HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-8-22, Page 8Wei TIE SIGNAL : GODMICB,• ONT., /TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, 18I&. New School Books SCHOOL OPENINC 1 Owing to so assay ohaages in School Bccke we are co.lpled to Sell STRICTLY FOR CASH. New Peri@ UMW Anteaters@ with Appendix, 26e. Don't My the old. " " " Rasbd ..d Algebra. 1160. Palate 8ehe.1 Pbyeelgy end Tempera.at, 1446 Edifies, 26e. Other New looks wUI be @hews y.a a4 the More. Public &Mel Drawing Cearee, 6e. emelt 64 . Wrung „ 7a New Higk 4ob.e1 Drowsing Coarse. 10e. seek. " rhyme, Parts 1 and 2, 50a each. " " " Seery, Part 1. . - 50.. " " " leteay, " 2, - - 60e. " Ilia 75.. Charm•, mew cells for 50e. ( Now l Dafhldd and Margaertle Kieran Books, Ltsb.gr.pkad in Geld, the Pretties sad Larger Eternise limes 0.W Mews, mew 'hie berm, 16 pages larger tem leaf year's 5s Suer eia. Books. A tine =mallet ter .l. Porter's Sorlbbla's I Yes will be, .o ether when you is. them. Itis the g.sd paper sad the star that gain them. A seep 1... 2e., sad 3.. 1ertbbl.re. Rubber Tipped Load Pemil., 10e. per doss. The 5e. kind 2 for 5e. We will sell yea H. 1. Drawing Pencils, 3e. seek. or 2 for 5e. 4 Poe Pater for la 6 Slate I'esatls for 1a The Lorgeet sad Bene Mere of Ink, 5e. 100. Bente of Ink ter 7e. Don't Cry if you come Too Late. Sala Conhillellces Salorday, Allg. 24th ! SLATE: PENCILS, RULERS, PEN POINTS mod SLOTTRRM GIVEN AWAY WITH SCHOOL BOOKS TRH FIRST TWO DAYS OF Sodom, OPENING ONLY. PORTER'S COLONIAL' BOOK_ ST Geotel T.lepbo.s Sesames. Remnants After a very suooessful Seam's business, we naturally have Remnants of almost �ve�y class of Goods. These will be placed on a table this week, and cleared out at Half Price. You may find exactly what you want on this Rem- nant table at jut Half the regular price. There will be Remnants of Black Cashmere, emnants of Dress emnan is of Tweeds, emn ants of Prints, Remnants of Table Linen, Remnants of Cottons, Remnants of Everything. Also Bargains in Underwear : Ladies' Cotton Vests, with half sleeves, reg. tic. for 5 c. Id 44 de Id 44 dI 4 .. 4 4 " l8c. " 12}c. " 20c. " 15 c. " 25c. " 18 e. Men's Shirts and Drawers, regular 35c., 40c., 50c., all same price, 22c. J. T. ACHESON. NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. From OUT ownOolrr pondenta. Therese tarort.ast•■ Were That ramose be gos.d Anyway. Klee -Sews et Me Meaty Specially Reported r The somal. DUNGANNON. Nonce The laical agency 1a Dungannon Gtr Tama SIONa.I. at the case of .1. U. Ward, J.P.. oe•vgsaoa, es.. who will receive Pr- ep for wtteortpUo.s, advertising and i.b wort sad 1. •utbaised to give receipt. fee .mounts paid for theorise Tr.1DAT, Aug. 20 Fltoer.--John great put m an unwelcome appertains oo Monday sight, the 190. Teo seem, .lohn. Va1T0e. -John Robinson, formerly of Ashfield rad Dow •f Algoma, is "intim for- me aft mum tames. W+m.T,--Om Friday last Jobe Serimgour had the nusfertuoe to lone • young ..w, by it falling into • mud bele. COV4a4Ttl.ATIo'R.-We eo0gr•tulet• Muses Hattie Youag ad Clara Aurastiat on their sumer in panei.g the junior tear - tag. Vtetroaa.-Mn. LADS, and son, M. 1'., wd.aad Mild •t the popular county clerk. W. t.., were ben naming sad r..ewt.g fernier .c.,uai.ta.oa Dn t+toy Co,DT.--Uivisio. court will be held here ea Fnday, 23rd Amgr.t, h the usual plate. Alt ossoermed .111 govern themselves sessrdi.gly. C•1 i.. --The megreg.tioes of Airfield sad St. Helens Presbyterian cburcb at • res:- imagg held at Ss. flyless e. Mo.d•v, 19th, ev- aded to give • gall to Rev, Mr. Whitley. Sot.1DAt'e ExPIasp.--0. Monday last, is eempliame with the Public Scbool An, ear habits School doors were opened for admisstoa of pupils te resume their studies fey another terse. Meetiru Aitnrtgt.') ('otwrl[--Tb muawip.l (.then of the township of Ash. Geld will wheel In the mew! place a Saar day, the 24th of August, oommteooimg at the o.ual ore of session e( .uneil. t;.s.r I:Rewr•. 1n oomsq.ace •( the genial and ooeasional shower@ of rata, the pasture•, root crops, .to, are growing and improving. Mother earth a berg richly wtl.d with • beautiful nM of green. Tur 01 RUM Mess. Tigert rad Our ma, pedagogues, took • trip to the county town on tj.a bikes ea Friday Ian, daring whirl the) wejeyed tb•oteslvse. W • have heard it stated that they mode the return trip in lees than an hour. nervation Howe. On Friday of last wosk R. K. Millar, towoship olerb of West Wawanosk, who Ma hese for lore time at Toronto for the benefit of bis health, re tweed home. We regret to have to state that be is still in • poor state of besltb. W., aio.g with his .utmoroue friends, wish him a speedy r..overy. Vferrous - Mn. Prater, (ass Maggie Gorden) fera.rly of Da gammon, mad sow of Ilrmmptem, te visiting hes slam Mrs. Dither Mrs Nolen, former) e( villain vill@ and mow sf Sgaterth, and Mrs. Peter Ham- lin sad three .hildra., .f Riplq, were daring the tetter part of rat week and be. gumbeg el this week •faith, hark here. Swami or Coo1u11---TM mualip.l mused of West Wawssgab h asaerdance with regime ermagemeat stn ea Saar day in the tew.dip hall, reobere all pre sem malt .otr.etll.r T. Darmh, he being be Muniteba Armmg ether bobs.ee tram dieted was the rale M 1696, vie: C.m.ty rotes, 21 sun: Towe.hip, 146 mills; te4l,ezeieeive N ureal ate, 4 3 10 rills ea the dollar, adjourned to rose ape ea Sat arday the 21.4 day .f .4.ptember amt. LA w• SON .t. -A eery ater.sthg. plies mat •.d rooter* eveMeg was .pent at the lawe mesal held motor the .espies el the Rpwerth League te sem.estien with she M.thedW dunk here, at tie resid.n's of Richard Treleaven, es Wednesday .f late week. These was • large mealier press.t, who enjoyed blemadvs with thermal rea- ders& bhyy the Muir. Mies (•spb&I, erg.. Fat pa.Isr.d wM her part, as did the .noir, with fpaen••••. is readeri.g .cion: ori aA1epr1.. real•. Am ereelleet ad - Seem mea giym by the paeea, Ito,. Mr. Id - remit The preemie et the evening emee.4ed to about $15. LEEBURN. TUESDAY, Aug. 20. Mine E. Horten is visttiag relatives sear Sanford. Mine Healey, with her Mose Kale, have reearsad from • week's pl.asa.t Tait le relatives is Hallett; There wee anile • pleasant plane party from Amhara •ad the Saes line a1 the ter- minus of Reiterant Row Monday of Inez week. All were delighted with the lake ammo A BrfTan Ittt'otu.-AW /afford, sen e( Kiobard Telford, oat 13 acres is tee enure limo that James Chisholm eat the 14 acrer. Mr. Clinical= had • wiz toot out amehima, Mr. Folfesd only Ave foot ens. Therefore Mr. Felted Wald. Chisholm. -Cor. SHEMPARDTON. fu ..r, Aug. 20. The root crops are grass u aha e.ctie.. she potatoes will be big and saucy thio Fall. The commodore has ism eomeleted • hes home 24112. Her bund te have eggs all the year round. "Jac Maywood had a rood yarn in lest werk a Shoals •best big work by James Chisholm. New, Joe, what would Toa rink it 1 told yea that J'te gambler tend- ed down .ad .so.ted fifteen acres of heavy seta between 9 a.m. M..dmv and 9 A, r Tuesday of Hat week ! W he sae beat chic! DUNLOP. TDn i•r, Amg. 20. Mine Hyndesun, of Lister, and her mimeo, Dosergima Hinduism, are 'Sontag relatives Mn. Chas. lawkies, with her two 0541 - dna, Mabel .ad Willie, 5.v returned to Windsor after • pleasant vial of u•arly six winks here. Both the wells of the I zch.a,e Hotel were pumped out and duly clamed daring Iss4 weak. The scboolbow well also an densest see same preemie, TO CAN TOMATOES WHOLE. itt TELL! JAS. ROBINSON CASH STORE SCHOOL OUTPIT. September is coming, the World is awakening, and before long the noise and bustle, which have been hushed for a few short months will begin anew. Autumn brings fresh trouble and anxieties, and prominent among them the Mother's preparation of the Children's outfit for the coming season. Every woman likes to see her children well dressed, yet she looks at the slim parse dolefully, and asks, And it does tell by the accuracy of our Dluber-Harftden Watches AYY ALL 0= 11, I.2Fld. Sterling Silver Waist Sets, at Very Low Prices See our Cute Little Gun -Metal Watches. The kind we sell are Re- liable ; the Price, $5. C. A. HUMBER & SON J$WELRY EMPORIUM. School Bks nd School Supplies ! f I HAVE A FULL LINK OF ABOVE AND PRICES ARE LOW. Our Scribblers and Practice Books are the Largest and Best made, and Cheapest. Come and see how well we can fit you out for Sehool. Special Value in Stationery and Blank Books, Window Shades. Stamping done to order. Large Variety of Pat- terns for same. Year Corner of West Street. A_ Zi,_ WEIP when the jai became meld tiehtea the ne Via. Put in • coos!, dark place. In the Winter trees tomatoes can be need a'sl- .ks. For a park of the whole tomatoes one two of the shoed tomatoes for the fates to Gil the seas. For some Plane this wall prove too mush, bet what is loft over may be used for mop, same .r chomp. Bremen : The Koster'. property on .lames street has hem perehasad by Theo Ba1L.tvae, wheat reddens Masse it. CIIR.SHANE& CO• WALILAN'S BLOC=. " HOW CAN A little care and forethought by looking through ROBINSON'S stock will help you. YOU'LL HID R IT "THE FAIR !" SELLING GOODS CHEAPLY 18 WHAT'S KEEPING IIS BUSY. People have recognized the fact that we are selling goods at figures which must be taken advantage of now or never. We have no room in this ad. to enumerate, but everything is being sold at lower prices than ever before in God sick. We moan what we say. When is haws, viit as. You'll Bet he sorry ler iI. ,Ari minim `' THE FAIR." 4 Polnts In Our shoes We Pay Particar Allellou 10: 1 ---COMFORT Because no one will wear a Shoe that doesn't fit his or her foot comfortably. 2 ---QUALITY Because it must be serviceable. 3 --STYLE Because everyone wants a Shoe to fit the eye as well as the foot. No one wants back numbers. 4 --PRICE Because, while we fit the foot and the eye. we must tit the pocket too, and we can do it to perfection. Fine Repairing a Specialty. H. B. POLLOC$. Yes, it is Dry Weather But it is going to 11 lea Sagapt• Trick and *be n...lt. are erring. Ts can tomatoes, select large .mirth tos•tso@, Mash Maas and put them in& deep 'poo : thea sever them with betties water and let there .toed for 6v sinut e. This will lateen the skis. Pour oQ the water ..d pare the marmot Now rev them in • deep dish end pet them in • moderately bolt oven. Cover for thirty nominee, b.lug sordid that they do not rat browned. When them tenures@ are pat Imo the seem pmt • stow I.aa of shoed to- matoes on the era Stir fnzueetly to pro- vost burning. When the, have been stewed few twenty minutes, rub them through • hoe streiaer, then man, them he to tnew pus Piga came calf sealing ease on the fire h • pun et add water end beat the water gradually tea ►elhg p.i.t. When the whole tamntoes ars done, t.ke lake the dish from the messed trainer the teme$aea 1e the bot jars, bear careful met hesak the v.tt.tebl.t Pear the juice tete the jars sad 511 up with tee etilaiaed m.w toes, welsh teen be boiling het. Have she jsn a full that s Linn jukes runt over. New paten the Antic bands of the nevem. Tighten the omen se mueb as p•aeibl.,md r BISHOP Matrieniatiem Come Resident French and German (.ovetneneo, STRACHAN s...t Masters to Music, .to. Apply to MISS GRIER Lady Prraripal. Wykeh.m Hall. Totuirro. Ncbool reagent Wednesday. alb art*. IM.. SCHOOL -roe - GIRLaS. RAIN! Have you TOILET SOAPS MANUFACTURERSPRICES. A Waterproof and An Umbrella? If not, get one at the LEADING gents' Furnishing Store 0. B. SLUM R 00. .gees. far Ib. Paresis. asunder. 61111 OUR DISPLAY. __1T WILL INTEREST YOU. CHAS. A. NAIRN. Speclal Sale FOB THE IBIT FOUR WEEKS. 140 yards 36 -inch A Wool Sere in 5 shades at 20c. 31 6 to 7 yard Dress Pieces, 30 per cent. Reduction. 9 pieces All Wool Henrietta@, Reular Price, 50c., Now, 25c. to 30c. 12 Ladies' Capes at about Half Price, in Colors. A lot of Children's Cotton Hose at Half Regular Prices. Our Immense Stock of Carpets in Wool, Union, Brussels and Tapestries at Actual Cost. Lace Curtains a Specialty. Regu lar Boys' Heavy Blue Sere, 25, 35, 50. Great Value. Men's Suiting, New and Cheap. New Desi ns. Ladies' Slimmer Coths and Mantlings. Shaker Fannels and Flannelettes from 5c. to 12 1-2c. A Good Heavy Sheeting for 9c,, 36 inches wide. T owes at Specia Prices and Very Cheap. GARDEN PARTY A Darden Party .111M given by the ladles of Knot Clare\ ea abs Sae Laws of M. HUTCHISON, Esq. O. the Afteramma and lvgatag of THE THOROUGHBRED STALLION • COLBORNE BROS. The Great Carpet and Lao. Curtain Warehouse of the OsUrdy. DO U .zp.et to attend a BUSINESS COLLEGE this easeent L r. So aarit of the THURSDIT, ALUg. 21, 1895, bogn.t.g at t e'eteeb. An afternoont0a w111 be served at S .' and derby" the evening toe erenm. . We- edt err. and «bar IirdMap ap be Sube4 7ben.w are be tables of taeful and t..e� .theles sad candles. whist" will bre angala dewing the evgaes.. Admission to Grounds, 10c. RIVRR1RMENTS IXTRA. ALL ADE CMOYII► INVITED emi weeny tW ben ear ..Nat Hasidtbseer,. darling seats.. THOMAS GIINDRY. To. P'sergev W.revit, r. assume iA Cad Bicycle Cs. ua .0 events- s r weer seat Ont. 1pe TOAON TO ,y,t` onus PO* OPPALO.y G. W. THOMSON, - - - Agent. elDOKA10B. 011T. left filii4= Salient 1r llsdMba nes Tossi y, Forest Olty Bush ass and Shorthand Oollsge, Lns4om, Ont. is worthy of your oseide.Mls.. RU aware these ws M.e nee the pec for (readies Rehear HAVE U mod Bsiehiwgpshay Tt oar " NAW BYRTlM " of Reel -k -pro Dnp • emr4 Pse par '-.h,. Onsherie nam College r..pses 71senr1c 8spt. K. 1J�. fewiknes J. W. wale BRV><TT, Principal.