HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-8-22, Page 3THE SIGNAL: titan.. I, I t 11, t 1NT.w THHMDATI AUGUST 22. 1891. 3 Og.1i,glfll1. M NICHOLSON, D,!est��DEN eTLL 1a 'er and ugwred iasal estates, on bind far moans seam ma et meth. li'. i RICHARDSON, L. D. 8.. anon demist. One sad nested ok far paean= estreimlog d test stars to the pre aw sW sem& Can U.er W s ow s`up &naeedl net-ir T TURNBULL. D U x. , 1. D.8. theta rat. 'Lately asseoleied yip pr. Ihrm, oriental. Gull sad perm lele artlirlal mob mental ou sold or alas isms boas. attention alum to the /eaervattw of the satur.l tee b. Odin iu Insea's sew block ti s tf 11111(1101111. r1It HUNTIL PHYSICIAN, BUM L mesa, &o. UMm- Motwaati Sleek, Mem. ,oi el, Islgbt sal s tree British Esshasgs leo •1 wanly DR J HAMILTON. VKTERIIiAKi' augers..sr.dsatsetUstsrtoVeterinary pangs Toresta u�eggfWwsred member e1 wt. veteriserr Menial Animaters. Calle pU• stteeded at ail heat.. 4.r sr alght. (Mob il.alltos strait Opposite .hues Seel. EliNliST HEATON - BARRISTER, !ampler, Neeary Pelee Acameo's ieet Went streea aw t7 E. PION -BARRISTER. BOLIVI. tor. Notary. L.:. U.Seerr Mallen WA dean. Oodaioh, (. u JOHNSTON, B.tMUSTER, 1W- 1�l Tetter, ceamustouer. em. Mesar to leas. 'ties* : car. Swallow' sa1 I. Aa- deow'n'Ma 6Uderi0h. suet. SO4 LOMB". DANCEY, RAI1RIttTER, gmetc. Maw to leas41 4. ernum. *yams., Monk, op- posite OS learMM Hotel. Ooderk:b. fiat. ASV N. LEWIS, BARRISTER, PROD. F (loans of Qatari° - -death ool'ftber.... kora. R0 SHAYS, BARRibTRR. 8ULICIT• . Oil, kc. Oleos Nurib-a. Wil dee ge.r,at tomos Prir.0 lances to bend at lowest rates el Iater'ia. > ea I 1 ARROW t PROUDFOQT, BAR - Meters. Attorsa7*, twa �loitora &. Hole rice. J. T. (Jarrow. C W. Woadtoo* CIAMERJN, BOLT & HOLMES, bl•r: users, So4eltoru la CA.scsrl ata Goderich. M. C. Omeieres. 4LC . i P• iiNt ; Dalley Holies. Q. WARD, CONVEYANCER, J . •.4 oommlmloser fon WILMA sad re- p,vty reooltais.nose of Mil, •Ifadavtts es sehmusna depositions or solemn delimit. cess is or eeaoor4iat say nun. salt se pr► ...dune V the ,Huth Obert of Antos. tlli► Conic of Appeal ter Omani, or is any aomslr .r Dolan Court. All trassactimis otu.ttl101 sad promptly executed. R sides.» ,tad P. abloom- iiansaaoa that. 1111-tf 1.0111111 alga tafdYlanes. r SEALER, CONVEYANCING AND lasereace adios. oppositelMart4.'s Hotel Sederin. OBEY TO LiIND ON MORTGAGE 111 at si Ser mat. Notes discounted. C. MAUER. Mace apposite M.rtio'. Hotel.bed. rick. MONEY TO WAN. - 226,000.00 Private nods to toed at Si per nest. se- emly. LOFTUS IL DANCEY, Hiericas Work. oppuits Odhor. Hater Uo4erick. a07 -d '.1. T. NAFTEL, FIRE, LIFE AND • eceMent toser%aoe seem • et lowest 'gaga, Opts --Ger. N*.tk.til sad eigeor.. (hod .303 (400 ,000 TO WAN. APPLY TO V O•IIRRON NOIR & HOLMES gads Asa. itte MONEY TO LEND. -A .. A R O 1 •menet of Private Panda fur 4avemosest ,(lowest rases on Irst-dsss Mongsg.s. Apply .OARROW & PRO(JDVOOT RRADOLIFFK, GENiERAL Ili• . senses, Real Snit. and Mean Waning Agmen Only Arst+d..s eeaMsiee rspasentod. Mosey to load an straight l..•s at the lowest rote of interest Being. In ss. war to nit the er. Oji.. Sao b •l door trout Bq.ters. West etrc•t Ciodeha - Mee6als1ss' IaastiIMlie. T OTDV>TRJIOLH(���YBAANDC8R' EIANDY aoOB, ear. of haat street sat Boum MP Min. Open from 1 to w r.M„ and from 7 to is P.M. ABOUT 2000 VOLT IN LIBRARY. Leading Uat1y, Weekly owd 111 idraied Papers, Itoemittes, dc., os. Ars, MEMBERSHIP TICKET. ONLY waiting tree use of Library esti Hatio sg- Appllmuos tot membership received by worries. in room J H. COLBORNE. H. HAMILTON. Neor�isr� 0 beariaa. tioeerieb Marsh Meth IW. ANINNIOieerinir. THOMAS GUNDRY, AUCTIONEER aid Mousse* Arrest. tioderlsh. Out. Agent Londa and Lancashire Dire his. Os.. *•d Oen Miami Mutual 1.s. Co. .stns at hated to to nay Dart of amnesty. 3347 J•1HN KNOX, ()EIkEK41. limper and Land Valuator. 4•. Having had ooneld.r•ble algae theas .t,oneert4g trade, bo le 10 • ptlsMl.n le llreharm, with th.ro'ytb .•ted etna all eels alaaowm entrusted to him. Orders MIN at Verona hetet, or I*" by mall 1e W .ddrum. Mderich P. O , oantaHp .uadd to. JOH KNOI a44ty Aateleseer iOttt ADO. Women cyclists' sestets.* ere the nb}sot el war integrations mei much literat.rr. Tb. .ray of sesmes some people agree the mama these ...ton*. are the better. •a, A5 A 31.00 PI/EIVIER sad sets. medIdeo t "'MOONS MI ether ampsaa.- aro medidss esti cousins steely drt*vered 14(1444.8*. ..&...s to wether Msp•r•ek• iT ACTS WITH :CNCR6Y ON THE LIVER. KIDNEYS AND PORES Or TitE SKIN imaging. by eseons e1 these ewes. pisses genets o1 scrofulous. leher1.4. er cestagdeas bemoan wbhh int 1a the bleed. p4' nom and arise. t'liE NEW MOWG'NB Ih meet pesssastwd femme le itr relssrtale Amy r emitrtl.g veieem std hspeeMw' ares the bleed, stol buttawg • the vers sad MbIlinned pons el the mews. Thos la adhere cases ef ewdda end ether dr mem emendling apse Moses blind. ask rieshe ebtalid frees M- s.4 wma.ks.isE pmpeWw nT sere MAY Cates." nom MAP -w..1 «erp1. AGRICULTURAL COLUMN. usatiw AMat she /arm. la &rivies tkroach the .eustry, dithers is sae tines mere thea anther whleh astrans the .tanatee et se ebeervbg pens, It is resent mamma, or ea the memory, mater - .1 'defilement skeet tae tins mid farm ►•aWeyL Atter roe hear the remark of silly !elk, sere .sposially es they travel •Inag the road, Well, now, if I could live there 1 '.e4ieve I should saNy souatry life.' " My but w11•t . gloomy pubes, It is esensh to daoonr•g* • saint," eta moo de sot ergs eases/ asaknms and or der ism to please the «y folk. Oh, ow Bat ton oar owe sakes let se *paid • halt day sum is • while is oilskins Wage up. Let us he asreftl u Maytag anyt1141 .hest the tare, doory)rd or bars yids whisk * ►.l be mmsighfly. Yee,' one may ay. "thee leeks w.0 ea paper, sr weald do far • 'hook farmer' M ad - remit), bat whoa yea getdews M solid taut. it is a bls far souses homier to do it. He isn't •gbrd it." We believe MI rim mos afford sot to do it. Show me ass farmer today who is mak matey with sv�ery�t�hag is geset•3 dirty diaor4. . tools uasdis( est, fences .sd gates eat el repair, deers *wis5iss, sad • theorist' and son other hale niers whin gat tenement • g eneral sheen, sad 1 will *how yea dm who are seat and tidy is all tars speratissa Thea, ten, another past whisk msec sot be overlooked, that shiftless farmer will sons wast to sell out will say on wase to per .1... ..8 ...ks*; premises! It is baa - awe sessemy to slick op ea/ keep dialed up. 01 scares we cannot go to eatr4mes, bet whoa yes owe get Wan is order sad are sandal to keep times se, it is earprieis' to ase what little uses it takes to make Ways attractive •beet the hose. I tbisk as farm- ers we are ton ear.lese about this festers of farm lite. Let es " braes a ." Mew the yard. tris the tram, Ix the Ines, peat the heuae, if seed be, tale pains to maks our bores attractive and plsaseat, shoo our lives will be more happy and we shall be more eostente4 with our lot, which atter .11 w ism whet moo mak• it oe the farm Of else- where. Doe't imagine whet those oily ono - Ms who lire is • seat cottage do sot have to work, worry sad plea •a yea do. Try it • wide .ad see :-D.teeit Tritons. rrNMebto swine Creoles Ther* is a great tweo.oy et farmers ss moat, ea other mousses ossa to tall :neo ser tui customary ways of 110147 things with out much thoug►I of study as to whether choir way would be the meet preamble, of h'. For iasteses we may take the termer b grewis4 beef. 11 km hese the palsy of Rio father, sad thus tar hie personal policy. to tars off bs tali cattle at tires years old. Now hes very slow to abase his toothed' sad it sometimes takes • deal of argument to megrims him tat he said make best growled ssaoli more profitable by atlas his mottle in prime flesh and to sell them aha two years old or a ousser. An another ill- ustration we will take the remote sad f•ttraier of beim ter market. lore we have a tanner who hes always made it his plan to esti his hop when *hot would " up the bas at 300 pentode. This man dose sot read the FarmersJournal much .or any egneeltursl literature, ut tact. ■e thinks be knows the way to make bogs pay sad d on t thank as one foe adrtsina him that he is sot doing se well as he might. Ws only spat of than column everyday examples to bring oat she fact that it is net win dem tar any of as to behove we have • best way of doing anything and everything which will always be best. Varying on - dilate from year N _y ear seeks Bush aa idea unprctiable. la growing bogs toe the market, spring pigs are so meet profitable. Let the sews be bred so fay will !arrow April or May. Always breed the sew to • boar of iadividael merit, sad if possible to • thoroughbred. The p.rwoular breed dose toot matter m.teriaUy, although we prefer Durec Jerseys, Custer; Whites, Berkshire bail Poland Chinas are any of them goz.d. Daring the Winter months the mow should be fed moderately and with laxative foods, ash ea what millings, oats, oto. With- h eld cors, feeding it, if at •11, in small quan- tities. uantities. Tho garters er sleeping pl.os.botdd be well vs.ul.ted, .!ways kept elms and dry. Never keep many brood sows to - ember and ave the salter warm emegh se the bags will set have to "pile up" to keep warty. While some sem do set agree lath me, I like the p1•a of having the bedew trough sena distance from the shelter, is this way the sews get exercise rein/ to sad from their meals. otherwise, vessoislly is very seven weather, they will lis is the moi d.. sad sight. If the sew is fed on ties teed rssoamend- ell above, it is perfectly safe to have her in good flesh at farrowing time. Be 1475141 to feed her sperisgly a few days previous sod for • wool or to days after (arrewiag As .oro as the pip arrive you mast depend Up- on the sew for some time M furash their nourihiaist .ad feed her .m.ordlnely. Whoa oho pigs .r. from two te three weeks old, if e.ener.ged a little, they will bogie to 'stele, themselves. As seen se they will dose they should be f.rsbhad ft plan they as ran to at will sad away Gem ether lege. What m14alsige and ground an make • very geed teed to grow young pep es. They sIeold be fed earo- fsUy eo as set to g.a rhes mak sad yet Amy should have all they wast. Clever is .us sae of the .r..p.41 and hest foods foe growiag aid humming swine sad whesever Desi►Ic it sheedd be mad' arse of. As eo- sseres•I 0441444 will be sppra.isted by bora as wltle other farm •aimsla Remember an /Anodes« et pan Irma water is • great preventive for several wise ailments The yeusp pine amid be mown sad fat- tened at the game time, teed stens as rapidly es passible mill they .re been six to eight memo old. If properly eared ten they afraid weigh •t that ane from 176 M 726 er mon better. Yon fres s..ke meet est of ,wise raiding by selling yang bon*. -Detroit Tribute. A Yips Utardommiesass- A well k..wa brtllisst ,antortsiasr, who W just returned Gam a W yeas' trip in Australia. he. amity ammsisg ire M toll, "1frs� widish i the fallowing • " i mos order -gm too advenatement is • Melbemrso daily sowapapef Aloe sae day, said the serrate,. ' was a W1,1a.ky ease Hyman walked is tend acid he wanted an "I. .Meetame .sales Is tie .MT0.ry gal - eon et the page. ' My els g.t'.or diad • year ago,' be .tplMrsd, • std 1 a.uId like • Mt: poetry 1a the pane about bis.' All r S„' .aid the dark, ' bore yen � It g'�g� See b.. dies' geld the rustle ; ' ear 't you Az ate upaMSf ,•' O r*Y.l ,' replied the dark. 'Oe .�g�. r ler "le msmrm" wakes l air p1e t id Wows eameemest paved sear the ares nmes's tags. ' Goad ga..l... I' be Mad. m he .rhe ter th. eget. • I ma%turd ton p my guv'- ser was ds iter M i f" -The Ammng 'ill. BRISK FItIl TRADE. Looked for by the Montreal Wholesale Houses. TIE PNUSP. 1 S VERY BRICHY Osssary .•t► 1 ,r. are Mecaly rtpme.11e rreennair mad say tan Vesely sad Ther. B. s a. 1 tevAsl .r Yaalare. liar avatars -. l.eae- meare4 as Esallot., Montreal, Aug. 5. - The other day when your correspondent asked the Montreal bankers how the fourth had been passed. they said : "Walt two or three days, and then Interview the wholesale men and they w111 give you a good Idea as to the state of trade throughout the coun- try." This advice was carried out and the following is the opinion of repre- sentative houses In the lending bran - Che. of trade. Gault Brothers, drygoods, said : "Che outlook Is very bopeful,and although the returns are not all In It can be al- ready said that payments have been well met. There is also one thing to note, and that Is the rise In values. Cottons are un the rise and woolens are stiffer, Ni people are keener to buy on a rising market. Purchasers have be- come Quite conservative In their deal- ings and we do not apprehend any trou- ble, In fact the outlook U much more hopeful. One of our men has just re- turned from British Columbia and the Northwest and he reports that the new feeling has taken hold of the peo- ple. Better days have certainly dawn- Crathern• CaverhUl & Co., hardware: "We have a great deal to tie thankful for in Canada," was the senior mem- ber's reply to the question. "Payment have been very well met by us, and our advice. are to the effect that a new courage has taken possession of the country traders. Quebec Province, so tar, holds the lead, but Ontario Is tetter than last year, and a large batch of order• from the Northwest would Indicate things are much better up there." Mr Cratbern campheins however, that the bad laws of the Lower Provinces place the Montreal creditor at a disadvantage, and strongly advocates one Insolvency law for the whole Dominion. The Mont- real Hoard of Trade hal Gone their best. but politicians want Vara, and so far such efforts had been unavail- ing. John McLean & Co.. millinery :"Pay- ments have been well met, and indi- cations are that there will be a larger number of buyer,' at the opening sales this fall than ever before. Quebec Province Is In the best condition fi- nancially. although Ontario Is all right The t'ttawa Valley- 1s likewise good. and in looking over the entire field I do not see that we should find very much fault. It looks as If the country trade would be bettce this fall and winter than that of the city, un- less some heavy- works are started." Laporte. Martin & c'o., grocers "Paper has been well met a111f we find that the people in the country are much better off than in former years. We can see this by largely Increased rales of canned and fancy goods; our Province, especially. is in good condi- tion. The big rise In hay and the dairy Industry will make Quebec very comfortable this fall."' A despatch received here to -day states that hart -eating w111 be pretty general throughout the Mennonite• t*L tlemente next week, and everything points to a magnificent yield. if the farmers of Manitoba get 70 cents for their grain this year they will be rich. said a gentleman from the west to -day. A\CLXE* Alar) AulTa. E e.*1ag K the as. 5.44.see .1441.71' Ae- aoreats.s Teeter4•,. Clayton, N. T., Aug. 7. -The 8t. Law- rence Hever Anglers' Association held its annual meeting at the Walton }louse to -day, with W. C. Drowning. president, In the chair. William Smith. Deputy Minister of Marine and Fish- eries. and George Taylor, M.P., of Gananoque, were present In the In- terest of the Canadian Government. The subject of an International Park was fully discussed. Messrs. Smith and Taylor insisted that the alien contract law be not enforced against Canadians within the boundar- ies of the proposed park. Mr. Brown- ing. Senator Mullin and others re - plled that such a proposal could not be considered. but that the Canadians misunderstood the law, as any for - elgner can come to this country and make contracts here. The association rromtsed to protect Canadians within their rights. A committee of flve was appointed to confer with the Senate Committee. EXALT A TEAMTee. Jana Eet'.rab7 1m... a Easahete Me- asu.e1.a •Yee blab Party." Dublin. Aug. 3 - The Freeman's Journal publishes a manifesto from Mr Justin McCarthy. addressed to "My Fellow ('ourtr, n+ t The manifesto stye 'hat the * 1. ,'r.- slons In the -^.'•ks •'1 the L:rh party are ruinous to the Nationalists' cause. and that the disasters can only be repaired by the restoration of dls- ctpllne and by the party acting loyally together. The elections w.•uld have gone better but for the action of mo- delled Nationalists openly trying to bring back the ooerclonists to- power. • nd the more lamentable blows aimed at the Trish party by one of Mr. Mc- Carthy's own colleagues at the most critical moment or rho .irct;.na Continuing• Mr McCarthy says: "1t would be Impossible to overestimate the disastrous effect* M 4r He51)'■ unfounded chargee at the Omagh eon- ventMn, which were grossly a11d ludi- crously untrue. i acompelled to describe ' pt Mr. Healy'■ *neon 1's dis- loyal to the party and a a breach of the ordlnan' code of honor. i feel bound to warn my countrymen and enlleagtte. on eh • •t',t . if ties •,gaming of Parliament of my views, which. if 1 am elected eo the chairmanship of the party. 1 .111 enforce to the utmost of say paver." A1bsees ane a VMw Loggias. ias. Aug. i- J1 r.tb says It Is at - most pertain beat Lard Salisbury w1t1 offer Sir Philip On de the British Am beasader to Tartrg6 the post .f Am- bassador to (Uneasy. In suoossdos t! Mr Edward 1[abt The paper spas that Sir TMYp feels probably ralmi s the tier, the 110 eamptanea wilt Irma► a Aster fab .taw lasses the gale ewe= VIM *a Sewage and wmhina giwdr pose eat their melody ani the sharp .1 the grass topper will seas temps the Wawaas te wet* beta W heads are user" the shadow el W 13g8* The playful .esga*M will do bee Moose to esethe weary pleawre , eskers into the ream .1 Bamber, and the e tiugiai, ashes; mess will remove every sembiaace of comfort, make sad the seep et the buds, and evoke siesdiaeWM the seal, that even iho brighter sa.tihine moa sob diesel. ('oras w therm is the ba, het Pus...'. Patel.= Can 6it,mtar fmmeves Meat is twes*y-fear heats. Pdsam's "'Maims Con (11easter r the hest. Hello Tie Old Relialie Sllll 01 Deck. THE BEST 00 OILY SCRANTON COAL on the market at $5.50,with bOc. a ton off for Cash, making it $5 A TON the Cheapest Coil ever sold is this market. All Coal weighed os the Market Seals, so the'. you're sure you get your weight. Orders haft at HARPER & LEE'S promptly attended to. WM. LEE. Coal. Coal. The underaigneA-a -th in- form the Public that he has gone into the business of supplying Coal, and has opened out in J. S. PLATT'S WOODYARD, where he will keep on hand the Best Qualities of LeIiih Valley Coal ! which will be delivered promptly, at Lowest Market Prices. D. C. STRACHAN SUER HUT IN WINTER That is what you osn have by getting one of the Celebrated HOWARD WARN AIR FURNAC ES pat in your house. This is what one of our eitisem* says about it: Goderich, March 15th, 18%. Human! Furnace ON Gentle..a,-In answer to your request of the let ,ase, I have to my, that my Howard Furnace is a combination of hot water tip stain and warm air down stairs. The couaumptioo of fuel has been lees than we formerly required with two ou.i stoves, and the Winter now almost past, has been an unusually severe one, yet we have been unusually comfortable to every part of the bows. It i* eo easily managed and so amyl* in manipulation, that we have kept the boom at au even temperature of about 70 degrees all Winter. day and night. Such is its oosetrwotioo that we have no dust or gas etw•ping, sad altogether we find it as n early perfect in every respect au it u p0.• oible to get • Furnace. My Furnace was put in by your Agent here, Mr, J. H. Wor- all, in • most satisfactory manner, in tact so stub Ito that when completed and ready for Brine up we bare not required him to touch anything about at altos, so perfect has his work beta in every respect. 1 only wonder sow that we got aloog at all so long without • Furnace, and I would not 70 sok to stuns if 1 got them ed the mod every year for nothing. Yours reapuddly, AJAX U D. AMAX.. If you think of having • Fermate pat is., call and see w and we will be pleased to give you an estimate. J. H. WORSELL. Ruing aid Par HAMILTON Br44nr. same a specialty. w lkg; T 1* nllilla: 313010.11111manam PilIGNi• en Bac S.( IM USING flifkl4H.O. • PLANING MILL t1Tgl ISth. BucIlalIalls & RIlyllas MAwewaoretWIWs BASH, DOOR and BLIND Deiters In .E treads el LUMBER. LATH. SHINGLES mr OD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR PURIFIES and STRENGTHENS THE BLOOD. Regulates the Action of the Liver and Kidneys, and will be bund Indispensable In cases of Female Irresularftlss and Urinary Diseases. da pane boggle. a arae anon to Nae LI00'3g LAI/ORATORY. dlategINSIL eels. GOLERIOH WOOLLIN MILLS are Re-Oftened / I beg to say that i have bought the Woollen Mill from Mr. McCann, lately run by Mr. Dickson, and am refitting it up in first-class style, putting in many improvements, making it an Up-to-date Mill, and hope by doing first -clans work and fair dealing to merit a share of your patronage. I am prepared to do Custom Work in all its branches, such as Rool Carding, Spin- ning Single or Double Yarns, manufacturing Blankets, Plain and Fancy Flannels, Double and Single Sheeting, Tweeds, Jec also Custom Weaving, Dyeing and Scouring Blankets. ALL w0XE DONK PROMPrLl. G. M. COLLINS. EVERY DAY A BARGAIN DAY 1 Our MR DOBIE has just returned from the East, where he has secured some special Bargains in General Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings, &c., 300 Ladies' ample Hats, Ribbons, Flowers, Laces, Handkerchiefs, etc., etc. ALL NEW GOODS, And badges material et ever? deserted.. PllceZ Aiai K. X X X x x CaII and investigate. Yours respectfully, DOBIE & CO., North Side Square, Goderich, - - P. O'Dea's Old Stand DIAMOND Like the DIAMOND we shine, especially in NOVELTIES. STERLING BELT MIS STERLING WAIST SETS STERLING BELTS. Also we carry a nice line of FANS for the warm sea.,on. C. A. HUMBER & SON, !QUARE. GODERiCH. SUPERIOR JEWEL FURNACES Isili i 141014. Are the most Powerful Heaters in the World. For Economy, Durability,and an eas- ily regulated Furnace, it has no equal. FOR SALE BY R lc LEE t..4,112 Coal or Wood. " Hot enough-" Climatic changes, or variations in the atmosphere, have no effect on E. B. Eddy's Match 'a, which light readily at any time, Hot or Cold, Rain or Shine. This can be said only of E. B. EDDY'S MATCHES. • SEASONABLE GOODS ALWAYS SEASCNABLE AND A WELCOME GUEST TO EVERY HOUSEHOLD iR A GENUINE EISSELS CARPET SWEEPER. We km then in Nick's and Black. Prices right. Qe11 and see them. DAVISON & CO.