HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-10-3, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODEBIOH, ONT., •TH(IRSDAY, Ot,T. A. 1885.
We open This Wee the balance of our purchases
of Dry Goods for Fall and Winter.
We show the largest stock of Handsome Novelties in
Dress Goods of every d'3scription ever brought into
Ladies' and Children's Mantles and Capes, our own
direct importations, 50 Ftyies in New Garments.
First season in Fur Capes and Coats. Everything
Inspection Invited.
a:01DRRIC73, ONT.
l o ertekiwg Department In cltartn
of oar lir J. R. rleeigrove. practi
oat fuser& Director and Embalm
er t ails preessely attended is
■ igbt .r day.
HAMILTON. At Reflrta. on Sunday t➢th
Sept . the wife of W. 1'. Homo Imo. Q.(' of
a ism.
1'HlLLli':+ 1a Dunlop on the Seth of ' epi
itw3, :be wife of Wm. Phillips. of • churn
R0I11NOON In tioderieb. en tiaterday sept
701 the wife of Henry Robinson. ot a
daughter -
DICESON-i. pederteb. os o..turday Sept.
sih iw0. Jane lhirsechen. beloved wife of
the lets Jaynes trichina Registrar.
esstractiag parties being Mw N. Traaoeh,
daughter of Capt.. Freocu Trammel, for a
to time a resident of this awn. and
Mimes Hogan, of Worielee, 1 tai. At as
early hour a large .umber of admiring
friends were assembled la the church to
wittiest the matrimonial eeretneuv, which
was made grand by the singing of the
" Sacred Heart bi Mise M. Connor* sad
the playing of the wedding ..ane by Mn.
Loges. The bride and groom were assisted
by Miss F. Trauuch in the capacity of
bridesmstd and Jae. Berke, of Stratford, in
the espasity et groomsman. Afar the sen
mita the guests returned to the house of tie
bride. when • sumptuous breakfast was
partakes of, after which the happy eeuple
tusk their lepartues ea the 6:55 treat on •
hooey mufti trip whish t..1udes Detroit and
Chicago, amid storms of rice and good
wishes 1.0..0 were present from Klateil,
Ashfield, Montreal, tVoodales, Stratford,
Ktwret. and Buffalo. The preaemts were
costly and numerous. which testified to the
popul.ruy of the bride.
1 Lhely %eras.
Os Saturdai eve one of the meet bnlliant
store .cotes we have over witnessed toe:
Ifl�ost tits R.pOrtsr'. NO1AbOSk place at the R. R. Smith millinery sad
mantle messing. The windows were bud
seemly decorated with exclusive novelties
is the millinery and art world,aad although
suggestive of ability ..d good tate we. hut
• tithe to the lavish display throughout
the house, .ad in the milltosry dep.rtm..t
is psi -teeter. The beautiful appoiatm.ots
et etas of the beet -fitted stores West of Te-
rmite; the exquisite tea is its decors -
Limos: the two floors of millinery sod mulles
displayed ander a perfect glare of light and
1:4 la Batt. bind of HaxMott beau attraction. beauty; the gra.efulli windier stairway%
ad F. J. Vridam draws his custom by good leading to the upper showroom., reminding
work. best goods and right p•ioss,
one of the arcades of a great city ; the head
II res's* • trete is t: Tee Mesta. 1 rade
T. test N t • CbKI's Aesaag We
Takla' geese. nn' auk we'll
.ren 116.--Mras.
FINS TAlLORIN3- At close cess pnose
satire sati.faeuott assured. Jost arrived.
special It. In Spring •ted Sommer salting...
The Northwestern pair had the celebrated
'GOOD LYS SIO HT is a priceless treasure
n ine •o4 hudtomel
You who have got It should take oar* of it Y dressed visitors in
You wbo nave not got it should have your the aide, is the show-reeme sad leaning
ere* encoded to at once. We mage the p: e- over the banisters to the tint Italia
sod testg
serration of sight a specielt7.
lour eyes •cx urstely and ,ctewtificaily. W. above: the good ••turd jostle that had •1
T. WELSH. optician and Jeweller meet et weeeeuiti to Ise engaged in; tie gee
The 4rsaony wrrbestrs .roue expressions and it dully smiles as friend
Lovers of music to mu town will be met frteod : the quick witted sallies sod
pleased to leers that an extensive orchestra ju.t as quick repartee, made it a merry
hes been oreaaizd with the following otli'- throng. The there were those who were
can i'reeide.t, Mr. fluff ; secretary. Uses there on bootees* best and whose time was
Emma Acheron ; treasurer, Mr. Duthie ; limited to • few minutes. Then it was that
exeoutne committee, Mies Deengh, Mr. we stood ameted and woderd he♦ that
Smith. The o,chestra, numbering 16 Noe". head of the mailmen art could get so much
is under the able leadership of Frank to no abort a apace of time, and we lapsed
Smith, whose ability in that e•p•city s into • thoughtful interval. It same to us
well ksowo is i:den.b. The *rehear, is prematly, threogh reflection, and was nm
n ow oyes ter oesosrt s.gngemesm, etc. mod up in • word. "Cesfidenee.' What •
Amy isformation desired can be obtained ay pneelses thing it is in .11 ensiles of civilize-
commuucatisg with Secretary Mies Emm• tieo and is .It loess ot buds.... The R. R.
Athena. Smith do roods house looks like • perf..t
• anrrrsslsl t.sloe..a. organization. Then doss not appear to be
la Horeb last year the nhm ►eases of T. • doted in the busies.. that is not thnreugh
Fowler & ('o. was purchased by H. E. pot- ly mastered. and the members of the Irm
lock. Slate thet dab* tri growth s1 the may su1ely say that they stand in the bust -
busmen@ has been remarkable. When ems- emu ars„ where
e mcee Mr. Pollock made • number of Morn first kilned the hills.
radical changes He adopted the with- And breathed the pen of • fasts re
strictly Dash --system, est prices to the here deemed.
sad gave hie east...ere the best steel's the ♦rrNrnl..1the Weir.
market produced for tie a• sy, w today
the humans is over doable what it was est A mac named Roach, of Seaterth, who was
and ens -hall Wean age- Feats( his pm,- dri•tag • sully on the Agricultural Park,
est prrmiw net oosywiast, he u tnovisg Wednesday •ftsrnoos Game in wlltree with
oe Oct 15th to the large sew stere sett another v.biole, and bed his thtrh holly
fractured. Ths •oaid.st happened, it M said
Sturdy flees ' grGesey.
through no fault of the injured sass. He
Y,1111amaa k Hesesise was takes to his hoose i■ Neaforth on the
The following from Th. Petoskey Ind. atianwos terie.
pendant refers to a former well k.owe rest-,
dent of ('�lborn. sad God.rioh. S1 QttisW ( ♦ ('. uauprtvs Bespttal-
pilhsea w" well knows sed During the past week D. D. Wilma, the
well esteemed u the m/sties,'s ring attend well knew• proj.stor of the oons...ptive
ed the Celleri•te in town. taught .shoo) is sanitariums of Tercets and other'points.
Ns 9, bang the int tweeter, and was • has Ms. is "Uri" leaking lase N. ed
prise favorite, being • likeable young follow .•stages sf this town as • loestins for a
sed • good oweerwl „meta.Inas friasds la fuddles' i.atitstme of the hied nosed. le
this section will throw an •1d sapper .f ter has leaked ever the eligible aka, ad Ileo
him oet•pberio•Ily, for geed leek, bet it is os..• 10 the oosdtuies that • heepital is
too bad he west se far away to Yoke* land that line weld be b.adeselly lo.ssod.
for a wife when there were se essay Ilse T•001sy ..d W dsuslsy he was is
furls nsarsr ho..o, sad be • good l.ylid, ooMltoties with the local meds..l mes.•sd
•:o . �t. Qsistia H. WJlisc.. ssd Mi.. we understand arrangements haste beim
Treace He Kms... were ..armed last eves- wed. en fist Ir. R. J. Shsases will, at
tee at the residerce el the bride's father, J• ss early dab go to Toeew". end etumm.
F. Be lerasso, h Nis sky.Roy. L. W. the working et tasedissl ioetitstiess of
Je+.11 pwor..
led titw that he t sky with which Mr. Wilms r eease
oes.essq in the pre et -
ed, and report to hie eesfra.e end ethers
swine rel rhe reWives •si imam" 'Hawk.
"Ilene is well sad favorably known m laeeememl is the peeje*
ptteak•y. having nen heso ire while his; AUCTION SALES
mole, ik Williams wee hvty, and having
s..pieyd by the Rreekett Mardi/sr, All ethos gaga.. getting their min Mos prated at
0.a�. • "tit he reterwed to Ids hem. is (ass•- Bile w(0 hams h.. settee oesw
de (set c.sr Tho kriis M Ne of the mak 1s Odense so se the Unseal soles.
M161y .stee,sad yews( ladies is PMs•key. W en•lelev. 0e1. A -os lee 1, ens. d.
W Mr wink," eau he essrrst.isicd s. Anne' farm mak mid lemselm N.
hes food fortes. W. Nett. prep., Joh Kees, p
rip..-7tamsr.We ... I ...-sprsNs lave bees
♦ v'ry pretty .__t g teak 1te. TIN. uses Isr'Peen Um new sed r M !' %se -
d'1 ..esNw( Marti aura 11,4,0 fti Rara k es oa WIN a sew
r+sk. 1.,, RAW wet sakillea lite was ti li.Inater
Sew she same. ham stir ssd Whelan am
ees..frl fe..pNYesm Were.
The toersb anneal prase umber the
aweless .f the (;ederMb Collegiate Institute
wen bold is the AEr golisral Park os Sat
urday, Septi. 28th ./ 1:30 P. r. Although
the day was somewhat on tae raw ade then
was • large somber a sposealate, o.aay o
whom were of the wetter ..s.
The games throughout were well contest
•d sad afforded the operators an oppor-
tunity of observing that 'sestet ..olivary did
dal neeeee..rily retard physical culture. as
several of the best athletes were assess these
wbo had bees moot @scornf it to their
studies durtag the previous term.
Fulbwtag is the record of events and
Putting shot It Hamilton, R. Morton.
Runnnni1ns( high lump --R. Mertes.
100 yards dash, Justor F Shamuses, F.
100 verde dash easier -H. B. Geese
220 yards dash, juuor-F. Shanty.
220 yards dash, sorter -B. Rdieess, J.
Hop. sup and jump, lusior L Elhett.
lion, step and lump, soator- R. Merton,
I. Kilpat rbok.
440 yards race B. Robinson, t1 Hamilton.
Running bread jump, Junior L. F.11sott.
Fatigue race-Bobertees and Edwards
k: -Pupils (100 yard•( --Chas. Shannon,
W. Elliott.
Hurdle raw 1120 yards) --I'. H. Toa,
1. Kilpatrick.
Seek raw (25 yarded --W. Brydges.
t'owlatioa race 1220 _yards) -F. B
Holmes, A. Use.
3l.gted-raoe (tonna A and EI-C...pis.
and Hell, Rsberteoo sad Edwards
Relay rase, Model School vs (;.C.L-G.
C. I. wen by default.
Sp.nial-A. Cratgie, R Mc( •augban.
T111 .'Utlt11!N'1H&NT 1.1&.1..4Y
Monday, Oet. 30th, found • good steed -
moo at the A..embly Hall et the t ollegi•te
Inetitute to nee the commeooemest exer-
oisel. A peouliar and regretable feature of
the evening was the shames of every mem-
ber of the trustee board, with the exeptios
of Chairman Jenks, who, although be had
to be present at an important r eetina of the
Corbel, sod Skating Assoeiatioo, still found
time te be pretest at the Assembly Hall
during a pettier' of the evesiag• Then was
a recd program,nevertbelese, and the wards
of encouragement to the stidesta whteh
should hays fallen from the lips of the
trustees were net manna on the occasie,the
Owes on the platform being taken by Rev
.1. A Andersen, Rev. Father West, and
Dr, (Elegem, the well -knows educationist
std Iittonteur. In addition a the addressee
delivered, the fellowiag interesting num
bon were on the program : Prineipal a re
markt: °hero., Otte Club; recitation,
Mies Wionie Ball : permutation of diplomas
and oertiiwtes, the principal ; vocal nolo.
Mies Wtlkianes ; praaeutatins of prizes,
int ewtion ; iantrutneotal duet, Mrs. Loa
se and Mies Catspaaeus ; presentation of
prime. second section ; vocal dom. Mise..
Pridlisin and Cempaigne; instrumental solo,
Mies Emily Nattal. The chair was occupied
b} Pnccip•1 Steam is • highly effective and
satisfactory meaner.
The Wort .1 arrestingibe '.w Factory wow
I' neer way.
Another step forward hu been made by
l:odench, to the formation of the Header -
son Bicycle Co (Ltd 1 white was orgmmest
on Thursday .f last week. The company
will consist of Messrs. James Clark, James
Mackay, .lames McIntosh, (,eo. Asheeoo,
.lames Wilson. .1. T. t:arrow, and the prac-
tice' men, D. B. Hewderoos, .f Brentford,
whe is a w.Il.knowa manufacturer anti in-
vestor. and has been for too pant two
yeses .uoceasfully engage, io carrving on •
bicycle factory in the city of Rraatford.
The capital reek of the oe epmv has bees
fixed at 1100,000, the larger portion of
which has leen already ,ub.crib.d.
The Humilities fsotWM)- property on East
mt., immediately opposite the (,.d.rich
Organ Factory. has been purchased, and
Saturday last the sed was turned for the
immediate ereetiou of a new building 40180
feet, three stories high. The present buil-
dings will also be used in coanectios with
the carrying on of the business, which will
comprise the manufacture of bicycles, sulky
wheels, and other loess .t the trade. The
1:oderich wheel will be shed the " Common
Ste,.. and will he inferior to no madame
on the market.
sof of from 50 to 1110 ties will he ...-
plaid, and geese tea or fifteen married men
and a similar ■s.ber .f unmarried mon
will he brought to town •t noon as the
buildisn are sufficiently advnaced for skim
to work in. Mr. Hender.os, this massager
of the stew concern, hail every inducement
held out to him to ooatis.e the i.dustry is
Brantford, but after visiting l:od.rick, sad
seeing the prospects he deeeded so better
opesisg 'meted is Canada than in Hor.n's
emery town.
A number of saw legs have drifted ashore
sear b ere.
The steamer Kite, with the ,'eery Arctic
expedilles oe beard, arrived at St. Johw's,
Japan is te have four of her new war-
ships constructed to the 'lotted Stat.., as-
oerding to W. K. Cartia
The steamers Rebeminn and Cultivateur,
of the R. k 0. Line are ',treaded at tee
foot of the Long Silt Reptile.
The Anwie s@ hays kept the eep for the
half rater* on this Milo also, Rtbdwyen de
feared Sprees iV. three time out of bye
Owtsig to the rough weather es the lakes,
beam have begs wind -bound in nearly port,
but the Inst day or two tbe traffic has bees
C. 0. tem bus test the New York Yacht
*lab . challenge foe this As.srias Cup. His
relit will be designed by J. M. Soper, read
hsilt .t Sesthauapuis.
Is the single moll rues at Wts.ipeg nit
Sept. 48th, Haekett best Murphy, of
pestes, be two I..gtbs. As the rune was
for 1500, Baskets sa flaw s p•efesiossl,
The (:.radian look at the Nee ism great
sdvsstnre is the way of speed, for beam
that would otherwise hate to wait tier
tura la the Amerism leak utilise the Casa
dim leek, and all delay. Me deme away
The bigh Nights es the lake, are follies
est a rod rosy "ee Ile ships,. partieoiarly
est M (misers. This. tegctler wit& the
reset weather. largely se....ts for the
many dietistnu es Lake Mmbips the past
week K tie.
Looks Adverthe : J. H. Mites sad
Mi.. Mil!la Altos reset* .f Leedom West
arrived safely en the ets.snhip :awards
Cestle.esta Afries, eu Rept.
1I I, Isma let M pies , emk s. uA
Madeira. Mlm Mitts deeply regretted Nig
o hs tfmd sN elp55htmei the pressure of a
ahem et soh, nee seen when posy* tires"
tw rIIM s♦libp-tea log •l amp
The greatest value that has ever been seen in
Goderich, bought from ti. e two best manufacturers of
clothing in Canada, vi. Messrs. It R. /ohnston
Co., of Toronto, and The II: 1:. San%r(/ .Ilanufaclur-
ing Co., of Hamilton, (Oak Hall Good:). These two
times have the reputation of turning out the best goods
made, equal to custom tailoring, and al less than halt
the price.
Our Fall stock of general Dry Goods is NOW com-
plete. In Fall Underwear, Ws are offering several
lines al less Man present mill prices.
No trouble to show goods, ::'hether you purchase
or not.
'' 1th September, 1895. Jordan'. Block, Ootierich•
its said to be the skeleton of
a sub -marine animal, while
others class it u a vegetable
growth, but whichever it is
In grt ,t variety
In extra value.
Ail pr' •-e from le. to $1.
Carriage Sponges, good quality,
1.'r cents per oz.
We 1811 the attention of Hones and
Cattle men to our
a good strong tonic anti blcod-
for cute, sores, injuries.
Every man should keep it in the
stable. Quickest healer known.
Special attention to Horse and Cattle Medi-
fastest. II Stove pipe Varnish.
Fur capes, fur Jackets, at Robinson..
Next Friday night the Union Endeavor
meeting will be bold in Knox Church, to
which all ere invited.
Wesineedey • Toronto t;lose says :--
Roland *Vonleey, who, as the co, hall
•porter ..1 the Evening Telegram, showed
himself to he a newspaper rose if ability.
has wumed the wino' sal direction of tbo
Brum/els Hera' 1,
For a Ions time the t;.T. R, ha. takes
Amrsrieao silver at par, bat the errata have
bees ootiied to cow doing to. As the
railways bays been an outlet to this cur•
Notice of changes must be left at this
Office not Tater than Saturday
noon. The Copy for changes
must be left not later than Mon
day noon. Samuel Advertisements
accepted up to noon Wednesday of
each week.
Traveling Guide.
randy, business p..eple and the public renew -
Mixed Ily will du well to tale note of it. M•Iland ==prcnm
Triumph of low prices at Robinson s. Mall and Llprces
Thursday, November, 216t, has been t1alJatd Lxpraes osrART•
abeam as Thasksgtving Flay this year Mail sad itlpreae
mi. is about the same period as last year, Mixed
although la 1894, the date fell on the fourth
Thursday. Tbank.Oving Day it the States
is one week later, viz. Nev. 28th.
Seaforth Expositor : Roy Mr. Turnbull,
of t;edeneh, preached able eeriness both
morning and evening, mid is the afternoon
Js. preached • special sermon to the child-
ren. The church wee prettily and profusely
decorated with flowers, grain, fruit sad
vegetables. Special music was rendered by
he eboir.
Last Friday sight the E. L. .f C. E.,
meeting in North-st church was held.
Mimes R Farrow and L. Robertson cos.
ducted the meeting. The subject was
'Hew Christ helps us in our daily Wks,'
and Mies Robertson pi. an exoellest ad-
dress os it. Mimes O. Robert en and L
Moes, favored the audience with ice wiles.
Owing to the fact that he purposes adopt
ng the cash system in his husiow, James
Yates, the well-known hardware mei will
sell his steak tor the next sixty days et
greatly redwood prices for sash. Mr. Yates
s dopttng the proper system sad boffins,
would be in hotter shape if every other meg-
cheat would do the same.
These /splendid *vests, silks .t Reins-
A wpisal oppnrtosity for beteg initiated
into the useful study of shorthand will be
given Wedseeday. Oct. 9th, to the Me
Amnion' Institute noheolroom at 8:15 o'•losl
by Mrs. E. E. Gobineau, of Clinton. whoa a
free lesson will be given sad winter class•. ---
organized. Mrs. Coleman has the repulse N(irlcE.-ALL PER.90Na STILL IN -
titin of hoist • t►Orenght, oompetest teach
lr Mead to me, either by meteor book se-
er of shorthand. must ars requested to pay rep Immediately. ar
further exposes will be incurred.
16.30 a.m.
,.3• pin,
6.30 a.m.
..... 1.30 p.m.
.... 3.t: 0.m
Osdersek Pesos.
titoossuom -OOt, 2.1556.
ran Wheat, tnowl aissdsrd 0 36 10 n M
rail Wheat 1.141 0 36100 56
Flour. limit,. parow% . 2 15 to 2 10
flour. Fall, per cwt ..........-1 yrs to 230
Motu, patent. per art 2 .3 to 1 .
Area. p ton. it 00 1015 00
1,11141111•. a tom 15 55 told noaersenlss. P too . .. 12 M toll tin
Now (tau, II b'sah ......, n 4t to 6 115old Oat a .. . 0 30 to Okb
epos, a boot.. .......... ,.. _...�.. • 18 to 000
New Hay. • Ira 13 00 toll 55
Olt Her. si tea .... •... 14 so tot. 55
Potatoes. • blob sew sew 2.5 to 0 3G
hotter. t....-. 0 P. to d 16
bblR.. fr'er I deft.... • i i to 0 12
rind ....,. L 3 m to 1 m
HMSO. J 300to555
Rheum Eds. ..„ ..4-.. .... �0 55 to 6 in
Uvlh .55x450
ilresssd d01tod55
Rom. ger q... ..... .. n 10 too55111
('beats. iter N.......... 0 it to 0 11
Leal tip Found.
J sad ib. OeetJsr. (,7wmar oent, a ir M
glasses with Meer frame . with •'ilareit"
stamped its red itatbeir . see with maker's
WNW Tbio ilsder will be suitably rewarded
W 1uivt.g MOM at TUB SIGN At, Odle& 1t
Pub lie Nettie,.
'spooled Mede
One lea freest charge will he wives in
the above study by M(bm
lean on
Wednesday evening. October 6th. at 110
*clock. in the schoolroom of the Mechaalos
ltute. edwhet,.ch. whyevening cl•sses for
he winter will tae orges
aotasd. The who da
erste tab .p this wort will Pled It to their
advantage to attend. .r further paniculare
address MRS. S L. (JOLRMAN, Ilex 1M
Clinton. Ont. n It
-♦g. -
i take fhb m oepertunity to tste the public
that 1 am mill 1a the booker notwtthetandlag
all rumen to the oantrary. ends= ersesred len
do evedoes ma m
of work In y line ilea
• window /rum te erect'sg a Lseory bslldhog
with ttsanes,d roof. 1.11.1fu
tes rwlskell •
oewtpetlties levlted. immaterial.
TS* humishlse et beadlegsuch es
let► •eg1•• •ed limner a speoahty.
Ooderiok. July ab 1551.
To Smokers:
? meet the whimes
s er Mbar thiskoaa
?be See. L. TweboM I act •tit.. W., Maar
Nem t
Ne.a., bore plseed Igoe e mrM
♦ OOQbinsUon Plug of
T& B
Tisa seppli.s a Meg telt want, giv
big the eonsotasr arse 20 cent plug,
or a 10 Gant piers o`ra b cent piece
of the famous ' T IR 8" broad et
pare Virginia Toilsome.
T.Y$Tail"?SI"Ywwgf Nes
. 4nd. 1553. R 2t R. DON'NiNO.
Calls promptly attended to,
night or day, by our air. J. K
Snelgrove, practical funeral
dirctor and embalmer.
W i i,M ER Sl1 iTH,
U.dertaker, upboleterer, and
general furniture de.isn.
Melees's Meek, t.oderieh
Parsons .1Abted with this et any ether
lamest sr *hest treeble ..ho.ld wear ego .f
Made .1 E.glish Felt, limed with (AMNON
Skis. The sold wind.. or any isolation
weather have se sleet epos yes when wear-
ing nee of them.
*stew etre.,, hlgbty rsee.....mded fey resod
shuddered pospie. Without soy dugsut
tart they wi11 row year steeped shoulders
he thew peeper peuiteee.
E.elek, Troseb *.d J•ps'es Teeth
Bseshes is .11 stylise .1 Met quality.
OSSIMii Olt► d Giflald Domlg►
That the largest stock,
and the finest aesort-
went of
And all swokerb' sundries
Is at
Phm. B.
I) uggist ,k Optician.
N° Rall:
$ Iron Wood rills, Sic.
.. Cathartic Pills. 25c a box.
Strawberry Compound ter Cholera. l30.
• Wenn Syrup. ate. a bottle.
j ('oeditten Powder. for lioness and (Mt -
tie. l0c. • petted
Browne Balsam of Will (berry Bark fry
Coughs. 2.1c. a battle.
There is no risk Is dealing with us as all
goods that are recommended in our store are
sad i■ one of dissatisfaction you get your
money back.
Terme. strictly cash. Nooredit. Plane. I
The Signal
once mon calls special attention to Ile
Job Punting facilities, which are unser -
peened outside the cities for the prompt
and proper execution of all claws of
printing. A perusal of this annousos-
nteat may suggest something you may
be in need id, and in such case we soli-
cit your patronage, feeling confident
that our efforts to please will meet with
the approval of our patrons
This useful size is kept in the full
range of qua'ities same as letter
heads. Wh%
A tmo . }leads
are not so generally used, they fill
an important place in couimercial
correspondence. See what we've
got under the above heads.
Lever %%tads
In this line we have a very large
stocn of tine writing papers suit
able, for every class of business
represented in this locality, co®
prising lair) and wove, tutees,
quadrille and other papers, ruled
or unrulerl, as may be requires).
B kleads
If the " pay-as-you-go" plan was
the order of the day the demand
for account paper would not be
so great ; but there are son men
who get so many dunners that
they wonder if the stock will ever
run out. We don't intend it to,
and at present our stock is com
plate in this line with four sizes.
Good paper and meat ru l ing.
Both single and double dollars
and cents columns. They come
cheaper than bill heads, and are
the proper thing to send after a
delinquent once a month. They
are sure to fetch him 'round -
Now, it would be hard to get
along without envelopes, and to
keep up with the demand for
them we keep a large stock on
hand. We have now about a
hundrtxl thousand in stock, and
the prices will range from 75c. to
$2.00 per M. Wo handle con
mercial and legal sizesezclwgively.
COmmtre‘.4A rvati•g,
has already been partially ennui
prated in some of the heads above.
There is, however, a vast amoun
of work under this head that to
enumerate would more than take
up the entire space occupied by
this adv't, but we do it all at Tim
to an "At Home' ora wedding
require considerable taste in seise
tion sometimes, hut we make it
an easy matter by keeping 1.
stock the very latest and best
samples to be had. Call and reef
of entertainmeete and seeetiug
promptly turned out, from the
plain but nest to the meet t
with cord and pencil a
T AIL ISA (1111#L.
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