HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-9-26, Page 11 a 0 e e pi 1 • 15to 7 5 7 I3 r0 14 7 0 0 1 5 101141. THD LD.A.DI117C1. 1%111BNITISPAIL.PPIR, HTTRON OOVNTY. FOlat Y -SEVENTH Y1:A R. -2:i36 • GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY, SEPT. 29. 1895. D. McG I LLICUDDY, EDITOR NEW AQ+ERT1S147e--SEPT. 26 1'•ae. 8 They are the Best The Fair Lawlor CrMuooa in Mihtuery -K. B. Smith 4 Fal; llilluary -lues Yates . 8 A Few leaden with 1's -A. L. Wear 8 Boot sad Shoe Selo -Wm. Muumuu, jr 8 %Velment -Jet. Rebtases 4 New Fall Goode- Celbores Bre. 8 •rd of Thanks -S. 1'. Bastedo. 5 Hardware- -Jet. Tate 4 Reedy Made Llothieg- ,las Reid Pr, ,deed. sad Millinery -1. T. Ache - .c• . . .... . 8 Sated flush Ssllrisg--G. T. Fult.rd & ('o . 4 ;•;-t sole of Howbeld Furniture ,usdry, suet 8 Anneal Eames of the G l'.1 8 tunes R. K Smith . , .. - . b local I T Acheson. 5 Legal Nide of Property -2 N. Lewis, 1 T is Excuntooe- By. AramMsaft b '.during F J Tritium .. . .... . 5 5 Card of Thanks (2 N t l' of TH.ISKS-- ToaoiTu,l4ept AN. Ilii. Doe iter tad Brother. - 1 have to &ekeo. ipjge with malty thanks the receipt of )our pot . ith cheque for SCOW. the ineurasiv in eke A 0 t -.1.t" bele by the late Mr. C. r Ammo W. A month has only elapsed "thee the nos ,mean papers were hid. and rhe promptness fa rmeeed Mg to the •ppli .1 too i• renal I) Leemm.ndat.ie on the part of 'he Order (test gratifying to V, . B.atedo} and my Tears in 1' IT, & 1'. H. T. IIAgTLKIIO: Ha Oen. E.., . gwporder of Maple Leaf lair, \o. 17. llderl.k. Ontario' - Legal Sales THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, CHANCERY DIVISION. 1. 1:.. l.anrosfer- Sale by/. soler of last I 'ru oerty of this Estate. Pursuant to as order for walle m.4. heroin, I will receive t, oilers up to twelve 0el9ek norm. on Tl-iC-liAY THE ITHII)A N. OF (k'TOitCI1 1 e for the purchase of Lot 100 Lighthouse street Oorieneh. Tine attest nn diad sell cannot he icy:elld. and there u • 'ante two story solid hack house ther"oa. reran lung teethe of purchar money down sad bats,* within one month. a itho•t Intel e.; listed At uoderich this 44th d.) of eptenther. A.I . Ilpl 1...4,_14.W IS, NALt'OM1ON. BBiirrrnster, Master at (Soden. h. tioderich. 11. Speelal Notions. .1 10A FOR SERVICE:-.iTKOROfl;H- I) bred Clouser While bar fee service. W I IAnt BROS . _Herm Reed. ser railway eraawasr. LD 1s. I: ni atm herr.: slava. (IT LIME - WHY SEND OUR ntowoy out of town by buns; imported Wilson Brow. can supply you with the cheapest and brut 'mem ('•tads. at I'iprr'sdam, ' hOi.ret building Mose hamd at the lowest prieeta. ani\ 114 U., Harm. Road. near the railway Crumbs. s St 1m t')HN COOK, 1►RAYMAN, FURNI- tl tuft awned. baggage copied for and de livered to all parts of the town. Meets al' train* sad bears. Rooms over Wm. Ache re. hansom shop. Oederich. 1341 PRIVATE FUNIS - PARTIES 1►E- 1 "irons of obtaining money en lint claw farm ae unity roe do so at 5 per neat by ap plyieg to J. A. MCLION M.1I. Roes illi. free NM Muddied'. Toosato, wltem TYUTM- LANK, ISSURR OF MARRIAGE LUosasea, Co. Clerk's woe. 3At WANTED TO RENT OR WORK ON trher... • farm of good land and or- chard. ,Address, a. R. McLNil O ALL. situ (lederith P. O. Property for MN• 1L108 SALE; OR RENT THAT VALU rr .hle farm of Neer,a in t.eeburr., within one male et esMelhou..- and I'resbytrriae orb. s mile and • half from Dunlop peat ,Tpe• end four miles from l3odench. blood keine aad bu,idin.e and ezcet oat well' of Pere water, Oaod snaky of firewood. cedar. and rulw.y timl4r. Terme reaMsble. Asov Von the premise or by tetter to J.O. CLOT N, Dunlop I'.o. IS -It --- Fill: SALE:. -- CHEAP, ON EASY r Tl:RM i : W..r half of lot !!, concession S. West Ws.mnnsh, 100 actor .A well improved tarn, hot 9. , and own l0, subdivision of Block 8. ('elborne about 3.5 acres. 10 -The shop lately occnpled by the late Thos. Baeyd. Appy 10 M,b JOH\MTON.barrler. Mode- na wtett Legal NoUoss. 1 1'DICTA!. BALE. OF FARM PROP 1' THR TNIOH COURT Of JUSTICE - cif ASCENT DIVIIIOI, I'• r1,, m.tlf,, of Robert ?(nary l'rnefor. 1 -rrinr, and Je.wte May Proctor, lotan! .JAr. • of IA, late Joke .1. I'ror•tor, I',1,1aaut to the order made In this matter. ther.•awill be dabs the sollt by iinhiI.&iMtn).atith. (,flunei. 01 Hai... an 11+tows of Clinton 10 the reel.y of Ile -en. on MONDAY. SEPT. 1Oth, I1Rfi, u three °clock in the aherweos. by David the, anent. anetloorr. the following esinaable las f. namely 1 number 11 1,14 two in the thirteenth eon cession oar the township of tiedetich in 1M ' " ') o1 H•:-ne, containing eighty acre. of ▪ ober. or Iers. Tbhs prnpert y a. BE arced thrr.- miler. from the town of (Tartan sod n miles from the town of tioderleb. Tho h°ps tldineeaist of a frame home t...:111.a ,•,rt) diol book horn lei14 with Mose a' Suds ion, , The sof, to • sand, lotto. Th -,,nisi omiatata. shoat f nor .crn. There is ""'n • .melt orchard. 1 he tarn us well wa•ered. notes and CONDITIONS. Ten per Deet, nn 'ts day of nate. awed the I.1...-. with'. .buoy date Overeater. in all ether ,-.gents *be0Mdit osa will be 1be',mediae coodltlace glib. Hiph Olen of Joe lo. Cbo.(+mry Dlrf- tlw. TkM y win M sold, teleeet to • "Mr hW ures es the Mao en meet • leas A.D. sad a• a ...eta] of 8*15. palette se the ghat or Teirmte- Iars ►car firth*, lartIealsrs needy to R. HALR. g"i . ('hien w rad uwderassed. lAsp.s ('AgTWRIGHT . r AMZKON Of s1. Rehir s% HOLT 8 HOt•MWS. D.) .d M.M 10Ih. tail 11e0eltovs. O.Awrbeh. DWI*, ( S.I*e Wells, the market prdear, ie bre'w ( proud ps so-er .f • lipase* anima rz by him this year wbiirb "O. 9 its It hi a maonill•••t'poemas el S 5 ens 'rwT- OVER THE HURON TRACT. The ciI'I.L trots the z4..& igtlL. A werb1) steel .f ('Maur ♦ewe sorted ■p 1. sari lterybedy - PPM ■.d r.1., a llpprd rad 1 e.de.sed Preto hirer, gentle.. MORRIS : Ono of our fartnert e0aale% over 600 gramss oh s nob of corn thie Fall Clinton : Miss Shepperd, Ise long oon•eet ed with the News -Record, goes to New Haven, I Keefer Mn. McDougall joined her has laud here then week.and returned' with him to Modem. to reside. (:odeneh Township - The next meeting of the Towaship council will be held at Holmoo ills os Monday, Oct. 7th. brucaBrld A. Mustard tool in a pailful of potatoes the other day, which contained fp•• weivhtog upwards (4 '16 pounds. Myth Win. Sloan left on Wednesday morn for Chicago, Illinois. He intends to rooted • medical college in that city. Hehoseville : Dr. T. Holmes, Detroit, re- turned home on Wedosaday, having spent • few d.ys visiting his mother, Mrs. .1. ((elutes. Holwiserille . Miss Sarah ('ourttee, who ba. for Dome time been under medical care in Toronto, ha. returned 'ready improved is health. Wingheni 1', A. Mills and J'. S. Smith went shoottsg on Monday of Iwo week and succeeded is capturing ten birds without the aid of a dee. Holten : That other day Mise I1e11. Wob- titer was awoken down with psr•lysus, w• are pleased to learn, however, that she is now much hetter. Seaforth : Wm. 'Watson, a he fora num ber of y roan had been employ d in the es- tablishment of Knght Krce.,le(, on "Veda*. day for (Winnipeg. leedesb .. Mies .Iohastnu, teacher of sus. N., B. returned sad resumed work on I Choose'.) morning ; she hied been laid up anise the holidays. Stylish -1 Wm. Woods. • popular ez- cnuctllnr of the village, was married ow Wedned•v to Miss Graham, niece of J. Gray, of Florence,. Clinton Last week Will Shipley lest , three horses..nppo.edly from impure water; the 11 a peony serious lues as they were hts hest working horses. Exeter . Warren Snell sod Will Dignan wheeled to London on Mnoday of lot week i on their hole., • distance of 32 tulles, in 2 hours and to minutes Bolgraye : Mr.. 'tufts has rr..rved a leave .f absentee from the post office tail Nor. 1111, nw,.g to iii health ; she is also bating • furnace Placed in her store. Clinton : The other day the wife of T li:dmus-i. 1.11 and eust•tn.d a very seven sprue d the ankle : at gest It w.. thought that too lun h was broken. Soafnrth . .lames Leaman had two horses killed by lightning during the storm on Tuesday night. The horses were pasturing oil Mr Leoman's term, near here. Clia'••n 6 P. Sibley, for several veers head tuner at the 1►„ktrty I Primo Factory, has d.ci,tad to return to the United States. and will make hyo future home in Georgia. Exeter : While manipulating • draw knih the other day Will Smith, ot"Spring. burst- farm, Hay, cut a bed gash in his knew. He will he laid up for a few weeks. i Tuckersmith : Mise Monteith, of the London Road, Tuck-r.mish,who had taught the Hari ek school in Hulteit very success- htily for several years, declines re engine - mint. Wiogbam : L.wrenee Trinity has per• Mused the brick house on.lwpba.-sl built the' Sommer by 1)r. Chisholm. Mr. Tre•cy has rented has farm Oa moo. 7, Turnberry,to .lois fife Exeter : Thomas Pollard died at his resi- dence. Andrew of on Sunday, 15th int., atter .n illness of • few months. Deceased was a native of Ilevobehire. England, being born there in 1815. 5 Ihok•os. postmaster, has rented his 200-aere farm is Grey, near Brussels, to • gdatletnan in Morrie, for five years, at an apu.l renal of $450. It is are of the beet farms in this county. lendesboro : E. J. Crewford rave up Mn. Longman • farm and It was rooted the same day to Mrs. Maggedge. Mr. Craw ford 11te soy. to the Moore farm, on the 13th eon., in the Spriest Auburn : A very interesting event took plane .t the towlines of .1. Hoare, on the 1115 inst.. when his aster, Mose Luny, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to N. A. Ktllnugh, of Brussels. Keeton. . The wild roan in the woods in Stephen township, who. has created much disturbance among the .ommukity daring the pass few menthe, is an escaped lunette and the bay tum authorities are after him. I;nd.nch Tp.: The •rrrarornent whieh W. Leith has made to rent the Elliott farm no the 4th concession, haring fallen through he has rented John l'nrresoi s (arm, on the 5M, for • term of five y ears, at • rental of ,175 • year Klyth • While coming set ot Frank Metcalf s jewelry store the other day. A M. Rath slipped. mid falling against one of the plate elms windows, sashed it 10 .s.ith•rew. A Dew glees had to be get front leaden. Vara•: Ales. McConnell. while drawing ie • lead of pose, left his team tied with the linos. to drive •erssome oohs ; the watt broke away sad ren to the been, aril nae of the heats was en badly °rushed rgusst a post that it had to be killed. Seofertk : Rev. Mr Fish, of l'leyerills. Penaeylwsie,. mid Mn. Firth were hen this week. visiting their usele, Root. Montt. Mr. sad Mn. Fish are in their beseystees tour. Mrs. Tie i. • d sgbar et Dr. Gee. ('alder, • non-use M.Killey boy. (Males , Jia Jaebw. of S.sfsrth, will move beek to C;liseen ea oars se the health et Mrs. Jaeksne will slew it ; by mistake r edam" osedkciae, she ereefy p_Lened bsr- se f the ether Asp, bat bet mosey friends wilt M glad le bear she is reetn rlap e Haimsevitts : J. T. $slba'ser, sea of Oar •srproung Soling non, left un Monde hwafy_ter Philadelphia, where he will e enblesse his .iodine in the Drexel losutale.I 0. perpo..s t.k1ng • uorn.61 and cooater- elal Course and expecte W graduate 111 000 year. Clinton : While J. Crain was returning home in • wages Wdeesd.y alteraoou, hie horse get frightened at • dead horse by the r.sdaide, sad ran away. threw,ng the °ampoule oat. Toe result was • shalt end other porta of the wagon beteg broken, but so .jury to the ooc•pmite. Wingbam : (M the 10th inst. there pawed away use of the of 1 reetdeats of the town, in the person of Mrs. Forge, wile of Alex. Forgo, in the 78th year of her ave. The deceased hart been ailing tor some tiros, hay ing had • stroke of pardyu. some time ago, but the end mite rather unex- pectedly. Kippen : The barn of I:abort Mslk.n•Id, on the 2nd oouoeseiou of Stanley, Dear here. wet irrucl by Itghtotrg durior the .rota of Wednesday 5)ernlog, and the barn, with its contents, was completely destroyed. The barn contused the most of this aesee. a crop, together with some imylemuts, her• nese, ate. There wet an insurance of $1150 0o the building and ceoteots. ('lime . A terrine thunder and lightniag . torte wet experienced here 00 'Tuesday N ight. The north gable end of she Rotten bury -at. M.tb.dl.t chanh wet struck, bus • no damage wait dune beyond Leering ofl deme of the ehio,les ; this i. the .emend time the church hes been struck by belt - lung The electric wires were broken sad the communions of aunts s number of tele- phones burnt out. Hay : Two (oaten families nn their way i from Southampton to Lei tie Point, pitched their gnu in Taylor's grove, u■ the lake Mak, iught mile* form here, lett Tuesday . d ight. Dunes the niah1 it miter. thunder Neem blew down • large. dry tree. whish fell over one of the tents, instantly ktllisg one of the lodusns rad hie wife, ..d evee ly woueding their daughter, • girl of thir- teenyears of age There was a third par. son In the tent, but she *seeped uoisjured. I Th. names of the nntortunate ;woggle are n ot obtus•ble, but the women t* a sister of 1 John Crowe, the tedium ageat at South• atopies. OOLDWIN SMITH AND -PROTECTION •, s.wie+ mbar me advocated sibs titer, 1. , the Ma itl.rtNsw To the Editor of The 01 -be. Sir,-- In your celemns I settee a state meat repredueed from an Engligh review that I rppeered on a polities' platform in favor of a protectionist thrift. The •tate- leant has bees malts seeer.I time* before MA baa WI often hese oo•tradietad by 1.m. feat will probably be repeated as long as it pa serve the purpose of mere Set me any it is untrue. My opts ate th,se of • muders:e free trader. 1 em - beam free trade as • principle, net ouly on eeenonuc.l ground*, bat bec.use 11. tends to allay. by toothy ietercuaree, these Cuter. phonal 055,uta on which uarrow and in- digm•ut natures fatten, sometimes to the sumo df • amnia destructive to their re- gard for social deos cy .• well as thetr dem- ote* sei.ee. FonooSllr 1 might not be un- willing to entertain the policy of direct tax• atlou with total abolition Int customs. Kut at present . differeet policy prevails. and men satins has its writ 1 recognize the necessity of *dimities the tie. -*I system 1• the atrcumstauues of the nation, acludioar such as are greeted by the worm of (0151(s teal.. 1 dt-elleed the honor .1 represses - log the (.olden l lub on this entiaent be• errs 1 felt that while heartily agreeing with the members of the club, who were thorough free traders, on the general pre own, I might mot •Iwova he at one wit► them ou prsousal .iuestioas. Protectionism is the imposition of douse, like the Corn Laws of I ngiand, for the artificial eocour agement of partoalar un.lustries. To thin I leave been coestently opposed. Bolero the elects°. of 1878 1 had an interview with Sir Jobs Mredowld io tins house and received from hie own lips the sasuranse that his his policy was not protection, but, as he but publicly declared, readjustment, of which 1 held that there was then need. I( Sir .John M•edon.ld was afterwards led Ly political considerations which be deemed paramount to 'imbrues protection, as he admitted to me that he was, my oosut.acy was not alfct ed ley the change. 1 was the President of the Commercial ('mon Club and have always done as much as my pen pound do. both oy ecusomtu•1 ar gement and by the removal of lnternataonal antipathy, to moot to giving to the todustrl- ous people of thus country what 1 regard as the uesumrble benefit of • free continental market. There were other coosideratioe. besides the readjustment of the tariff which led me is 1878 to give an independent support to Sir John 1leedoo.ld, whose superior ability l reoognired, though i was sever see of his partisans. (oi.*wiN Senna. Torooto, Sept. Il. 4N wspe so 11r S15u/ lite effise 1.l Vim merallt--- THE LOSS OF THE EDAM. I yes •at $p iog: Clsrt%11.1 -..1d :Jell FROM OVER THE BORDER. A Big Ocean Liner Founders. A rentals. •1 sea 1. a rein 4...,. toe l ate atoll) The rummager. sad t row A11 saved aad sr.stgbt t. rare la a 1r.wter. kONI)ON, Sept. I J. - The steamer a•.m fres hew 1 ori :opt. 6, for Atwater - dam, l.uudored off Storz Point, en the southern coast of England the morning after • colhs►on Her p•weengers end crew were saved. Lloyd • agent at f'rawle I'uiat wires that he observed • steam trawler head for Start Bay hevt•g three large ships boats 1c taw, and that the steamer hereof on* of %Test Hnrtlepeel tool the trawler In tow and beaded for P imouth. ♦ large number et p.epto were seen le Om W..14 and on the desk of the trawler. 1'13. weather was foggy. p. y mouth, Sept. 19. --To. steamer Beres- ford hes arrived here towing the trawler l aiture and three boat. ountaiaing the sap - tet., crew and passengers of the Nether 'rad. (las steamer Edam, which came a1e wU.smon at one e'clek thus morning fifty miles south-east of Start Point, with the steamier 'Tarkenton during • thick tog. The Edam t•unuered. The 1 uekeritan was tet se the fog end sot semi afterwards. Every one on board the Edam took the boat and ail were picked up by the trawler. New York, Si pt. 19. 1 hs F54.m was r barque -roped, screw sweeter of 2,030 tons, 311 feet 6 tock.. l.og,39 test 4 moos beam, and 30 feet 3 inches depth ot bold, and was supplied with two compound engines of 1,- 800 burgs power. She w•e built •1 Fisten- ourd is 1883, and was owned by the Nether- I.adeAmartcas Steam N•vigatues Co., of Rotterdam. Start Point off which the Edit soak, is • bwilaud in ore County of Devon, about nine miles south • west of Dartmouth. Pr.w le Pettit te• few miles westward of Mart Point, to the sae. county. London. Sept. 19. --The steamer Turk.. tar, whieh Mine 101.0 continue with and sank the str. Edan., was spoken off the W- ard the afternoon on tie way to Cardiff. New York, Rept. le, Agent Peeper- toom, of the N•therlend.-American >:.i. N. Co., had received only mantis.. ezehsege advice *Utile loss of toe Edam up to 10:30 A r , mid these oorrobor•te the reports of the United free. All haads,had arrived at Plymouth. The Eda.0 carried 75 in her crew all told. j She was tilted solely for steerage peseenver. Ms.i-tseigbt She bad capacity for 1,600 steerage psierenger., sun had camel as many as 1,200. She euuid etenm about 11', knots, mad took 14 drys tor i M pvesge be. tweets New 1-otl and Anseterd.m, Too oompuy velure nor at 5250,000, which is fu:ly ..'.reed by tn.ureoce. Her Garro comprised 2,000 tone of mono, 900 Ions tit floor, 1,500 tag* of coffee, 195 cases of sewing machines, 183 canes of 1oi`.coo, and general merchandise valued approxim Mealy at8120.000. Th. Turkeotou, wh eh collude] with the F:d•m, belongs to the A,iglo-Ar.bs.0 and Persian Stsau.ship Company, 1,to ted, of Leaden. She was Inuit in 1894 01 Lauthoo'e, N et steel. 345 feet liar, 47 feet beam and 26 feet depth of hold, and measure 2,612 cwt .ud 4,060 grow tonu.ge. Lest,os. September 20. --The Times give prominaace to day So a letter from Admiral Fitzgerald, in which the writer says that lord 1)nnr.yeu mud •zpeot that his nos - duct is the limiter of the Antenna's imp match races will be severe'✓ entombed, and that it amperes unfavorably with that of Mr. Iselin. "His tear minded tenantry men," the Admiral says, "have maim to rant the emirs* of Lord J)unrwvea, and .11 tree lov sea .f sport moat regret that Mr. Iselin'• seneroam offer to email the seemed race was d&eliad. Tecbanally-, Lord Dnaraven'e re- fusal to sail es the third day was right, bet the antrum sboald have bows treated ape. broader erosade. Ammer:seas throsghset have shows the trove sporting iamtisot. The Imp•rli.l nonlife e) Nanti(aI history,' the letter oonelades, " will say that Lord Dem. raven hes (ailed en upheld oho best tradi- tions of Magnets y ehl-rtaenag. ♦ easel sample of hew the people wank the newspaper for Mrgmia. mine 1s bead no Mseelay. i■ our Lws lent week H. It Pdleeb adyer{iod a "Removal ale, ' .o5) steatite' as Friday meesiae, sad by dater day ineahs stray et the Kae advertised wore geed oat, but Mayday will see their plows as hos bamptio table filled with bet mgt memo tomo one. IIOW 1T 0..-t RRLn. Plymouth, Sept. 19. --The fellewiag de : trills of ,the co,Iisien were obtained trom l passengers of the F:tam, who were brnaght here in tow of the steamer Herea- ferd, It was pitch clerk when the collision occurred, and at first tutees. alarm was o wntfe.ted by those on the steamer. ♦e coon, however, as 11 was semi that the Turkestan was st.uding by to argot, and that the trawler Vulture was alongside, the mixtety became lee.. The Edmi, s boats were r.piuly lowered, and It was found that there was ample room is them for .11 G■ board the steamer. Then was hardly time, however, for the pawLgers to doth. them selves fully, .od the women threw oa the olothing smireet .t hand .ad mute Cheer way to the deck, whence they were lowered to the bots, they bring the tint to go over the y.wl's stile. E'orten.wly the .e. was .smooth, and the transfer was carried o0 without difficulty and perfect order was m.intuuud The Turkestan .cod by until all were clear of the sinking roamer, which went done et 3 Matlock. The Turkestan& store, was 13541) damaged. our I•..1. WIl9Try LR Linden, Sept. 19. --Tbe (0.ster of the trawler Vulture, which picked up the t.,ree boats of the 84.., end with 1h. m was towed to Plymouth by the steamer Berm ford, says that besrfag the awash of the col - beton, though not being •hlr to see any •F,eg owi.g to the fog, he made for the soot wbese . the sounds came. He (mood the Vasa filling rapidly, but there was still .mp:e• line to rescue that" on hoard. Then was 1.m poeio whatever. and the officess and (nw and n•w0ger..1ike behated with ad- mirable eosins= THE FALL ASSIZE. Keaoom and fourteen ether. for 41.600, is shares of 5100 mob. It is claimed for lb. Ole. toot the kerne was smell la urn, mid News Notes From Washington 1201. mi animal that would have bees molest ed, but for the hreedtng clamed for him by clefts., and ea alleged record of 2:30),whwh f/et Nard . Awlode en 1.M NNor sae+t le■ plffe. claim was really never made, the bootee beet time hetmg 2.59. The o.. be ``•• Thursday at 4 o crook and lasted ent11 Fr►uay, evening. Veriest for delta., with meets. 1'aai.ron, Holt t Heins for putt.; liarrew, 1.1.1., sad F:, Sydae) Smith, (.1 C., for deft . Molarty vs, Smith was p+etpsated until next Court. Scott va Pike Au asttoo to mover dem ares fur alleged arrest ames d mel..ttof l character. The ease was settled y deft. for 21100 and coati. Meredith, l'•meroo, .ludd & Drumgule for pus; (:arrow a Proud toot for deft. _ HARRISTON V8. OODEICH. Local aaesballers ala Mgr the wrrl.aea Chub. On Friday lett the Harrieton Rrowis came to l:uder.eh os • tour end played the (,odoneh club 10 tae •iterno.ri. The H•rrutens were successful in Brussels and Chilton, but felled to beet the l:edench teen), as the anoezed.t•ten,ent of game will show, . The features of ;he game, which was somewhat slow, only one ball being in re summon, although repeated foul bite were made, were three double plays by the home team, which happened most opportunely. Following u THE SCORE. .tenni( 'H. AK K H PO A Histamines s 6 2 1 4 0 Thompson 113..,3 1 0 12 0 Holmes ea p5 3 2 1 5 La roes 4 b 4 2 1 6 5 Tilt 3 b, . 5 1 0 3 0 A. Robe rts •f3 1 0 0 0 Shannon r f.,. 4 1- 1 0 0 Daho I f .. . 4 3 0 1 0 H. Robertson p ar 2 1 0 5 The Resell 1. tie 1's.ce sad limp J1 Leas weeb. Y.tto. vs. 11.115).0 --As ands. 1 est.b i.h • boundary 1555 between then pantie.' who reside in Morris township The jury was 41154)11 eed with, and htts lordship din mimed the a.tjna with neat.. (i•rrew 1! Prosllfoet for p8 4 ; A,.rwerth, 9 f1, .ad R 1.. Nekoosa. for deft. Martindale ve. Hopp - As semen for m.4- eys evatrpaM on the shipment ed hey Jury despewe5d with, awl his I.rdahtp rave jadg swot few puff for 5644 65, sad interest from Mareb 8, 1896 (*arrow, Q C., .0d R. S Reye for puff : J. M. Bow ter deft. ileaaem l al vs Dygerrt--This moa We amiss fee ndules% mirepresntatios is the gats of • banes, .ad it erected • Brest awe ei interest, the planate, 0nmbrlswgg 54Mea, besides their winsome& The mien' r paws true • is'sttlsg wallies sowed 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 Total ... , ..... 17 6 27 16 6 HAI1R1MTON. A.B. R. H. 'Q. A. 1. Stuart 2h 4 1 1 4: 4 3 Lennox cf.. 13 2 1 02 Hartley If 5 0 0 0 ON 0 Itrsdley se - 3 1 0 1 3 \1 Angus rfa p 4 0 1 0 2 Boyd c 4 1 1 3 3 0 Lemon 36 4 1 0 0 1 2 McGrath 1n .3 2 2 16 0 1 Hamilton part 4 1 0 0 3 1 Total 9 6 24 16 13 50055 IT I11 L'U*. 1234b6`789 (;.ederich 1 0 4-8 0 0 3 Ito -17 6 6 H.triston 002023020- 9 613 Batteries : Goderiob--Reherena H-, Holme end Malcomeoa. H•nittes--Hamt!tun, Angus and Boyd. Umpire -(:rower and K 1 ilt. Two how hits, Boyd. Struck out by Holme., 4 ; Hamilton 2.' Bars on halls, off Robertson 7: Hobnobs 1 ; Ilam:Iten 4 ; Angus 3. • Hit by pitcher, Stuart. Double playas, Holmes to Thompson, L.al'.ge to Thumsauo and LePage unaswuted, LEESURN. MoNtuy. Sett. 23. t-'nrto u Norse. -Alex ('raw, spoken of to our last week.s items, pre shed here ea Sunday. A congregational meeting wall he held at 10.30 .. M. on Monday of nett week to decide on a call for •,pastor, Rev. -1. A. Anderson beteg moderator In the matter. ..N• one will forget the tea meeting Thursday of ►hie week. the Nile show will furnish the music, several clergymen w:IL give addressee and the editor ot Tile '1 . NAt. will be among the speakers, PORT ALBERT. Tt's.0Ay. Sept. 24. Mr. Holt has sold his house and het to Steven Martin, of Kingsbrides. Wm. Itobiesen, of Dunlop, he mood In- to Mr. Delouse house and opened • buteber shop a the village. The bridge has bad • sew floor put on sad is a good jar but a ten foot cover on the entre would have been just as food ad dose for est" fourth the money. John McBride has bought the Martin property soar the lake from Mr, Harrow, has taken possession and is making improve• meet and emeth10g may happen soon. Nothing is hoard of the huddine of the meth pier, and I •m skald the premie will be • (eller* end the township will be out the 6100 ; but then it was • grad trip, aed son. of our folk wanted 11. Then is n5 indication of • 1 y election as yet. The fir.• iodisation of se election is omit of the ander *trappers Irma the engin ..r's Oboe is eons here to inquire about the loos of timber, soma. etc , and measure the depth of the water, end put • few ,edeb•t4 marks on the odd toilet pile, sad then the election will neem follow. Thin 1101111110.0• T• r er.sCy appreeisted• rawer. se the i-etoper.11er .f gar Treaties.) Almon l oboe 1111- bs+lens - -1 Mb l eostolsleo. Brom our Regular ('oneepondest, ‘VASHINGT0N, 1►.('., Sept. 23. - President Cleveland's position in the tem - Ing samaritan u the gut feet oftener' dopes, - ed by tine who are interested to politica. Everybody het • theory as to just what that position aa, but, strange W N obody pretend. to "putt oy the authority of Mr. Clevel.nd himself. A geatletnan whose personal awl puhtlurl . ooauoo with Mr. Cleveland' is of (1e closest nature e poku very tuteraguugly on tiro sublect,bet nudcr circua,.t•ne.s which preveua the use of hu uaaie, which would add much weight W his word.. 11'- wad • "Iew presidents haste allowed their tuteuttow to be mi.repre- seated to the exteot *het 31r. (len-land.' are beaag musrepreeeuted today. Nobody (nown this any better ilia be :b... He tea -s .chenuag for another u.auo.tion from his party, although be would probably •ceept at .t he thought It ae.vaian to cetr) out the idea whish governs the WAIL ul his othctsl nota. The idea as to prevent the silver meat sontrolliog the next democratic o attoa.l cenv'•nt*ou. Mr. l leveled could with five word& put a cud te the mention of his time iso .ousectlou with •author 005)1laium, but he has an idea that hie n ame will aid the •tit, -savor mea to control the convention and for .het remain 3oes not 'peal then. Wh--ther those words will be spoken when a utfici.nt number ot deleeates have been elected to make a certain whether the couven Sou w,11 be rover or atm elver, or whether by that time Mr. Cleveland will hare decided hat his u.uae must go before the conveLL..1a anyway, I. cat ibis time • matter of doubt, nod will doubtless be detertutoed largely I. cir umataucer, but whatever Mr, t'levelms4 doe you may be sure it will be part of hie general plan to keep silver dow12. He is thoroughly maturated with the 1 tea that the gold men of ;he wend ree.td him as their . peelsl ehaapt.u, an he also regards pith ..If. Attorney (dean( Harmon bows gr•oi.ful- ly t0 the nugbty power &loath the Iew gives Ore Cemptreller of the 1'rsasury, by inform tag the Secretory of Agriculture, wbu had asked an °tfisiat °ratio of the I►epartmeat of Justice conerming his right to make cera esu expenditures, that he had applied to the *rotor 'bop ; that in .11 matters cun- 'srninr the expendoag of publ.e money the Dockery reorg•avau.n law had mode 'he Comptroller • opinion more powerful than that of the .-1tt,onu y I:eueral of the United State'. The snervy snd suc.:..s with'which the ldovernment edictal" are ruuninv down ('ub.n filibusters throws a very suMtantiml doubt upon the pertudicaliy reiterated rumor that the edminarattus us prepared to ree0g- u ze the Cabbies. In this world it is nearly always " tike master like man.- If the ad- mtaustraties did not mut tome filibusters headed toff or captured It would mot take the minor officials lag to Its attacked with film buster .bltndoesa. Tb.re are biota that as attempt is going to be male when ('engram meets L make parst.an political capital out of A'nencu eyutpatby for the Cuban revol- mtiumia te. The us.ompromus;ng 16 to 1 or aothitag silver mei, stook the: ,t would have been better for Kam*tor Vett, of Missouri, to have lett out . portion tel the statement be pub- lished over his oignaturs as • denial of the report that he had toliowod Senator Mille and changed rug "potion on the silver yue- tien, although 'he .:atemea was entirely consistent with the S.nstor. 1'nagreeeidoal re.ord. The port th.t was objectionable to the silver oma eta where he said if he eeuldu t get free coinage at 16 to 1 M would be willing to vote for •uy other ratio that eopld secure a major',y iu ('oagrees. How- ever. se Mr. Vent stated. he ha,l already- voted lreadyvoted in Congress for rani. ail the way frons 16 to 1 to 20 to 1. The movement to trader the U. S. Fish Commission, now ao independent bureau. to the Department of Agriculture has gretwo so rapidly that the prediction to mow made that it will go through Congress with a whirl. The Fish*Commtesio0 o.bout the lotto** of • half d -ren Independent bur- eaus uresus th.4 f or some y ears defied al I 1 'onrrertnon- •I attempts to attach them 1c some of the ex• scull's departments of the Government, through the shrewd manipulation of pores - ago sppresprtatton. by ..he mem who were at their heed' It isn't credible to ('oo(re.s- men, but it is none the lee true, that the appointment of eons or other relatives to built salaried erattiows secured the votes land influence of even those who had earned the title of "wets►iep of the treasury '. Tit y watched and did 8. growl at other.pprepri.tios that had weak .pets, bet when is route to an appropriation that was to he shared by their relative they kept gniet and voted for il. MANY DISAPPOIN rED. BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. HAscsh'r r.*R Orroosa.---A new name appear* answer the writers of short .tone in Harper • Megaton. in Mary Stewart ( tit hog, who is the author of "The r'oupoos of Fortune, • clever son humorous tale of New York fin.eti.l st>emslstion. The seemed paper by Richard Harding Darts. "Three liriegos in Central ♦utsriM wbwh is printed in the ()Kober number, describe • journey fres the interior of Headers. to the western .east, and the queer eapital T•guetvalpa. is whieh there is nothing watch was sot either mad* ea the spot or brought on horse or mule beck over the mnuto*0.. ♦ pathetic story of tramp life is given by Josiah Flynt, who malls his tale "Jamie the Kid.. This nter, describe. the downhill of • way ward boy, enited from his hem. by • tramp, sad apses 1. thoughtful parentis • WWI. field for p►IMathrnpic .sde.vor. t'eslteey Iigalow . history, •'Th. Oerssaa Strunk for Liberty. marshes in shot/anther asmbar the opined* of the Tyrolean patriot Asdrer Refer. The spirited illustration at R. Osseo Woodville add ts•teri•lly to the II•Mlw of the of soy. Tweets Pale t lal4torr M.KA to tee IM w.s- ■lartmer or a well•Ss.we Product. Toe, .s'r tspeciali Sept. 23 Many regrets were expressed by visitors to the Indu.tral Fur that the 1►odd's Medfeiee 1 omp•ny of this cite did ant hav• • display of their well kaolin Ikwld's Kldee% Ptlls,the remedy which hoe by thi(t(tin*e become m widely and favorably known for 1.b• •beolute mare of all complaints of the kida•ce, even in the meet smite Mage•, A rumor was current that • public exhibition of the manufeetmre of the remedy would bo given, hut the restricted qac" this year provost...I the prewi1lity of snob a scheme. Theme who west away dl. appointed .t not ,5Na4 the masnlantnre of the moody will have to wait till sett year. F.veter : doth Spackman took • large dose of palest -toad saltpeter in mistoke for Epsom sales, tie Saturday night. whieh nearly proved fatal, 11*. doeter had to ewe • etnwt•oh pump to relieve him. He wee able to attend to leis brelwoe no Hendee AC. though feeling • little the worse ler had mar - r