HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-10-3, Page 1jowl.
OW ADVERTISEMENTS- OCT. NOTES(t'RuM THE WES1. I'""'' "" „' �''°` t� e
nest teak tris. ter Relsod, Yea , w h•
Meese Novaltioa Jan RekiaOw.... 4 ttrlathor of oar dawkten, lire with, 1.
*e" 1 sale ---i.... Porter 8 A Trip to Dakotaand Manitoba
Fels Posta and Figures -J.1'. Arrests 8
8..'.' Sale H. B. Pollook 0 --
avow Waned -Bill (hila A haat ea aortae ■ soled word for the C. P. S Ira I
Guelph 5 Neter. Wheoipes• eevlval-Mem- 1
Drum las- Wilma . . ... 5 las Wilk old Friends Wan -
Drags ('laa. D. Williams 5 dere of Prairie /•rales.
To las -8- Sham 5
Inez Apply te 1111nIAl. OSo. 5
>;borthand Mea E. k. CoMaa.. um, 1peclal correspondence of Tits 8meim...
A Spoil -W. C. Geeeds
A Lively Saam-L•0•1-R. B. Smite
A successful 1.sumse-Lmal-H. R
Now Call Millisey-Mia
Notts• I�. UsosidR ... ..
Fes Wiated-S. R McD..paU, ....
- -
Card of Trankti
Tomo ilk, Het. net 1tlt.
Umar 81* sad Brother. 1 have to wino*
nye with many thanks the receipt of your
tae with cheque for i1,0e0. the iso.raaw to
the A au, held by the Iatc Yr. ('. F. Strew.
MI. A worth has only elopted sinew the he
maim papers were pled. and the promptness
u,us sodiau to the application ie cwrtaisly
,try osasend ib(. on the part of the Order.
nail r.Ii? tog to Mra Bsirredu rod a
_ T Id, CC.. H.&
. 1'.. 8. T. }LL8?8iiO.
� 1 IIIaMs haat Ledge No. V.
Odense.. OnearM'
Legal swim
M R+. /sunnier-Irr hr Peder o/ left Y. ,
pert. of /Ai. Ie0.ie.
1.a,uaat tom ardor for sale made bards. 1
will receive leaden op to to el, e o clock noon.
TURshAY.THKdyld1A\ OF t0('TOItKI' Ito
for the purchase ht 144 Int I.'efhthouse street
YNa'iek. Th. assent on and soil rennet be
.31.11.1. and 'here is • large two story solid
hide base therms.
Terme nee tench of purchase money down
end tel•nm within one month. witbost inter
hated at Oodtrich this bleb day of September.
A U.. IINs,
S. N. LBW 18, S M.tLt'OM8ON.
Barrister. Master at tlederich.
Ooderich. h
lV mach cows sod calms. The cows are
pod silken. Apply to J. C. MARTIN.
It It A ngleees a.
•irom of obtaining mosey on gest claw
tarn. se ant) cess do es at >. per cent. by a9
Prise to J. A. McDONAO/1. Room 116. Free
rid Buildings. Ter ter. wit ea
License. Ca flack s Ottl.'.. art
wsstsa farm to nowt or work ea Mares.
Addrr s 8. R. MrlP)l'GALL.
M le fleie•1Ph. P. 0.
0 to posh the sale ot the 11.11 Oros. for
6o.tench and rielalty. Apply •t owes
7: )t The BW Orem it Piano Co . Guelph.
PubUU Notatioes-
.J waread against irking goods 10
sat s ri wmess ithwritten
eterom as I will e lblr
11r ter payment ofgood• se tttalne.l. ALKX
AM ER M'RiMt3sOUR. Auburn 1'.0.... tt
hutting. camn
ping. fishing or othering so my lands wise will he
prostrated according to law. Such lands .re
the Ilan farm in eoloorne Tp., aad the prop
•••y known as the ro11s Romero fa the twee -
skips of nadericb and Colborne
t (,AMPION. Q.e, Z L11:C13f fR.
lf� Solicitor Pe.Er
Por Sale or To Rent.
frame frdwe;Iinlg house 110xib with P•x1(
iridium and shed. situate' on Lot 5tr. Olouces
'er Terrace, t.oderfch AD0l7 to
[test half of lot n. concession Si. West
wresrahosb, 100 asree. A well improved
fat• �. and nen 10. •ubdlvt.ion of Block 1.
t'elMrn,•..bout Marren.
TO LF:T The shop lately occupied by the
ate Thom. Seed.
Aptly to M.O. JOHN8TON,b•rriater, Gorki -
het, OR
Mese as l?lamiltea•N..•t prompt oeeupad
II N J. Honer. Posorsion on or shout Oct.
sl Apply to 8.81.em. nominee st. It
t d Skala sad Theory -010140101104•0
One deet ROM ef Cipt. Ps,,...'. WoM•dt
Oedentth dt pg
'hadepIO Wanted.
Vaudois Ar the various trades required 1&
k mreodsa et ekar
(beer's ob• Godorfoh.
Rs lonely,/ w,.
tap to 3 r.ca Thanday the
IRM day of Ools8er.
Taegu., to be addressed te elle Rave
WON.Sad. rich. Ont.
beleaven or any tender wlllost eoe.ear1(7
Mm eel sirclioatlo.» eats be sten o. and
. the Nth Imt.. r the ptwsadurt•
lled • NraNgtls.0the Mei al Pest Masslsfi�resdetTo
LOW for M, dese•VI.
T1a HURON AND /1111,0C111 WAN AND
'w"• wt faews r" C1orpol ed Baines.
s'wt►s .t tear portere4. . ea tot
sae miler upwards. Dupe.Mers ran W
tones ► advantage to and ere a
lit to i1'• woertty of yeew'►.4 8.
AtpK;t'. kipe.w. adiAApprliaa.11oes
�tiyii 1 fed so North
eeyo'g'»"w.ttalR S one-Mpodve
L aACR HO Ojty+WIameop . J. i.
1 LIFT l;oferieli tett .I.ly 9, and
rens8ed I'embwa ea the 12t11 The tint
thug that .trick as a the trip on the
Canadian Pantie Railway was lbs rocky
sooditioa of the road, and how a he was
ever built there is • m%.ter% to the as
initiated. Keewatin is n lively plans with
rood building.. Ons of the Altsst tloartag
mills le this western minim Is located here,
and is supertatsoded by Alex. Megaw,
femoro) of the Ogilvie & Hutchiaoa s Rig
Mill, of (:sderi.h. A large lumnerttig rade
is also row hero. At this stage 1 nigh:
say that the kaonew and wurteey exhibit
d by the employes of the C. 1'. R. snot he
cxmll. 1, and if patterned •ire- by some of
the 4, i It heads would teed to popularize
the later road. The tuanelling in senses
tion with the 1' P. R. oonlltruettw wee
eemetpi.0 .urprutog te me, we having
has eoe•eioo to pees through out lees Nan
seven during ear trip. Another Deculur
feature ores the manner in winch small bay.
and water parked' had to be skirted, in
some instance. the 1u. fermtng • horseshoe
to •coonptuk No p.rpose. 11 • arrived
on tree eyonug of the 11th. The city seem.
to have recovered from the .lunp wht.b it
etpenssoed after the boom, and is spread
ung out in • eoa•wk&t lees pretontIoas man
n ee than It did early is the 80.. It has .
into electric street service, tad we a wailed
ourselves of the opportunity te ro sound
the Kelt Line. The elentric ear ssrvies runs
to • fine park roma Ave milts out which
belong@ to the ally. Ws also viewed what
is left of old Fort Garry. It is fast parent/
lute decay, and sea will be only • memory.
Just as the Orangemen come in Se c.l.br•te
the 12th in Winnipeg, at noon, I took the 1'
r It. for i'embina, where 1 arrived shout
3 .30 r * , and experienced oo difficulty in
ermine( the lime Here we were met by
m. 4anghter, Mrs W. ilnuglas, whew
huabaod a aunty treasurer s1 P.mbioa.
The court was in .memos and the 114111 of •
forager for murder was in progress. On
the jury were three former rmldatsot Heron
County -James Ihbie, from near Auburn,
DasSullivan,of l:ederiuh, and--VII41kime
.lames Dobie is . Sate Senator, and • man
o f great tet:aenoe tea the Stan ; he was fore
man of tlA jury Atter the hearing of the
•.kion.e and when the nary had retired to
consider the verdict, ties members et that
body, before taking up the dIosueston,.peut
qty ■)tel. '(ISITI• 15 snivel' rKAT*L,
so that Divine guidaeos would be gives
them in the proper dissh•rre of their duty.
I sever heard of suers • manner et appraah-
tar the dnmuesla of a law ease in ('hordes.
Prosibmoon preva.l. is North and South
Dakota, and is working well, the law tieing
aforeed with great vigor. \o non here
comas forward and .wean tnatirsi has been
drinking "eold tea, .ilk, ' or ' +mos•J.
when the ehar•ster of a "stud pig as the
illicit grog -shops are called is a question
The failure to oenueet is rare, aid as • re-
sult the attempts at violating the kw .re
ooaparstively few Th. temp•r•em emu -
meat is Dakota is mainly atinhuable to
the attitude of t'anadnan sett len, who ars
almost to • man Is (aver of it, and some
180,000 t'a&adiaas reside in the Dakotas
The peo•Ity is c•m of comvicti•D for selling
II'l.or illegally is 0300 and 80 days is Jule
The arrow b.11 is another good institauoo
that precede in remota. At 9.'slosk the
hell is rues, end every individual under 16
years .ld most be lit home or under cover at
teat hour. Afar • week • say at P.abina,
we went out sheat Ms miles to see on •!d
aegwntasos. James McAuley, and passed
oa our way
"l.D /ORT 1.11.1811141,
which is now in • dism.etltd oonditiea, the
military having been mailed. Mr. Mc
/inky has dem well in the lead of his adop-
tion and gave se • kind woleosu sad the
best of treatment. The roads are splendid,
in dry weather, being kept is god sham by
• "graderone et whop is capable of shap-
ing up hall•• -x111 ma a day. to wet weath-
er, however, the tread is eSaethisg t.rrtble.
We text wont down the Red River Valle,
30 atlas to Rowesmou.t, where Jame.
Thomson and John H•lerow nada. Tim
latter had R00 sores of wheat growing when
I was than and appeared to be prospering.
Tbo former bed joie .old out his hardware
►.seem to his coo, and perposes going to
California this Fall, se hie wife's beahh r is
• poor mats. Wo were amt ken by our tan,
Abraham, who lives 0'. miles oat. lie is
still fermis', bat is also • jerks ef the
pesos tor the motion. W stayed with hist
• week, and thea went to visit another of
ear daughters, Mn. Si.elair, who live
about • mile from Miralar's. I took •
trip from this point down to Druyt . ted
slaw R. R. Th.mpeos and • see N the late
Mr. Arthur, formerly of ; 1 oleo
saw Mr. Twtedlie, formerly of the Nile, not
did ret hp.. an nppertuSity of epeakier to
kin. Near Drayton i ..lied spar Mr.
Warmer mad Jas. ('nig. MN of wham at
one time lived in O*dorith. They new beth
doing very will. My mit visit wet Is
. and there i mot Jae. Ball. who .eerie. le •
largo bodes= is the tow.. On my way be
Sit 'Thomism I sot .1a. Tledale, who left
Mr metier in the early '80•.. and who is
stew is • highly pre -psoas emedltio.. The
in Nsoothe is sooe wen• at
• arvslse. as-
hibit. As for as the .ys could meas omens
ef wowing a, of m ..Meet quality. met
tee eye, m' 1 bang the staple, but largo
lido of berry, atm and 8m were sae r‘.
Ibis *he erase stet previa/ weeld ter
prise say ser from the R1.0, the growth et
` a .mother knelt hips reap In -
mita Os our way we mat Mark Whe..l,
• farmer (:creme► mans, who new heir. ..t
fa•r•o•. We were tet by Ree. H. A .g e
ear son In law, who drove us to Canon ,
where they sow reside, when we he 1 a
pl.►eaot stay of toe weeks. Hen we ant
• so. of Mn. Jas. t.ardea,oamed Campbell,
who u u the lumber and o•ttle business
and se doing well Nearly every wooed
au I met is this ssettoo .eeaed to be from
Huron or Krum. We lett Canaan es the
4'11 and arrived home by the eveetst train
t o Sept 6th.
Rack of Pembis• 1 aw four reapers each
draws by three horses engaged to tekiag
the [rep off one Mel I, wall • battalion of
ass putting ■p stooks.
Gs..u..I Co‘.
Tke letstery of am R.aattd amid lastest
Prof. Louis Pasteur, the eminent bacteri-
ologist, i. dead .t (arches, near St. Clod,
in the esviress of Parts. He kat guttered
from paralysis for • considytrble hearth of
Elm•. A:.out eight days ago Ito ...gaud a
violent paralytic stroke and Friday suffered
another severe attack. H• grew worm
rapId.V and remained to • comatose omen -
non during kw last hours. Al b o clock
Sunday be expired. The ed was
absolutely w'shoes pais. Ha wife devoutly
watched his bedside. His eon, kr d•aothe r
and his eta u law, A. Valleryrsdet, and
two grandchildren, as well as I)., Roux and
Dr. 1'aaa'emesse were preset whoa he
poured .way It a believed that the
funeral of M. Paster will be national u
abstracter. Pref. Pcatitur had bees grad-
ually fining 1n heal h for Dome menthe and
riweut.T the Fre.cb paints union/Nen the
begwniug of the out. This report was sea
pkatioahy demo by hie family and friends.
1'8.y skewledtted the feDb4e oe.3tuos 01
the disu.gatsbgd bacterielegist, but attrib-
u ted it to lees! rather than rimers! mama
Wale Pasteur was bora at Dole, Jura,
ben. 27. 182'l, mitered the university in 1840
beams a superauner.y- master of studies
at the ..Iles. of B•gaaemi, was received as
• pupil in One Elole Normals u 1843, took
the degree et doctor in 1847, and was ap
pointed professor ..1 poysie 54 the f.cult ,
of 5010.05, Strasburg, in 1848. He rapidly
came to the trout in his various lines of
. tudy and practiee, and w December, 1863,
he was appeau'ed professor of geology,
physics and e►wmatry .t the Fool. des
Beaux Art., and wee Heated • member of
the institute. Th. Royal S .dery of London
in 1856, award.,* M. Ysssetr the Rumford
ase& nor his researches relative to the
polonium. of light, eta H. was decorat-
ed with the Legion of Honer A.g..t 12,
1853, was promote. te bo an abater in the
order in 1866 .d • mmmaoder in 1868. Io
1869 h. was *looted we of the 50 foreign
members of the Royal Suety of Lo.doe.
M. Pasteur has wntta aumeroua works re-
lating to chemistry and baeterlelog , for
Witten, in 11361, he obtained the J. Eoker
once. l0 1874. the national .ssaimbly ac -
.ended to M. Pasteur, as • reward. ebi.fly
for his investigations at fermentation. a life
annuity of twelve thousand trams. He was
rained te the rook of grand .hoar of the
logia of Honor, ()etotor 14„1878. His re-
ception uen the Fresh academy took plan
April 27, 1882, when he delivered • inns, -
ns so M. Lure to whose .hair he led oro•
*elided. la the same year the council of the
Society of Arts awarded the Albert medal of
the society tell. Pant our for bis researches in
oo.oection with forams tat ion, rite prober w.
•tion of wines and the propagation of rymo
tie diseases to silk worms and domestic ani-
mals. Of late years M. Pasteur has devoted
himself to the study of inoeulation for dis-
miss other than small pox and hat aehi.vd
seme very remarkable results in the peeves -
ties of hydrophobia : patients from all parte
of F:srope and even from Aaerios travelling
to Paris to put themselves under his oars.
Large sub.criptiam won raised is Treace to
form an " lasent.15 Pasteur, where the
methods of the great diso...rer mold be
pronto/old and taught. 0e July 1, 1889, •
tweeting was mevesed at the Mesion Home
in losdon for she purpose of heano• suite -
moats by Sir Jas. Peet and others in fever
•t establishing • Pasteur institute en Eng
land. Priem of Wales oe.tnbuted 100
gams towards this object'. A Paster
m..titate has also bees e.abhabed in Amer
sea nailer the Croatian of the pupils of Pas
The cholera .pidemie of 1892 led M. Pm
tour te institute experiments in anti "haler&
yao.Oations, width proved o.oese.ful is
the case a anneals. Os December 27,1892,
M. Pasteur's 704 birthday ws enthusiast-
ically oeabrat,d Wore a representative
*Seta! assembly at the Sorbonm. April 21
• Moral tablet was unveiled ia his honor at
Fwole Normal..
Lows WIII U. Live.
Toronto Telegram@ : Oliver Mowat,
K.igbt of the Order of St Michas! and St.
George, ie .elinin; bean s. good health aid
spirits to serve as Premier of Ontario s.til
moved by death or defeat.
At eiventy odd, Air Oliyer is • vinare
teen than nosey men are at misty. 1'h•
chances are that he 8.s ton years of maul -
. ow Waco bin. If he retired or were dm -
pissed, be would have little to live for. and
the abesddsae.t of polities would toed to
shorten his mortal life.
()14 a.. do mot usually last long wheel
they est ehsmselves off from the puno.ta
is weir they hey. employed all the energies
.1 their liens. Wire mw de set allow
thiamines to gas old ; whom they carry the
interests and each si&sse and the smithies
of .orb.ed into old age, they live as Oliver
Molest is liven,.
At the wrisJ of wroth Is murder at
B.auherseis, mean for defame put is •
tamed lire el aastal dreams
The stmy seat oat from New \ ork shoat
Jaen Clark's sheens is doslered to be in
errrwst and llb•Ileaa.
Rag H.et►ert has pined • palace et
N•sle..1 Qualm V iet•rlee diopen if her
Majemy child viols that eity.
Byres L Taylor, fma•rly elf IN. Jra,N.
ny shoe its 1i se of Umbra, lea., woo sod
1 IV ER THE N U RU N TRAt,"In• �.8*r; � eg,� :;. 'H. »� 0.1, -fourth
__- year 1b the beet et bodily mid aortal health
The Christ trom the Local Mill
• Weekly Digest of Couloir sews serest
■p to sea every bees - pith and
F.I.t clipped and (.crewed
/rem Seery sermon.
CLINTON : J.R.13uw1>r►II has an S-
mooths -old pap, which turns the hates .t
about wary pounds
Norm . Out of a pleat of land about 80
fest square John OW, of Exeter, bah talon
22 ►ea1.l..f potatoes.
Monis : Oe the 10th inst., Elisabeth J.,
belayed wife of John Johau•o, passed away
ten ben reward, alter a long tlln.se.
Morro : Jonathan Moore has sold hie
farm o& els 8th can. to ho aetthbor, (Seo.
MoCull, of the .ane he, for 14,500.
Morro : We are planned ea note that Mies
C. A. Halliday has been re-engaged as
taa::her of No. 4 for the comma year.
Morris : Clea Davis and wife, father and
mother of John Dasa, 4N hos, have cam.
from Lindsay to cake their home with their
W night= : Frank Pattersoo,of low.,took
the first ionic In pines nee, at the quoiusg
teuramst at Lutew.l last week. He was
W easy winner.
Belgrave : Jae A Henderson died on
Mond•, of last week •tt.r • short illness,
wed 3l years. He leaves • young widow
to mourn bis demise.
1.bl1hld : Oe of the patrons of the Ash•
field theme factory was tined b.% the Board
of Directors 125 for sendiug deteriorated
milk to the fears.
Brussels : The reported isle of Dr. Me-
Kelveve property and practice to Dr. Proc-
tor is declared off, Dr. McKelvey having de-
cided to remain in i$ru..eI.
Hay : W*llum Duugall,oms of the pioaser
narrate of the township of May, sear
Rodrervill., died oo Thursday of last week.
He h.d reached the good age of 78 years
and four months.
Grey • About neon es Sabbath last the
. pint of Jane, beloved wife of John M•T•g
(art, Moncneff, took it 8imeht. Slut had
n ews ill for the pest two yearn no that her
demise was not unexpected.
Seafortb : A quiet bat very interesting
• Qtr took place at. the residence of 1*. C.
Wilson, l;oderich street, an Wedneday .f-
terneon, ai 2 o Ulo.k r,m ,whea Mos Maude
second da.gbter of Mr. and Mrs. O.C. Wil -
.on, w...tarrtod to Walter G. Willis.
Brumfield : least weak three were taken
f ma the [-mon church congregation to join
the great eengregst*on Myo.d. Jas. Turn
or died on Moody, Mrs. John Ratter►try
on Wednesday and Walter Moffat on Fri-
day evening.
t'ebore : John Delbndg•, of (.borne,
exhibited a pumpkin •t the Exeter Fair
which some incline to blisv • mock pump
km. 11 was gamine, wetghing 65 lbs., and
measuring five feet in clrculiferenee.
Grey : least Friday forenoon as Robert,
16 year old son of Hugh K. Elliott, l:ra-
b•mw'• Survey, wee playing • game ot foot-
ball at Shine a echo•I,et which he is • pupil,
be was tripped and in fallirr broke both
hoses et his right arm.
Blyth . Mise Anile Moffat, formerly of
Blytn, • former pupil of the .hortlad dr
parlament •t the C•a•d• Business College,
Chatham, has taken the position et steno-
grapber with the Tan Aokeo imam Speci-
alty Company, Chimigo.
Seaforl8 : Iowan Thorne, of Los Angelos,
California. • former resident of this towm,on
retiring from the of1os of Supreme Chief
Ranger of the Foresters of Aaerie•, at
Cleveland last Saturday. was presented while
• beautiful sillier set rallied at 0250. Mr.
Thorns is sow visitant blear in old Huron.
Te.erssitb O. Tuesday evening while
W. Plum and his children were returning
from the field, the heroes, which were run
sing. scared the children, and while one of
them was runn'ng te her father she was run
over by the heroes Luckily she r.o.ivd
no serious injuries, exoept • broke& leg,
which is serious 000arh, but with proper
treatment .ho will be around again at en
earl)' date.
Bremer : Osos more that fell destroy tr-
ooaa.aptien-lean •aimed another victim is
the poses et Rem, beloved wife of W. B.
Avery, who died at bis home in rho Norton
Terrace. Brunet, oo Wedas.day alter.00m
of last week. 1/messed was the third dough
ter of A. B•wtinh•i..or and was bora .t
Wolverton, (Oxford County, The most of
h er life was 'pant 1. Erue.els. She bad boeo
poorly for this pest two years. The subject
o f Wr matte was united in marriage to W.
B. Avery last Jane.
Brussels : George Whit*, an *Id resident
of Sen.sols, died last week in Sholloo.rn•,
■ e was fen veers an hostler at the different
hotel. in Rtheseb. and ether parte of Caoe-
da, enuring hero about 2R veers ago. Hs was
with Mr Armstrong for several years. H.
was • deserter from the British army, and
his real mans was Cherlea mane. This pert
of his history was net knows till &beat •
year ago, whoa be returned from the old
oewetry, whore he west with cattle, and
when bei visited his relatives, havia; not
ONO or hard of then for about thirty
5eafortb : Lost week two 'gainful mai
deals Impressed m the Rrnadfect A Bei her
miter* fastery A. Hi&ptoe was rune's( •
large machin., sailed the joiner... Wedowee
day, whoa he `ot his loft hand sough►, and
bad Ste time of several et bis leges taloa
sit O. the tellowi., day, Jolla Lowery
wes rasing the same a ohies, .d he aro
got his left head 'engin, taking the tap off
the est Haver, net below the salL Beth
-'.ideate night baro paved mere .arras,
bat es it is, the haggle of there /antraee
will he deformed, and they will M pew
weed tram going to work .again for some
Holm .whir Rae. Sammi Fear, nand
father of Ray. R, A. -Tear. os Sopa. 16, ad -
heat d 8is.drmy third birthday byp�eow�A�
img te oem[rogmws s. tow 0.48.4
M rmewh, [ H. wee hoard d10. t
ly and at •11 times his ..y. W the steer
rag of ether veers. The half -hoer mese.
.owned le quotations el Seript.ws, readily
. tad smelly: repassed. Nabs* 1 as Meree
hl. marks • liotbdi.k pwe.h.r gwusty•
and was • k.a vision of the glory to be
Hallett . J the Noble. wise skis y)ear had
tee Brataheld farm rooted on the tad 05S.,
Ilse renewed ht. le•ee for •eetler wear.
Clinton • Lora. Tyndall, who • few days
ego, bed hie foot injured by • oow stepping
ea it, is still unable to use the toilured moms -
H.lamvill• : On Saturday last Mrs. J.
Holmes wet with a rather panful accident,
bang the breaking of her arm, and other 10 -
Craebreok : Mrs. Jas. MoTaggart was
buried here on Tuesday.ftor000e the was
very log8ly reposed by all is this con
await y.
Erie : Jno. Whales, of the 14111 con , has
di.p.eed of his farm to Stephen Lamb, of
S•at•rth. The prise was in the neighbor-
hood of 02,410.
Leathery : Sea. Forbes has plrchaaed
the Parr farm. This let piing Ira own and
.ow gives him 150 sores of se good land ..
in anywhere on this line
Goderiob Tp. Tne other d., Mrs. Weir
mother of John Weir, of the 1616 ooe„ slap
ped dews and had the misfortune to break
her le/ sear the hip.
(:.densis Tp.: This tow.•knp last ho. et
its pioneers and esteemed rea*desta, on
Monday, by tIs death of 1v Alexander, of
the 7th ma., at the age of 88 years.
Stanley The old residents of this town-
ship aro rapidly departt.g this lefts. On
Friday last there passed quietly sway, after.
an illness of six weeks, Walter Moffatt, at
:kir age of nearly sixty -tour years.
Grey Wm. Smith, lot ?, eon. 16, lid •
crop of Crowe peas that yielded 45 bushels
to the aero. Is many e.s a the production
of one paa resulted in as amity as 75 pods
and often 450 pen. This is • large yield.
Hallett . A quiet weddiut took plans on
the 18th inst., at the home of Thos. Carter,
St. Joseph, Shah., formerly of Mullett.
when his mooed eldest doughtier, Julia, was
united is marriage.to Ed. Hall, of Chicago.
Hallett The property knew■ as the
Joseph Webster smote, let 47 and port of
31, see. 13, township of Mullett, cootaiOiag
140 acres, was told by auction at the Com-
dnsreial howl, Blyth, on Saturday, for the
stun of 6100 to Mrs. EI.z.Mch Tie8ler.
Clinton : The Flint Glebe, of Sept. 191h,
thus announces this first event of its kind in
she family of a termer l'l,ntontan -"\ es
terder was the twelfth •r'niverear, ant the
asri.ge of Mr. and Mrs J t'. Cele, of this
city, and the event was made as exceedingly
happy ase by the arrival ot a bright little
too -pound daughter.
Clinton : Oa laterd., evening, while the
family of Rev. J. W. Holmes were at tea is
the res of the parsonage • hanging lamp
is the front hall exhl-..led, setting fire to
the "repot. It was beginning to make 14
way ■p the banisters when someone en the
street discovered the Ire sed warned the
household I'ortus•tdv it was •xUnlimited
without souk difficulty.
News Notes From Washington
The noose -tat eliutle■ 1. a1111 • Theme
lioeater ■111. 41uee.le New 1mit
Tim Torpedo Seat 4 entrees
tea. seen awarded.
Front ear Regular Coneepeadeat.
�f>J'41•S11INGTON, 1).�., Sept. 30. --
Toe isanetal ettu•ttos, h8s the poor, is
always will us t1M• days to one supe or
aeothor. Just now the friends of the ad
wlal•treuo& .re jubilantly dmsueeteg the
September treasury •atemeat,whloh •hows
an exams of reueipta over expenditures of
about $2,000,000, But the opponents of
the administration my there a oo1iog u
It to jubilate over. They go to the official
figures and point Out that in June. the last
mouth •f 18. mast .(tarter, the exams over
expenditures was $4,000,000, and say [bet
it was merely because the.xpenditures were
smeller in September then in the two pre
coding months of the ,luster, and u.$ be-
muse the revise• haw• increased, that
there or balsam in favor of the l.overn-
mat for the !booth.
It is adaatt•d by Government ofi•ta1a,
priyately, if not publicly, slut the amnia/
Congress will kava to provide the Govern-
ment with additional revaue, bat they
differ widely as to how It shall M mesa.
The Republicans, of mores, propose that it
shall Ise ratted through the arwl, but they
are not entering into p•rt*swars of Mw.
Many sontend that raising tariff rates, un-
less it he upas articles of nementy not pre -
dueled is this wintry, will net tn•re.ae the
revalue, and n ie yudei certain that the
Republacum will try to rams them upas •
large number of articles, het cot probable
that they will *elude neem nitres : ext
year will be prim -gantlet year, von Cuow.
One of the things that will o.n•paeuotuly
figure fn the t'o.``reusioal dl.cumioes ot
the (:overonent'• 6aa.ces is the rather an
pleasant fart that the pro••ed• o1 the three
bond tesuee, while in t1• brat plaice used to
obtain gold for the reserve fund, were eve
tinny need to tweet current •xp•saes of the
Government, the reveaue sot being •uthi
dent. The silver men tried hard to bring
that to the front at the last .ewlom of Con-
gress, hut 11 was net an accaapl.ahed tact
then as it a now Thev only thought tete
stoney was to be no used. 'goer everybody
knows that it has actually been so.
According to eke politicians, heater
Hill is not placed in • enviable position by
the open split in the ranks of the New
York Democrats. Said ase of them, who Is
• Ihmocrat himself and a great admirer of
Gnator Hill • "!t may have been :meant tar
the rood of the party. but It turned cot te
be good neither for the party Dor Hill. The
I)emoorate had about forty out. of • poesihle
one hundred charm, to carry- New York be
fore the split at S,rasuee; now well, now
the Democrate party hasn't get chances
slough to be mentioned. Anti yet, upon
those ethane." slim as they are, largely de-
peuds the polittsal future of David 8. Mill.
if he can •nateh victory out of what new
looks lake certain del.t h• will be • bigger
man than ever, and will wield eermeus
power in the National Convention, oven if
he doom t capture the.omiatio. for him-
self. But on the other hand if the Repub•
licena sorry the Stair, Sumter Hill will be
blamed by all futios. of the party. in as
well as out of the Sate, and hot influence in
national polities will drop to nighty near
zero. Sealer Gorman is 1m the same tart
of • predicament in Mor land, but he is
Iota better off than H II, because he has
more charms to carry his state, althea/di bo
Is very tor from haying what the boys would
tall s good this,.
Advertising always- pays. The Herr.-
. heff., who were so widely advrtiod as the
designers and budders of the yacht lhfe.d-
er, have been •worded eootrnsts for building
two out •f the three torpedo boar .lthor•
ized by the last congress, and the firm may
eventually get the oestraet for the third
boat. 1■ .utherizi.g the construsloS •f
them boats Congress stipulated that, if at-
iefoa.ory hide were rses,vd from Nom sec-
tion•, ono should be built oe the Atlantic
•east, one on the Pwmie, and ane os the
Miesiseipyt river. No bid was received ftom
tM Miesiesippi river, and only sue frost the
Paadc coast that was within the amount
allowed for *soh boat $150,000 and that
las setet been •..opted, bet it will be. if
the bidder satisfies the Navy i)epartment
that he has the facilities to build the boat.
There aro to ceremonies attendant upou
the retireaont from the command of the
army of Lt. Geo. Schofeld, whish bosuns
sit otTizial tact as soon yesterday. The
President has not designated his ..osms.sr,
and some think that he will not do m. If
hedese.'t, theSoeretar., of War will eooli.m
to oat as "Acting Commander,' as he is wow
doing. Gen. Nelms A. Miles hoist the
poorer Major Goatees' would, 11 tie usual
canteen were followed, be made 0.nm..dsr
of the .ray, but there it street political
opposition to hit being designated kr the
`Unmoor Blackburn is in Wasbingtoo to
attend the marriage of hit dasghter. H•
will ant (bemuse polities for puhheation fur-
ther than to deel•re his oonfidaee of !burg
re sleeted to the tona1. Ha frieede a)
among theme, Ye that he hs. "gat it in for
the almini•tration, and that whether he
Rote reelected or not, he proposed to "gm
even' dories the met soestos of (ossrmm,
The law drought in Now Hampshire has
killed thous.eds of young trout,, nary of
the small brooding brooks having dried on
tire's up this season that were sever dry
Sir T. Napier Brooms, in bio autul re
pert os Trf.idad ad Tobago mays that "i.
Tobago it is possible to live like • gentleman
.end with • ~tar amens[ of trope
oal luxury me $200 a year.-
ear."Ka er Wilhelm is seedier 01,500,000 on
addition' and improvements to his p.a..
u Berlin, whish it will take mem years he
eesepkte lest year 0390,000 wt spat in
re -building the northwesters sad.
A manse of Si... sed Ids friend i.la-
belta,after nen et time mode et the hwyerw
1nab.411, is treat ef the Berlin Uriver-
aty, is to bo est .p in OMriensabui be -
tees w Testis l High Bawer
Mw Teey Waimea is reamer.
They have ditlerent methods of fattening
fowls in Franco than these employed in this
seuDtry or England. Thev claim that the
best food *ornate et barley meal or maize
flour nixed to • porridre like esnsistencv
with sweetened milk, of this as n.uch is
'given as the hens can possibly eat
In America corn meal scalded with milk
is mush seed, but the barley meal and milk
has hese tested here to any extent.
During the last ten days et knowsg, but
pot beton), the Enoch make thea porridge
to thick that it is of • dough -ole thi.kwea•.
This they roll into strips, and w'th the sock
of a bottle or lamp •himoey prod off in o
pieces about the si.• of • h.ifpeony, which
are rolled up Me tittle hells or pills. Them
pellets are then dipped into milk, sugar and
water, or glycerine and forced down the
bird'. throat 1111 tis crop u full.
The Froach have a special "Medina
machine' for horsing them pill• dews, but
the end of apes holder or pencil wrapped
round with cloth will do equally as well
To amore rood weight and • delicate Heigh
tut only meal from ono year-old gram is
end, .mil toe water for mixing should have
suet added to the ratio of throe -eighths of
an ounce to • quart of seal.
A wall quantity of coarse grit should be
lidded to Wm paste to moist digeatiea.
Spiral core is taken to give the birds no
feed for at lent 12 hours before k*IIw, so
that the trowels may be empty at the time
of death, whereby osra(s offsets which
favor rapid deompitien are avoided. The
fowls .re also not plucked inmediatel , se
by se doing, while the blood is still fluid,
the vesicle at the root of each feather be -
Gomm gorged. and the (owls get • spotted
look. The (:.miens, after dewing • fowl,
put • few pieces et charcoal inside in order
that it may keep fresh far • longer time.
The Danes aloe adopt • smiler method of
In Stephen Hales book on "Profitable
Poultry se ing,"w• find the following teed
advocated . The food given slie.ld *assist
e4 India, berry, mewl, eatmos! er back
wheat meal, .11 fresh and sweet, and 04,:54
with skim milk, /Lay of them neon may
be given separately, but the better p1.. is
te bees • mistime stare of wish! perle ef
mot to which • little 1st, sash as lard, or
drippings of moat, is added jot heters the
milk. It in wise to boil the milk first, and
nit the food stiff, but et too patsy --
er.sthl, moist is Me best 4.1.41ies we ea
give of it.
Thu •bould hesupplied to ebe bird. warm
arta whoa they appear satisfied what is left
in the troughs should be take, made into
finger piety shaped like • bol....nd, after
dipping those in milk. one or two mew be
pat down the threat of a eh fowl, or. if tee
drop of any one is feagd to be swilled, s
essay as will 111 is se Tbere are sone fed
loners who le et allow the birds to eat
anything atueslly, but •ram them entirely
is the way debar bead. This is. hr Wever,
usseeseary .ad Mails more labor then the
plan wo hews moomon ceded, without any
osresspsedise airman's. Two or throe
sea be added to the weight of •
avis rrk• in .bout throe weeks by this
seethed, sad the flesh will beef the Isar
mom and texture, mere •so.elegt, .red in
every wee se se tont et the fowls or
in the ponitarwre' rope
A deaaad for sash birds will .bee grow up,
sadth fpr ms obtained will repay all the
Wee .opened.