HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-8-22, Page 2A-.
IN 1
Cuts, scratches,
; . SpraiQs,
and all pains. r
or interval, are instant-
ly relieved by
Pain Killer.
0.54 ..erlwas•f (1. 51 ao.
I. iv
W hen Maria Jane • ideated me the 'seventh s
There U be many wrongs o riveted that are
now appease there
Tim ndowelke .UI be serrated. the serene
swept twins • day,
The alleys be as (retreat as fields of mew
mows bay.
What each parcel and receptions and met
manly • tall,
There will be • tr&adorm.tlss nomad the
otty bell .
Aad each ward is the sty will be represent
e.I then
By lovely •Iderwomeo .ad not horrid
oe as owed Idea Sema people mid that
he would sot allow toe o•e to owe binary
thins. But he that as is may, be paid his
cheioh dee, pee • .erten &mouse of kis
, Moine te the poor, sad is hs will (for
Venoms Follett was • nob man) he bed en-
dewed & mi.rtersl ooUege, betides leevug
' • good sum to his ehtldres.
I L ke meet self-righteous people, be hod
little charity for those when duly life was
not as spotless as hie owe. He not rely
, hated um o5eoeo, bet had Mule sympathy
for tee effeoder. H&viss w bad habits, be
wondered why other persona should have
' them, should oultie&se such an uu.eoes.•ry
"growth of weeds, .s be expressed it.
The •ltur•mese and pleasures of the world
were not •uroouve to ham, therefore 11 re-
quired so effort to resist them.
He would not williegty or m•lieionly, by
ens set or deed, harm any hamen beteg. He
mould nos base elope with moth • thing upon
his conscience. But amnia this high stan-
dard of himself always before his mind al
amorally followed that his associates .uf
fend by °m emoriamn. He was quirk to de
tees shear evil toadeaetes, &d umenesioesly
judged and madman without I..seney,
without that oharits end love to which •11
otter virtues are as "sounding bra sr •
t.klmg •ymb•i
It wee 2 o'clock is the morning following
the might en whine sur story opens. Raw
and .hilly tho.gb it was, • mated form
mem be sees peeing back and forth on the
sidewalk opposite the Timers and Oakley
residuum.. Now and the it would stop
and withdraw ante the demo shadows as
sense belated pdestri.s or eight watehm•a
as. aloe'.
Who mild it be w•bebiet these houses
and dodging the mhos • Ness other than
Demon Follett -Demo Follett himself •
What oould it mesa .
The demo. wee .tutdiu in the shadow,
lo•uag arsine, • fame, apparently very
tied sad sleepy, whoa his •emtos was at-
tracted by to opening 5f • tate. Then he
sow • man come out of Dr. Tigers yd •s1
walk down the street. The desmon followed
cautiously. The .as stopped at the Oakley
residence end knocked at the door. Alter
souse memoir it was opened by • woman is
teht ferment ; the an entered and the
oor was eloed.
The deacon stood for • moment lathier
at the closed door to it .pall -based. Thee,
.Onus, himself oe the breast, he started
homeward, muttering "Who would bey
believed it' a wolf in sheep m clothing.
%Tell, well ! My slaty is clear beters me --e
painful duty, but I meet perform it
A few days atter this Mrs. Oakley, array-
ed in the most be.oming and tasteful of tees -
growth est In her bright little parlor, with
its pretty brio a brae° and ebeertul grate fire,
the picture of libber despair.
"06, what does it all Oman!" she mur
maned, wrlagiag her tender, slight bands in
her lap. "How mould mush • cling have get
started • Hew .rust. How horrible ! If
Charley were sly home, or if 1 could write
to him about it -lint I dare not put meth •
thug on paper. The idea of people talking
.beat Dr. Tigers and me ! She said she
told in. in kennels, s, as • trend, so that I
could lee on my u*rd. Perhaps my best
eourse is to go down and tell Mrs. Tigers
and the doctor. No, ne I coold.'t do that !
If Charley would testy Dome ! How can I
wait another week' Oh, what .hall 1 do -
what shall 1 do'"
Sbm was interrupted by • sodden rap at
the deer, and beton she oould reseb the
h.11, Dr. l igen same in.
"Oh, Ur. Tigers ! she cried, searo.h
knowing what to ea\.
"P:aouse me (•r coming In es abruptly,'
vete ezelei.ed, Det mining to Delco her
•alt•ts:d, "but it u • matter of lib or
death. Old Brother Simmons is dyiag,a.d
has sent for me. Hs lives out i. thesub-
urbs, .•d 1 thought the quickest way to
roach ham would be to get Mr. Oakley's
"Yes, y uu are quite right. He is is the
. table. The saddle and bridle w banning
by the trough."
"So mesh obliged. 1'11 )tut go out the
bask way."
He had scarcely disappeared when the
oor bell rang.
"I boom it mit • caller, • sighed Mn.
(hkl.v, as .he went to mower at "Goal
•venue. Mw Meares. Come In. Bach •
.ins day se he oaf '" she said, &emami.g
• oh.erfulaees she did not feel, ler she
really Irked her visitor, and wished be treat
her oourteonely
"Very i.de.d, " esid Mies tdonrne, rather
.atNy, "I thought some one was here. '
" No, no mos hat myself.
Thee ehe reeseuberd who had lust bees
There, end was .bout to m.entio• the doe's'''.
cell when the other horrible thought steak
her, •d she checked the remark as it some
to her hp., the blood rushing to her fare.
he sheared the..bject, but mold sot hide
or &Kisses. For same ream beth pertsen
felt e11 at team., therefore the tatervbw wee
• very short Lad .hilly tens, and Mr. Oak-
ley was i.6nitaly relined when it wee over.
A. she mused to the parlor after seeing
her meet out, she n.tind • man's glove
!yin/ oe the floor.
When sieve 1. Nibs '" .be theeg►t.
" Dr. Tigers" of nurse. 1 wonder if .he
0.w and resegeised it • Maness are gssMnt
wares. What shall 1 dei wi11 go be
Marley ' V.., i will peek my wall.s the
try night, and start ea *earn treble the
menhir '
The manias eine Mr. Oakley% depar-
ture Dr. none' rsa.ived the fsiswly
N bee Maria Ju• .s m.“,r. nes. nose but ladies ,
will, of nurse
Be appointed members of the . a polies
faros ;
And in their bloomer esilorois thee it look
e very sweet,
The gang to be &ro aed will c.ouder it •
The stores will be compelled to have • bare
geu sale each day,
And ler •howiug gam sad soda you w 11 wt
51. *051*4 *0 p57
Oh, greet reforms mil he propertied, all the
wrens will be corrected,
Whoa Maim Jame'. ela*d to the mayoral-
ty chair.
teeth, &od the world Mew with yes ;
Weep, sed yea weep aloe*,
For bks breve old Garth must borrow it
It has trouble moue\ of it. ow..
Sine, add the hills will answer ;
Babb ! It is loot on the air ;
The settees hewn to • jnytul mead,
But shriek from • nooses care.
Renee, and moa wilt seek you ;
Grieve, and they tern aha O ;
They want fall newer• of ell Torr plea
Bat they do not want year woo.
Be gid, and your tress& are may ;
Be sad and you lose haat all ;
'there ere Done to Aeolus year seemed
But &loa& 'Su mast drink life's gall.
Feast, and your halls w needed ;
Fast, sol the world goes h :
Cuo..d and give, an is helps yes live,
Bat so men Gan help you die.
Then is room in the halls of pleasure
For • bong And lordly trete.
But en* by one we meet all 61e o.
Through th. narrow aisles .f pais.
IT sem an eloquent, soul -stirring mer,
mo.. The hushed, interested f•oes of the
large .admen.. betrayed strict •tie ltime.
The theme was oberity, brotherly leve,good
will to moa. The vows of the mister was
r:oh and lull, tender and p.reaaaive ; his
perseo strong and manly : his face &ttrao.
Nee and earnest.
"A lovely sermon, ' remerkd one lady
to mother as they walked down the nobly
carmen ole,
"How .mold at be otherwise !' laughed
the other. • golden haired enemas, with
large spiritual blue eyes and • smiling
roguish mouth.
"You were always enthusiastic ever 1)..
,Tags... Beware
"1 really de Monk a great deal of him,
and hue wife, too," admitted the golden
hared 1•dp.
"She is bet hen to -night, 1 see.
"No, end I always go home with them.
Ab, Ili. Ti,.,.,' giving him her small
gloved hand. "1 shell have 1. trouble you i
to take me home.
"No trouble, Mn Oakley. I will meet
yes at the door. I want to sneak to Bro.
1 sees.
"What • lovely night, bat rather *hall..
said Mrs. Oakley, with a little shiver, look-
ing up i. Ili. Tigers' face.
"Tee : let me draw your cloak armed
you," as they same int* the full glare of an
Meme light.
"nem thank you. Mr. Oakley gays 1
ami M melees about my
r rt i am
become comemptiyl"
"Carelessness of eu leads be eme.mptoa,"
dad film doctor. gravely. "Our little Annie
lb silk to night ; sore threat, von know,
mead we are •o nisch afraid of diphtheria.'
"That is too bad, and Mrs. Tigers Ism d
warmly recovered her strength s5*• 511n•
tog Milho through that dreadful attack of
p111411111011161 la.
"No, .he hu not, mod .he u feelts5 w
oosemnaly depressed this eemtng. 1 thbik
d you had not helped her with Willie that
Me weo!d have broken down entirely."
"A ell, 1 have .o children of my owe,
and it 1e only my duty to help others.
Maser ease ought to be of some see to the
world 1(1 ems be of any help to her to
sight, do sot besltete to send fes ase."
" W. ea0 never erged oar kid.*es, nor
repot it, either, I am afraid," be said, as
tines reached the gm, end he held it open
for hertopeesin.
"fleet mention it, (N ! is ley cloak i k
fastened a the gate""
"Tee, Lad 1 fear 1 shall tear is Nettie, It
lone. lees over tide way and bold the
"Now it is .11 right. Theok yea geed
sight again Remember, Mr Oakley is
away, and dent hesitate to roma," .h
mailed bask se she eionstd the step.
"Tee. Geed -sight."
A sleek further os sed bks dotter oposd
his gate ..d passel over the threshold el'
his .w■ home. y
Demos Pollees was • vs' eine* Auroh
esenber : • pod Mime, upright ed hewed
r si
his dsa1Lga to owed be tams, need
este :
" Res. Dia 1laass ,-Tema ape /evened
M be at the awns at 1 e'ttls.5 this after
emu on • meter of impereser"
Here folle.•d the mem of ..feral .t the
deems, headed by that of Drees. Prink.,
W e•d•ri.. what eves meting amid be
ahem, the does .ado ht &protean at
the appeiatd piss sod time, sad wee very
mash e.rprised M see, besides the ors who
hod mien the .et/, s.verel I.&es priosat.
"Thr me seezp seed. What h•. oosarr-
d ! Ninny ..rine, I hope," 1e said,
shak,%g hands with several.
" W e are afraid ii is very earls," re-
plied Deas. Grimes, .ignisss.ay.
• -You s.1ssW ms. Lie .o proceed to
b siaeab at me," said Dr. Tfaen, alines(
"Brother Follett, well you speak now
said Damon Orimaa
"Ne, you tstrod.o• the ..blest.'
"This r • vert painful ditty, end ono I
world like to avoid, said IJe.00e Grimes,
bifti.g from ose foot es ..ether.
"Speak out, .peak out ! Somebody mum
.peak and the donor, *ptuatly.
• Well, uses, Ur, Tigers, perhaps y.e are
aware that your resent c•.doet towards
Mrs. Oakley has bees snob es to require is
vestia&ulo.. la hot, very traria *barges
are laid at your doer."
"Whet d• yes mean ! Remember Nat
Mr. Oakley le • lady, ed my wife'. tr'iead.
may be That remuas te be prove.
Brother Fo lett, what have you to say !"
"I have this to say,' rioisg suddenly to
kis flet ; "I mew Dr. Tigers embrace Mrs.
O.ki.y seder • .tree. lamp ; I eaw them
both lean ever her este as temple Wimp w
.fteeuewte farewell of each ether ; 1 beard
her tell him that her husband woe away,
an he meet w► hemato to mine; I saw
km ester her been .t 2 o'clock the follow•
mL morning."
Deane Feint eat dews as ahrupaly as
he badOisem
"Oestimmeo, brothers--" oriel Dr. Tigers
half rimier from his .hair.
"Plea.. be .mated until you have head
the ream of the •vndsmos. M'es Moore*,
step forward."
Meanrieg he •mottoa the doter resealed
his .eat, while Mee Monroe dv.ead, ap.
pwatly with great rsluotaees.
" Whoa I heard these tap.rtm," she mid,
"I did not believe these, ..d thought I
meld go M Mrs. Oakley end tell her what
people were saying, so then she sealed mor
ease mete mime. As I seared the homes 1
saw Dr. Tigers through the wiad.w, ad
heard his voiee as I removed my rubbers at
the deer. When I rasa the hell and Mrs.
Oakley invited .e is the donor did .es ap-
pear, althane\ his glove was lying oe the
boar. I asked Mn. Oakley d say one was
there, and she said she was nem, hlwhint
and looking os.fusd. She .hanged the
subject, lout mean .o seitet•d and unlike
herself that I began to lose o.oIdesoe in her,
and same away without tallies the 'hien of
my visit, bsrtiek to 5511.k that one wham
I had se lowed •ed respected eo.ld he guilty
•t suck falsehoods and deception. However,
1 afterward learned that Mn. Moore had
told her of the talk that very morning. I
have no mon to say."
Mies Macros eat down in tsars, and a
deep, painful .neon (ell over the room.
" Dr. Tigers, you have head the evi-
dence_ What have you to my for year
self !
" It i. simply preposterous . Too ridio0
Ions to deny ' May G.d forgive ye. ' ' And
the doctor, seizing ►u h&t, strode from the
room ...tough be would shake the dust of
euoh calumny from his feet
"Good mornies, Buhr Gower, ' mid Mrs.
Piech, • .harp -hod, thin weans as she
same into her neighbor.' kitchen one morn-
ing, "Han you heard the sews'
"No ; sit down and tell nee shout at. ►ad
Mn Gower's oemely hoe lighted up with a
welcoming ..ale.
"Ili. Titers has resigned, and taken .0
appoutesent in ('incianeti.
"Well, well ' /Led ever that talk, I sup-
pose. I am &tread it will be • lout tines be-
fore we get as good • man to i11 his else..',
"Ah, Suter Gower," mud Mrs. Pinola
shook her head mysteriously, "you sever
know about smell things. Sometimes I
think him guilty end sometimes inao...t,
' and 1 suppose .then Mask about the name
w ay.
"1 am ono that doe's,' emphatically.
"Why. yo. surely dos t doubt the truth
of suede people as Mies Monroe and iI'eane
Follett, do you!"
''No, i keine is their truth, but I don't
admin their demotion. They had no right
to pat an real ooastreetion on Mae they
saw as Igoe as then was the least shadow
of a doubt. Beside, it was •11 explained
"So they say. Perhaps ha was lest titin
oar wrap under the stress lamp and .t the
tan, sed perhaps little Aisne was sick
when he went ter Iter that night : but how
do you etpl•ia her denying 111.5 aerate was
then Me day Mie Munro sailed ! It looks
mighty curious tome."
" Well, Sister Ptaoh, 1 have thought •
good deal about that, .ad have 0000l.ded
that as she had jut head the reports she
was .owtderably sgl5e.d. sad thought it
would not be endorse' te tell that the lesser
had been then after the horse."
" it may he as you gay, but.sashes 1
sever mould trust these p14es-beirsd,astd-
ie look ing wanes, ad premiers .re esly
65.1.0, yea kww."
" Of wares they are only b..&., and
Baht to be treated with hams meeidera-
tim. Charade, s a sacred thing, set to be
lightly handled. i think its Shakespeare
who say : ' Wks steels my purse stead
trash ; but he who robe see d my pd
mets. takes that *hieb does sot eeriok him,
and leaves me peer indeed.' And for .T
pet I world retber he Mrs. Oakley and the
isobar es the day of jsds.s.t than these
who assumed the., if they did tell the
s1etL ^
" Law sakes, Sister Gower, bow you ale
talk r"
i Mist itis sewwbere addles that the
vireos. M fasts shell 5n.-mles•lly he
Hefted as their Address as well as IM teles
el the inebers.-Oh ales Dass.
■s WAD VIM/ et.•a1NN AND Least. mak;
lane AND was orUAT.D fr0N wiTa05T
seaxy@f-D. WILLIAwe Mea rtW
MIND wap /ALL basin tlsettltrlt
From the 1fo.tre•1 Herald,
Iset•noss of e,•rvhe.s mane bythe see
of Dr. Wittiest' l'i.k Pile for Pae People
w •umerous, but the um related below is
of spousal isier .i, owing to Ile pecalierity
of the Mans, .ud alio so the feet that to
the pretest is5ssee the eestlem.a to well
Loewe 1. MatreaL Mr. (Cries Freak,
twpener of th. mechanical department d
the I1e11 Telepbooe Co., •1 371 Agqaodset
street, .d who resides .t 54 Argyle Av.-
•ue, teas teterv,ed with . Hernd reporter,
related the following woderf.l oure by the
use of fink Palle. Mr. Frank, who a 25
years of ern. i. • R.goitn by birth, ozoed-
uyly intellige.,i, .peaks several languages
durst l7, and ie now •ppareutly in good
health. "My Magee ems .boat u • pew
liar way," mud Mr. Freak. "Up to three
years ago 1 was is the beat a health.
About Meet tee while i. Glasgow, Soot
Mod whore 1 war employed ae clerk in •
hotel, end while ecuthts o. the Clyde, •
merle ease .p, and I had • pretty rough
up, of it for • whale. I evidently most
hay. injured myself %sternally, •lehough I
toll wthimg wrong at the time. t h ney
way home, however, 11.11 51.hslese on the
street, mei bed to be oe.eeyd home is •
Gab, seny loge were utterly unable to held
me up. I was oo06.d to led for several
days in the same helpless oonditios, whoa I
rol�id, but fund that my urine was of •
stream reddish lee. I eal1d is • pbyd.
ria., who pre..ribd. bus did me se mod.
I then sallied on Sir Geer,le McLeod, M. D.,
r orgAt is a S$orm o• the Clyde.
who also prescribed and advised a M re
to the knights!. I wits •verses to doing this,
and he d.mof me then te try • oi•age of
climate, telling es. that my bladder was a.
Nowa. I •*ted' en his tion as to •
ohmage and some to Moe . I did not de
anytbiag for about • year,..I wished to
go, cured. All the time my arise was
tainted with blood, although I was suffering
me pada. but this •boorm ' eo.dition was •
e oures of emotional anxiety. 1 Scally wont
to the general hooped, when tat physician
is °barge advised em to stay, which I did.
After remaining then for five weeks with
n o besu1t, • oocaultetion of physiciasse was
held and an operates suggested, to whish I
the time agreed. After the operst mo I was
se bettor, my ooudi'ion remaining •b.olnM-
ly n.h•nged. Frost this one 1 was ma-
'am/illy trying medicine sad phyereiant,
but derived no benefit from anything or
anyone. I was is despair, as the phveieian•
who had operated on m• could not decade
as M my trou',le. I routed the hospital
once mon, and they end they would oper-
ate again ; bus I did sot care to under* •
seemed and perhaps equally ■oeuoowful
operation. Some phyetciaos thought my
trouble was consumption of the bladder,
others that et was Bright's disease, but
could sot sora that strange bloody coodi-
tine of my urine.
"Finally 1 went to work for the Bell
Telephone Co , some two years ago, where
1 worked myself up to say present position.
But i was in • state ot constant anxiety,
as I felt myself geeing weaker all the
time, and was11 11.es and sleepy and weak
in the legs. I was pale and Ili -looking, so
doubt swine to lose of blood. From •
netnrolly cheerful ma. I became morose,
and gave op .1! lopes of ultimate recovery.
Gee S•terd.y,eow•• months .go,whll• walk•
along Bleary street, h•.tog seed the .d
vertimnesst t f I)r. Williams' Pink Pills in
the Montreal Herald, I stopped at Joh T.
Lyons' drug store. and bought • box. 1 had
tried se mast' medicines aha. I mid to my.
golf. ' If they don't cure me I *s t be any
worse off than before. After taking the
first box 1 holt stronger mod more cheerful,
although there was no change in the bloody
oaditim of my urine. Rut 1 felt maser -
aged and got three mon boxes, detention
te make • thorough trial ot Pisk Pills.
After 1 had finished the mooed box I found
my urine was getting °dearer, se I osstiaud
the use of the pill., bkinr tee° after each
meal. Wass i had Inuhed the third box
my urine was quite clear, for the first time
in three years. i was delaghtn, and me -
Mead taking the pills until 1 had 6aished
six boxes. I am strong hew and have lead
w rssarrsnm of the trouble, and as you aaa
see, the flush of health shows iteelt is my
flies To think Mt I was earn by the me
.f :3 worth e( Ili. Williams' Ptak Palle after
trying • a..bor of physicians sad ..dgrge
ing as operation in vain is • pestle tow,
end 1 .m sorry that i didn't know about this
tread medicine before_ i would have wit -
haply gives $200 or $300 to have been suer -
seated • cure by uey°as.-
"1 •ee willing," said Mr. Freak, in em-
olunee, "to sea &ayes. who wiuhes to eerily
this interview, as i oca.ider it my duty M
my fellow sees and • matter of gratitude to
the marvellous min their .iedt h.s el
Meted. I have come te the seseheies that
Pink Pills .re the best blood builders is es -
Weems, and 1 think everyone should try
s..e yen Soeseed Tour ernes!
The adult b.m•n body, as a role- sen
Was 207 bases, of 'Hsieh there me teeny
...ea in seek hard and wrist, and twenty.
eh is mob foot sad Gehl..
The heart averages $ to i 1 os is weight,
is 5 imam ley, 34 Meshes at it greatest
width, and 24 Mhos irreat..t thiskse•s ; it
best m .0 average se.eaty to e.wenty-fie
timer • mieuta, tr capable of holding 6 oa
of bleed, the whets of *hieb is dl.sharg•d
hes the arteries at snob oo.tr••sses, the
faros arert•d bol•, equivalent be Maids
�e�+l M rade • 3 Ili. weight, b fest
►sisM1 sash Mme the heart
'tea bre•ihi., f• a healthy individual N
from sisters be twenty times • edema, and
at sash le.p!•ties the hep ere filled with
ahem . idles of air, the ably purposes e1
wt.... is.. etrygenalle the blued.
The anneal temperatere 94 &weft Pabresidt bbd the body is
the dley, bulb/ bowed bats_ 1 ata. s.4
• A a, and blebs* 5155+_$leBP.m
Mew M M.i•d Tbeoa,
genelemes travelling te TOWN met es
the IM reed • were draws by tear ores.
drives by • eseetymea, who in •ddittes be
the alien fi..rish of ►it whip, was yesi-
ttreeely esswnigi.g W horesd h.r.ms atter
this faehise : "Haw Presbyteries ! "Ort
.p Methodist !" "tic. Bap•ae ! ' "Whim
lipbsep•d•. ! ' "Oat .y Methodist ! The
ir.feller stopped the driver, resenkleg
that he had einem seem for ►s ease, and
.hat ha wend We le know why he bad
thee galled them. Bald the driver '
"1 sale ths os Presbytery bas.. he
is tree blas end ever Life, ewlls through
ditlieelMmm sad hew est M the .d . be-
sides be kwwe sore thea all the rest. I
mall the ex Repeat, imam ham •l rays
atter water and seems se Muth he'd wear
Brisk mesh ; thea epae he weal
oat with the e.h.ra. 1 sell We ea Ryle
rliw became he has a might way of
js6 his had op, and it the yoke Ross •
loft Mo tight he Kiss be blot sad mewl
edea. out .f the teeth. 1 ea11 thio •s
Methodist berm he pub ed blew• sad
bellows as be gees Mug, end you'd thi.k
be was puling all orestiaa, bet he don's
pull • mead mins you oo.t•wl ly stir him
Tat ei a 1/sene tee eat
Blossom is • big grey m•► She Ma bees
is the family for tyres years, sed her .s-
ero. think. .he was tally lee when .he
mama aniavitd and took p,..sm.& Her
oharsee made her masses, and einem, as
a rule, pot ter to her h.r:..•ti.f•stto..
J.1U .he shows her loyalty to her mistress
by .many tele. Weems. Ose day • yeses
man tams fee • .hart .mil He was se in -
vegetate Mess. Ab there was no me else
for • .Mtim be We Blossom is had, he
epee of *adage aa1 protestations. Her
ears were greeted with the Ne.ge ter..,.
"Old," "Scrape -gym," "Tramp,'
a51154r4....., till the .Mounded eat
did nee koe* what had moms to tsar. Her
pretty ways disappeared, .he fled from tie
appeeseb, end bid wpIsever she mould till
he was est of the hes... On. moeni.s .he
wee miming for some been, and was set M
be feral is any of her hiding- A
bad cry tram the thensbermid ',revealed
her whereaheat.. Blames W revenged
herself es the visitor's .44h.ha't, *hies lay
le totters en the Beer. Parry wee scolded.
and 5yeryon5 wee eaaMonsd to keep the
doer shat la .obi ! The est would find
her way is and bide till the shhembermaid
was thto.s► ter the day, and thee the slaws
west to work, first on the visits'. own
clothes if any meld be found, and then es
the pillow nems The young en.. tried M
moths her teeth's., but she would have
sere of hi., and he was pin to est short
his yieb, Blossom quickly row.ored h..
..al demeanor, sed has sewer been trews
to destroy &settees frees that day ee this.
-Basses Trssorip,.
A WW Nan I.d•.d.
Sherh Bond Riihes had Galled woad him
the wise toe of the tribe, and he said to
" My .hildrea, are 1 die 1 wish to a, -
pout one of you es my seeeesbor. It is seo-
emery that he on whom my mantle fella
shall be wise as the serpent lest it should be
ill for my tribe Thereon elm ye three
of the wisest among you, and M. them
three I .hall obese my eueee.er."
A000rdingly it was done sed the three
shores sem were Hassam, Selma end A►-
" To have chosen wteely, .y children.
Whet will be will be' Hassam, what wee
thing haat thou done •"
"Ob, sheik, as thou harness, 1 have
traveled in asy lands, sad ones, when I
was u the palese of the great realer, • des-
iespots arose hawses the trued vizier and hie
Oester. 1 well knew that the normal
great talar was in the wrong. vet, when
they appealed to w to dealers whish was is
the right 1, without • .o.ent s besttaaen,
took aides with the aforesaid greet ruler."
Then spoke the sheik-
' That was worthy of thee as an Arab,
bet methinks thou bast made an enemy of
the Frani vizier. And now, Soli., my nee,
what bast thou done,'
And 9elim make--
" Ole,
pake--"Ole, sheik, • like thing happened sofa
my sane ablest elf. A dispute was referred
M me, but 1, feaneg be offered one whale
pleasing the other, declared that I board ne-
tkiag whatever of the dispute --
.. That was worthy of thee as an Arab.
Tee methinks Nee hast made two ene.iee.
And now, *5da11.51, ney sea. what hast bee
does v.
" Oh, sheik, it was my misfortune ogee te
surprise • Oiwar, elm was belaboring •
woman 5f los ram most brutally. New, I
grant you, a woman u but • slave, without
• soul, yet she should be petted, wt beaten,
end I confess my ire rem at the oriel sight.
The soars who, at appears, was the wife of
this dot of a (aeour, broke from his grasp,
ad shrieking piteously, east herself as my
feet sad Implored mete save bar from the
wroth d him whom she sallied beebend."
Usable w restrain himself, the shoal beret
forth --
' What Bidet thou Nen, Abd.11•h sly
e on. What theist thou '"
Beading reverently before the venerable
obief, Abd•1W 05wered--
" I fled,"
" Now, I cats Ih oentest, ' .zel.imd
Shirk Bad !When, cement Abd•llah is
his arm., while the moo men, eyes ante
Hassan and Seli., cried-
" Kismet ' What will be will be. -
Iger. ertte need fat Tbrl.t.as, ale■/e. is •
Weaseled seeestag.
Carlyle gave y@ the philosophy of clothes
.ow Dr. Seitz, el Msauk, gives es their
benerielegy. On imminilg • worsted
seethes he fogad 966 thriving e•lo•ies,
while o• • sotto. book M... were P12.
Both these •resoles had hese woes, kat me
inforaties has been yeeclee fed as te the
personal habits of the wearer. lbir'ty
three *denies were fossil on • `bye,
twenty ea • pies. of woolen std and alae
en • poem of •loth : seem of thew armlike
had been won. O• a dem of .1.6 from •
gamest whine had bee. were • week Hare
were tweet' three oaleoiire. Of the mare -
organisms food en •rtider of eletki5g re-
latively few were capable of sassing limas.
The pathsgesie =were were shiest without
5lceptio• mashy(•5e•ai,
i• see sen, however, Dr. Seita farad the
typhoid ha1lius is amide@ of elethitg from
toasty -me M twenty -ween days, sad tab
ebehhylesseme albite me•tesu days
after they had bees word. The anthrax
bodily@ heed is •lathee was mall wleulsst
after • ym.r, The .10.51. e( erysihehs, ..
w other had, amid mot be toad after
eightsen hese., ser the Melees .hies...fter
three days. Dr. Smim seethed with maid
ease Ye whether io tehereelese
..bj.ste wb. sweated preened 10.10.110
was c...wyed by die le • gime
el lien wets hur we them earl the gift of
the shed. !he isseal•tss of tee gip,.
beweimee. game ..ptfye rm.11a
,lames M. w1e11e1....
Passes Belief
=r. 7w. N. Nicholson, Morass.
N. 1 , Stneasies for /swan Leap
Years with
3fr. Nicholson sale: "i consulted Coo
toss who prescribed for me, but to
ee purpose; the eaaoer began to
Fat into the Flesh,
spread to my thin, and 1 suffered hi
agpay for seven long years Malls:1
began take�Ayer s sarsaparilla,
• week or two 1 onion a
Decided Improvement.
Bacoarzged by this result- I
yered, until In a month or so the sore
seder meths my
began to heal. to tires
1 p began to beat. and, afar
aging the Sarsaparilla for mil month,
lks het trace of the count disappeared.
Ayers- Sarsaparilla
Admitted at the World's fair.
treses PILLS Jle>.iaes the sttasoet.
• fang es 110s taatlfil.
' isms
siestas look Mies put* sod grease sad
name like • hole ehgpad bite • brisk well
M dint • new doer or modem. The
month i. • hotbed of toothaches, the bey.
hale of • story and • baby'. erowatar glory.
Ie is the p•tr...tsm • tosautuobesd and the
Mol ohms t.,r pie Wrtheut at the pelisses•
would t'. ...ler sr ua, tae f•.5 of the
earth .0 1 L. • eor"e tet would aro dows te
an uaho '.,r. , ,res..• ft me the meet s
fried, t,.- ,.r•:.., . pride end tie dentine
Newspaper New Are Togolese/ et tete
.&.ase ase rea•/re .r seam).
The Rey ler. Talmage has obt•tad some
i.Isres11.R and •ccur$te informatics. sheet
the suet tsar workup of • wwgaper solo•,
apo& *►:.-h be bane the (oUowtsg truthful
" One of the great trials of the memoir
profession is test member, are oo•p.11ed te
.m. more of he sham of the world the asp
other t•ro(eestou. Through every sem
paper office day .Icer day go •l1 the weak-
ness of the w•,rl -all the vanities that
want to Lis puffed, ell the reveler that
want to i,e reaped, all the mur.kis that
want to be oorrec.d, a!1 the duel .peeken.
that mu t to 1.. thought elwluent, .11 the
meanness that waste to get u• wares naiad
grams in orderto save thetas ofthe •elvers
ing wlu" n, .11 men who want to be set
right who sere serer right, all the easel
brained :-h imept'ers w:tb stories as long .
their ha': 'Ltd as gloomy as their fingernails
in the mooing, bereft of •o.p--41.11 the bone
who moo to stay ive minutes but stay fin
boon. Through the editor'.l and reporter
u1 rooms •.1 the follies and shame of the
world are seen day after Js., and the tea
titre is neither to believe in r rod, man ee
*0.110. It!' Do surprw to rue that ie tib
profess', u there are mime skeptical ma.
I ..It wonder that nowepaper men believe
The w.wr Nall.
Oh, ism' s51• • gay, memento, girl
When .he tete oat to pane •wet the
s.mme, •
Though 6rrt she dreams of meshing but ea
At last she se oosteetd with • drummer.
ie is t. ne I meth peeves% the istroduc
tins of the flowing poison ; saia-setaiag
sad corrupt men Weil, for probe and w
e sality, odest my wuhw ; eat eotbieg will
induce me to derive s reveries from the vise
ad misery of my people.- Rsepsror el
A Re nark.hle Ours. -J. W. Je00i-
non, Gilft.rd-Spent bietwrou x)1400 and
1300 in consulting Doctors; tried Dixon'.
end all other treatments but got no hem -
tit. One box of Cheer's Catarrh Cors
did me nor* good that. ail other remedies
in fact 1 consider myself oared, asd with
• 25 c•-ot baa at that
Ask your Druggist fe
Murray &
PO, nelleiOwttY4Q. TMMC aha OWN