The Signal, 1895-10-3, Page 31 t It at a' tet ire 4 M Ise M A▪ SIS, a s of tos tun mite m t.• the* ud te 1a.d hay. •r the uasd eddy *o0 • espy meat t the sper- ll be do u sates. a our bled ural% r WV gid lit u • wk, mai. p, pal an, el tomb cilia 1 other ave ht In the thuks age at the He r dollars Rte“ e trout Micas a. tea ties ndy r. (semi d. To 'cuss( Wise, oak's, ak ams. in it w mike as n,..d the e• se and ility te meet uses t LS2 ot WO! . I dr - p I'S T TSH SIGNAL: OODIIOH, ONT.. THURSDAY. OtT. 3. 106. 3 DfiSrBrrP. tomMisfaLa aA1tAki0L I LD.Ba.l-.leDINTiL pl. seem 4s.-e�md� omookat1lt eve wrpt=wae- TIIB Wild th- 1111.41 ___ R IL RIORAB.U/ON, L D. 8„ psssmmen anal t. sus sod Herm!. 4 ne shada alarm for r•l.l.m enr..tt.3 ef reek. Valet tit. bo tls..eesnrew.. her ei ua =1111.640601110e -Ova W li= garter Ghee IWO HE SAW HIM BEHEADED. J• Y. TURIiI ULL, Drama IDDO tN., L.Ixli.- g, I. Belt sad peree- W aeil/m1a1 atmaated um meld r alms - Wan Meer VIM aUe.he outioe rives to t w000r,r mfr tM astral tooth. Odra w cL..p'm new bleak MOM llRt, NILINTNA. lbillmieti Blom, ab.ilic:t- tnt.L \ t oil a from !Iota' Loot /oge DK J. HAMILTON, VKTERINARi' Bargees graduate of thwart* Vet.ria.ry pays°. Tereate. lietcletered ateenb.r of O. lata V.tertasrr llmeddmei Aeeomettee. (teW w.ttatedod at all boo: a, d.t r night. Namen •tree[ Oppomtet} lr bee Natl. E !,NIST HEATON - BARRLSTER, solicitor. Notary Public echaswe's ttl•ch West timet. 1t. ly ivC %11PI()N BARRIS' Elt, SOLICI- J j. tr. Notary. Lc. trace ore, Medical Hall. Square. Oederdch. u JOHNSTON, BARKIsTER, SO- . ms . uoimenc. c. Moner to ' , (Manna : •-w. Hastuea and lit. 10 drew'r•ta Ooderloh.Ont. fat 1111 1 OFTUS K DANCEY, RARRIIITER, I delicate. (1c.vpa.00r. aa, o..o. Honey w boaa at lowest rates. Mottos's Block, tap pile Colborne Berl oedemas. Ont. IOU tf LN. L&01$, B11MISTSR, PR '0- ter to mistlse* O. tl. of %termo Mew Saler Ogiberma k.wt. 11(11 RO. HAYS, B4ItRIbTi It, SOLICIT m) . *r. Ofilee Nattiest- seat dour Beam (t4L''e. Prieam• Volute M teed at lowest raw of later et. 81r4 HARROW B PROUDVOOT, BAR. Vr ream Agresti" fluitaileir flea. Bede rlrb. J. T. Ostrow. Q.0.. W. Predtoot. IIAM$hJN, HOLT it HOLMSt$, k ter eters. Writers ea Che.oery ay. loderech. M. C. Canuerea. Q C. ; P. flat . 11.41.7 Holmes. (ti. WARD, ('t!NVl1.YANVKk, J m . kc.. 5.4 oomiesio, .er .or teatnngg and re. maim romanassaos 01 ell• t, alad.i its us SElrL5tfons. deposition^ or nolemu declare - lams la or ooncrninit any evil.rn. suit or pro- sodies( in the Huth CoLit w Justice, the Co1fl of Appeal for Ontario, or to sol County r D.vision ( curt, All transactions iaretulty rad peo.mptl) eseeetad. Ite1idenue and P.0 addrw Dnn3•5nss O.t. 11!16-tt Lorena and laauranee. t SNA(,ER, (X►NVSYANCING AND • . I aet.rasoe alio.. opposite.Marth .. Hotel Oodtnich. _ III ON KY rt * LEA', ON MoRTt:A(;g 1 1 at 1j per rest. Noma dieco..ted, C. g Mita. ulnae marmite Martin's Hotel.(ide- rlrb. ONKY T() LOAN. - $26.000.00 • Prime, Fuado to lead at y54i per °sat. aa awry. Lull TI.713 K. DAN" 'K1'. I(.noi's book, e 00aute Colborn. Hood. Ooderlch. 1117-11 J. T. NAFTEL, FIRS, LINK AND `` • maidens tsenramo5 meat; at lowest &Me.wes 01111m -Car. Northam. 5.d (!suers, cod. aitb. 71. 11500 000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO W CAYie011 OOLr a BOUM. Bode - Wee tyro AIONSY TO LiIND.-A LARGO (tomos( d Private Puede for In,eattttrot at:sweat rotes as Ares -elan ltortg.sw. Apply •BARROW a PROUD/OOT RkADOLITTO, ASNSRAL LN- ..ta.so.. Real Reta a and Money boats( Agent Only 1rmeass toalp.01 s sere_ent.d. Money to Lead oe straight Imes, at the lowest rate of lateness golns. •s atir way to mut tit oorr0wer. three- Bea M der trees lq oar.. Wort Street. Oath.lab IOCA.tf MsohaiI ' 1111111411111114. / 1ODE1UGH M?CHAMOW INSTI- lJ TUT& LIBRARY AND RiADINO- BOOM, ear. of Kart street 5.4 theme Igo them Ops' ins 1 to 0 rms.. cad from 7 to 10 ►.r. ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY. In.ding Deily, Weekly mut IUwtratsd Papers, Maymossma, ek. use Ate. MEMRKRBHIP T1c WT, ONLY *lobs, • eating hose w of Library sed Reading. Roma. ApplIo thins for memhanhlp received by IJbmaisa. In room J. B. COLI*ORNIL B. HAMILTON. asd.m.5 M"'e areae Mills Mgt Libreria*. A THOMAS tIUNDRY, AL'CTIONKER asd Insurance Aee.t, Ooderleh. Ont. £4eat Loudon Dad Lmeahire Inns las. Co.. tad bore District Mutest lee. Co. Sales at leaded to la any part of the meaty. Illy JOHN KNOX, GIN NRAL ACO- tlnmet sad Lead Valuator. Bethnal'. Oat. liming bad ameldesble ezprissss 1• ✓ e lt.•tlteesti teed., be M to • prlllam te Wrkarge with S50,uttp anthracites" all nem w yuoa. *striated to bleu. Bedtime left at Mrtu's Rotel. r seat by mall M him .dA [asWench Cream AAIw.r ban, The dirtiest trying pea will beams elmss d asked five miaat.. is ((emesis sod water. Ehe Reason e . Good health canoes be enjoyed whim the nerve. are h o dersrg d medium 1. became other organs of the body ds mot reenive their natural supply of serve fluid. The nerve metre 1. situated neer the base of the brain. sad when nerve food la eat of the related part Mens be tumettonal pow( Scott's arsaparilla Acts like Matic ID Reaming Shattered Naivtle hsoaus• N -'snow meek servdi sot pwr for ereaphe.l.g awl 1e5.a111.6 Me serve aomre. Nrvw. hMdirhtk .arvien eyggie. mad s1 serve • magemeo• weer the gymmamallii ere. *001. enitimmeee15 bear as wear tier ea. the Use ei►a9111. sew Wed mad mesdnt Mi STRONG MUM= °WS aldlt IMO SPAM444 I% BALE E Wf JAB. WIlaON. Odarieb Pate of Chleeoe Gordon. Puha tette elf eta Mess -Murdered tae m.rea a .y tae Mabdl I. the Lao' air•Mtu .r the White - Walled elm rhartesss FEW wen have played such stirring parts ea the world slags is varten 11101.1 se the English soldier, !'►hales George (..r duo, who was stilled "Clement Gorden,"sad "Gorillas Puha His drat mrblu expos Mow was e• the !'reams war. ♦ few years later found Juni WW1 Sir James Heim Omni ►pled with the Freest in thud war with Coma. In 1863 he was med. oommander M the Chimes -ever notonow army,' which wait seat aroma the Tae 1'u.3 nattily. whose (set urrea.Iag power threatened the emu threw of the reigning dsamity of that net empire. The army 'iodic his leadership merited its name, for after 33 battles, the revolt was quelled, tend whes l:ordee re- signed hu eomm.0d • year later, he roue •d front the Emperor toe highest deesntron he eo.ld bestow, the yellow pure' mud the psssock • leather *1 a mudarte of the first cl..a. Eleven tears later Gorden was made toe error of Equatorial Afrin sed • Pasha by the Khedive of K'vpt. 1. 1881 be was commanding royal eueloser w Mauntiw, and the tollowu.g year the head of the or. Iw151 forces of the Ceps of (,sod Hops. H• wu on hu way to the Casio regio M sup press the slave trade there whim, 1. 1884,h. was ordered to the Soudan by the Braun Gover...ent to aid is wttbdr.wtog the gar- rtaooe of Egyptiaa soldiery from that region, whish was teen threatened by the hordes of that false prophet call.d LI M.hdt. ...At, tr. A' i. A g * KT01 Il. The .tory ut Gordon sed Khartoum will aver retain one of the dab k.et pages in England • bluely. Fur years the Turas bad beau pluudenng and oppressing the people of thv $oudu, •lave trading to eta mot horrible guts* enloved unexampled prosperity, eae the gauntry was reps for re- volt. Fur many sears tae fall" of !raise has been meting immense strides is lentra1 Africa, •ud Ite souverta had ruched the solouublty, cumber of 12,000,000. At this opportune moment came ll5bum.1 Ach0mt, who proclaimed honer* u k1 Mahle, the lesser and prophet, who should reveoer•te the earthly kingdom of Islam by force of arms, sed thousands Hooked to hes stud mrd. Hartle after battle, some severe a0d bloody, W.F. fought, sued, despite the last that hes dome authority and prophet' power were discredited by the heada of the faith at (;giro and Constant maple, El Malady, toe 1)0mgula eerpenter s sem, toned himself in 1886, lees than tour years alter hu career began, the master of the «40.terlal pro- visoes sod of upper kgypt. Kart% Ise 1884 there were 8,000 Egyptian tamps Petering' Khartoum and Aesou.0, 6,- 000 is Khartoum, •ad 20,000 to the south of .het city that were 1.thf.l to the Khedive, but the M.dhe and his my nada of earn, fanatics ruled the lad tea the north- ward The Kuwaiti Government wasl5dd It would be cheaper to abandon the Simian and bring these trews down the Nile to safety; and hnaliy *gelded to popular epu- len and sent 1,00. 1.orlen to Kbartean. He reached toot city en the 18th of February end was hailed Ly its inhabitants u their deliverer. He moon food, however, that though his a.thrtty was absolute with in the Preto, he was powerless in the region outside. Khartoum is at the union of the white anti blue Nile. sad eta natural strength has been much increased by • series of etro.g fortifications on ma landward side, m It was well o.leulsted to resist • long mute. Gordon tint stumped to treat with the Mandl, and seat him pr.m.0 sad an apo poutmest as Governer of Kordofan. The Moslem Messiah, however, was mot to be won ever by such means as them. Ilt,:lv'1,... Till 11115, Then the mag. of Khartoum began. The forme under Staten Bay, the Governor et ltrfour, had been reduced to 200 sick bid wounded men, and timely they surrendered 5.d Matin was a pruo..1 1■ the M•hdi'. camp. Hicks I'eaha--('ol. Hicks, former- ly of the Bombay Staff U.op.--the leader of mother mauve army was 5.iki15ted by tae tales Prophet's hordes, and mens laved tee tell the tab. As long as oosmuicahoa by telegraph re .05,514 open (;orlee 3ostiu5d to beg the Rntieb Government to send troops to his relief, het his prayer WIRY u.b..d.d. Uewer&l Gorden's Journal of 5,. days et wadies sad homer in Khartoum after Dewe from the oulde world had matted te setae, h as been pe►leshd and in 1M plain sad ample wards tells the pathetic .try of the *vena wbt.h preceded the downfall of the tett-. The mite lasted 320 days, and then u me full and authentic mosses of the ls51 .mesu11 lied awful carnage that 'aided it. Perhaps 1t Is bear then is sat. (heti. Pasha sew (Medea killed, though he, as • captive is Maine, bad little chum fee observation. saw rough horror in thea eventful hours to have driven as ordinary the tate raving madness. It was .el a.dl ysan later only • taw unclothe ago, in twat --tat he was able te amps from the Maedi and retrain he freedom after '.told megeri511 and hardship. He is se Austri- a by birth. and hie lite was spored only become he prefessad the Mahemetsa raj Curiously inlaid 1111111 sword whittle wee takes from him when Daher fell eaves wean ago returned to him i. London • fort.ight.4..s W has !flat!n surrendered. h is award which was of A..tra. potter. .ed M. /rat he reo.ivsd es entering the army, was plena P M the .5di. Orr ih blath was Satin s same i. Arabia Mame ter.. After the battled Take, is 1890, Jm&. M. Cook, *Mir ef the Ina of Thous Cook • 80., pareh5md the award at Luxor, es the banks et the Nile, free' • native who h ad just arrived trees the Sodu, wad Mr. ('.'k's wttmeti5 was at egos •ttr5otei te as i.m.rIpilss is Arabic ea the 5151., whisk, en 5.404 leMphersd, proved W he the name of " Sate." The •155.s04 of the *word had bee. broken Sad !*010.01 togothr with gsadle bids sews with a hippopotamus thong. Oe Mr. Cook's meet*.( .abrin Pala •t the re- sent Desem5.hieal Caere* he 1maloed h0 h im W keg lest sword. - • ovens ewer /amines. M-Rtpreem : 11111isee lett by fr re Benjogeim P. Cheesy will be very till divided i• 0015!!1505 with the presidia's( his win !be mer (rt..e gess te the widow .mllath1111te 4r... t the p yaaa a .la MMo jeelk weasel die trines We*. wilt mganplq Mews will he tree Ott/ a $3O0,M0 he the widow with $7,0001t yeus nutty 5.d 1130,000 •ddttieram1 per year to keep alp the eapme, d her mammies* ; 11100,000 emit be the mono, Benjamin P., Jr., .ad Charles P. ..d whom e..), .►•u seamy, r when he be mime 30 yours old $160.000 additia.al Wham the; lawiese 3b, 40, 46, mrd 60 0 .re old they 'loll roosts* 1160,000 en gaols birth- day, .anima w basal bitumens M Melt mem at 50 years el og• 11460.000. Mr. Cheney's daughter Aliso .M I e..1 et his other dough ten raisers 1160,000 as eon* es • free pdt, and $50,000 sere ea she deb of their war- riagn, or whew they reach 3o years of age. (/s timer thin te�Ht -fifth, fort and fiftieth birthday. $40,000 is to be trails - feared to the food& of their respective credit is the Meads o1 the trwtet§ and the hoose paid to the several Imat.ee. The will Jar - they monde, that each lauybi.r. .stat. . hal be Ira from th. *Dotrel of say bus bead. te "plot. sad da " Bitterness of spirit gees e with usability and washers eery elms, mid TAUGHT BY A GRANDMOTHER. 1►u set lot stale dowers return in • rob roam. Wear • clean &pros when ironing or bed making. Write mother time, money, tetra, nee opportunity. Warm bread and cake should be cut with • warm knife. Ito sot leave vegetables t0 water •itr :bey are melted. Rub vinegar on the teinglwen stoyedoot*, sad so have theme clean. A bad 1.ad.•he u often the result of *B- atting or improper spsotealm both black calico in salt and water bdore washing, and so 5revent 1te (•thug. Ikeo's put ufl the week •• sanding. Pr, eraetlmatlen sever lessens the work. A clean, well oared lead well-managed house results in good-natured emotion. When silk looks greasy, remelts the grew by spreading mwnosi• o11 the wrong .ids Put • few drops of turpentine in the water when clothes are put Co wk ; It whlteas them. Cadentud what u your on a the kitchen ; the true houoewlle is mistress of her rtus home. 1'h. best sales for any meat is chserfal nese. Never vrwabe while rung ; laugh; ter oda digestion. Hay water sweetens tin, wooden and iron ware. Thr ea made Lt Wiling • hole sweet hay In water. Never ask • hungry person to do • favor tint gyve a good dinner and nue whim out of ten swum. Ir ••.orad. The best remedy fur timorous drainpipes te copperas dissolved in water lead poured sloe ly through Lawn. Mir turpentine In the water with *lush floors are scrubbed, and thus escape Duffel* moths and rewires worm. Ilo not take the risk of 114btug • fire 1n • move or furnace, not Mumma te ns este, or one whirr u wt understood, >pnskle powderer rice upon but and sp ply to the blowwisg of fresh wounds, sad use blood will etup rinsing. To nava brooms last, put theta for three montes u het dud. twice • week. Int then: rare with the broom end up. Whoa Dolla14 tough tort .r fowl, they will be made tender by putting • table ep0rlul of mealier in the pat. «hen seesawing us ■tesail., • small quer way of aids thrown tato hot sada wul be found almost equal to loo5ring. 7'o get e1.ar of rite, besides using traps, oa.s or dues, use chloride ut lune. 1t is said they comm where et is placed. ' The eyes shoal(' be bathed every ought in cold water Jut before retiring, and they will do setter work the tellewtng day. Whoa very tired. lir on the back, spew- ing muscle to robin, letting the bard, mu sa♦ way they will, and keep the eyes O [00,4. It yea have to sew ell day, chug. your wt oowwtrally, arise oolou rest. Bath - mg the *see ane heads well aloe stimulate and refresh. Oil swam may be removed from wall paper by applyug for tear hears pipe clay, powdered mad mired with water te the thickness .f cream. Old feather beds, 11 left en a Pecs plot durum • summer show.r,and elbowed to get tbero.ghly wet, will, whoa dry ud Mites, seem fres• lewd a..w again. 1n duating, carefully take up the dust en cloth and shake it obit of the windows. Do not dart it from o.e woos of luraltare to an ether ant call it dwu.g. Kerosene oil •pplled to fian.el u u c1- 0.11Mt thug with which to rub okd far - niters, or dear paint, portl.nlarly the duty finger marks around door handles. True Idybeed as heightened rather than lewd by good housewifery (mite. • 5.tlmwil1 may, or may met he • geed. woman Whet hr grudmother was sad whet she wills to be am decide the Teem Moo. Never pat • milk dress r cloak away with dant in the (0110 or pleats. Shake tient well, sad rap with • piece of fiannl, or brush with • soft whisk broom. Use a soh brush for hate and hoaa.u. and always put them away clean. Dues is sever as easily removed as at first. Boy tea mete' el wisp in bon, and hev ism dsoelvd It i0 het water, wash in sods thus made any soiled white msmmr shawls. All the .pots will disappear, sad, df ear tai ly pressed, they will be *gest to mew. Cash- mere and other woolen m5trL5 as be wasted in the we manner. T. sake old bleak silk look like new, dip the pleees rndividmally in old water. Dr't wring them, bat put them dripping wet or a flat, breed, wooden 1351* ; seethe them out eardu11y with • small sloth. its rate not te leave any wrinkles. la half se hoar remove the elk from the table .sed it will have the lustre drew milk. Black rib bas may be treated is the mane way. Colored silks mid ribbons may alio be ro- mewed is like weer, provided the osbrs will net its, whim& mar be •.arrtsisd by to irg sm•Ii pieces. Wbwrr. R• woe the poet .f • breed hvmwanity, aid he was the peel *t • lives( (sir. His map .f freedom, whisk perhaps, ie ►a h eart's depth, he oSerdehed mese %ham ane otter peen of hie 14fe's work, were superb midland.. He Ham them me the prophets of iern.l spoke 1n thew holy %resew. Ts. sprit of lied eeme ,51a.4 him. He wee s literary Hebrew. 01 ..ares is assseiy meed be said that he wee no Hellen. The Halms dose not trouble himself about "Mamma" in Wbiss Wr the asitia of .moral rogsaibtity swabs his goatee. His "art lens rt," es it has boom well mailed, wee beet devel.pd i. W ham ,oars. whom the freed glove sad the gaged .omitry mere ea interval et went to that eneensprombier New Rag. lend by the entitle gened -- 0 vegmdlabeledylabeledLoden, Perim r New York,hiwal whishfedliable be i :.r. a �°miht hA.. isms .sWhine ew. ?bap bits mss .t hid (u wI,Ny r Mb 5 eyrpaNy with all ase w. ((weld W►tuter weeds his note of ether : "Who may but 1(rtye .my yet Mil The harder s..l of asthma55011 A.d good bet wished, with God is do m. A.d who mined year. for • higher greed than the owe Mafia • (oath which stage ill shadow •od Melig5t . "I know .et when his 'Meads hft Their fro.dod palm. in air, I only know 1 Mame( drift fie wt Hit leve mad Mrs" • emeMte*. How can we raise more corn to the •cher' Why, of course Ly wog Pathan, • Pura Er - treater. Putamen P•,nlem t'urn KXrtrastor 1►w divan n5le•re.I MtNleetlee,!fer It is sure ea...ad 5.1.1.s& Like over) mimeo of real merit 1t has • host of donators, and we would specially warn the p.blie t• surd *guest those dangerous substitutes shred for the gwulee Puto*m'a Extractor. N. ('. Poison, A Co.. proprietor*. Kingston. Maby Metes. The disadvantage of having • nickname applied in early youth was never better Illsstratel then b) the 13pene010 of • boy who wee koowo un tb• N bite Hous., sir or seven years ago, se "Baby McKeo. He is bow • resident of New Perk .ity and u • stout y.sag.ter of 0esrty twelve, with a great feudalism f••r ;ameba:1 and other athletic sports. His life would be its plea sant as that of uy other boy of that age were it net fur that infantile alskoeme, which clings to bas Ilkm on mtu►us. On e11 ora moer his playmates use It, sed even his elders sometimes boil him with the hated appellation. Wit by far the most (.11104 part of the hu msess u that people .II over the eoubtry 0500, to Ignore the tligut at time, and seep sending him gifts unit hued for the surgery. I►oly, rattles, rubber runes and high chars are among the thine that cause posi Pm torture to the grandma 1.1 11•1'reaid10t Harrison, a.d it bmatod that he beadles them anyway hot gently in his wrath. 1t u not impossible that the sense will cling to hum soul msabood.--0oide. Days. i)r. Talmage will 40 to Washi.gton as pastor of the tint Prs.byterm.. Church. 100A110 t‘t) r! • 4GeNTtitst[a Ago . �tiS PULMO TAR SOAP ,\�e��. h CSEANSE3 TM` 3� REtIEv� TIC Orr $s Ago so vREvEMT$ PIA 1 NT: -flWNG 0YL' 40.6.1 T P 25$ e D. CANTELON West street BAKER, STILL LADS THE TRADE. His bread is made from pure Manitoba flour -trade from the cream of the Manitoba wheat -and therefore is the beat in the world. This is a big thing to say but it is a fact and you have the privilege of buying this breAd at the same as made from inferior Hour at the price of 5 cents per loaf, delivered to any part of the town. Orders for cakes prouiptly at- tended to. rarVe edding cakes and almond - icing a !speciality. D. CANTELON. TOILET SOAPS MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. SEE OUR DISPLAY. IT WILL INTEREST YOU. CHAS A. NAI RN. IF YOU WANT A SUMMER SUIT ens ee of First class Make, e Good Material and Latest Style, -CALL UPON - HUGH DUNLOP, The (#awned. 4lellae, Next to Bask .t M•eireel. THE THOROUGHBRSD STALLION will sbe et our sables. 8- 030" aloft THOMAS GUI DRY Ask your Druggist for A Wonderful Tonic and tot irtleso moo RENVINTIO Remedy for Weak and Impure Blood, Kidney and Liver Troubles. ma_.eem1msee o J. M. MeaLtOD..o.tnsao, oar. OODERION WOOLLEN RILL$ are Re -Opened ! 1 !leg to may that 1 have bought the Woollen JIiII from %Ir. Mil'ann, lately run by Mr. Dickson, and ant refitting it up u1 lira( -etas. ;tyle, putting in many improvements, making it an Up-to-date Mill, and hope by doing first-class work and fair dealing to merit a share of vnur patronage. 1 am prepared to do Custom Work in all its brut -hes, such a.. Rool Carding, Spin- ning Single or Double Yarns, manufacturing I,llauk.'t�,, Plain and Fancy Flannels, Double and Siegle Sheeting, Twee!,, A1. , u.l>.0 Cu;tow Weaving, Dyeing and Scouring Blankets. ALL WORK Dunt I'IWYPTLV. G. M. COLLINS. WE HAVE 4 CONTR» ( 7' with °writable give the beet Business and Shoe -them' roues• 15.1 man be had. and as e have compia-ted the ru,.irect the Forest City Business and Shorthand College, London, Ont., is enjoying a liberal petrcn03e. We hate something new along edu.ationd lIrase. ear Kay etre. There is something in it. Catalogue free. thy6mos J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. SUPERIOR JEWEL FURNACES .i,.'� Are the most PowerfL,l Heaters in the World. es,- .4 u For Econom, Durability,and an ems- i ily regulated Furnace, it has no equal. - n ' FOR SALR BY .. _ . HBRPER & T.E. - BURROW STEWAR * 'fa. . . arm raw sgt/tBJ l P. S. -For Coal or Wood. HAMILTON, ONT,-ti t -r ' THE PERSON,',, that wants a good Match, and that knows a thing or two, will remember that this brand is synonomous with everything de- sirable in fire -producing lucifers. / E' B. EDDY'S MATCHES. They are the Best I THAT I8. GOODS SOUOIIT AT " THE FAIR." See the New Stock being opened up, among which are MANY NEW LINES. We give the best value in Goderich. CANDY GEVP�' AWAY Y with every purchase of lye. and over. AT MUNRO'S Several Lines of Goods to hand for Spring and Summer Wear, to which additions will he made as the Season advance.. Goods are all marked at the Lowest Living Profit and selected with more than usual care. Customers may rest assured that everything will bre rap -to -elate, and all Departments well assorted, therefore no need of particularizing particular.. Special attention given to small warty. inspection kindly solicited Prompt delivery of purchases to any park of the town A. MUNRO, 100/ Drager and Haberdasher. 1 t>_tamaMs' FEATHERBONE SKIRT BONE For giving• at. pllohle. eI.ete boa. sada Rose g.i1M. it y soft sad 71014153. STYLE and SHAPE Mefermi.,t "'dile le tads. rot 3t.,.3 Mase► abase le Skirt r Dram TIse tO we wittiest ! likort I1wr that at V, b d n. LADIES' DRESSES m.'ww ,»mmr: rot` Per wits hy leadltg Dry Geed. 150M,. -4.