The Signal, 1895-9-26, Page 22
t " a
with a policy bob or • colicy atoack
isn't pleasant. Hm
Hither too be ave.
by keeping a bottle of Perry Davis'
PAIN Kiu.tta on the medicine shelf. It
is invaluable in sudden attacks of Cramps,
Cholera Morbus, Dysentery and Diasorb
net as valuable for all external pains.01'wear e. out
• Lxss-Use wmlwarat does
qk T1�,y
O 15 C
Life at as best s • I»tle hard --
S'pos. ( &Ilea will ;
An' wipe ye low your same, old pard,
It'. bard.r .till.
Bat, of the trail sin t 'set tow clear,
Uoa't .pile what • left by.heddtu teary;
With Iota re joy her later years
LI p'r'•.r be tilled.
*ebbe Ides jest one sweet song
Well, mebM'ue
Bat ain't the auger's hours too long
Poi eheuid be riz
ler at it 05'01 tor theta as unge,
Thio world 'ud ase some funny things ;
Wed have ter tied ter slayer a Lingo
Some other biz.
M*►be we war hero ler Borrow
'N' p'r aps we went
Hebb., we should hay. for aerrew,
But guess we wet.
The ysets'd•ys hew 811 gone by,
N' ter ter morrows we went cry ;
N' .f ye treater kanw jest why -
Ilec•w we .heal.
Hebb* we should try ter think
That life • • joke,
N p•teroize the &limas he drink
N then go busks ;
Thee have em haul us Gram the mud
Alt gutter kith a blood ;
Clothed :ire tattered suit e' dude
Like some ole soak.
Malebo breed is herd Ceara
N mebbe sot ;
Mebbe we should hope 'n years
For moron' we've got.
Kut we got all ear pile II buy ;
An when our dust's a Intl* shy
Before wed whine wed cower die—
So we've got lou.
Mebbs well be rich mess nose
'Taint safe ter bet :
Msbbe if we salt oar dimes
W• .1 get that tet.
But &lees s we vo got (sough t eat,
Some clothes!: wear s time ter deep,
N • par o' boots for err two feet,
Asst eft' tar fret.
MakineLs!'4-took what agate
N' ia*Id our jaw
• settled all car les,iiis' I les '
'Tenet got* ter law,
We ceuld new be friends 'tib 'em de-
Recall the past thent hearts sigh*,
View the world through happy eyes
N' see no clew.
to seN*o terse.
My sin geld shepherd is the Lord,
W b• leer's &bane the sky
Aye km an earefe been o' tae,
Ina the y ears gene by.
Hato ase 1 over be Ill •d,
bines He gangs at my side`
For bsith my soul an body's weal,
fie simply will provide.
He ries me • .lu&te ham* tee rest,
11 i dearest anes at .lcht
An' when the 'norm*' lioht blinks ID
1 in up, •o Dot, cute bright.
For me, He w•ieth ilk• step.
My hale da) • wark Ile goes :
What's right tae Whir folk I dee,
My bonnie Chief tae please.
In trouble sat%, Hte lips dap doom
I;ran gracious words. cheer
,lust when I ret Him.eV in Richt,
My herr 000 ken* nee fear.
Wi' Iovme hands. He spreads my board,
An tali me tee Hs Iciest ,
to spite e • my fes arcem
1 hoe • Beaty feat.
The gladsome oils ries own my herd,
It crabs my t&ce toe shy** :
',sweet soy pant imp w. blenster heat,
Ile tells ss • are mine.
Twa taithfu tritons are aye wt me,
e •udonese an Moray far :
t'atil 1 nt•y 1n heavenly Wald,
W1 -Isaias ever there.
--,.RIs t. int/ X Kit, t•I.A`e.0%.
1 W aver.zperieassd rears thee • pass.
tug dewy for ens ot them.
1 had MMP pretty brides develop tato
coeatespl.ce, uutoterssuv, mull fading
wives : bright y oung gots err and sour In
the early ►hirtte• ; &ad area, in married
or single life, men than verity the premise
et their girlhood.
But 1 had Peso unmoved.
1 had beard .lily tall about "when..,
•ud woadere.l, jsetiagly, semeumee,
whether my atbnity was still unborn. or
pare/Amos, had died before our meeting.
From jest te earnest. is my heart I he
Loved that' hu was she.
How I Mewed the materna call whiob
had compelled my Tong journey at Shat in-
cleswt seseon,fer the more I pondered and
forted my appreciettve eyes, the mon oer
Lien I beers* that I had at last met my f■
tore wile I If *oars*, ens would have me.
She must Paso Mee. uneoesciously waiting
for me all Apes long years. and as sone as
we should he permitted to loot mho mash
•cher • eves, she would know, as I did, that
we were appointsd,fer weal or wee,to spend
i the remainder of our lives together.
1 availed n.veelf et an early opportunity
te render her such little serviees as a (wile
mss may otter a lady travelling oompaniw,
and was reworded by • gracious inclin&uen
of the head and a sweet smile that revealed
• beautiful set of white and even teeth, sot
• whit lees pleasing b•o►w arttficul. She
Itnamfested no particular interest u d me, al
`though i an a very personal man, adid
II my Lest to throw • world of meaning into
my earnest glances. That, however, I de -
1 cidd, was due to her leminies sexes of pro -
1 amity. We should have • gaol time at
. some not distant day relettn, oar mutual
impressions end describing the irresistible
torsos by which we were dawn together.
How 1 delimited to picture her sweet sur-
prise at iodism that, &coag ee many yonag•
er W taitler wawa she had trtumphel.
Hew I thanked my gas ss. angel that I
sidled eon. el the *soar women &round as
by the cared name of wife '
She manifested bet kindness of heart, and
her isast' motherliness, presatly, by re-
lieving • fretted woman of her shapelse,
ugly baby, dawug the Hanley beadle of
elothiag and 8ssh in her daintily gloved
hands, until the urchin crowed s(sta, sad
the mother said• gratefully, "Thank yea.
ma'am : you know how to handle • bah,.
With • tint' of alarm lest I should 'lee
my print, I heard her mention her desuw-
ttw—a station but • few stet ions
"I ani dieted/stag you," s►. said .wain. I wheel wows the ribbon with the .id et
Pol. • wise dissatica. tetanal, wiles* stn •aft. The sprocket
with wee •how sf thew" ; "sy trt.eHa ars these hetes. The ribby ma be cleansed is
uia000untaely delayed.- • .staw1, • pietist that will he ..pproorstsd
►e cyclists who have been celled .pow to
A (•Mout reply tresbied en m. lire, but Airier= the *einem task of o1.sauing ten
with the Baht (ootsdaos of 5 y..w girl my shahs with horses.* after • magi, day's
sompauen sprang forward at the approsob joss/key.
uf two gwtlenhes. THE ALLIGATOR TRADE.
"tiara ' 'rid tie elder delightedly, with t la 5e tepertaat Iedeesq en ibe rleet4s
etceteras which made my blood boil, till 1 femme.
reflected that be suet be her brother, .ad Thu arena's°. of the United States Fish
each • ester amid not but be very deer. Ooniatwten has bees c•lted reoently to •
"Mother, dart.(, said the younger. am now and rem.rk.ble iadaetrv. Meat.O, the
bracing her in his turn. &rtiliet.l prop•g•t►os of alligators. For
•••► ' my sspercitiens old ba^b.ler broth" s■pplvtag the trade is Florida curiosities
roe ' There aro, no do*►t, many excellent hon is • large deed for Foam" repulse
.ad ohermiag women to their maturity us.- of this Laud. lo .laaksosville, skids is the
wen, end 'wimps
unsought, but ibis was wawa of tbu frame, frogs 8,000 to 10,000.1-
net cher of Walk sten are sold to tourists •anaslly —sear-
_ y all of trees baby uses. Tie latter are
BRITISH ANO FOREIGN NOTES oune/td in commier•ble numbers by proles-
•ional hunters, who receive foe thew front
It s i• leglen1 to build war $20 to $25 • hundred. Seas s( thea w
ships to asks teased of on dips. end t►.+► disposed of alive at retail. bat wav are
by rainy* the exposes end danger of laawwb- stuffed. An infest alligator stuffed is worth
- 25osate more then a live sae. Saaries& six
A priest naw recently ,owned et t►o te twelve fest long fetch $12 to $25.
`11 l': A e. No longer ti young holy,
.epi to. that courtesy whish applies
term to every single woman not
ler face. thouell unwrinkled. was pleats
fully lined, her abundant brews her ekes
ed meet • snow white thread.
She took her seat is the railway osrri•ge
where 1 had spent • weary day. and, reser
hag her light veil. with & graceful motion,
Mil a pleasant interest a her expressive
r I reached • lecutoa. I sherd get
e( there, tee, tollyw her. w.:ert•in her ed-
drees,and wait for or wi.e an 5c.:usiot•nee.
Of enures, I should be leu for an important
appointment. but what of that, when the
interests of • life -time were hanging m the
"Allow as.. ' 1 maid in my beet style, lay -
ter hold of her hew 'grip' and travelling
rug, and handing her from the oar.
"Thank ma, se much, ' .he said. sweet-
ly. "bat I will set deem ton The tain
makes such • short step at this station that
Ton are in denier of Mtn Ida beomd.'
"gat they are evidently about to take on
ria excursion, I said, pointing te a little
group of people reselvisg themselves into •
single hle as the availed theswlvas ot the
steps from whish we tied alighted. "It will
tape some time to dispose of that truck full
of riegage, 1 fancy. --
•'You will have • change ot fellow trav-
rayellen, see answered, "which will relieve
the monotony of your journey, Did vo0 say
you were going to •, usbec • It is • tedious
"A vin- long and wearisome trip, indeed,
•Yen for so old and e.periontrod traveller
d I h at the
•Isar at Friedbeim, in the Prawns provtase A species of true orosodlte is found in
o f Pews, by pilaw' put a the wine i0 the •out►ero Florid• inn both eons1. It ie
chalice. hardly disueguishable from the alligator
Saab Bernhardt has presented her two except by ►h• AMP of the bead, though it
pet gorillas. Peel end Vagina, te the Jar- Dr. green tor, u
r attaining • length of 18 test.
din des Mentes ; They bad grown toe big ■ugh M. Smith, of the Fish Commis-
te Wi•moue(, sloe, says that young crow/des are Lushest
An Athenian waste has bow formed in
tor the market in the seam fs.btoa. The
Londe ter the purpose of printing private-
moths'. turtle. sadils lope h. eggs in send e.
ly literal and absolutely semplete Mod 05.1' Somewhat
and simply severs t►es over.
s ted English translation. of Ursck Som•writ dtfiorwt s the tics of the
E � moistest alligator, who in April or may,
authors. ...k.. sheltered spot mo • bank and there
SIoottne poteoni.g from miNialf grapes builds • small monad,
from vines fumigated with pare awtias The foundation of the salad is et mud
made amity p.resas took rs.ssldy is Der- end gra.,. wig ee this she lay. ere She
several whets bookie( deltassss Iesdtas
tato dark amid •II -actinic( passages. amid
,leery el wpbe.d roes well .vaits►le for
Hives' booty. From the outhouses say of
the habit itemised gsstry could easily bars
dropped tete the swot, white the minuses
hour, eeedes.ed by the Leedom County
Council, was easily .see .ibl.. The last
.amid tenement, formerly a beset el
vagrants, wit► all the owveeiaues of s
thieves kttehe., bad .s.ost&tisse tot the
wont hied, sail ham sot a bit too soon owes
seder the ben of the Leedom P.rli&
Fagot wee • real character. b! name las.*
Totten, who w Mtog raided by the polies,
was found to possess • peck simmers of
wstubes, He bed tbs easte fee being . moo•
federate in worse unites thea taming
teeing (Wives sad buying stolen property
Keay Meadows wrote of him
Thy Isom is rough with matted shag ; '•''!
Foul is thy tors, old s►nvrll'd wrulsb.
Mow suanugly you sy• the swat,
nattiest! purveyor te Jack Ketch
Public Opiates.
•best r, K.41&sd Naw of rho 01088 .overs the errs with another stratum of mod
proved feted. mad grass, upon which she deposits more
('leepata'. Needle es the Thanes Ism- .gga Thus she proceeds until she has laid
bankment u coaling off ; it u engemsd fres 100 to 200 eggs.
that the same mains b used to peeress this The care, a the coarse of tome, w
the' were used is preserving the Obelisk is batched by the sun, routed by the heat
Ceatral Park, New If ink. which the deoompesiuon ot the vegetable
Kiosks are to be scooted in all politic mattee gammas. As woo as they hate
Moans el Cepeob(es ooatates4 publls "ohipped the shell' the baby litigators ars
telephow., 000veotwees tor wrivag and an led to the water by the moiler, who pre -
ethos for reoetvmg teeters, basil.. the usual vides them with food which she disgorges,
. swspsper and boot►lack stalls. 'Weenie mach anxiety for their safety. At
A Suter of Charity u the tine wens* tee this early period of their existence they are
rsrive • deoerauw u Holland. She was exposed to many dang(n, leering • t•vonts
wade a K.tght of the Odor of Naeem- prey of ashes and turtles. Allipnrs's((o,
Orange by the two tutees of Hollaad der- by tbt way, are sometime* eaten by the
►a( their repeat visit n Forid• crackers. The robbing of the (wets
A story flee Pries Zlward of York u for market u helping to hammy the 'neva-
deal and dumb u ideated "antherittvely" he able destruction of the &theater idiocy,
the Leant, which says that "he is in every whleh has bow an important and profitable
respect • fine ,bild, that he displays re- I.dmatry in Flortl•. Facts reeeatly•
nark•bl• atelltgwes tee bus age, tial that Bred by the commies:en show that the rap-
he s&o already repeat • .amber of words." tiles cannot loos ..eape practical externi.-
A new w ens been found ter British •tion, Alreadv they toe beaming scares
by •m b t them as Maven for •al thee phos •of bides bee gone sp.
Poo" P y K It is estimated that 2,500.000 alligators
temps and boroughs Warwisk hes cheese were killed is Flom. betimes 1880 and
the Yawl of \T&rwi.k, Sbddd, *h. Dake d 1894 Io 1889, three tirms,loeatd &s Kies
Norfolk, and now Lessees, it Stafford- immw for the purpo a 0f baying skier takes
e burs. Maim" M shat the Dake 8I 8.1Mr- in the regions between Lake Knave's** and
lend. Lake Obe*ebobes, headiest 30,000 hides.
Little King Alter N grswieg sp. WINO During the same years twelve hunters
the. Papal Smock) visited him lately, the brought to Fort Pierce 4,009 peke Twe
king shallesged one of the bishops ei his firms in Jacksonville handled 30,000 skins
following to • game of billiards, and though iso 11389. A few %ears 040 se .:port hunter
b&rety tall esosgi te roach the table Pear could easily emirs 600 &litg•ter,' in three
bu., Ressntly he seat she tint tenor weeks. and o.. man at Cocoa killed 42 i.
+rittes by !Plush to the Pepe, and wns
very much hurt that his mother had to our
n ot: his *poling.
Au woman lostor, Hies Hamil
ton, was the tihahzada• body physician
durtsg his stay In Ragland. She west to
Cabal last year to recover from fever con-
tracted in Ida, and in the hope of indtng
employment among the women of the
Ameers faintly. While then she was
called upon to attend the Ameer himself,
who formed so high an opinion of her skill
that he insisted oa her accompanying his
see on the journey to England and beck.
Archduke L&di.lea's death by the acci-
dental discharge of his rifle while hunting
adds another to the remarkable list of
violent deaths in the retg.tng house ot
Austria. The Emperor • brother, Mau -
militia, was shot in Mexico ; his son ttu-
dnlph, heir to the throe, cou.mitted sui-
cide; the late Archduke Albrooht ,' daughter
was burned to death : Archduke Johann
Sslvstor has dissppeased, and last Fall
Archduke William was thrown from his
horse and killed.
ike my•elf,_ 1 eat , eager y ea mg
exsues. "1 am so thoroughly tired,in fact,
that 1 have determined to *And the night
in your interesting little town. Could you
direct me to • comfortable hotel '•"
"I'srainly, we have several good houses.
the t IW• should :he phased, too. to h&y• you
actually came and spend & quiet evening with as
" 1 ou are very kind, 1 said. immensely
gratified, "hut you are not afraid to entered
such a privilege to & total stranger like mi
wlf '
1 smile 1 my sweete.t here, right foto her
deep Mown .yet, whish were now dancing
with merriment sad ptes81R 1 foresaw
that w • should not long be m ,s.eers.
•' Not in the leant," tt s maswered : " 1
sin & good jod-ts of character. and you are
one of the many people whom 1 should sever
fear to trust.
•• Ilse of the meat, I demurred, • little
piqued at the espreesion. -_
•• (kw of the many, she repeated dead
wily. " 1 have unlimited faith in int fel
low creatures, and unless I have been et
.wailingly fertunats
•' You have bison. I de net doubt that
for a moment. No see e.nld have sr Mack
• heart to betray the confidence of such ere
you ' 1 e&ol•ised, very tenderly.
She blushed •lightly and laid a band upon
fisc, t�surveyed the compartment in her
gear, ad drawing • dainty paper knife Irwin
her little band -bag, she est the leaves of •
sew mag•rine, and settled to the examine -
MOM •f its contents.
There was wmethiop se iwta&usg, es
very interesting &bout her, that her penes
may roused and thrilled n e, though 1 had
caught but • p&smg (lanes of her immense
and wonderfully beautiful disk eyes, and
had not yet heard the music of her votes.
for • plesiag votes. 1 felt. It r..ild not fail
so prove ; and her laughter surely rippling
melody. How had sorb • woman hew per
milted to rentals en lee, •o "on•pprepri•t
d hles•isg'.. It was a pante to ami, an bar Weg•gv " 1 am detai.aine tau, she
How did 1 know she was u.married • I "A thousand pardons. Ne," i said,
doe t know. the can always tell, enemies stating mss Grip muetaehois votedl,.. I sow
1 bad been unwise t if enure* she seuld not
but he pleased by my pretereees, bat to he
tray it thee early is our awlnalnteeee might
seem to Witken an ill bel&aewl judgment,
er were, still, the tiippsat fasi.r.t iry .t the
flirt Nature, so 4e.M, had already aught
hey that i was her rightful mama the
Wag deferred "1 trill" weed amen fall front
Wit sweet lips ea ey bubalt, but is the
sseaaUms I .um wenbs • Maly asM•.r
jest as one tea tell • bride mad groom, how.
ever they may seek to disguise their eircum
Now 1 had hewn called an ineo►rigihl. old
Itaobele►, and for some quarts, of • (watery
maid... of •l1 ages hal .*lenity, sad ewes
woefully, challenged my fallow heart Net
than 1 had feteewer. 'marriage not at all,
but singularly .aeuai, through i had bun
•anewdd all my tile by ebsnies wawa,
nese e( the \user... Theories oto the
Mtaeerl.e. Surreal.
\Veil, what is it' it is erree`y possible
to say. There aro theories -man t of them.
It is evidently something of which we can-
not take • part : we pannot cut a piece of tt
off sal object it to analysis, nor can we
poor • little of it into & bottle for tutors
.tudy and oostemplata. It is like the
wind --its effects cu be meaeUrsd, its tierce,
strength and quantity can naw be ealcul•t-
ed to • very nice degree. Still, to liken it
to the wind, it is a stupendous power, •
mighty typhoon, blowing, as It were, with
out moving, two ways at ono* along all
pule of its path, giving offs halo of magne-
tism at n,bt eagles to that lath every-
the of the nicest theories, perhaps. is the
one that considers electricity a "condition
of atoms, brou,bt about by chemisal action,
as in • battery cell, or by what may be
o•lId • *even trntatiea of the mei/netts
kale, as In • dynamo, and by other mesas,
mush as heat and friction.
\That this co.dition is is beyond us : it
met he • violent rotation, or It may he an
equally violent vibration of atoms ' ('rob-
& hlt the arc light would prove It to be •
vibration. But as so man has over ern an
atom at any time. not even with the most
powerful microseope, its Impossible to sat.
Fnv.ien to some form or ether is present,as
heat is produced before burning, or de
striatum, takes plsos.—Ktahaags.
Suglt.k 1a 1M Murk Tewa•blp..
Barrie Advance Ihie dten ser evidences
el the schoolmaster Ming abroad in one's
wayside walks, and for that matter It is not
050e*esry to even to re the side street.
The fellow's(. rudely marked on • piece
of bard, was f*etmed to the Now of • Iot
n ot . hundred miles from Onlli• .
"Any person ketohed en thew grounds,
or sows or wlmtn, will be Nobel two ina It-
self in & chap..
Here is soother:
"la moment with rmttrsetor.
for Rnryl.g ewe oat 00--- etre** as the
27 50o.
"By order of the Inspector.'
Although these are net evidences et rear
eateswve or &Gowen.ebel.rship :hey by 00
MOMS pave anything against our minim'
a sow MIhbM fiaegei fti.t..
A Frsss0m.a has pa►wted • metallic)
ribs.., iatead.d te replace the chitin new
se use ea Mayan. The obj..tiee to the
Wide hes that It quiskly beeemes .metty.
The metallic ribber ts made a steal .t the
quality seed I. phi. wins. sad se regales
nog sight. Th. skins aro paid for in pro
visions and ammunition mainly. healers
int 65 wets apiece for them from tanners i
New York.
In 1890 about 250 pounds of •'ligator
teeth were sold, hunters reteivi.j( frees to
to 12 s pound for them. They are removed
by burying the heeds and rattle" o.t the
teeth Of the beet tse'h about .eveaty-
make • pound. The staf1og of alligators
and the polishing ot the teeth give .mplov-
meat to forty persons. I•ofortneater y al-
ligators grow very slowly A. 15 years of
age the* aro only two test long. A twelve
footer may be supposed reasonably to be 75
years old. Its believed that they grow as
loos as they live, and probably they live
toaster than any ether animals.
• ■lased Teen eilrred ■p by a Cheat's
A 'Moorhead, Sitoo., desoetch says ;
Then Is groat excitement at tared/is, •
small taws a few miles from ben, over •
story brsught to from Spaagel by Henry
Alger*, • farmer of that section. Aowrduie
to ib. report received here tbs afternoon
terror has bow spread mace( the residents
of Spiegel, who are largely Germane and
Norwegians, b* an u.Loowa moat. which
has been makes, regular vials to the own*
tory hero for the past week digging iulo
the gay. The iracke of the brute have
been food in the sett earth around the
graves whish it has dug into. bat no one
has yet sees the animal.
The visite of the animal were (rot noticed
about • week aro, when tt was found Chet
grave of the infant .on of Mr. •ad Mrs.
Hans Oleo. It•d hew deg into • eonsidorsble
depth and that the animal had sora.h.l
Led gnawed at the little ceras, which
pleialy showed the marks of the creature's
teeth and claws It was at tint supposed
to be the work of s dog, but this view
was found to be .rrenseus, as for •
um• all of the dogs of the settlement were
kept tied as.
Two sights ago the grays of etch■ Mit
chart, who died a week ago of isjanes re
ceivd in an accident, was dug into, wad
part .f the ootfio torn away. The head of
the dead neo was multil•td to same ex•
teat by the animal, which was beard by
several persons bowling to the dj¢
wool. The same night • be.. who had
been owt after the cows, was frightened by
wins tares & rine' shames him. He did mot
see his pursurer. but he&ra at as the road
Whiled him. Had the settle sot been bud
ly frightened, the bey would have thought
'nothing of the wawa.
The grave ot • girl, whose same marmot
be learned. wee disturbed night beer* last,
and part of the fest W.I. eats° off The
entire neighborhood is &roused and people
are afraid to •air from their homes sifter
dark Men who have boo out hunting the
animal ern find no traipse of 11, bit the
opea•d graves are widen* that some ani
mal is about.
Toe MaIN of Mvla*.
The French entree ler front panice an4
j depressions Than any other people o. the
glob, and it is because thrift is the basis of
My Crafty .tasaaes se Nosed M erwir
From /slag MwalNwed.
The South branch of the R&'itao river
runs through I tiptoe. N.J., and along the
picturesque Lehigh Valley r•ilros& it is
famous tor its black bees, turtle, and water
pilots ; and its wooded shores are great re
•orta for fishing and picnic parties. At Kw
ah•.'s Mills there is • large dam, over
which supertluous water empties into • sort
of raoewtt. Huge reek. and boulders sup-
port this dem, and, dunng • dry" .pell,when
very little or no water is running over the
dam, huge, ugly looking, brown adored
water makes use the rocks for sun bathe.
It was at this point that "Nick Sampson
witnessed & singular scene recently He was
"watching the snakes and had hissye on an
old fellow, who, he declares, had scales on
him like • salamander," when his attention
was dawn to • frog that was hopping along
on the bare ground between the rocks rod
the river. The frog was nearing the snake,
apparent', unmindful ot his peril,for snakes
love frogs and toads lint this frog had
evidently " been to school -
"I tutees the make had an eye open - said
"Nick,.. "for as soon as the frog came in
reach, he sprang for him. The frog, seeing
him, essayed to get away. making • high
leap toward the water. Bat the snake was
too quick for him and got between him and
the water. it was them that the fro, mann
tested his sohnoliag. He picked up • twig
about four mobs* long and held it in his
mouth like • bit. 1 wondered what for, and
when I ascertained, said 1 to myselt :
"Nick, that is the smartest frog to the
United Sate*..
"The snake =CAW the frog hs the foreleg
and lengthening out, proceeded to get out
side of him. He opened hie jaws and wrig
B led forward. 1. went the frog's leg, and
then after many efforts, the snake gat the
}roe's nose and part of his Weed in, until he
came to the twig, which. extending an inch
hsyond and •ernea his own jaws, queered
him end saved the frog. The seek• writh
ed and waggled frantically. He relaxed
the muscles of his jaws, but all is vain.
"i laughed en hard and so long that ( be.
mineweak in my knees and had to sit down
and rest before 1 looked for • slab to help
the free nut of the ditfieulty. Then i got •
big stick sed moved quickly down epee the
✓ ake, who was ten bony ti hear mo
••11 ith one strong, well directed blew 1
broke his spine and p&ralyr5d bur, and the
Leers relived, the frog backed ont, lrnppsd
the twig, looked up at me and gave a ereak
of tbank• Before 1 could resob him h.
gave Iwo leaps and was in hie element.'
Philadelphia Press.
mete' MNsltes.
This retie of what wail formed% ase ef the
meat hideous and daagsaes of leaden
slams is situated at the better INe. 1171 of
Orct Mathes Rill. 1t is part of • dirty
and reissue .Id t.ns.nat sweetly masonic(
with the tai meas der M wile\ the Artful
Dame led Olivet TI MM sea sew p.l fen •
aft Hit fres ••Q.sgale.- " The dem Its
Marlow 1. !ea&tAgeem
Ayer's Pills
•1 was trouink
bled wasewally along time ..ted
severe pawls the non
glad tMgNaMstemples.
many � .wa�ed.
Mentash. I a " remedies
r.aBMmeadel waMplalOt but tt
waist* until 1
Began Taking
Ayer's Pills
that i received anything like trainee
nest benefit. A .Inge lox 01 their Pub
did the work for the. and 1 am it's free
from headache.. and • sell 01.40 -- -.
l'. H. Hr'r Hl.r.ta, East Aul'uru. ]Ir
Awarded Medal at World's Fair
Leer's Sarsaparilla is *A. Beal.
se wad (bat the report that Mr. Clark ws
nearly Land was out true, and that his
present trouble is of nag standing.
a Dreaded Teak.
• took sever grows smaller or lighter by
sitting down anJ lenieuuug that it must G
dose, and them s an old an mem that •
thing "mace begun is half dose.
A writer is a curtest pinwheel telts of a
farmer friend who had . b.urtees year ole
hey, nam. -d hill,, who is Tike • good away
toys we al, knew
"Hilly, ' mai Hr. 11 one day whoa 1
wns.t the t•rm,"why dont you go to work
on that fetch •t potetnes
"Al,. wit pied B I1,, '(her.. •o many rl
than 'inters 1'11 n.. r. g.1 a hem hoed
"Yon won't if yew don t Minn soon.
"I rite 10 Aeon.
"How rem yoi ever going to to th. work
their prosperity, says Weed and Item. It t on der t bogie
paws France nearly every ps eves some- ••Well, 111 begin pret• i soon
thing tar a rainy day. The habit u almost His father walked ,'way .ad I heard hill
universal, and thew who earn the least ere exclaim In • tone indt.ettog great mesal
sure to he found to this great s•eiae class.
The French savings banks have mon than
8041.000 depositors, sal their deposits
amount to &boot 1800,000.000, and this
large sum is made up of small amounts.
The French whools teach the children to l the sorrowful shake of the bead. "Fes hem
rye mons , and the most frmtuwt I thinking about alien 'vs( 'moo this men -
given to • bright pupal is a savwgs-bank
book with • small sum to the credit of the
owner This is given where in this country
we would give • medal. or a book.
%% hon • community has • lo' of money
deposited In savings hanks, it is amp to
borrow moue\ withoutoing to outside omp-
&lista. The Ioo&I banks are prepared to
Ina* to hose people at a moderate interest.
in the large city and factory towns of the
Eastern States, the savings banks are the
grsatset safeguards of the poor wage-rrn-
en against hard times, and if the Gavin,
habit was as general here as it is in France,
our people would have pawed through the
reeent tioanei.l deoresaicu without serious-
ly feeling it. Every child should he taught
the importance of saving without being •v
arieious and niggardly. W. need more
The Ideal Me*sebold,
distress . "Plague on them old testers' It
Makes ase •i. k t.. think .bout them
"S1 by do you think ab.uut tb.m,tkew : I
said, laughing
"I've gut 10, he replied dolefully, with
It has bees remarked that the beet house
keeping M the sort that ane never notices,
and the same may be said of furniture and
in • certain drawing room the preponder
sow of braes and onyx steads at once at
tract the attention of the cellar, who feels
an trreslst•hle impulse to be continually
counting those Forerun little tables to tnak•
sure that then are 'eyes and not eight of
them in eight. The effect of such sameness
In furnishing, especially when very notice
able articles are urd,s to onneteract what-
ever daintiness the room might otherwise
poetess', and to suggest • lamentable w•otof
Mete on the part of the owner,nr rather the
The ideal home gives evidenw In every
pert of the womsb t sefteri a influence, and
o1 her desire to provide restful surround
Inge that will quiet the weary eye, brew
.tad bid,. The sual',ht Is freely admitted
by any All talon we soft, cheerful and
tastefully . ombipd. hast' chairs abound,
and .re evidently intended for practical ser
vice. Softly shaded lights are tried by
n ight. Then u no lack of footstools, soft
pillow and heed rests, and, beet of .11, the
true domestic ep:rit breeds over the whole,
lending & charm that money wawa buy, or
poverty exclude
ie11M C.etboay • Meataad MrIrkea en MM
MWd0.. spar.
Toronto, Sept. 18.—John Clark, the Tor
auto barrister who married Nellie (:an-
tbeny, i. I i ing ill in New York. lin hie
wedding day he was seined with nervous
prostration, that affected him with blid
MM. He is .ow slowly recovering. i)r.
Hoaphtts, rector of the oelebnted Little
('harsh Ar.s4 the (tomer, who marries
. sd butte all the asters, refused to tie the
knot few ('lark, ea lear.ieg that he bad
hew divorced. Ter this resins the civil
marriage was ye5orted to, and it had been
the intestine of the weal* to be re enamel
by • clergyman as Mies Gstbnsy'e home
Kaglaed. The tesasstlantie trip ►sis saes
abs*deeed far the present, tied it ie the i•
testae et the yews wean to matte la Thr-
eats (ark in 31 sea his livid* A0.
An early .stelae dhp5te0 : Dr,
Remy H. Forbes, who le •Mn 1 ,.
Clee0, of Tornnte, wee Wm his 1041110 r
debt( very weal moi Y la .. imMEge. Se •1•
t "How long now, H•IIy, will tt walk take
you to hoe them
"Well• at least .b hour."
"Abd you ve been distressed about it even
since you got up
"Well, 1 hate to ho. tater'
"And :van se b,:en up • little mors this
live hoot,' `..
"Well, 1--I— Hilly Wigan :o aerie,
took up his brae, and said "1 never thought
of that
And the potatoes were hoed In just font
%he Olds 1 Lwow Tremble.
There was an old woman who lived m •
Who had s' many cn,!dreo she did* t :sew
whet to do,
But she .as fully .ware she was lucky at
Since she lived in a shoo and x01 in • flat,
Ayer a garsaparllle tenet • secret prepara-
tion, Anyl]physietan may have the formula
en application. Th. ssent of Its success se
• niedic•ine hew is its extranrdlnsry war
to cleave( the blood of impurities and cure
the most deepssated cease of blood disease.
tot. ■ad MpSlbert•.
As I:ngluh physician has just wnttea es
article, the result of recent cases et diph-
theria to which hia lnveetigatIoos proved
that is several eases pet cats bed been the
carriers ot this disease to the houses of & neighborhood. Hs believes cats
Save • peculiar throat disease which resale
who* contracted by human beings, is dipb
therm. He pleads that oats Weald he
watched, and when they show evilimos et
alines. they she+uld be solated
Cure Biliousness. Sick head-
ache, Dyspepsia, Sluggish Liver
and all Stomach Troubles.
Are Purely Vegetable, -
elegantly Sugar -Coated, and do
not gripe or sicken.
Act gently but promptly and
thoroughi1r. "The safest family
medicine. All Druggists keep