HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-10-3, Page 4TIM SIONAT. • (U)T)RRTOR, 011T., TRTTRSDAYa OCT. & 189x.
ilu Agul,
1* rVUL na
SW m, dims mdleleW. last sprits
OW. of Putalloatioo s mot 10. North set's•u
. M. Juges t a bas oathoa mew hat) \t b y
(i.derwh, uawlo. was it, Jo. m. '
;t1. •deinng eyes • at the
-- Jose.. I[•uud ..
mem. .1 ..b.014petan 1
.'sleek es the alb/rasa el tbe are day.
Mr. H.rwer died m rem egos}. The pby
Mesas are puzzled over to c....
Jam.A say, M Jam, 1 kww sow
Jena • 1 say,
why yea dido t wart me to rub birds eats
pas m.m,n •n ,n...n,.e .. ..
T'hr'ee ..0ni..•. •. ••
k.ti-•Ca. gejou wasted the nude to grow
IS but .0 .own r.. wear eat
... is
(Jae y sor.
tom al Tee. later..
Tour lahol i• a ...sedum meretn' ..t the M•.
.• which ,oa .,re p• .1 sty. Asia tL..t a is sot
. flowed to fall iota erresr.
W ben • Outage of address is d•dred. both
he old and the new whirs= ebe.M beeves.
♦dv.rttels0 Selee
Lapel and other rmoss1 advertiosmoSla 110.
/ rias n
for drat iert ion, lied 3 Geeta Par
for each subsequ•at rneertloa. Measured by
aoapp••rereil stele.
8aslness cards •f sit Imes and uader, g5 per
year. Advertisements ot toot. round. Strayed
Nrmattome Vacant.gChanceswanted. of exceededdexceededf
Wanted and
Base Chances
Hoes...poreil. 111 per month.
Houses en Sale and term• on dale, .enu
*morsel$ lane.. til for Grad month. Mk. per sub,
..Quest month. larder ad.ts. In P po
Aay'mortal notice. the obit't of which to tt of any to to
promote the pecuniary
yidsal or ro.up*ny. to be cu•aldered an .d-
vertleensent and charred •ocor.tlnely.
Loral n0 u. 1. nonpareil type me mat per
word. ao notices tou than %tic. a�ppet
Local sono.. 1& o �M reeding t7104 them toe.
mints per word. No
Notices for churches nod other religious sod
benevolent institutions half rate.
Ao.ut ••Tb• %heal" msllverl.
Rabsrr her who foil to receive Tus Siow•L
easterresrularly, either cq antting as of the mail.
t of at
.safer • favor by gel
as early • Welts puesible.
Rejected manuscripts cannot be et one returned.
CorreSWndeece ma be
of paper only.
r.hlt.brr'e Notice,
J. C. be Tourol. of Goderich, hoe been •p
pointed 1,.. al Travelling Agent for the town.
* hips of Oodcr.. h, Colborne. Ashfield and Wo-
Lrenl masters over 11 e district are sloe
empowered t 10 receive subrriptloae to Tile
Bios Al..
All common.. onions must he addressed iO
Telephone Cease, ae/a,Iok• Ont.
OODE*if'H. TNUIRSIDAT. OCT. :t. rebs
SNAP 81401 8.
-it i:; passing strange but did you
ever memos that The Hamilton Spectator
tolerate the Mistake ot Public Works
as "French Millar wsv'"
Wiggins mimed hie .mat.' on the
big blow, se far as ihi. .sottos is oenoened,
but he got there with both taw
of dirty weather.
- Sir t i1.iVRK will b.• home this
wool, sound is wind sed lust', aotwith-
pt•adang that the other clasps were circul.t
tag airy stories .boat bas health.
The N.Y. is still keeping quiet in
en tar as the pries of wheat is moos:aed•
It u • sort of meters gad of Reel. sad
doom t work when wanted.
on • week
A olergyutas au Merm prupouuds a quert
be. te portal or, peruses( ad porplemiug
"At • paid la:hie p.op•e go swat 'how
id,. "le •Itru.ted ...:oras.. '.I the sone tut
pew..1. tn.. 10.1 art, :+Leo
and the lollowtag Buada} nirbt at the
preaching ear vice or prayer mesas% those
etz or eight back pews, whish were ou un-
desirable on • week de} are all tilled, and
those very desirable front mats ars empty,
aotwttbetaodine the polite request of the
pastor and ot usher to tm people to come
and 000upy them. Why rat that folks are
m bashful oeSunda sad afraid to attract
attention. hat loss their mamas at • Goa
vert or pall Metiers
She (poutavly)-Biters we were married
you used to bring ono cad) every time y ou
He briskly i -Veto, my dear, and it oast
me • good deal loss ti is the meat and pots
toss I beteg yea new.
Physician - Andy ou have felt this way
for several days ' Elm I.e t me ase your
tongue Patient -1t s 0o toss, doctor: se
League era telt what I suffer.
"1 maize, said the father of the bride
to be, "that I ye kept posted on the little
UN and outs of geed form, and as yoa.rc to
be one of the family pretty soon, I want 10
take the littorty of asking you • ,luestion.'
"A.n'hng you like.
"What is the proper thing for the father -
u -law to wear at the wedding breakfast
1'no Gang man pondered deeply, then re
".Something in the way of • check
' • A small check • '
"Well, so% abut ten thousand. '
Amateur artist I should like to present
the last pasture 1 painted to some short -
table institution. Nu.,which wuuldyouree-
ommend '
Cruel old lady tried- The Clad amylum.
"Ite•eme to me, greened the 'alone,
apostrophizing the reflection of his oohing
tooth in the looking-this,"that tor m •mall
• customer as you are, tour have Iota of
"1 would mend you • kits. papa, wrote
little Lu*v, who was away on s toot, "but
I have been eating o0100a "
Mrs. Newly -There's one
bloomers 1 don't like.
Mrs. Lately -What a that •
)ire. Newly -The pecats .re so may to
god ; my husband empties them every
night. and i oever bays • bit of change is
the morning.
Johonv Sans--. Pepe, what is the differ-
ence Mtwero • boom and a hamlet •
Mr Sage A boomlet u • movement l
is favor of • osadid•te we don't want, my
THE Holt. wit.►'Roto LAUKIY.R em-
plistiuJly and explicity denies
that he ever used the expression,
"Thank God, there is not an Orange
Mailamong us the Liberals," which
lifts leen attributed to hits by a car
Cain .action of the NIinisterisl press.
1 if course no sane pinis ever be
liesetl the Liberal leader madly
such an aleunl statement, hut it
shows to what straits the organs are
driven when they an. forced to manu-
fa.-ture such falsehoods and pass them
off for troth. We :ire glad' Mir. Lst'K.
IVit has taken the earliest poeiihle op-
portunity to nail the lie, but it will
take the Tory organs a long time to
.lis. -over that it has tteen denied, and
the •tuotation will bob up in the
.jaw IIrot of Tory orators, when
i.il.erals are debarred the privilege of
The Ministerial or1;sns would like
to have the sentence to use as a stock
phrase and to oNTeet the ..pression
once used by • Tory premier, who,
when Speaking of the Houten Cath-
olics said, "1 have no confidence in
the breed.,.
The phren' -mongers will have to
raise a new issue against Mr.
thing .bout
An lnt.rwtingr letter on 1887.
Remlat•re.ees el tie 'Sebeilli ee" read
mews nam -• woe4asewa S.eldsm1
N Weal Wlr stesb a1R.r+e lm
lir Marrstive.
THE following letter which appeared
in Th. Kiagetoa News, will be of interest
to renders et Tag SI... ti. from the fast th*t
Oergenet (Orem, who tares in the story,
ae nos* other than ear old friend. Ez-war
dee Charles (key's, of West Waw•aosh :
Ser, Haag read in your ve.lo•ble )011f-
eel, of • reeeot data, that Major lees Pres-
ton, • Dative of the Comity of Durham, had
did at Vsaeouver, ti.l'., I may e.v that he
was met • mance of that Count% , but was •
native of Amherst lol.0d. 1 ouety of Frus-
romtea', but several veers canoe removed to
Mayers, to the Cooaty of Durham. la
re•diag ot his death it brought to my moot
lection some of the stirring events that he
with myself and others passed tbrougb to
1837 and 1838. la the month of November,
1838, whoa the " Patriots leaded at Pres
Dort. and tool poseessiow of t1e tynimill
an.: other bedding. •lj•oemt, the manse .f
Amherst Islas/ were Called out ter larva.
We were to report at Mr. Isaac Preston •
(father of the Major.) where • boat would
be oast to take us to Rummell. That tame
evening we embarked .n the *chooser John
itulph, sad arrived at Kiagetoo to the even
iar, sad were smirched to the Hammon, mew
your City Pork, where we were •ddreossd
to (dal. J. S. Cartwright is bas usual loyal
•sd patriono Manage, asking that • sow
posy a 50 mos volusuer for motive soma
under Capt. Charles !Prober. In less Oa
ten mluts over n0 men stepped to the
frost,tee of them were from Aunties etlathed.
The bal•nes were from the 'mood Adding
toe Ma ttia. The names of these from Am-
herst Wad were Serg••0t Charles (Strum,
Sunset Portland, Henry Smith. Thema
Galley, Hugh Spring, lamas Prestos, Jobs
Twigg, Knw McMullen, David taisea sad
.1obn Lark. The aompeny was monad to
the C•ffa building os the Mortal road,
where we had the soft ado of • plank for •
bed without any wveriag.
('apt. Fraser received orders to furnish •
gu•ri of ten men sad on• officer to guard
the ete•mbs•t Kingetou to Premed with
lespatshes. As the ten men from Amherst
Island were the only men fsroithed
*1111 muskets sad Mlu we were selected.
That .ams evening we left uader the gem
m•a1 et Lieut. Gordon for the seat of war.
We arrived at L'resoott about one o'oloth
A. R., bait *ere ordered to remain on board.
Early mit morning the [lgstoa received
orders to promised with all sped to Dickin
eons Lauding to brim up the 93rd HVh
leaders, which would meet us there. tram
the engagement in which they wok pert st
Ifeaub•rnoio. As we joassed :lees to the
Windmill, w• •ztime the rebels weskit
tire at us, ea they wheeled one of thou ma -
nos and pointed it for the boat. But they
did not fire. Shortly after our arrival at
the Landing the Hight/loaders Dome in eight
sod immediately .mboriud. but the night
Mair very disk, Capt. Miles leltiourh
strongly urgd to pressed) said he dare net
rue it karly melt morale we started for
Prescott, where we arrived at 2 o'clock
t . w. The fight was over, and the rebels
were 'matured and platted on board •1e
Kinston with the 93r1 Highla•don on
ruar4. We had to wait for the arrival of
the stealer Brockville. On Moeda,' we
left for Kingston. O0 arrival we found our_
company comfortably quort.rd in the (Bees•
oral Hospital. A few davtelier our &trivet
Major Preston sad John Twigs were trans -
Meted to Captaie Jackeoa's tympany of ar-
Some short time after Capons Fraser s
company was ordered to lath for the pro
taction of that village. Captain Fraser rot
a requisition on the ommweary, to formai
teletb1tg, overewta and beddug : and :tor
Beset Carvin, with • ruard, and .arta to
aoavev them, were sent over to the stores
oar Fort Henry. After we payed the tell
Moss on the bridge. we noticed Sheriff Me-
tionald minim oe heirsebask with kis sword
drew.. Hs ordered us to halt, sad sa14.
"You ea..ot creme the bridge. You must
turn back. •Somatic •;atria replied, "We
are going over on business that esasot be
delayed The Sheriff Geld, "If you at-
tempt to ge over. I will out the heed off you
with my sword.' The Sergeant replied. "I
am goiag over, ad if yea think your sword
e as long as my gun and bayonet, you sae
try it." The Sheriff said, "What is your
business The Seris.at said that the
oempeay bad been ordered te lath. and to
leave at 4 o'clock, and be was going to the
military stores for supplies. Tfe were •I
lowed to pen. A few mtnetes after we met
• guard of soldiers ourreundier • rave, in
whish was seated Van S•bult,, going M
Kingston to be executed. He was • fin.-
lookiog man.
When we arrive/ .t Bath, 1 was transfer-
red to Amherst Isled esmpsay, under the
command of ('aptal J. S. (.mesas. with
the rank of Sergeant I rsss.ised with the
company aid it was 41.Yaehd in the
are a few of the etirrt.g *yenta we
passed through. 1 dent taw if say .1 10,
wbo volunteered, are mow living except my.
self. If tare are i should like to hear (rem
them three► the columna of year paper.
Roos Sratxu
( lee of t1. Y.1.atest" d 1837-81.
Whenever one man h.ppeus to possess the
virtue. modesty and unselfishness of the
average woman be is immdutelv pointed
out as • model for his sex.
"I saw .lwh Bowline' a town today. re-
marked Fltzgoober, as I. laid down his
'l'ou did'" ooitempta)usly sniffed kis
wife ; "taut freckled tatted idiot that seed
ro hsag around you so much''
"lee," replied Ft•, "he's been out
West, and has come tack with • pale of
"Oh, ritzy ' exel•imed the lady en-
tbuslaatio•lly, "oouldn t you bring him out
to dinner w;' , you to -morrow'
hint, a man is • Coward who
w - .. , e **man, don't you
t'.rk.by Well. 1 don't know. No sow
ard would dare to strike my mother in
e l 114. • rk..r•rlr's roware . A W*ATiIER
htA1'a VACS.
'• Who is Wigging, say way, and what
does be de at O tmwa'" r • gsesties, that is
often heard sows/aye !ask el Stone Wig
gias, for this is the weather prophet's mamas
in full, is a •eoe.1'lass Clerk in the Bogert -
meat of Fineman. He entered the Civil serv-
ice to 1874, rad lis present salary is 111,400
• year. He is in hie dtty-fourth v.ar,.t•11,
rather gaunt man, with a weather beaten
foot aad an iron -tray mustache, ■e hone
very elatedly at Ottawa. .pending the s. -
mer aurotbl at Britannia, . suburb of ((110'
wa -Ks.
nnyr n*.•1 ON THE .:nv0R'1Ye4T M1.1. -t.
r:udph Mercury Mr. Ives, the Minister
et Trade and Cewui.eres, who has just re-
turned from Veglasd, has goo* hook ea the
I:evermesemt'5 fast Miaow lie* policy, sal
deoi.red in favor of the vow Chet n sores
been 'knot sorein" ae palmate to an attempt
u eompt• with the oats gryhe.n1s rills
sine from New Vtoil'. Mr. Ives says hobos
sa offer for Gael. • service far • subsidy d
hall • allies dollars. sad probably it e
from the ANsm., ora have all along offered
. 1101 • sari8 ter rweb • soma.
Thomas Plater -Here you Cee tones•e
as It grows we the field.
Mies 1'811► --Charming ' How long will it
be before the eigaretts are ready for piak
MOT own
Jena Reeser, • S `ffillf -
Sellsistlr.IN. T. midis wwlfar r Not MS%
wee rt•as ssHe lip kr a2aSrar j.eesi
lag '
J orlon
.bout '
Hogan My mothers law is dead.
Jean Sad over that '
o hMon' There
boteeccook .ow.
"1 thenght you were Rohug to learn to
love me, ' he sighed.
"Have pities...," else recut -sod robot y. "1
propers taking that matter up just as soon
se i learn meat pies and pillow shuns.
Yea. ----
('obwi -Von seemed rather .m.ssd
ever the idea of year wife wearier bloomers.
Smith -Void 1..mloed yesreelf if you
maid Cee her wham she tries 10 find deme
their in her work basket sad empties it o-
to her lip.
What are you !coking so sed
iw•t anyone to
Mho Mead Sea. el Chasse% is revisiting
Mrs Thomsen fres refereed tress • yens
to Terme..
W. Met.laekey, al Bayfield, was is town
4.Nrd*y lent.
Mrs. A. M. Kay, el Stratford, reversed
home last week.
Braman rest : Mrs. H. Demos was vaut-
ang in (lolerieb.
Bev. Jes. Ridge •tteadd • funeral at
Claws Tuesday.
The Mamas Wale returned Wt week trees
• yew te Detroit.
Oise Lars Amman retied Mrs. Ureig .1.
Seaford' tuts week.
D. W. Beadle, et St. Catharines, is judge
ea flowers •ad fruit.
Mir Edwards, Britannia road, returned
from • eget tie Tenets.
Maes Eva Acheson was vwtt.g her soder,
Mrs. 1.:relg, at 3e•ferth.
Percy H Tom has gone to Toronto to as-
getend the Provincial Ceiverotty.
Wm. Coate, tows Clark of Chalon. was •
visitor at the show, Wednesday.
Mw Kilo Meso., .1 W iogkam. is visttug
her wet, Mrs. John W. Vea•ttor.
F: lewttiy
the returned from • vary
plass' visit 10 the 014 Ceentry.
Mir M. Mows returned last week from
a month's visit to friends in Detroit
A (1. Simard and E. P. Miller, et Kin
oardine, "pest last Sunday in Goderiob.
Miss Hvldah Whitely. of ('hate.,was the.
guest of Mos Eva .3mith the past week.
Mos Minnie Campbell has goo* to Te•
rook' to attend the 8.1.01 cf Pedagogy.
W. C. Searle, • ('iintoo borti.ulturiet of
sots, was • visitor et the fair, Weileadsy•
Cli•10s New Era Mies Eva Smith, of
Uoderieh, u visiting Mies Heldab Whitely
kites (.n is Polley ret armed last week from
a short visit to friends in Alymer and Lion
Mn. Harry D.Ar.Old and little daughter.
()Da, of ('olhogw.ed, art vritiag fneode u
Miss Speight, of Acta., lett this week
after • visit .t the residence of the R.v.Jes.
Mn. H. W Cowan, of Chicago, is risin-
g her mother, Mrs. G. Struthers, Norm
Arnold sad Seiesrras.
The life of the Traitor Arnold, is Eat.
land, after theatres of the war was sot e
pleasant one : nor was his bed sod of roes..
Thorns were is hu pillow, and his 1/te was
full of shedow and unreal. (lae decadent
sf may will give sa idea of what be had to
pot ■p with.
thte day, while the king, (:.ergs 11i. was
oonvereiv with Arnold, who had been ad-
mitted te hie pressen", Lord R•I•afve.,
• tell, stately, handsome Irish toNoma.,
was isar*lnoed, and as he advanced sad
aid his remotes to the oevreiga, the leiter
thought he world make him mojieaut•d with
1111 £.wriest Mo, in hie off hand, fres
manner, he said, a1 the same time 'attains
frees 0a* to the attar with his had
"lard Relearns General Armld'"
TI. in.bm.. drew sp his lefty feria sal
lashed dews open the stranger with so n•
proms of ooebespt unutterable. Than to
t1. klag
"Wbat , sire the Traitor Arm.N
And, apo. • Cod in the s.Srinstive, he
refused hie hand, and tamed away
This was more thae Araold could wale
tear Before night 1. sent 10 Bal -
marrow • ehallenga, which the letter, agree
ably to the •pint of t1. unto, .oeepted,
awning pistoned t1. weapon.
They met aid, at the nasal, Arnold
grad . hot the enol and atter! ooetomptseos
mama t a1 bearing el 1M .atagssist W
se .zasper.ted hies that he ►a.4 trembled,
end hie eat flow wildly. Lu.vd 1101•.....
1.d tarred en walk sway witMt Mag,
when Arnold hailed him
' Ds yen met ire, hey herd "
"tar I" the soblean replied. hetlag
knelt ea N. slydd.r, '•1 Isle pss U the
l'. H. M'Cr•cken, .f Brutal@ was judge
of roots and vervain at the big Fall
K. K. n, of Vtetory University, To-
ronto, is ting at the p•rsoas's, North
S. Baekef$lots oo Saturday last ter Tor-
onto, where will attend the School of
Mrs M/i.eed, of Woodstock. rendered •
beautiful solo to Koos church, Sunday live -
sing last
.lames Edwards, jr., of Chiwo, was our
rigid remedy to Mies Maio best aortae, at
Norwich, Ce...
.1. Robert Le Total left OS. Monday to
coition' hie radical course pt'Me(;ill ('d
versify, Mo.treal.
J. A. Morten, of Wiarham. was Isere this
week to act as judge o0 flowers at the
(Bat Northwestern.
Ll. 1.. (.meron. b•rrrter.Teroato,i5 vas
more .riling the wises .t his yerth, and
looks hale and hearty.
Rev. A. .1. Irwin, Of ?larval, •ocopie4
the pulpit of North -et Methodist ebareh
last Sabbath event.[.
Miss Bates, et Acton, who had been vis-
iting Mn. Edge for the past two weeks,left
tdr bar beta ea Moseley.
.1. W. Mottos, of Wod.tsk, • former
resident of Goderiob, is in tows as poultry
judge at the exhibition.
Mrs. r. (.. Newton went to Stratford os
:s•tarday to attend her maker, Mrs. (lor
den. who had been taken ill
Wingham Times : Thea Tattling end wife
of l .oderich, opsit • few days. last week,
with his brother. Autos 'Lipka'.
Mrs. Edge is at 3t. Thew as • delegate
to the leaden Contemn.e breath of the
Methodist Woman's Missionary `moiety.
S..forth Expositor Mr. and Mrs. K. C.
Coleuses and family have resumed to town,
atter spending the gossamer in (Sederich.
Mimes Keyword'. of Kioo•rdi.e. .el
Jaunts (ole, of St. Thomas, are visiting i.
town, the guseta of the Misses Po11.y,North
S. F. Washington, of Namilto., was in
tow. tor • few day. the past week, visiting
his minima, Mr. and Mrs. John Wlashing
Stratford Reason : A. Mcl) Alla., the
well-known fruit man, of Goderieh, is is the
city as judge of fruit .t the North Perth
There was a good attendance from Exeter
Soat.rth, Clinton, and other rotate at t1.
(;rest Northwestern Exhibition Wedo..-
Mrs. Netberg.11 a.d Mime. Kau ant
Carrie Nelberet•ll left last week for Staples,
ware they will reed. with Mr. Nsiberr.11
to (•furs.
Miss (trace Johanson left this week tor
Baltimore, where she will take • course in
the kidorg•rteo department of Jame Hop-
kin. Uoiverety.
Rev. .1. W. Prise, of Nil*, will pre.eh
• miweeary was to North-ot Methodist
'hutch next Sabbath snoring, aid the ac-
tor o.0 ia the evening.
(Seo. Rams Deputy Supreme Comman-
der of the Soprani* Tent, K. O. T. M. is is
tows is the merest of the Order, and is sr -
roaring to .'tablih a local tdM.
Strsthroy Age (ire. W. Tei w, l
Qoderieh. an old friend of The Aga, halted
relatives i. Strathroy leaf week, making
the trip here of hie wheel, bet retuning by
tram 0. Monday.
Blenheim News : B. D. (groat left this
week for (lederich. whore be hes •adopted
the peploses of mimes master in the ('.11m
gime ta.titate. Mr. (treat is • are
teacher, and Mace he has .Nuked bleb
,I.Jitioatb.a as a imam meeislrt n ex-
poot great ibises of Ida
James Robinson,
Ce.sl1 Store,
Has mw .in me an
anrtvIled stork or tae
In imported fabrics, unique and pleasing iia design, color and textutr
fitr. Lek. Ili:hippo Y engseMi ICA 1111
way to Lake Saporta.
The ei.4 4.rine this weak -welimar
reash.4 52 miles per boor.
Mohr. lamb left on Saturday far lake
Meanies to lead limber for Cleveland.
Mehr. Aurora lett en Monday fer Meldrump
Bey to lead lumber for bora Iia has been
eaalk•d and her was repaired.
Meer. Reindeer rat its hero for shelter:on
Satanist. She lay is pest haat Wedge
day, when .ha loft for Kinoartine to die
charge her oars* o1 anal.
Mohr. Sophie arrived ea Friday from
Therrien with 330, 000 fa of lender fee
N Dym ant. She same Iowa in fine .tyle
is the bow at lost two of bar jib. 4a
sailed agate es Saturday tor men lumber.
The iehiag boa have hew amble to re
oat this week *was to the reagb wstbee.
it is likely that most of the nets are torn
and will love to be brought mare te be
Oak Babb has reserved a abort showing
ole arises wrecks which beys taken place
on the Crew hies from 1173 to 1483, ira
Washington iakes Mathias al Hares
HMO Wier large shares, the Woes side *t
Lake Karen and .r0asd the Strata .f
Msebiw Wig liberally epritkled with
marks. (sly tam wreaks are marked
e n the Naw sided Lake Hare& two bine
n ear SestbampMa, eget M 0.derl.1, sod
este alar Geed Mem that were
sdisabled sod Maar& Madge*
the wreak uI the /V Nen*
OUR special attention is called to our 511,1: AND DiugI (i(N,1)t
DEPAIIMOI HN; also, the unprcct.lt ut<•tl Targe stock of FHENI 11•
BRITiMH 188 GERMAN NOVELTIES displayed in there depart-
ments. These goods have been selected with great care anti represent
the very choicest creations.The collection is nngnestionably the very
finest ever shown in Gotlerich.
Inspection is invited by
Pruett of `Quare mad West Street. Gdertci.
Fine Weather and Good Crowd
• Capital Oben' o. liervt•. Cattle. err. ese.-
L.rellrnt Wptay e1 frail. and
rlewen TO* 13th Matta1Na
Mood N pwelttea.
euvartatsed by titan. that. bad weather
would prevail dung the days for
holding the (:seat Northwestern Fur,
queen s weather held sway on Tuesday .ad
Wednesday. Aa • result, the .bow has Dora
a remark.bly fine ow, so far as ezhibite
were consersed, and the •ttesdaaoe Tues-
i.y 1vento5 sad Wednesday was of • sato
factory character.
Thu year the old time policy of having
tight -res walkers. tumblers, balloonists
and other similar •ttrsct'o0• was done away
with, and 11e money formerly paid to them
was uvsstod in bringing the famous 13th Batt.
Band, of Hamilton, to town. As • malt
see of the boost musical tats over aooerd•
M to the people of this atom was Iad,and
the result km been satisfactory to all ea -
earned, we understand
WINS e1w 'hie spring. fleass goal sad well
*Ned plates of iodoor rearm were sheen.
P.u,ne were a total failure sad so were
pe•ohee. 0,Iy 4 plates of the former and
of nn latter were .n view.
Scute tee melons sad citrons completed
the fruit 11.t sad 1011 up their sed aell. is
feet. the water melons were tormease end
showed wrelul enitivatioa.
TNS 1]v1I1 •\N1e1T.
wee of a very tine order but the space .t our
disposal the w.ek, and the 110011ed tune r 11
sot a:luw W to go tato details tine week.
N .i,ura l gas hoe bees .truck .t ' t hen .1.e,
Three mos were burned to death in a tire
wt Pattsburr.
The 1Jiohigeo(;entre! Station et Winds()
was destroyed by tire.
Hamiltons total •o•Seentsat o $2r,, rU,_
204 ; popul•tioe. 48,803.
South Carolina Coo.Ututiomal Cenvestio•
bas declared against divorce.
I Merge Reid, • nine-year-old Barrie boy,
was drowned by f•ilma into the b.t.
A coatroom u reported as signed for • Cow
Cable between New York asrd Brest.
Admiral Huller, comm.ader of the Houk
fleet in 1'1110.ee waters, has arrived at
The taspectot s report of the Peoples
Bank reveals a much better state of &Bun
than satiedpred.
THE ram "suitorThe dead body of Joseph Voget was
was the centre of attraction u the oouthera fond on the street at Win irur witn • n
volver by its ode.
lanes of the inhibition building sad owe- Abair Mstthewe, an old man of
Pied • muob birger SC". this *at 111141.'"111141.'"
t years, was killed 0111110 Michigan 1 antral
have foo expedited wises Nth proepeet et $ tank new. W.Ilend.
.rep of fruit had base eo materially passel Mutsu Dumb. • palter, fell front •
bo the heavy tau of lest spring. Apples third story of • building in Walkerton. re
of .oast.e tilled up 11. I.rgest apace and the ouvieg fetal wjuriee
dilerent Ghees were well reprsoen1O4 with H.miltw v.torabe 7(07005 to oelebna
• total of 367 plate. The different collet 11. 30th wnyersary of Kidpway se tbs
tins owere grouped tooetner oa the west nettle ground m .1 nae sett
side sad never before h.4 there berm such • A s til soma ot the T4/111111 Stets• wmpettuw for tate murk coveted red Ii RrloPure, oomeo0oi te peas &a anti -pros
uksta and other prize. on the catalogue fighting bill, opined at Austin Toads'.
The spraymo pump given he IS,a,Id,Mh.pley en
t Mair was contested by three splendid col- The sienna meeting of the A *man
Ieotteam mad the pro.e of nursery stock given M Hetooary Society of Lb* 1.. of l aur
ny Stowe & W.11.n jt.on brought two men- evuferenn" ope.e/l .t Oshawa, [sledsy.
petites with very tine specimens. The 10 At the ('hureb (:oarless, which opeeed at
v.neties class was filled by four competitors Norwich, • performance of the Passion Play
and in the 6 v.nettes elm no lees thee odder the patronage ot the Bebop of Net -
twelve collections of caking and de -eat wtoh, will be grveo.
apple' were presented. The prole was orf- The Leaden Atblet.c Club did mot win a
tritely the most hotly oemtested of thie stn Is event 10 i.rnrly a o 057011tlm with
year's show that it required as expert )udre the New \ ork Athletic Cloth, Several n..
to award the prizes when all to oollecttous reHorde were established.
were se goad and as near perfeetiet as they Hoe Mr. Aaron las been •ppotstsd
oould be. In the single plate class the old legal •dvi.nr for the Credit Fencer at •
v•rioties that have made the Goderieh salary of 114,000 • year. in place of Mr
apples f.0oue wbeoevr tbea bave Men 01- (;tretuard, who bas been .pelted Judge.
•m Aar/.am woe Mase Arranges.eets
with a f.-Udiaa Warn.
Orr*wA (Spas!) Sept 30 At America
who has Mee hers i.uryiewing the them
Yore of to Reverewt en private bml.w,
bas left for Termite, when it is uader
stood be will try earl coke an .rmaRement
with the Dodd'. Mediort. Cbatpaay of that
Hili)• forto establishment of • m.aufmtery
d Deld's Rld.ey Pills is hew 1 ark State.
H. Iodised to epesdfy the locality. Donne
hie .10y in Ottawa he hes be.n investigating
the Cow eat/ma sass et R. H Kant, who
was saved hs• this teaady when in to irss
styes of Bright's Was. sed has seshSd
himself of the gessime mature of the SIM
H. asserts that to mediates le sow afar. I � Ream (aeiegs ors d trier seam me
silly mord yrsaRba• the Mass
the beam
wham emotes rerw. I Grams Nisi 64 pl.a sod wer,aw4 the
It Ulm ors girls • Dowd Mess to lana enpsateMsas d suet d the trout nae who
Mar Mie swag mostM Webs* serpuMU. le w Ws mordant • trial faiths.
tawalatke feta shrews ism the hap* re */ 1b. d tr.eli.. d the yes
imps bygfaalr%r al. 660seser lk•
ported acme in for muco the largest spate on Mr. Arthur M. Whitney, of Montreal. u
the tablas. NO nes Chas thirty plates of suis her husband for • dares of lepers
Baldwin* were 1ompeting for hears in that tom, makes serious allocations mime
caw •lose and Det 1 specimen.0*4tbsees ver
hie- Mie. Maude Kurdeue, formerly of Tomato
ie fact it toy safely t» sail the rover M- sad BeIlevill*.
fere had mush a tine lot been placed togothe[ lmpor10mt meioses was give. for the de
o•etbuiag bock size, color sad symmetry.
Seam twenty platy of (;rwesi.gs were ham te the i)wasss owed" trial u bins
shears, some et them of aa immense size. treat by • Hebrew east • Frenchman, the
The 20 oz. Pipped, those mooStars of our lines of *hem 4.110wd ee driving • sersSpr
oreb•rdists - were there, fillmg 16 plate ( covered with bleed oat of his yard co the
with their mammoth proportion., sad for day of the murder.
size sail perfeetioo of color wore not beater Lieutenant and Mrs, Peary arrived at
by any other variety. The awn filled 24 Portland, Maim la reply te aquaria.
plates ant were indeed • m6rprise to •11 Mr. Peery said : -" 1 shall neer see the
fruit am who saw them. Of late years earth pole alms ease ea brings it to fes.
that variety Inas cone hack ea our or.b•rd i am done with It. i■ my ittigmeat rub
is , and it was dtflialt u find • tingle work requires • far !maser mos than I
✓ peoimee Oust was sot scabby. or in tame am.
way blemided ; but this vase tare was Doe 1 NE TRIAL. OF j3H[iRT!S.
eae plate that was lenity, .ad we hail with
deltrbt that our "8r.etitel Meows' •r. nu censeel r1•.M faa/Mv nod rigs• s.
H OMO back ala, for se boor er bettr
ofiav• WM7•
Dred fall Apple ie onitivud biro. The Bsashar.ssr. Ont 1. --The trial of norm
Northern Spy, that Sae Old stanl•isy that Sbortr Ise to mnnilr of Joos Loy 1.11acmes m geld shout Marek or April, Maximo Labial at Valleyield on March 2
woes ruee matt of ow other varieties we
roes, made • fine display and gild mooed90 last, mooed today bdsl. Jade* halC., h (.Yews
plea. The lovely Maiden Rlaeh,the jus anger. Donald M•owlastst, Q.
sad high flevored Niihau Pippin, the tool prosecutor, and .1. N (ireensbi11(5 , 1,11'
colored Alexeod.r, Dustmen, Gravenstein, .rad George 11. Fester aro for the defame.
the Ontario, that new apple that promisee Rbertn reseal Moro (rem Montreal Mites
to iteoerm one of our leading 'mimeos, were shoat 8 o'elcok and was pat is the may
well to the (rent and is splendid drew. A jail 'seeding the trial. At 10 'tarok the
new feature of the fruit exhibit and as that mono openedjury
to la is cheer
the sees
interests fruit as especially who .re ever the grand j r►
on the "gal Ave" for comet►Iv sew, was Tile debases will make m attempt em
the large display of wili.50. et which dray that Shorts osmmitied the maniac
thee *ere SO loss than aim places on the but, will plead amity.
1011x, and all of 11 . baying Imre sr IHS II.rIi.' mother ani father are burr
merit One variety that rIohly deserves M Ireland sed 1hssaadr el pin& fir""
to ori/•
be prepaest i, was raised l this tows, and mondial' Makes have
trogresetedas this is int birthplssS. shell be salmi tta arm *1e presses era
••(.ederioh Apple." it le • late keeper of
h•soma a day.
adeese •ppeormen dellel se flavor, awl sheet.* w 1a 1141 Britt tta )e1nr7
what more do ym0 want of an apple ' (a xhibit has savor boas ft,w Meatal, ed does nK atom M i.
serpthe � d by as apple eke toat show, and wI.a tI. *emit re•lire kn pesiti•a. W IS
eligkted from the te""
it 001111011810 the pout Her rwabafdlsat ran lfliwer �o1�'�• bee
bold their ems e.ggrrsum sit ewer• sad deer- men's orewd eloped l as the flard si
ly prove that (iod.ria1 n haadquarbers for they are 9uiskly east back be the
the apple praise fadsslry l the ss.aty of t1 Pietism by to Kira Pates- sd roe
Haran Ta Pli...m and Mir erre t •
Pear. sial. • .awing d 191 plet, *8thva rileere owl Armee rn'Nly M eM
5 aalretiom d six red 6 edlemelasa eiders, 1 *lore a II"' Ar mee r 5110 Mse
varieties. TI. part aaesw barbers bard sot .. ptire • IM'.0R1 11 . 1•1P aes.4
that frost and the trams ei Jack Pat wire i r...-. 161114b•
lee/ ta patla*d hem emv*1�
ly vrihle en o.M of Ilte epsimret
We mise as trmpYni 30511. s ami sage 1�w" M •"111.41/161"1"1"1.6111.411
ac eWi. y,
Nara Valise quickly rta d
tbreltp. bower,
made abott
anamrlt�1si. Bess ht
�the peril
K�lllS A 'MSS 141.1•.
A Ina bel imus• Pber* era. f!� M
the wad kw,.