HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-9-19, Page 6r
Jew.. g. 144.11.4esa.
AI most
Passes Belief
Kr. Jas. E. Nicholson, Plorencevtlle,
N. D , Struggles for Seven Long
Tans with
pa ri l la
lllr. Nlet olsoo says: " 1 ron.t;ited dee:
tors who presrr bed for it.. btR M
Do purpose; the cancer Iwgau to
Eat into the Flesh,
spread to my chin, and I suffered is
agony for stereo Ica.{( )pant,. Finally, 1
i began taking Ayer's' estseparilla. in
a week or tau I noticed a
Decided Improvement.
E ncouraged by this mull. 1 per .'-
irerd. until to a month so stn, the sore
u nder my chit began to 1me.l lit thr-e
months my lip began to heal. and. after
u sing the )(sial paddle for sit mouths,
tbu last trace of the cancer di,appe:ued. '
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Admitted at the World'• Pair.
ATFR'S !'ILLS Regulate the I °wail.
Ooe .1.v, in hockl.tierr) time. when little
.lohouy Flails
And h+', f . all u arc h -r bet • were Martine
w it their palls
To gather Mmes, Johiry s pa, in %1AIDg
with him. said
That lie tseil.1 teal ta.u, bow to pick, w he'd
some out ahead.
"First tied sour bush, said Johan, a p•,
"•nal :h^n e• I. to it till
Yon ale pu-k••d .t glean. Let those vo clue
tug all shout who will
le search of other hombre: but It picking
trlb, my eon -
To look a: bfty h,ivhes doees't
picking one
And 'Anne 4. t a. he was td4
enotgh, ho found,
By stickier to hie hush while .Il t1ie others
cheeped around
In ..arch of never picking, 'teen as hie
father maid :
For, while all the other' lenked,he worked,
and iso carne nut .h...,.
And Joiner res.1lected 118ts when he became
a man :
*04 tint of all Le laid bin out • well do
termised plan.
So..b.le the brilliant triflers failed with all
their brains and push,
N Ilse, wady •golttg Johnny woo by ''stick.
mi.. to hie bu.h.
Noma t.a Waterman, in St. Nicholas,
count like
and, sure
Reed Whereas the Hleabela►, having Sir 1 gems off enaarleas. Rant Gamily easeseded
orders to mime N.hf.a et •.,neer• time,
, l.wed up for the mei four dere o1 the vary
.m0, and .•u th. last eight lay u) altogether.
Tbedrtance, however, between $out8omp
tea sad New lurk is greater floe that be
tomes Portemoutb gad Holder by seas
three k..dred miles. The Kleabeia sreused
u acts days, three hours and feurlea mss
u tes. She Iry I'oriawutb m 9 A.M. 00
. uud*y, Dec. 23, being ordered is rash
Hollins st noon o.. Jae. 1, 1896. Very rows
weather was ea pet issued ea Des. 24 sad 25.
()a Dee. 28, speed weereduosd, or she would
hove reached Hadfio much too wen.
thick 1o9 delayed thea the whole of Dec 2v.
The vessel lay to all alight iso Deo. 31, Just
outside el Hobbit bailer. She eat sachet
at 11:14 r. r. on Jan. 1. Capt. Poe, of the
itlesb im, *tames that the vowel mould have
male the trip a Is than ave days. She
e•a steam tweets four u.ilet se hour. The
hitch•et speed developed h) the Columbia
was 12.8 miles per hour; the trip beteg made
to ma days, twenty three hours Lad forts
eine mums. A writer as Harper's Beek
ty remarks that " No Poe ever heard of •
.sr*hip developin trial speed a mooed
Loma The ulum u u wandered • failure
sea commerse destroyer, as she You'd Dole
catch tramp steamers, aid others of inferior
. peed, nod net the 00.00 greyhounds, whims
she and the Minneapolis were Intended for.
'rho same writer soya . " The Columbia man
not match • fast liner. She cannot fight any
warship of her own ere. Alen, 11 is meted
that Nast Columbia cannel carry .uflimoat
tool itt/atniatn the rate of *peed which she
Moa Willa -.
-'Mo taut.
Jelin Tbompeoo • b047 ee Mud, and was: 10 giving the es$b • ewers blow a the
w nag, whoa,► °rippled hose, end with swims
more t, owe of the beard the eegle was sine
sed Haut was ooa•a.lersbly f.{sgved by
the straggle, aid .fret resting a few tate
nue earned the eagle hums mid put It u a
dry goods boa. It was not dead, but dim
ab1.d, and he toed good °are of it and tried
very bud to keep it alive, but it was toe
badly injured, tad died after • few days.
The mete measured from up so top seven
feet, and tie %lues were fully two &aches
Iuog, and .burp me needles.
Rau: ears it hes been his eaper►eooe to be
attacked br • wad bull, but of the two he
would rather defend honed( from, the horn
ed but time the ugly e.ele.
The NeeCeabl spats ter !gyp traffic
last week. The (showing AMMO Five an
idea of ('aped• • great work
The eontrwts fur the canal and life locks
were let in November, 188'9. Water w..
first admitted to the lock o0 -sep%mbar �.�.
18'+1. The total length of Use canal across
Si Mu.'. Mand is 4,000 feet, or from the
ensure to the western extremities of the
ptere,.bout 6,000 test. With the approaches
rhe total distance is .Lout tine and a bell
.miles. The lock chamber is 98:4 test long,
60 feet wide, with . depth of water guflicr
oat to peas yew's of 20 foot draught at the
lowest reworded stage of water below the
lock. The lock tills in nine minutes, and
can be be emptied in woven and • half min
uses. The canal proper has a surface width
at low water level of 125 feet and a bottom
width of 145 feet. At • pots[ %beat 1,500
feet above the lock it ie crooned by 0 swing
bridge, over which the railway systems ot
('aned& and the Ceded S••tee find •ccom
modauon. 1M )d or ksaiMgetber,cust about
%pow 11•1141S.
It is that .1apan has placed the con
!re...A for See war twine's to be built on the
The torpedo boat destroyer Sokol WaA
recently launched in Englend, where ribs
vela Holt for the Russian Government. She
is 190 feet long, 18'. tem beam, wed has •
disi.lacoment of 240 tone. and is the first de
er in which iiitkel steel is used. Her
011(1000, which are compound and of 4,000
I.H. r. expected to drive here at the rate
of 29 knot*.
The /teenier Jack, which sank the str.
Normals on ligt• Homo Ode :summer and
was mired for the same by the owaers of
the Norman, was repaired at Kingston, and
launched laat week.
Tae 4 release. retret
rissduiLv Transfer P.rb.ps there is no
vessel on the lakes ie.. well known to the
peep's" ot tae States touebang the lakes by
nese and es little my sagut •y the Can.dias
armee.- Petrel. Amends. fishermen, while
greatly interested in her, have no dean to
personalis inspect her appearance.
The Petrel ie s .te00uti craft and well fit-
ted for tliy work to whion she is designed.
She wail built on the l'1.1e sad nut together
In the 'ord. of I'ot0..0 Bros , of Owen
Sound, Out., In the FsIt of 1893. Her di
mewlua.re 125 feet over 011, 24 feet beam
and drew. but di feet She is built of steel
her plates being i of en inch thick, ea..pt
those forward, which ars much heavier.
Her upper deck is almost clear, only the pi
Lit honer, chert room and galley 'Moines.
Forward of tie p1 .t house to a turtle hack
deck. on which stands • steam capsun.
There are two wooden meets with rigging
for • set of leg o mutton ails. The mast
sad smoke stack Wove 'mouth rel• to give
the vase" • neat appearance.
Below there .re tour watertight comport
manta. In the first are placed the •gamene
ausrt•re and supporta for the nm with
which the vowel is equipped. The ram
would enable her to nm through almost any
vessel on the lakes. The engmo. are of the
fon and aft compound style, imp•ble of de
"eloping a .peed of ever twelve kwts per
Her armament consists of • small two
pounder aft, sed • Hordenfe1dt gun is to be
placed on the turtle forward. She'Parries
• full equipment of small orae, the repent
mg rifles are of the latest pattern. The re
vola ere .re of the motel large .fibre teed
is the English nays. She flies,in addition
to the British Dag. the blue ensign of the
British sdsirslty, acid the blue posses' of
the British navy The prow is pile de
'crated in rel and geld. with the Canada's
amt of arms and • f•aey serol) is witch a
petrel carrying a fish in tie beak figures.
/'apt. 'Ernest I)u.n 00ssm11t61 this
cruiser, and is well ksown a the hike,
having sailed them for the lest thirty years
H• hes the repaints.. of being a .areal
mem is ay hs wo. k. The crew enemata of
spa ofce&.sd *le... mom. The some dim
mpltae a wefts* aboard larger vessels of the
Belden aims as observed.
Wheal the Petrel 6r.t stats nut she wa
a'st(0ed to duty i■ the Georgian bay, mad
then to lake Frio, where it wad Geed that
the !tole181. was not able to ..feres tie
laws. She hes made maey esizeres, sad is
"reads feared by nor Ameriowa seb.rnagn,
who her*disposition to violate the fishing
taw. I'orrenpomdesns is kept up by the
Petrel with the t Ibis bah anti geese wardens,
M help then se enforce the Ohio law a
their ads el the lie.
/:seting Eves.
"Von known,' said Lien, that Mendels
shoo, who wa the meet ',Nihau,' musician
that ever treed, always had a dislike for me
and on one 00001150. at • soiree at 1)r. K...
he drew • picture • devil on the blackboard
play 10g bit I: minor concerto with five ham
mars, to lies of lingers, in each hand. The
truth of the matter is that I once played
his owoerto to t: minor from the menu
script. a0d as I found several of the peas
sees rather simple .fid not broad enough,
if I may use toe term, 1 changed thea to
suit my own *deet. This of course snnyed
Meodelesehn, who, unlike Schuman er
Chopin, a ould never take • knot or advice
from saws. Moreover, Mendelwohs,who
altho.gb relined pi•nut,wa sot • virtuoso,
never could phis my oompositioes with any
kind of effect, bre techioal .kill being toade
situate to the execration of intricate passages
?Io the only ooune open to him, he thought.
wee to vilify me as • musician. And of
course whatever Mendeleshon did iwip.ic
did aloe.
Need w manatee.
Thefollowing 1. ae sower to • ge.etios,
" Whisk Riads the fester trip aeries the
ems -the Cal.m►h er the Shaalmla T'
wade the weer trip Is
Why •dvlre t. efenaivr.
Advies, as it always Riven • temporary
appearance of superiority, can Dever be very
✓ r0t.101, 11.00 when it is moot oeeeuary or
most 'udicions.
Advice is .tlenatee, not because it lays ue
epee to unexpected regret, or one•iou us of
any fault which has ewaped our Detice, but
bemuse it shows us that we are known to
others u well as to oar$elvel: and the otti
mous monitor is persecuted with batrel,0ot
because his moculations is false, but because
he assumes that superiority which we ere
not willing to grant him. and has dared to
detect what we desire to conceal.
The desire of advising has a very exten-
sive prevalence: and eines advice menet be
given to those that will bear it. • patient
bemuse is toonse•ry to the accomedsuoe of
•11 those who desire to engage i0 the odious
habit. A patient listener, however. is not
always to be bad: end good Sound 1 ie
thrown away upon those who are absorbed
in their owe mikados*.
• Nteat 1rlracN Wavier.
For while you may be thinking of •
plasaat beverage merely, which tt w
doubtedly is, Wiles a l.vslid'e Port Wine
u making its admit way through your
system, and gee &R you [sew blood. A11 may
drink it with enjoyment for it N • dee
rieh wipe, but it is especially intended fur
iD•.tids, fur it is to them an invaluable
help in restoring lost nreugt1, .umiu.uag
flagging energies, end making them
feel strong and young and hopeful. Tice
makes It unique. A rare old wine and as
iosomparmhle tonic, and not • drop of
medicine te it. :old by all dealers
at 47 50 par rase of 12 quart bottles, 18.11
oasis A4.00 or 75 cis. per bottle. Address --
Bordeaux (karst Co., 30 Hospital Street,
lid oo areal.
• Soldier'. Answer.
Fsperor Natsoleua, after one e1 but Ivrea'
battles, gathered the remnant of his forces
d him, mod proceeded te complement
them is his charset.rmtle m.no.r,so endear
lag to the h.sru of his soldiers. Finally
wmpam, 1), of the t;aardi, who had been
in the thiek of the geld, were ordered to
present th.nsolyee, and to the metabhm'mt
of the Emperor • angle soldier appeared.
He was bound up le handmiee and could
e 11sreely walk
" Whore is the rest of year cempasy •..
asked the Emperor.
A tear welled in the old sollit.r s et e as he
answered. " Teed Malssty. they Is a the
field dead. and thee we•tolly.ddd,"They
Leight better than 1."
■r. sant s stabs sub en Vegfe.
!honer the enemy there hem, bee. sees
by the ieh•h,tseu Itvng near Sylvan
Roach twerers larpb•Ides(lea Oeeda,lat
week as Sherman Rant wag ore.wne • field
sear the creek 180 euddeels mate epos the
pair of eagles not more tb.s 120 fest away.
He w e.rr,t.g in hie head • .msII peek
•e..e4 raised it, espeseing to w them B,
.w. bet whet s surprise whoa sem
of t� w himem Mw.rd. him. Nee heels,
stay with hie, Rest ram ler Ilse
warms bow sled use Me is sees is Ir
mama* a bud with Thigh 4. aidavii
Sash ■p 1. sat•.
A well•le du gentleman of middle age
maid to w..versl doge ago : "Du you know
chat 1 had rather shell green peas then de
aln,wt anything else! My wife aye that it
demeralves theeervwte to hove me do it,
but I m not ltvis• tor the ssrvs.u.
"Tee other dos 1 sot down on our bask
porch with • pito of my favorite vegetables
in my la ,sod was enjoying my ..It in great
shape, far from the insldiog crowd, for
my wife had ..me swell callers.
"All of s sudden 1 heard a woman * voice
ay :
i No, 1 must see }our cute back yard :
1 vis heard so much about it.'
"Then the window Hew opus sad oat
popped two pretty b000ettrd beads.
j turned mine away, and my wile was
equal to the oce.aos,
'Patrick' she said, 'you
ber to mow that gree before Yr. -
coumes home.
"'Vte,ma'sm,'I replied is my beet brogue
and all vim .1544"
must relm.m
Bator. going on • sea -voyage or into the
country, be sure to nut • box of Ayer's
Pills in your valise. You may have mam-
mon to &beak um for the hist. To reletve
000Mip•tu.n, billoun...e and 'must., Ayer a
Pills are the beat in the world. They .re
oleo soy to take.
Mother --Why did ye strike my burn for
Teacher -I struck him because he would
not tell net when the river Tay w.. He
oils stood and looked at use.
Mother -He wad be duat.ondered. at
yet ignoresu* likely.
Bllcftaiiails & Rhyflas
r e0 U r.CT (' RANA
Dealers is ail etude of
And builder's material of every description
Scheel Furniture a Specialty.
' Doctor What Isjoad
for cleansing the Scalp and
Hair. Iseem to have toed
Bverythij' and ata to despa•r
Why Mrs R the very
bestis Ftiu,o TAR So&
itis splendid for Washing
Elle head afferent driney5
bud puts an end to Dandruff
sad Freshens the 4K aster(.
23' loft t LARD[ TABLET
West street BAKER,
His bread is made from pure
Manitoba Hour -made from the
cream of the Manitoba wheat -and
therefore is the best in the world.
This is a big thing to nay but it is
a fact and you have the privilege
of buying this bread at the same
as made from inferior Hour at the
price of 5 cents per loaf. delivered
to any part of the town.
Orders for cakes promptly at-
tended to.
Ei'Wedding cakes and almond -
icing a speciality.
London, Sept. 12 to 21, 1895.
aa•ac1*L *XCQM10a KATES 01% •tat.
Seventies= tsar.
t'' aer0OT RR ill' RY•MRi..
Ewer Fes neer
I.nr siege, Sep. emher L'th
All Ober Ilepsnmente. seeteiebersth.
rim.1 Payment Is makes, Augsm lima.
•esus. wale .1 $.oils. and rvtvllese. en
`mead.. ersa. tali.
Nrr. i a1, ATTasi-rioan-WIN Baa Shew, es
t1et he 1 v*1M Pala'ae. st• ew Iib ladies Horses.
c mrb east Ileekryu. and • heat
of other.
Tris Lists. Programmes and t'ondltloas
Mal* for Booth. free. Apply to
fal.T.•.w.POO TV. TTM. •.naw%R
iheadest. ttesfutm.7.
will be el sassitta ertaWlsa ttlati�
�• of First-class Make,
Good Material and
Latest Style,
-('ALL (PON -
The we.t-l►1 l
Neat Lw s.ak .f lle.tre.s.
We guarantee nodd's Kidney Fleshy cure any
case of Bright's Disease Diabetes. Lumbago,
Dropsy, Rhe0ma:ism. }Heart Disease. Female
Troubles. Impure Bind or mosey refunded.
Sold by all dealers in medicine ow by mall on
receipt d ofce. c. per bc.a. or Ste bone. es.,•
DP L. A. SMITH & CO.. Toronto.
EC U L1ITh THE Ltv'F.a.
•JNC :':_L Norm,:
t? 5
CU.-PEW*:a cn
Patron ise
Tot MN=r"'b w i. gI.s s
pera Iss.
mu�ksYssst• waft whit ear sad std p
1l k aasmeel ba/aees primate's end bl
tb beho st d W paNsss.
rt dilSerea the riff d• keesCIN eet .r .van passe ver
�. mBKy end hrbBss
IMO this
Oldest vlttsp M iia
. IN. .0 -..iiMa
New Fall Goods
A Complete Assortment of Ladies' Under -Vests for 15
cents, long sleeves. Our All Wool Vests at 50 cents
are Special Value.
We have the best All Wool Men's Shirt and Drawers in
the market.
Just received a lot of Bleached and Unbleached Table
Linens, Table Napkins, Towels and Towelings direc
from Belfast, which are great value.
54 mob All Fla/ Table Linen, 25, UoM.sehed.
54 " " " " 48, Bleached.
64 .. " " " 69, Bleached
We have still a small lot of Dress Goods that we are
lling at about Half Price.
A lot of Ladies' Colored Capes about Half Price.
The Great Carpet and Lace Curtain Warehouse of the County.
?=o Yol..Tani t
can supply you with a good article at a low price.
Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Shelf Goods, Garden an
Farming Tools, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. Also
Steam Fittings, Belting, &c.
Don't fail to give me a call.
The Crabb Block, Goderich.
Several Lines of Goods to hand for Spring and Summer Wear, to which
addition. will be made as the Season advances.
Goods are all marked at the Lowest Living Profit and selected with
more than usual care.
Customers may rest erasure(' that everything will be up-to-date, and all
Departments well assorted, therefore no need of particularizing particular.
Special attention given to small warty.
inspection kindly solicited Prompt delivery of purchases to any pari
of the town
Draper and Haberdasher.
We ase that the °umtomer knowing that • fair prios paid for • flood Pair of Boo
or Shoes M • better uveetseeot than • eery low prion paid for a poor pair, is the
Customer who eaves mosey. -
Remember, we will sot sell you • sheepskin or shoddy Shoe without WW1
you know it.
We aim to sell only First -('Ina Stook. We bey it right .nd will .ell it nett
01611 aid egsnia. our Goode and Prime and we are sere that we flan suit ya
i• Style and Quality.
Genu, sup is .04 have • look at oar MIX) BLL?>iS a$O$, Ups beet Shoe
is the market today fee the mosey.
WM. SH.&*M*N, Jr.
newer Sad ID. and meas
Coal. Coal.
The undersigned begs to in-
form the Public that he has gone
into the business of supplying
Coal, and has opened out in
where he will keep on hand the
Best Qualities of
La1iih VailaY Cod !
which will be
delivered promptly,
fAt Loweat Market Priem.
r # QTDA^uA V .
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