HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-8-22, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY, AT'GUST 22, 1895. 7 A wide Range. A preparation which enriches and purifies the blood and assists nature in repairing wasted tissue must hilve a wide range of usefulness. Such a preparation is Scott's Emulsion of Cod- liver Oil with Hypophos- phites of Lime and Soda. The uses of Scott's Emul- sion are not confined to wasting diseases, like con- sumption, scrofula or anemia. They embrace nearly all those minor ail- ments associated with loss of flesh. seem L bid lielssila heir. se/ >R CRISP AND CASUAL. The newly esSsb Mbed Mail at Freakiort. oe- the. Meta ie the ally Koglt.h sewepaper is Gerry. la Mexico two substitute jurymen act with the regular jury, se that sadden 111 - es will not affect the veedtot. King Meselik of AhpeaLai• is fonsdi.g • laree library at Abase Abele red ,oUsoMae SI the old Ethiopian books he can lad. 1t is surnat.d that while the annual re- verser of all sou.wes of Europe are $2,980 000,003 their expesdtturee aro $3,300,000, 000. • story is slag the reside el Loads that tie Shabrad& wished to welts" the wife of oaf of the .literate° La that sty re costly. Emilio Careellor has bees made foreign tsoetate of the Freocb Academy of Moral Seises te tM place of talus butane. Cesare Cant n. Mine Lacy M. Rooth, • daughter of Gen. Booth, bee hese appo:nted oomursder of tee Salvation Army in Inds, with b t h ad- ge•rtere at Bombay. Professor Hazl.y's fare was this and bib e.ampbzw se dark as to be shoos swnaily. Wises he stowed off hu inougtsre mid beard the skin was quite list black. Frans still pressre four veterans, three et tare betag oest.s•rimas. Their maser ✓ ed ogee are ea fellows : Victor Ballet ,102; Vaseto 101 ; and S.bseties Bruent,99. The reanntneture of asps m Syria is earned on exelu.ivelby women and child - res. The trade, although ispertant is it way, re sot largo, and power leered do sot exist is thin country. Amesg the Kept' in Egypt. to when the Pope Is wt he latest appeal in behalf of rdlgdouu unity, there te • strong sesames to favor of • rotes to the Rasa Catholic chunk. Another egg of the greet auk hes been .old in L ..dos. 1t was loud n Island 66 years ago. Dame into Baron d'Hassoerdle's enllecues and as it u slightly .reeked, brought $826. If Hertfordshire, Eaglaod, girla are lucky •sough to find a pod oentan eg nine peat, they will lay it under • gate and bekeye they will have for a husband tie first man that parrs tbrough it. Lady Margaret Scott h•. Int won for the third tine the 1.dy'. golf ebamio.sbip of Great Sritaa. Lady Margaret u a deught er of the Earl of Elden, who ia also • saes proficient player of the game. Mme Moist& se forbidden to play any- where within Ramis juriediotis on •o suet of • @push mode during the World's Fahr, is which she sitt.ized the methods of the Cigar in miasma to the oouotry. Twenty -.even million trans. have already Mea epees oe the great ehurob of M. Se Bred Heart at Mstmerter, and the building is far trout complete. The mooey his bees raised entirely by voluntary ooutributtons. ♦ veterinary surgeon is Von Buren. Me, WY celled a few dot • ago to find the reason end remedy for an odd hard bunch on • horse a shoulder. He lanoed the swells, arid fogad in the center of it a salver dense The corner grocery clubs are now beep with the queens, how did it got then A whiskered Westerner from AIma,Kaa., wee arrested is Kansa City a few days ye for helloes bearing to the public ,test, and was found to be ferrying in hie pocks a pistol, • pair of brace knmekles, and a espy each of the old and sew testament. He declared he was • geed thumb member in hie own town. Chinese pheasant were iatroduoed into various part of Oreeoa • few pen ago for game purpose. The birds have thrived wherever iatreduoed, and this owes has has espooielly favorable, so that there is every prospect of an •bundanee of sport ia this Inns is the neer future, when the re g loated pertod expires. Tttl. 1. CeneeatsNtes. Otte pill a does, one bcz 'lit costa. One pill relieve, constipation. One box cures an ordinary coos. (iso pill taken weekly neutralize, formation of uric acid in the blood and prevent Bright's Kidney dis- ease and Diabetes. Taus only of Dr. Chase', Kidney -Liver Pills. THAT ACHING HEAD. What e'aa•ee 11 and Mew •vermes•, How often the remark. "Oh. my Need of hes," and there arc so many varieties of aches and pains the head is subject to all along the line from the dull and heavy and oppressed feeling over the eyes to the persistent, racking and torturing misery of Sick Headache. The cause is lit most cases the same, the overflow of poMonous uric acid is not extracted from the blood by the Kidneys, and accumu- lating in the blood, causes high and irre- gular pulse, headaches, mental depres- sion and nausea. (lease's K. & L. Pills tone and restore the Kidneys, excrete potsonou, matter from the blood, sending la on its way pure and health -giving ca -- ing Headache, and removing all the at- tending symptoms from its wake. Mrs. C. Bird, Harriston, Ont., while attending the thoFall Exhibition at Toronto, w taken very ill with Sick Headache and dizziness She was subject to these at- tacks for years, compelling her to take to her bed. In this case by using Chase. Pills relief was immediately obtained, amid the usual days of misery and pros- tration avoided. Thousands of such canes tan be referred to where Chase's Pi1L have cured Sick Headache sad its atten- dant symptoms. aS cents a hoz, et mill deakrg, or by addressing Unmans, s, mites & Ce►, es Lo.bsrd St, Tosser. • HOT OORN. "Is's has to tel jowl what the peW;e wate." aid the theatre sae.eor, with • "lit bast etreek M time way." replied the treasseer. "It ernes palatially sy .o me. L. she ween set el tem it warier tie ineeey hs.k."—Ran►legtoa Star. She (tad osersly to glls, who rein the siert el • Mary See • het Fre.ihy►—Sir, I udst es U. mei another word of time story —beuidas I thee hoard tt Siena -.-7ubpede- dMderr. "I sewer yellows kleeed • girl," He mud with .els that �eer.ed. "Then yes ee•tr ge amid 4.&o oe�e bask." Sb..ri.d, •'till 'yes here laara.d." —Detroit Fru. Pre. H. --Nim deg ; very t Hape you taught it way now Woke ewe 1 wee bore fast She (sweetl,)—Yes; it will fetal year \.t it you wknete.—Peek. The salts gee apd heir had Mee set Late the garden to fete\ • sok with w\ieh he was to he pushed. After ems delis be returned, raying. with a sigh "Costria't bud a Sok, mover ; but beret • lisle otos you aught frow at se. —Hat per • Magazsae. "That girl Dibble ie engaged to meet to all of 36. ••1 guess she n, but be doesn't mean to merry her before aezt year. SS will \e marked down to 28 by then. ladtan poke Journal. leteey, an old colored cook, was main( around the kitb.n one day, when her sib- trees t►trees asked her if the was n et 'zaetly," said Betsey, "hut the taus in,1 fleet fees amitosis sung\ to get outer my way. Crypt. Frl\uu•eti, tourist Isteditati.g • walk in the park to es the 6owerel—Can you telt us if the hyadnthe aro out yet, Pelisse (who is not • Monist) -1 think not, lady. At least Fre not seen than drive puna "My bey," e.td the kind old gentleman, "banging about Sees and low plass is • and ptwwa for one 50 young as yea. It n • fearful education you are aoquirLa/. '?ba s alt right,' responded the gamin, "I as educate' myself for • alderman. "No,- said See sea who Stayed in Mens while his lewd,, seat is the yes -.bets. "I name, had say dime news ken them. Rut shay hie rjsyi.g ..seely." • 'Hew one yen tell if they den's wrist. "I read about it in ray cheque book.* "I tbusk, sad the eneopbntiested IAa.. '•Mas Giorgio* meet be site • power in elty polios ; I was paeatsR hie plass yes- terday and I Reflood is big lettere the word "pall" on kis deer.'. "Ha," cried the bold navigator. "Beteg mea glee.." H. e.•n..d the horizon eagerly. 'Acether glees. Ha! After the eased glees he had se trouble whatever in dinoeraing the outline of • es serpent, wiser wee Signalling that is steer ug gear rue not master geed eserel. CRYSTALLIZED FACTS A Retinae company is .squired the 50 years' session lately granted by the Fovpsi•a G.rorumeat for tbe oenetrect.Is amid operation of Sessile railways La Carry. TM now M•dr.e Amorosoon is a M er- .oted in the Patent Hills, at Kaedikonel. thous 300 mils south of Madras. The cli- mes le .td to be all that wan be desired for utr.nomieal person. A osiers of military hygiene ie pre posed, and steps are to oe skin to have a seeds devoted to the .oneideratis of the epesal questions involved form a pert of t6e snail senting of the British Medlesl Aso - e lation. Is ie • curious fact that when red .Laver wee fret grown in •atrelia it sever emoted, became tits tongue of the native bat wee eco short M re•eb the pules. Tho work o1 for Wiring red clover is sillily dons by the long toagu.d beskidei Investors of flyl.R missiles*. throats end halloos will Mre as epp.rtuaity of * bowing wk.' they stn M at the Inter national E0lbitis of A. se•utical Appar- atus at the Peru Especitios of 1900. The .omwsitts ter the beers will be open to inventors .f •l1 nationslitSe. A solution of rewires (1 in 3) is recos- sended as . mon Skate twat of albumen in urine than ■itrie sad. it 1. stated that ✓ eeorcia will product • cloudiness of alba men when nttrie •aid will not give any re salt at all. Tb. urine u allowed to flow from a pipette est* the sinus of resoFota, when • whit ring will become apparent if albumen n present, SUICIDE uF A BROKEN SPORT. A, r', Walter • Cody Vested 1. tete latretr Elver Near asberet►erg. A..msrrecu., Aug 14.—The body et • sen was found at the month of the Detroit River here 1st eight He u about 5 fent 8 Schee in height, smooth face, dreamed is very *mall disked white sed bl05k trait, whit shirt, with Mee spec. A white .ilk handkershi f is marked "A. F. Walker." A letter dated Guelph, Oat, July 16, sign- ed C. Walker, evidently from hie smother, was Sued in one peeks. Fool play was eeu.peoad, se Mere is • bullet wound in the W.lker's mother and Store live in Guelph. He left Guelph Monday week and n ext day he went a IRS Windsor races, when be laid several bet. Sunday he was met feeliee well. and was visited by Al. Taylor, es intimater friend. Monday, be again went to Wi.dr.r. Taylor Saved his simian fres the track •sd did sot bear of his •gabs until notified of his ors* this reaming _Hie Meade are usable to aeeouet for the Sadie( of t o body in lake Era, en is it is that the unfortuaabe amen killed himself. How he got as Sr ea Anthers - burg it • mystery oats he west dors ea e on of the beats it ie know. that M ser- ried a revolver and that be lied pawned hie wash. The dsesed wee se of the Met. known book -skis ie this oortr s-, •.d daring kis day he made in yes a mune el money. Ne Pius. I tee tutr.w.mest. Amid yet rho wine itself is Meier Sas any t Maithat mold he sold about is. Wile..'. Iovavaliie Pert Wtas. This is the eolehrebd brusd, white bee rigidly ries ie public tsar. The Kasen i. Shot Is steer the sed for • bested toss. wife\ Shell be withet the disagreeable hearer else/Sea QIl- sen'e Isvnitds' Pert ie • fie end wine, of ne- denhed ego, whieb bee 1M ease of a heart- ies mod sttseletiag seise. 1t Neste ItiMi- M+., polo • now Sart d hope hte the bt- valld, bet .hilly is 11 IRv.lsmible be tee N ✓ ise new bleed se en forkeed Sell by all deals. at 1O s*smi'a 111 esarl hoseses, haH RIOS M.0 IR 75 eta pe jSINw Addeo— oath Mese Oa, 10 H.spierl Swell. MuttreaL First Visit to 8oderich of the Biggest, Best and Richest Shot on Barth SELLS BROTHERS' Enormous United B� G, S �„� �� ofthe World The Montreal Star of Aug. 13, says : The rain could not keep the circus enthusiast at home last night, and in bpite of bad weather, the bigtent at Sells Brothers' Show was crowded. Sella Brothers' Circus is a really first class aggregation. Noting of an objetionable character is introduced, and the artists engaged are really superior. 0o1't 1188 Seeing the Largest Show on Barth, lleyood all espartos the largess, oldest, riches, and mat sissies Areas and /.00hed oil enterprise is the universe. Netted for Its marbles ..•Ratted., mag.iliosace and merit. New taoreased is every way s sept le pries of admiesioa. You will se lamer tent, double na05Reric, men sensations features, more grater ante then ever betore inhibited to tha or way other country, without • rival, witient • blemish, Seemly advertised, honorably pre vented. truthful, Sorel and iwtraeuve. Pure and free of any objectionable features. No games of chance, No humbugs. No exaggeration, Every- thing as advertised. We permit no fakirs or confidence men in or about our tents, and tolerate no trickery of any kind whatever. Ours is a clean, wholesome and moral Exhibi- tion, conducted on tetter lines than any other circus show is America, and you can safely take your families ' or your wives, sweethearta and ebildien ars per• fectly cafe to visit our Mammoth Show unaccompanied. We call upon and in- vite the honest criticism of ministers, members of the press, and the public gener- ally to speak of us as they tind us. If our Shaw is not a,; represented, and if it is not the largest, most elegant and refined circus and menagerie ever in Canada, as well es the moot extensive, don't give us the encouragement of your patronage. WILL BE AT -1 SELLS BROTHERS, Sole Owners and Goderich, Thursday, • s 4 er w 4 I Managers. AfternoonveningSeptember 5 &. E Bells Brothers' giant Show of the Telt ' l 3 BW C1 R('CSES, 3 SEPARATE RINGS. All sew Superlative . 5.eatesse, 5 satin/rat sonaeerie, 50 amaammoth styles, RSM hippodrome raece, army of firth* 1,000 people, 500 horses and penis, 300 all -feature tete, 1.000 woederful nig $, 12 metseter waterproof tent, 4 special railway treiee, 83.500,000 tetttally invested to per• pewees he grandeur lb marvellous teenager* erebractag every saptiv' beast knows to exist ; ita selntude of teeters sob ase • elbow Abss t).e ticket admit to all the eoambhed shows. UNDER THK LARGEST TENTS EVER CONSTRUCTED.—TM gnome Zo- ological rolsliest= in the world, presesti.. h'sly the first time in this country the ly pair of GIANT WMITI NI1J .o Hion-Swtss T,. iereroTart, educated Alaska gale and wee lies, performing kangaroo., erased elephant, lordly lions, tigers, leopards, et eely flecks .f eMrt.has (the grit ever publicly exhibited), and marvellously trained, wild and 4isc - ti aced siesta of all deseriptiose. Daly the sly great Lost legitimate exhibities of its kind ea earth. Semis capacity 12,000. 30 gentlemen ushers. Circus parties sure or cure tick.$ is advisee et BUTLER'S Hoer groan. THE (;RAND, GORGEOUS STREET PARADE, abe.letely shims any page- ant ever Soon La ters politic guest., takes place at 10 A. r. os ?bureday. Sept. S. It in over a mile in lesgth. No postponeseet.o 05500.0 of weather. Two complete perform - saws, eternises at 2, eve•iag at 8. Doom open s. Mur earlier. Admission to all Combined Shows, 50c. Chit/reit undce 9 yeah half priori. Special excursion on all linea of travel at greatly reduced prises. GODERICH, THURSDAY AFTERNOON and EVENING, SEPT. 5th AT AGRICULTURAL GROUNDS. THE BETTER WAY. The habit of looking at the bright side of flies is worth more than a thousand a year. —Samuel John's. Self -plisses, .elf restraint, self oeatrol .lf-die iplme, thee. eoosrtate an *dusted will.—James iressa■ Clarke. Life is too short. to aurae ones misery. Hurry soros the lowlands that you say spend more time on ate mountain tope. — Philip Brooke No higher resort ie due the greatest is- suer or dn"over.r than to the wow who has nusrea the science of domestic eoouowy. --- Horace Mann. There never did, end .ever will, exist anytbi.g permanently noble and steeliest in the character whisk Is • stranger to the exercise of resolute sett dcnsl. —Walter Scott. i said write dew° twenty seem whores I wished that G.d had done otherwise than he did, but whiob I now see, if I had had sy own was, would have led to extensive sishief.Riohsrd teed. I am oon6dot there is • relation t. God tbrlugb Christ, whish ono make 111e per fectly peaceful sad happy under all possible cirentnetanon. end throw an unimaysoable rl.wy over this world. --C. L. Bros. 1 Mlav• it ie fully in the heads of Chris- tians of the United States during the next fifteen or twenty years, to hones or retard the osier/ of Chris'. kingdom to the world, by hundreds, perhaps thousands of years. - Jenab Serene. Vire cease my Shot yen have tried every thing for your rb.ama"ui, until yon ho.e taken •yer'e Pill. Hundrede h.ve segs cared of tits .•nsptaint to the u.s of theft pill, els ser* admitted ea exhibi- tion at the Weald's /her as a standard oath- sreio. Es w earth reals the logs wed $mss w1 •r paewmol► Ne► fir-1111therplle_ PYNY - PECTORAL mak* ewemshe er els le sagelhiw lime Ilea M auks. . tiro airs ek Idol sat le ee rig sal Mein leIle O h • aI UOTTLI, ONLY IS °INTL NEW BAKERY —IN— GI- 0DERICH_ JOHN A. GREEN hag established a new Bakery and Con- fectionery Store on Hamilton-st. in Barrie's old stand, where he will keep constantly on hand everything in the line of Good Bread, Cakes and Pastry of best make. Large Loaves at 10 eta., and small Loaves at 5c. No combination ; no extortion ; but everything to suit the times and the pockete of the people. If you want Good Bread and Cheap Bread leave your orders at the New Bakery, on Hamilton Street. Wedding Cakes a Specialty. Bread delivered to all parts of the town. JOHN A. GREEN. A reels o1 Trost. Thi. 004estiweary is aid to ill.ftraathe weds of treating God and hie enm gem of all our proper projects. i sod oil, said the •seie.t monk, Se he planted him ea olive spphsg. " Lord, ' he prayed, " it node ruin that ite root drink and *well. Send genes showers." Ad the Lord gest • seek sheerer. Lard, prayed the seek, '• sy tris Riede son. Read esa-1 gray thee. ' And the ens altos, gilding the driWier Stade. " New fist, ley Lord, to breee ice tis - ase., " said the souk ; and beheld, the lit- tb tree stood sparkling with erste Rut •t even seg it died. Then tbe monk eougbt the sell of a brother soak and told his S wage e=perie000• "1 t.. bit. p1..1sd a 14101.1,.." b .041 " sod ens it thrives well. Hut I estiresed ray HWs tree ee its God. He who node *0 keels Meter what it nods than • w like sea 1 laid se seditious. i hod nee ways mien sear 'Lord. egad It what i0 scuds,' i prayed, 'eters er .elds, wi.d. toss er Rhea*. asshou beet made it, and thus dust knew."• Nee ase seeplaiN erns ewer boss made by these miag Ayer's Soesparilla 05gordktg a three tssa Furthermore. we love yet to kern ell a sees in with le hoe failed to aimed breellt. He ear band ode et dregggi es all ever the eortry. Zoe weed etheryw4H e ase res. Mash Ellis ribbon sad rbheahe.e or dib. wised b.eklea end haMe.e glee th. ielehlmt rese�o le meaty el w newly kmapsrM1 erne seati at Newport FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARSI GODERJOH DUNN'S BAKING POWDER t�MEe�,rmExo 35CAS11 PRIES35 1st prize, 525; 2nd, 515 ; 3rd, 510; 4th, 55 ; 5th, 52 ; 10 prizes of S;1 each ; 20 prizes of bOc, each. The Proprietors of I Sa'aa" 8)100 — 1 offer to school children the above prizes, oompetitioa open until let of May, for the beet poem or rhyme, the initial letter of the lines reeding downwarde to cows - pore the words - 'dada CeylouTeas — 0 0 -- The poem u expiated to be the result of the ohs o own Mougtit, the name, age, address and eeleol be be appeeded to emote poem. able a oard out of a p•okage of ii Salada" Ceylon Tea, —l-I./— STURDY BROS., tiNt•ttsa. f�'MNbwu Owmis*W Square. saed.eteY. Hsdsrth : haw 1). Laird, d Beane, said a Ilya visit to taws ea Healey lest amid lei w Tseaday for Leekses,. He is the wen et Jobe laird, el tine taws, sad e. - phew 0. Mrs. Reet Hay., and grendeen el lilts. S. Laird. wie the 100th year d bar ego. He ie is the dry geode bseimiem le 0.S•sa hr s Welber who ire a glove care end le &deg welt. Wed gulp see the s ithig d mesh 1.r agates b Wag ddsslle w iso. ho Dsrshsy with fes - STEAM BOILER WORK$. A. S. C H RY STA L, etaccaeor 1. caryatal It Black; manufacturer of all kinds or BOILERS, Smoke Stack., Salt Pans, Sheet INS Works, etc., etc., And Dealer In— F.sgures, Machinery fasting., Lc. , Pipes and Pipe Fittings, all Bros Goode, Valves, Gauges, Fa. All Cosetaatly as Hand at Lowest Prion. The following lieeese band Boilers and Mach- inery for mile:— One 4,5 H. P. Boiler and Esse. " 40 " Slide Valve F.ngine. 35 " Tubular Boiler, complete. 14 " .. .. 6 " Fire -box Boiler and F:ugine,on wbele. Repairing promptly attended to. A. S. OUTSTAL. 1tlt 1-1, P. O. Boz 37, Godes-1°11.0s. W.rko-OPPoett O. T. It. Station. (.demob 04 48 11411011110 Amiens Alms . PATENTS sae% wtr`" a t r ....� . uosi. are.rlfi► r��ber'e.. ier.a.grt07aM�..f Pas err gtakes nest ivee tr ell howe mib � Ncirnti ftc American war1A. *r^e� 0s J Me.f s/.etttk' pper 1. :as mr..AcwtiA b_e�'wq�p{hn4gw,ite.��.tyM,w� 7�t fxen des. less fart a �. eta. PATENTS: MEM. TISK WANKS AN CISetae. le theUPeUIT4� Ogee attesd.d al et MOD/U1.41ria Z. e Oar e0ee le epeeelte the U. 4. Peers Ot- is, sired w mean alsaa�s Poems la }kine nae " mane DZL oN DV: WINO Ws .4- ;1r�9 .'._ ".dM o 1..'''rW dt er V. os.Order �Pnr etresl edy te Sege Mires= te .Mewl dimes to rift 1.0 4100. or Oeest,, write to e • NOW d1 Osmotic Peens en a '1 C.