HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-9-19, Page 22
T►T i' A►�:�T. T : ( f P'R ICTI. n1'T., TFTTTRIM A T. REPT. 19 • 1995.
^,1 hodSCALDS u
Burns are
It takes out the fire, reduces the inflam-
mation, and prevents blistering. It is
the quickest and mutt effectual remedy for
pain that is known. Keep it by you.
It bit lttltt e 1.a .-being
.11 eremite say• what t. true,
That thes i• wee loll,e•t rime of life
That I'm • prwrug through.
1 In (raid he e•n t r.memlter
It s bees so awful ioog.
I ei sure if to c •uh see dIK't,
H. d know that to wa wruug
Lid he ever depth* ki.dliag,
Or fetch in eel and wood,
fir offer t• turn the wn.ger !
If he did leo was awful good
lhd be ever have, I wonder,
A eater 1u.t hk. mew,
Who'd take his skate. or break hu kite,
Or tangle up his twee!
In Summer t• . "Weed the garden ;
Is Wester, it's "Shovel the wow
Fin there isn't a stogie wanes
But has as work, you know.
And that., when • tallow's tired,
And hopes be may jut sit still,
1t'. "Kring mea pail of water, sea,
From the spring at the tent of the hill.
How can 1.raadp• remember
A follow'• gnej er joy •
Tema you and ase, 1 dole t believe
He fryer was • boy.
Is this the jolliest time et life!
Believe it I sever lean :
her that it's at ales to be . bey
As • really grown op man.
F:v• beet in the Housekeeper.
A Petaled Parody.
Our Dumb Aasmale" published in in May
number ehatlto ring par-
ody. by M F: Bock, and introduces it with
the br•cketted words, "For the eatailera-
tio• of lots of our eo-sided Christian
I want to be. soldier,
And with the soldiers stand,
A cap upon e'♦ forohe•d,
A nils in my hand.
I want to drill for service,
Wi.h military skill.
And neater modern tactics,
The most approved to kill.
1 want to face a battle,
Where lyrist hog sabres gleam,
And hear the wounded •hreki.g,
Aod see the Itte blood stream.
1 wast to wear • starryI.o.t,
And ride a prancing steed,
And write nay name in history,
By some herons deed.
Were drillt.r new in church and Nhool
The Loyal K,.ye Brigade;
We represent the highest grade
Of soldiers ever made.
That error, "Love your enemies, '
That hoe so Ileo41 been t•uvnt,
Would wreck the State end surely bring
Thu 1:evernm,ot to naught.
And that stale nonsense hostas spears,
made lata "praetor harks.
And "swords to plough•haree" silly stuff,
How weak and tame it looks
Poem 000ferenees mast be sent back;
The sermon on the mower,
For •pseud drill" of Boys' Rrised's,
Moos surely wall not meat.
Welt help the church to marsh in lute
With this progressive age;
Rime oat the old,•ing nn the mew,
With fighting on the cage.
Rule out the patient Nazarene;
Rule out the 1:olden Kule;
And bus our creeds and cateohim•
On the military school.
We 11 Ile around the pulpit steps,
With spear and sword and goo,
And sing and shout in Sunday .hoot,
"Fight on ! tighten ! ! fight on ! I f"
" L1?TTF.R take' this utnhrell', hadn't
ye!mrgsted a voice from the shadows of
the dingy doorway.
Mi. Ilea. looked doubtfully at the room
Mention of faded cloth and uncertain bones,
thea mltil more doubtfully et the lowering,
dripping sky, and aceepted the former our
the least of two evils.
"One sided and oat of joist, like most
ether things that fall to my lot," murmured
Mks ltesn : and then, with • philosophy she
did not alwye display macerator the 'other
things,' she whirled it around to the hack,
when it was at levet out of her sight.
" Ab, Miss 11••e Professor 1:rosebeek
jolted her, •' 1)isarreeahle sft•raooe, Ian t
it '
The rreftww was not as cheering • eight
as he might have leen had .he net already
err ham • doves times that day passing it
and out of her room But he was gat a
gallant. H. took her o.brell•, and hold-
ing it overhead at preci.elt the right angle
to let the rain drip from that deprn..d
pet on her sack, discounted oroluestly on
a sew writer nm ►w logy. 1t is difficult to
grow very ontMiaow neover geological strata
with • stream of cold water frit klieg dews
one's beak, Met Mas. i sea merle the effort,
eyes though eh. reflected that whenever the
action of water on the tormattr.n o1 meal, its
atom on Der neer gray wrap would prohsh
ably be to rats it.
11.ee inside INC awn house however, the
man slleos Chap 'nodes tb earth twei.od
but dight eeneideratina Sb •t lied Use
sed foetid it dreary enough. The
dell mimed roam, the prosy prefeesw, las
rainy day, ad dwgresebte walk were so
now grWveess. lib steed .t her widow
ad Unshod aeries tib we* Orme te the row
of building, epwits. ihy.ed than ware
the •l••py rimr .d tib all gray 1Ill..
mind Sew by tib aides and ale webs from
tape dt(H always tibia tib, bow? air bees
elk le nidi aloft r r ei M..p the
the atmosphere of the old buse heat beak
everything tb.t treed to req; she felt ie'
p.Ueet el r, lettered 1 y it, though it was
her naffs. air. Her girlhood had stippled
away through sweet do). when she wee ten
helot to bottle..., throurb bunt days toe
Lull of care for her to think how they had
-pod, sal the was twenty-nine new. Was
her tie settling dome like one of !been gray
. fieruuota that only grew reviver ad
drearier until the Dight blotted them out!
. he wandered.
Was there nothing foe her but the dull
'areeonie round ! Out in the great busy
world wen: grand men anti *omen leading
Maueifal lives rind dolog noble work. If
she could escape from this dwarfed, ooe'
moopl.oe e:utmice, and find for herself the
golden opportunity som.wbere' Yue toruet
from th• window with • sudden determina-
"Why •hosld 1 always stay hare, and be
prudent and ee000mical, simply because 1
have tees taught to do so' lleegins, she
said whoa the door opened, "1 am going
.way when vacation copse.
"Saks • oomatented Slogging' lucidly.
"W here
"I do not know yet."
Tom would help her to decide that, she
reheated. She did not expect he would toe•
demand her vague unrestfulnees. He was
content with his place as overseen is the
mille ; with looking after the work people,
settling account. and keeping all the hum-
drum wheels moving. But whether under-
stood or not, he would help her as he had
.• done. She smiled as she remember-
ed what authority her Ickes and dislikes
bore for Tom. He had even "eased to
trouble her with bis earnest wish that their
ooaiah lrelatione might thongs to a ten-
derer one once he found how distasteful hie
plat was to her. Of course such • thing
could 001 be. He was lentil, true -hearted,
"good as gold, but sal, Cosais Tom, after
all," she assured herself, • part of the Old
Moshe was eager to escape from.
He looked around the pretty room -bat
evening while she told him her purpose,and
only hie eyes said how pleasant oozy he
found it, or expresed • wonder at her rest -
lea wish to he away; but she read the look,
hod answered it half -impatiently.
"It Welt plat • question of s hone and
pretty furnit■re, or eves of hard work and
small wages, Tom ; it is something quite
diffrest. 1 oast expiate ; yon would not
understand if i oould.-
"If you oould expt.in I might uod.r•tend
more than you think. How.yer,l am not
saying you are not right, Margie ; it will
be • change and rest..
"You see I was growing old so fast," she
said, in • quieter tow, " that if i am ever
to do any good true work in the world—any-
thing worth defog. I mean it is time I
found it.'
"gild, with your face, Margie. Non -
NUN ' '
"What 1 have said is true, thele..
1 want to go somewhere. I want to meet
the reel, earnest helpful lives of the world
to em what they are doing --and matte I
can find a niche for myself. It is •11 vague
yet, Tom, you will help me I know."
Across Tom' proeai, br•la flashed the
memory of • norm. rhyme they hal long
age learnt together :
'I went to. place 11 heat knew where,)
'1'o meet somebody (I don't know who),
Who told me something 1 1 don t knew
And that is the recon 1 i1 never tell
He understood her far too well te quote
it or to argue with her. She was etre of
those not uneornmen spirits who wish -'to
follow the loadings of f'royidenoe to going
shoed sod showing the way.'
"Surely, 4•rg,O,' he answered, "tithing •
sigh. "I shall mise yea, though you must
remember that.
The 'trifling oirouaset•noes of her net
knowing what oho wanted to do, made it •
difficult and d•Iieare task to aid her is deist
it. But Tom did he hest and by the bele
of railway guides, many at.euestoos, alai a
few letters, they discovered • oh•rtalag
htttle moos, net loo••emur any notoriety of
its own to intik• it toe •xp.neiv. for 1/i.
Dean./ Itemiser. yet •eftictently Dear to
neable places to .11.w of vitiate( than at
will la short, a quiet li the hay trom
whale* one might peak out into the NNW
at pleasure. It suited her p•rfstly, Mi.
D.•s deelued, and with the first day et
.00*ta m elm was reads to depart.
Ton looked diseeoeobte, bat M•rprot•
heart swelled eic.laatly as she waved her
farewell. She watched with dreamy eyes
the panorarne er hill, hamlet and wed that
flitted pest her window that day. and filled
the nag hours with views Her oppee
fanny lied roue at last and she roans to
imerrov• it to the utmost. file was free,
she would 1.d the most and best the world
Tb ear opened to alit • rah of mid,
• puff of stake, end • homes yeiee
Wend "Chang* awn for Horten and
Meadville. '
"le that the train fee Norton!" akd
Margaret, waking ler way to 10 the sea -
"Y.'.. That s rout teem right wirer
flare. ()ely step I.. mla.l•s'
And ab wee harrying away la the yeti
iy ilreag, a.d fonod herself breathless ea •
board the ether train just as It blear to
imam i1 premed • "hemi journey flan
abet had .up ted. Oho woo di—pp ' til
is tint l
bar view et the plans Ne sip el
ewers •weal., kn. et of egy eentr.renee
rewarded her aerie& gi..a.., •ad role sigx
prim -hal a bey whey p•roh•d i. • window
.4 the rad. betides', was 'twiggiest! • Pak
of muddy bootie •.d oemlort bey whi.N-
"Tt1, is Nuxto., lest it Y'
"Y' pose eon
"Ares'', yule este about it
"Used to bo; bat, ye see, blether 1►n
hoe been up is town 'te.dsso some leotsre.,
ata he told me 'butt 'em; an' now him as
as'• •n .ggnoggatioi.m --w. dent !.firm oar
deny •obto' "
"1t veu eve( hoard the name o1 the plate,
you know it sew, of mores Can you all
me where Mr. Gray lies. Y'
••17.11, 1 wea't eay a there i. • Mr.
I:ray, an' 1 went say as there ant, but .he
lives in that square house up on to the
hill. "
••Who is An!"
"Miss tiro.."
Margaret reheated a mement,lo•ked vain-
ly for bar trunk, and 000sidered the smaller
articles ot baggage is her poswemios. Ther.
appeared ■n reliable person •bout the prom-
isee to whom she mould appeal for led er in-
f•trmation. She tarsen te the boy again,
•ad proffered • bit of elver.
"i will give you t►i. ,f you will o•rry
my 'rubel sad shawl -strap up to that
"Golly ! 1'd 1e it as gamk •e wink,
.arm, of the man that keep% this rasa*
hadn't lett me to take oars of it while be
went up to the nett states. He jumped on
to that train you Dome oto, but hell lune to
walk back, and he can't do it ler msoe'u
half an hour."
Waiting there for half as hour wait not to
be thought of, •d with grim determination
Mime !lean picked up the erted's eke had
nseotioned and .•robed up the hill. Her
disappointment in the place •.d ite our-
roundt.ga incre•.ed momentarily, •.d oke
stiff, *quer* how, far up the hillside wa
sot at all what her fancy had painted,
though, indeed, it scarcely bon • Ng. of
oyer having been pointed a any war, me
gray we wether -.torted it was.
"It looks a though they had burled the
Baby in the frost yard," es.ssentd the
lady, disceotentodly, ss, .taedi.g en tib
stops she stirred • narrow, obioog bed,.tiff-
ly net with • few I.we e, swans .Ido, and
murmured, "Twine," e. ohs lifted the hew
knocker of the 011 door.
A piddle-ea;ed,fair-haired woman, with •
brass thimble on bier finger, answered the
eamenos .
"1 am Mien Dian," she s00000 d.
"Air you!" gnestlened the wooaan, calm
"You didn't .end any one to hash my
baggage," Merg•ret oontiooed with a tone
that •uugeet.d remissness of duty.
" l should apes net, a it ise'1 m1tF-
thogb for that matter I've bad to fetch and
carry my own this many • year. I don't
want to buy sytbi.o either,-' with • sns-
pieioa glance at • .mall satchel.
Margaret looked et her in bewilderment.
" Y.n do not n.der.tand. i a'. Mks
l),an—.oar boarder for the summer. Yea
were expecting me, were 700 not ! Per-
haps —with • happy thought that this was
probably only an obi.. rustic Servant—"if
i of should call Mrs. (:ray—"
" I'd uave to sell • long time ; she. been
dead this five years;" answered the portraits,
mahout epeeist/the door an bob wider. "1
woon't exp.otln' you, because i never beard
of you before. and i dont want any board
era for the stammer. '
Dusty, tared, • • stranger in a azure
land,' and the sun sinking low in the wet,•
sudden dismay sved Margaret.
•• it is very .xtrsordinsri " ehe mnrmur-
d. " Thele mat be some mistake. 1 ear
toinly have corresponded with ME. Grey of
this place, and eugagd a room for the .um
mer. A boy at the depot directed ma
'• Well, there's no lir. (:ray bar.. I'm
Susan Grey, nothing ..or nor 1em." Then
with • clog., scrutiny of leer visitor'. attire,
• smile bomb to glimmer on the hickory -nut
taee. " New, 1 shouldn't be surprised if
'twee Notion when ' so were aiming to go
to!' she remarked.
" Certainly it was. When am 1 ''
•• 1u Knottown--altogether a different
kind of place. That one is 'way off in an
ether direction no the other read. You
must have mode • mistake whoa you
changed eon..
There was eomfort in the information that
the other was • different kind of platen
severtheles the ait.•tian was embarrass-
ing. Miss Dean sat down upon the door-
" Then I must go back. Wiest is ten earli-
est train i oats take!'
Won't be • passenger trai■ before two
o clock tomorrow aftornooe. You egg this
i* only a breech read. Come in and rest a
',elk You 11 have to stay somewhere all
n ight, and you might as well stay here.
The door was thrown wide open at Int
and Mt. Dean found herself in • room as
coed and Olean as it was plain and homely.
With her outman her bestow •.eased to
oesosele all .Iainla to hospitality. She Id
the way to a• airy ehraher, brought froth
water, and suggested the peasibilite of an
earlier supper than' usual if desired.
" i)e net ie0ouvenienes yourself in any
way,. Margaret urged. " i •m very glad to
. top kers altar my stupid bloderl•g. and 1
beg that you will let me mak• as hullo
tremble e. possible.-
ossible. '"• Well, I mat afford 10 pot myself nut
mush, that's honest," wail the prompt re-
ply. " 1 keep the village pest .Moe though
that don't amount to vie great do dram.
. wain and teil.ri.' besidea, and what with
tab oar* of the house and the garde, pre
work ssnngh on my bands.
A little head of wend Yellow heir and
grave dark eyes appeared ter a moment to
the holt-opened door, amid Margaret'• quiet
(lanei of almirsties .asd area for bar
white heads There wee a eerie& .otte.l.g
.f her hest•.* hard flea
"It is the AIM," .he said. '5;. away,
The fees disappeared. hat • little Weir
when Maniere* was attly a the wide
pante% It looked ohne M amain through
tho swaying vas , mead pw.ently . ulnar
boom tall ear pied
te.eh"d the aminal g of her dress:will►
gray* osrleeity.
"Waal y ne rem areasd hers sad MlVb
me'" she earl, •meted.
Bat tiere wee ne raaatag: H. aame
he tame slowly, with the ping. Nes .Ta
hien8 trues► ote the walk, and eat lswa eis
the steps at her feet, sad looked up et her
with • .tooling of pi...an end wends r.
"Dist yon coma free' heaven he •eked
"N.,, ' .deal skis 1•4ghed, teach with
• quirk thought that the life from which
she had noose mortis ...m like a paradise
oomparod with Oit..
"I thought .ebbe it looked like • star
as . our Inger," oheervd Billy, watching
tier ring -Tom • o.* .xtray.aat gift as 1
flashed back the lest rove of .ul•gbt. That
his eyey wandered over dress •nam, end
beck to hie own alma patched little apron.
•'Win► ---we was too,' he murmured,mors
is •oltlgeuy that if ha was speaking to any
iota '• Wish Snsas d wear ribber. and
shiny stare, enly she can t, 'o•u..a►e.e
Smart. She's rood, she i•,' he added, with
• flash of his dark eyds into M•rgeret'.(ace
as if she had questioned his etet.as.t. "Do
there be boys and girls to play wk.re you
live!' he abed.
Plenty of the.. I had a whole row
"Wish I bad eons*, ' mused Billy, !riot -
fully, resting his elbows oto his tame, mud
settling hit 'Ain bete.a he' smell palm..
'wed play ball, sod I'd toll 'en to sing
"Billy," called • vain from within -IQ
boss—a yobs Hite the woman's fan, sot
exactly harsh, but as if the wear and tear of
life bed left no room for softa.ss, f-1
•'Cerci.'. Susan." the. child simmered
soberly, and hobbled away.
Sleep had oomfort•bly occupied the
sight, 1.t to do with the loug hours of the
bag hoary of the forenoon wa a problem
that greeted Margaret with the morons
sunlight. She tried to solve at the break -
fat table.
I think 1 mat explore year village while
I stay. Are there any plasm of special in-
•`Well, i don't know. Fire heard they
was nevi.' menti.'s every day at the little
.huren across the run," suggested Mie
Grey, in every aseerlunte in to what bar
',Wier might consider interesting. "Then
tti.r'. hill. ; some folks like to weeder
round ever them."
Margaret decided to try the hill. ; but
beer pleserat rambling wae •bruptlytermisat-
ed by a dash of rein that forted her to seek
speedy shelter. An isolated building with
an opus portico was fortunately not far
from her path ; but it was Dale when she
had rs.ehed it. and wee nurehing the rain
drops diem her clothing, that ane discovered
lit to Ise "the little church across the run."
"1 shall halm the eatufation of doing
both plums of i•trest, then—the hills ad
the `meetin',' she laughed softly to her-
For beyond the half open door came the
G ould of a'otoe rime and falling in • regu-
lar ming -eon( wry. When the voice sank,
W hin( nut • murmur rnooled the doer, but
as it ruse the words bso.nr. audible.
" Noble work ! Try Nehemiah'• plan--17es-
ful work ! Budd os Nehemiah'• plan—Good
in the world ! Follow Nehemioh'. plan."
It was odd that just these word. should
Deme to her in such • place and way. la a
few momenta the service and the brief
shower ended together, and Margaret lett
the porliee a the people began to come out.
It maned to be the fashion to address DAV
os" wirhoutee r•mnee, and so,a the sallow
feed minister overtook her, toad spoke as
his flock had done, Margaret looked up at
him with a sodden impulse. and asked,
" What was Nehemah's plea"-
lanY'" He was an Isr•elitiek noble. sad the
great leader in rehiildi.t Joreslem attar
the captivity,' replied the 'tranvia plung-
ing at Dice hate the subject, and not .ani
fasting the let surprise at the question.
`• Aol his way of rebuilding the wall wax to
sot each man building before his own house.
No an spent his time ranee, around, put
tag in a stone here and a stone then, trying
to build • little is every breach, er tryiev
o fad an opening whieb just suited him,
and build there ; but every mho took the
work that was straight before him. if you
want to do geoid work in this world, try
N.h.miah-• pian. if you want to build -''
The preacher had dropped into his •hat•
ting tone ; but just as Margaret began to
realise that she had tallied hewn the whole
sermon upon her devoted Rend her feet
slipped upon • wee stoat and she fell. She
grow white, and faint with pun. and the
voice of her companion asking if she wan
hurt sounded indistinct and far away. She
presently found herself •1 flies grey'., sar-
roueded by • •vmp•lhinng group and •
strong odor of camphor.
"A had sprain like that is really worse
than a broken bene at let it takes longer
to heal,' announced the musky prationer,
aa hour law, when le had examined and
preeeribed for the wounded member. "it
will be several weeks before you san pt
that feet on the greed again.-
gain.-"MIs. Grey, what will yea do with me'
"1'11 hevs to do the hest 1 can, i apses.
Hero you air, sad we can't heather .1 a
help it. What newt be cared 11 have to
be *adored,- answered tin• woman, without
parses( in her work of ;punter thi.g1u to
Harlow leer preemies expected :as an s-
alve dispensation was a sew exprie.rss to
M•rvsr.s ; she though of hem* ad Te..
"The idea of toren( bas net to bury mv•
self here doe sighed, reentries' the situ -
sties. '•Nehemiah's plan, indeed ' 1 shall
sortable have to build straight before
me for she next 1w. months If 1 b.tld
•t 511."
Straight Were her is the next room sat
Mw Gray, ►mikes/ busily ever dab and
pattern with • perplexed wrinkle 1. hes
fereh. 1,
"Whet Mit ! if i amid help y.. "
quos Meed Ilerg&r.a, end humiliated.
"Well, yen suet. I'm Wyteg to make
ever an old dr*ss of my great •na1's bete a
row ere few myself sad there abet ewe*
el ft 11 edam as If i @eight to de N br tido
Mate. Ing my whole IgM kis jars b.. •m•h-
a' !hear, w paaoh'.g tip et larain' beet els
..1, el want ...mane are he'. Waded •
==rrimrefore 1 getms
"Except Billy •' ..ewred M•rgor.t., am
the othi11'• eauoy bead appw.d •t • we
" Billy ! Well -- Me. Gray palmed.
Tint ladle half bretber wee dearer to bar
oven than she know, but be was prrpleziee
else. tlnmet►nog that looked out if his clerk
ey.. and .puke is hie wistful tones was were
lttsonit than any thio( else to fit In her
hard, nom sly life : it did not seem to L.long
tier.. But she would not say ss, sad teat
over to her work ago. Upon these stooped
and rounded shoulders life's bsrdeo had
fallen early. She had paid the peenity of
DOM/ eiestd.rol 'smart' and 'capable' by
nevem whatever the others of rhis fan ily
were too busy, tae indifferent, or too i.dol-
e at, or too albeit to do always ' left for
Susan When her dleoosr.god .e Cher
slipped out -it the world she lowed h.s.lf
alone to plan for and supply what her earl
leas, improvident father never provided
to supplement his love of ease with her self
denial, led .00.nmire wbi1. he wooled.
After hard •,urn he hal orowned his exits
v.g&nos by bringing home • fragile voice,
wife wham he ouuld not support, and, %fret
tent accomplished, had comfortably died
. d left her to Swans ours, as ale, • little
later. left Billy. It *ever eoeurrwi to
Rump to shrine the hordes" that others
dropped. She had taken them up resolute
ly one by one, and gone oo her way. newer
Mvuag had t.me for • life of her owes.
happened naturally that hints@ as
egptgtl Mergar.t's stay as Pee of her ' .Ile' -
meats, she gave faithfully the best cars is
bar power.
" A kindness that cats sower be itomim:red
is the till. nor repaid in any wan,' earl
Margaret, regret ally, " You have so much
to do, it seems 'triage that 1 should have
been thrown en your hands."
" M.hb.,' •speestad Hilly, gravely—
".ebbe you was throwed in for m.. '('ane
I dent have thins@ Iib other felka
be hesitated, and looked .t her foot—" I'm
the gladdest k Ind of .orry. "
Her preemies *reined indeed a eosetaot
pleasure to the ohild, fl" hone sheet herr,
admired her pretty dram...awl eraanirnta,
sad listened is delight whenever tike spoke
of the world of 'folk'' free wide& oases...
When battiest( arrived, sad_ AM ask ftp
from it • portfolio of "ketches sad des
metoriid, he looked from the pictures to
her froa with a wondering, trembling eager
n ese.
"That looks lib. eoe'.thlsg a Beetle lame
boy could play tit be knew how," he said,
chirping ad unclasps( his smell brows
heads in • tamer of swanning".
"He shall try," untied Margaret, won by
the pleading eyes.
She had writers nothing of the sooident
whist' had befallen 1.r, but ooly isd.lnito-
ly of another change of pew. Some way she
wa 'often reminded of Tom in these
This was the heri•ning of many le.seso,
in which a new world opened to Billy, sad
Margaret quite torgot she bad left home
to 6.d rest from temcheg.
"1 epeeet you'll gel away tomorrow,' said
Mi. (:roy, slowly ooe ..ening. "Nell, we
did live before you own* -it ain't moron
two mootha ago, either, though it seems so
long but i can seem to think beyond to
morrow. 11 eons way sena as If every-
thing ends then.
The teach of sadiren co tonin to the
voice, and the look in Billy's dark eyes,
haunted Marg•rei s pillow that night.
"Come! come'" called Miss Grey's .n-
oited voles "Quick ' quick ! the house is
burning ! 1 thought you'd never wake."
Through the window saes • fiery glare
sod • reship/4i cracking sound, sad already
the rn.m was filled with smoke. Mangers,
mode her way through the blidier clouds,
catching up articles hero and there.
" Wny dose no one °omit ! Cost w.giy.
the alarm cried Margaret.
" (tar voidm wouldn t reach. The
light'll spread the story guiek.t : but no
one can got here in time to save the house,
or anything in it but what we ►ring tut."
"We must let the rest g.," Mi. Grey
hereelf •nnounoed, with grim resignation,
leaning back avant the tree and watching
the long fiery arm+ that were crushing the
building in • horrible embrace.
"Fire ! shouted • h.sr.s voice doer's the
hillside, Help was coming, too late. Sud -
delay Miss Grey started, turning a white
face to Margaret as she passed
"The mad ! I forgot it !" "That little
boodle ! whet modes.- they belong to
other folk.: they were trusted to me,"
Mi. Grey .xelai.ed, hurriedly, as oho
sprang forward and vanished is the lurid
Margaret could never clearly re.all all the
incidenta of that night. Her reinteotiee
was • oesfa.ed mingling of terror, baste,
states air, and horrible flame ►red sound.
Put the gray morning found the old Nesse
• charred and •meuldeting ruin, while in a
little cabin down by the hillside lay its
mistress, with her last work for 'other
folks' dose Every aid mat could he gi.en
had b... roistered, but the phy.ieian ,hook
his head a he tuned away. Margaret sat
bade her, nod eyed sad still This was
the to morrow beyond which they wield not
"Don't fret shoot it," said the sassily,
pratfeal votes, in nearly its areal tome.
•''Tweuld be queer to he hare, anyhow.
with the .11 house rose.' Then, a11dr a
passe "gvervthing up yeller is to he
'made sew' ; 4o 'tilt say as • 1 mink I'd be
glad to go -but for Billy."
"Leave him to ane," said Margaret,
e•remetly. "i hove the AIM. He •h.11
have all the °are that I ea. give him."
The mitis'. eyes (abed wade era with
a quash glad ,eek. "Why," she said,
brightly, "i'd have been winks' te die any
time to gain that tar the ABk"
Then the tired lits 1.11, end with the
1rigat....4.iu on bar fats .a. wee .way.
A few days later M arrant readied hero.
Mt evening lamps rimmed • wd.eme, and
the 6,., lighted beam& ed the gill rota,
threw • sherry glow ever the pray reset,
whore. with Mlly t.akall away for the
night. Maureen gel pod r•ow No.
g u4, wOWINS-+11.4 .oar it wholly d t&.
plias .(lit tit/ lbs bag Yak all cwt .111
Result of a
Neglected Cold.
Which Doctors Yelled to Help,
"1 contracted a severe eold, which settled
0o e'r lungs, and 1 did what 1s rhea duty
to such cases, neglected 11, thinkin a would
go way as 1t came; but I think_
after a
6itls•wWle. that the slghte•t exeert,
pained me. 1 then
Consulted a Doctor
who MO mS0*Ns I took se
bet It Myd.s.tmqt dgeb"I.lee say good -
the eget a rad is Ayer's
meet that Aeer'a (auto
t a trial. otter taking a�dn'es wry
arse was relined, sad before I hod Its
Mend the bottle i was cured '•'_A. LarLa(,
woashm•ker, Orangeville, Out.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
WIft oat Awards at World'. Weir.
Ames P81i. C'ur's la//M.I/stb
little Maw feet, eosc.rai.g veleta
Sewdse flea hearse I f "aloe.) oert.in that It
might 1.' cured, nr lent way. m..le a void
dial straighter au( e'ronger ..
Tom„ attracted ty tete bright %indews
same with easier rise tag "And y',u are
really home agate, *..rgie. 1101 you eater
eat your plat' •..
Not exact r 1111De ; It as-- N.btrol-
eth's, I tbo k
'•Nebaaiali • repeated Tern, h.w'l tired,
and eoaroety l•k,n' 'hs Doing. "And did
you led % cur ori le lives !'
"I found ore— Maumee' Ma►w.re' answered,
"Ad year work
"Yee : 1 exooei' .aro: h we with os
Cope and see ; ao.i ung .ed him to the
sleeping child
"But after a.1. Margie. mid Tom, whim
the talk had atom• •u hour tree, "if 're
only wanted 'opo 0140 to take care of, 'ors
know— '
"Yee, 1 keno, she laughed "1 dost
hke a eat use your varsity, but leacher oh
jeers .orne.,mes •ptesr to w..rderful ad-
vantage elite we go ter enough sway a
take a bird'•-, yo view u1 them. '
The.tht it was a ter$,-
Mr. S. buil: ►uusa:f • 1 ogee tow. is..
ego. The a -, twee' ore was aimpt'at., se •
friend mid to • riotous loge.•, It was ori-
re•pond..rie reator:•.t,.e '1 he effect of the
hate, however, apos the untutored 'tial
wail not impreee yo A hand, .ease, Mr.
s town, itqu r.nv the way to the hew,
was told by the Po c ot whom he asked the
goestio•, 'o "go',..nt •—well • toile. till
you come to a rune 'at look. like • bare,
enly 1' •'n t • h•rn, an' that's hu's."
K stn joy e t the deeuripun., and told hr
architect, who made a few remarks *boot
publio tare wh,uh or, 011 have offended
puhlie nate very much 1. bear.
•• Thar • their verdict, mid thearehtlest,
" but what does it amount te! it simply -
Teo weeks alter three friend• of B rode
up from town on horse hich, entered rhe
around* and stopped before the hone.. (1s"
of them dismountet 1104 rang the bell sol
K himself opened the dew
" R'hos " Dried ell three riders at tote.
1:. ■Ifni...wnoned
The horses lied tried u.•nimessly t, walk
They recognized the eimpliri'. of ,h.
arebiteeturp, and the arch,s.ct kimosif has
bud to admit that popular taste s•.eN.so
receive emlorseme.t from u..expoeted gcar
He is tryiiir now to got B. to let him fry
Like the $wmseer Lt.t
"We have °lams in eery .tyle, said the
'•I:ood, se.d the visitor. "i'11 leave •
1107.8 with bellow. sleeves and Aiwa • l•
Ask your Druggist ice
Murray &
Per IlsodkairchlaiL That iii■e Ria