HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-10-3, Page 22
TAE STGWAT.: (yr(►T)P'R1(11, ONT., THTTFMT)AY, OCT. 3 1895.
and all pains, eztertatJ
air internal, are uttitaate
ly relieved by
"Hold on, amour., 1 Turn out •,ander,
eloae to the v,e'I '
For the read'• rather •.sees, and I've rot
it all'
Whoa, back, haw there,, 11'Latinist ' Whoa.
'1'beee are oirn' ha► need all the road you
must know ; the crown." - I'. sty was now master of the
\ es, I drive without maisou , rh„ suuge
'it wtton, and grow more &slut every
it may anew'
}'Ur 1 in .ally 10.04 •:Irna•'r, rely
tithed- mtu
ueat "Au there • m opeo tae cr*tIcIsm•
la ma pnvst..,ep.ucu % as a tree tarn Soot
the a.lueeo hersel has rias business tae attar
fere mei ,me Whether a prefer operate or
limejul3e for m• tattoo , Million had wise
deceived Pasty with the Inter •eductive
thud, "Whether r mutrry.e wife or three"
Milton's third awhile wen still fresh an
tbe I;IOU "1t be matter for • ma's stn
"As regaird• the bookie, ' sod I'oety held
its cheap trovers between hie thumb and
forefinger. -yell excite* me. Jamie Soutie
gied me • lend o• hu 'French Revolution,'
•u am just wraith' tore' wi't. A been&
mulkle time ler re•din, an' Tamales
6.erlyle'• • stiff body, bet his buike are
grand feedin'. Resides." and now Peaty
gave the coup de erste, "thee releegious
bookies hoe nee logic for an able bodied
mu, sow the List the ve pied me wes louse
is doctrine, joist 'tusk .0 vet Armies&Dlsm.'
Pasty was understood to hold an impreg-
nable poeittoo with the bead of his depart
snout, and it wee boasted in the year that
he had carried the mals from Dramtoebty
to I'itt/crurte --thirties miles and back
every day, eteludiog S.bb•ttu—for eight
and tweety years. It was alae believed
I lettere, sad the root he gathered lobe west.
The upper Glen had • ba with • keit, at
the wags roads, end the theory woo thea
mob farm had oeo key and Peaty Itis own
ff very key •z ip& Pasty • Ma been lost Wag
sae, .ad the dour .toed ape" to the bight.
Bit Peaty alweye made • vain attempt to
thick the doer, need solemnly dropped the
letters through • slit. Some ferule had hide
holes is the dyke, which pasty could Bad
eh the darkest morsteg, a.d tens man, tkm'
•beet luroe of awtom, deposited hu sorros-
poadesoe,•s hu father had dose beton him,
et the loot u1 en &Detest b•eeh. hareems
b•.dtng t'osty letters oouatdered iL polite
to hint at their oosies's, and evens tutor
m•ttou about our stales was cups►dared
Peaty s due. H. was hardly ever knew•
Le make any remark. ud • stranger would
have said that hs dad not hear :hut it was
souped that he carried the letters to Whim-
sey Kuowe himself auras George • illness,
and there as no .doubt that he was yutte ex
coed the day he brouebt the whiles of Pro
lessor Rothe recovery.
He only became fluent after he had bets
wetter, tor which facilities were provided
at five pinata o• hie route, and then he rave
himself to tboolion, is which, from • tech -
lea pout of view, he could hold his ells
With any man as the Gla. •toopt Jamie
Soutar. As he oould not find another then -
loran when to this mood, he used to
walk the taster Si • relief to his feeinge,sad
then rest quietly by the roadside for half se
hour, wrapped in meditation You ought
kayo eat your watch by kis rising, when he
went oo his way like • wan whose mind was
new et mea.
He face was so aoo0tsoaous sad un.tupiei-
ous during thew brief recreate that It ar-
rested • well doing tramp one day and et
posed him to mteoowtructioo. It maned
to ban. se he etpl•ined to our policeman.
that Peaty might have fainted, and he felt
it he duty to take chary* of the marl bag,
which its guardian utilized to fill up the
hollow of his beck. Very gently did the
tramp loosen the steep and ettnceta the
bag. He was raise from hie knees what •
bug red hand 'ripped his arm, and Petty
regarded the face et his bead with profound
"AM obleered to ye, • voice began, "for
vee ;hochtfu' attesting' an• the care ye took
no to disturb m.. %e 111 be • resident of
the Glen a m' 000etry as wane' ver let
ten'' and Pasty rroee4with great deliberation
and refastened the strap.
"A mane mind yet Noce for the moment,
but ye may he viers yir freesia' 1)inu
gang awe' till s find ver letter; It nicht ham
hooey a't and ye re needin' 'a
'Surely ye didna mean to assault • pair
hotplate orator," continued Peaty, pioking
no hu stook, and I.s tag hold of the tramp,
by hie rep, "a rob him e' her Majesty's
mails. Sir, ye ken that would be highway
robbery, •ad, moa, ye micht be hanged and
"m AiiMebeld Vac K,rtnck, so gin y
hoe ooy o.mp:atnt &banst me for .ogleat o
duty, ye tan ledge It •i the Postmaster
(lateral, opteduo pert..'.l.re, sic •e let*
arrival or *minis tee deliver, w • II bas
the e&tewtactloo 0 oairryii ter letter patrt
•' the way up tee Its domination
'•A ve m• public Papaucny as u *Moor of
0l team 1
paid the lumberman of 1'&hveras.
"That F:peo'.p•i 01 i. of .r,•ellent tweed.
His more oote,l for sl) Ie has hs is fee
Soo— his .peat.
Though of delicate structure. the ex w►11
WO .l.ul,
Bot he was serer .0005. air, to sweat at
Ins work
Re's • good. pious 'a never lesu 1111 way,
icor he reale all the .Igobierds Bud gas not
estray '
,&i,l the lumberman of Calaveras.
"then -a the gaol Baptist o1, hes hard.
shell to the boos
('1•.e communion la diet —he sate all alone!
.hakes his head when ass Note end cheese
his ries;
He hates to be sprinkled. though it come
— from the skies.
He went oruss • bridge melees dragged by
the team'
He'll re nowhere, 1 swan, but down foto the
stream '"
Said the lumberman of l slavers..
"Presto tenth. gee ' Cosvreg&'tooal, haw!
They re good stock, let me tell you, and
.'; know bow to draw '
They re se palter ly matched, sir, that very
few folk
('an tell.m apart whom titer re out of the
yoke '
But you tam atm a alight difference when it Hut he had toe late only trim, when •he
u shown. Soeune brook carried away the bridge, sod
One leans no hie ellen and nue stands Poeta had to ge four mile" up stream to ilod
alone ' • oroesehg-pl&ce, and the day wham he
Sud the luevherm.s of l'alaveras.
struck hie head against • ease, he'ottatiag
"There• an oz 1 term Israel, the oldest of & drift, and la. in.msihle for three blurs.
all ; At tear o clock to a minute Potty &p
Once he geed in the '.rden beton AJants peered every monolog in the village shop
1.11. which had • euesulatad daring the night.
Ns :went. oto the ark at the time of the
flood 5 blended fragrance of tea sad sugar ad
And whm Ph&ro&h sears ed he was chewing candles and M&cdoot•ll s •hapdip, and
his cod ! where Mn Robb, our postmistress, recet-
Thene an anoestra. sir, full of dory ne wed Potty in a •eglweat undress, motioned
ease to, bat 1 dims' Kke to say strides
ablest it," sad Peet, regarded Onaaiadhas
wash an etN,e —s of sympatbgi. Iddon'
t "Yee dos s masa to soy," and C•••ing-
ham was math satiated. "Nat yes
Nick - -
•'lhaat pit yawed &boot, sir,'. said Peaty
is • consoling votes, "or suppose a wad say
• word outside this room. Na, aa, there•
tiner v the better o • alas ataa•I , an'
it's so possible , Dud freckle thee- the
1:rake witboet • bit menta ; but ye're sae
en me, Mud Peaty, departing st the right
morneat . cod he kept his word. But Cue
elegise= was se so•Dd•lixed that he let out
the 000501eataes. and the 1:IN was happy
for • month over it, for they loved both
ipso, each in her own way.
When Joel died suddenly, Cunningham
expressed sympathy with rorty sod pre
dotted an unexpected Dupreeaioo 0a that
sell oo.taiaed mat.
"It was only deet .amine 1 saw yes and
your brother part in the village. It must
be a terrible blow to yea.-
" a sow that," lecke is Peaty, "thin
ye re the only mat in the glen that kens
wit • son heart e'en earryi.' the day.
Joist •blow the public boom and be read
up an' • rood hems. It • theta Thi busk
ere soya' the day, as b. ohm •loos the
Giro, "Yell miss •leak, Pasty ; he slippit
off afore his time ;" so' • Plot rit them u'
11u, &y, it seeks. • difiereete,' but they
diens suspect m• regret. However did ye
tient on it' Th.n's nth use denyio it.
"Y. 11 tak yir •wain, Pasty,' for Jock
ayes ofd me that ---he was prood o t being
is the family —.o min ye ask me what
cam ower m. that • end hu refused him, a
ninth tell. "Nene, Jock a mud, '•'ve
ked esesoh the day, an' i m goer. home
He lookit at me, but he was dour, an nno
it • ower late ; all never 1.505 mei Jock
&gem " Aad Testy s iros manner t&Iled.
and fee oath in his life he was profoundly
The last philanthropist who tried ho
head es Peaty beton he died wit • 'the
Colonel, as we called him, that hoe, hearty
old warrior who stayed with the l'•rnegies
at to Lodge, and had some to aria over
Jamie ;Soutar at tbe ev gehatio m5.1101.
The Colooel was aortas that be oould man-
age Potty. for he was (rear at what he
called 'buttes boling,' and se he had his
Reseed disaster, uaderstanaint neither
Uruwtoobty nor Pasts. Being full of the
simplest gull*. h. toroth Piety etc the road
and opus the west delightful lathers yarns,
whuol were all intended to show whet
splendid bellows his eoldiers were, and hew
they ruined %hemael%ss with drink. 1'o•ty
gave moat careful &ttauten, and only broke
silenes twice.
"I►nnkia , if ye are meanie' Intoxication,
is net • (Atha', it's • sit, an me • licht ane.
Ye ken wh&r the drunkards gang tae in the
end—bet Lana let me interrupt vat'
bet for tons' the Mostar they re emtter•
ed about I
Said the lumberman of leavens.
"I've an ex over there who tends strictly to
He s the Catholic e1 ; what • monster he failing eoo.racy. 'Ye can aye tell Drums
is ' hes,h's band ; he. sifter some oilier free
And he keeps resit bit, while he kespe Pepe Poacher. Paget traket hiss since
(rowed old 't ' he'll no aaet agate. 'aline Newsmen, m&
And he Dwyer lets go where he once gets a word an Jes no n'ht the pit that afore
held '
Mie • strung one, yes bet ' Wbw, 1 Door ler lassie s Deme, and her • servant lass,
151. spoke tho' am no sayi0 -•t she dews deserves
But he started ri,;ht off, with bis mock 1. tt, send'.' her mother • poet 016re order the
the yoke ' , beginom o alk• mouth ogler. 'The Wor
Said the lumberman of Calaveras.
ehipful Cheat Kummer of the Soon of Temp -
"There • *Id Methodist, one of the beat on eras Reform.' Mislay, what • title !
the road' That • what they o•' that h•verta body
\'oud suppose by the fuse, he alone dragged 1rne t• South Aarobie Moocur had uD loaf
•the Intl' en leis: s or. Y. were terriblyofiright
How he pulls whom 1 sing hallelujah and
shout : ; % •..;, P.a. 1 heard,' to which sally the
But the worst of at is, he keeps oh•agu ; u ....vao:• te..e gave s sign ; and here's
snout ' , she tae said Mester Yellowleee 0-Kildrum
He was bought on probation, end works eros, askih ham has the Fast, •'m jslousID .
Kut 1 we 1.d him these years ud supposefilm •top : I. Sall, the Free Kirk teak 'til no bless their
1 must swop I' minister for his chola ; div y• mind the
Sea the lumberman of i'al•eeras. 1 diveesions is. his last sermon here .n the
the honey kirk"flood *ad ten troag► rhe
etillsg .by to • lied that owned tove uu
•' :Thar is sber was ell Petty .eked.
warts off he that ad wsi•tooet, for be had
beard the cry as he wee gang to the mill,
and took the lade •t • leap to lose se time
"Yu.doe, Pasty, bot ve—' He w.. •l
reedy is aha r apths, while the mother hoar
over the sago of the morales, deed. Is
eeeil.d &. hour It was not actually% nee
ute before he •ppeered. wrtb the bI•ei
aiming from • g••h on she f ,ewl.eed, sod
bung 101 • taw t»uuode on • rock fur aut.
"Come tot, Peaty, ye hate • wife and
burns, sad y '►11 be dru•wed," for Elep.tb
was . brave•beartod, unselfish woman.
"A'll has Elsie fret," and down M wait
agate, when the arrest raged &gather the
This time he memo up at once, with Elsie,
• poor little bundle. In his KIM. "'Tek•
her yulek," he gasped, °tutelar with one
hand to a ragged point ; and Elspeth bad
sit wooer grippe 1 Else by her frock than
Peaty hung up hie arras &nd was whirled
down the river, now running like • mill fall
and Rlsp.th fucaed .he saw him tenure
over and over, for he seemed to be twos
Witbe as hour they found his hod% down
below the lodge, with mu_v wounds en it
besides that iamb, and they knew st hew
that be had been dashed to death &gaunt
the .tomes. '
They serried him to the Lodge, the Col
Duel aaset&0( ups. being • hearer, and for
two hours by the clock the% did Date Bret
ler Pott v.
" It'. no • drop o water ill droon Poste,
said Janne Soutar, " and that her us Toab-
t1 &u as for • glint blow oo the head,
what's that to • man like Piety ""He 'i11
be oo the rued the moroio Kut Jamie
. poke with the kern assurance of • man
that fear, the wont and is afraid of break-
ing down.
" The water has been ower muckle for
him in the end, one .mid t. Airchie Moe-
eur. who had long striven to make • too
wallet of Pasty, as they went home to-
gether, " though he dads• awe an a the
" A door • was • wet hard es htw,Ja.ue, •
-Archie the the tenderest heart in the
Glen and was mush loved : " but there w•
the man • likit better.
" Yir Coags* was suthta toe mane, ,fir•
chi., when • y.kat as him. But be hors sae
ill will. did Peaty. H. had an •wfa reopen
for y., ea aye spoke o ye as his freed.
"Sao • was- Who wean& be ' He bad
• true heart, had Peaty, 'and sae )ukery-
peckiry (trickery) .hoot him
" An'&grawed heeds therewsan ..bode
in the Glen cud stmt ham u theolom% ex
apt, may be, Jamie Soutar. A.d did v'
ever heir ham say an ill word &boot toy.
" Never, Juni.: sa that was naehodv
b. was u interested in. The Dian -edged
lettere eve burned his Angers : he hated tee
deliver them. He was i body's fnead,was
I'osty,' went on Archie "an twbody's
"Ho deed like • mat, concluded .lames.
"There. lust as 000eol•ttos, the lased•
'Deis need tine.
Whea the new Free Kirk .''biter was
settled is I)rumtoobty, Jamie Souter told
\ter the story on the read one da. , sad put
him to the test.
"What think ye,uir, bec•m o Potty on'
the tabor side' and Jame fixed his eyes on
The minutia s i•os grew still whiter.
"Did ye ever reed what shall be done to
say wen that hurt/ one of Glad's barns'
It all be the opposite wltb Potty ; sad be
said soft ! " whom &noels de continually
behold t tsce of the l''&ther.
"yir 1ani, err, •ua Jamie : and when
the heresy trial began at Muirtewn, Jamie
prophesied ('•rmhchasl's triumphant as•
quitt•1, declaim. him s theologen of the
tint order.
by otei.' benison and . spotless widow
need. •
'That's trait the shoot's, lodge the his
ordship ; it'll he &boot the whits hires,'
rad Mrs. Robb reviewed the letters with uo•
"The suave Universalist easy admin,
Thinks the devil'. • myth with ►o great
amine fin'
There s the Adyestot, claimi■ to lave
second sight ;
If he keen on • guesstn . hell guess the
thing riwbt '
And the Seventh il.y Repos* - their num
bare are such,
If they do break the Sebberh, they dont.
break it mach''
Said the lumberman .f Calaveras.
"1;.t • Spirittalut' Yee sir : 1 bought oat
by anises;
Whets it comes to herd work he gees eft in
s trance '
Nothio' pr&otiml, sir, an • medium ex,
When you have to keep predate with
r&ppio • and l soaks '
But 1 meat keep morin and plead'
With my Orthod-o1 teew,er 11. world will
go wrong '
Said the lembermu of Calimera•.
"take the read that I sows, •.d beware
.f short this '
\ oe will not les* your way of %s. follow taw
I'm .erre tis tome you, my hrosd he tiara
Yet thie is the regular Inmherwen s rote'
1:n the road of life, stranger: my right is
All the world meet turn out for icy IlrNed-
im team '
Staid the lumberman of l:alaveree.
et tax re. 'Immix.
"You wud Dever miwondoet yawl like
that, but some o yir friends micht, an' •
wad like tee send than • bit message - Lord •
sake, diens yowl like that, or the neebnrs
ill think • in hurtis ye.'
Twit hours later he Wood himself behind •
hedge, ¬ating his sores with butter, and
using thecae' whish Peaty, as • religious
mat, would have heard with profound re-
When the incident cave to Dr. David -
son's ears he took • strong view, and .leaks
with such frankness and with such • wealth
of familiar illmtratioo,th•l Potts was much
edified, and grew eloquent.
"Sty Iowa, doctor, for itis a' true, sod
yir down' yir duty %taste' an' weal. A'm
greatly eblemeed 1a ys, an 1'11 Do forwit yer
tante'. Na, as. it'll molt. Yell no be
angry. though, er think me audacious, to
pint out • different.. etween me an m•
brither that ye was o.eburin wi me in the
matter o' testis .
"All so deny that • tat m• h1ortt0' and
mer be • foreseen, wi • drop d000 at Pits -
collie atter ma dinner. ea mist, • mouthfu'
at Lucky M•cphereon a coma' fire Nabs.
.ird, and • iud7 seeds something afore he
goes tae bed ; bat that's ma ordinal.' lie
Noe, look is toot in en not dnmmin'
tree mornif' tee sight, bath is Urumtochtw
an Mietoon ; and Dist s bad for the coo
*caution to say .5itlee o' moral•. Furby
that, D•stor, if Jock creases the line, be
feu te.soua ewer polities or the Cate•
elms, en' he ill heat tike • gado & : but
trio •'m joist a wet OVSTSom' --S'y never
been townat lake the pair regairdlene tom
wafts•—• sit does for half to err an' r5 -
fleet en the dispensations i Pr.videues.'
Pasty had, in feat, three moods -the
positive, when be am • w .f few words
the eomper&tivs, when be wee oh.erfal and
pyo himself to the diatheses of doctrine
ane the superlative, wb.s he bad been mast
log treaty and retired early for mditate's
As the years passed and Peaty established
himself as all heats, the philuthropy of
the (i1ea o•me to • faros on his redemption,
to Pasty's inward delight end with results
stall fondly remembered,
('u..isgh•m, the Fres ('berth *other
and shyest of men, gave his mind to Peaty
e the intervals *f editing Sephoeles, and,
atter pleasing the campaign ler four
morale, allured that worthy into dao study
and began operations with meas toot.
"Sit dews, Potty, 'wit down : Urn very
flea to ase von, &.d i wasted a th•.k
yes for your alteration oyeryeee a the
(:les mum be satinfiid with with your
seams of egoist duty."
"Thank v., sir.. said i'o•ty, is hie an-
ent voles, anticipating *lastly what 1'an-
* inghate was after, sed fling that u. -
happy rain wit • stare that br.sgkt the
p.rnptnuoS te his (erobead.
"Then is one Nin. bewsvie. that 1
wasted te my to you. yd, Peaty, you will
■ &derstaod that it ora—nett delimit to
in tact, to mentis.;" 5ni ('seiewh.ai
fumbled with some (hick Areas.
"What's yea well. N'" inquired Pesy,
keeper. Otheinghthe ander kis releases
sparrows, Pasty '.
We shell .tender et Ieogth,' —the voice
seemed to proceed from • graves image, -
'the natural history of the narrow : next,
we shall ootip•re the value of sparrows u
ancient and modern times ; and. lastly, we
shall apply the foregoing truth N the.pirit-
suI coadstioo of two classes.'
"That's it tae • word ; it was Resold
Mendes thereipit that he heard the keit
I.uachira in the kirk. Woes, that* •.
Potty, an so 'Advertiser free Runbree has
his moo is the Black Wash ; be 'ill be hams
mane lyrist thawed wi' medals. A deot
there • been mar thaw tiro' the nicht; it all
he heavy tniwillin'.'
The light of the oil lump fell o0 Pasty
as he 'melted his bag, and threw his fifers
into relief against • b•ckgrouad of boxes
and barrels.
A tall men. ems for I)rawtoehy, stand •
tag six feet three io his boots, who, betas
Daly • walking skeleton, ought to have
weighed some twelve ate.., but with the
bone and breadth of him, turned the seals
at fifteen. Ni. hair was • Gory 1ed,ss/ her
bare bard featured fans, tee shades darker.
No one had ever taught • tram of expression
05 Pussy's few, save team, and for en so
scant when he jumped ilea the Kelpi.'•
Hole to save the wee lassie, Rlepeth Mao
leaven said "bis eves were gr•usdJ H•
were the regulation sap se the bask of hie
beth, and es no ;esteem jacket was big
through a mem en Pasty s sheet, he loped
It with • string .ver • knotted w•istema
Doe Winter he awed to Glen by appear -
tag is • waterproof cope which • h.wani
eerie. oflhoial lied provided fee 5..ahtry pmt
even, but returned after • week 5. hie form-
er •stab, d.elmrisg that such luxuries were
I unhealthy, and certain to sodomies the
eneatitutie.. Hie wroth was the erre of •
small tursip, and g&.o the authorized time
to the diaries., although Fest. was ►Illy
d sn.arofng it for • uedens y to lees • min
eb is the moans el eam.r,• ~nplaat he
need to tram bask to • thunderstorm is his
gr.ndf&ther'• tame. Ns equipment was
eeipleted by as "taken stook, whish the
smithy shad afresh every third year, sod
rehiob Peotv weal/ suddenly swag over
►o head as be went •britt. It we eppusd
thus at shame times he bad •gid • pee a
Mrs. Rohb started bpm web •ease eft
`L E had called hint rusty so long
that ,lame `baht deol•red oar postures
hal forgotten tir mead of his owe scree,
e nd had refused • letter Warmed b him
self This was thinly J•mii s hunter, fee
Pott) held hie legal d.sdga•tien to salons
rememhr•&ee, anused d uitmistime.,the mistime.
*1 pride lath meal effete.
When M ellen, is whom Marisa.= lied
resehed the point of gamier, daft f.ishfally
with Pasty st New Year time es he per
. east habit, ..d .1plai.ed that le sesta
nee give hies messy leg be .is..ld them it
en Neese drink, earth* bun i.gmd •
w ell velem .tea improvise .bas*Mer.
Patty fat bash ea bee rees.rees.
"My ..ms.e he sad. thefts 11111•s eMw-
ip. tied gM.d due Waal& Ms Isla weight,
. Liter he inquired anxiously when
Colesel's re'►ment'bad boon recruited,
was relieved by the rower.
'A wee tbiakin' they cud to be toe
that let the drink get the upper
They sud be able to take their drape a
.•00117, an' Do mak fates o themselves ;
but • ve heard that • el.ms or tea* .'.peerit•
ill taro their heeds in the South.
R het Da Colonel, con.iaerably damped
by these preliminaries, came to ease grip.,
Patty kok • stand.
Pledge, did y. say, Colenel ' Ns, as.
A daunts has o5ything to dee wi• aim de-
viate They re teething tiles but vows,
and vows ere abolee•hed in this dispen•ties.
The cathohaie keep Was up. • m informed,
but •'m • l'rotest•at, an' ms oeasoia.ce
wudna allow me tee age. But • m terribly
pleased mei yir stories, air, an' they gar the
time pas 6n., as 7a manta b. offended.
Gin ye oud mea me the morn at the
bounds i the pariah, &'m willit tea •rete
the mutter i vow. up the Glen, joust tee
sbairpes oor minds. • A. for the bit ribbon ,
and Peaty held it as V it carried infection
tin ys h.11 Weaved tae Urumtocht'., ye
wud her kent Das man cud wear tie & thing.
11or fouk has en salt' sense 0' humor : it's
ane deep they mesa Isiah : but they wed
inlet look at the mat, an', as surfs death,
they wudna be weal for the rest o' the day.
Besides, Colonel, a m .uep.ckin' that them
were )riot es prsos.deot for the ribbon in
the Bible, that the Pharisees won, and •
Dever liked Nee gentry. Sall, gin ick•
mat began has pit ho virtues e• his neat,
an' did it honest, it wad be • ■how at kirk
mid market. Milton wnd has Dastm' but
yir ribbon, an Rarnloras, wb& • the best
men is the Goa, wud na hoe room of hie
Sabbath coat for hie deoorstiess,' sad 1'oety
chuckled inwardly, to the terror of the
Three days afterwards the treat tragedy
Impressed, sad as one seeded agate to
trouble himself about Pasty. it was sum•
ser time, with thunder in air, and heavy,
black cloud. above Glen Urt•ob. Jane was
the month in whish Mrs. Maefsyen
mound her bleakmt, and, as bar bun was
n early dry, .he transferral her apparatus
to the hank .f the Teohty, where • peel be
law :the will gave ber • SIM supply .f
water. Cl.tet\ lit • fn beneath the
birches es the hank, and boiled the water :
. h. ;planted the ►lsnkete ate • huge tub,
and, tusking up her estate, Jawed thereto
powerfully, with many • directies to Klett,
her •••••-year-old, to "see ye Lane f.' u,
Dr rill be tarried isles to Kelpie'. Hole
•blew, are it'll so be yr wither sea bring
ye 0.t." The sus was gall .hieing brightly
me the Mee when the Atetaat starts burst
w Ben Hnrsi.h, wham stoop sides drain no-
te the Urea, that ends is the Teohty.
Down the T..bty ease the Arcot wave three
foot high. brining es it fo.winr, ye.tty
waters, 1ehsehet N tr.... yesy bsbe, s
' seal from tawe soilage flow, • shop -
herd s plaid, and .11 kitede of drift frees
ddi.s that had bets swept oleos. iA.path
hoard the rear, .d lifted her .yes to we
i l.i., wits lid hose play's, w seer the
wipe. .wept away Irate the pool Mash,
that ia lass than • white we • ttttbitg
e anldr.a of water that whirled road sad
✓ owed 5(51.0 the roam 11•1•1• 05 NOM
d.ws the hod el the river.
"lie Mies 1 Id. boleti I Wed let' w,
5 5
"�►.11, it's steeply.' .ed them (using
ham d.teow • sew Savor is she asses
pliers. and edmolteed that Pasty had lesst
gtyes tate lets hands, '•aha► -Hera'• • very
stew tMshll st spirit. I. the seem."
Twee... A. JDA..
A Common
Foremen, Cad by TA*
AYE3R'S_ Barilla
"I was 'fleeted for eight years withFslt
Abeam. losing that emit, I a great
moor medicines ubleb weer baldly .re
omuirodtd, lel n..ur gale err. trl{rt 1
wan rt taut 511(sod to try Ayer's Sorsa
p•rills, by a trend 010 told m. tem 1
must purchase 511 bottles. Sat ttsr Ilan
•rear u.g 4. dhreetions. 1 y lmld. l to his
persoamkm, sought the its bottles, ai4
took the contents ul W rr.• of iltrse trq-
11e1 without noticing any dere.: I.rneflt.
Before 1 had rnlshed time fourth bottle,
My bands were as
Free from Eruptions
as over they were. My bovines., wh►M
le thea of a cabdriver. requirel me to
be out to cold and tet weather. often
without glove., and the trouble has
sever returned."— Ti*o)e A. Jos".,
Watford. (hat.
Ayer's. Sarsaparilla
,daaltliml st lata World'. lair,
Lifer'. PUla Cleanse the /tapers!«
But neither gold Dor the faseinause of
olvtlizatioa will tempt them a labor.
It is as old and torte saying that the
might as well try to get sling without tun
in the Antic maths as without magma
seta In the tropes. Mosquito neo seem le
have been of little .[al, however, in the
is tames rn l.ted. The inset's are said to
have been moat unusually ves.mnus sad
they some as such Dirri•o• that the) hay*
the ippearton• of a .,tet bathing eery ok.
waters o1 the riser, The Irtene Iwo ad
action of the lai..n es the aisles' speedily
drive the etronest mad. —Pianos e
W et l'y.
Moimaiieea My los Merl 1•r the Ment
1.1.r•.5 hake Seekers.
(:hid in pleats mac be found in the mods
of the Voldor river, • stream of moderate
volume that fells from the anew line of the
Sierra de Seats Marta in South Amens,
but though the lowlend region sad the
river bed when the prootoas octal sbowds
in fabulous yeast:ties are easily .00hssthb,
the mosquitoes are se thick sad terrible
there that .11 attempts to ra8• the sands of
their gold have se far fated.
Eliseo Resins, the celebrated Freoch
geographer, was the first to explore the
plain about the Volador • swab. He had
thought of establishing an agricultural col
in the fertile lowlands, but band the
of anesota so oahsar&ble that he was
to heat • retreat sod abandon hu
He was the dt.soyar.r of this wonderful
stream, whom w•t.n sweep over oud.
I hi.h are literally golden. He told the
news to the Freak Vim Consul at Ru
Bache, and too official obtained the •.a -
manes of the Eldorado. The deepen he
was to eseo0.ter be k.ew perfectly well.
He took with him when Mast out an u•
✓ e.ious! y ounstracted gauss lute di 1.17.
for two days he tried to live u.d.r it
. b.lter and watch the operations of his
w.rk.s.s, who toiled is the stifling beat,
Method in think earnest, and preempted Ith
heavy bet, gloves &.a voila At the sail
of the .a..nd day, however, both employer
.d employes My 57 the ,Wu1..d n
Tb. Mit to try M wr•i.g fortune from
these maritime. shoes wase Italian. who
obtained prsioses from to Vies (7ma•al .
The it.lie laughed at the 14& of sae-
quitem driving eaves* from • pjs.s where
gold (.told be peeked up by ts ks.dt.1-
staled est with • party of .:z, who
.hated with haw hie Wief, shad so they took
&less a opals! protegees masa the t.-
.oets. They ..dared tea leen thee 1.11 .n
beer els awful teeters, a.d the. left Thew
teal their way Melt to Lie Ostia with
dileslty, for the eyes of firs ware so holly
ewoilen that they were bind.
Y m there are her. liaises gybe eau
,ester, with ineuity hots this gee mise
whose g.ardl.a asstem aro setqutlses.aed
thous art same •f the savage ..lives .f the
aseetsiso frost whose reeky slaps the river
Miss meapt, who are mu.gsdM
s radsed m by tab babes
aaperta with main .I spew. %IMP. W
•'A weaned Hiles !motel, dr, tea mama s Grab kat 1'. ad Mil's ay mea firm* .lef. 4b• tlfgti$S0 MM bask them.
Fruit ea • arateiae,
Ili. Harr. item; .fold move that if people
try to lime oo such Muir se bread. sear
ewes, rice, cotes and oatmeal, 'inherit the
addition of frust er fresh vegetate*, semin-
ally of fret, is & little while they will be
teen languid u1 leaden Jamul, sad " die r
s few months at to loogest. H* s•ys.tee,
that it we wo.ld keep our..lves and oar
ohil.fres with (1e5r skies, bright tote: eta,
good dageruoa, rich theist, ne.l by blood
and streolth for work we mast rivulet,
sake fret and vegetables, eine they an
more necessary for the support of good
health than any Otho, eructs of diet.
The acids and pootrnmes in frusta swat is
digesting the for of meat. That is musky
people naturally Ishii to eating apple rase
with roast pig 1;Irl• with miserable, pal
ltd court lesions. ought to eat &quert el
s•r•wberrlll or several banana
says i)1 ltenirtield. Kananaa contain mesh
Iron. Then there is the lemon putt* curt
tor gout end rh, um•tisui *;rapes and other
irate mum ptratafullY aro •las e(ettive for
the pure of mow and rheumatism le the
swatter of cruised fruits, the doctor thuks
that the% should be sealed up only in glee
bottles, se the fruit scads are &pt to eat leas
the tinware and become poisonous. Hs is
further of opinion that millions of dollen
new spent os medewaea for terpld digestive
organs 'mould be saved It people &to trait
habitually. F nit M • very ass medicine
to take. anyhow.
A clad Ilea* fiats. Wort (klgnt.
Tits bast week as only ke done whew tis
bodily health is geed, basso. the body re
acts epos the shad, and • tasted inertia
supervenes whoa the body is enfeebled. To
have the hod. in • strong, health., buoyst
stat• the *il,ns's lnvand o Port Wise,
which upon the first symptoms of dee
loss of appetite, anenal d g
should be regularly takes. And thea at D
• foe old wine, desirable for its ewe sake si
• beverage. being pleasant stimulating, end
mellow Ie greatest advantage to the is
valid is that it makes blood which o m sad
1. o.wdea and the gives • new vitality M
he whole strum It is • teem. an mesa
parable bracer, ea 1 it is .t the same t
ime s
rare old wine of exquisite bosqua. Sea
2 ge
by all dealers at 77 SO per ease
bottles, half case I$4 or 75 sta. Per Mk '
Maws— - Bordeu Claret Co„ 30 Hesp�
SW" McMtetaL l)
Ask your Druggist p•
Murray &
P r Mi.wuiM. TWIN !lad