HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-10-3, Page 88
Fancy Goods and China.
Great reductions in price, as we are
making room for holiday effects. ,
Away on book b dBe sure and buy S. R. Galllo a Hord." in paper, 50 C ente s new
Every lief. ' of School Requisites
always kept in stock
•111Nedt Tefepbenr t arhaaxe,
N E 11 \ 1) F '1. I i i•, 1 )1 :I,1► 1( "1, sons
ted three daughters. to all of whom
• the community extend deep sympathy in the
loss of • beloved husband and kind father.
. - He Viae • mag whit was much esteemed b,
FromourownCorre•pondenta. all with, wheat he we& aciva"ted, for tu-
tegruy'and uprightness of character, Its all
his dealings, his disposition Ming unobtru
sive and kind and gentle to all. He will be
much named in the family . ircle, and also
is the neighborhood It is about forty
tears Enos the d•••esed settled in the
County of Huron.
at.,•o.t, sept. 30.
UUNGANNON. yrs. Potter, of Porters Hill,wastheguest
Terri 1. Iar.resall.s Orr. nue 4 apart be
''.aad Ia)••bare 114e 414••..1 the
405517 epeels -III Ito prrN d
far the %lama&.
Nuri. a. 110 neral "el".'u """."1”8°.a Mrs. Thos. Tiehbourne ter several day
MK Tele tlleN•1. Is at the pace of J. te. ward,
J.P.. ooevyaaoer, to.. woo will race
dens for subscriptions. •dveruetag and J•b
work. and 1. •utherized to give receipts ter
"mounts paid ter the .ase
fri-i"N, 1/et. 1.
n. n
Niro, + W k;ehliu, of !Loire -
town, ted former!. of Dungannon, s vest- Tne scent teamreunv in I,eebu:a low
mg relance& aad mends a tisk, vteiutty
Discs r,•i,- Jiiarl" . The directors of Mute • 'umber of our residents t•kiag
wawansett Mutual Fire Insures•» Co., met a iia eojoym.nt•, all having • jovial time.
be Monday. Director ?Miley Anderson was Owls, to haying te help at • neighbor •
absent threshing, we were debarred from •needing
the teameennv.
S. Malcom.on sad 1.. Fraser, o' the 'Ir
calor town. wale in our forests l.tt week
shooting, eacwut•ring Ile, oard, which by
tlootne+. of foot ws. able to autdstance
their Winchester rifle, aim. Rut, perhaps.
the brat fall of sauw they may be out agsu
. to renew the chase.
hut former state o t 1 health
Int week.
Wm. Robertson, Tate landlord of the E:x-
ekaage, bat now • resident of Port Albert,
whore he hes gone tete the butchering busi-
ushnen by opening • shop there, was • trans'
sat visitor here on Saturday.
Autos H xi it After having two
week• visit to relauyes and fneads, !fin.R. Fairliaar• and family arrived home tiar-
a, lest weak.
lurituviNt:,--We are pleased t• be able
ti state that Robert Slu' sig, who has been
111,1s recovering and will soon be restored to
(lt. A,t t., rl. n The principal business es- Ser OSE Bi r T„ •,. -Several dsd s ago A.
tabttshnients in our v-illagelo.L quite•obb,, Meowed found one of hte sows'. she bosh
in coneeq'mace et the oru•ti.rutal .ad arts had calved, so he took it te the barn, Lut
u: eigna witch have been performed by the Vitt day let it back with the other cattle,
painter. Huth )lel•heroon. without the 'elf. sad at night, when bring-
ing home the cows, found her again with
I.ITTtv. IlITrts IiLuw+.,. Some time s calf, and now be is raising • pair of
recently Mrs. Met'aig had the misfortune t• twin calm.
Isi and hut her arm, whisk Jur wine time' �• l t,» Tile. 4N IAN. (tor popular
oatteed first Pam, It • are ple•w1 te stab townsman, Robert Kean was .mon( us the
that she s getting better ot the iulury other da with one ot hs Vine, helping at
A,i •,‘ A 1'i r t.i +.t: Ttti Chas. lar- a threshing with hie old neighbor, Mr To
•In, .r., lett on N eduesd.y of last week w bits, where he met several others. He in
tyke to the exhibition at "eatorth, and also termed them et lite intention to soon cross
to a tett old •cquantances in that station of the deep water with a lo..d of horses to his
count,. H• reports having had an enio., native land, England, where he wall see his
able tour. parents and other relatives after an absence
Set.► •r Hix,r.'. tin Saturday last.luits of nearly • quarter of century.
• number est farriers from all pouts m this! A 'tr.-4 Wts' .-last wee& furrows k
dtetra a passed through here with horses to . Stewari s threshing machine Winked its the
Lucknew for sale. Man, of the horses were northern part of the burg Owing to • eon
line specimens and Ioolod well. It is said slant head wind the work was hard and
that there Vile it large number ei1 equines of '.door,. The best record of wet L io 0515
extra value offered fur sale on that day. was at R quad s, where 800 bushels were
Ran 1' • ct Haut: On Friday last Mina fed by Wm. Stewart and Jos. Thomson to
Kitt, 11 o'onset. whit has been visiting her three sad • half hours. A. Quaid and .John
brother and sister m I .w, Mr. and Mrs .los Cumming Cuntniing carried it to the eranary, bus •
O 1 weer, left for her home at Detroit. She I short distance etc, and were kept busy.
is Iniad in her presses .f Dungannon aad its Want. of water was moat Tilt, SO4 alling •
ottveos, and as all mer visitors do, enjoyed I teak •lone the mill creak was rather • hard
boreal! se the young lady puts it - Iev.Iy. I job for the threshers. The wells at the
hotel gave out this mama. Amo.g the lotted
Bi.• an,. ('says Al i.,• ENT The many lucidest& during the weeks hard work w..
friends of Mrs. Wm. Malleitah, .r.,who has the Asthma of • hes is the heart •t • pea
bad • severe attack of infi.nimatore rhes• by win Jewel. is had bees band
m.tuai for some time. will be ple.e•d b then when dnwiag in the pee* four weeks
know that the venerable lady is recovering. ago. (toe of use threshers carried it to the
Smyth, who h.4 here took asd with the help et the esgueer d -
prostrate from inflammation of the
pleased 0
lase ■
we are pled to able to state, .., r•
UI S..ee'*ot FALL IStgluITIOM,-We
would reseectfully remind .11 .en•erned
that the tall exhibition at l)ungeanos,
which is to be hold in the usual place, me Tri+DAI. 0.1.
Thursy and Friday, 10th d lith October. Mr. sad Mn. W hales, from emirdStr.t-
weather end roads pertaining, ituog, entioipsbi ford have been visiting their daughter, Mrs.
to excel all former exhibitsesa held hen, all J".'Chi.holm.
of which wepronouao•d • great sumer.Alex Macaovu spent Faraday in Wisgham
tor further particulars, see bills. visiting his brother John, who resides
e t -in'. Brown Mallough, eon of Wm. then.
M.Ilough, d P., of Superior cit,, and A mg record in threshing was made Wd
forerly et Dungannos, s here on • visiting
lour to the homestead sa also to other rela-
tives, friends rod retsewmr former
tsss. A'., •long with hie host of filmed*.
were pleated to sae him look healthy sad
vigorous . as alai to learn that like most el
UST now there is a good deal of what we call " huutbug " adver-
tising -nothing in it, nothing to back it up, no facts and no
womanfigure& Now. if you're • wise wan or woman you'll buy just
where you can buy the cheapest. Every cent counts these hard
times, and only a fool will spend a dollar where ninety cents will
do the same duty. Below we publish a partial list, which will fairly
represent the way we sell goods :
36 -inch extra heavy Factory Cotton,
regular price 7c , for 5c.
x 4 Bleached Sheeting, twilled,
worth 40c., for 30c.
S x 4 Bleached Sheeting, twilled, for
44 -inch "circular Pillow Cotton, regu-
lar price 20c., for 15c.
25c. Cottonales for .'(k.
Tweeds, half wool and half cotton,
just the thing for boys' wear, at
2''c. a yd.
Men's Furnishings.
20 doz. Men', Braces at 1:k.,
W OKT ii WE' BLit
►:t boxes Men's Ties, in knots, bows
and four-in-hand, all new goods,,
Your choicefor 25c.
C3rloves and Hosiery.
10 doz. Ladies Cashmere Hose. the We carry the finest range of Child -
regular 25c. line for I8c. The ren', Hose in caahmere ribbed and
regular :'Oe. line in ribbed ladies' worsted ribbed and with double
sire fir 45c. knees, all sizes, extra value.
Very Special_
10 doz. Ladies' Hygeian Vests, all wool, sold everywhere at
our price is 62i cents.
(tents' lltnbrellan, one special line at
$1. With steel rod aad paragon
framework, $1.50.
cents .
And it does tell by the
accuracy of our
Dluber-Hamftden Iia/rhes
AND ALL 071121turrzs.
Sterling Silver Waist Seta, at Very Low
See our Cute Little Gun -Metal Watches.
liable ; the Price. 85.
ministered potions .t cold water, which
oe•bkd it to rejoin the ether poultry in the
haray•rd. The grain threshed gave . fair
rot■rte to the acre. -
The kind we :sell are Re -
.osja, alternate by narrows & ' tswart s
threshing machine .t E. N. Shaw's when
702 bushels ot mato were threshed in two
buns .ad thirty minutes, Joseph Thomsen
sad Wm. Stewart doing the teedleg. the
tall laird, Jog Mayweed an4 K. A. Shaw
our young Canadians abroad, he is succeed- `sippiai the gr ate the wee sot far away.
mg web is his new location. I A Pi. +T IicteT. The oma -+setter
NI',•. TA, C.1.1,•Tiill. As A. i1 lam held under the ,sapless .1 the L•sban
Bron, who had been collector of taxes dor ('bank Thursday *yams' last was • high!)
tug the pest mg years, in the maasipalitt .io.essfal g.tberug, th.re ►w.g a Imp at.
°I West tt •w•soeh, hes, swing to Pressure tend•nce and • good ume gmerally. • tine
supper was serval ,s the Su.d•y school
room, and the manner in which the ladies
did their quota towards making a summit in
this department did Mem the highest
orelit. Atter all had oatmeal themselves to
the falleat .:test at the tables, an d)ours
lest woo, had to the ohurch, where the fest
of reams and flew of soul was to be bad. Th.
ekdroh was tastefpliy desisted sad showed
evidence et considerable improvement n ap
pearw.o., beteg now • ►and•eme and well
maimed edifice. Roe. M. Mulkey. of t,ode-
rich, was called to the chair and performed
the duties of the ethos during the stemma*.
Addresses were gives by the following
heavy da44.e15 etc, were brought late re Rev A. He.dereca, of •stars, es "thrum
if militias to keep in the calorie aad as prestec las Faleaver • Its.. .1 W. Pries, of Nile,
ties trim the isckmsecv of the wether on "A Stases of Moseys Roe. A. Crew, e(
1•1•..rta 8cnna'i.r ('At.1.11' 11 is with l.sshun, no "Proper Aims' . sad 11. M 4HI.
deep regret that we have to ebr..icle the lieeddy, of 4;o41er4ch,epnkr hnsliy se gower-
d.oesee e1 George I'attoe who for a short al perpesea- The ddrrtsses were 'o'er
time was treebtsd with sellawss$tien of the .p.rssd by • .esker .1 Geo ..!esus,, fn -s
lungs. Medical aid was promptly used bei the Methodist choir, of Dile charsh, whish
ot domestic business, and not enjoying good
health, resigned the position sa •..•ewer
which he oto efliuieally filled. .Loh■ H.
Tesler, near St. Helm e, hsa been appestat
ed collector of taxes in West Wawanoeh for
111"`,, es •uoceeser te Sasdy. We helm he
will be as successful as his preciseweser
ui,s+ (ie' ,. On Sabbath and M"e-
dav we were visited with • cold wave Ming
ii,-ompanted h, nun, heti sad .now, quite
• 'lunatic chimp, the thermometer, es
Saturday and Sabbath 21.1 and 22ed n
g,ii..tared about 'AS degrees in the shade sad
.abh.th. With silent 20 dogmas lower, the
effect Mier that on Sabbath last. overcoats,
New fall Papers and Window Shades, prices low. School Sup-
plies, extra quality. Alpha Inks, best and largest 5c bottle sold-
H.B. Lead Pencils and others, 2 for 5c. Big value package -24
sheets good Note Paper and 25 Square Envelopes for 12c.
No. 6 and 7 good Business Envelopes for 8c. and 21 per 1000.
Extra fine note papers, per quire 10c. Blank Books, from 25c per
100 pages. New Tissue papers, crepe and plain. Nei/ goods in
purses, Fancy Goods, Dolls, Games, Toys, Pipes, at quick selling
prices. Silverware at cost price, to clear. Stamping done to
N. 1;. --Stock all new.
Nisi Cor . West Strait.
•A. Z_ W Eisi`_
te tea sow. He weesumhd .iter three or onstriliuted s•tenally M the entertainment
far deys mem es Tesed•y oho with. asd of the •edeeses A series of votosof Omsk,
was interred i• Deepness eSwetery ma
Friday last. Le remains were asserted
thither by a very large ceso•ares el .crow
mag relatives, free . and.q..t.t.neea R•
w aged 66 years. /be obseipsies were
solemnly pmfresd by Rev. Mr. Res, Kia
tail. Els left te smears his aserpeMed .ad
midge dspwrteiu • arrewiag wldew, two
to speaker*, char, ehamrsan, Iodise sad
ether promoters of the secessef.l patheri.r
breagh% the l evening to • clews
A ,soul was held Fnds y events, wh113 was
well attended .wd • program of Marius
glean The feature of the evader was the
seteetiee of an •awtissssr be sell off the pm.
whiles that were lett titer. Vial • ..mbr.f
New Fall
Having decided upon adopting the Cash
System, I will, for the next 60 days, offer my
entire stock of Hardware, etc., at greatly re-
duced prices for cash, part of which will be sold
at cost, and many articles for leas, to make
room for new goods coming in this Fall. At
the expiration of the 60 days, I intend to adopt
the Cash System, and my customers may then
depend upon getting any Goods in my line of
business at the lowest cash prices for which
they can be sold.
Thanking my customers and the public
generally for past patronage and soliciting a
continuance of the same, I remain,
Boot and Shoe
- Sale -
We have some lines that we
are determined to clear out
at prices that will do it.
Ladies' Dongola Button, hand -turned, 23 to 5, $3 to $1.75, for
Gents' Calf Balmorala, Goodyear welts, 6 and 61. 3.00. for
Misses' Dongols Button, 1.25, for
Misses' Polished Calf Button, 1.23, for
Gents' Tan Congress, 6, 8 and 9, r- 2.00, for
Gents' Tan Balinorals, 6, t; and 9,
$2.00 and 2.2 i, for
Gents' Tan Oxford Ties, is and 9, 1.25, for
Ladies' Tan Oxford Ties, 4} to 7, 81.00 and 1 25, for
Ladies' Cloth Slippers, .25. for
Ladies' Cloth Slippers, elastic front, .35, for
Misses Toe Slippers, $1.0() girl $1.25, for
Gents' fine Balmoral. and Congress, from 21.20 t.' :4 00.
MISS CAMERON, the Hamilton -Street Milliner, having
visited the wholesale (millinery centres of Canada, she has
been successful in procuring a complete stock of new shapes
and trimmings for the fall trade, including all the new
chenille effects, etc.
In returning thank, for past patronage, she invites
inspection of her stock.
well•Luown b•rhelors bought themselves
rich on the o•e.stee, and have tootheom
provender as their person for some days to
TriellAT, Oct 1.
Mss Isabel Duff was trainee is Breesel.
last week.
.1. J. Messer, of Hamilton, was in tows
last week
Ms. Scholia of Kiabsrn, is vteitinv Miss
Bella Ktsg.
Mr. aad Jibs. John Burgess spent Friday
is ktresssl.
Preparations ars being made ler • Harvest
Hone is the Methodist church.
Mise Lazne and Muss Jessie Robertson
took in the fair at aramels last Friday
Joh. (,•rdtner heal • neer Allied at the
first hue messier by the tate train Friday
Mr. I.ee, pilot evrapher, Iros I,tat oweI,
has hese taking • n.wber of residenw in
the vicinity lately.
Mies .1 Bellantyae. teacher is the Junior
department, .pest • maple of date at her
beam is Seaford lest weak.
Miss Jessie MacFarl•ee hes retora.d to
her home is Stratford, at*. .p•sdimg •
esupls et weeks visiting fttimsds a the
( has. Rutherford, of Klinbargh, of the
fires' of Retherferd A Kay, by •ppoi.twsua
Ileums merchant to bar Majesty t.... Vs
atria. to veins( hr father. Walter Rather
41.ibs itnmbr fres. Moorage attended the
funeral of Jia R.sde ass. .f
Mr. Hoedrasu frssely I1vd se tka
vale road near W Ingham, and was at ese
time 'clerk in Wm. Messer • store.
- 1.00
- 1.00
We have extra value in MEN'S and BOYS' LONG
BOOTS, that will be sold at prices that they cannot be
bought for from the manufacturers to day.
Agent for Slater Men's Shoes.
Cor. East Street and Square.
Jlns ser, silo. 30.
A Lantsnelangher has been an the sick
Mw 11. N ikon, from (*Innen, was hawk
lost Sunday.
Miss M. Palliest' hsa retained home to
speed the Winter.
Mies M. Leotenslangher was visiting in
l.ondee this weak.
Misses Abate sad Hattie Fergenoa ,pest
Si.turday and 1enday.
Mr. Thacker preached in the Methodist
I March Saaday •yestag.
.1. Lawson lett os Ther.day with a ear -
lead et horses for the (1141 ('oa.try.
J. P. (rows, r., took • carload el harass
for the (11d Country as far is Meetreal, bet
will set areas the water himself as this oc
MONDAY. Sept 30.
Girton Berms : fain ! -Keep year eye
e it (1n what ' why the het supper
that will be geese by the ladies of the
MN►odi•t oharch ht `thepaardtas es To.
day, ( /ember 11, 1896. • supper esenisttag
et different kind• of fowl .rad vegetables, in
oddities to the usual tea mealisg debasing'',
will be nerved frees 5 30 to a •'•leak. This
greed hae•l.et will be followed hy as otaal-
lees program se fellows • resses by
Rev. U. • R Poetised mid M 4. Fair-
bait.,Prab►terDeepens. iasl. of Deen•.. sad
Hoary Irvine, (a farmer passer) .rad Joseph
14, of O44.13. The et»elleas *eh .t
Xkfe MeaMdiw .here\ win embalms the
pre eedk by the re.diIMe of semi of Ire
Removal Sale.
In two weeks we move
to the new store, next to
Sturdy Bros.' grocery.
Only two weeks left to
reduce our stock to the de-
sired mark, and those two
weeks will be weeks noted
for bargains
We start Infant's Boot., size It. 10c
" Child's Boots, 4 to 7, at . 25c
Girl's Boots, n to 10, at . 47c
Misses' Boots, laced, 11 to 2 at . 65e
Ladies' Index Kid, button and tipped, 3 to 5, only . 89c
Men's Pegged Laced Boots, pebble top 21.10
Mens Genuine Kid Gaiter 1.20
These are only sample prises. We can save you mosey otuevery purchase'
• A good shoemaker wanted.
Hamilton St
wishes to announce that he has pur-
chased the Hamilton Street Bakery
frem John A -Green, and intends car-
rying on the Business in all its
branches in such a manner as will
give entire satisfaction to the people
of (loderich.
A Full Supply of
Confectionery, /to.,
will be kept constantly on hood,
•belonet medoel 04u51. lbw talaktr a
.piendll fleet for ldy. IMAM' aad
mithstie sates Ade imn.. 96 sad lb
east. He pales win be spared ie seiklen
M wake everybody webwe, happy pad
rpdttd, Premeds M he dwetd pert M
the ,achy SAW and the rent M repairing
Yes, it is Dry Weather
But it is going to
Have you
A Waterproof
An Umbrella?
if not, get one at the LRA IN('
Bents' Furnishing Store
0. IL. SWIM a 00.
•wase. tar the Parisian Iaaadv,
ammo eN mims iwybsilP aim .Mk 1e'
"Yes," sighed the n----- . ISI(
"It Via• my feat* that AM IMMO MOO
psopIe fell eat." .i
"Weyer ," rejilatd a
tie ..ih IMO
ter Test, loth • merry 101M0 wields le
"I lion
*. M r►
they h .w.__1k.