HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-9-19, Page 8THZ SIGNAL : GODIRICH, ONT., TZURSDAY, SEPT. 19 1UI. New School Books FOR` SCHOOL OPENINC 1 Owing to so wavy changer in School Hooke we aro compelled to Sell STRICTLY FOR CASH. New Public Sebool Arithmetic.* with Appeadix, 25e. Don't buy the *Id. •• •• •• Euclid and Algebra, 25c. Public ne►eol Physiology and Temperas, 14th Edition, 2Se. Other New Books will be skews you at the siert. Pehlke School 1Mswmg ('our.e, Sc. each. •• " Writesg " 7u. •, New High School (hawing Coarse, IOc. each. •• •• Platen*, farts 1 and 2, SOa. each. " Rota , Part 1, SOo. " „ Betaay, " 2, - 60e. „ The ix. Chemistry now .ills for o'k:. (New Daffodil and Marguerite Exercise Kooks, Lithographed in gold, the Prettiest and largest Exercise Reeks ever shown, new this term, It) paces larger than Wt year• Sc. Else cue I(.x.ks A are smaller 1w 3:. Porter's Scribblers! l oil will bey no other when you see them. It u the good paper and the axe that *ell. slaw. A `snap -la, 2.., and 3c. Scribbler. Rubber Tapped Lad Nos* IOo. per dozes. The be. Wail S lar be. We will sell yes EC. - Peaoi ., 3e. -WL-1-1-Bir-&Be. 4 Pen Points for 1c. t, Slate Pooch, for lo. The largest and Bent Sadie et Lk. 5. 10c. Bottle of Int for'to. 1)on't Cry if you come Too Lte. Sale Commences Satilulay, 111. 24111,! Fall Millinery Opening Muhl Emu, Sol, 25th, AND CONT h N Thursday, Friday and Saturday. This being our first Fall Millinery Announcement, we cannot show anything out of style, but, on the con- trary, will have what fashion demands. This department will again be ander the manage- ment of Miss Dane, whose ability as an artist in her line is now so well known in Goderich. SLATE. PEICLLS, RULERS, PEN POINTS sad RUYrTERS GIVEN AWAY WITH SCHOOL hiM)KS THE FIRST TWO DAYS OF SCHO(1L OPENING ONLY. PORTER'S COLONIAL BOOK STORE. eetteal Tobstillblete *camas. NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. From our owrnCorrespondenta. There 1. lar.r.aatl.. Mere That t aaaes be Iwood lay where Lbw -News er the e'.uty apeetelly Reported ger Tie tussal. Itev days. New threshing machines are cooties is regularly and old ones are being put to a state of repair. trope or no crops they are also*\ • on the road. N e are to have • new merchant in tin the person of Mr. Thompson, of t lrangevill.. He taker Mrs. Murray'a .tore, formerly oc- cupied les Wm. t onnell. N. S. Itowtnan, who has done • fine trade here •e a leather renovator, has mev.d hu whole business to Ktntail, whin we hope be will meat with the success he iso well de server. Some five or .ix new residences are m couree of construction in the vtllage of l.acknow this %ear. Amon, those putting them up are Adam Thompson, William Geddes and Alex. Cameron. John stern opens oat next week in one of the finest laid out and beet equipped drag stores in west Ontario. Altogether, Luok. new,witb three drugguts,three deettets cad . four doctors, should be well attended to p►yeicially. We need not mention that lacrosse one evert other game .4 manly .pert u dead in Lueknow. Some t snag ladies were out fes • drive on Monday night. Whether or not they wanted to shame the young men into taking them for • drive we do not loow. At all eventa they had •good time. A communication appeared in the Ste. nivel last that it • certain mao who was married did not ream his attention to a section young lade he might rewire a coat of tar and feathers. If we were • people of equal rights it might take erne barrels of tar and mangy feathers to do Justice to Lecln.w delt,iuents in this respect. Robert Paxton, of Ott.rvill., County of Oxford, is visitIIr a the village. Rouen rue. • prorate haat, the pest °thee and want other things down then, and has got- ten alone well in the world. Well doss your corre.po.de.t remember the Ent week e .pent in ',miaow, for then only • poor boy wee Bob, -Set be has deserved he .c• nee., A .amber of hymen are complaining (and not without reason) that parties going out berry picking hare no respect for Ilse crepe, but go through them, bolter *kilter, hock• tag rails off teams at random. The farmers have Rood remise to complain of .neh people, and *e have those who try to do what is about right when going through • Irma'. propert,• I1nh a (.nderiok,l.noknow is blamed with • oow bi law, and although l:oderieh u net ambitious to be a •'eow pasture. there are many in I.uclsow who would lest as sees w e the cow bylaw repealed. Thom are many other bo laws in Soros in the village of l.uoknow which Mr. Sbeebottem, the regu• laxly appointed coeeteble, neglects to see enforced. The cold watei cure was applied here os. Moedat eight. A man Bring MINS ISOM and • halt miles from Loek.ow ►„d bees is the habit of Ovine hie wife este of these MO - that is ordinary leerier mss' a threahinr Hie wife earn. to LashMw M de wa•hisg, scrabble, or *hater's, she meld got M do, and supported him while he leafed •round the earner .aloes. t h NOM day nwht the boys got their chasoe, affil plaeine him in • hotel w.terisk teosrb, pumped water as him until he desired it I ' topped. TM Lipase,' t'aledesian games this year promise te be smoothing bey end eves what they hay• lass ie year gone by. Every propar•gen is Mine mad*, the grows& are sew Sttd ■lp railway ..t. are nonpiota !'septa nemsag trews frees llederieh, Clow, a*•lsrtk Wer tows, man. M the •ryR*assate mads, r.anh hewn that night Tin bend w 4$ttk Highlendera, is fell Afgbl.sd ea.m• will be pr rent, and Het esti, plass LUCKNOW. JI•,.t„', sept. lt,. Mr. McKay te away on he holt- Hamilton St BAKERY EXCHANGED HANDS. DAVID STODDART, JR. wishes to announce that he has pnr- chased the Hamilton Street Bakery from John A Green, and intends car- rying on the Business in all its branches in such a manner as will give entire satisfaction to the people of t-:oderich. A Full Supply of Bread, Bans, Cakes, Confectionery, hc., will be kept constantly on lucid. C.R.SHANE& CO. MCLaeN's BLOCK. Yes, it is Dry Weather But it is going to RAIN! Have you A Waterproof and An Umbrella? If not, get one at the LF.LDINO Gents' Furnishing Store 0. IL SKAY11 is 00. answer' fir Nee reredos Sa.e_-r.. whore their eelebrstd drummer will appear will be at I..ekaow games. Altogether the day will be ere keg be be remembered. ASHFIELD• Tr MOAT, Sept. 17. The weather has bees mol for the last few days. The ooh and root crop have made neo sidersble progress sines the roma. The farmer* ars threurh sewing their fall wheat. There le not • large averse* sows. The yeusgeet child of W. Stoth.re. town- ship clerk. was hurled as Zion • few dare age. Zion church is undergoing considerable re - pain this .*aeon which were very aseb seeded. Then will he • Sabbath school eoe's.*Ms as the AshMld circuit ne the 77th hint, at Ha*kett s sisrob. AUCTION SALES - All parties setting their aide MMlle piloted et thy *filr* w111 bare s the notice isesrten Is tole SW ■o to the lime of soles. MONDAY, Sept. 23. On North part n lot ees, b, W.11 , Aeblsld, at 1 *'*leek, r..., Yen etossdisgly heave pea amp, sew growls/, aim • lame quanta of but -skies it)) be the tar. M. J. l tee, prop.: Jeba (Mae, as.teo.ser. SAyra.AY. Sept 211 At Aleberley-moo - aeld bewe.bfp at 4 : *leek r. w. the lb 129 'sees sf G bb, sea. 1E . )ow e% W . UMW. iL We will also have air a bition of our Fall Importations of Dress Goods, Fancy Silks, Jackets, Fur Capes, etc. A cordial invitation is extended to our many friends and patrons to come and see our brilliant display of AUTUMN STYLES. MANTLES Latest German Designs. We are offering for sale at VERY LOW PRICES 1 Choice Lot of Ladies' and Children's Jackets and Capes, JAS. ROBINSON GASH STORE, CORNER OT SQUARE AND WEST STREET. FEATHERBONE SKIRT BON For giving STYLE f1.1' SHAPE to LADIES' DRESSES A light. pliable, *tags* bone made trona quilts. 1t le eat and yielding. ooatormiart readil• to rode. yet givtaa proper.kape to !Wirt or Drew The wily Skirt Hose that may be wet without injury. Th. celebrated rEAT7tallaCL eilltbIIT$ are e.rMd with MIL au - serial. Por .ale by leading [try Goods Dealer• J.T. ACHESON. Sporting Goods 1 TIME WILL TELL And it does tell by the accuracy of our Dluber-Hare j5den Watches AND ALL OT8LR LIMB. Sterling Silver Waist Sets, at Very Low Price& See our Cute Little Gun -Metal Watches. The kind we sell are Re- liable ; the Price, 85. C. A. HUMBER & SON JEWELRY EMPORIUM. School Books and School Supplies I. I HAVE A FULI. LINE OF ABOVE ANI) PRICES ARE LOW. Our Scribblers and Practice Books are the Largest and Best made, and Cheapest. Conte and see how well wet can lit- you out for School. Special Value in Stationery and Blank Books, *. Window Shades. Stamping done to order. Large Variety of Pat- terns for sante. Near Corner of bleat Strout. =.i_ WE=R- TaaaoLu CEIENT or ¶ATEII LIE. ANI) $1 25 PER BBL. SCOTE FSE BHICK $4 PER 100. ' AT MENZI a\V.McKENZIE'S CHEAP HARDWARE STORE. SEE HIS NEW STOCK OF GUNS. 1f cot sold will be for rest. Jobs Kees.. mistimes. RArra.Ay. Sept. 281b --At Ma loughb betel, Deag ares, at 12 o'elosk noes, south half of lot 15, sea. 3, W.D. "Nawsooek, 100 sorsa Joseph blalloueb• mot. Mos A,, !lope. 3Oth At the (-emalerehll hotel, C'listen, at 3 e clock r.o., W 311, esa I3, Goderich towa.►ipr p a.a&. OWN Diak.ssce. aeotiosssr. (hates (1c. Thalasip het, while the wife of R. gager web in No yard pick in up a few stinks of kindlier, she .lipped, and pet bor bead tut to save bonen with the melt that it was broken at the wrist. Chalon 11 Moves, for seine tens the *lever editor of the Ousedime MaRasiso, Te rest*, has retired therefrom. The position S e. important, sad elle few ee meek &MI- lty tket the tied, paper hays bees wonder Mg who would 511 the yummy. The di - rooms of swarebas sdi- roomshe -, «d Jibs A. Omer es onoomer te Mr. M..st Mr. Cooper le the Meet men of W. Cooper, ef laws, cad bas tiled several jearealfefie positions already, sad it ie so small honer Indeed that 1e the bold of literary men be is the sae .hossit for eo re.pouaMe • post des. TORONTO WATERWORKS. As eS.IMesk et.lteesss Mrod sad Groot T.rento(pssW►tlept 16. -The sooidest witch named, oeeterred M the Toronto waturwerke.»daft hoe created agreat deal cif es.et.ssatios, sad an oat break of dis- ease in passible. nesters are pea.*rlbiag abs various prewutl.ss te be takes, sad amens theca it V weenie reo.e.mssd.d that tb' k ids*, s shwld be hope is s *bate of regelarity mesas of Doeldn Kid's,PPil remedy ..*.mense boa shows te be egetsIle *these.* he the latest as wall as fle the ~heel daises se hider/ trochlea h le also sewed by the phymlda= that this serasa r me la whktt tee kiigr are pe..Barly mowgtibls to charier. We are headquarters for these good& Having purchased in a very low market, we are enabled to supply you with POWDER, SHOT AND SHELL and all other Sportsmen`s Goods at Very Low Figures. A full line of General Hardware always on hand. We hold the fort for Good Goods at Reasonable Prices. DAVISON &CO. MOM REMOVAL SALE! On October 15th we purpose moving to the New Store next to Sturdy Bros.' Grocery, and as our Stock is very heavy now on account of the large shipments of Fall Goods just come to hand, we must reduce our Stock. The goods are new and well bought, having been bought before the great advance in leathers, and many lines are cut below what the hard cash will buy them for wholesale today. gels Mi&sea' Satin Calf Laced Boots, sizes 11 and 12 only...$1.25 $ 75 Missal' Heavy laced Boots, sizes 10, 12 and 1 75 64 Child's Heavy Laced Boots, rivetted, sizes 8 to 1065 47 Misses' Fine Calf Button Boots, sizes 11 to 2 1.25 1.10 Misses Fine Kid Buttoned, Toe Cap, sizes 11 to 2.. 1.35 1.15 Ladies' Cloth Slippers, siis 3 to 7 t 25 17 Ladies' Cloth Slippers, elastic fronts, sizes 3 to 7 A5 25 Ladies' Kid Slippers with Strap, 3 to 5 only 90 75 Ladies' Genuine Kid Buttoned (no Sheepskin), exten- sion sole and tip . 1.50 1.20 Ladies' Dongola Kid Buttoned, plain toe, turned sole.. 2.00 1,10 Ladies' Heavy Laced Boots, pegged 1.10 82 Boys' Solid Leather Laced Boots, double toe 1.10 87 Boys' Sewed Calf Boots, extension sole 1.60 1.Zb Boys' School Boots 1.25 1.00 Men's Genuine Kid Gaiters or Laced 1.60 1.25 Men's Genuine Cordovan, J. D. King 2.75 2.00 Big Range of Men'. Goods in Gaiters or Laced, worth $2.00, $125 and $2.50, going at $1.87. See them in our window. Dozens of other lines at equally Low Prices, and you'll like them better when you see them. The stock of these goods is limited and cannot be re- placed at these figures, and if you're needing you will do better to come early. SALK COMMENCES ' Friday, Sept. 20th, 1896. H. B. POLLOCK.