAY MONNING Hleglectirsl, 44 a prIrsa sitlendird every Sunitty No valary iv slowed for the SI II. Ille‘ILLE111 1110%. 41.011‘, 411.1 1111 ,0114.4 t1.1114 Art. tak.da up. Mice of Publication • - awl 10. 44,,ei.,•144.4.. tiwterinL. usverie. 1arriami on sichedule time.the minimises hai foi Ir. 1 to attooti. The litituati Te... .1 ••••crIgHlama 040 Swath. In 12 Tens mouth*. Etst.iI no -1 iiiiihitious political, of SoUtii One year.• Iluron, pulling a ritrtoig Iiiii • ro .ort .• /risen 11144 1,111. ition lint, that Mr. WEI/44111.1.434. • tel I 'r the hyo is 1.441 of 11•..t. La twri. Ton, label i• a mandiss et, 4•'4 W."t 11"'"U• 10 the 1.11111.•( 'Ott. niter 10 WhIel, 1..1 s,. .44. / 1.111.• *on t iw 1411.1 g!4•44431 OW^ • 01 .hl' When • chase. of alloiress le desired, bath be old sad •001 address sleek' be gives. 4411vertlaIng Ratko Legal sad other casual ad vertieemears. 11110. per Ilse .or era insertion. and 3 cerium per line ler each subantuest insertion. Measured by =e1 wale. ast card• of ma lines and under. $3 par rear. Advertisements of Lost. round. Strayed Illteations Vacant '4.tuattotto Wanted and Deelsess ebony., W• tad. not 'seceding 1 Ia. sespereil. $1 per month. Homes on Sale •n.. nitro. on titals. sot to exceed 1 line,. $ 1 fnr Bret ntnniti. Soc. per sub maisost siontb. Ismer ad. t•. to properties. Any special notice, th• oblect of which is to promote the pecuniary benefit of •ny indi- vidual or conizony. to be constdered as ad- vertisement and charred sneordtorly. solkcr• in nonpanUi type ono cost per word, so notices lee, than lee. Loral moticee In ordinary reading type two costs per word. No notice for low Chita 5110. Notices for churches and other religious and benevolent institution. half rote. elliest "The •Insal" 110•11•2•7i Surweriber who fail to re,e1ve THIL 24.0!4•L regularly. either `.4 carrier or by mall. will oonter • favor hy acquair.ting us Of the fact at se early a dates. possible. Iteleeted menusealpia eennot be returned. Verrorpondenco must be written on ono side of paper only. rehlisher'. .1. c. Le Tou,,eI. of Goderich. has been •p pointed Local Trsvellang Ascent for the town ships of Goderice, Colborne, Aebdeld and Wa watemb. Loyal postmanters over the district are sloo empowered to receive eubecrIptIons to THE 810•4,41_ communirations mum be addressed to I) MOGI 1.1.1r. DDT. Tao itios•ii., TMeseese Ciall IS. Godorich. Oat. INDRAWN. THURSDAY. 047. ie, I. WEST HURON CONVENTION. A CONVENTION Of the RefOrni Association oi West Huron for Do ) i )) ion porpoises will be held in Dun gannet' on Friday, Oct. 2rith, at 1 ii:elork 1- to litteinem of the greatest importence will :nine before the convention, and there stioshl he a lull representation from esery polling subdivision. M. C. CtilltROI, ex -M P. J. T. (:•rteow, MAT.. said other leading Reformers will be present and address die meeting. Let there lie a •.:ratid, olil time Re- im in "ally, with hill delegation from eNery municipality. SNAP SH011S. t he In:: Noetherestant Fair hit the right week, didn't it I The good people at Minato are living in hope of being sbI. to get de cent drinking water one GI these .[ay*. VI'r are infonnied.that an miner getie ..1111Valts for the mayoralty is be- ing prosecuted 0104 I lay*, in a ceitain quarter. --Sir ouvitit's return, safe, sound, and in good bottle, will be • source of great pleasure tO his many friends in Ontario. To mewl the Toronto newspapers one would alone/A be lea to believe that the Iltiten City, so ...idled. was a foolist town, ruled by fools, who are elected by greater fool. to act fool- • young colored man cf Chatham downed a :mart of whiskey without intermission, and the quart of whiskey reciprocated by downing the young ,-olorod man without intermisxion. Death leeks in the flowing bowl. .S,r f ACE 1.10Mb 11C1.1. 4114 his exhibit of "cabinet antiques,- as Nictiot.ss Puree list (Mlighte to call them, are troubled with palpitation of the heart these 'hip( in anticipation of what the lion. Tosi tier.new AT won't do. .-4;letistone recently stated that there were point• in the local option question which would require mature study before he would feel free t-, de li‘er an opinion upon it, and yet there are many in this section who eould settle the mat.Mr ofThaind. The call for the eonvention at Dmicennon on Friday, OcL 25th, is •n indication that the Grits won't be caught napping in West iiiiron. it hex teem suggested that Friday is an unlucky (lay ors which to hold a con rention. Well, maybe it is, bat the intention is to make it unlucky Inc the other follows At the last meeting of the Tor onto Ministerial Association a coon- pleint weir made that although Use flovormiont ite• Iu,pn psyiag $1 iO e very Huntley for the porpree 01moot lag • minister is • hack to deliver a n oontime to the inmates' of the Central Prison, and although the haok always to some of our able,millegetic and ant ious local aspi.neht. The war bildWINIM Japan Anil China wasp t a eircunostance to the fall to between It.. Dr. StAIIERLANI, and die returned missionaries from Joplin. If the latter war doesn't (name we will be lead to helieve that tire whole scheme of missionary enter- pri/e want. ----like the Iri,liman's gun --a new lock, stock and barrel. --The Tory parr, aoknowletige a Federal deficit for the year ending June 1/41it, I,ut they say it is "only 04,0;9,414V.- Only $1,079.000 in this one year nearly equals the entire de- fied, of Sir iticesen C•erwitinter's administration of the treasury depart- ment in Is76, 1,77 and 1-s7s, which our 'Cory friends were so horrified at, and I. 's ere Remit finance(' CM a yearly revenue of /23,000.0(10, whereas that iiPaYen born tinaticier,Geo. Z. Tosraa, had to meet his obliga- tions during the past year. Sinai I `•-:A the deficits under Tory manage tuent, have reached fifteen tuillions, notwithstanding the fact that since 16447 the tame on the people have been from $6,0041,000 to El's, - 000,000 greater per year than the amount that Sir helmet, used to levy. COMING AND GOING Mn. Jas. Reid is melting relotives is De- troit MHO Mory Lyon left oo saterday last for Detroit. Mrs. Chat Reid is cis • visa to ;relatives i. Itstroit. Wise Forguem,of Raytield,se visiting reds Meet in town. Mies Anent 0 loughlie, of Kingehridge,is visiting in totem. Mrs. To m. Robertson las returned fresh a melt to A, lmsr. Miss J. Rates is 011 a two weeksvuot to her sister 111 Detroit. Mrs. Joh. Melville, of 1.1sollsolloro', was in town ea Mosiday. Muss 11 Mclatesh, of Lakeview. visited Port Huron this week. sies.t.smble left last week on her return to bar horn*, I 'algary. Fr*ok Crabb spent • few days this week at los home in Godmich. Mn Warne W. Thompson visited 4:441o. rich on VI ildne•ILE% last. Thos. Roma, of Woodstook. 'visited his mother is town last week. Mrs. .1 C. Mclatoeh lett for Detroit os Saturday to visit her ma. Herb. Robertson left yesterday for Tor sato to attend the Caiversit‘. is Reid lett es Friday es a •.• •• ••• ,...r 11.iver, in Detroit, a 11 'or 1.. E. Demey, et Gelle- rt- it .ri., here et soon today. E. Autotimer has returned to hie studies .t Viateria raivereit v, Termite. Miss lo Teazel. of Crediten. .Decided the mashersommentios here last week. Itolst Stewart, of tee G.C.I., @peat port of last week at his hosts in Luoknow. 1. F. Hays, of 8eaforth, was • visitor .t the Great Northwestern en Thursday last. Miss Jennie Forster, of the ir 'ollegiate In costae, minted her home in 11.ucknow last week. Mn. 4' Richardson and her mother. Mrs. Mem, let, for tee home of the latter Sotur day last.. 11r. Ernest asid Mum Gortio Fershous, of coostasce, were in town last week aad took in the fair. E poet tor A. I sewer. of Catalan & Whom • drug store, is holidaying *1 Leedom sad Dederick. Mies Marion Sheppard and Mies Grace Cameron are visiting Mrs. Warren Thomp- son at Seaforth. Mrs. Warnock, Govierieh. and Mrs. Rioh ard Ryas, of Nile, left here es • visit to Detroit last week. Mr William, Miss Nellie and MrS. Idelotesh. of Hulleta, are visiting relatives is Gederielo aeoll Colborne. Mism l'ee, of Zurich. was the inset of Miss Lizzie Rbbertion while is town at- tending the teachers meyeatiou. tissforth Expositor : Mame Eva sari 1.&021-• Asheens, of (;oderiolli„ are this week genets at the resides*, of J. C. Great. 1),. Clark, V.11., was is Imeksew last week anise 41 edge on light horses mid speed oneteste at tear fall exhibition. 1. •. Nairn and daughter, Mise Del., west to Detrint last week me a visit to rela- tives. Mn. halm raturned borne els Stour. day. Mn. Dr. Clark sad little dangistmr, ilea - route. arrived is rows Tneeday,after spee4. IS( ler weeks with relatives in Wisdom' aid Detroit. Miss Adelaide Jodrell,. of [rotor, sad Maas Ammo Hays. of Seaferth. were the gumte of Mime Jessie Roberto). It wook• Dr. Redford brother of Dr. E Rieliardsou, of this town, has Met been appointed to a predessenthip is tee TTorneas Mediae' College, .1 Chicago, 111. Wee. W. Stoddard, of tows, left es Thorne, ter Chicago. Will served he time se minpositer as TN. Stne•L„ sad had for IMMO nee pan beta werbiag es • Ref 454. 111 pewter. R. aew leaves to tahe a flreSideas prieition in the Wieldy City. We wish him seesaw 11. FR O. In Towel raised to New Yeti.. Monday shsr a sentaVa Irish le in parsecs! miasma Sorry ohoured that 414, be woomosoefond asa wn of &seeing ractrillgit Minns kho eM Mao ' M Ewa V•• I Am% owned, fry, ley onain." THE NoRTHWESTERA The Blg Fair a Orand /Juane S. Ilse Weenie' and • Whet Was Pr••••14.411 to the almter- Es4•• The Ma Paisallen Mamma The Prise 11.1. TIIE Northwentern which was held Tuesday, Weasealay and Thursday of last week waa favored with pr 'patos' weedier, end, as • result, was 15r4.h attended taroughout. THE OUTSIDE SHOW. The erintsit of berms was bars and • boor lot was sayer shows ta ring is Ilona. A little diesaturfactios wee felt as to the chstesers wit, whisk 11. rules wore followed by the judge in the matter of elms 'Samos, hut the rallies wore generally ad- mitted to be serrect, aed to future more oar* will be taken by exhibitor, makusg eittries. The Lamle show wee a splendid one, lied proved aosolusively that (hi. oesistry is not see where the fanner is bound down •xelm 'rely to tat raising of °weeks far eipurt, but that a grad opportunity maul for teranig the mop into beef fer both kerne and foreign inertia. Sheep sad ems were well up te the met age of former years aad somber of foe sposimene were im 215W. Poultry wits a lorge display ts feet, the amonimodattee prove/ ioadisluate to the tiispky, road greater acoommodation will seed to be provided M future. There was • geed repreeseteteee 15 maehisery hell, and mony of the !sadist firms of ()steno were to the 1010 will tbeir implements. Tuesday e•ming aad Wednesday the 13k tiott Bead, of Hamilton, gave time melee Lions, &ad although the committee of was apeutent tool • big risk in bringing the at• tremolo Isere, the losseesus of mimeo is that u wee a good thug for the fair, and the itrectere are to ee commended for their ea terpnes awl plook. THE SAWING M•TCH. The sawing match was • great attraction to a large number of the spectators, pert ic• ularli .monist the farming section. The beech log was warty 24 knobs* through wad vaned very little in its mum lentth. Two owe were made by:eseh tame, 005 as the butt and the other at the top, end quite • diaereses was ebservelsle in the work ot the teams, the winners doing their work is 52,secom4s and the tail *odors taking 107, to do practically the some work. The mo oing team was the tightest built of those mospeting, but got there with saes and grace, Followiar is Me result: Reesada. Harris sad Hussey, Walton.... 30 22j Loge* sod Freon 34 281 Ferguson aed Hasidim 46 361 Haase and Meruicheoa.. 50 35 Rano and Horom 56 45 Wilson and WI..o .... 59 481 THE SPEED TRIALS were berried question the beet ever held en the track. Every *vest was user* than filled and the swimmers had to get there o• mint, and de the hest work. Proteete have Mos lodged in the farmer's races- -one, es the ground tkat a horse had previously won money said another on the elates that the rider was sot a farmer or a farmer's sae. Following is the ounissary. NU 1. 1.I.E.4 TEM' lott 1.1.04, 7 alVPIllit 4.4.. Roe. Windham, Lady Garfield 1 1 5 1 R. Wilma, Seafmth, Rumor J.... 2 2 1 2 E. aware, Hayfield 3 3 2 4 Robs. McLean, t.oderith 5 5 3 3 I. Swaim, Winehava 4 4 4 5 Dr. Shilliagdaw, Mitehell 7 6 6 6 H. Yervesk, Seaforth 6 74we NO. 2, r•ltiiaan. T$OT OR recs. 6 nrcretsta. A Reigio, Dunlop .... .. ..... 2 1 Jae. McManus, I/estop 1 4 Jae, MeCloskey. Goderieb------3 2 Smith McLean Lueknow 6 3 R. Frew, Eironondville 4 5 Andrews Bros 5 6 11 42 25 34 53 D. TY14II1 1111.1 HASH, 6 nevus's. P. MoDavitt, Lueknow` R. Wilma, Seeforth t: R. Roe, Wieghain Robt. McLean, Goderieb Dr. Shillinglaw, Mitchell. Oliver Hodges, Mitchell 4441ER.4' 141'NK1,14:, 5 ENTRIES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Peter Cook, (ltrteit .. 4 4 4 3 1 1 1 John Porter, Goilerich .... 3 1 1 2 4 2 2 Mot/novel', Gooderioli.... 2 3 2 1 2 3 3 Di Robotism, StraWord.... 5 5 W. J. MoDoseald 2 3 4 3 4 4 4 'time% *es. 7 no -rum. C. R Shims, (.ederieth 1 1 1 Gee Murray, Seaterth 2 2 3 F. A. tiliott. Goderiob 3 3 2 1) Rebertem, Stretford 4 5 5 Wm Stiller, Porter's ME 7 1 4 THE INSIDE DIPARTMILKT, la tho Mete. Jepartment tbere was a fine display doom stairs, fruit, to whioh we re. ferred last week, aad flowers Ming pertain - lowly geed. Root, and vegetables were also am exoellost show's., ciao exhibitor, Charles Wells, the market gardener, havine se view some 110 different specimeas of garden growth, amongst whisk were earlies lemma for preliervieg, vim peatibm, tweet petateee (the first raised is this esetiem, ae egg plant weighing six pounds, a spectates ief gumbo, • native of South Antenna, a fol. Motion of p.ppsrs larger than that eshibited et the Wort 's noir in Chicago, an orna- mental egg plant of beautiful tint, and • let of other /ordeal etuff. Wm. Warnock was idon ne heed with his mammoth squash, sal a lot mil other facian growths and there wore a horde number of ther exhibitem what' the prism list will show. The Mad seam prim gives by the Ralik of Montreal brenght mit • fine display of butter the largest is the history of the fair. Two very auroral.' exhibits wove the salt pvraniiiie news by the North Awerieaa rbeenleal Co. and Piker MoRna rosnetivoly : W. floosies held • big space for display of erases, breyelee ilmorsewiss onaelunes.-the attreetive feature bang the fret maniple et the "Commas Seam" wheel, which will be the fleoteriM brand ; Weraril and Harper & Les hail lee Inas of somes, Immo, eta_ win\ won duly imantised, ens wrirraisie mann. Tine 11110 • Am art reprometatiess, 4.4 She lease' degartemat was light is the won - bee a narks olilistigh .444 grails TM U 551 wally allecied to legal senrehante wars sot so well 10115.5 as asnal, several I. banns basked oat at the eleventh beim Newerm, geed dhiplaen *540 445 by Oegses:rehersais Demi_ eirpods ; T RdenheV. eel ; W. A. Ran, isurst. man Nod "BP 10.R. One Oa. kis: W. Sitar n os, Wain @el Gbanit ILL Oniali rod Mrs IMM. illdElmerY NMI Wawa ralsio4.s TUK Thweeghbred teethes. 4 yews .44&ad :::18:1 LIST IJames Robinson, upwards, Theo. Gandry. F. A. Mises eselbee, say age, Thee.dandry. Roadster. -Lollies, 4 years old mid ow W. A. Colborne ; stallion. yearliag, W Money filly or goldiag, 3 years old, W lIlair, J. Y. Whitely; Mlle or geldieg yeses mild, • R Audersoe ; illy or geldnig yawner Jobe Porter, (lee. Delo ; breed WS, 151 Made sues sad wader. J11.(2ar Bissett ; foal .1 1896 rinse gimes Dr. .1. 111 Whitely. dais Hiesett, Holm. Theaspees; peer seettelted her..., is 1. ems. J. C Johames, A. M. Polley . Biagio hems in earner. R Mcl.saa, 0. Jolusten ; male, any age, Th... 1:44444fry. Saddla horse, J. H. Whitely, II•Leas posy is middle, Wilms Brea 1 and 2ad; best lay video-, R. McLean'. W son Bees. • Lally riders and drivers. -Lady rider Miss May Rehm, Wilma tiros 1 driver, Wm Elliott, And Green Carmelo --Smitten, yearling. R. I Lear filly or veldt/hi. 3 years old, J. &LIMN ; brood mare, 2e4 Thos. Guadry foal of 1896, Hugh Garvin, Thee. Gueolry pair statehood carriers horses, A. M•hl ureh k l'o. : steel, marriage horse, ('. E. Mama i:dward Mums : female, .ay age, Edward Shaw. i;mieral Purpose.-- lireed tsars, W. Potter, sand thasett, :hlty .r gelding, rows old, S. &nett, W. W. Fisher ; yea ling. illy or gelding, Aud. Greet', S. Item food of 1895, S. Biel41114 And 1: reels matched team. Jos O. Henry, W J. Miller Agricultural -limed users. Hugh Cl bolo, A. Curzon ; filly or gelding, 2 year old, Hugh Chisholm,Salkeld J. W, ; year ling, Hugh Chisholm' ; foal of 1896, Hug (hi.holm, Rota. Roan ; matched team,i harems, Huth Chisholm, W..1. ki I I Mr. Welk ing - Wale tog team to viragos, W. C. Potter, and. t :rose, Heavy Drought, Imported. -3t51lioa, 3 years old and upwards. James *..U, %V. L. Foremen & Son : breed mere sad foal of 1895. James Soell. Heavy Drameht,Casadies lired--Stallion, 3 years old, 111cHardy Brew,Joh. Yoe m ; hrood are with her foal by tier side, Coos Dale, Jemes Rsysolde ; filly or gelding, 2 ye -we elii,Gite. Dale, John F.. Dole; soldier or 'amenity', Ceo. Dole, John F. Delo ; foe! eel 1895, Jame. Reynolds. (.00. Dale ; pat heavy elreught horees...lwass Rey Rohm, W. Wass & See ; female, sat 0(5, ohm F. 14..le ..ATTLI. Durham (thoroughbred). --Roll, 3 !wary. Jae. Snell. Robt. Roan; hell, 2 Tears obi, Jas Tata, Hugh Girvin ; bull self, wieder 1 year, Jas. Spell. J. W. 44511.44 ; bull. of my ego. Jea. Swell : mow 15 calf riving Elia. Jae. Tsbb, Joe Snell ; Jas. Snell took let for heifer 1 year old and fessel• of say age and lot and 2od for hoofer calf. Hereford. -Alt the prizes in this rime were taken by m. Holston.. -AU the mitosis this class were take. by Mrs. H. Y •ttrill. Polled .441(115 01 Aberdeen. -Hull, 3 years old, John Asdrewe ; bull, 1 year old, *. F. Young ; bull calf. seder 1 year. Jobs Vibr- am ; hest bull of my age, John Andrews. John Varem took the remaining prizes in this class. Jersey. -MI the pri/es in this elms were takes by Ander. Dryedale and .1 T Aitken. Gnide Cettle.-Cow vying milk or is oalf, J41. Clark. J. %V. Selkeld. H. C.r wen boast, 2 Years old, J. W. Selkold. Rola. BOLO ; bonier, 1 year old, 1 and 2, R. Bean, J. W. Salkoild ; hater .541, under 1 year, J. W. Salkeld. H. Comes, .lehe Vor cos; 2 year-old steer, John Clark. Hugh Garvin yearling steer, let sad 244, J. W. lalkeld steer calf. let ..d 3rd, J. W. Ara kold, 2.4, Reid. Keen ; Met female. may age, .1. W. Melkeld : beet herd, J. M. Sal. kali. Rebt. $en. Fat Gatti,. -Fat ex or steer. Andrews Brea., Hugh Uterus ; fat cow .r Mer it, Jas. Swill, W. T. Mame,- er, T. es. .2 • Is by R• et ad; 4. 7 W. C. 2 r • nt s 14 J M21511. Citteweld-Ala prizes is this class were takes by Jim Porter. Losioestet-AU prises is this class were takes by Jos. Smell. Sommadowas--•11 prizes ia timeless were taken by Glen Brea isxfordshire lawns- All the first prime in this class were token by Jas Tabb, sed mooed prizes be C. Ttashineten. Any Ilreed-In this class e. M. Polley took all tbe first prizes for Dorset hors sheep, W. W. Fisher talus; emend for ram Lome anol paw of abseiling ewes Sbropshire IMwas -le this clam all the Bret prizes were taken by Jas. Cooper & Sea, except for pair of *we limbs, which was taken 11 G W. sturdy. John Salkeld took emend for ram 2 shears tad ram lead), Jae. Ceopor nand for shearline ram and pair of em Iambs, and 4:. W. Sturdy no nd to p.ir aged ewes sad enarliar owes. Fat Shosp--Rost fat sheep, Jac Soon, Jaa Taloa 01145, Improved Berkshire -•Il the prizes is this slam were takes by W. Me•Ilieter. Henry (7urwen mines ,..send for beer 2 years old, sad Wm. Asdrows secomil for sow of 1896. ila PendChisa--•11 the primes is this slats mire takes by W. W. Fisher sod W M,.- .1.14, except for eow littered in 1896, *lash was captured by W. T. Mersey. Tamwerthe In this clam W. W. Fisher took /rot for hoar anoll Dow of 1895. Improved Yorkshire Beer littered i• 1895, Robe. Rosa, Wee, •-inelair; sew, lit tend in 1895, Wm. MeAllieusr, John Salk old Named, any kied-Boar, 2 years old, Wilma Hem.; ever 1 year, 0. R. Wilson. W. W. Freer : boar of say age, 0. R. Wil loos : sew, over 1 year, Wilms Rem ; sow,of any age, Wilms Ins best pea of my breed, Wm. McAllister. ret'LTRY. Brehm's, light., H. 1.. Waimea Wm. Ir wis ; bralusaa, dark, Wm. Irwis ocarbins. buff, Gas. &nib ; cookiss, partridge, Jill Cook ; dorkina, silver grey. Win. Irwin : hamberge. speagelled, R McLean, Wm. ; haseheres, b'*ok and *hue, • 111. Crystal, Jas Munro ; elmk saanielli, while faced, 0. A. Whitely . Inborn, white. Wm. Irwin. Wm Haney ; kagbeires, hymn', single opus's, Gm. Mania, W.4, Rem ; hos dna. A. WbitM7, Wm. Irwin point, golden sad silver, Wm. Irwin ; plymostk rooks, Jes, Cosh, W.. Inns wpm dot's, Jos. Cook ; wvandottim whin, RC. Belabor, Freak Sale ; Ingshans, U. B. Cook, Wie. Irwin: andalsmass, mewlfo. A. Whitely : Glisorsee, Wm. Irian,*. Roden dinistoks, assand husk Halo gains. bleak breasted rad, a A. Wells, G. A. Whitely ; Id* 9. C. Lyme, JUL Peetleth waste ; gene, lisstans, tolasii• breasted r44, I( Melon. W. limn ; game beauties pile. R MeLeas, first aad soorind; benzanta disekwing. seitead, R M. bantams, as ~key. Jas. Mann : Folds \banns, R. C. Illslohn :red ears. W. Irwin, J. C. Lyon Isrhitys, browns, II enema, I. Malkoad, Jr. :s.... onheas, Wia Irwin, O. A. Whitely eons. toodoess, W. F. Yong: opona, 514.4, 0. IL Mhos, O. A. Mindy ; inn way other ~fan. Jain bawd dash% roses, sessmil, 1m Ian ; each. Store, •; 4141 *011 05 001 511 - pkVN, SEASON'S NOVELTIES In imported fahrift, unit' ue and pleasing in design, color and texto I 445R special attention 1, called to our SILK AND DIMS" 01901m d)tirsa-ruENTs , also, the unpiccedviited large stuck of litlITISH AND GERMAN NOVELTIES disMayed in thee* &pert- inent& These goods have h'en selected with great care anil repeasont t'itt very choicest creations. The collection is unquestionably the finest ever shown in Goderich. Inspection is invited by JAMES ROBINSON, corner of "guars awl Wein Street. Gedertch ducks, patio, W. Irwie, I. Selkold, duel., any variet‘, 47.i. Irwin. Steam mines fowls, A. taxation. Sprier Chicken--lirtmomilight. R. Mo - 1...o, HI I. %Vateen; Brehm... dark. Jos. ook : manes, bun', mooed, J Lyme : Hasohurom. mangled, J. (7. Lynn.; Hans. burg.. and white, second, %Vas. Ir , ghorce, whits, 'iVin, Heavy, Wm. 1 -win; leghorne, brown, giggle oomb. T. C. Nohool, W. A. Rose ; polish, whatocreeted, black, Wm. Irwin ; Plymouth rocks. Jas. Cook. .1 C. l.ross: ply Mouth rooks, white, Jos I 'poi,: wyoutdottee, 4, C. Lyme, Me. SIMI,: ',tem. -loom, white, eseoad. Frisk Hale; lentsitees, mooed, Jos wads le-isies. A. A lamely. Jos. Wlateili; mis• arrest, .1. C Lyons, Wm tastily; dooms' •Its. F. Hole: came, Wad. brimmed rod, Jus. (*ook.1' A Well.: ganae„ hrown breasted red. ( . A. Wells: game, pile, .1. 4.7 L04: Game, bsin11111141, black -breasteol, red aad tame, bantams, pile duckwine. R. MoLeas ; beaten., esabright rehire, J. C. Lyons red cape, J. C. Lyon.; turkeys, bream, W. G. Lamprey, John Asdrews ; mese, am either variety, John SeMeld ; dusk., Pekin, W. G. Lasepriy, J. C. Lys..; oluxits, my ether variety- Wm, Irwin, lens Andrew.; eolleetion rabbits, Geo. Meath oollitotton piens, S. McKay. 14. C. llolokor. 1611112111.46 Waimea, light or dark, J. 4'. Lyons, R. MoLon ; ecoshise, Jas. Ihitkeos, ir., J. C. Lyon logitorns, W. A. 4.. .4.,.. Pestlethwaite : ereisdottes, G. A. Whitely, J.C. Lysol' . games, C.A. Wells.first and amead; any variety, Jas. Munro. J. C Lyens. onoieLrORP 012 PAWS 7. HARBOR NOTES. Steam harm Indeed called here os Mea- de, for fuel os her way to the raver. Steam barge 7iII sad mann are ox• posted in with oargoes of wheat for the Rig Mill. The Cambria *0515 on Saturday, boiled up, and leaded 7, oars of Hour for toe None Shore. It is mid that • emaeminer coming with • serge of eats for the 1;.T. R. elevator,frees Chloe/to. The I 'tumbril' le emittine all the freight she e lm carry from thts port to the North Shore /4•12•trillI. The Lake Airington waa at Fort William, loading wheat for the Rig Mill here, MAI Tneeday. Sir. Cambria was in on 1 hursday en her way &owe, several ley. overdue on account of tee storms Sen. Senn same ,a es Toesdai forenoes with 335,000 feet of lumbar, from Titaisalos foe N. D. meet. It us resorted that the achr. •vox carry lumber from Theesalen here per the reasaieder of the The Bohr. Reisoleer started for Kiseardise but had to run back for sI.It., 44. Friday the Evolve towed her up. Two Hayfield fish boats were towed up be the Evelyn en Monday sight on amount the rough passage into Hayfield. Sehr. Kellam ran in hem last week for shelter, and es Thursday started es her way up the lake, but was forced to put MM. A member of boathmoes oo the river have been tette, deers. 11. N. Lewes towed bin grimed Mtn the bather. enrichment* rather rough weather os the passage. Harsor-asairtar Marlton sounded the niter at this mummies to this piers Monday, tied found over 15 foot narly all ewer, sy con for a small bar to ths aorta of the piers Tb. tugs will sot mostimmt /shin iamb looger, owisg to rho rough state ief the mother. The lees are havise • spell ashore every few day,aed scone of them, we hoer, are ettirtiag • dog Mow. The ashy. A. C. Maxwell, whooh wee see - cored by flapt. Rabb sad hie lieshost orew number of years age while is thereon to the meth of here, weld ashore .4ar she sutra...to Geese Ray, Lake Michiges,dur rag 4.11w.01. Seem. She ma drives es tar up cm the beach thee the men ended Neer& The velars. Dooms and Mary were run dews i• the St. Clair river by the steamer Foster, thrones a misunderstanding of IL MILL The Deem was sunk and tee Mary was throws cis her Imam ink The Inns is woll-kairin bore, baying carried nal to thislost 44.....,. The Mary was owseir:illarnia, and was oseemantod by Warden MeDosold, lobo sailed the Carter sad Mary R. Oordios @o00• years an. sad bad • carp Issabsratan's Gervais@ for the Oserrias Bee - Saran Otassver : The .11.. 4.,. Olympia salted hors at 10.15 Wedaseday smorniag sad lisek ea the sapeans wife, Mra Shepherd, and hind, Mn. T. A uso- brook, of Idorich. fassisrth Has : Mr. nod Mn Warms Tl..___ ban rotursed from Noir woddiag 104p 4. liness nil Cony Island, sad will be swinfortahly doinisiled in noir onsamo ea Onlarieh siresion the saurus of a low day& Ifeshannsibb Mts. Remy Massa In rad bar hies Go Nis fieb essesmin, I. RS., Aleatanfint Sortia, kw the nun of ow 114. 1,15 asislaina Shy aorellAwd Imo parshassfi from Mr. Oardoes Ifailior a few years itga se An Mr. Osman now yens Ns ben es elfish Im wee beam QUEEN VIC fORIA'S DOGS. The Royal 1.055215*12nuolaged es a neteelltler rise Tb.t Quees V.uteri• should be teed ot dogs to u..t surprisinv. 1. ts • trait soli,/ hea heloopid to most of the kings, ,iseites and online of i.reat Britain. Most or oar prodoemors on the thrums of Eegland mots emelt of J01,11,111111 •Oattl of them are betted 0 histem for tbeir love of thecan., , ram. Edward 11. leas • (*11.41*(*11.41*A fasoier. Hilary VIII was a great buto»f. ' You remember the affection' 3Il•r% •• 14r, had for a hateful little dog who died of grief (as the story goem after her thath •ad is there sot the King Cherie@ spasool, as a looting remembrasee of one of Keg I$4'. k iota • QUEse• Vistorist us se fend ot dogs as asi of her preki•••••onl were. 3b• sever tray els without two or three of hes favorite ni mah, sad when she was in Frame nos loss ago her collie woe the admiraties of all amateurs. Darnley II.. Mu milts, !or seamy veers been her greatest favorite : eed anyone knows the totalities:is, the faubfulness. the affoomoo of tee breed el:. set weeder. Dernlov II. is, of course, $ plow oif hie Op1903110. 14541100 Victoria it .ey. for Sao °ells* dor appears ia Sot JeureeJ el My Life in the Highlamis, where, under data of Sept. 14, 1873, she speaks of sito obedience of • specimee of this breed " He is the mason deg to mannand 1 ever eaii, she 00',i. in elect. TM liana is hie •lisee le the resat fee ily is her love for dogs. The Prince of Wales Pas • Sae tosori at Simdringhes. but be devotee hie tone --ler depuiy, of Ileum more to the growing of Weir 55: mile He is • tanteos prize taker at •oos try tairs with lase estate, etc Bat tam queue is faithful to bar den, nil Um Rom Park homed at Windsor us. both by cow tem and in fact, the "hist teasel of the k,higdoin Happy aro this doss that live at How Park The establishmeat there demo from 1841, the keeper is Rugh Brows, • sea of that bulimia Brews who was queen Vie tortes bedv servant for years Sack of tie red Mak villa, where Keeper &rows lives, stretch sixty ..eneele. In the metre is the " Queen,' 'etude,- where the dogs to toi frolic, and when often the Queen oases le mead a few hours with them. TM km ash' ere built enifornsly of red &ad blue Israelis, mid to the mad of a Ifreashime who lately visited them. have " • ink 1,010 015 ourritish. They aro large sad Wry, .0 45,, warmed is' the meter by hot-water pipes Each kensel has two doers, am upon a paved court., i• 'shish there are little chile sole of fresh, runlets( wat.1. the elan* upon Mom plots of greewiwaril, la the middle of mob of them piste is a Maim when the dogs ean take a bath. Not far elf is the rustic )ious,. closed by lattice work, when the Quotes, after her daily prommode with bar donkey sad her isepeetioe of the Lee sole. am see her favorites hulls moan be: Ail breeds aro to bit tend is On kneels .4 114. Queen Ames,/ bm dogs ars several Pomeranime, most of which were bought en rloretwe i• 1188. mid several of them prre winners. Om of those Ponswaniene, Gres, took all die p21715 15 her alma at the swam this in Agricultural Hall in 1891. Near these don ars to he fond two old peplum ors of HonmPark two liti le Italian beneds. Dainty mid Plimb•-in which the Yeesfl tabs@ groat inmost os aeonss of the lore when the Emperor Ifredorin 14.4 for that beset Clem by is • kennel, whieb is kept empty sad Looked : wherein' hie life, dwelt R an rekisen deg. The Queen was V1111 load of him, and did sot went another tiro to take his kensell. Amerdiag to the veracious Freedman before (tem.& Paul klegais, "limns art"" in the Frown journal, 1.111ustraties,ii here arena soma, winnower a cubism of the china wishes to make her • little gift. 81 le that of a 414. Thee. laird Money, rotors live trent Japes. hroeght Mir • iterioes ear of pop. The male Mons ransiso at Heats Park. sad be has 41. 5504 of Brainy. The Q.., bersoll, it nay 14.nun, moists op es sans' all the iloga Galeria township : Tu. illordss, Idea. Herald of tan week say.: Mr. sod Mn Harebell, sr., loft tor their ham *4801... vino, (nt., last Thereday, al•••• • vir) pleasant visit to their reining b Tb• Rey. M.0 Hanitsall accempanied ids paresis as far as Winans. #kk "K•wis oS orNic in the typographical printing Will MR be done in thin itatablishrent in an expeditious anal artislio manner and us:•‘X kve, Sot'' we.r% rto.som•ckb\e. we erased oar ors, sad soh .it MEM\ WIL flunks for psai by esstinnance of th, jiasismas. 00. 0: a flt 1 5. 1 en ft* T I 1 wh V . \el Tiv To wr 1 Cel the Too 1,u are 1.8 Sat the 4. of i she Ha to Loo Tio tbs 454 000 5. a cl der 1104 Ha die 001 11•• toe hr les 48* 814 de au 4. fa, 71 se PI st 4' 41 '1 41 it