HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-9-26, Page 6• 3• THE SIGNAL : OODERICH, ONT.' TIURSDAT SEPT. 26 1898. U. 11 I- Mr.•481. Results Astonish MEN OF SCIENCE. AYERS y A MEDICINE WITHOUT AN EQUAL• �Ittti Seate(meut of a Well Known Doctor '• Ayer's Raneparilla it without an equal es a bkwd-purlaer and Spring ler, ulnae, and eannot have praise enough. 1 have watched Its effects In ehronie cases. where other treatment was of uyavail, and have heed astudahed at the results. No other blood Medicine that 1 have ever used. and 1 have tried them all, Is so thorough in Its action, and effects so many permanent cures as Ayer's fiarsaparina."-Dr. M. F. Oraatt.t., Augusta, Ile. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Admitted at the World's Fat:. Lwrtsl. PW. /tar lir seed fies..3al. El%•1'.1I'fl: "fail►IES. el sams, •'uaasid the g, tree, how int wita•reth sway ' ' by • style trumpeted - Mom of • new leu•rs, asked hie endless* to "Sehel.l the win{ tree, haw it lithereta I away ' Mut peroape one of the most cond- i, oali.•teawe of .ops al this kud te theorise 1 .1 the pras.her wale, describing eeeeeieaoe. sad destrtai to get his listeners to vomitus* theprompting' of its Inward votes to the hallof rmed unease of the mod, appealed to theca whether 'here was see then who at one time or another•'had not felt within mob the effect of a Waif warned bah. Alter this, the lostaow et • pessoo who, de wetly reading the lassoes in solemn tows, •..ett.oed, "He soak• the wort and oh•tterhoppers came and vratwpll•n in numerable, scams •ln.oet oemmuopl•es. Ro,too, dose tn/:niutake of • propel, who ea stared hie oeagreg•tion chat • 11 was easter fur • rich elms to pass through the eve of • needle than for a same) to ester the kms. dam of God.'-Kestuu Herald. Illiadet atssplle/iv. It u a singular instance cf the simplicity of the •vera•• mind to watch the entire good faith in which the country house- keeper, when she takes her wake abroad sod bus up the thouw, hides the key for W di•cavery by .ny ,ether member of the lentils As • matter of course, she tucks at away u.dsr the doormat. It Dever came to eater her dear, unworthy heed that every other woman of the place doe" preetsely the same thing, and perhaps every other woman is every other suburban town. She never scenic to tbmls that that is Doe place that any student of her human nature who had burglarious inclinations would seek entrance to tea house by simply Itlttag the doormat. He would be sun to nod abs key ready for hun there. Thr Trial. "1 a t rmr.iry editor. Whatever may iso the truth or the falsity of the storied) Unit •re t..ld et the scarcity of funds in • u..un!ry editors pocket or the sesrcaty cf fond in lila etem•ch, the *toilet are always told, ave oci.her the progress •t education nor the growth •u.1 dere:cl.n.est of the pr.ae seems to have soy effect upon the crop One of the tweet c..me• from Kentucky, *herd the monuiain editor, at least, rarely envelops auto • ('r•o •De or on Aptetua, and this one u cumcerotog • ninon. t in editor A subscriber read remembered him '. art 1. ud:y , •o,:..l•r or two later • visitor called at hu . "Glut I see the editor " he in,wred of the grim Baehr "devil rointimg on a high stool. "No. sir. replied the youth on the stool. "He • s e .., 11'hat • the matter with him " "Dun no ," said the by. "i Inc of our subscribers rive nem • (Deg of flour and a bushel of pertater• t other day. and I reckou he's touodered. rIay5.. WIC a r',Ifia. .1. C•.oper 1'hadwick in his "Experiences in South .lfrlus, ' ay. t het he was once pal sing through a hutch tarm le the Trani vast, when he wont up to the house to see if he could buy some eggs. lis front of the 5.11x. et foress.eb. (lo Uooday last whale one of ileo. .l Watt • tame wee plewang os the Tecumseh farm, to which the battle in which the him - ,us Tecumseh loot his life was fought, oho plow turned up • very tine relic to the for to of • small tomahawk. The weapon still cuouinal • port* t. tet the ntckory handle, wnt.n q.1 become petribed from lying 1st the ground Glace the day .1 the memorable battle, the nth of October, 1813. The tom - .hawk must have been very sharp whop in the hands of the red owner, as 11 sti11 has a keen edge, notwithstanding its rusty 000dt• tie*. 'risers was also found on the same term, • few weeiys ago, • pair of steelyards of the old fashionsl variety, which had evi- dantly been u,.d by either the British or Americans w wetgnmg out rations to the soldiers. There nag been • great many rel- tss of dttferemt kinds found on the battle- field during the pant few years which Sir. Watts dad not %aloe very highly, always giving them to anyone for the salting, but the .be'e two ne pr1/tw wry highly-, and sou .1 uut part witu 11,eni uut:er .*.y ce*- ,Iderotton. door .'nod a large barrel As 1 passed• 1 carelessly tilted the barrel up to as what was underneath. i let it down again promptly A big python was under it The Du'cbman sold me that he bad shot at some metals" bet we, and woueded it. *lightly In the head, whereupon it seemed to brooms stupehed. He dragged it home, i:xtraial Its fangs, and I;tue i.y little it had crown tame. The py thou measured station fat, was allowed 'o crawl about the place it sight, sad never attempted to get away or to do any damage 1n fact, the farmer found It useful in kill or rate ant vermin. By day it was kept under the barrel. The ehildrale fed the awk• and played with it. 1 saw one of the Moya drat at out sad pour two bottles of milk down its throat, sod thea give it six eggs When Use children teased 11, it made. hissing noise and reared upon its tail They were sot • bet frightened, but would etch hold of its hewed, and drag it .loss the ground over their shoulders. LOOK *10 READ 1 A• my ground lease has not long to ex pare, it to no) m/eatwa • To Sell the Whole of I, Siocd. You will understand, I want to 1.11 this Stook, sod any uoe wanting any thins to my line, now u the time to purchase. l oil can get A FURNACE put in your house now from 375 to 3100, guarant«f, whwh will burn Coal or Wood. It is a great a iet.ke to pat In • Furman that will Dot burn wood, ea two months of the Winter (spring and Fall) you will only require 11 ood, 1 have also • Dumber ot Hameed -Head Stoves. Come early ted secure one. 1 still keep the American Water White, Cyadt•o Water White, and t'•oadiaa Oils. Respecting all over -due notes and counts, I require to be paid at Dace. ,t•allaed. Harper • Slag. nDe published more than twouty-five years ago an amusing ntary of the ineffectual clone made by • young man to eecape front serving on • jury 1Yhen 1 was a young ma*, I spent 1 ybare at the . outh, residing for • while at Port Hudson. oa the lttoutuppl neer. A Brat deal of uugsthm was going on there, and it wee .c1 always easy to obtato jury- men. Co* day 1 was summoned to act in that capecat1, and repaired to tho court to iet excused. (In my name being called, I informed the pride that 1 was not a freeholder, and theretors not qualified to serve ••W here do Yeu reside inquired the Judger "I am stopping for the tune being at Pert "1' • hard at the hotel, I presume' "i take my meals there, but have rerms iso another pert of the town.-- "So own.""' o you keep bachelor a hall '•1'•s, ar. "Hew long have you lived in that man- ner "About eta months. "1 think you are qualified, gravely re- marked the ledge "I have never known • man to keep t cbelor s ball for the lemgth of time you name without h•vt.g enough dirt to hu room to make him • freeholder ' The court does not excutw you. Ms OP/WM system. Why de merchants eoeourage the credit sy stem ' lou answer that you don't. Yes, but you do. it the were not •scour aged by the mernhants it would not be in existence today. Did you ever stop to think that the meraotite community of the coun- try are the only body of mea that tolerate the credit system' lot 5 see, you buy pat and wl1b..t Aat.cal.. Japan is • land without the domestic ui male. It ie than leek which strikes the stranger s• forcibly in looking upon Japanese landscapes. There are ao sows the Japan ase neither drinks milk or sate mat. There are bat few bottom, and thew are imported mainly for the tote of foreigners. The freight carts to the oily streets are pulled sad pushed by coolies, sod the pleasure caresses are nrswu by men There are but few doge. and these are neither used as watch dugs, beasts of burden, nor ID hunt tan, exempt by foreigeers There are no sheep in Japan, and wool is not rued is clothing, •ilk and cotton beton the staples There are no pile pork is an unknown article of diet, and lard is hot used in ',00hing. There are ao gats, or mulee,nr deskey,. Wild animal• there aro, however, .ad Is perttculer bean of enormous sire. Ono of these 1Mr Finrk saw, stuffed, in • museum, he desorihss as big ea Si' rex lie side another stuffed museum hear is pre served, in alcohol. the mangled body of • •held the bear Rad eaten put before beta, killed War, ret enures, is septaiatine the Japan two with the dee of animals. The army bee awaits horses, and ethers to drag the 0.1d guns The empress, •I.n, in oboisv* ileitis tree o1 l:nrepe.s ryaltess, ie as expert horsewoman, and alldrlle beiges are kept ler her use Now Yslrk R.etli r. amp. of neveread M/sec. It was het • tra.spositins of two of *Arm lettere which spoilt the eletueaty of • preacher, -who, is plasm of "Row nos the Imes to an idol, said, "Row set tibiae eve to • as ells 1n s s.'*eIs, asamnes • poise etespw, is gloving est the Ayres, "Cin laming K,sgp," e.srily stembtsd neer the `rot syllable. bet, heron eaebls se save him sail, olaetlsd kis e..1pe„si.s with Ms as ssomssoeaa t 115 hyesm to slobs will b• =roam 'Elmn+erisg O. iMtt► tkM oMla a. Ib• plthll bets wkigk • walked whisk Ca *es 31 3e. as - G. N. DAVIS. Coal. Coal. The undersigned begs to in- form the Public that he has gone into the business of supplying Coal, and has opened out in J. S. PLATT'S WOODYARD, where hejwill keep on hand the Best Qualities of 1J8Mft YalleY Coal ! which will be delivered promptly, at Lowest Market Prices. D. C. STRACHAN. age stamps, postal notes, money orders,etc., oo credit ; try it, 54)11 see what you will be told. (:o to the theatre Sod you pay money. Votaress companies demand cash, and railroad tickets are cash on delivery to the purchaser. 1Vhv should not the mer- chant demand and receive cash ' Simply because he encourages the credit system. It may be impossible to completely eradicate the system, but strict limIt•Neoe on credit A • step no the right road, and its evolution will he practtally • cash beau system ot doing business. It an worth • trail whish should be begun st once. It would .quickly spread, like measles in • country school,and when it does It will Delve the great problem for all trate, When sifted down tt will be found that the credit system is the progeni- tor of and responsible tor more evils that of feet the fin•aclal and bssisses world than all other sgeDeies combined. Not Daly this, but it fosters •xtr•vaganee the purchase of goods whieh pan very well be done with out - isdustrialyerld. Wenders of Mr l alverse. What assertion will make ow believe that i. one ..00nd of time, ens bat of the peadulsm of the clock, • any of light travels over 152,000 miles, and would, therefore, perform the tour of the world in shout the same wow that it requires te wink with our eyelids, and is • much lees time than • swift runner occupies in taking • marls stride. What m•rtnI sow be made to believe, without demew.tr.tios that the sea an al most a million time• larger than the earth , And that, although oo remote from es, a memos ball shot directly towards it, and m•t.taisiag ita fell sped. would be tweet', years *e reach's, it' 1 et i1 affects the earth by ill •ttraetiou In as appreciable tea Mont of *nem ' AM would not ask (or demonstration wimps told that • goats woe, a its ordin- ary 01sht bats many hashed timer tea • wooed, or iNo' ,there estate animated sod ~uteri • a•gaamrad beings. many tbessade of whew bodies laid together would sal et • teed an leek ' i). apt Gwoh thiap Snead hitt, the rev• lags of msde•sn than the sober esselemiese of pasplo is their waking sassesTbsy" ale, nevertheless. a siolusisas to widish .. one may es eert.ialy arrive bribee win sal. be at Ms triable .f moohMot tae isio of reassuolog by whhb May bows LOOK 13(.01 YOt ( WH.s. t.st•.reerr -,....a .,M,el....e.a..t. BEST FOR sH i~ AY D. CANTELON,G-IEAT ... West street BAKER, STILL LEADS TIE TIME. His bread is made from pore Manitoba dour -made from the cream of the Manitoba wheat -and therefore is the best in the world. This is a big thing to say but it is a fact and you have the privilege of buying this bread at the same as made front inferior flour at the price of 5 cents per loaf, delivered to any part of the 'bows. Orders for cakes promptly at- tended to. E 'Wedding cakes and almond - icing a speciality. D. l'ANTSLOW. Tem Tem Fee rear Wleas/. a/ OA.Aaa tt ?need ay TH_ ;:. � .4it8 Coe aro. lata..Idata. Cant 19 ton " 7.• ^ Orr ' Ttt3.6r. PAUL ST. rect. h '.) 1 .MON rRtaL. roma oorwt.00ua T�ILE1_SOAPS G. W. THOMSON, - • - Agent. OODwitiCH. OWT. PLA TmTG MILL. ESTAILISNID IISS. BchaIiiis & fihyilas M an Ur SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealers In all kinds of MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. SEE OUR DISPLAY. IT WILL INTEREST YOU. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES And builder's material of every description School Furniture a Specialty. Jolie sot the '\t`° tI .red Muscular Puns a mete W dr Dew"PI e ' IS w tt7 ivttlgot me ons, ,reseal lila mac. ref aloes 14m. t suffered with Rheumatic in the meek se serenity diet I .00kt not even sk straight Yr s 1 . a L Ymthel Mso,sr. 1 tried it and sass goon going 'Manisa rigAt. us. a. C. tlrgTli, awest's Co tteea Heliot The Old Reliable Still on Bect, THE BEST AND ONLY SCRANTON COAL on the market at $5.50,with 50c. a ton off for Cash, making it 5 .41Am T O N enc. Cb..ssst ('eel over sold 1st this market All Cbnl weighed es the Markkeett�5.•1... so east yes N.ere rim scot your wslRbt. Orders loft at HARPER A LEWB promptly � WM CHAS. A. NAIRN. 11' YOU WANT A SUMMER SUIT .M of First-class Make, a Good Material and Latest Style, -(.11.1.11-,-) HUGH DUNLOP, � ES� FO EYERY AY REMOVAL I _ SALE! Seem On October t 5th we purpose moving to the New Store next to Sturdy Bros.' Grocery, and as our Stock is very hvy now on account of the large shipments of Fall Goods just come to Band, we must reduce our Stock. The goods are new 'and well bought, having been bought before the great advance in leathiers, and many lines are cut below what the hard cash will buy them for wholesale today. Tse West•i.t.41./bler Neat to sank of Montreal. DON'T DESPAIR WILL CURE YOU We guarantee flodd's Kidoey P111. to care any case of Bright's Disease. Diabetes. Lumbago, Dropsy, Rheumatism. Heart Disease. Female Troubles. Impure Blood -or mosey refunded. Sold by all deal. n in medicine of by mail tea receipt et once. loc. per boa. or Sia boles 1a.54‘ DP L. A. SMITH • CO.. Toronto. Pc CCNST;PAT:ON. '31LuOVSNESS, DY:SPF_PS1A_'� Slit( HEAD/ACME. i' E U our .t 771'1=-1- Pla INSUI•111 IOCD dt�scs''DN. F�! ?SfiST«I)Or ,: Patronise _-- True Peiaa.10 I'd $ 73 64 47 1.10 1.15 17 25 75 Misses' Satin Calf Laced Boots, sizes 11 and 12 only ... $1.35 Misses' Heavy Laced Boots, sizes 10, 12 and 1 7., Child's Heavy Laced Boots, rivetted, sizes K to 1065 Misses' Fine Calf Button Boots, sizes 11 to 2 1.25 Minae: Fine Kid Buttoned, Toe Cap, sizes 11 to 2.. 1.:35 Ladies' Cloth Slippers, sizes :3 to 7 25 Ladies' Cloth Slippers, e)astic fronts, sizes :3 to 7 :33 Ladies' Kid Skippers with Strap, :3 to 5 only 90 Ladies' Genuine Kid Buttoned (no Sheepskin), exten- sion sole and tip 1.50. 1.'_)0 Ladies' Dongola Kitt Buttoned, plain toe, turned sole2.00 1 GO Ladies' Heavy Laced Boots, pegged 1.10 "2 Boys' Solid Leather Laced Boots, doable toe 1.10 `+7 Boys' Sewell Calf Boots, extension sole 1.60 1.25 Boys' School Boots.... , w .. 1.25 1.00 Men's Genuine Kid Gaiters or Laced 1.60 1.25 Men's Genuine Cordovan, J. D. King .. 2.75 2.00 Big Range of Men's Goods in Gaiters or Laid, worth $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50. going at $1.87. See them in oar window. Dozens of other lines at equally Low Prices, and you'll like them better when you see them. The stock of these goods is limited and cannot be re- placed at these figures, and if you're needing you will do better to come early. SALE COMMENCE.S altPoona Competition. .� �'bis.esl.hltstM to eta ta. s a ilttt movies with IIW sad par ,aa.��t Ion. ri y lea badcN badness prises and is ale teleses of Ys pauses. h 1tapd,MRveermrpat 51 e15v5e.rt parses was 55S=a.wMr~= said .rte. III It asaaan. OMB ala Friday, Sept. 20th, 1395. H. B. POLLOCK. TBOROLD CEIRNT or WATER gra. AN11 $1.25 PER BBL. SCOTII FIRE BRICK $4 PER 100. AT R. W. McKENZIE'S CHEAP HARDWARE ST( ME. SEE HIS NEW STOCK OF GUNS. • Sporting Goods 1 We are headquarters for these gtxida. Having purchased in very low market, we are enabled to supply you with POWDER, SHOT AND SHELL and all other Sportsmen's Goods at Very Low Figures. A full line of General Hardware always on hand. We hold the fort for (food Goods at Reasonable Prices. DAVISON & CO. "THE SI GN/I L " FOR TE BAUIOZ 01 ?HZ MR for as Cents.