HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-9-19, Page 1THE T -MI & DINGS' NDWSPAlnaR OF H"CJ"RON OO'LTNTT. FORTY-SEVENTH YEAR. -x835 GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY, SEPT. 19. 1895. 1. D. M[cGILLICUDDY, EDITOR. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -SEPT. 19. Pogo. Ta11 Millm.ry Ops.ier-J. T. Atheism. 8 lionoryal Salt --R. U. Pollock 8 f1U A.atmacoms.t-W. Ashman & Five5 (Most sad Wats limo --R. W. Me- 8 Ksstus A Favorite -G. T. Feltssd t Co ... ....... 5 Moth Privileges -Jen. Miwball 5 ppm for Salo or Ret -J. G. flats1 Mom MlMisery-R. B. Smit&. ..., 4 tom.. --Alex Scris/geesr 6 Lead -F. J. Praises ........ & ion and Cattle Medicines -J. Wtb,.B 5 waist Goods --A. B. ll vtdsss . 8 .peel Now... BOAR FOR SERVICE -A THOROUGH Med Chem" White boar for service. wll.20N BROS.. Huron Read. near maws: erose rets 90 la B(N)TH PRIVILEGES. Teodoro will M reset red by theustlsswlrnM up to Wednesday. /bib last.. at 4 o'clock v.& for the mile privheg* of a retreshateut bomb os the e.ends darting the G. N. W. [xhiM- te+' October 1. 2. Led 3. •Ise appllcaltons wiU be received for separate booth privileges each.JAMES MITCHELL. Secy. U. N. W. Exhibition. Goderieb. MpL Mk UN. 11 It H4*T LIME - WHY SEND YOUR money out of tows by bulls( Imported lime. Wilson Hroe. can •uPPIy Loa with the sna..s i. cheapest and beet lime in Canada. toad at Pipers data. a'helcemt building .Iwais oo hand at the lowest pekoe. Wil. /0s I*F*UB.. Huron Road. neer the railway C7eeM.g• 3315 JOHN COOK, UKAYMAN, FURN1- we heaved. b.4(..e called for sed M- --(versa-to all parts of the town. near nei 'wets. Room over Win. Anis. mese &.t0ese skip. Gatwick'. Wit pRII-ATE FUNDS - PARTIES DR- sirous of obtaining mosey es lratel•ss farm n•:urity coo do on at S per Dent. by W plyiagto J. A. MCIJONAGH. Room Ilk hoe hold Buildings. Toraato. weans WM. LANE. ISSUKR OF MARRIAGE Lieeuesa. Co. lark's OSce. Sftt WANTED TO RENT OR WORK ON II/ shares. • farm of good land aad rtiara. Add -cock 8. R, M• 11HI'GALL. sitz Usd.rleb P. O. P roperty lkor Bala pm( SALE OR RENT -THAT YALU- able fatal of :$ acre* in (,ebur.. within toe mile of schoolhouse and I'resbytertaa de'cb a mile and a half from Dunlap pest care. and tour miles from Ooderleh. Good house aad budding* and excel est wells of pure "rotor. God supply of firewood. cedar. ant railway timber. Toros reasonable. App ply on the means or by letter to TON. Dunlop P.O. 122* FatK 4ALE. - CHEAP, ON KASi' to set half of lot n. concession S. West a-ae'anesh. 100 acres. A well improved firm. Lots *. *and oart 10. •ubdit inion of Block R• Colborne. about 3S stereo. TO LET -The shop lately occupied by the We Thos. tens d. Apply to M.O. JOHNBTON.bsrrister. 004•• Legal Notions. •JL DICi 1, SALE OF FARM PROP- [RTi. iN THE HIGH COURT or JUSTICE - CHANCERY DIVISION. 1+ 1*. matter or Robert Henry Proctor. WIN. P'.s.r..r, aad Jeanie May Pro. -for, is/oat •'. b*r. a o(tA, fate Job* .4. Proctor, " Pursuant to the order made in this tetter. sarisg date the Ith day of Sept.. A.D.. ISM. [ken will be ,o14 by Dahlia auction at the Commercial Hotel in the town of Clinton to ;be County of flus& on 110NIIAY. SEPT. 30th. I1106. at three oclook in the &hereooa. by David Dickinson. Auctioneer. the following valuable hada. namely . Lot somber thirty-two in the thirteenth oon cession of the tewaship of Oederich. in th• count) of Harem. containing eighty sora of land. more or les. This property is eltested !brie miles from the town eif Cllaton aad ten mil.* from the town of Ooderioh. Tl.e b.nidior.000ai•1 of a frame hones Lx if, a tur1J goad bank barn 5013$ with *tome teundsvion. in part. The moil is • land, loam. The be.b .-entatne about Lyur acres. Than it 11so a small orchard. The faro ie well watered 1' RMMS and CONDITIONS: Teo percent. oo the day of sale• •od the balance within thirty days thereafter. In all ether respects the conditions will be the standing oo,ditiesa of eke Horb Conn of Justice Chancery Disl- ikes. This property- will he sold. aubiect 10 • neem a bid •aad also subject to • lease which expires oh the IStb d•l of October. A.D. Ififik and at • rental of 1110. payable on the First of November 1016. For further parlimian apply to H. HALE. . Clinton or the s.dermgsed. IAMBS ('AiRTWRIGHT. CAMERON Official Refers. HOLT R HOLM>f1. Sated Reps 10th. IMG. Solicitors. Odsrlch. AccrioN SALE. Of valuable Arm lands in the township of Illwanssh, la the musty of H,r••a. Pursuant to the order of Hi. Bisor. Hss.ard ',so Doyle. t alre. Junior JeyO sf w t ounit Bonn of the coast, ee, / Ih em 4s is a certain milt or [natter./ fe.10 psseei Ss1on'•rl•g date the tthly e, Wowing e ..p e• bar A. D. 1716, there will M aft wa bis lots. frith the approbation of the real.pen.e- ytyfIyTUf1ATHE Nth DAY OF WEPT. I!M' a the hour of tardy* icleek mean, at Mai Yegh'. hotel. In tM villages( Qsa manes. to the countrof Herm Joseph ]]ff health 1neilnee.. tallowii 4.alueble t he n"5. "Mel?: the Mouth half of kit member Sheen, Is the third senh.oden of the towed'', of trimmest. Women divides, 1. the eean17 w IHuron. ecstasies" see tames. mes. mere w The toil Ie a clay Item. About 7eamrss art the batsmen I. partly ,uadorbrasl aad ll twat. The lead le well watered by two welts Tho es.alet Of a hasp bout Mae with a toad, else frame tiny rel sad a frame Oath iI1E11 The booms w la a Mit day a woppa.i(rr Tis Uro- ti to situate three and •..lf abaft baso /'mr,naos .Led shoat Atoms smiles hoe 1 T 100 mad O/aerdenebamt.. fo, 5(m es4 the WihMs wllYla sssnth [lesvthoef eri4 in ell ether 40 ▪ (lawny dvlir. a the omit M . 2_4* 1further s apply to Garrote niR NIP HONOR R - . L Ty.R. 4 1115 • It'ad this et! tllgetsspymttr. • 11 MP 1161"e i Mita w. J. ad A. K. Res. d tk tis are so the sill hns sa lea saN.a• el ens e/ - "doe hwelish Ay. FROM OVER THE BORDER. In-. 1187.50; .. Klrkbrid., $11.2a News Notes f'om Washington Ti . naaartal es-eRRes .111 be a. Use le IM Cwmpaeg•--Tee ulama. se roll - Graf Polonaise noosed- 0e. •Aer Cali ea Cuba. From oar Regular Corrnep..deat. "' ASH 1NGTUN, U.C., Sept. 1G. -- The ablest talkers amt.4 Rho p•Ilu•t••e have assured the afbaetry 01.07 treses dur- ing the teat few mo.the that Mona would net figure at the coming session of Congress, sod that it would Dot be the lealtng mass in the prestdeattal eslapatrn. Netwithetend- teg those aseur•.•es, the Ia•soss of the Govarsmene are again the beset Mae now oa5trooung the edminutratiuo and the Doming session .r Colim a's. The bond .y0diest• says it will eeit1nae to give the tre•eury gold as loot es • 'ex using to editions make it fessible to do 10," but at the same time it claim that it fulfilled .11 of ion obli- vitiote to the t:ovenms's last Juae whom It trade the lest payment ea those bond•. Bet what the syndicate says do•sn t wast for hall as mush ads the toe of one of its members, who drew from the Treasury Led shipped to Europa mere than ue third of 164147.200.000 in gold seat lost week. Acts are always more tattoo then words. Sine* Jae. 1. 1894 the gold shipped from the Ceiba States to Europe aggrer•tea the e normous sum of $159,284,300, while our mina importations from Europe darter the MOO period were the than *49,000.000 in ,else. • ma• doesn't have to be • great fiaas•i•r to grasp the idea that this sort of thing has got to he stopped is some way. Thu •ouatry s rioh,but It w'Ieland every- thing!. With this situation before the seamy it u ridiculous to say that (on• grnea will not tou•h finned Iemeletioe. Cosines has rot t• d• something It is admitted by everyone in Was.mngtoa who le familiar with the sttu•Uon that the it use - time •f smother issue of bonds before Co.. grass moue lies, net with Presides• Cleve - led end Swweyry Carlisle, bat with the bond syndicate. Will Cua4ress lot that eseditioo of •fain contuses! Not unless it betray the reel tntresta of the people. The "Ord ..rnlo. commission hes riven • partial de6atties et what at ooeeld•rs "per- nicious political activity. l■ reply to • letter "barging that • member •f • evil ser. nos beard of simmers in one of the states, had been guilty of improper partisan activity in oenneetio. with • reeeet poli, tical c.tovonton, the oommi.sioa in • letter to the moused examiner, asking him for en explanation of the charge, wrote : "1t h0• .ttaedance ata polime.l eesvomtien as . de- legate 1. Oct t0 itself • violation of the civil e.rviee rules, the esmml51i0 holds that prism activity suffinest to impair woeful- ness as • repre•estauv of the eiyil nervone eommissien me sufficient caws ter removal trees membership &s my 'of its board• ei ex• amimers... It would be ditbeslt to state the matter In • more u2aatut.etery meaner than this, se far aa these who behove this true civil corse reform means neo pertiaen Federal ottistal, are •oacerned. Wb.. the •00010000 decides that one of Its exam- iners has been galley of "partisan motivity omfeiest" site., it will remove him --net trona the federal Oboe be has to held te be an ea.minor, but from membership is the board of summers, end the commission sm ion downtime entirely in d*ecd:or. Lets of people had supposed *Mt the spirit, if not the letter, of the civil *e ries rules was against ethos holders attending politieel ceoventtose as dolmas*, but the omens - then says of tent. If there 14 any way of be- ing mon motive In politics that being a dole - gate to • 000ve0uoo the eo mmunios should loss no tame in potatoes, of out, not only for the bombe of the ottiee bolder, but tor the edification of theme who are striving hard not so Mile.. the whole emit service busi- ness to be • colossal humbug. Senator Call, of 1 Londa, i1 in Washington openly booming the idea of this Government nmeogainng the Nlligereoev of the t,uben revolutionists. He say the present pea - ties of this ooaotry makes it pr•etieelh- as ally of Spas, while the sympathy of our people ie everwhelmiagly with the Cubism. Mr. Coll doss not favor the ansi.tion of (:.b0, but its entire indepeedo.ee of Spanish eestrol, and he says he has es doubt that that would at Dees be accomplished it this .esetry would resemize the i.er4esta. For three or fur days there have been noon this the Adi. nttrasies was asetemplurst .ash reoegnitioo, bat they °asset be to &ayes* is authority. The Smash Math ter, who returned to Washington to tarn over te the Stets i►epartmest the draft for *1,449.000, in payment of the Mors claim, says the Cuban r.volutiesiste aro is ne ooe- ditaos Leask for reoognitate frees the United States et aey ether Government, and that Spate wdl in • .hart time "rush est the re - THE TOWN COUNCIL. A epeeist agaiag of the tows e.anoil was held es Monday entwine, Sept. 16th. The soarer. move, dwpsty reeve, council lore Mersey, (Swam, Thome, Wilson •.d Nisheboo were present. The siusss of the last render moeti.g were read aad saopted. The aoeesot of Frank K. Fats Mtg..sd Supply Ce. was referred to the teases thee - misses The report of the water &ad light owe - maths wee red. The committee was i■ favor .f the afar el J. W. Bilinear in mar4 to route.. our _.4.J system, eta requested • pareses" sstereiew to oaemidsr the offer is detail. 1. reference 1013.. request of Mr. Has- her, the eotamltye have instructed the dark to interview Mr. Humber end thew tai, the sobs" of lights required &ad the area of greeted W be emend, sad for bow less. Oa seethe the report esus adopted. The report of the I.ss.ee eemesi•ess pu- t- the payment of the Uneerieg all- ees• .p imperial M1 Co., I. 2 ; aisa Rms. t Ce., $M.40 ; Nadine' Oat's Os.. $17 ; Devises a C.,*M 3l ; W. Igrrw.., 06 ; Strom Mt f1,., *1.116 ; W. 0.- Uymgat. x.30 ; M Seedy 57.10; J. With reran to The Glebe Priatl.R Asthma Iof *100, the oomaitte• rooemrtte.ded that 9. N. Lewis, repressions; the ow. lRse of seven, be authorized to Storm the oempa.y [has it will be paid on their furuisksg ono dates of the prisapal views of the town ..1s.sed by the .aid eommitteo. The report se maim was net adopted. Moved by the reeve, seceeded by Wile.., that the market M punted ea the .taIde, the fence painted, the front mitten -room wbitowaohod, widow. Blamed aad that the old .calm be removed and the pit lilted in. The motion was ruled out el order, Mt Walwa appealed from the ruling, aad seueclIlor Murrey having retired fres the meeting, no further business was dese,ewing to then hsi.R se quorum. COMING ANO GOING. F. Jordon was in Toronto last week. Thos. Hall returned home es Monday. Joe. Kidd returned to teen ea Mesday. Chas. A. Nein returned to town o. Fri- day. Wm. Tighe be .0.111.4 in Hallett this week. Wm. Seymour, of Detroit, u visiting in tow.. Geo. Creasman lett on Monday for To- ro/ate. Chas. 1.•.41.1. I•f 1 on Thursday last for Toronto. Miss Kate ('lark, of Sea(orth, a visiting In town. Mr. end Mrs. P. \.via were in Tweet* Mat week. Miss Jou. Shannon lett en Monday os a vlat to Detroit. Miss Hodgson, of lir.mptse, is Tkrilise relatives is tow.. Mn. Jet 'hewer% tat es Moseley • • visit ta 3trafa.4. _ D. McKay, S.,th.t, went es tM. Cambria Tuesdat. Rev. B. Thibwaudsau, of ldatdeto.e, (hi. was in tows this week. Mies Mcleod left on Tweeds) ,per steamer Cambria, for Detroit. W. H. Kerr, of the Brawls font, called at Gedenek tau week. Mn. D. Roes, baby, Led Master Murray w visits, u Delaware. Miss K. Manua west op on the Cambria Wedseeday of last week. Mrs. James Doyle returned Tuesday even- ing from a volt Cei fornate. Miss K. Campbell wee a passenger on the sir. Cambria on her up trip. Mrs. ('has. Sates retuned Moady from • *Salt to Toronto and vlanaty. John Andrews, of the Bayfield Road, was • visitor to the Terence Far. Mum Belle Matheson returned en Moodily from • week's visit to Toronto. Mr. ►pd MroGeo. Acheson have returned • visit t. Toronto and Uxbridge. Jae. Dean left es Thuresay for Guelph, where he has secured • situauo.. J. Brydges has returned from • visit to Toronto, when he took in the Fair. Miss Barrows, teacher, Colborne, &tuand- d the Toronto exhlboaios last week. Ms. John Kelly and two childres,ef Bay City, wen Otitis, in town last week. Mr. end Mrs. •leek Saunders and two o3ildren spent exhibition week in Tomato. W. Platt, who has bees at Thess•lon der-' i.g the Summer returned home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Vanwvek, of St. Vinous , are the guests of o. Sloane, H►milte.-et. Deputy -registrar Dickson Led Mrs. Disk - sou were visitors •t the ledo.tri.1 last week. Jas. idlest mourned on Monday from London, Eog.,where I. had been with nese horses. Geo. ►*swarf returned to Buffalo on Tues- day .fuer • visit to friends in end areal Goeleruh. The Misses Fletcher returned hems Mon- day Inst afar • two months viain to Asbury Park, N..1. Mrs. Webb, of Colleens, has purchased the house of Ualedesia bonen, formerly oc- cupied by Miss Horne. William M0Crsath, of Tts St.:NA1. staff, spent part of Mat week at Pert Albert, yi.- it.04 relatives an4 friends. Mr. and Mrs. Fits -Hugh Turner and family aad M's. Maier Turner loft on Friday for their home in St. Louis. Mr. Led Mn. .1. A. Shaver, of Aoesster, spent Smiley the meth et the latw's brother, Thoh Harris, Trafalgar .t. Mr.. and Miss Tess left for Landes Wednesday to speed the Winter. Miss Terns will attend Hellmuth Cellos*. St. Mary's Argus : Miss Mitchell, of Gederioh, is visisiO4 ia taw., the guest of Miss Eva Maths'', Queen street soot. Mrs. David C&atalo 0.d mother Mrs. Swanson, who wore visiting .t the Tercets Fair the pest week. Marna Monday. 0,., Cela Campbell is the sae•sse- fal first -pries exhibitors .t /Western Fair this year is the fisc art depirtesest. Mr. and Mrs. Platt returned from Buffalo Monday meets' after a Osman week's' visit to Mr..T. E. Power, Mrs. Platt's foster. it. 44. H. Williams, whe bad he.s speed- ine the Sunsmw with relatives i0 this • s- 4.fen, left on Tuesday for Petoskey, Miobl- M- John Rein, eon of B. Kaio, of this Mw., who bee been • resident d Niagara Palle, N.J., for • number of years, t netting at the old hem..Lead. Mins Naomi Sw.f3.Id and Nies Chunk hole reeerssd home after ep ndiwg two weeks is Toronto, visiting friesd0 sea tak- ing is the eight. of the s.hibitba. H. Haseilboa is semis/ frees the oorur .1 West sod Waterloo street* te the hems formerly oecupid by W. McCreath, "freer of Cambria Read and Newels -et. Gee. Guest lets today ter (hieago, where be islesds he reside for sem. ask George will be ss.oh masa by a large thole of friends who wise him every uuseess i. his spleen James Dasa and family left es Sunday. per eleser Cambria. for then* where he bee ee_Ofad a situates. Mr. Deet hes bees a resident of taws for • my years sad will be mush missed by hie Hatay friend. hate. D. lI5(liltiwaly, .t the Oetosseo ass - ?4*., wee t• WWII en Priam last. Lib sissy ether ped sees Me. M.U4Meddy is me bloyellot. else awl s. M.. kt list imp p ekes emer- OVER THE HURON TRACT. The Grist from the Looal KILL • Weekly sasese of Rooney Mews Nerved ap t• Nit tverybedy - rite aad r.I.a blipped sad C"ad•.•ed Irene livery .••Rte.. Hu11•tt : J. H. Lower s been re -se - ✓ aged u Leather is S.S. N ha No. 5. Hullers : Hoary Woos lint rested the farm of Mn. Me% atm for • term et years. Blyth: Chef Davis ba.ded Lel his rsagne- tie.•s b•litf of she 12th Divines Court Tues- day. Blyth : W. W. Slou left on Tueedey for Toronto. W from then he expects to go t• Winnipeg. Reaforik t Alex. Ihvidsos will occupy the Commercial heal building hn.sat whom it 'e Geishd. Honeslt : Mr. Berry took 32 horses with ktm to the Old Country. Items of the ani mals were Gat eves. Wroxeter : David Saunders, late of The Wroxeter Advocate, has started The Ford wich Telephone, an eight page paper. Wugbam : D*pty-reey Holmes h.n some mammoth tweet earn whish has 16 rows es • oob. This is smoldered unusual. Wroxeter : Aa ell readout of the village bee pained away, in the person of Wm San. d.iecn. who has been u1i.g for some Use, Hemel Six new fine resideooss is town are aearl.g sompleton. Led four mon ere well ads war while whore are net started. •se/.eeh : Thane TMapss - who fee sieve rjos moi. Tii rosining the town hes, has time awarded the seetesot for ssrrytng the mal between !trawls &ted Som- forth. Seeforth : Mrs. T. W. Dusan has leased her residence en Godenek street, to W. Thompees, of tete es'me.l mill, .0d intends removing to Guelph where her mother and other relieves rode. Reseal' : Walter Petty and family left Isar week for E..lmd where they intend to .peed the rom•►nd•r of their days. Mr. Petty and by wife have been residents of this plats for abut tote years. . E. Waweneek : It ue our sad day this week to ausoun.s the death of Mrs. Alex- ander Nothery,whioh took ohne at the rue - donee of her eon. L•neelot, In Res Wawa - nosh, on Tuesday of lett week, at tem ripe ye of 91 years. Se•fertk : Mine Jessie Sproat lett hon es We'tneeday for Crystal City, Manitoba, when her sister, Mrs. S. Hicks, reside.. Law the purposes 'meg to renege 1a Prairie, where she will he one of the pris- oipila in • very laeresu.r event. Wingless . Wm. Moore, who was is ssrieady iajurd • few weeks ego by falling from the roof of Me*sra. Button & Fees•.['. *hair factory. is gradeelly reeevoring. He ham had • very serious time, sed .t ewe tams is was doubtful If he would recover. Wingless' : A. Anderson, who harmed his trade with Thee. Leslie, merchant tatlnr,and who has been fi111.4 • responsible position a emus in AI..andna,ha• purebesed the neer- chant tailoring burned. of E. F. Cooke & Co.. recently Lel taken po••eeston of the same. Bluevale : A few weeks •go,o tree quan- tity of pig ted was tsoloo from Sanaa Seen, and last Thursday or Friday night severs' bushels of oats wore stolen from J. Robertson's granary, The rrunary doer was p•dlookeel, but the thief palled out the staple. Tncker.mitb : Jamas Dallas of the 2.4 000..ssion.1 Tu.kwremith, while harvesting hu pees • tow Lye ego, chino awes* cies stalk wblwh had o. it 2.5 well filled pods. Had hie whole crop yielded as well as this one stalk, he would have hal • yield of over 300 bushels to the hen. Wroxeter : At a unsettle( of the Union baso bell .sane, held one evening het week, to wind up the affairs of the stub, . very satisfactory report esus presented. Out of 88 games played .lees orpuiratien, 72 were won, Led out of 1I played during the pre- test seems 9 were wee. Blyth : The Harvest Tlenk.riving ser- vices in oon..oties with Tn.ity ohanh were held en `;usday morning, Rev. Rural Dem Modeles, of Se•forth, ofioietia4. The oh.rch, whieh was crowded, was beautifully decorated with flowers and grease. The .penial offertory amounted to $133. Seeforth : William F.irley, of C.ebery, Manitoha, is hero just now 'Mating friends ml tesewine .14 stgesi.ta.oeshipa It i. .best four yews ansa Mr. FaWey west is Mo.ttobs. He was just • tad them aad We eb.sg.d considerably sties. He t asee- a.Md with his father .ad brothers is the grocery Masao in Carbery, end we are plead bo Isare that they are prospering. ItInevel• : The friends of Mrs. Robert h Wiley will be sorry to learn of her death which took plies se the 4t: Lest. Mrs. Whaley wee oath • te.ideet of BIu•vle,b.t of late yea's bed lived in Ethel. The de - missed /lady wee • sitar of Mrs. James Mitchell, .1 Tur.berry, ad of the Messrs. Heedereo., of the Blo•vle read. She wee 68 years of are. Mrs. W Wily was buried es Thursday of Zest week in the Bloev.. sosstbwy. Wingham: Drive Jetsam, of the ('. P.R., has • dog that tsavle with him on hie tri., He ie of the terrier breed, and is • knowing little fellow. He travels over missy of the different lines d the road, with other drive's, and appears right .t hoese s•asdi.g en the top of the sale when the teate is running at 25 or 30 smiles an hour. Whom the trate stops .t • station, "Rafe" generally jumps low. aad takes • look armed sad when the word is gives Si pre mod he takes hie pest beside the sturdy owner *res top of the seb. Seslor'th : A. 5ght year old lad, see of Jobe Seen, el Rezbere, te.k it into his head thus he must go to Tsseete be est the MR .Mw. Aese dieoly he walked fay taws on Saturday, barefooted, ..d is his hm•\kekgs. sed both passes es the 4.r e'relttk tide sass. Si. .aeea•s supposed that he bred gene 5. his reel*'. W remehe oyer sight. As be failed te tore ep es Han doe thheyy 1Mam. awned. and es making Alfetr• Beet dotd of edgngkiatend eine the . ..4 &axney, he was pield up is rheas* by a polioomen, wive Best bila home by the trei. en Musday morning, aad he arrived bete om Monday to ter,oe., mos* the worse of his dvesutre. Exeter : E4. Dtpea lousd in the garden the ether day • bean stalk t►• eooSai0N o5 pods, or 330 bests. Hallett ..1. Certerright has about halt on acre of sunflowers this year to eat with his Born to pat is the silo. Clistoa • posy belesRin4 to Mr. White- ly, Custom tubes. broke into u oat ►s.0 and ate es mesh that it died. Exeter : Mr. •.d Mrs. Simpson removed to Parkhill on Sas.rday, when they will take sham .1 the Central Hotel Hay : George (leddee, of Hay township, bus takes psms cion of the Murray farm, whisk he bought recently for *4.820. Clinton : Welteeday sight Jacob Taylor wheeled to Stratf..rd i. 2j iotas ; For • trip made te Egypte.n darkness this is fast time. BruseYeld . While gutting w jhe J. Walker's bush en 'l'ueeday, H. Monteith in - dieted • peinful ...ideae by eSttiag h1. foot ; he will have some enforced holidays. Londesbore : Arthur Mlll000, of Uad• dulpb, who • few years ago •*teseted the Exeter public sehool, u now aosoeat5 nen isnot with Rev. Mr. Few on the Loadesboro Clntes : arm morning last week, while Della, the ewe -year old daughter of Jacob Miller, was playla4 om the ve•andab, she fell to the ground, breaktag her leg abet' the k.... Cltetw.: the two deugkten of Kobt. Magee are laud up with • mild form of ty pheid ; • brother of Mr 8ryaoo•, Led also Frank Turnbull, both of whom have been suffering with by phoid, urs reoevertttg. Uodertob awneblp : on Tuesday last Masts C. Tubbett shot • One 504te meusar- sit six feet from up to tip, en the farm of Gee. Oakes. He t • good shot, as he caught it oo the Gy, and is having it mounted. Exeter : While playing around the house the other day,K•ti.. the youngest 4..,3. er of R. H. Colhm, fell off the vermin, break • leg her arm near the wrist. • tow weeks age she tell oil the clothes reel scud Led broke the sumo arm • little lusher up. (unt... The pupils of the Collegiate in- stitute organized • football club ea Monday evening of hot week ; the officers elected were : tion. Pre„ J. Houston ; Pres., W. L Rand ; V lee Pres.. M. Clegg ; Sus. Tres.. Z. coo Captain, L Whitely ; Com- mittee, J. Holmes, F. Samna. PC. James. Exeter : While Franks Knight, son of F. J. Knight, groew, was playn8 on the h ood sone Mouths sins of last week,with other little boy.,be fell of,utrtkunr hut fore. bead on the hard rough gravel, making • ragged wouod whist) required several stripe of court plaster te _draw the edge. of tnmi wound together. Exeter : %Vie. Drew met with as &endent on Tuesday of last week which might hays been attended with throne results. It .eons h. was in the sot of going through • gate- way with a wheelbarrow rad in putting up kis foot to push open the gate if caught be- tween the picks*., at the same time threw ing him W the groumed and injuring him yery severely. Brussels : t In Thund.y,Mrs. John HOWp died after two weeks illness. She was • chughter of Rho late Jobs Sellers, of Grey. She leaves • husband and family of four sous and two dauebtere, .11 of whom are 1 grown up. The oldest, John. byes in the wt side of Grey ; the second, Archie, u deputy -reeve, end the third, William, is in the West. The rest are •t home. Ushers" : • most panful .oid•nt befell the nix -yew -old daughter of Eli Heywood, of the 10th oou. of t;eborne, o• Thursday last. She was playing around the barn where they wase oatting straw, and in seine way get bar lend o•urbt between two cog wheat of the outline box, .mashing the third finger to • jelly. The do.ior is tri- te/ to save Its ismer, hat it wee first theurht it would have to he amputated. Wingtam : Town clerk Ferguson received • letter • few days ago from mime perces signing himself \., eo0tauia4 *2. The writer said that some six or neves years ago • young mon Ind in Wingbam, and when poll tax was demsmded from him, he gays the young use a W1.14(ate to the effect that he hal dens statute labor in an adjoin- ing municipality, and thus relieved the young man tress paying the Mx. X. now pays it himself, and thus relieves his oes- Holmesvill• : The July cheese wee sold some time aro to Thos. kallanty,. A Soso, of Stratford, for export to England, and during the early part of this week the same firm rewivd an order tor • car lot of ex port ohm" of August maks, when their u specter at eats prooseded to our factory, 4. spurted the ahem, not reje.ttisp • Slagle one, milled on the salesman, James Canso!. ly, and .t ones purchased the number he re- g0ired,150 boxes, paying for them too high est market price. Seeforth Joh. C. Steele has returned from • trip to Illinois, when he went W settle the .fairs of his brother James, who died then renently,leavin` two young child- ren and an adopted daughter. Mr. Ssesle brought hone the orphaned address, •.# has plated than in shares of hie mother .nil sister, whore they will be well oared tor. Jones Steele was • resides' and Mathew alas el Se/Jorth • few years age, sm1 was mesh rsspeeted by all who knew hiss. His wife died sheet • year age. G9intos , The residesee of W. Robb, of town, was the some of • very iss.rs.ti.g W horing on Toe•day atter.oe. 1..t, the •ovules beim the marriage of his daughter, dean, to Rm. Harry C. Priest, R. A., et Toronto. Only the Immediate relatives of the °entrusMsg parties were present, • n umber being from • dstases. The ewe - sway wee performed by lie.. Geo. R. Fes ter, Ph. D., professor i. the University of (hieagp, • former teacher of the groes. The sanies was el•r•eterind by beauty, simplicity and brevitysod at its eines thin g eese retired to the dishes room, when, a very pretty sapper wee caved. The newly married pair lets for Galeria& is the me. - ins, to taie she beet for the Seo, where they will mend the be.eyss.•.. They lesCased( •sed( for ides sleet Oak 16M, lied will best esssed for • time at Tea. Madras Prratds.ey, as es nio.aries of the ()amass 4..e4.e Tdng. Mtssi... We Mie with ethers is obtuse Nem rah ii ppies'@ sal esshleses wherever their MA my be ens THE COURT OF ASSIZE. A Light Dookst Is Presented. Tbe wrlmlul Record rrawileally •11 Mc gempeslusa of IN bread Jury The •es.II .f the Trials Before The route Jaron. CN)U KT opened at '' P.11. by procla- m.11e., FoUowisg are the grand lures Peter M.Kay, foreman ; Ioho C. Bald- win, James Clark, Arohiball Ferguson. Jane. McClure, Jo•eyh Deter, Samuel Wal- ters, Geo. A. Cooper. Alex. 1aad•a, Hebert Marling, Geo. (. Naylor, t:eor4e Parker. Rabe. Joh.oton was .worn u eoestabl• to take indictments, ate., to rend en.ioestand to •stud them during the present 5517•. The Crown vs. Thos. Atkinson --The trend jury Dame into ooart with "No Rill* against the prisoner for an attempt to oom- .ttt raps. The following eivul causes were preceded wit fiah.t? ye. Hell et al Mottos for ladgmest ea further ltrecuow. His lordship ordered jsdgm•s' to be •.tared directing the Me- ts es Gederlch to tax and allow to the plaintiff and defendants, Kellerman and Raz, their coots b1 way of oommt5ton and d isbursements' of the reterense, and direct 45(endonte Kellerman and Katz to pay chess eta out of moneys found by said re- port to he in their buds, and further &eect- ing Kellerman and Rata to put over the haalas•s n their hands, an fund by .aid re- port, to plaintiff R.tc, upon hu claim aa found en aid by sato report, and that upon ..test each payment the said 'defendants he diseharged fully and hazily from their trusts as executors of the *stets of the said Isis Gideon Yager. Callus for plff ; Harrow, Q. (., for deft.. Riohardeon vs, (;surly Action for sla.der aid breach of eoitract. Cements Le4 Lewis tor plff ; Gerrow & 1'reudfeot for deft. Jury Mired at 11.45 a. tt., In charge of constable Me11ath, and retuned at 'L r.r., with the yueetiom submitted ►t hu lordship answered Mr. Cameron asked for sista. His lordship said he would consider it. but thought he would leave him where the verdict lett him. The verdict aggregat- ed 100 for Off. Patton vs. Denims -action to establish a bsuedary line bates's° two !armors of the T.weskip of Morris. Jury dispensed with. ()arrow & Proulfo•t for pllf ; Aylesw.rth, Q C., end 1►iekensou for deft Toe case wee procesdiag .. M• g0 to prem. The following 1. the .;RANO JCIWIIa 1-RtMENTMx.T : The jurors of our Yovwreigu Lady the Qeseo Fog leave to report that we find the oosrthouse in all Ira opartmenta, clean end well ke We hpt.aiye reason for oroogratulatioa in ao criminal offences having boon brought bo - tore ns. We visited the jail and found five parsons oonfinel tbere-lour males and oae female. The Muth. and two males are In- sane. These mss have bsen nvestigatd end are •w•1tiag removal ton the asylum. Two males are vagrants ; they are aged and very feeble. We found the jail and premises clots, end Ifeel .*surd that the sanitary °au- dition will be greatly improved by the ex- cellent water .Item put in this'unimer,for which the ounty council deserves credit. We are 0110 glad to know that • very 10mmodiou. Rouse of Rehire te in course of erection, and will be ready for •ocapatioa this (ell. whsle we feel assured will be a great relief to the poorer class sod • bene - it to the county at terms. Parini MAI it Foreman. seep WsMtwaya (Iesve.R .., Cleveland, Sept, 15. -L. K. Cosby, American Vies -President of the Inter- n ational Deep Waterways •s.oeiaion, ens Mad • statement regarding the object of the °encomhuo to be held in this city, be- tW+nf Sept, 24, .nler the auspices of the .ssoa0U0, and touching on the deep waterway project& The 50vestien, he K ana, is u lone with he policy outlined at the Tomato eenvensios, see year ago. The proportion mama at [bat time was on the haste of 26 fees of water, the same as in the M. (Assad Between ('hoses and them navigation i. the 4t. l.wrenee then aro so•rosly 100 miles of shallows to he deepen- ed end •betnstione to be overcome by mans, and it s feasible to Garry dem water to the Hodes. and Now York by doabliag the ameust of work. The eons - noses of the greet lakes Is already 25 per sea- of the toe mileage of all the railroads et the U.ited States. Had that esns.aeree paid ab that average r•a per tom moo of the railway's of Illinois, tiers would have Wes paid nearly *250,000,000 additional, sr about 8 waw the amount actually paid. Yet the armee anomaly exists of the best railway properties in the Ceased States being in large territory. This growth and prosperity an el...inen, evidence of the .*o.. .014. Imine of water routes. Abed% the essssseree into aad out of l&ke Superior Wreath St. Mom's Caval ie nearly double that of the lines Casal, and emooed@ is amount that of 511 the other ship oasts in the world. YK this is hardly oae fourth of the Ink. ae.emea1. 15 may well be believed that the difieenss be trail and water nese of oenssssste ler see year would pay the Dost of develop4ag mese sanitation into and through bhe Greet Laos. Many prejeeW we under eoneideratiom in lake states, read the sanitary ad ship ousel of Chiang. will solve the suet costly pan .f the work between the Lakes wed Minsiesippi River in Illinois. Ties b..4b sl a thr.Kh.'s hems has • good deal to do with the workbag of the binges es the windows of beanie. Om trouble with the "harsh in that there aro net eaoagh people is it who aro Winn pereswyd for righteousness' mks. Bbhep Fess sant "the of the tr'e•Wis sours et weakens@ in the cash N -try is essenvvr•sd thumb mothers They dilate its •serQ fill it with • spirit of ileartlit- 11411114 and whole a its ese Mw rpslmei dress es the