The Signal, 1895-10-3, Page 7THE SIGNAL: OODERICN, ONT., TFIPRFDAY. OCT. e, 1S&. Physicians ¢ggcfibe Scott's Emulsion of Cod -livor Oil and Hypuphor_ Cos because they find their pgpentg can tolerate it for a long time, as it dues not ' bet the stomach nor derana the digestion like the platin oil. Scott's Emulsion is as mush easier to digest than the plain oil as milk is easier to digest than butter. Besides;, the fish - fat taste is taken out of the oil, and it is almost palatable. The yy3y sickly children, emaciated, sna'mic and consumptive adults, gain tlesh on Scott's Emulsion as very remarkable,. paw'! N permesUd M moor • wk.alrlmi is g t Semi iallbrla`I. 5111. ad SI„ t ASP AMD OAIRI aL. Marshall UltMisg oetttwtes witli.m '•. N' a t nay's weal* h .t $(.O 046.000 IUky Gramma saes t) a ' ohms won 1125, ..,., a the It .rah . i .• . erten. F:i Led has developed a t.. a ter bah,. ,Ir.wm,g L. swop . t..u. Le !'.teem5 sed if Amin. ,.cargo W. (;able, the notelet, wee run done 1 y anent . hale titbit. out la b:•.: is gee otter trey. *. o•rtM iroct0e. of Verm••etha. just Iwo.,.. ! r.... ..t ., .. 11, h;.ad, pay art 11 ..I0 000 Thotsee V. R rn.e, 1.t' ct .t tf poli... et \.e Veils m y. hee dtc;del .., g.. t.. '.,ulh- C/sldot ors f ...year. Homy Wa•t.n.." h.* dew•led out w g5 irn,.t until April 15. 189b. and .,41 coers- fere be elite to till .11 Ieot ore date Tna •1e a le vu..rtrrw.t ..f 5.1 1.001110 Ms•'•' H 1 nary, hero ton law of the EStlts6 pili ul li'.. ir.. 1b. )'rise. el Wales has mot that h:. later, the Empree. Frederick, u cho devotees woman he has ever met. t'noch Tress. the B•Ittmon philasthro pet. though a eht-oeveo .urs old en luta gas lint *tail eejoy• escepuus.lts good het • h L t•! Nepter sod Elio ick, who just before the • at was B. if tee woowtsr •t Nash hit tau. has lu.. uelebrated h • wester 11'.1• nee. The wwe•onmw from 1•-ifenaptlls that time' tt hrteo. b Kiley, the poet, hes he • •we wldteted 111 • 111114 way to the bicycle h•he. Toe 4.eltast city gover inter recently vot- ed'.' *beet an ir.n bridge scenes the amber in that city. Tee proposal etruuture 4I cost io5.000. Ur. t.uuther, wbo has been at the bead of the Kr,t.eh mutoui.. t r m.. , .dent, retiree ea the lust ..f :.ext wooth enruto5D1 of age. Vertne; pu1s1ee1..to ha. Iteet tottunuoed Into the S*w,..t. i•t *pringbdli, and .111 b, tao..t In cenjoeetine with the old method of S,ait15e the thee. OF INTERF T TO WOMEN w'mt°' gr''' r'O''eke". • • feet hominy served with fruit, syrup et preserved fruit ; .egst•sle table. Tea K coffee, without •ream, mad hot. Very by DRESS JUGGLERY, .erne widen,marmalade or the bks. HIES PARENTS Hal ALMR$T til EN • 4lever Wewa who tossetv,e several les. hot ; ash or wt, poet ems. ►wta. • .ap.r.gte., (15555, both rtos w 60511117. 1 Th. esme51/es of Cha 1.1411 u • sumps. x . Stewed Lomat..., ..lad of lettuto, etm•tw5 . y5osues (bar *born wuu.au a 50015 a5ur1 or or uuormb is ; dew!► of Ira! *mall sup r•i.r •5e [Ia u9ATsl►, .Va1pT TO Ilay'aee loam satutactersiv, au.s,rdlsg to her lights of hi" esQva" aa•wrrar, !MI war T.a.NTu1R To n[ aid putty through all Nie vimsteas el " Will Yams"... kind enetgh to aiplw i dream, from • milieu gt11n sad c6o, ed wn ow." u rsrwrdecu51mt •• ask( Cho f uWhr Virtu • I .I l[[ -sue Trl r0 1 buDoa W •temperate wlocues •moo Cha p•Ueat whew she bed read 1t. I Tera or rs•t.Tu ASP iirsfTv. fl " l heerfslly, seed 161 duster. "Almost V,It Rv.iew. d.tuties displayed to the shops, Lb a mooch, ail the Ills that flesh is Mir 15 14 6115151•[ tram t6. Rto►Ibuoto, et (twinge t1•lt.irt•tteo6 Kut foe the weur.0 ' rte due to 151proper diet. Our shame 'id There sire very fee pe• plc, esr.ectally wbo 6.. • 11111. phooey to buy, • little tune 'len cerondera11ly during July and August .Meg Cho aerwulraruu of Ke.t C'ouun, 1 to scheme, Cud • y.it desire to make always l fro" that .f the Annie regret., ••d yet we j N. t , who do not kiwi" H H, tai sr51as, t1.' ' 4.50771,1.:L smart •a4 suitable •pews* 'store away heat producing food in • way f papular .gist for *gricul. utel ur.cbinery, of 56•;1 aha de that would wtosu6 the Eelumneue, 1 verily Mol.. River. A Res low repreaseteuvl was 1st. her draw fins an lwepir•tIne and lar believe. We eat moa es trwl> 15 we de u , is 01111•011161100 ..ith Mr %Csr.la.o 1.0.0140. • Maier eoruo*etowe w *loch to erect l)se.mb.r. 1651 Nie su6j ct of 1)'. 11 .Ihams 1'tnl (hoot), effective little varieties of toilet by ( " We take fate into our seatmms with per- ' 1'111a was toetdeatly t.uch.d upon Mr f. t K t ani,k end butter. Wartime said M was f t limber u A YOUNG GIRL'S TRIALS. " leaser (leer .o.e, eoaeumme or buff. 1• P •t1`._ 4..4.511 OW el eat. :.u.ug • go..1 black silk. 1'o begin with, the silk rows needs to be t.•de .f good insure or pmt de woe weave, •leo, toys the fame'. amthorry, 116, hyo tried amid prov..d this pl•5, it re lucre. linter .1 seventh oasts a yard. 16e .Lir' ought to he four mud three quater• ods viola mud tit tit. hlpsunu1ly, the11.wt cut absolutely plain, with soaves of reser. ooe but sot •ztr•vsgaot yolnme, the neck wmpiet5l with • high, still collar band and the skirt so fitted as to 6t up smoothly ever the beetue • bottom. With the tax yards of lining seeded and twelve yards eel three quarters of silk, such • pattern calls for, the cost of the ma. 'eruls ors he easily calculete.t, adding an ,tem of NI ;,4t for the we l chosen fiudrug• The ezpwse of dr.ammeli.g aught to be re. kneed by the personal skill of the pur chaser, plus the ad of r eeaustrs's a the house for two ur three days. Here, thee, u the "owe for theestat.lt.r eut.rtatunuote of the %tater, to be worn with • eta, k and girl', of clear pe.chakue velvet, end a beg front, •,.de of pleated black ch.ltou, spangled over with Nse green iridesee0t toads, .awed on by the wearer • n imble fingers. Just to • mnornl55 and out ..f pretty bits ..sed from old gowns amid honoet. can 4.e put together enough g,rdles, stock", frust., lappet' tad collar' to give the plain body all the needed decoration for general use. while the skirt calls for no or nament.tto. However, Awa •re planned three full metanr.rphoeee of toilet. wok the ls.:k talk 15 • foundation that will exalt its somber stmpttctt y 154.1. • variety of elegaoo., Caine • theater party, grand reeeptioo, tea .r wedding breakfast. For the afternoon tea change, mak. • high full stock of whit.mitts, Dien bay a pieo° of white, double width chiffon, me yard tad m bth luog. Tun) up a timer deep hem on the chiffon all abut, and her ring bogie It down firmly with split white floes. Just •love the herring buoi.g frill full en a narrow edging of cream Valeoeieo h es Iso6, cut ersotly to the centre et the Nome a hole large *sough to .hp the head t6reu•h, and let the soft fabric tail to at folds and palate from heck to Lase. about and ever the black silk under drew. Now, for the theatre party, the ttehu vim order, sad as the eh lion sewers rolled for one do.11ia and • hal: s worth of mode with n inety tats worth of lace, the fiche needs as much cream lode muslin as tow dollar and eighty sesta will buy, with seven yards of law .drug *ad a. of inserting, coercing to prettily tutted tmit.tleo brussels, four Huoperdtu.k era1 written a hew p1100 cal dollars and iffy maw 'Ilse white *tem lr.t ' fhe Krug'• Sus," in which two Duly of ■tock should show lace asd muslin points the cnaautere stow, the others epe•rieg under the chic* 4 a the breast, the front laps of the N••hu need to be ca.gbt up 11th • cluster .f loose talk, variegated roes' or p.pptea. SOL. tome. In rainbow I,ke Dote of eel low, re.e .od green. come. double width at ons doller and • fraction • serif. io yellow or trees over black, asking no no other trimming than its owe cloudy, shimmer's' folds, we thiclosss t•*kat anti loose waist ever the block silk gown tram poses a costume worthy of all admiration. The lighter and more airy the fold, the more satisfying the result in beauty, for everywhere it flies out, to show the clean line. of black Disk sod body beneath, and lend. • d.hcious ywt8fu, *race sad slender nem to the wearer's figure. THAT LONG-WAISVEDEFFECT- their part. 10 5160) European countries the pewees, has been .dop'ed of pl.atog out hod frost trees in pl•.0 of o1er.r) shade trees along eke bivhw•ys. The' take of Marlborough will sot return co F:,gleed at ?.meat, fate runt to thin cous- Iry tn:0.f unit' a 6ret outgo u a lours., round the sorb'. • '.uenne.. d Compass), the fanwu. London brewers, atter p..)tog .11 tele, sod . divtd- deed of 16 per cent nave $/4.'10,000 i ft as tl:e profit. of the year. It1.neu%, the Freachmao who became famous es **emir been sural of prrels114 at Lourdes, turned out to be • fraud. He wash t 1.arati zed at all. Mr. I 'harden leukin., of Loe Angles,Cal , has dueoyored that. she Ie a direct deemed - est of the lam I.,rd Alarm, of Ireland, .d se heir to his fortune of 180,000 WO A Vermont man haa an ear of corn grew mg up ea his farm that u • wmhenatoo of nine single ears grown together as ooe. It has tweoty six.kornel. 1n the clrcumfere0ce at ata boos. says • writer to Vorue, to no's how the Lord Hobert' of Kandahar is to hare • Ineg-waisted effect, i• which the French ez- brus monument is l'6lcotta wntle be u yet oil, was obtained. Of sours', the int fit, •Ito., Eleven old fmhe•.ned bras' mue,l.. tug 1115 eel the silk lining. After it was lo..lm, cannon have just been rent to India all lifted, exoept t.. top of the dart seams. for • he statue. the shoulder etre were cut apparently tour i Attorney General Hansel has e.eued or 6.e inches too wade. The litter then his farewell address t0 the IMmocratec party took out the pus which held the Yams and began to pall the wast down 15 hard 15 she oertld pull until there was little mere tens enough left on the shoulders to take the proper seams. The reverse process is fol- lowed smoog the American dressmakers, They pull everyth•og up, end eense.4osatly flatten the bust sea get not nabs- short - waisted effect, but the seams menet curve as well to fit the Agars. This is a mistake. HOT WEATHER DIET. flirter elide by whkk the rarlelam T.tl.r Predsrs, II- A friend tel .• me that she was greatly in- terested the other day while being fitted all see of the smartest dressmaking establish menta In Parts and by their best fitter. tee. to I'en..ylvenie He prop'uee to &h.odoe Polities entirely, become • reformer as( .t - tend strictly to 611 private business. The vast region celled Western Siberia forme les" than ooe-ifth of .11 S,beria, bet lora,.. two.thirds of the population awe - boring pearly 3,000.000 seals The Mikado of Japan has no mare flori- cultural little .0.ntr7 to r515D over. He t* the snverayu of 45,000.000 people, who live to 13,000 towns and villages If your eh 11 is putty, fr.tfal, troubled with gleadul.r.welh050, tafiamed eye*, or s.rta na the head. Mee stet body, a worse of Aver • Sarsaparilla se seeded to expel the uerotuleu5 humors from the Mood. The sooner yeti helps te gees this !medicine the better. HEART -BEATS. 7k. Beweo. Why the Heart wieners. hie pNaK Sad M oppressed. and Wow w n►n000 It The heart has a hard old time of 0t and within itself does not excite .0044) dis- ease.hmt it is very of ten called upon todis- plav the troubling symptoms of palpita- tion. A.tttering, labored breathing. op- presston, etc„ on account of diseased Kidneys offering increased resistance to She passage of the blood through their (.brave secretive structures, cans'g a moiled change in the blood unsuited to sourish the tissues and noxious to them. Th, minute arteries resist the passage of 16111 foul blood, remelting in the muscular walls of the arteries and the ventricle of the heart becoming partially paralysed. and tram this cause re -alts much of the so -railed httprt disease, which Is owing to wasting Kidneys not being able to per- form their functions. In order to relieve heart trouble remove the rase in the iCidseys with Chase's Kidney liver Pills. They relieve the blood of poiionons de- nt, it goes on its way a stream of 4ealth, relieving the heart and imparting strength to every ttssn4 of the body. Pis quuicea fer heart is in kly remove the! causiag cesil- hen- no matter whether it ettists on ac- count of disorder .f the kidney*. Itver +smack. or of nervosa* atllecdeS Bels �1all deaMsa. Price age. Ldws.a LI is Co . Teresa% The ...ter Tell. Joel wow Thin.. May re gab. .ala 1sspu.UUv. Th. dodder sauntered u, looking stiddse • isgly cool a her pale tiles sh•mbra) waist and her light weight blaek silk skin. She eyed the betted individual lying in muslin segltge ea the lounge with some dwppreval The heated t.di•idu.l grunted out a greet ieg. Maned as vigorously u she weld, Gook a drink of iced claret lemonade teem • glass pitcher .t her @lbw and thee wtbemelined the weather. Twe doctor listened with pro- feetie..l p.ateuoe. " What did you have for breakfast this mends( she dee med/4 Neatly, removing semptatioe i• the form of toed Ariake to a dietaries end eesttsg herself se the foot of ib. Image. Camila .sareely eat say breakfast,.' growled the web. perms, " i had • omien of amps ot coffee. a roll and seem alms and harem I Ilk. egg. Sad bso.s." •• rim, remarked the doctor i5 amino.' 51itral tone.. " Did yen have *ream wish year coffee Ven. of meow,- end the paneet who willed to b treated far beat. De you really wish s k cool, healthy awl emir a for tn. .mei of the rammer A the donor. IN de i prefer t be girding eiek mad Wend • Yeq may premed on the former „ssee.pties," rid the patient. " Very well,'. said the deet.., im.iss to weds • presertptt.ie When to was writ- es, .he heeded it s dm sadist, who reed " flruaktast fruit, plenty of it : whole whoa air graham bres4 without heeler, �,e, see amp wttb5.1 mesa'. Demonise o tad! er.nce cream, • strums t 5 It notes this, we force the stomach to do so their curative properuw, and to pieta) his touch work 1n summer as It does in winter optaion he rel.re.l the cur. of rue sister. until it rebels. Theo we oemplan of net Slum Jessie .% ar51a, eyed 15, wbo 6e sail having any eppntat., of bong fagged out, had hese "clarion wrest.. t t••• •, the grave by lir t1'tllii,,,u 1'.-.k I'.II. Stirs 'Nee Dias hal been .nffrnug for to 11, • year with troubles lncid.o' to gillhood. She suffered from •eve►• •11.1 almost 1amitat 6e5dawhe., dlza.Iueea, heart palpitation, and 1115 ppll.nd blo.d'e.., said eveltu•ll• 41.• came w 'soak and enae..te4 that her parents th•nght riot •he wee In commune and Nelly we vette down with dyep.psta. New, the way to keep owl is to eat eteol.eg feeds that doesn't meso mid food. ob- terve and to rive the .towtaeh as easy • oma 15 poeatblt. The lel work tt hes to do the coulee the body will be. Fruit and troth vegetables are laxatives. It plenty of them aro estop they will give .utlicseat nourishment. (:old drink• ars • delimitate hen, mod had all but ¢;vers up hop. of 11.r and • mere. They end. the aotenor of the recovery. Her tether. Riches -di Warman, stomach. The surrounding air seems hotter who u a well to do farmer. stared no ex by coati..et and perspiration u cheokedi pease to procure relief for the pour sufferer. Moderate perspiration se tee of the greatest aide te cosine's. Now, will you try ms prescerpIioo For • fortnight, .greed the heated in dieutu.I. (� " That will meas ell the summer," said ' the doctor, cordially. " U.es tried tt u la- ws) s ws)s used. rt aladary .seta. In Jen. 1i°02. my Sun was taken with k%duey disease. Though attended by three physician awl change of climate he grew w"ase and by ''43 he had fallen from I9 Hie. to 731h a. In ten days from starting t.. use Dr. Chases Kidney - Liver Pili ati were able to move him home. In 4 months he gained 50 the. and was tally restored to health by the lige of this medicine. 4fn0. S. Hastings, .':t Si. Paul St., Montreal. QUEEN VICTORIA'S SURNAME The sales le Mee of t4. Soliceii.4 Well end Weigle. The 17th of Aegast was the one hundred end ninth anniversary et the birth of VIC- Sona, pri0eeam of Saxon -Saalfeld C.bsrg.tse mother ot the present Queen of Gent $rig• Stn and inline and Empress et India. For It is her mother whose mime was gives to the least, who, os May 24th, 1519, made her •ppeerasw at Kaman/toe Palace, 15 the only child of Edward, lube of Leat, and fourth non of King Caere* IIi , afterwards to be Lsown as Queen Victoria of England. Her father dying in 1820, sad neither Kasg t:osree IV. nor his two other brothers, the Dukes ot York and Cleren01, havtag set, movie; legitimate tame, the laughter of Louisa Victoria event uUy becaneh.trpre 'empties t0 the throne. A. to quem Victoria • maiden name that is, the name shit derived from her father's family -she is h member of the old hones of the Guelphs, or Wells, famous in German history swot the days of Charlemagne. Louie the Pious, his Cas, thee Emperor of ler1'•s7, merrier' Judith, the beautiful daughter .f Welt I., son of Count lees bread. From Welt, who died in 824 -that et to 157 oily tea year. after Karl the (;rest --descends the Klee" of Upper Burgundy and the (;err..s lies of the Guelphs, to which the Hanover sue, that meoeeded te the English crown in 1714, belong.. Thus I, u..& Victoria before her marriage was, In (.510craue parlaaoe, • Mies W.If. Like ber own daughter. Empress Vu.toria, the dowager widow of Fredenek of Ger amity, the present Emperor's father, mere thea one .f the princesses of the Guelph family have worn the imperial purple ; but only one male .nemt..r of the le.g lice was an !Emperor, namely, the see of Henry the Lion, ))oke of Saxony and Havarti'. Otto IV , who was ruler of the German Re.un empire from 1206 to 1215. His mother was Mathilde, the daugktr of King Henry I1., of Farland. When queen Vioter m, in 1840, married Prince Albert of .axe Coburg -Gotha, she took, of eosin's. kis enru•m.. The family name of the Prince Cowart, Albert for miners he used to be called as the hasbeed .1 the Eogliuh Queen, was Pretties This ie the genenlogicai designation et all the Saxes princely linos While the members of the impend hone. et Germany go by the we of Hohenzollern, the Auetrion dynasty by that of Hapsburg. sad the Reverent ruler' .re knewn to Wittel.becber, every line of the reigning families. as *ell se the medis- Died petty prince. of German, has it' pe• caller citizen surname, a5 it were, meetly inherited from the tomes of yon, when the (;erm.n freeholder politically was the equal of the mightiest 0.55.1. The Wetting, as old line et German demists, were called after Wase., ewe of their ancestral estate. in *axesy. Dietrich I , Thuri.rian. i5 the fonder of the line. He fell, is 982, is • battle a5aiset the Sera mete at Ras.eetelle, l'•lakria Hely, seder &ripener Otto ii All the various prineele linen of Saxes dy seem trace back their des cent to this brava warner, the first of the Mettles known In history. Like her mother. Louisa Victoria of Saxes ].•lAeld- (;ohere, was Quote Vieteriie 005.0,0. a wows. Without her crown mad 1005004(11- ty the Empress d fella would b simply " Mr.. Whine.- -Baltimore Sea. Pr - It Pewees Ilyery4.edv. OS really believe the baby favors you,' she fetme ve••t,4.4 to my. "She deem, •everted her father. with ear ..haw ""he tea •-n the whale 1.r. ,' , I..r that 'altar, wen • 'optima .ole •vers aeries." A Picture or Health land .1. *, .t : The beet available medical 'vince was em- ployed, but no rel•ef came, and although the pares?. were almost in despt'r they still strove to find the means of restoring their loved one to health. Mr WWmrmw, like everybody elle who reads tt'e newspapers, hid revel of the mann marvellous cures of. Meted by th. use of lir N' Pismo' Ptak hu. 1 4e ...me others, looked upon these stories. ea "mere patent medicine ad- eertt'meDu. ' Hewer►., ad "e"eythtgie else had failed he determined that t'tok Pills should be given a trial, with • result ao 4005 51.rt.4tous than that et mans other oases related through the press Ur. Wil- liams* i'iok Pills havecompletely cured the Young lady, se that in • f.•0 months, from • helpless sod enpp...edie dv tog girl, she has become • picture of health and activity. The Warmss family is .o well known in 16:s Dart of the country that no one would think of disputing Dov .t.tement .i&d. by any of it. members. H H. Warman, os ac- count of his business as salesman for agricul- tural 01.chtoery, u perwn.l'y a^ttnalnted with nearly everybody in the court's. and we feel immured that any es 11uir1ee made of him concerning the st.temeut• made above will ire readily soewered. The gratifying result. followin.; the see of I)r. Williams' Pink rills, in the tame of Miss Warman, prove that they are unequal- ed as a blood builder and nerve tonic. la the case of yeuor role who are pale or sallow, listless, troubled with it fluttering .r palpitation of fhe heart, weak and easily tired, no time Ghoul f he 10.1 In taking • mums of Dr. tt illiams' )'ink fills, which will speedily enrich the blood end bring • rosy Blew of health to the cheek.. They am a e pecifis for troubles peculiar to females. each as sappreastoos, irregularities, hod all forms of weakness. lo men they effect a radical cure in .I4 cases arising item mental worry, overwork, or excesses of whatever n ature. Dr. Wdliages Pink Pelle are manufacrur e d by the 1)r. Wiilienis Medicine Brockville, Ont., and Schenectady N. V., and .re sold in boxes (sever in loom form by the dorm or huedr.d i at 50 cents a bet, .r six boxes for 81,50 and may be had of all elrugrut• or direct h% mal from 1 Ir Wit. llama' Mediates Company at either address. The windmill, which is so conspicuous in Dosch and Belem sooner), is hk.ly 40 be seen in India. it is propomd to drain the usheslth) Hata around Roesb.y M means of windmill pump. na the system of Inw soon tries. Sir Edwin Arnold's niter*, who hu been in jail for some time at Bombay. .n the ee•rgs of morderiog her husband, District Superintendent of Police Lester, has just been emended to ten years' peal ssr,i ode. !Seams ad Ankles taw. For years I have been • great Sufferer from deity skin triable and mit rheum. My hands and ankles are literally raw. The first application of Dr. Chaee'. Oint- ment allayed the burning, itohi.g sen- sation. One box and s half entire) tared me. It is sin instant relief far chi - Mune UUeslryA. Parameter, let Cather ines,Oat. A lames@ filter ►Semi it the RamOanss Mane Rb vee Amelto, who killed with her ewe heads she fear Mas wheee Nese she ievsrlably wean &renal her seek. Sloes she revert •.sok as his Ide the babas premier, Beigeer ('rear, wears msec. his Mars • light bet .olid seat of mal el weal, et doable thiekese5 ever his heart. • k.vweeat. great -grandma .t the C.set- Ls5 4'HeedalK. whom R00ese00 dmire4 and sank famous, was arrested Sad .sat M jail 1. Paris rems.tly f.r MeaHy • welsh. "Vet arms, mesas 1 wee troubled with • psseiat•.t Mme as lsy bs5d which pm tui .s sikS.Ns ans.y.ses, mill it crew!!( any am really or mai MC yer7 y Mvi.gwa ls M to tr7 •Tr 6 lialr Tiger. imd maws broiled sass, -"g-» w • limb ref lass? ems b.Nla, the hams wins bdad. e - esreker+ rises aA�10es�1fit.Tula. 1a the system. strains, 1r loop .d peepers@ • way Ir poeumonu, Mos times coneumptioa PYNY -PECTORAL positively cure' cough. tad meth is • surprisingly short urea 11't a tram t10 amulet', tend sod Una 660th. Ing and brains le ttl s...46a LARGE BOTTLE, ONLY 25 CENT. 35CAS11 PRIZgS-35 1st prize, $25, 2nd, 515. 3rd, IVO . 4th, 55 . 5th, $2 , 10 prizes of $1 each , 20 prizes ot b0c. each. The Proprietors of its �lada'� Loylon S- offer to school chtloten the above A prize., competition open nni.I 1st of May, for the best pcem or rhyme, the initial letter of the lines reading downwards to com- pose the words-- "- ISalada'CP�tlooTeis 1 0 The poem is expected to be the result of the child's own thought, the name, age, address and school to he appeeded to each proem, aiso • card out of • package of 113alada t' Ceylon Tea. --% STURDY BROS., BROS., 4150 5:Ma, Th. Kamare, a ederkb. 'Tmlpboe connection. (loderich, March 13th, 18iib. H.n,vrr,l Forums Co. Gentlemen, -The No. 9 Howard Furnace put in for me last Summer by Mears. J. H. Woreell k Co. ham given good matisfaction and kept the house comfortable and at an even tem- perature during a winter of excep- tional severity. 4 )ne advantage is the ease with which it is regulated, bet in my estimation that in which it chiefly shows its superiority, u the entire absence d gas or dant in the hots., which has been no much com- plained of in Furnaces of inferior con struction. 1 *6.11 certatnly morn mend the Howard to those iontem pleting purchasing a Furnace. Yours truly, DAI1IRL J. NArraL. 1f yes think d baviag a Femme p.4 is, call mad see ea mad ere will be please te glue wee ea ostiuta/4. J. H. WORSELL, FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOK'S ®EST FRIEND LAIIGCSTSAL[IN CANADA GODERJOH STEAM BOILER WORKS. .. Open : 1I14 scud ked. tlbsVa. wedslts lM4 li•Mnnew sll+,aal, A. S. CHRYSTAL, Sreoeseorto CAryata& et Black.! .u.nufacturer of all kind. of BOILERS, Smoke Stacks, Salt Pans, Sheet Iron Works, etc., etc., And Dealer to- I;ngines, Machinery (fisting', kc. All sire. of Pipes and ripe Fittings, Steam and Water Gamma. (:lobe Valves, Cheek Vtlye., iwepintors, Ejectors and la - jesters Constantly on Hand at Lowest Prima. The Signal A special lin. of Steel Water and Hog Troughs for tee of farmers and others. Repairing promptly attended to. A. 5. CESYSTA.L. 1tie1 ly P. O. Box 37. Oodertch, amt. Work. Om ile G. T. R. station. Oodert.k Ileas May' ATENTS TRACK_ A pppp�, �rtSssl�e tea t �resOOP VCC74 *, .e., %UNI r idr, 111 en torrent' for �r.�ati ;Mtn. int. Y0.r' �•f.r.I taker Ser a'rM'patientsomttat E.re.e Ise r.btb by • 0nr Ih glvn I,0,' of a1Wge m tb ,cirntiiic American largest eirematlee. M any artentese per In the . ,.rid. 51p1•0511.11551p1•0511.115••1i.t!y 1110•150144.r,Ma4. ewer Jen WIC si•t. .'ow*d r.• without n. W 1 ..• • more ca'1..1..04.2 611e01.00 M tie Jul. Pr 10(11,1 /+•• a, ,.. u l..oh art WNW - parted out.: d. • b. . r . •.11 fir. 11111501116 e0' i.eeper a...utt.n of ell newer, 01 proximo .1 to t U...l 01 11.15 • mouses. •test may suggest stoo.iating, you my be in teed of, .wd in .u. -h ender we a,h- ctt your pat noway, feellag w•otideat that our efforts to please is I 5.ect with r�the ammo. al al our pat (14641 ►U11'l1L %‘•U* Thi. LL•rgl.: ,115. is kept iu the full ranie of trite'', ire .awe• as letter hes 11. AV h +:•- l4etlhl0ir‘catkee ere not .o p.rtrr..;ly urea, they 111 aft important purer in commercial corr1lep.nillerice. :ate what weirs got under the above needs. I,4t ter ‘(t Uas PATENTS ! In this lit.« we havb a very large stocu ..t brio writiLg papers suit able for every clam of bu*iuetea represented iu thus locality, cwt prising lam anti wove, linens, gttstlrillc and tither papers, ruled or mauled, sa may Le required. 1f the "pay -a, -you -go plan was the order of the dry the .demand for account paper w,•uid Out be so great ; Lut there are some risen who get .o niftily 0.ut•ners that tory wonder if the .hock well ever run out We dont intend it to, and at present our •tock is com plete in this line with four siap. (load paper and neat ruling. ihaleme t�ttA Both single and double dollars and cents columns. They tome cheaper !hail hill howls, and are the proper thing to sen.( after a delinquent once a month. They are sure to fetch him 'ruuud- sometiwe. Now, it would be hard to eM along without envelop�es, and to keep up with the demand for thein we keep • large stock on hand. We have now about a hundred thousand in tio.'k, and the prigs will range from 75c. to $2.00 per M. We handle coat mercial and legal sizes exclusivele. otintineretta� Z'r�s t'ttY, has already been partially ennm erased in some of the heads above. There is, however, a vast amour of work under this head that to enumerate would more than take up the entire space occupied by thin adv't, but we do it all at Tam SIGNAL. T,Av:Ui\ %ons to an "At Home or a wedding require considerable taste in .eleo tion sowetimew, but we make it an easy matter by keeping in • tock the very /latest and best samples to be had. Call and tee 4 rosy ram% of entertainments and meeting promptly turned out, from the plain but neat to the most elegant with cord and pencil attached. C •r C.M.'ae tb We aim to excel in all the differ; tint kinds of work we turn out, hut especially in this, and keep in stock plain and fancy papers suitable for all requtrementa. Ciu' anti. T'sekets This head covers a large range of work, from a (,read or milk ticket to a neat calling card, iron an or- dinary admiasion ticket to a tasty business card or a handsomely printed membership ticket. Oi*tte* Our facilities for turning out this class of work are evidenced by the fact that the great bulk of it is done by us. This line also in eludes C*tllATt. TUNE MKS fl15 COPRMINTS °Maimed, mad all beet la the U. E. Patent 0�eo astesded to at H�IRRA TR FRAIL Our !!dies Is opvomtte the U. R. Pete., Ou floe, and 1111 w ■ Panels la toms Mee has threes -emit. teem W 1fH11t'OTUN. Seed NODRL ORtabilit�DRA�pWINO shame a .4- we ake NO 08y4DGI UNLACE," 1. of ranhe the Pontseessor it,'SPPAriiivT. rotorer,pl re�1e of d Pttmt oAsre. carer 0k11Lamt, aA Immfl sa/ releressem te angel dams Is sees ev>• .,Oeesty- write te c • anew Opeeel4s-Patwt 1 sil.gtrem D C. which our three fast -running job presses Are able to turn out in surprisingly short ties•. &.t W \\s belong to the poster department also, and we make a specialty of them -promptness being oar aim in this respect. A notice of sale will appear in Tau MIOW•L free of charge when bills for same see got here. l•kk Wvnd►s oS W orb in the typographical prirstang line can be done in this establishment in an expeditions and artistic) manner and Our 1. t.ets v.:1.\ fat Sowoo, retry ressonobke. Wsextsisd our thanks for past fay ors, and solicit a o onttnuanee d the mina. T Wt. 8A CCK#L•, assume', Uwe