HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-9-26, Page 44 TSN STOICAL : (;ODPRICA. ONT., THURSDAY, SEPT. IS • 1516. z c $qutI, t. terlaUINUIS •V RRY TIiURKI)AY MOH N iNO SI 5. 1♦m.mLLN'1 N1. IWao a of j'ah!1.ltlea Y • c' la. !(.1rt e.otr.rti dealt 4/01. lamer/. • II3 St I M rens. e1 a.b.ev.estes t =oath, in eds.u.e Wee rear. Lees et deer habil. Tour late is • aemhies ,.r.t"t .' .i.e Amos r which roe are pa(d nn. .„e that it 1. not •fled to fall late err, ass. ryleMYa • ebaaaadore.. le at adore1a da.lred. Mak sad the new address should M Wyse. Adrert Islas Rama ,Livsad other oaeual mdventseundl5,ttyr. e line for oro Insertion. midi oearp► Ila_ for each subsequent Ineeroa. MY cared by oeapareil goals. Hueiness cards of six lino and under, IS per rem. Advertisement& of Lost. Ironed. Strayed 81testloas Visoa.ni. Situations Wanted and Hotness Chances Wanted. sot exceeding 11 Uwe nonpareil. 51 per month, Houma en Sale and Yartne on Rale. not to owed t lutea, ill tor Bret month. Slur. per sub mooed month, I.rgrr &drys. In proportion. Any special notice. the oldest or which is to promote the pecuniary benefit of any indi- vidual or company, to be considered au ad- vertisement and chanted •nrordlnsay. !meal serol In nonpareil type one nest per word. no moires less than be. Loral notices in ordinary roadie& e t ptwo ss omits per word. No notice for lethee We. Notions for churches and other religious and benevolent tuetituttoaa half rate. A beer **TM &lams" Delivery. Subscriber who fail to receive Tan eioxaL regularly, either by earner or by mall. will loafer a favor by sequetntlag as of the fact at se early a dstem possible. Iteueeted manuscripts cannot be returned. Cor..pondence must be written on one side of paper only. P.►II.ber's •Oleo, .1. C. Le Trowel. of lioderich, ham been ap Meal eal Travelling Ament for the town ships of Godenoh. Colborne. Ashfield and W.- wansh, Loral postmasters over the district are also empowered to receive eubscriptloas to Tan BIONAL AU communications must be addressed to U McOIl.LIOU DssOslT..t, Tetmpb-as Call M, T iissiih. Oat. OODf8RIOR, TNURSfAr, BKPT. r, iris. WEST HURON. «EST Hume is unrepresented in the i)ominion parliament, and, as mat tern -Ganes, an election may be sprung upon the constituency at any day. To be prepared is half the battle, and it is absolutely neeesaart that no time should be lost by the Reform party in the riding in stetting evegy thing in readiness so that no catijh vote. may be obtained by the Govern- ment party. -It is, therefore, necehta:y that a convention of the Iteform Association be called at a date not later than Thursday, Oct. 24, and, so that the blest poesible representation may be had, Dungalinoti should be selectee) as the place of meeting. The secretory of the ausocietioti .hculd lose no time in calling the meeting, as it i.. only right that every etlort .hould he put forth to redeem the .'onetituency and plate it once more in the Reform eolunan. SNP 10401 S. - ('opting esentu cast their shadows before. Already the nelst'mipal canvasser u abroad in the load. The advertising department has the call in this true. The Mg announce - menta speak for 1 henwelr.w, Nett seek will IM a live one Its town, and the holding of the Ilrsst Aorth- weat..rn will be NN big event. Isn't it shout tune •hi, Inter- national nternational yacht humht19 was called tiff' In the languages( the late .1a Mira Hs:.Purr, "there alai ngthin' t. it " -Last week the tsars who ws., ear gtneer os the Bret locomotive, and the man who invented the luoifer mmt.ch,both passed away. Between their eoming and ?Donk • great march wM made by Progress. The Toronto World is very kiutl ' is Its editorial roinmaa to the Toronto Straw, ('ar Company, or it tray be that the Toronto Ntreet ('.r (lorspany is estrentely kind to the business end of The World. The Norfolk It.•foruter has been increased in avr to eight pages, and has been otherwise 'morn.el We von ere tulate liner D•..i y on the advance, and hope he wall And oceans of wealth a the u.d.rak- Ing. That ;lav old airs, LILT LArt,TRv, is still before the puble. This time she is reported to have Iut 5200.00111 Werth of jew- el.. The story, however, has the earmarks of .r advertising dodge to hoot the old mitt's nett sten venture, ea Incl. hasn't horn running her way of late. Tht r • an loyalty fools every where, and last weak thev t.rnttd ■p at Now Her.n, ('.ane , and requested a hotel man, who had fee hi. sneaw a number of English athletes, to take down the "Prone lack which h. was thing fr .m his flag- saR. We wo.ldn t have otpm-tad any worm forst of foolishness from Col. Gess. Tii Loa I)r.t...s If some wag hal Anse the Stan and Stnpss to the % eeve in TereHo pollee smart alley. The following from La Patrie shows the retIm.ttee is whteh Mr beerier .e held by those who know him beet -Dor ug the eatln time he has boat eked h. bas .ever enemata' an error. Re is poor, he has sacrificed ..gro4.ia,ly his por...al fee tuna u p.Mk semis* and .t the dessa.d of his party. Re has lime from platform t. plasims M tell the good abaci .f better Mmms sod hay. train H* W *..measly gloom Yin ► hi *now and W moans to Um urvioe lel kis eseatry, mid be has fats he .eoo"iNee.e 11.0 e.U.wt. fnsadahsp of ►i aappm tore to 1'u Miami, Lle estbu. a.S&r ado,.ion of the Lib...ls wen when, mad the rwpeut of Me adver.erse. to . lcr....ter extent toes may party ua1N nu sires en- joytd Io t toad." MINISTER Or ACiRICULT URAL - --- Loudon A...rr,user: Nivuop tried . Lrsw er as • a I Lever as Illno.ter of Amncul ore, tbe I k.uoo,uu (:..rel omeat a uoa lu.i s.( eta way NI' thr aypu.uluw.uI. .d • .1.w10r Lu the psettim. 11 .ern.e In vi.ter the mads of tee Ism su po. rr al 41 mere tb.' the yr,,,,,, U.... :.. o•AY. M.ui.Le1 of AIIIeul Lille ta . i.p.u..tt11ito twit—Us. Ti root. Sar lir. Hostague may ►e jest M olovor a mw ae there a In the Dominion ()hine', but be u not the man for the v. - sant oorttollo of Agnoulturs. No member mot a farmer ma successfully manage tb.1 dep.rtmsat or be popular with the people The Domingo& (ioverument has always bees oriucired by patroos and farmers of all klada bemuse • lawyer or mime profssemeal mac who did sot know the mode of Lan.• duan egrtoulturea was Minister of Agreed Lure. The Dominion t;syernmeat never con ceded the potut and therein !hewed its weakness The ()uteri* Administration has a practical farmer .t the bead of the depart meat end has wen the support of farmers The Domiame Government should Got me oppose public 040510s., sad not oily for the good of the oouotry, but for the sake ot eesunng 115 ewe *totem* would be wine in selecting sums repre.wativs and able farmer to look after the aureate of the tma)ortty et toe people. Hamlltoa Times : It is hinted that Dr Montague will be •ppotated Minister ot Agriculture to eu.c.ed An• -en. In the short time devoted to prep.r•tton for the work the man of pills and draughts has shown astonishing aptitude for the arduous ptettIoa. 11 is said that already, without undue mental strain ba can tell • Jersey heifer from • Shire sallies, and by the aid of • colored .hart ma distinguish between • hors by sad • yellow jacket without form ug any mcquaintano with their hueisess ends. The difference between troth on milk and the "bead -on prim* Leer will Dome easy, and when he has fixed a his naiad the obief pt.inta of diffusely* between • mustard plaster and • harrow, and • hypo- dermic syringe and • churn, the great (:aa adios farming public may seam to moors for lobe sulking Angers end once mon let down the bars and tan the chicken out to pas- ture. MARINE - 1 ta.5 Ii I'a0x VA.AILIYA. The Sarah Observer : Reeident. •long the lake shore, north of the awn, pottered a remarkable series of variations in the water levels between Tuesday eveaing and Wed asodav morning. I►urtng the night the water gradually rose until it reash.d • level of three toot &bore the normal. At 6 A. •r., it receded rapidly until it had fellers four feed below the normal, and shout 6:30 it raised .gain to its normal level. At 7 A W. it once mors recede.] about four feet, and by 8 o'clock It had neea a foot above the normal. During the low periods, the sand- bar, ever whloh there is ordis.rtly four feet of wear, was l&id bare, and none' stones were in sight, to pave .11 the streets is Sarnia. The water in its fluctuations rose and frill with • ra.h Tike • tidal wave. The wind at the time was light and off the shore. PRI% ATx VA.'IIT`I AyU rA.em...LR . Fur some years past it has been • emo- tion whether the owners of • steam pleasure yacht, not runoma for hire or remuneration of ISDN kind, could carry parsons other than the master and crew, or for owner, bis fam- ily and servants. witbcot mourner the pen- alty imposed under the Siteamboet tnepes min Act for carrying paasesgera without a fic.nse. The matter hat been under the considerat',-- if the Government and • de e. . reached that a seam yacht Iv for pleasure and not for t aeration, if she complies wi ✓ . ,.Uemeuts of the Steamboat Act, t.5 earn- friends' of the owner without the let- ter reaming • tisk of being fined. The pro vielons 01 the Act,whieh must he respected, are the psi mem of the rate of duty, tnspeo• also fees, inspection of boilers and machin en, the oblig•tlima to earn one life bo.t,to take strict precautions armpit fire, and to carry one life preserver for each pesois om heard, etc. inn Lu.trll. rr,L. A new fuel for steamboats has recently been tsted,Arst is the merohant martme,and later aro, In the Italian and French navies, with great success. The german Nay IM pertinent has just ordered •xperimente to be made with this fuel. which is called mas- ut. It u, properly speaking, a derivative of coal tar, which In turn is manufaotsrd from soft or b tuminous cool. Thu liquid fuel a carried in tanks, and is fed into the fire boxes through pipes, at the. end of which • strong curtest of air atomizes the fuel and blows it into every career of the Are box. A strong Name passes op through the tubes and wall of the boiler, burro •I asst nmokelesely, and develop, • eoosider- &My higher temperature than ooel, gonSrat- irg thereby • largsrf aeseust of steam. 1t is clamed for this fuel that it will increase the moo. . •pa. n v about d per out. The first .tpenm.nte a the rehoolsh.p Parol• were so ntoeestnl that the Navy Deport meat has ordered the battleship Weiseen• harg.•n.t the armerclad Siegfried to he sup plied with meant fire boxer., .aid tie result of the experiment is looked forward to with great Interest. ... w.lax mx01.1a/1 sAIuA,Wt. ('apt. G. Cawley, R.N.R., hes well said net "it is • guanine of patriotism mad ..- heal etpewli.ney that w• should foster British seamen ` Not only are ftoesspers filling the formation of our freight carriers, but they are •Ian serving as *floors surd master,. The late:Admiral Hereby, in an important letter whish appeared in The Tin*, d.ahng with the enemy of sese.ea, r.esark. that ship omen •.:nplaln that ther ars nh1Ved t• .eipley many of tine* forewomen as mates. and oven as eapalu, for want of semp.t..t l sucIiahmen.- If this be true, it fellows that the downfall of king htwd s enpr.msey •t sea a teensy • matter of tams The Shtpmeaters' Society has de- n ied that their* is my truth in the impact• tine. Nev.rthel•s, tt meat he ssatwsed that foreign sailors are becoemag mer* and serge ■nmsrea• In the British .,erehent name: bets are rarely found, and there is no rwstrtetlea at present with respect to thin Iwsdtens danger whish threatens te sap the feumdabiess of British snu4Mu• supreme as he other ewaw. save Belgium pow mils bar I.ereltaat vessels to to mamma •ddr by f.r+(ra ao That e•kbrae•d nos- stist. Glarh Russell, in one of kis meat r. sant A m.eera* of the salt *m► .takes No pelmet - pal .hsas.Ssr IsaNhdly sap lbm$ Vali n "'el. seai d°"+na'.--wiwaSSISAVED MUCH SUFFERING tfhev built the Raglish sad east.. the BEY, ! ATHKR oUTLKR'S INTISIU BT- I J As.. ILIO KXPKRIIIN('E. lie histioma no alae.' Amylase and phis.'' Oar bsrttago i Lbs esti mad w la- e..saat ides d braise —mea dors sat Wool to make it moue for theta denial attar is. To bomb British bora seams sib quire* that our youth shall b. trained on oar merobast skips, and ship imams will not bars hove HOBOS UM simply et uatN born seasn.s will grow wryly loss, wbilo those eeasgen found in Hanish ships will M e ither melliment or 1otwg. It a high time that the queens. ot the supply of 110114/AMS removed the serious atteskoa of our furs - most legislators w it be too Iota S..gois/ training ships have become almost abdolatr ly zsoss.ary to imam swim a proportion .t illt ssrsbaat e-aman of Nettie bulla -`ka. mkssa's Josrsal. HARBOR NOTES. The Irtlativd left os Saturday as her way to Gotdes Valley- t'rnwr Petrol was is On Saturday en bar way from Lek* Superior to Lake Kris. Behr. Aurora arrived os Tuesday from Thanatos with a cargo of lumber for N. l h meet. i .br. L. L, Lama arrived es `in erd•y from Cleveland wttb450 tens of coal for the waterworks. The steam barge Molly (:rumbles was in on Monday from the Georgian Bay to load salt for Wiarton. Capt. Robinson is arbors this weak with & sore hand. He will likely go on the Aurora next weak If better. H. McLeod's boat was in port on Sates - day, bound from Bayfield te Grewwieh for the fall Ashi.g. The *Instate plant of the Rig Mill is rs oavtng • thorough overhauling in now M the arnyal of the grain boat - Sir. Cawbna was in last week os bar way up and leaded 300 bags of fitter and other freight for the North Shen. str. ('hskluna was a part on Tuesday 0o bet regalia trip tree) Montreal to Duluth, and loaded sue oars of salt. While boarding the Evelyn Int Thursday evening ('apt. ylie had the misfortune to miscalculate the distaste and step into the water, (apt. M. P. Mcrib lowly ,marine advisor at Ottawa was here recently making an.1- autination of the boat hems and surround- ings with the object of pla tag a surf boat and beach apparatus here. If toe maim* u corned out, the surf boat may be akae on the sort to any distance front here and launched trot the shore nearest the wreck. He also made ea examination of the piers and noted the defects, which he will report to the Governmest. Steam barge Inland from the River 10 (:olden Valley to load lumber for Cbat em, was off hon Thursday overtime when the 'term was on. The mpain, not liking to Dome in, bemuse of the ohmage in the mare ligbte sines he was biers last, wheeled for • tug. Copt in Craigia, ot the Evelyn, west out to her and showed her the way in, The resident. of town thought some boat had been wreoked, and about 200 of them g•th .red en the ma piers and many more on the be•ob. ' AUCTION SALES. All parties getting their sale bills printed at this, .Noe will have a free ootloe Iosertec Is this 41st 00 to the time of sales. Wxf,itiDAT, (hat. 6 -On lot 1, eon. 4, (;olborue, farm stock and implements. N. W. Nott, prep., John Knox, auctioneer. SATURnAV, Sept. ?B -At Amberley, Ash- field township, at 2 o'clock r ie., the south 129 acres of lot 85, con. 13, W. 1). Ashfield. If not sold will be for rent. John Knox, auottoneer. S4TI'ICDAY, Sept. 28th -At Mallougb's hotel, Dungannon, .t 12 o'clock noon. south pelt of lot 15, coa. 3, W.D. :V•wanosb, 100 acres. Joseph Mallough, swot. MovoAT, Sept. 30th -at the Commercial hotel, Chutes, at 4 outlook 1•. w., lot 32,000. 13, Goderieh Township, 80 acres. David Dickenson, auotiesser. F'xtoat-, Sept. 27th -At the residence of Miss Futcher, al 1 o'clock r•. or all her household tumours and effects, Thomas G undr t , auctioneer. se.mena7 le Wealth. There are few industries, which from an economical standpoint, are mon highly ap- prseuted than the establishment of Parker's Dy sing and ('leaning Works, whiob have ever% appliance for einem/ ladler and gent. wearing apparel of all kinds up to date. Clothing can be dyed to look 1,ke new at a very small cost. Agency at Mems Tates NIa leery :'ton, (:oderlob. All orders promptly attended to. t .er?tila.0 MON *11 Aasl'1015 111 TUE 5105 wak'a Da. WU.LIArn' rlau PILLSeraa0 ARaa well= MED1e1301 FAIL U•ledesia, N. e„ held Hunter. Faith leads assay to belteve,yet whoa osa bee ezpertelmo•d saythtug and has roams to re1NOe, Itis far strainer proof than taith wittiest reaseuable proof. About four miles frees tiledess, aloag • pleasant road, pass iw by samerous farina, lives Kay. T. J. Butler, the pariah priest of thus distrust. Reports having sane to the ears of oar re p..Far ohm*" • weeds/Jul more effected by Dr. Williams' Pink fills, he •celled en Mr. Sutler to meek informatics oo the subject. Mr. Butler spoke in very big► terms et the Pink fills, and said they had saved him es- tate ssale •uffertur. and perhaps saved he life. The rrvrsad gesUemea lilt • little he tastily at giviar • puWue Montes*., at tout, but after our reporter remarked that If cru was really grateful for a remarkable man, he thought it *as he duty a give It public - ay for butsaaity s sake, he cheerfully sots - minted. His story is his owe words is as follows: -"I was led te take Puk Pills through reading the testas sort. In the patters. i was trembled with an abscises in my side stud had tried many differeat midi eine without avail. I took method ad vice ea the subject, and was told 1 would have to Isadorgo as epsrattoa to cure 11 which would met ins about 8100 At last 1 determined to try Pisa Palls, but without • great feeling of both of their our tug me. (he. box helped me and 1 resolved to take a three months' course &sd give them • fair utas. I did se, and today am oemplstsly cured of the Moos= in my anis through using Pink Pills, and I always reo.tnmend friends et mw to use Ptak Pills for daemon of the blood. As Father Butler is well known throughout this ewaty his steamiest Is • climber to the many wonderful ;testimosuls that have appeared in the hold Hunter frees time to time. On .a.iriag at the stereo .f J K Cushing lad N. F. Douglas, it was found that Pink Pills have a sale sensed to pone. Mr. Cushing on being inked if he kuew of any our.. ef- fected by them, replied that he had beard a great many pereoaally say Chet Pink Pill• had helped them wonderfully. If gives a fair sod thorough trial Ptak Pills ars a se- am caro for all dueama of the blood and nerves, nob as rheumatism', neuralgia, par- s al paralyse, loeotetor ataxia, St. Vitus Mince, nervous heedashe, nervous prow. - 1100 and the tired feeling therefrom, the atter effects ot la grippe, diseases depending on humors in the blood, sunk se scrofula, chresio erysipelas, etc. Pink Pills Jive a healthy glow to palaandsallow comploxioss and are a specific for the troubles peculiar to the female system, and iso the mass of men they effect • radios! cure in •11 canoe arisen from mental worry, overwork, or examen of I any nature. Sold by all dealers or not by • mail, postpaid, at 50 meta • box or six taxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. Wil- liams Med miss 4 .stpaav, Brockville, Oet., em ' or Seheotady, N 1'. Bowan of imiatioae and substitute, altered t_ be " just as The International Radial Railway ('ma- pmmy ask for bonuses of $20,000 from Water - down and *50,000 frost East FIa.boro. Mr. and Mrs. Sherds, parents of the Valleyfield homicide, have arrived in Montreal (tom Ireland to attend the trial of their sea. Wiliness J. Hollis, formerty private meere- aty of Sir Joseph Hickson, was arrested u Boston oa • charge of robbiaq bin em Iris yen Oliver ( orals Perry, the train robber,sow eaofined in Auburn Sate primo, thrust needles into his eyesa number of time with the obiect of destroying his sight. They had • variety of weather in the United gimes oo Saturday The Merino meter stood at over one hundred is several of the cities, whale in Wyoming and l -tab snow fell all day. A Iaadelide iscurred at St. Luce, Quebec, which carried away the house of Mr. Nor- mandin and burled Ave members of his family. The ('haesplain river is completely blocked. Clifford wen the (Mesal handicap .t Rrt,okly■ on Saturday, Sir Knox snood, and Henry of Navarre third. Saragossa was among the uopl.oed hereon. 1895. R. B. SMITH 1895. a AUTUMN. AUTUMN. and ON SWTURDWY, SEPT, 28th, continuing during the Great Northwestern Exhi- bition. We wail hold cur Grand Millinery Opening, When we will exhibit TWO FLOORS of the Lala WU ill MeV After spending upward. of seven weeks among the Wholesale Houses, Miss Donagh has returned and at once summoned her clever staff for the execution of orders already taken. Active preparations are now nearing completion to make this display on SATURDAY, SEPT. 28, and TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, OOT. tat., 2nd. and 3rd. an event worthy of the attention and presence of the Ladies of (lode - rich and vicinity. You will see a magnificent array of the very Latest Pro.luetione in Fashionable Millinery. You will Lee a Stock occupy- ing donhle the space that has been given to this Department at any previous time. You will nee Millinery and Mantles a1 lioderake Price*. 0. W. ANDREWS, Maassear. R. B. SMITE, ROBINSON. csgsg s roRE_ Welcome Everybody is welcome here --lookers well as buyers. Y Whoa our utany friends visit the Great Northwestern Exhibition held is Goderich, Oct. tat, tad and 3rd, we invite you to visit our store. If you Ilaee tired, twine and net, We will find a seat for you. if you have say wrap or parcels, leave them with us : we will take Annie of them until you are ready to start home. If you want to write n letter, come, and use our pea, ink and paper. We want you to sae us It. !ally way that will aid to your pleasure while you are visiting our town. It will le a pleasure to us to help you any way in our power. At the same time, if there is any thing in our store you would Ilk. to look at or buy, we ask you to compare plica with prit.e, quality with yuslity. Don't Compare the Quality with the Price ; that would not be fair. Every article carrying within itself the on iucing proof that w its pun. Imre you are saving money. We woeld like you to look at our Waterproof Coats. Then are distinctive features about our stock that character and style from others. If you are wanting a Drees, take a look through our immense .stock. Prices to suit every customer. See our exclusive patterns. If you want to get a little better article at a little lower price than lou expected to pay, come to our store. distinguishes it 1m All Stylish, All Good, All Useful, All Low in Price. LADIES' JACKETS, LADIES' CAPES, CHILDREN'S COATS. We have a very large stock of these goods at a very low price, from *1 to =20, If you have the time and look over our mantles, ALL GERMAN MAKE It will be a pleasure to us to have you look over out different lines and Lode pare styles and prices. We won't ask you to tsuy if you dont want to. Once yon see these goods you cannot help talking about theta and that will do us good. UNDERCLOTHING. If you want Ladies' Underclothing, if you want Men's Underclothing, if you want Boys' Underclothing, if you want Children's Underclothing, you will tind we lead. Flom 30c. to $4 a suit. We have a very large stock of these goods. We bought when the markets were low. We are going to give you the benefit of these prices. We warn you not to make any purchases until you have examined our Stock. HOSIERY. if we have not the best Ribbed Cashmere Hose in town for 25c., we will give what we have in stock to the Poor Nouse, and you will be the lydgs- Compare our other linea ; also ask to see our extra heavy line for boys' wear. You can now reach the limit of the purchasing power of your dollar, KID GLOVES. We have just received our stock of fall Kid Gloves. We keep Pewny t Genuine French Glove, made in Grenoble, France, We claim the "Alher- tine" the beet value in Ontario for $1, every pair we ranted. Our other slakes : A)bani, for $I.:'I; Pri,. ane May ---This glove :slim in the city for til. we sell for 75c. Also take a look at our :,0c. gioce. We have a large range of evening shades of Silk Gloves. An opportunity to get just what you want at a just -what -you -want -to Pity price. CORSETS. A Good Corset for .;:K.. The Corset we are having the big run on is the Trilby. The priced this Corset is 95c. We are the only ones in town handling this line. See oar other makes, "Queen, ' "Star," "May," 'Bit.,' ":'0O,- "666," "D h A. "Yatisi," "Watch Spring," "E. T.,- "High Bust," etc. A large range 01 Misses and Children's Corsets and Waists. 1f you want a little better corset at a little better price than you es- pec. s- pe c. ted to pay, try ours. SILKS. If you are looking for a silk drew or silk for a waist, take a look throet,'I our Silks. Many exclusive waist Ir.agtbs. EMBROIDERY SILK. We have added to our stock of Embmiderrtl Milks. A11 Rersined k Armstrongs make. All fresh, new shade. Any lady using these silks .tire will have ne other. There are many other li.es"we would like to tell you about, hut tune and space will not permit. if you miss nesting the great Fall Rzhibltioo, don't fail to pay a visit to oar store. If you visit as, we know you will sprees the joyful tidings. Yeu will tell your frerele, your neighbors, your paittdr, your scholars, tell old and young, tell rich sad poor, tell married and uiiu!- tell'everybody you meet, whether at home or on the street, of the bs es we arts giving. Come today, don't waituntil tomorrow. Again, don't forgive ni make use of us in any way that will add to your pleasure on the days ya visit oar Fall dhow. JAMES ROBINSON, OABH STORM, COMM OT /SAT WRiI1ET AND SQUARE, CK)==etICMC. ON*r A_