HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-8-22, Page 5THE SIGNAL : OODZtICN, ONT., Tss1Ar AUGUST 22 1895. 00111 5 plaid Dress Goods W. ACHESON & SON. Little Plaids, Big Plaids, Low and High Cost --brut every time a Stylish Triumph and a Quality Triumph. Thirty-one Patterns in the 3oc, 5oc, 6oc, and hoc. grades. A Plaid Pattern and Pretti- ness for any healthy taste. English, Ger- man and French manufacture. No wonder Plaids are in such favor. Inapectidn Invited. W. ACHESON & SON. WILMER SMITH. UNDERTAKER, CB 013X1Ei/.I/Ca7rtH, ONT_ L niertaki.g e g v. prison of s ear Mr. J. L as sal rmer.l Diteerer and Embalm ed orM >yemt+tb • -- .d slto DORM. p �� Is. Essssgss. ss. T.ss4ay. &D5 - 111h 11arb.- W wife Mt J. W. Peaces. for mirk th o.dorteb. of . .ss. THE TALK OF THE TOWN. Fromm the Rsbertorin Wotobooli tl You've • Mole an s Tr meets. 1 rent Is test M t • Cann Maass Me Tanta' Nees% an' tales EMU gust M.' -Sews. PINE TAILOR17ta•--At .lees oast anon mere eattnhsttes eased- Jar Arrived, mpeshi Iia.. to Bering !Boman minas, This is the ties of the fear whoa fres mat to arrange for your Fell overcoat add wits for coot weather wear. The best nestle mg be ebtallsa by si•kt.s your seleetins et T. J. Prf4ham. tailoring ..t.bLI. est on the Semen 000D EYE BIGHT' as priceless treasure. You who have got It should take care o[ it Yoe who neve not got it should have your eyes •needed to at once. We maze the pre m ••apa.d.d s.ammos. }'►ilip Holt ddond- irn•tfo. of sight • specialty. sad can vast of Introit, and Mr• year eyes accurately and mientilc•lty. W. ed. Jan p Carpenter, T. WSIBH. optician and jeweller Smith of the Mishima bar, as the iavite warns. to tampers. tier of His Honor Judge Doyle, were naked Deputy Warded' Curry takes this mower- I with him on II. beth. tunit, be was campers and others again* gaidelball at Blyth. vi.l•tione of the rill" laws in tin' snuoa. Friday Inst a game et benhall was played • smasher of /non of breaches of the law : at Blyth hetwees the Uoderic\ Baseball have Inns brought to his moues, and here- I stab and the Uti..s of W rektor •ad after ne sass of the kind will be allowed to go upaniabed. N• further eosin will be give B leyele Baanrnetsrr. D. E. Sometime, Ytetoces-et., in potting is the .eossgar% maobiaery for the ooytrse Ma sol repair of biorcles, and says that be will have severei Uoderich bisyolee on exhi- bition this pall. He advisee all who &sirs to have good up to -date mashie's that egg he depended en to wait until they me t8. wheels 8. will'tan out. Giardini Party The Indies of Kaoz Marsh will rive • garde. party this ( Thursday) monies es the laws of M. Hatobiaos, Req. Retr oh- meata will be served sad tables of semi and tansy ankles a.d toadies will also be .o pile. the garden party will ere. et 4 o deck ad boa will be served .l 5. Aisne - 'ion to groan& 10e retres8ssones erten. E ight- Ble mtsg Ogren- Mssby lest, en A. Bi gbmm'. grosk.ues • boa.tttul epeoiw of the omen taaUr, knits as the "(lass.." was i. Wes. there Mirk nix Adorers est. The lowers whom tally .peed .seen about I iaeen anise. are pure white, sod pub forth • 'lassies frogman se stress that the sax blooms Ell- er eke greonb..se with their rick perfumes. TI. eight was witnessed by quite • .amber of visitors daring the swing. An rp4s.gimb BtevsIs Salt. The Se. Thomas Journal el the 19th syn •-'•This monism • ..011.4z51 noes - ties was s•ased se Talbot deed by the ap- praseo .f a lady hi yslin morn. a tight sweater and • pair of ke kresahsa She was •.s•mp•aid by bar \tmbad...1 they are from Ledo.. The Wyk sesame was n m..onliae thee many did .n .di.e that the waster was a woman until sthe came sear s.o.gb ts distinguish her (..tato., filo did met weer .obese., apparently, sad t8. @weather ••4 (h r figure ts mlhamtmge. The ken breezes won made tight at the Mee sad wide in b8. hire, Hko English gesti@ssos's essestrine ptme d% with • row of Mame es the osier seam at 18. kw The roost Jody Ieskd q51t. .8.1 .51 was prisdiy *Yvb.s to 1he wy admiring noose@ \.Ibwd urea 8.r." • Paper's easerese7• Ata memo* nasty isoeitt, theles'•••, - asked bashers .8. tent their Leif ibis to MU op their Mods, and sus d ens \m- ired protest emir six reepeaded. Mow. open 8. said : " Yen don's upmed ass della with Hoes papers yet you expose them to ,rime. fres et aarg.. askew ef 1.oYMta, bks fall reports. advertise yea sed your •biility i. ye.r .\.... prnisesion. •mlseies yea is dim8 the YAM, to higher panties* •si better sena" pltflheM a ss t'a penes - lip i. see.. Yes glee Mbak Hee 8 he dose MS nib Fags- slh.sl aed'tsgWe your methods mid the'regress year whence are aakisg, width d. Io year made* personal advantage, Hat he in demise to duty. sever dipping se think Ase you are earns. him all yin s••, and he ewes ma nothing, as ►is sewopeps is • private, .mets std evert kidnesm is a saneness gift." He elesd by gaging : '• Year seadaot would lead ass, were I an editor of em of then papers, to presepuy threw late the waste basket any e.aauieade.o seat nen by any society, the members of whine were me 'road and to messy M enetaim the paper, r if 1 inserted it to demand MI •dvertbiag rata for snty kne ise rbi=- M' Mise M Us.wv Tee Brookville Roo.rder bee • •inks sof tthe maniere of Charles W. Brown ad 1d• Brows, at the residence of the bride'. father. J. Brows. Bnwsevill•, by t\. Rev. Y.orp Brows. tb. boss mss was Trot Brown, •.d the bridesmaids were Letts. Brow. u1 Edith Brews. The bade ware • brows gown, sad the happy scapi• vUi live ia • brows nese trent. Oato of the wedding preemie was • volume .f Brows. tag, which will be eland in the br sen study whore the future little Brownies nen read it. IOU Ssopeaded 55.5..ce. The trial of Merkel( Alderson •std Thomas Alderman the Wwasbip of Sbubea,tor Joing bdtiy berm to Michael Hoaacker, teak plan as 4Fe 16th, bdere His Honor Judge Doyle .Beth primmer@ were foam aot frailty of the "harp preferrd,•sd the older, Medoall ANosos pleaded guilty be • thane of ceases •smelt and was allowed to ge IM'spilisa r bias f.rw.rd, r all .ales.. Eat13% �oS• Cakes. ▪ " It the Can. .. is the nee et a ..s.. Iongs mob and m swim with way are en this deerson defeat the (3elerjsh and the !lapis Iwai ens bleak t8. 'Jaimeand pile up 16 etas. wW wend In tthe of with . fan a fir.. if Mark Lean y the ear + team !" lWsM11 t>I.... e. Pssattl. • game of baseball will be *psi ea the agebnks:al grade es Friday afternoon bek es• the llewi Olah .d W Gale- rish tems.aenrosso isj at 3 i.i.sk. • great pm. Ie ..pe5ed. •e t8. Beaman nab is on .t the stru.gase is tthe dkniel, ad res.stly detested the O.deriIh My, e'h. w Emir en of rstrnovitg 18.11 boors. There e4sld be a large Miamians. The Teaching Nana The Collegiate lmtitoto will ores es Min by with tho bailewisg staff far the nests( tore :-H. L flMmg, RA., Prissiest, A. J. Moore, B.A.. J. M. M1Um. E.A., Mise Cb•r me. 14.4., J. 8. Cameros sad Mie Molwsssa The 'Wells mink w111 mew a.nn the fall tors with the following star 8. P. Hallo, M. A., Primeval. Mise M. Rusk iment•et, Mimes 1. Sharma.. T. L Bail, 8 Gerrie. The latter wen try • more of 11 to 25. Although a fairly good pts' was pat sr by the God•nsb club, they appeared to kayo look badly ageism them, and made errors when they wore most wetly. tie proximity of • Iosco which .s.8ld len- banded batters to pat the ball cabals of the around•, u1 this enure two -base bis, •1d* told avian the Goderich team, as it lad no loft handed hatters whilst Ns<.ro were four on the eppceimg team. po1N u the nem u0D[1MV. A.B. R B. H. Idalcoasos,s 4 1 2 Thempees, let b 4 1 1 Tilt, 3rl b 5 0 1 Cremona, ret 4 1 1 R.eert.os. an , p 5 2 1 Hooper, 2ad b b 2 2 Doyle, p., o.f b 1 2 H.Imoo, e.L. as..: b. 2 3 Hahn. Lf 4 1 0 A P.O. E. 3 12• 0 O 6 6 2 0 1 2 2 1 5 0 2 O 3 1 9 2 0 O l 0 O 1 0 • ler �t e1 li w.sltITN. A.B. R B. H. • P.O. S. Undimmed e 7 2 1 2 8 MsIaenelia.l.t.lseb 6 4 4 0 3 A. Pubs. 1st b4 2 2 0 9 M.Hmrdy, r.1 7 J. Pantie, as.... 7 R Rom, ird b 4 W. Enke, 2.4 b 4 A Williams. p6 1'oar•th, 0,1. . 5 Kaake. LI 1 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 3 1 1 4 3 3 1 5 2 2 4 2 9 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wigirise, Franks, Stewart. ter t8. Cameral 8t. Andrew's :-Mise Wagon, Prissiest, and Mien Panes.. St. David's: -Miss Coatis, Primipal. an Mks Skelton. St. P•triek's :-Mie Bonita. Primers , sad Miss Graham Maras Parti Campers. The party w\iak has bean sampiq at Hater Park 1he pad week, kooks up gasp o• Mosby. TM s•.psrs report • met onj.yable time and are lellebt*4 with t8. Park. Although is close proximity to the tows it is far sal away from the town's beetling benison, sad rein sad asks may 8. enured •e all times. The grand neva- ties of the Park ...urs. the healthiest .f ozyges . 1 se boner plan on be bad far . s..sokiart health •d rest A 4...tren\ of Mesh .smpi•tss one of the lases summon rosette to be desired. During the week the o. -pen satertamed their lady Meads from tetra, and .11 enjoyed t8. sstisg. A Andreae ess•g. • MS plainest .hildre.s' outing took se the Paint Farm, on Minden laet, seats the o8.rg• et It. 8. Williams, of the Bask .f Cem.er.•, and Deputy -sheriff Remolds. After • god rule s• the beach, varied with seene ad d•nias, the w8.1e party ad- journed to 18. 'reason@ disks ball and row- boat of am greenest tea prepared .renally for them. There were premise : Mies Ca. - @ tae Search, Master Harry Beards, Ta- man : Mie Gertrude Hi11. Mester Wyse Hi11, Eames City : Miss Co•.temo• Holt, Master Js[rsy Holt, Mise Claire Reynolds, Mise Beatrice Garrey, Mann Jon, Gamely, Mester Philip lusty, Mies May Williams, Comm.lors Will isms. entente Name Laws. E. /lanky, the mostly appointed Chid Gams and Fink Warden d the Proman, s ire lad ed, by order of no pinkie 8.Mimed, Mal secretary, the game laws of the Prov- isos is pamphlet form. O. the frost pogo are given the Damn and addresses of the game and fub soomiseioaers ad wade••. Meek will be foetid ental for reference in osereeposlasn with then officials. T8. game laws are pte.eatd in • very oncost - int form, the •.endmente passed sine 18. some elation of 1893 having bee im.orpor - mad with the pri•sip•l eat. T8. elms* from the Meneipal An dealing with the bounty tar w.1ves, sad the Iwetaysroo. Birds' Aet is tall, are abs ess►r od within the neer. There is leu eosolttao • well. arranged index, •Ipbaheuo•Ily •rr•eged, whin' renders .noes may N any particular subject in the 1•w. Tao gss.sl distribu- tion of this pamphlet •most eprta.ea'm- •ot but led to • hotter understanding of the law and • hector .bosrvan,e of it also. 25 14 19 26' 5 •Maleoseson out for running off the line nous MT Innintin. O.isrh►. .004202300-111311 Weems.... 2 2 4 0 4 3 9 0 1- -25 18 5 B•tturin Doyle, Robertson and Maluom- ss : willheo and lleadere... Umwirs. James Rem. Brase•I. iTims, 2 hrs. 15 min Farad rase, Gd.rieb 5. Usa.s7. Streik est, by Doyle 9, Reborte.. 3, Williams 2. Hit y pHw.8.r, by Doyle 3, by Williams 2. Lois as Mesa, Gelato\ 7, Unless 8. 2 kale hit., MaMeseson. Maybe M.Hardr, Williams 2, Mole•.Ylia, M.Gra$8. 3 Mee hits. T\eapea, Rees. The Awltle.. Ba 8511, The tdlowisg free the l.••1 paper of the Village d Gerrie will prove leirhly iste eet- tag to the baseball estkasiaesW of UM god Iowa : "Tbe tribe who isha\it the s..sMr sew pr a me white owns as roes.'• num, bows have srp•ied • berthaU .sub and • there lime y. t8. Ukase wens Mini le ply • teimdl�j �g�a�m�s. Tbq teal the rel ts l P garde ... bet the .ss� int ef e8. sp.s here appeared le be devoid of the sMgt .,+dose. d dvtlim. ties. Had the mems ham dere shape is - Wend ei tamers they might have blies •6411 MSW bade Midi l8. Hoa M ball fad naves Aero Heir ex..uYve 8.v' des os.wym hank & At the Memel the ruses werTHl g b. 1\sir the seen need 9 to 11 r fang .f e • prim to mate 18. waft .. .aW. ' • Ui`a." erase isorls.MI. IoW Cb.mty 1515 vwen •e/ tee the 4B..iag msehsmaiW end 1/w1 u..s, they reep6e Hes the Our Store will be closed at 6 o'clock each even- ing during July and August except on Satur- days and days preceding public holidays. Special This Week : Embroideries, 5c. per yard, worth lOc. All Lines of Sommer Goode at Re- duced Prices. TERMS CASH. BUTTER AND BOGS TAKEN SAME AS CASH. JAMES A. REI D, 10th July, 1895. Jordan's Block, Godsrich. HUMBOLDT'S JILLLY OF GLYCERINE AND ROSES. Fer Chaps. Seabees, Tao and all Imie tits. Gainless'• g•1 it good •her Aavisg. The most maker of Amnion Toilet Ar - Imported direst by se is order that we may ha.e the ear best thing of its 8imd. Special attention to Ameri‘gn Toilet Articles, etc. IDEAL LEMON•I)E TABLPTB, 10.. a Tuba Om dissolved in w•tr makes a glees of Ilse Leawood*. BLACK BERRY COMPOUND. The befit cure fir Sum- mer Complaint.. 25c. Lime Jai'., Ran ' iseg. Ere es-3dtnar. Year Praritptiss Palremp Seasoned. W. C. (:OODE. CHEMIST. neon= of the eonventies d peals apes the interest taken by the individual essielhi The loss[ ,sssmiseo is bumf / ..8l. se- rasgemese Is give the d.'epsm • emillel rs.spsios, and from the enthstdadi. way, Is width the members are doiag their week, we ma promise them • god time at the beads ui t8. Biy tk Young People. A social "•t hems" is 8.mg streamed for, ley whisk ton will he served to the delegates, la sae of the th•rches, en Wedsesby ermine. At the Penes reart. Jas. McLeod W Jas. Cray up before the P.M, for moa-p•vmose of wages. An order wee isoaod for 114 sod .cute i. 21 days. Several b.yo were brought up before the P M. yesterday, charred wish stealing fruit ass vielallag the bathing byly. They were teenaged Attar b.iag reprinesadd •d toll that .uy future vip)atins of the 1•w world be severely death with. The Nair Leered*. lanes. The strulgk for the leadership of the senior club' is the Canadian Lacrosse As- soei•ties. is ering its sad. Os Mosby she Beavers, of Seekonk, met the Athletics, of St. Catharine, en the later plan, .s.1 were defeated by • aeon of 4 to 0. Tomer. row .t Seaforth, the Bearers will play the Ezetoiors, of Brampton. The Beavers h... • Rood led over the Athletic. Lod Ex. oel.ars, wbo are respectively s.sosd .•1 third is the ram Steven Baring. The rapidity with .bio8 bicycle racing has .prang tato popularity is est of the meet striking features in tie world of sport today. end in this oeanestion the taming teur.•woat under the auapioes of t8. Stratford Blayne Club, os Wednesday, A.g. 27, 1. attrsottng widespread sleeken. The league et Ameria•. Wbeelms, the United 3tates organization eorro.poudi.g with the Canadian Wheaten'. Aa.oeiatics in this oou.try, is this year naming • .Kies .f oroe meets through Canada. But even planes wilt he visaed, and the Stratford Climb 8.e b..e forelimbs moans to smuts .se of the dates, Aug. 27. The 'lob has hoes actively sugared for menthe past pre - 'arise for the ...t. sad • move feature is the way of prize has bon i.trod.od,..sry prize being an meet diamond, the total value of the prizes herniae .p to 1800. • het of the fisted noise stmt is t8. Cattail States will -visit (end• es this e onion for the first time, sad as i4.tterd i. ti. *sly phin in this diarist to be natal • very largo .tteada..s d. looked for. Taking kite consideration the .fab'e n.w third mile bicycle trash, width has bee 'ready improved this .ammo, mad the •g' gr.ptios of fast mon from t8. Untied Stat.. and Camas who will he thee, • by .f prime .port h .mired Hen who at- tend. Reduced railway rates ha.e hes arranged for Item .11 peiak SELLS BROTHERS' BIG SHOW. Firm Canadian Tear of the Blg Show of the World that has rade A11 Australia amid •mese Talk. The pleasarsble amtiaMtios around by the contemplated visit of Sell. Brothers' Enormous United Stows to thin town is about to be re•lizei. This meennoth ag- gregation will inhibit in Godericb as Thurs- day, Sept. 5. No exhibition that Me ever meted the Canadian provinces has haw e o.aprsbessive is its method of dvsrtisiw sr has ever euoso•1od in attracting no ankh attentions by it• editorial And pictorial au- nenneomento. This grand organization has the guest lithographic printing ever dt.pl.y• ed in this town and it 8.. been .tettered with a proton liberality each ea no arcus maaa.eosst, set hacked by stupendous capital Aad reintorcel by • gist asses - meat enterprw, could afford. Then wan dertul specia.ns of the misuse .rt leo sot begin to tell the story of the marvels of 8.11 Brothels' Millios.ire Shows, .bin' ooaprio., amok its loamy eighteen' neo !cosiest long... • pair of aos.ter hip potaai. This a absolutely the only frust male emit rival tomato kipp..aas to b. sass tome*, gad either 1 both is are and weight quemb plv the superior of any other shows. Tbase-troly wonderful Wood 'ess ens mestere, will be let loom 1n the arena and go through • mot remarkable psrf*rmane. that 'moot be daplisted by any other show es earth. • trou et tr•i.•1 •leeks& smle .ad s•• lies., keg orirla•I telesis of the moot .tosi.Yi•e ohmmeter, .ill alto .pp•.� Aaother a•tthl•a tsetse is a flock of that full grows ostriebes, the first ever publicly exhibited. Moura Sella Brothers this season Inv. rives special attention to their o.oaetb a.a g no, whine i. .ow t8. Ingest is t8. world, .abraeia fifty geld .ahl.rosed c.gss fi11ed with the raise wild amitosis is eaelle 85..11 Bntbors nun to this town in . blaze of glory. .ad it iswitheet doubt the men gigamtio exhibition that has over .kited this @ *Retry, i.troltrki.g greed Tripple Ring Cinema Fi.o-owtisent Mo•geri•, real Row Hippolrea, Hege •iriea.:Aquar- hue. • fan Aviary, Arabian Caravan . ad the unequalled free merest parade The Sells Brothers' ler enterprise has hem oder sea sell t8. mine mincemeat for • len free period than any other in existeam., hmiag sow is its twenty fourth prosperous year. Bo in tows early. sad ewe the free daily Mime pvi• of glitterirtg minder. The pr..mmmi.- leaves the show moos& at 10 anent ea the nesraiag of the eightieths. it ie over • mile i. length. Bee the vase dtr of gamma l Tion donde whether or =to want ts esu the greaten sew es Tone perh.am ems daily--shorans •1 2, sight in eight. Ilesn apse ems ben earlier. Spinal sse.ruies ranges •11 limos of bawl. AM.a.a Endeavor Couronnes. The fourth sonnet nonatien .f the Huns County Christian E•d.•.er Masa, will M 8.1d is Blyth, on Tme.by mod Wed- msd•y, Sopa 3rd mad 4th. I. the prepara- tion of the program as raise harm beam spared be bare the time holly ...spied with pa.oMgal %Vhw mal the negative have. as tar as was poedkle, disertheted tke terns moose t8. wartime sostotim of the ..vty. The m.roi.. of Ree. A N. Berns, R.A., of Tereslo, 8..o hams eso.red to give two d. deco.., said mint is minas fie most' ties interesting mad prodtsble to these Mtsmdi.g it. Mrs. M. 8. Wathiage.., ef Glisten, .U1 present a ropers of 18. great Lhar..Ym.ml CmmvoYsm of (.Arlen. Rad.mver, held im Boob.. July 1116 to 160. where mom 56„000 Emde•ver.e met for msm.sl4dbss, ha THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. sodrteh Mess. 41401111KIILAug• wl. Ifna Hour. femib. per own Flour. pan. lar cwt .......... _.. Ikar,Jimeat. per non •harm 70 to 0 70 60 to270 14 to2n 70 to x 70 00 be15 00 aortae tea li M ion 00 @crooning. • Ms- 11 d toff 00 Vld O.ym, • both .... .�OM w 115 NNrw Hay. a j5.... ........ _.,_.li M l 00 OlHy, it los 00 telt 00 pdsd •eose Rkash now 14 1 n to 1 10 Satter. 014 to 1 14 14HI's.. a s, ftenh selected. i 1 to i s Skins ......_.......... 400to" 0 M ... 4551.454 an ' 400 t. 1 00 Lf.. Dressed Hess. per 18., ....... Che. oar lb....., 0 0 15 fiq 5 14 011 to 012 For Bale or To A,aat LWR SALE. -A GOOD li S1OR1' 11' frame dwe.li.g Mese tern with 1"s,I4 Addition sued shed. inane ea LK 507. Wooing ter Terrace. Ooderich. Aftilyto 11 -If PHILIP HOLT. HOUSE FOR RENT -THAT MIMIC, diets new house on Trafalgar -et . soca prising sins erre rooms, with odic tell Elea of hoose and bath room and other amesserlea is offered for gale or rest to suitable tenant. Apply to R, C. HAYS, banister. 0oderich. sr WM. PO7TS. Salttord. presenter. 1044 Loot or Fonnd. WATCH FOUND. -FOUND RECENT - Il . the greet r..d between Duagaa n on a Ell . gold watch. with gold e n attached. This owner ane bare the same by • vi pmpertipaying ;se/e n otice. the *Mos 01 J, G. WAR 1, Dm- g annoe. 60-st Public Notions. BABY'S REQUISITES : BABY FOODS all kW) RUBBER NIPPLES (LOW TEETHING RINGS TEETHING N1iCE.L.iCER (oi..tris TEETHING POW DIM Moot u.. or feeding end pass ru8belf eimaisa -NEW PERFUMES - (Sweetest Odin CARNTION I MifO CLOVER PANsW (TTZsT g{YAC1NTHs Remember the best pad most fashionable perfumes •es always a a. bed •e Pare CHAS. D. WILLIAMS. Drugs. Omani wad Druggist. TARE NOTICE. -ANY PERSON OR p'es.a� foond trespassing on Lot No, le Coe. /14. Oo derleb Township for the purpose of minas timber In say form or say other article an the promises. wi:l be prosecuted Ac carding to law. 31 it !',OLD WEATHER WILL SOON BF. lV cm o.. 1f you wish to net fell benefit from your stoves and furnaces. ha.e your chimneys chased without delay, it 1 • saving in fuel to do ss. No need te more eca•rrppstet.� , No mum made. Orders left at my ss4d..od near the Square. will he promptly attended to. 31 -It CHAS. PAYNE. M. deaths Ond.e'i spm. "Ca.se.le" ons. the Oren se H. B.mei .serene. le M the plea el the B..gagso that bre5.ht en •'O•valhri• R.► vb. weed@ aro the onsposer mod e piss r tabus Nei t the Tesesies peel of Omega Bear's r eeseas. FMPT1 CANDY BOTTLES. DON'T FORGET That the largest stock, and the finest assort- ment of FINE TOBACCOS, CIGARETTES, CIGARS, h1PES, And all smokers' sundries Parties wanting empty Candy Bottles should call at once, as *e have only a few dozen left. Everything that is kept in a first class Drug Store is to be found at WILSON'S PKEBCRIPTI 0N DRU(. STO Kg Terme .trice oa•h. No credit. LOOK �D READ 1 As ay gro.sl lean 8.s set hese be Si pie, it V my intention To Sell tie Whole of lT Stock. Is at J. E.toAVIS' t Phm. B. Druggist h Optician. A FURN ITUI BALE! GIGANTIC REMOVAL SALE of Parlor Suites, Sid* Board., Bed -room 8sites,('b•in,TAbles, Pictures, Frames, Mirrors, Curtain, Drapery Wall Papers, Fancy Goody China- ware. Easels, &c., ka GENUINE SALE, that will muse • commotion Among people of every class 20 , off Claes Cut ('ash Prioea Enough maid. Come and .n, SMITH'S F URNITURE & ART Yes will a.derstanl. I wet to sell this Stook, and any one wan hoe sythisp is my lime, now we the time to rutabaga. Tou'm get A FURNACE DEPOT. F. SMEETH'S PLANING MILL BASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY. 1 take this opportunity to inform the pubtle that 1 am still in the business notwithstanding all rumors to tha contrary. and am prepared le do every class of work In my line from making • window frame to erecting • !story bandi1res with mansard roof. Hat/mates burnished and competition Invited. The furnishing of building material. such es lath. shingles and tum oar • mtt.eWtl. F. SMEETH. pat in your 8.sm most from 175 to 1100, `.•reefed, .bi.1 will bars (hal err Wood. it 1 • ro•t mistake be pat is • Fenian that wilI net barn wed, se tone cost a of the Wooer (Spring' mad Fan) yen will emly I require p4 os1. 1 ban .b. s ..mbar of Snood Had Stoves. (]..ho early and snore sea 1 WU keep the •m.rham Water Trite, ()...dlea Water Whits, sad Cassano 011e. Reopening all over -due motes sad n- eonate, I mimes to he paid at aims. G. Z. DAVI$. Genie : J. ILhas sail t8. •m. seism hotel Io 5 Tyntr.tw, Ise 1ke els d NMI Oodsrioh. July nth 1181. Loan and Moving* soaloty. T TOYUSAYtCIWHOSAYE. KALE= THE HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY. tGasaIH�UarooTs. -Interest Holt ths per1seat. me amass. rues r m ooneedolllar upwards. D ppostew. osw1Ulei it to their dvatago to tomo ad ..e - Loess--wtoy ha smeared N •.y time= delay on the security. npMev._1 451a*iM proir b7 zpesmeamager 'rat ppi{oatto.m rteeoo.Nloe. The .eeCo p t a cakes are oelksntedicf ea North Nren ad . (hurt Hetet Square --opposite Homos tlWw*L Of@ne HORACE HORn. r J. H. OOLIiOWi>L To Smokers: To most the wt.me. of their Csetemera The See. S. T.ea0e a ase ton. iso.. U.m- Mee. sat.. have ptaeed apes the market A Combination Ping of "T& B" SMOKING TOBA000. This supplies • long felt want, giv- ing the consumer owe 20 amt plug, ora 10 amt piece or a 5 cent piaci of the famous " T dt B " head .I pare Virginia Toba000. 1lh1 Th Tog "T i" b e1 Ivoiy Poll. R. W.twan& t L Zell sad 11. Pfeffer dapped a eta bad of b non le YgBflshb as