HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-9-19, Page 5i4 fbitzt IIblow N11. N raelth gee fry a►th the Id .lady .d1Y. W J ►w rhopti magi Beek. a ..a H Dolt enbw • toot eotbty or um ▪ A. Il etpos. if e.o,t Iy Mug leers ea Kirby. H.r1m t felt 'atle I,r neweK i. kar- t attliag, sway W of the stogie awe with a Ed wig ere ul life to rule, 1,follew- i-1'aa Seaton Harpers pretest sod re awn - al peas IUes we. Am .e- rect. b) mammal rhes will 1n which wi.1 he 4. • Mss v d ew w as Med wt!. decided Icer, Mr. aprt en MN. ! I )lesale clever atiOf� Gode- fateh(d cupy- A my leffide THE SIGNAL : GODERIOW. ONT.. THURSDAY. SEPT. 19, 1895. 5 FA of W. ACHESON & SON. LL ANNOUNCEMENT We open This Week the balance of our purchases Goods for Fall and Winter. We show the largest stock of Handsome Novelties in Dress Goods of every description ever brought into goderich dir WIN Ladies' and Children's Mantles and Capes, our own t importations, 50 styles in New Garments. First season in Fur Capes and Coats. Everything Inspection Invited. W. ACHESON & SON. WILMER SMITH, UNDERTAKER,t}ODRRIC , ONT_ l's .rtakiem Demertmest L casae of oar Mr J. E. Seelgrove. 'cacti ssDi. cal If unseal rector and Embalm er. !'nils pmantlY nueed.d tw audit or ds7. DIED. ItOOIE i. ebo eppardtos. a Imlay. HMS. Ittb. LIN. Mary Rosie e infest daughter of mai. O Regio. aged 1 year. 4 months nod le dnye- -HKP1'•RD-1n Oederish, on the ill h of Rep Sieber. 1I. Bllaabeth Jamieson. relict of toe t$1• R..17 Stoppard. tired WI yew* read 4 =oaths. • native of Hsafbehir.. Scot TH Bsdeaver meeting of Knox ekireb, the sub- ject, "How we may help the Sudety e.bool, .sol get help from it," was load by 1. Look - hart u a very aide mtanw. Nut Tuesday strewn the saltiest, "Oar Christie. Ka- leayor pledge -its joys, its regairemest, will he lead by Mies Maggie Mcelu.key. •II aro welcome. Benet .f Refuge cotes. 4;rill program has been male toward the completion of the House of Refuge, co the interior The pl•ateriag is nearly finished, Gad las rooms are trimmed with baas, skirt- ing architraves of .olid and plain *hareeter, sad well petaled. The plumbing fixtures are ..w beteg plaited in panties, sad a .l..a, well laid•ent job hes been made. All the pipes. sonnacti..., traps, etc., aro ex posed • open to view ea •11 aides, 00 that t' re is no opp.-`unity of dirt ao- sumik any leak or break so- snrr wit -,tat :t once auueanoing itself. In ETALK OF THE TOWN. plumbtnr matters the mamma of the From the Reporter's Notebook U Ilee've a Mete Is • Ter realm. 1 roes Te lent la t a (11e1's Amass Te Takla' Aimee. as' Alla Nell .reel It.- -Bursa. PINS T•ILORINii- At clow Desk prtose swats edbfMatte• amnred. Jest arrived. . pedal It. Is spring Summer B. A Tbe Fell skews.<ill eoatient. and not the Nest of thea is the exhibition of Pali and Winter suiting, at F. J Pridha= s, the pro pie, clothier. on the Square. DEYE BIGHT is. priceless treasure. Yea who have got It .t.ould take can of it Toa wbo hove set got it should have your eyes &needed to at once. V.'e mace the pre servation of sight • specialty. and can test our eyes accurately and sciestiao.11i. W. T. WELSH. uptick's and jeweller leapreved Is Wealth. •v. Dr. lire and Mrs. Um returned last K weak from lhn.ville, N.l. Their twiny frtende are glad to koow that their health has bees benefitted by their sojourn Owned, and hops that the improvement will prove permanent. The Lao Game of the Matsu. vers of baseball will be Fires an epper ty to see n good game on Friday after- n oon next. The Harriston Rnwrt -otos of the hest teams in this part of 4)starlo---are to mset the Gederieh players as the Agri ultanl Greuods. This is announced as the last game of the nano, and $ big crowd will likely be in atmadanoe. Will Take • Peet %rodent* r'M• -as. R. E. Hooper, B.A. , late science master .t the C•11Miate Ih.titnte, left last week. We understand it is his tateetion te take • past -graduate nurse at Johns Hopk'n. yersity, Baltimore. Daring hie twb dears residonee here ler. Hooper has made numer- ous friends, who bops to welooess hies book lifter • successful wares at Baltimore. The dew Wolk. he eeatraet re are pushing the work es the buildirg tad at present it looks as if the strutters will be completed by tbe spew lhed time. Three-quarters of the floor has bees laid os the feadatioa of opal cindery. Along the North side is m narrow platform. which is nearly finished. At the Kart sod overall •partmmu •:lead across -the bedd ing, and • baloney for overlookiag the los r ee top. •amber inederleb Rey loomed Trews The follewiag. from fess Asbury ?ark (N. 1 I laity Spray, raters te •'forts dr:NAL. who is making • same for himself terms the border "Charles Heels, • Rrooklys moiety loader and as Actor of sone seta in amateur 'roles, is speeding • few days is the perk. Mr. Heal*, wbo was primmest with the Sb.pbarl Itesesoraoy I. f.Il's oampairm, ls slated for an alder-. hap :his fall." • P4rsesal Sathertag. Wednesday 'veinier of last woo& the Fp worth League of Victoria -et chord held an t Rom., sad tested their friesda to • 'wry Osamu% Sammi .veal,. it was lame- r attended by both young and old. Re - mishmash' were served, attar w&Mb • pr* Gam wee presented, *eluding anthems by Me their, a demi by Mimosa (Crabb and hrkana, • epees& from Ray. Joseph lid(.. and a sole by Miss Crib►. Tse T*.es !,opts'. W*atle . Irl Friday edpdsg .t North .• abort* L d C.L. Sk. eseethl y badness sad alainsisaks o7•d•f. The s.ryMe was ked by tha president. Mia. WM* Rabestsm There wee tale e1 seems erg Mw Oaldwall *she ea Set ,---em6Bl ce Ihasheittleg to efit rep , T1eebe wmitft OrMYs tuna A house will be mash tetter *1 than the majority of the townspeople. The steam. fitters .re daily 'append, be get in the radiators and .essectbns. Drains sad levelling will W 6nsbsd, to get the beadier into shape by the appointed time. Thesis owe -shepherd. One of the patty weddings of the Naito* took places at St. G...'.e'a chnnb en Wed- amiday morning. the bridegroom being W. W. Tbempeon, of Se•forth, and the bride Miss Emily Mead, only deurbter of James Shepherd, of South -wt. The bride looked lovely is • tows of white satin. with Utile veil, and wtrrymg orynm roses. Th. bridge - maids ware Miss Marion' Shepbord,00usin of the bride, r -a1 Mon 4 ; race Cameros, the former wearing 'mak, the latter white Jap- anese alk ; both won white pietare hate and serried roses. Master Harold Shepherd, the little brother of the bride,•nd Helen 'bepherd,carrymg baskets of Sewers, acted as page and maid of honor and looked very charming. The ushers were Owls* M. Sbepheri, brother of the bride, and H. Thomson, •f Mitchell. The church was beautifully decorated with flowers. The on oniony was performed by Rev. M. Tui .ball, roster of St. George's. The hest wishes et nor many friends follow Mrs. Thompson to her stew home. 1 stable m ocean their r !releasers. The following felon the New 1-erk Sun re- fers to Robt. Chilton, sen of our local cea• sul, whir was recently appointed to the con- sulate of Erreroam The failure of Meters, Robert ('Mitts and William De- lany Heater, of the Stets Dep•rtmeet, ts se- cure sxequ.tnrs from the Porte, to enable them to establish the United States 000sul ✓ tes at Erzer•am and Harlan. authorized M the last ('oagroe ea •soont of the at tacks en Christians is Armenia, is swain some surprise in ofdlal eines. They ar- rived in C.setantasople in July, and expect • e1 to receive their evaluators in • fortnight. • resent dispatch said that they were still waiting. and se they are expected te eable whirs their objest is a000mplished, it is pre- sumed that the Porte has net ,ranted the desired authority. The ream for this pro . re.tis.tioa is not clear, het it is probably due to the.nspisien with which the Turkish (l.vernmeat views anything like an attempt b «sours infor.natiea about the •rmeaiaa matures. C C. 1. Qamul. A ineetiag of those ',tweeted is the as - gaol collegiate Manta* games was held is the wheel Oa Friday aftorsoes. It was de decided to held thin now annual event ea S.tnday. Sept. 28. 0. the Agricultural Park. Th• reason for holding the sweat ee Saturday is that so much Nihon time has hoes broken late se far this month that is was theorist unwise bask the board for rho accustomed half holiday. Although work Mg under several disadvantages, the Dom 'Mites will mdsaysr to Myo the (imam of '95 Ink in no .measure the istorent of former Years. All that is wasted is • fire day, and if the weather sleek will been hie good be. Meier for ones too (:rimes floe, the wnheal will he forever in his debt. TON G. rr W. eha4Mtlea. The Great North Western Fair to be held M Cad mick ee Got. let, Sad had 3,11, give. promise of Wag • ..senesf.l &Nair Skis year, and will h all probability brig te est tows • hype member of peep* from rho esrroe.dyg ewestry. ea there w ee I r ober w days .more before the sr►iy rya epees our sarcasm* sod others wbe should make ago .f lee eppertsnity tees .f . hired be fivertbw *We hmehrets, will da well hs Sall N Tse Snips as early es poo. sib*. and sem Moe we have le the .dew,tl.- rig lbw We have plead la else! . der theeseise .irees..d..rtl.i.g mark, .►1 ROS+ Ll___, whiob we are prepared to supply as sheerly as ordinary earl. V woes. mess. Our regular stook of wares, amebas/4s pints Gad faa.y paper., whits arid o.Mred pester Gad Endre papers, me., is fairy well asserted. Our prase will be toad Tory mat Bribe. Se sure tis tall early sad *as •veld a reek et work as the dates of fair draw soarer. IN.utaa cure • Gleed R.p.iMtea. The Reetiemsaly qualities of tale keaeball team wham shining halos landed the people of Goderiok on the Binh of July loot b.,s resolved due reeagaiMss ever at Palmer .tea Tb. Abscesses. e1 that Iowa. played a match wit► • strutted team sot long .go. e arl the buys teem the Cheek City, who were defeated, goat beam and told the folks that the Absrd.ess bad • ■emMr of Gerrie and W roxpes nine as their tests. The Stratford Herold made a obarse to tads effect, ani that the Paiaesmtea mea teak the amo..atien very much to heart the hol- lowing frees The Palmerston Reporter will slew : "The masagemest of the Aberdeen's regsest The Reporter to state that they take no Misses at the remarks of the Strut. cod Herald, with the exception of that part which associates their team with that of Wrezeter and Gerrie Coles. Right here they with to say that they draw the lino, having so desire or intestate of beoenitog allied with say dub se void of every -day honor and deeseev. They uferm .. that the l; aloes, atter beisg paid • good .Deed gum for their asrvi o. hem os August let, were low 11ve1 Gad tsnerable ensure to leave a hoard and whiskey bill ler the sees- mitme te mettle. They have bees repeated- ly written 1 for an adjustment of this mat- ter, but apparently do set soeridor the •g g regats boner of their team and massage - meat worth the aes•ant involved, eaves dollars and fifty .suis." NEWS OF THE WEEK 1N BRIEF. Guelph F.I.strM Railway has bees sassed ('.diff pr.pse@ t• weenese Lord D.n• ✓ aves ea his return from America. Sims Reeves, the English Amer. is report- ed to have married again at the age of 73. Th. provincial .y.od passed • resolution in favor of restoring deaominstiooal whook& Mayes 51w•rt, of Hamilton, is ex home from Fiore oe •t the sod or ext me.tk. Fifty houses and the Dominican Moses- toryatFriewh, Carinthia, Austria, were The British Association for the advance mast of Science hes decoded to most ne To- mato is 1897. Sir John and lady Schultz will hold their farewell reception at Goverment Hew, wissipeg, ea Thursday. The total .magpie of the In4u.trial Ix- hibities leave bees an.oasoed as 468.075,55 against 165,990.75 Inst year. The United States gold reserve is new dews to about $.96,000,000, and • new $50, 000.000 hood lasso in talked nf. At St Thermo, Quebec. • young woman was shot dead by Joseph Laroche, who picked op aid pointed • run in fon. Th. Chinese are reported to regard the inquiry into the Kuchesg wa5escres as • mockery and to be releasing the proposers. A sharper who gave his same as Fred. Wtboe et Montreal was arrested at Iwndon after he had bummed James fl.kie tint of S50 Alex. MeEeidebren, hook keeper .t the Hell Organ Company's offing is London, it under s -rest on • .barge of robbing the company. The (:os•dian latter -carriers' meeting at London concluded with the election of ofli- cere. Mr. W. F. Mitchell, of Montreal, is president. ft. M. Y. Magici.eae, which left Mon treat for Quebec yesterday morning is re ported aground in tin St. Lawrence blow V ercheree. Robert Coombs', aged thirteen years, has bees found guilty of the murder of his mother is i.ondos, sae amt to an insane asylum. Six women and one child were burned to death os the l.endon • Eliobargh Com paoy's steamer Iona on her trip from Leith to Lesdoo. Mr. Fournier was presented with the brows nodal .t the Royal Hep.. Society at Tilsonbarg for etyma • child from drowning. The Queen's Hotel property at Nostrils! was sold by the Sheriff to Mr William Han sea, actin, on behalf .f some of the eredi. tore, for 821,000. F.)rty four entre • bushel is the pries hovers hays Axed for Manitoba wheat at potato where the eighteen cast rata to Fort William afloat exists. At simeoe burglars Woke into Mrs. Harris hems, and while ego of the men hold the lady the other reneseked the plan. They also visited Garland's Hotel. Daring • review of the Sultan's troops at For the 5ddiere .made an attack upon the tribesmen who uteri, among the spectators, killing nine and makins prisoners of seventy. Milton Waters, aged 18, who was killed at Niagara Valle on Friday eight is trying to jump en an M C. R. train while creasing the cantilever brides, bol*.ged to London. The C. P, R. is opening new @tonnes, putting en sight operators and employing additional train crews to beadle the hi, wheat crop in Manitoba .rel the North- west A Paris investor named Turpin el.ine to have authority from the Porte te fortify the Dardanelles, and to be able to make the ' trete impessi►I« to the united fleets of the world. Tic protest of Fergus ag•fat ie•fortb for •!'dgd prefeeni.salim in the Canadian le - creme eesool•Nen was left aedeoided r at the mamba, of the Judie*ry Committee of that body is Rranptoe. The trial of the petition moraine the return of Hee. Wm. Hart) for Kinptea begat' be fore H.a. Jordan, Odes and M.elollan At Mr. Blak.'s request, the seat was vacated. and the pommel reargue against respondent were withdraws. The rpruisg anion the Menem waives Is spreading lied assuming • mach rears ...ions aspect. Three great tribes have mad. it etmbsod stank open 41. *teosg- bald of . chief whe is rine of the prindpal adheresta e! the Rattan, and routed Ins forma • law pared by the lost legislature of illiseis, previdiag that the Almeria.. Sag Mesh! b dimplayed sue all d.ceti•eal haildly's. path* se private, every day .t the year i• white eels** .hes11 b toned, from 9 A..., to 6 P. r. , it' kisk(e. se •seed &al ul eaniessl*s is that .tate. it hep - peas that *are are esu, p 4701. Gad =ripareoh�1 wawa. is mama. •si these sr• bald bald a Aimee, sr phrase boating. whom N wea1d be inenm a ket In ere* • legoalf es ley a inn*MM meshtiseebeams they es' 1&A IIE?ARTIEIT. READY MANE CLOTHING. We will Show, on Saturday next, 3lat Aug., our first shipment of Fall Clothing in 1118 LID BOrS BIBS. at such prices as should tempt any person re- quiring a snit or overcoat to purchase. Don't buy without first seeing our new stock. No long profits, hut up to date, close cash prices ' Great bargains in all lines of Sumner Dry Goods. JAMES A RID, 28th August, 148915. Jordan's Block, (Ioderich. 11 1.MBOLDT'S IDEAL LEMONADE TABLETS, 1 10.. • Tether O.. dir,olvoi is water mak • glass a One Leseemia JkLLY OT GLYCERINE. AND ROSES. For Claps, Subaru, Tac and all Imes. • titans. Condenses find 1► good after shaving. The most mailer of Amorists Toilet Ar Moles. Imported direst by us u oder that we may have Ihe vary best thing of it. kind. Special attention to American Toilet Articles, etc. BLACKBERRY COMPOUND. The batt cure for Sum- mer Complaints. 25c. Utas Juice. Roes Seer, Bream -Seltzer. Year rr.scriptloo Patronage Solicited. W. C. GOODE. CHEMIST. patriotic, bat for the r ssoo that Ute b . sees is Massed as aoeula, and • oonlerseity to the ways of the world. Malaria and water. Th. most resat esienti6s authorities are of the opinion that malaria 45 • water -born disease. I■ vest malarial districts it is tot the air which the inhabitants breathe, bat the water they drink, that briefs os ti. much dreaded malarial fever. That this u the mow in some ,•otiose of the land hes been .ie•rly proved frets the imnisait7) from fever of rash families es depend en 1145154 rata water and an .n the wells of the'Gan- try. It h.. also bees noted that horses and other enamels brought into certain airtime of the sonstry, thrived well so len* as they witty lammed and drank from the cistern supply of the bars, but mekeaed and died whoa left to wander is the fields end leak from brooks and pools. If this 'should be clearly provon,it might be possible:to stamp out esti of the greatest evils *f life is seam sections of the 'minty, It te not • dittlunit matter to 'collect the rain water in a clean cistern. It should be paced through • filtering medium that is frequently renewed, as It is now known that • Slier too long in use boneless* one of the most effective means of sontamtn•tiog the water it 1. intended to purify. The 81 ter that is clogged up with impurities is far worse than none at all, and this is the eon- ditioo of a great many eietert filters. As extra precaution even the cistern water ought to be boiled, poured in • +lean earth- e n jar, and tooled le • pure atmosphere. The lee formed from contam'-ation water is almost as objestisnable •f the froze. water itself, as . large number of bacteria are r 1 disturbed by the (roes. Snob • jar of bal- ed water should be renewed daily, as if left any length of time it will soon take on the w ase objectionable feature as the water of the country. evtet W11. A comedies in • French theatre once make a great hit out of 'a painful •.cilent. One day while indulging is • kit of horse- play on the stage, he bit kis bead violently, entirely en snidest, spinet one of the Gil Ian of the stage. On heann the thud every- body uttered • ery. "No great harm done," said the comedian. ",lust hand-w,e • nap- kin, apkis, •glass of water, and • it cellar. Thea. were brought, and he eat down, fold- ed the napkin in the form of • haod&ge,dip- pod it u the glass, and emptied the malt se the wet port. Having thus prepared a c nprese •000rdisg to preseriptiol, and whim overvew expected he would apple it to his forehead, be gravely roue and tied it to the pillow. The sleet of his actin was mush that evervose set him deem as the readiest and wittiest man in his profession, --Harpers'. The Ta141.4 Wire. Magistrate --What's the charge against the man' (Moor Heating hie wife, Your Worship. Sot hen's • statement from his wife that he didn't hurt her. Magistrate Why isn't she here to testify in Of6.... Sb doesn't like to some int* eoart with two black .yes and • broken n eed, rosy Worship. utas SN arra• (,ISR -They tell me year daughter Julia is quite a Whigs.. Has she • good voles'' Is her method -- Staff--Can't es) much about hat voie.,but her method is superb'. SM never sing, when 1 ani at hems. wrte*y P. Tb. Rector \'oo don't mean t3 soy you west to • dor sheer on Sand&v' Pteeleso---\'ss ; but 1 looked at the St. Bernard's 'Ely. The Creat emeet$N. Modern Maid i wish some advise. ON Lady ('.rtaisk, my dear. What is it 1 Moder Mud Shall I marry • mac whose tasty are the opposite te mi.., Gad quarrel with him, or shall I marry • sae "Acts taste. are the same ae mine, tad get tared of him' TO ADVERTISERS. Nodes of changes must be left at this Moe not later than Saturday men. The Copy for changes milt be left not later than Mon day soon. eemual Advertisements acoepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. TO swains. Guido. Mixed GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. •rtstvzt, Mixed sprees Mall and Express Man and Uproar Mail asid Mimed lispeeee MMA. a.m. 1.41 p,es. 7.1 Res. Lie p.m, 6.56 a.m. 1.50 p.m. Ltt p.m THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. C.derlea Priem. Goa=ato..Sept. l6. 106. Phil Wheat. Inew) standard 10 to 56 Fall Wheat midi. l6to 56 Floor. family. pee cwt 15 te -0 Four, Fall. per cwt 1e to 10 11007 irpatent,nor Owl 45 u 56 Dram.1 00 fol. 00 Shorts. V tea 1 ii0 b1 0p Sorwalnes *tea 1 IM tet M New Oats,, busk .... '_''1 to 25 old Oats - 30 to 70 POsk p bush.. 4V to •O New Hay. • ton 1 tib fol 00 Old Hay. Y tea 1 00 dol 00 Potatoes. 7.bush new 36 to 40 Ratter. 17, to 16 'resit unpackedgam.- 4 44 t0 1: Slides. 00 to . 0 Sheep Suns 410 b 00 Live Hoo �. Ito b 10 00 to 50 Dreamed Hors. •••• On to 00 ses- H� Ib.- . . e 10 to ie 114 Cheese. wee Ib.......... a Il to 1' Strayed Animals. CAME ON THE PREMISES OF SUB s4Nher about July 1st. a red steer with a d lit . white. The owner is requested to pave ^ort oar co and take it away. l BELL, lot 5. °ea. 1, rioderich town 75.44. Public Notions. -.-- CAUTION -ALL PR BIONS ARE EarIIJJ bttenhp waived against gfvlug goods te kndtvtd.al In oar saes. whkou(. wrl Rem use, es set be r•sp••et t&s te7niest 0 se cM . P All Sts ANe MG •.barer. mote N OTICL _ ALtL M .Herwlwl►() s ND me we b will* is w Rush Ismits are ' sad the prep - the Mew For Sale or To Rent. L'OR SAL$ -A GOOD 11 STORY 11' frame dwelllag Mime 10*50 with 1"11 addition and shed. ehtnate'on Let 507. Glenne* ter Terrace. Ooderich. Apply to 31 t PHILIP IiOLT. FOR SALE --THAT BEAUTIFUL RKSI deuce occu.ied by the undersigned. in the 'rile^e of Saltforri. together with 11 scot, or And 1 .Irl with the choicest fruit trees. ail hearing. and orname.tal.. including a large variety of floweriest ,hrt, ., and other plant.. Pine view of Lake Huron. Oood barter and other outside building@ on premises, Charm Iter situation on River Maitland. Apply to JAMES STEWART. -'altford 1'. O., Huron (4 13 4t Ezeestor'• Nouse. NoTIL'ElIs RERBBY GIVEN TO AL1. 11WMsa having claim. &seiner the estate of Righted Aid wort h. tate of the town of Oederleb. is the County of Huron. yeoman. deceased. to seed to the same duly •«(flea to R. C. Hays. barrister. 9ndorich, on or before the let day of October. 1''i6. after which dab Dr. J. R. Shannon. the executor of the w111 of the said tate Richard Aldworth. w111 penoeed to distribute the mid estate among the per eons entitled thereto, bevlag regard only to the claims of which he then shall have had notice. Gad will not be liable for the -proceeds of the estate so distribu•ed .4o any penman of whir claim notice shall set have been re e0ved. 1:. C. HAWS, Solicitor for maid ex*e.ter. Ooderich. Sept. 7th lel6. SI St To Smokers: To meet *ere wham!. 04 MOM ('.etemser. 7k cmc. 1. T.rk.tt d sow Co.. ltd.. Mem- Mom. eat., lay. placed again the m aratit ♦ Oombinatliioa Pliag of "T & B" SMOKING 1014000. This supplies a Tong felt want, giv- ing the «wta.tser one 20 Dent plug or a 10 Dent piece or a 5 cent piece d the famous " T at S " hran(i of pun Virginia Tobsceo. TIO Th Tag “T & I" Y N aft Nes. 8 44 00 1a HOUSEHOLD s>rrsowsa FOUNTAIN Sl'R1NI.KH HOT WATER BOTTLES ICK BAGS THROAT,NASAL sad PERFUME ATOMIZERS filmes Mahe .sd Ceasiaa.ss Spry) BREAST PUMPS NIPPLR SHiEI.1►8 RUBBER TI'RINI. (AIL Ktadel Kindly bear in mind *het our Kook of these Roods o&a.ot be excelled, and as re- gards quality, we gu.r.ntee this every time. I'resertptiees and family recipes carefully prepared trees the beet of iagredIsots only. South CHAS. D. WILLIAMS, ;ode 'Snare, gold Medalist, Coderiob, (tat. Chemist and Druggist. DON'T FORGET That the largest stock, and the finest assort- ment of P1,$ TOBACCOS, CIGARETTES, CIGARS, 11I PEEL, And .11 smokers' sundries in at J. E. DAVIS', Pbm. B. 1)ruggist k Optician. UNDERTAKING Calls promptly attended to, night or day, by our Mr. J. E. Snelgrove, practical funeral dirctor and eutbaliner. W i 1.Jl ER SMITH, I'ndertaker, upholsterer, and general furniture 4.04*. McLean's Block, I:osiench. F. SMEETH'S PLANING MILL -•Yn- SAi13, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY, I take thin opportunity to Inform the pubile that 1 am still In the business notwithstanding all rumors to the contrary. and am prepared to do every class of work in my line from making • window frame to erecting a 3 -story building with mansard root. IGtlmatee furnished sad competition Invited. The furnishing of building material. such as lath, shingles and lumoer a specialty. F. SMERTE. Ooderieb, July nil iWO... Loan and Ilavlisi s lhooiety. I1' 15 NOT WHAT YOU EARN, BUT WHAT YOU SAVE MAKES YOU RICH. THE HURON AND 14100E LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY. SOI.t('n•osa.-Cameron. 11o11 and Holmes. Dernarne. -interest Compound every me months at four Per;osst. per anonm. on isms from one dollar upwards. Depositors will Ind it to their advantage to oome and see us. Loa>,s May be secured as any time without delay on the security of approved desirable proI( pensee moderate. APPlioatlous received by the Manage, or solicitors. The Company's °Gees are located on North Street and Court House Square -opposite HIrimer 844d1A4. 0640.. 001(ACE HORTON. J. H. COLBORNE. libmaaser. Presides% M usia. MISS ANNA L. SHAW, TEACHER Of Matic and Theory -ezper4saesd One door Fast et Capt. Parse s% Westin O.derl-h MR. W. A. H. CUFF, INGANIST he, of IN Oeorete's church, isprepared to give Vocal and Piaaotore instruc- tion. R fit danger -GI (neat the old Gwllc ohui.hl P 0 Hex M6 21 Im Tenders Wanted. T ENDRRS. Teodoro for tbs various trades required in the erection of . Peter's chunk. OsdoNih. will be received op i•.*..on Thureda7 the 10th der of 01.11..'. Tenders to be addressed to the Rey. Fr. West. 6)od.rieh. Ont. The lowest er any tender wlll.et neeeemarlly be a•oepted 11... and 0peelheatlon. Das be sews es and after Tuesday. the 10th into at the Presbyter,. Oed•ricb.Oat .. and at the Olde. M Peet s Holmes. architects. Mantled Afs0am 710 room nit HORSE. CA1TI.B 1,1�1TEDiCi11if6 1i ll lJ Now is the time to glee year hAIO and cot He C5sdltlea Powder to have tee. la pod shape for the Winter. 4'se WII'RON'e ('ONDiTiON 1'OWBI ,16e for a paned Mok.Ra- NORWEGIAN &ANATiVB RAIJ'AM for mate ea hereto. ter•. a Mole, W44111 OIL GARGLING OiL 1111 ees. • Amnio. •LLRN'R WNiMINT made trees the seigin al ferms1., . fraud. WILSON'S PRESCRIPTION DRUG STOKE. Tim& mkt* ash. N. own, rime 11.