HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-9-26, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GOD1IRI(YH. ONT., THURSDAY. SEPT. so, ISM. 5 W. ACHESON & SON. FALL ANNOUNCEMENT We open This Week the balance of our 'purchases of Dry Goods for Fall and Winter. We show the largest stock of Handsome Novelties in Dress Goods of every description ever brought into Goderich Ladies' and Children's Mantles and Capes, our own diroct i nportstiana, 5C ;tyles in New Garments. First season in Fur &apes and Coats. Everything new. Inspection Invited. W. ACHESON & SON. WILMER SMITH, UNDERTAKER, GFODBlSLIOH, owr 1'n ertakleg Department In (ma of our Mr. J. It. rinelgro.epracti- cal raisers! iriractor and Kmbalm • fallsW ptly atte0OedOak* or Is.. MARRIED -Le TOC%KL-at Bt. •• church. on tisptember tl1h. b7 lay. Mlaarrk Tan bull, rector. James Henry Evans Jones. of 1.oafon. to Annie Elisabeth Payne dough ter of Jamas C. I-• Tonoei. Ooderich. COOK -JONES On the evening of Sept. lith. at the residence of Mn. Jot.. mother of the 'pride, by the Rev. 8, C. Edmunds. 11.0.. Themes Henry C.00k. frau near Clio too. to Mise Susanna Jose. near Dungan DOD. WILLIAMS -DK LK%K\F: -At the residence of the bride's father, Peteaker. Mick.. on Sept. 19, by the Rev. F.. W. Jewell. it. A. ?t. quintile H. William.. sista .on of Mr., Raley Williams. of • Lun4erston. (ino'opf I/at - to Frweoe. Sarah. only dauibter o Mr. Josstob Ire teams. THE TALK OF THE TOWN. FPom the Reporter's Notebook: It T.. ve a rel• I• a' Ter ('sate. 1 red. Te teal It t a tillers Amass Te Takla' Mems. •a' faith /•'ll `frost It.- Baru. FIN( TAILORiS) - At dose cash pncee satire setiahetls assured. Ju.* arrived. epeeist lines in Spring and Bummer tonnage. H. 31 acCORMAI'. The Fall Exbib(tios of the Great North- wretern Pair this Year. it is c:s•med, will be • good ane. but the exhibition of goods and styleeat F. J. Pridhamis L. this year ahead of all competitcn. 'OOOD KYR BIGHT" is a priceless treseuro. You whn hsys Bot it •could tare can of it 1ou who hare est got it should have your eyes attended to at oboe. We mese the p: e- seryatloa of sight a specialty. mad can test roar yes aecuntely sad scientifically. W. f. WEI-4H, optician and Jeweller Creed 1r1111eery • eau , Remember the great two -floor exhibit at R. K. Smith's on Saturi•1' reception and Inspection day and evening. To be continued for thecunvenirace of out -ot-Iowa petrous. During Fair week sew millinery. new mantles. children's odea, capes and Teeters at prices away dew* below regu- lar L Lof4..:. Last Friday eveeing at N,,rth•st. E. 1.. of I c. F: • Muses Eva Smith anal M funis Camp conducted the sernce. Th. topic for i the eventeg was "Th. 1tri,a of kens, sod wee discussed to en excellent way. 11 was iecided by the league to have Mrs. Oddt well here oo Thanksgiving dad, to ger* • oncert in the evening. All young people, particularly these attending school bere,are ,ovited is •treed these Friday night meet- ings. LMIIe P. se esehre. The Canadian Sportsman rives particular. of the fast work done at rho Cis du Harts meeting by Lottie P.. A. M. i'ollee's fast Illy, I,ettie P. was the winner of the 2 -year. rid etas., the time being 122 for the half' mile. She afterwards went • half mile i. • 1 I4i., and a mile in private teal in 2.211,the last half being don. in 1 13. The (011,0 hale bila is now back in her own "able, when Me will remain during the hallo". <,t the semen. The Literary as.I.ty. The Collegiate Literary Soei.l a held its tiM misting eines the holidays on Friday I even:t:g last. The followieg provram wet rendered Ina(nmoatal, Maes Mande.: ehorue„Glee Club; address. H 1 Ktrs.gl 1 Areadtog, Mr M.K.raey: gooshes drawee, I M Ktr•n,edittr'e."leotl... Q/tllunme. , and • chorus by the hey.. The following ntk,er, were .Tested ier the present term : I'resid.et, Mr. Koyd: 1st vice prem, Mies' lin( is,key; 2nd vbs-pass, Mies Clark: see - rotary. J. D. Campton : Mari. B. Omit : ssc. of mem , Mr. Rottener': Mitten". Mies Rae Reid: eeu.eillers Mitres M. Dickies, FA. Reid sad McMerdie. • Yank, all Wert. Rester Tines : Thin a truly an ate of sharks. Farmers It wet the.ght, were tate a l) ekes sotteWMe M the wellies i.- ssaes, of the steres, 6.4 K tr serli" that Istria.a•a ow of an glasses are lest es "WY to he swidyi. i. lends• sr' Yeo dal several deetem sere /felled by • alt a t, Medwidese et whW are stege a Bet what weave he be a lMlastie swindle was world npr' 108017 every 'merry merchant • few week. ago. A glib tongued traveller same along, drivleg • handsome rig, mad to introduce a superior marriage vreeth, $greed, upon the merchant ttaki•e $1200 worth, to seed gratis, sof 6cieot meet to paint his store, inside sad out, as well as furnish sign boards to tack upon the (mom throughout the eeuatra- The ban was a tempting nae, end tn"the majority et eases the varei.h wee bought sod paid for ou the spot. The paints have ruled to arrive and the m•rch•sa ars eon• cludate that they have been swooshed. Ready for fell meshes.. Miss Canneries, the Hamilton st. milliner. has retur.ed from her second trip to the cities, mad hitil now in view everything new this se.•on, including the latest efforts to chenille, etc. Her advt. will appear next week. C. c. 1. Came., The fourth minuet genies of the I:oderich Collagist* Institute will hie held on the Agricultural Park oo Saturday Sept. 28, commencing at 2 r. u., sharp. A. interest Ing series of athletic "vests, roaming, jump lag sod a relay•r•ce-Model School v G- (', 1. -- will be amongst the attrectiow. eeswmeaeeeseat Exercises. The annual commencement exercises is cennectioo with 4 ioderich Collegiate hasty tate will be be1J 10 the AmemblI Room on Monday, Sept. 30Th. A select pro.ram of short speeches will be given, and certificates and diplomas awarded. Admission to .10 se mbly Ball will b*,by ticket as the sedating •scommodatioe is limited. Ticked Willa 1e had frt.m the men/hers of committee of ambers. • ac Pre.r.aUsa and Addie... i Last Friday evening, after practise, the members ot it t:.orge s ohoir were invited to the rectory, where a Worming even' took place in the presentation of • handsome eight day clock to Muss Le Towel by tae other members of the choir, a the occasion sber departutre from Gederich. A neat •dress wss road by Kee. Y. Turnbull, and a the pre eetation Pas made by leader l'utT, en behalf of the choir. A imitable reply was made for Miss Le Teazel ha her brother, R/beet, after which refreshments were served by the hospitable hostess of the ree tor v,and a pleusot time spent. Miss Le Tou :elleavea t; , len th with the beet wishes of •I I who have had the pleasure of her ►eq zein• aaos. esleh !Work. (In Wedeeday sight of lest week, five ,mall boas drifted out in the Idako in an old .cow. A companion, whn had remand on share, gave the alarm at 1'ept. Rabb'. abut 8:30 n clock. The crew of the lifeboat wers scattered all over teem, some at their homes and some roe the Swore, but inside of ten minutes every one of them was down at the beat and had rowed out to the end of the piers. Meanwhile the yowngaters bad drttted ashore near the •Id lat.rttatinnal ..It works. When Capt 'Babb knew the he retuned to the bo0thense. and inside of another ten minutes the boat was knitted to and the men were os their way up the hill. This shows the expedition with which the crew of our lifeboat me be got tegetlier in cram of neoemity. Then wail ooly tweety mien's. between the time of the call sad the return up hill. C. T. R. Keesrslee,. Kest organiwo of the seams. Roman bar dotes, ! lot 3, 4 and ;i Ver} low rates; tiekete geed until Oct. 21st. Detroit and Port Herne, only $3 ; Chicago std ('Isola Doti, F1; Saginaw sad Ray (it v, ri ; I:ned Rapids, $8 : Cleveland, CS 50. For tickets. berths and all partieulars cell on H Arm - siren,. (.. T. R. town t cket west. West street, Goderich. Agent Canadian Forrest and 1:. N. 1Y T•Iegesph. Tickets, tele- grams and .xpr"m to all parts of the world, J T. &cheroots ■1111a.ry speshg The millinery display made at J. T. Aehesnei s store Wednesday evretieg was be- yond yueetion the event of the moron. and from the hour el onset( 7 r r. -until the time for electrify arrived, the ladies of flederieh sad vieteity showed Meir appresi- atioo of the exeaton by emtiasowsly thre.g fee the handsome sportsmen setsaide fee the tssgeIAeeut prw.stateea ed the Inghene type is etillisery art. The ..1H.g was Untamed with hooting from the metre to mob corset, the walls Wag pa.elld rl.hlt is velvet, ta.tof.11y sett elf with feathers sad Sewers. At the berth sad of the •partme.t two eJ some were neeepi.Dene. the nese Mist de- voted to emewr.iag /reeds, with white ellest., sad the ether to pink drapariei ers•mnssed with Mask feathers. The MI armament rot were sesspie.sw • a yellow grened in Wmasa dre.e thew maMut Dank trim late sprit w ably wprewrri lair Gen I. the •silllssy Isla, I. awls i. amp el this ea p.rtment,amd it is.eessemary to mom that iso baster imdiva.i.a el she quality of the display is weeded thm that her .sed teats and seed j.dgmst are to the fen. This year the hats ars torpor than ureal, sad es stylus reg to velvet a.d chenille lsttie5 work, tnmeeed with wire& plu.Ss,Bewe5D, jets sod birds. White hate u felt will be u •r ►demo., also. 1 ■ colon, t he meweet w tts di(.root shades to Royal Blue mad Tomato and hera.tum reale, with brim and grime is lbw trate. The ladies who attended the *peeing were u gtaeiee over the new shape., colon and ether trimmings, and the sessseu• of opaioe was that J. T. Acheson bad this Fall read* • display whish warn mot only • marvel of taste. but for lemons of erica, where ywlita was oo.eiderd, wee something previesly unheard of in God* rich. Meaty ea the C. M. W Lab(bHN.- The tog of war between (;etorieh aid I.uckoow, or rather, north of Maitland river and south, is receiving • good deal et att.ouoo and two stalueal teams will face the mite oo the afternoon of October 2nd upon the exhibetloo grounds The late wiod "term has scattered fruit to such an extent tbat those who have any ewctmess left had better bring in every thug availatle,se the to bleu are sure to be abort of pro. taken. The log -sawing Detest en the 3rd is drawing near,and already several teams are preparing. Those to the south will stake a keg path to win lint place. The boys front liavIeld will require to put forward their newt skill as there ars several resort breakers to the north. Tomorrow the board and their friends will .pend the day epee the grounds, mak fog finial arrsngemeate; the track will be scraped sat put into nos shape. Speeding le the ring will be men attrae- tive than ever, a. every race will be filled and all hermit are in daily training for the events- lo the green run some fine young blood horses are to take part, and we are promised • het contest. Those who have fruit for name or seed- lings of any Iliad should bring them in, as the oommittee from the Oaart Fruit grew era Association will be to s.eiee all days of the Fair to examine and report upon such. Epirus will be far in excess of any previ- ous veer ; every department will be filled to overflowing excepting to fruits. Mr. Well., the gardener, will Moe mates grown trom Spanish seed that excel any thing "tithe kind imported, many specimens turning the melee at 2 lbs. Doubtless the awwnur .5.at will be the music of the 13th Battalion Band, of Hunt - ton. and we leek for large special execrates. by rail front outlying towns to listen to this the ereete.t musical treat the people of Huron hays ever received. We observe that this band, which is undoubtedly the beset in Co' made. has just returned from an en tageekest In Boston, Mem., where they carried off the highest honor.. Then ere mere applteante this year for specs uvtain in the main building, than ever before and each "merchant is Striving to a .oel his neighbor is dressing his .pace. The bis; ole races for the prizes to be warded by 1:.W. Thomson promise to be atersetug. COM INO AND GOING. Jos. A McKey, of Toronto, is in town. Mise 1:race lireen lett on Tuesday tor 1).• nit. Miss Annie Murray took in the \Ystere Fair last week. Mss 1 Sharman returned on Monday from trip to Lecithin. Mies Isabella fiherman was at the West- ern Fair last week. Mr. and Mrs. .1. C, I:ring, of Seeforth, spent Sunday in town. Miss Keaumnat left on Wednesday morn ing for • trip to Europe. Mrs. Jae. Mitchell and son spent • few days thug week in London. Mrs. A. Farrow Peek in the Western Farr at London last week- lirs. Guest, Keays at. returned on Moe- dsa from the Western Fair. Miss Isabelle Sharman attended the 1Vestern Far Inst week. Miss Cr.aHyslop, of Buffalo, is visiting relatives and friends in teems t cbr. Sophie ie expected in with another cargo of lumber trom Theeselen. Miss L,zzie Ach.en has gone on a lengthy visa te Brantford sed Hamilton. Mies Keenly, ot Leedom, is visiting at the residence of John McDonald. Bill Jeekine returned en Saturday from iloebee, where he bad been with horses, Mn. and Mn. Holmes, of Acton, were visiting Mrs. Jas. Robinson the oast week Mrs Pawners is at present foe • visit to her .ester, Mrs. Jim Hamilton, of Wroxe- ter. Mies Kate N•ibergall who hal been visiting at Wiartoo, has retuned to Gods - rich. Alex. Smith, s.eretery of the l'rovincial Refeets •smscutloo, was to tow. Saturdey lost \ Nell MICnmmns, hsrnster, Toroaa,wa. • twat at the Brnugh Exchange Saturday I st- Mrs. Hugh Murray and children returned Tuesday tut fres a month's runt to Pert Colborne. Rev. Jos. Rage and Qhs Stoddart left on Tuesday so attend the C. E. (`.e.voatioe at Brantford. Maitland Whitely, whc had 'leen for sole time um the Stake has returned to ha hose here. Hy. Lewis left a Monday for (hi Rprines, where be bee scoured • positiee se t ti pe en the ('hnais1. Mitchell Ad.ecaa Mr, Mills, B. A-, of Gederioh, wee a geese of the Mimes tellies. last fliatard•y. Repenter Mrs. Wm. Aoheess, of :ode risk, w thin week the guest of her daeghier, M8*. J (. s Rd. tilos,(irleng. se the Cambria for the River, where he expecte to rejoin leu best, Me Rhoda Stewart Mew Jennie McDseald sell Master Joseph Rammer , of Leedom. w ileitisg at t,Tte ferser'u paras' in time. Lesek.ew llatueel Mew Lines The.p- w , et Gederieh, ws visiting at her oasis'.. Adam Theses..,, on Saaday. Js. 1-ws took is the Woman Fair yet week, seed atter ►i. ..iter■ was fshas Be Y sew able mamma no Ma disks, Mrs. A. C. vas Remate, two SIULeta and maid, lart leers it Pm edema, Obliterate. Mts.y eau soafearneas f ANOTHER SHIPMENT GF READY-MADE CLOTHING OPENED THIS WEEK. The greatest value that has ever been seen in Goderich, bought from IA a two best manufacturers of clot/ling in Canada, vii . Alessrs. IV. R. Johnston Co., of Toronto, and The ll . E. Sanford ilanujactur- ing Co., of Hamilton, (Oak Hall Goods). These Iwo firms have the reputation of turning out the best goods made, equal to custom tailoring, and at less than halt the price. Our fall stock of general Dry Goods is now com- plete. In Fall Underwear, we are offering several lines at less than present mill prices. No trouble to show goods, whet/ter you purchase or not J. A. REID. 24th September, 1595. Josdee's Block, Goderich. HRLMBOLDT'S )DEAL LKMONADE TABLETS, 1 10c. • Tub.. One diw,ived an water makes • glees of fine Iemouade. JELLY OF GLYCERINE AND ROBES. For Chap., Sunburn, Tar and •1l Irrita- tions. Gentlemen find it geed afar .having. The most popular of Americas Toilet Ar tickle Imported direct ha w u order that we may have the von best thing of it. kind. Special attention to American Toilet Articles, etc. I__ BLACKBERRY COMPOUND. The beret cure for Sum- mer Complaints. 25c. Lim. J•ttio•, Root Isar. Ba.D-Selut r. Year Yrwriptism Paessesge Solicited. W. C. GOODE. CHEMIST. father, Mr- Joseph '.S illianu, aooempaoied them as fax as Loodoa. Expositor : Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Hodgins were guests at the wedding of Miss Shep- herd, at (;ederioh, on Wednesday last. Luckeow Sentinel Harm Hart,of Gode- rich, was in the village on S•turday,adver- tugug the great Northwestern Exhibition. 3%. M. Kiviogton, the bard of I;rated Rend, was in town Monday It is some- thing over thirty years since he wee In I:oderich before. Themany friends of H. Hamilton, the aged librenen of the Me/Manic* 1•etitate. ere pleased to me him able to perform his dutiss, which he resumed on Tuesday. New Er• : Mrs. !Stunk. mother of Mn. S. Pike, has been senouelc Ill for several days, and is y et very low she is one of the pioneer residents of I..derioh township. Harry Ball left Frida} last for Brandon, Man., where he has secured • good situ/aim. W•, along with his many friends here, wish him eyery'success in the Prairie Prov- isos. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. The quarterly review will be held in the TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes must be left not later than Mon day noon. Gra sial Advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. Traveling cines.. YIRAIID'1'IUHZ RAILWAY. Ammfvm, man and • d e`.' Mixed y,»p~„a Mall ail i rpre fills p.m. �s�s�a..meler. man sad Bs,ensa LAO a m. 1.Oo p.m, 3.4/ 0.m Mixed .............. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. aedeeleh nines. OoDamio., opt, °S- Ili. P all Wheat, Inewe standard... .. 0 24 roe 56 Sunday Schools nett Sabbath afternoon. nal lit told'. 0 site O.Sf y. per Cwt l 1S tot ai ROW. H. Irvine exchanweJ pulpits with Flour. Pell. per cwt .......... ! 1,15568;00° to : 1t1 Rey. Joe. Edge last Sabbath memoir. Bin teat, per cwt /« ! 1J to 4 : Mies Minnie Campbell aught Miss 1. f'Fhortit, qi too Sherman's room at the Central, in the ab.. ecfoestn/rs i toe Bance of the tatter, lot week. Nsw Onca, Mesh .... 0 21 x o 25 UM Oa4 0 a0 to 030 y \1 ew Hay V cos • 1! w tolfa es 00 k d h Old Hal', T ton -...-„ l4 00 ti: II 00 1•w, the late Fiancee Shields. Pbatoes, t! bask flew 025 to 0 L Flatter..... «........ 0 1.5 to 0 N Wud Or nipsOrd8 1 t10s.•.• . 000 tut* 0 11 o 0(1120 HM.e,.... .... Sm x400 flits• - .- - ....-. 0 en x 0 OO sive . 4 10 to / 30 The regular main msetior of the Gede Dressed Hove �' to 600 rich Christian Endeavor Isocal Claim will RamaR ver Ib.. _,--- 066610 to Oleg he held in Knox church on F'rldsv evening, ('be,.,. mer 1h • 0 10 to 0 11 October 4th at 8 o'clock- An excellent pre0 10 to 0 11 grew ie being prepared for the occasion. When leather goes awry up in price ands shoe dealer advertises "prices are down," most people would my "there's a screw Scriber about July 1st. a red steer with a loo.. This u the cam ot H. R. }'olloek, little white. The *weer is re/rusted to prove and thg "loose screw ' u that he is going to r roppe�rev. rry thery�s and ake (t •way. mous on Oct. 15 to the new store next µ Ji,1.18 RI'.LI., lot 4. ion. 1, Oodsrlch xwn Sturdy Bros. ship, 21 lc. : Saturday last was • bust day at Pollock a Por Salo or To Rent. shoe store, it being the mooed dot of his 11 00to45 1600x1000 • • It 00 toll o0 Mc Lean'• Klock, Goderich HOU8BHu LD STRING, i FOUNTAIN n1K1NG HOTWATER BOTT KA ICK 11Alai THROAT,NA.SA 1, a.d PERFUME ATOMI%KK.M (Beat Mahe sad Co.ttnuoua BREAST P('MPS NIPPLE SHIEI.I*K RUBBER T('KIN4. (All Ktndsi ...pray) Kiedl' bear u mind that our stook of these goods cannot be et.elled, and as rs- gerd. quell!'., we guarantee this every ume. Prescriptions and family recipes oar *fully prepared from the best of ingredients only. Smith !'HAS. 11 'WILLIAMS, Sid* Square, (:old Medslat, Goderiob, (tat. Chemist and Druggist. DONT FORGET That the largest stock, and the finest assort- ment of FINE TOBACCOS, CIGARETTES, CIGARS, I>IPES, And all smokers' sundries Is at J. E. DAVIS', Pbm. B. 1)ruggist A Optician. UNDERTAKING Calls promptly attended to, night or day, by our Mr. J. E. Snelgrove, practical funeral dirctor and embalmer. WILMER SMITH, Undertaker, upholsterer, and general furniture dealer. (,so. W. Thomson wee In Strathro lest wee L attending t • funeral of his father u - The Epworth lasagne of North -.t. Metho- dist have .*cured the services of Era. Cold well, of Toronto, for a eoacert on Thanks- giving evening. Strayed Animals. CAM F: ON THE PREMISES OF SCK - "Removal Sale." Doting the day • large FOR `ALF. - :\ (:[Nei) 1 STORYnumber of farmers, and during the evening t1 (nese dw�ling house ZIT1 with U cureboRyt sepe.ially • large Dumber of townspeople addition and shed, swat, on Lot 107, Oloeces availed them.ela•es of the opportunity to se- ter Terme,. Goderlcb. Apply to Mote and shoe. at such low prioee. 31-tf f'l1ILiP HOLT. Expositor : The Misses Hueter, of FrreI FOR SALE THATBEAUTIFUL RF:SI deuce oecuoitd hr the undersigned, in the villas, n1 tlaltfnrd. torretheNwitb 11 acres ot land filled with 'he choicest fruit tree.. all beerier. and ornamental. includinga lenge variety of floweriest shrnrie and other pleats. rine view of Take Huron. Good harp and other outside Melling. on pnml.er, ('harm Iso situation nn River Maitland. Apply to JAMES STEWART. Sanford P. (R. Huron Co. Mit ten, Wentworth county, spent a tow days with their frieed, Mn. Jas. Dallas, of the 2nd cars., Tnckeremith, while en • cycling tour, They travelled by way of Elmira, and are going as far west as (:oderteh, and intend returning by way of iendon and Galt. They travelled • distance! of about 100 miles in 18 hours Having just returned from • purchasing trip to Teroete, the proprietor of The Fair iZSSlitor s Notice. a in a position to Morel the public that - - _ - they will find many new lines never before ' T 1t'R ICS_ BERF.RY GIVEN TO ALI sass is this storeand s•. priew that are lr ripeness having claims against the estate away down. ' Tbu popular beainare plass of Richard Aldwewth. late of the town of is knewD as being reliable, and the people Udec in the Comn'y of Huron. yeusta•. of lloderi.8 and vieinit t will find 1t the deceased. s treed In the seine duly yorfbef 10 R. (`. Naos. Ikaerlstr•r. (ioderleh, on or before "bargain sirs of t:oderteh the let day of October. 1000. after which date Stretford Herald : Owing to the lei Or J. R. Shannon. the executor of the will of prim of wheat the keel bakers Mire do• toedisributtee Kthe said rd A testate amoa4 he per ailed to reduce the prim of bread from 12c. sone entitled thereto having reeled only to Io 100- par four pound loaf. This redueuon (kr stains of .vhlch he 18.. .hal' ha.r had Will tr, into fort* ea Mnsd• !•bis i. an ofthe aid will cot be liable for t1) psonndf y of the "stair .o dt. .13.11 ho 001 person of indication that the old eine'. of dour made whose• elates notice shall not bars beim re from 90o. and SI wheat has been consumed. "dyed - With bread at 10u. fewer families will be I It C. HAYS. inclined x ole their ewes baking. 0ollelter for said executor. g• Ooindeh, Mpg. ; th la. Nt ('•.tug Nall Pella. 1:01.11111.n, Great Northwesters, Qat To Smokers: . Helgreve, F:. Wawaaosh, Sept. 30,0 ('olliegwood, Northern, stet. 25 27, Atln Craig. Northers, Sept. 26-27. ilro.sele, Foot Herom, Sept. 26 27. Seen th, Teokersmith, Seat. 26 27. Mft.Mtl, Oet 1 2. Walkerton, Northern, Oct. 1 3, Hamilton, 1'stral, flet. 1 3. /mmgmmnnm. (M 10-11. (`IAUTIOlN-ALL PKRFIONR ARR V Mrey wrad Tg•1a"t givtss seeds t. as 1 la Mr newt w • writes we. se ef .•�1.will set M goods Aors 10Il FOUND .:"I;wlw86 44t p., 4513. amps. To weet lbs vitalise. of .Mer / meteneerx The awe. B. Tarbes(• atm s e., L141. nee.- IMtee. Oat.. bays pigged epos the sarh,I ♦ Ostbination Ping of WOK= *OaA000. Thin .ep,iies a long felt want, giv- ing the essmuser one 20 cent plug, or a 10 eent piece or a b cent pies* d the fango.. " T & B " brand of perks Virgieu Tob.con. Tient T "Tt1"r «soul PI F. SMEETH'S PLANING MILL -AND- SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY. 1 lake this opportunity to Inform the probit. that I am still in the huskies/ notwithstanding all rumors to the oontrar), enders prepared to doe - lass of work In my line from making • window frame to erecting • loamy building with mansard roof. Ketimares furnished end competition invited. The furnishing of hnild:ng material. em h as lath. 'thing!** and Ibmncr a seecialty, F. SMEKTH. Oodsrieb, July Iib HMe, Lobb and Sairing a nosNtp. Ir IS NOT WHAT YOU EARN, BUT WHAT YOU SAVE, MAK RS YOU RICH, THE HURON ANO HRCvK IRAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY. Sot.tclmns.-Cameron. Holt and Holmen, hmcomrr., Interest Compound every 511 timer he at four per:e. t• per annum, on aomn from one dollar ppwar4a. 1)♦po.ttelrs will Ind it to their advantage to come and nee ua I.n,tve May he secured all any time without delay on the security of approarei desirable Property. Extreme.. moderate. Applications received by the Manager or solicitor.• The Company a °MMee. are located on North Street and Court !louse Square -opposite lit ta!r Blei}1.L (Mks, GRACE HOIRTON. J. H. COLHO � mi Mames.. Mtif/ie. MiSS ANNA L SHAW, TEACHER of Meek and Theory-expsrtesesg One door East eft ('apt. Purim', W.etet O.derltltlt_ ili 1. MR. W. A. R. (ITT. ORGANIST o-, of St George'/. church, le prepare to rive (hire.. Vocal and Pianoforte laittruc tion. Itreidence St Annrew.t inear the old O.•Ife eh,,rebt 1' 0 Kos lig 21 lm Tenders Wanted TENDEi(s. Teodoro for tiop various trades reenired in the erection of 1111. Peter'. chnrch, Ooder1eh, will be received re lo 5 c w on ThnriIay the lOth day of Oddi, Tenders to be addreeey4 to the !tet• p}, bleat. And. rich, Oat. The lowest or any tender willaot near/manly `,e accepted Plane and specieratton• can be seem on Bind after Tuesday. the Nth iron at the Presbytery Gederkh. (rat . road at the (tins of Poet s Hemet. •rehitecta, \tanning •Arcade, T414.rg�, 8, y( H°M1RB C:&TLE `i 1111(:INE • v • Now 1e the 7IMM sire your heroes sad cat- tle Oosditti. lVweer to bay* thea. is toed .have for the later. !'se WILSON'S (•ONDiTiON POTNTAtE The for • pealed peek/me )0*WFOIAN SANAT11'E BAi.PAM. few esteem bases. ire- • heals, WHiTE OiL G•ROLilo Ott. IS tin. • Monis. ALLEN'S LINIMENT made hem eke *Hein el fers.la• Ilii. bawd. WILSON'S PRESCRIPTION DIM 4 "roma. RUr mbar snit se madtt, Ph.tw n