The Signal, 1895-9-26, Page 3THE SIGNAL: GODIRIOF. ONT., THURSDAY. SEPT. 26, 1895. DWatIntrs• M. ss,n:LOe » Peet OdliseLwN:� �r All entilard .a4 ap..se.d iwal lop e da herd for patches ossa• Mina.e teeYl Dgl, pewees RICHARDSON, L D. ises deaNet Hes sad vieshmed aU the mess% • ter pathless entrathiss week. Or4s- Over N'i111atam's Barber SlapglelIv Y TURIISULL, tD LD.B. D.B., t wje Natal tlx.ntlaor(f].ea►1 „l.. artificial teeth lw00oted ea / sr `ea„ beide, aper 0ueuum sillies _apai We trtatien of fbo.aatur.l teeth. fls 1. ,rMcLean..e.r Meat. fs/t d - MsdlssL DK. HUNTSR, PHYSICIAN. SUR Bees. to Orme-M.Le•n's BIuct, Moot e Night Dal R Arm Hritl.b tWiobenW sWiel Dot.J HAMILTON, VETERINAY mesons greduateotOstsrin veterissry College. Toronto. Registered member ut On pimpreteriaarl Medical Aseociatlm. Cans gresepile attended at ail hours. der or sight Rendition street Opposite tailbone Rota . tides I.iISa1. E(INERT HEATON - BAit KIST ER, bliesier. >retery Public Acheson'. sock West Street. t6w lap 1,1 t%MPION --I1AR1:181KR, 8OLICI. tor. Notary. lo. lass ever Medical Ifall. Wtu0r0 Oederbh. --- —sees gO JOHNSTON, BARRISTER. So- icltor, oemmiriener, etc. Money to ,,.g, (Woes : car, Haminoa and ret. An- erow•-,te. Hed.rich, Ont. 301 1 'i OFTU83 DANCEY, KMUSTER, / Scimitar, Cenv.yenoer, to.. etc. Hooey to toga at tuweet rates. Horton's Klock. iv - petite Colborne Note!, (Judea,' h. Ont. SOY f L N. L1�w'/Elt, BARRISTER, PRt t0- . tor i [teatime C 1lt.rse hetet. d Ontario �e►gr./ . M,ra:L R0. HAYS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT . OK. /sir. Ore. North et.. nest door Ernst Moe. Private read" te lead at owes rotes ot later at. 1960- !`IARROW & PROUDF00T, BAR - '.3 Ames Attorneys, ee,, Oelionon. to.. Rode we, J, T. Lairrow. Q.C., W. Pro.dtoot. /,AMEK;IN, HOLT A HuLMSS, V H.ayt.es, solicitors Is (.Gangs to. Hoderich. M. C. Cameron. 4.C.; P. llu7t . Dailey Holmes. J G. WARD, CONVEYANCER, . tc., and onmmlesloner for Wag' .ad r. - swing re't.gntasnue0 of ball, stilldsvits a aslrmatwna deposition. or eelema declara- tions in or concerning any al:tlou. Mail or po emdimt to tit* High Court at Ju.ttoe. the Com! of Appeal fur l>Dtarw. Or to say Counts es Division 1 cart. All transactions e•retuus end promptly .xeeate.l. Residence and P.O. address Ltu.uannon vat. inti;- *1 Loans and insuranes. �•SEAta;lt, CONVE1 ANCING AND la.uraaot •rm uppo*it..M artli.'s Hotel tied.rfeb. bIONLY TO LEND ON MORTI:A( K l at 14 per rent. Notes discounted. l'. BRAUER. oro. opposite Marnov Houl, Uode rich. 11 KY TO 1.4/AN. - $2o,000.00 . Private Puede to lead at 11 gerena�l�.pe assay. LorruS!i. DANCJC . Heresies b u ppOLe (Aber o Noel (sd•r1eh. 411741 LV J. T. NATTSL, SIRS. LIPS AND 1' • saddest tsaapnN agent ; at lowest Yates. Odie• -Ceres Nertbm. and app car', teed - arlok. 71- SIG,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CAMtJI Ong SOLT t HOLIIIKSi ,ode P leb. MONEY TO LSP(D.-A ..ARG F amount of Private reads tor laysstmot aglow's& rates en hret-claa. Ifenemas. ADO/ sGARROW g PROCDFOOT RRADOLIFFB, OSNKHAL IN- . • t000S. Real gelate and Money Ia.ol.g Agent. Orals aM-'7a's compeal w represented. Money to Lend no etr.Ight Issas. .7 the lowest rate ot steres going s oar way to mut Mt oorrowor Gree-- ego. sad door trona beam. Wes sue+t. Rode- leb 1100-0 M.o hatolas' Instigate. / 1 ODEKICH MECHANICS' INTBTI- Vt TUTS LIBRARY AND RIADlNu- iWOW oor. et East area Gad Sonars lap P airs. (lees from 1'611 r.rt . gad from Ito 10 ren. ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY. Lo.u(ing Pauly, Weekly owd Illustrator( Papers, M r✓e, .k., ow 1411. *411HI118H1 TICKET. ONLY eI.m, W anting free see of Library and Readiest. Room. ApplleaUons ter membership received by Librarian. In room J. H. 4'OLHOILNI. H. HAMILTON. a.crwtary. Librarian. %odl.nre March Ills I. THOMAS GUN DRY. AUCTIONEER and Inger. acs Agent, (.deco►. Ont. Agent Londe. Gad laso.ehirO giro 1... Co.. sad tiers Marta Mutual las. Co. Selo. at 15de.1 to In ant Mt of the county. 9411 JIIIl KNOX, GINISRAL AUC - boomer and Lead wahator. Oodertcb. 6.•, Pring had c•eddsrable exptrioaes la •ssartieeerriagtrait he le In • position to 4srherin with t otlefuodoo W rem tabetons- setruaed te him. orders left as H aste's Hotel. er seal by mall to his.ddrem, S ederlri P.O., sretully uts.d.d to JOHN t%OE County A.0tbae10 OEM Fdty-four .a.mbere d M. maw Seen d Gmmelmabe.t es, is MIMve, bays melanin beaks eart Disturbance Then le mace heart dYmnrbaace sow Sae ever. Prettiest day miles d living. hurry. weaemeet worry. promoe le You needy& have heart trouble. be these yea can keep hum having It att's J�rsa arina 1►4itttlen er fim polis et Mo 1rsst .sdb•r Nt tit odb r MgitA SwihW d tiM bet and t aloa ahtlreeegp se iMestb. gide b the id' tatntlee (Weal asses ase lbs beige b • 1ml lamed ads DELAY 1S DANGEROUS !me 7h• hens der earesieliee ds, limbo • cant• Gas br eyes sit these wsrelesA- "r•il Wet Meet esstes esr.eprMr gam bum_WOK\ nslee`g.el., prow. sweser s Mimi ieby egeratabe / emA rolkortarg the Mort d lbs bind+ ilea SCOTT'S Ma SW IN Tar Sees 1" BMA ST JAS. WILSON. O heti HOUSEHOLD HINTS. AIDS TO HEALTH. ✓ oam tees tatmpae ,studs tsar tiers One tlhasl M Illosew. The apple u such eommea fruit that very few poems ere hauler moth rte remarkably etho•etous medical properties. Everybody • uvht to knew that the vuy best tang 11.7 tn.y uaa do is a eat apples just before retiring for Use ougut. Persona wlu►tated tate the mysteries of the (riot are liable to threw up tbu betide in horror at the me- mos of dyspepsia which •uuh • sugessaan May muumuu up, but ire bus can be dose to even • dsheat system by the eating of ripe and lutes •piles lust beton gusg to bed. The apple is ea moonset betam toed, bemuse it has more phosphoric acid this any other vegetable known h clines the 4ver,promutes woad amid Maltby deep, Gad thoronehly diawtecte the me.ih. '1'►u is nil a11. The apple obviates tudtgsst.en sad e doe of the best preventives known .t dis- e ases of the throat. y:yerybodt should be fanular with such knowledge. In oddities, next to the orange and the lemon, it is the best ant74ate for the thirst and the 'revue, of the ponos addicted to the alooholoc or theorem Mans A dastiarunh.d lady of wealth and antiu mos, acted for s 0,1,1 "pecimese of children was ailed ty a friend and mother . "Why are my chtldrea sickly and croupy, and yours always fres from such omdntto..' fke reply was : "\ ou rear year ehaldrea ted•..r; 1 mine out; yours are educated to he waited upon b% your servants; 1 d►aeip plias mane Its wait upon tletseslva& my e buldrea are early to bird: yea give parties ter yours with lise hours, and allow them to tweed parties and keep late how • from home, feshlonably dressed; my children have pluo,wbol.wme food,•deptd to their years; yours eat sweetmeats, rich and high ly •seeuo,d dishes, are overfed generally: 1 teach mine to love 0eture and feel that there to birthing arranged se finely ea the Illy of the neld,the bees and butterflies;then is nothing w mean as a he, nor •nyt11ng so miserable as disobedience; that it u • dis- grace to he sick, and that goad health. rood teeth cad good temper corse tram plata food proper clothing. plenty of sleep, sod being good. The opinion that hurry in eating Is the prolihe cause of desperate is Wended oa esmm.0 observaum. Therefore, as r sant tory Maxim of a0 mean value, teach the c1tldrea 1e eat slowly. The tens oect.t of health and long life lies in very simple thugs. Court the fresh car day and night. "Oh, if you only knew what was in the air Sleep and rest abundantly. Sleso is na- ture s benediction. "Work like a man; but don't he worked to death. Avoid miasma and excitement. A mo menti anger may be fetal Associate with healthly people. Health is coaagism as well as disease. Don't carry the whole world on %our shoulders, tar lees the unmoral. Treat the l tercel. Never despair. "Lost hope is • fatal du- Prartlr-1 tent...,. 1•:oeoomy in the management of household affairs is a question which every housekeep- er meet fee. mouser or later, and the *umber it is properly understood and cultivated the better. to this commotion the following from an exchange will be read with interest: Economy doe. pot me.. to pinch and to be *tangy. in order to gravity an &mbitios to be wealthy in worldly peeoeeswn. It does not dewaad • denial of moderate luxuries and the pleuure of • eomfnrtable exitance no that dollar upon dollar can be laid aside. By no mean* . that would be pareimony. Ons mey practice the strictest ecenow+\, end yet have plenty and be liberal. Prudence and • l udicaous tamaremeot of capital at heist, sever making an expenditure recklessly. without reflection- this le what wostttutes true economy. It is not so much the amount paid out as for what purpose that sum, how- ever *mall, has loose epect. The great se- cret of wneee in practical eoonomy lies is • .•retul consideration ot petty expenditures, and • rational domination between what u simnel and what superfluous. The small- est Item should not he /moldered undeeerv, ing of r.oegittlo• TIPS FOR THE KITCHEN - A very eoovenlent mucilage, say* Inven- tion. eau Mt meds out of onion juice by any one 'who wishes to see it. A good-sized Sp.aah o.iom, after being belled for a short time, will yield, on being tireseed, quite • large quantity of very adhoeive fluid. This is used extensively, in various trades for pasting paper on to tin or sine, or mew g lans, and the tenacity with which it holds would surprise any see on making the brat attempt. It as a cheap and good mucilage, and answers se well as the most costly camenta. An attreetiv• and app.tizisr way of este' a remnant of hem or tongue is to chop it very fine and .id to it a few bread -crumb., chopped parsley, and melted butter. Sea- son with white pepper, maten with milk. and pet in buttered callapp-shells. Break en erg over sash se e•refully that it will keep la shops. put the *belt in • pan, •ad bake is • moderate ovea until the white of the egg is set. .1 trained purse r•cominends castor oil dimwitted in lemon jukes, •ad • spice Oster ler psi. in dysentery. The plaster is fid• from ground cloves, oi.oafee, ginger. all .pies, and mustard. • teaspoonful •f each mixed dry with a twpoo•ful of lour. Peer m • little yin( water, not "sough to this the mixture Miry 070011, stir until smooth, and sprk•d gnekly en cheese sloth. Apply it as hos as p*svible. Pot • teaspoosfa and • haM of butter is • frying pia. Chop sip six cold baled potatoes, "••doe them with salt sad pepper, sad seotes than with shoat six enspom- fuh of organs. Spread the nsoi.tmed ple- ases In the frying pea as seta as the butter is tberoyble heated. Draw the eauep•s towards the back .t the stove, where the potatoes will slowly brews. 1s half an hear examins them. sed if they are felly browsed fold them ever like an omelet .ad n erve them. Sisk poop!" prefer roamed potatoes le any maw way of 'oekieg them. To gee • maple of Moho mealy muss, bake • halt • dews ; hese • hot .vin et Aad e1 red Nab : *sleet the vegetables with the fewest eyes mid *leas them with • utile brush : threw them i• the hoe even wet, a.d the skis will bake like • shell, and the inside will be nssaly. Never put • tails sear a he* metes& Prick with • silver fork, deep • lump et better is the s1M • id verve h et, -- atm Dm. At . village wheel set wear flies trees C..terberry, • pr1weiess bay. beige aka to parse the "nestes. 1I.zy, on the sew," west es s0.ar.Mly fail be same M the Mese o.nL whim be eel/ : 'Cow le a ,.esti flldsles ges/r. SAW peens. tilas - I.lir, .d sande fee Mary 1•' "et•.de lar Nary !" asked the Smoker u e.to'IaM.at "Yes, air," replied the boy with a grim, 'fie 11 the now d►da'. stead Mur Nary, bow .sale Mary milk the sow ' mese" wtta taastame. Neatly describes the roues of • hard .r sets acro shoo Putties, • Painless Corn Ex- tractor u •pelted. It does tis week se (77770177 and without pita that is seems sttaettal a actio. Try at. K000lleot the am* tut..'. Panties' torn Extractor, Sold by .11 druggists and dealer. every- where. THE FASHIONS. Striped and glace velvets will ors seed ter headman., waive and Glad blouses Among the now (aelmona►lo grey blue dyes the shade wined Napoleon ends greatest la sur. Among all the black crepons for autumn are those having a Nay stripe w • bottles' 'oho. Opal and tine geld beads ars intermixed with let 0o trlmenags used fur Matron( evic- ts( toilets. Short velvet and rush wide ribbons of peau de mate will M very fashionable no water Gats. The popularity of black and the nett warm shades of brows ingresses as the autumn mama advances. t'hengeabl• and Ureeden sheets in ribbMSi both for dress and milliner) uses osmium(' to be highly favored. Nile Gad apple greet, velvets will be very much a evidence as awxssones ea evesisg toilets of cream or white sawn duchesses or tats de I.% on. Some el the elegant taffeta silks have green Gad gold shot tackgruuods patterned with small brilliant Persian or chins figures to shaded effects. Very often Otte new coeds, to blazer ipshton, sad with strapped seams, open over hlou.e vests of uheeked silk like that which trims oast. some of the gay chameleon taffeta sulk. are eariobd with • stripe ut black or vey dark green satin, lu making gown' of thew sulks plain satin to the eelor of the stripe is seed for bailee trimmings and sleeves. The rusted revers and deep milers on some or the new cloth jackets an faced with shepherd •-check taffeta silk•. Dream and brown cheeks are on tan colored box gate, and block and what* mixtures on black diagonal Jackets t.reen and gray combonauone are also seen and plug and white or cream and velvet. The •.tin brocades that will be the meet favored are as a rules mdiem and small figures and in fins handsome qualities, that however, .re within the reach of the aver- age puree. Th. very large showy demise appear on expensive crowdss that are appro- prate Daly for women of • certain style.ud figure and for very grand x:cauone. Cbaoge.ble, clienteles. and plaided and striped vel vete ars in oo..tant demand both for •sceswnes and fusty w.iste. and the de- r/and o-rriand tor plain velvem and plushes for she making of (apes, co•m, redingotes, and trimmings u already more tkao tortes as !arises it was at this tune last year. Print- ed velvets have also taken • hold on popular fancy. Some of the stylish golf cepa used for travelling are of single or double hoed cloths, !ivory cloth 10 few• sad tan shades, aid box -.loth is dark green, blue, pr black, with Mange waives with the goods in ploid d effeee, or made of (assay *ttn. The capes bare the crossed straps to held them os, that originated in tis►tlsad amoog the veli link'. In the array of new attractive dress goods jour opened are ehameleoe Tepees in rich tall colorings and in silk and wool mixtures, saus,,tripd bourettee, two -toned French diagonals, all wool and forty-four inclies wide: camel's hair beur tree pertlu.larly np- prepnate for separate skirts or entire tailor costumes,the width tiny inches,and the web a heavy, substantial twill. lastly, beauti- ful heather mixed tweeds and cheviots in forty two-inch widths, and pin head checks to SIX different color Mit Urea. Some of the new F:.glieh girdles or- helm are • quarter of • yard deep and are made of wide we -ribbon or folded silk, velvet, or Dresden brocade will stook boiler to match, which, however. on some of the newest gowns is devoid of the fluffy rosettes wbioh have se long Mashed the sollar, the latest idea being to mal.• the throat appear ea slender as possible. Modistes affirm, not- withstanding, that It will be same time be- fore these dressy little silk bows will be some time before these dressy little sill bows will be eibesdesed es wiser cellar or Felt. CIRCLED THE GLOBE. Atha, Lead.aderry as Travelled %earls Male 111111.0. Chineco, Sept. 14.- An.ie Londonderry arrived in Chioage, bevies completed a sir - sl. of the globe en her hi•ycle In lees than 15 months. Mins Londonderry is nursing a broken arm,the result of • had fall sustained in Gladbrook, Iowa- She rode 175 mules with the d*sahld member. Mins I.00dmderry left Boston in Jam, 1894, without money, to girdle the glebe, within 15 most►•, and without begging or •sospu.g gratuitous support to return to that oily with =5,000, ou • wager, Should she..... d, she wase reo•iv.glh 000. One of the omditions was that she should mover 10,000 miles es • bicycle. That stipulation she more than fulfilled. Her v rival in this eity praousally completed the . rdons trip. She has earned 74.900, and is thinking of minima hes bicycle to make up the deficit Sbe has travelled 28,000 miles, and h.n earned the above •'.Dont in many ways. Hie *d• was .ts•.dd by teeny Willie, s- eased's. She was rsbb•d by hirhw• rase ♦e Frame While witseestag • battle he - les. the .laps and (*biases is Ganas ahs renewed • bullet wound is the area. 1. Stockton, (:al., she was n and . over by a royal- ist., d foroto speed Ave weeks is the hospital. She will weans is (Siwe for • month, sad bas sot yet desisted whether to rstars M Bootee by wheeler rail. Her time is .p at that point Odebr 26. t Il lI$ s rrstt4.._i ahsraar/re Dealer Gives Orilla, Feb. 101h, 1894. EDMANSON, BATB.8 & CO., Gentlemen,-Abent three or Ioor w *eke .go i had an stt.ek of Itebi.g Piles. 1 tried two or three different remedies recommended by drurrit... "the beet and only sore," 5t.., eta., but got nn relief. Abort the tis. 1 w he - Osaka to dessir of 6ldib,l say raise. with some slight sisgivi p. i bought bol of yaw p11. ears, shish i as to gay gave es asses Sagas rMisf alai passages are. 1 salads, year Oi.t- sees (iioi-.s.4, ALF. J. DIAN. OF INTEREST TO WOMEN. HOUGH OR SMOOTH? Ask your Druggist for A Wonderful Tonic Wilks Will Se tse Ira worths, 1■ Grow Reeds and SMISICS Teta 1.1.eaa. s Our tames are wobbling between two ex slit LEWD trema. the rough and nubbly or the.moot h and sleek. Ktttier w. mut appear s salty alpaca, shot or plats. or we sae dun some material with corrugated surface which sue I o gess .utsglo and seaweed. Aliases is, how j --_ e ver, the newest those, mad the female heart n aturally leans to sev.lties of •11 kinds Besides, a duos maws, .leek apparel re mains fresh looped, and a moreover pleat ant to the touch. Crinkly crepous with the thermometer at 715 is the shade •ie heating to the eye &ad ►rritauug t• the temper Waterproof silk alpaca snakes into dehrht ful shower cloaks, watch do duty an rain or shoe ; they are, moreover, exeediagly light .sd ooavemout tar erasing jeuneys s plane of heavier .Maks. The 0.00.s1.0.. Wrapper. Inwrappers then does not seem to be any particular style predominating. The shape has changed but little Laos lent year. The sleeves are a little larger and droop more than formerly. A good deal more drapery and trimmIags are used on the form of bees and ribbons. Then are more distract styles, but thew only differ from oee another in small pont. The prtnapal colon for tea row.. are pink, blue and oardi.ai, and the meet used matortals French flannel, cash mere mad ladle silk. The cheap wrappers follow the tea jamas is shape at • Maumee, outing flannel and prlots taking the place of more expositive materiels. Red, blue and Mack are the most copular motors. Targe or small. Apropos to sleeves, there is • speck as lent• u • roan's hand that appeared s March that persists diquietugly 11 it does not grow. It is the Louts XVI. sleeve, which is to may the small sleeve, dubbed hiioric•lly by courtesy for introduction only177 hesitating nersrstmce troubles body cooeerned. Will It be .esun.- lated or not That 7t is to be sees here and there on a daring gown is not an answer, but an aggravation. And all the cloak makers heeauee of It are late to their Autumn models. Shall 11157 make sleeved j•ck.a or shall they not' If the gowo sleeves f.11 they may, if net they must mak. 'apes. And the manufacturers el dress materials, who are accustomed to fur sigh the retailers with ealored plates of gowns made to illustrate the studs, have hit is despair upon the expedient of making two picture.' when they usually make one -a picture with big sleeves and one with small ; the chances appear eumethiar like even. Woomera Tempt rlrkperke.a. 411.1. sympathy is maimed 7a the average mea when M. Imre that a woman of the day has been the victim of plckpoukee,•0d, as • rule, if Me is at all outspoken, his com meats will be : "It served her right," Host seen think, and there Is reason in their Ida, that the dress 0t • woman today a an invitation to the light tiugered gentry. ibis wears ler watch dangling from • fragile chatelaine, the other end of which is attached immaturely to her belt or pinned t• the dress waist ; or she may reverse the order of things and put the watch to her belt, while front it •Llajjht •has depends, and on that she wean" arm frequently ae heavy as the time piece. la wittier case • de' thief would dteengars the entire out- fit without much effort. The practice of leery !0g the pocket hook in the hand is • merlee• one and women .ho Ind. their purees hare only themeelye• tp blame. The man or women who would mike a Lame for himself, or herself should devise a este and on.vemiet pocket tor • woman • dress. - New Perk Tribune. • alas Wats *be Girls. " Ta!k about • sight with the boyo ! It isn't in it with • day with the girls ex- claimed • fair maid the other day. " Look .t me," she oont►uued, " I'm a perfect wreck. I'vr been dr•grd ell ever town, to every bargain counter in New Vot k by those reunion from the country. They aro absolutely indefatigable, and so they •• pulled and yanked me in and out eeervwhere 00111 I'm ready to drop. They got 101• of lovely hergaine, though -starts, bead -rests, photograph frames, and every blessed thing they d,d.'t need -and now they haven't got • cast ,eft fnr the very frock they came to buy. All I've clot to show for it is my silk pettienet torn out of the withers, a splitting heada.he, a lame back and • pair of forty sins 00.t gloves that are not mates, 4 0 %ogles and tie' !cobalt. Neglect cold in the head and you will surely have Catarrh. Neglect nasal re- tarnh and you will as surely index pul- monary diereses or catarrh of the uor.• ad' with its disgusting attendant., foul Breath, hawking, spitting, blowing, &c. Stop it all by using Dr. Chase'. Catarrh Cure. 25 Bents • box carom ALL E USED pALMo.TAaSDAP Kam Peat rt es Tll[. Bast BABE'' SOHO Ka' fi»pewaylt� Bab, was troubled with somas Noised tog.. 1 tried '• Pulmo -Ter Soap.' la a vete shoat time the noses din pptwed, stile booths Owe* the width sad tb• child get p•rtsetty will. • ties _sus, tisMM. a4 sea 4 osh• THE THOROUGHBRBD STALLION 7 itoweiges Remedy for Weak and Impure Blood, Kidney and Liver Troubles. .sea 05 J. N. IltacL[OD. a0411111CM, pier. GODERtos WOCLLEN MILLS are Re -Opened l i beg to may that 1 have bought the Woollen Mill from Mr. McCann, lately run by Mr. Dickson, and ant refitting it up in first -claw style, putting in many improvements, making it an Up-to-date Mill, and hope by doing first -claim work and fair dealing to merit a shave of your patronage. 1 am prepared to do Custom Work in all item branches, such as Rool Carding, Spin- ning Single or Rouble Yarns, manufactunng Illat.kete, Plain and Fancy Flannels, Double and Single Sheeting, Tweeds, Av.; also Custom N'eaviag, Dyeing and Scouring Blankets. ALL WORK DONE PROM G. M. COLLINS. 1V HAVE tl CONTRACT with eumelves to give the beet Itusineee and .hortband course that ern OQT be had. and ant we lute l•uotpletcd the contract the Forest City Business and Shorthand College, London, Ont., a Lberal patronage. We hair something new along rdu. sitcom line*. L>TNnyuire• There Is something in It. t.talogue tree. J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. Jac 6rnce SUPERIOR JEWEL FURNACES Are the most Powerf..l Heaters in the World. For Economy, Durability,and an easi- ly regulated Furnace, it ham no equal. FOR SALK HY HARPER & LEE P. S.—For Coal or Wood. BURR t W STEWART St MIL Fa . • ger neer , > ~-HI,MILTON.ONT.---a "a ZAMOa " will wbemein s H.t.IM stables. during THOMAS GUIDRY. 1 THE PERSON that wants a good Match, and that knows a thing or two, will remember that this brand is synonomous with everything de- sirable in fire -producing lucifers. E. B.EDDY'S MATCHES. WM. SHHARMAN, Jr. BOOTS AND SHOES I We see that the customer knowing that a fur price paid for • Good Pair of Boots or Shoes is • better investment than • very low price paid for • por pair, u the Customer who saves mosey. Remember, we will not sell you • sheepskin or shoddy Shoe without letting you know it. W• aim to sell only First -('lass Mock. We buy it right and will sell it right. ( •11 and examine our Goods and Prices and we are sure that we can snit you in Style and Quality. (;into, step ►n and have • look at our 53.00 SLATSR, SBOji the beet Shoo in the market today for the money. WM. SHARMAN. Jr., 4.e.re' (tau M. and Mean. "=MUN RO'SI Several Trines of Goats to hand for Spring and Summer Wear, to which additions will be made as the Season advances. Goods are all marked at the Lowest Living Profit and selected with more than usual care. - Customers may rest assured that everything will be up-to-date, and all Departmenta well assorted, therefore no need of particularizing particulars. Special attention given to small ware.. inspection kinkily solicited Prompt delivery of purchases to any part of the town 2064 A. MUNRO, Drayer and Haberdasher. FEATHERBONE SKIRT BON For giving• Wit, pliable. Masse bees male trent quills. It le sett and yielding. .•at noing readily to 4014., yet giving grass Shap. t0 Sten or (tress STYLEand SHAPE .g.he mos rehire Hone that alas he to mast wata0i I.J.ry. LADIES' DRESSE S TO* Co9s10..ed 011T\1N 00W1rt 150050 0 earthed "Flab oil• loth Ms•tal. Ter sale b odly ors Geode Dealra