HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-8-15, Page 88
e.d TRAVELERS ell regime
moble_ w keep Neir wraps be-
Ms►er. uta. rens e1 ear
AT --
26c., 36c., and 50c.
!lore closes tumsper mouths at a u Moak.
Telephone exam/awe open um .1 8 u'oloc... where •vea1*e memo will be distributed.
N oma -The local attend m IIuofr soa
hit ties Motet u u Il.e creta of .1. •1 .� are,
J.P.rs f. e.e wooer. a: a., auu rlu .0 cue or-
deor subscription, ming ,ng eau rob
work .u.A to suthos,oed r„ rive receipts ler
amounts pard for the moot
T, st u•Y, Aug 13.
W. P Grmrson and wits, of Wu.g►ats,
routed friends here toe latter pert of I.st
week so also renewed former .al3aine-
u aeae.
\'trin,a, Timothy Griffin. of New
York city, and formerly el Asb6•41. visit -
ad relatives here and to Ashfield during last
ON A Vmil •.. Tisch. Isaac S.ts.ktasd•
wife, •.f (,solenessen
township, peed throk
h ere list Thursday, oo their way to St.
Helms. w stilt rehtttvss there.
Rev. Mr Rutherford se visiting relatives
.ear Si. Helens. He is now stat.00cd u
New Vo. L Sm.. near lirouLlra He ip.e
een towed ' i lite wife awl Meld.
FAYo.Y Pigetw.-Os Wednesday of Lot
week. Squire M•Iioagh, with a large num-
ber of anddren sad grand•hildres, eojoyed
themselves picnick ing at Port Albert.
Jamss M•Ibagh, of Aablield, was •axed
with inflammation Sunda!, evening Isat, std
for s tune was to • critical 000ditien. We
are pleased to learn that be is recovering.
Mrs. Cameron. relief. of the late John
Corrierwi. of West Wswsooeh, who bas
been acnewly ill for tome re
d• . s, is, we a
pleased to learn, es • fur way to recovery.
Huii. AGAIN -Mats Martha Wirgin.,who
bis bees v,.tung relative@ Deer Auburn, re
termed home Iamt week, and oocupted Yes
pleas as organist, in Erskine church, last
Tess Trimbell, of Masistae, Mich., u
Mot.uar, AU( 12.
Mrs. Y raker. rioter of Will Howell, is
Mown( et Eltsd•le Yarn.
Mies Ida settees left ea Saturday to visit
hiessds is Ueda, •oil Petrolin.
Mrs. Jobe McMichael. of 9eefurtb., is vu
sting et Tho.. Campbell's, Cedarblat.
Mr. ..d Mien Flick .ad Mrs Jebssten,
.f Ki.esrdime, are guests et Wa Teens s.
Miss KMM Aikeshead, who baser visit
us with Mrs. Red Yemag, Mout Pleasant
(arm, hoe returned to her borne is Ooderieb.
Rob Windmill, Joke Treble, George Mar-
shall, Jame. Mellows sad several others leave
es Tuesday for M&.itobe ad estate N est.
Mi.... Chris and Kato Halhdy, .f Bel
grate, who have ►w vi tu.g frieds in
this vicinity returned te their hens es
Copious showers fell is this vieiaity en
Friday and Sunday last. The pastures,
meadows aad ,tray are agate a..umt.ir a
rich gross.
Al . Aug. 12.
L. McPhail moved his lastly hen last
week trots Tiverton.
Mist Jeanie McKenzie, who is etteadtm'
miler at Si. Thomas, is whims, relative@
..d friends Mie.
D. MoMrid•, L. McKenzie, Joseph Ile-
Mlllan, John Hawkins, Hu.
. ('aingbam and
Wm. McWktensy, are taking •dimmtes* of
the excursion to Manitoba this week.
1@ it not about time the work es the pier
was again started, if the premised 100 fest
is f.0 be built this MYOf ' These are wily
• few weeks more that the weather will
mating his mother and other relatives in I "rill" of letng such work.
this eeottoo. He la abo closing up busis•en I The recent heavy rains have bees et base
matters in .:oonecttoo wtth the estate of his
deossee.l father.
Seesie, or Corm IL -The municipal
s.u.oii of the mwathtp of West Waw•.osh, enitusls in rosdittwi for 16• outer. Massy
will slow in the townabtp hall, on Ssturd•y et them we»very thin.
tea 17th of August, 1895, session be Dom
sseeoe at 10 o'eleok • Y., shell). A11 con- A cumber of families from Stratford are
mimed will govern themselves aecordtuply. upending their holidays in our village, and
J"Y IN is,■ Hot smem.n Richmond
• home in the vulage s now occupied.
:Wads is we.rIu mast smiles, a mime s • wonder some ot our enterprising rest
queries of the arrive' of a heir to the mar dente lois t erect •number of cottages for
er, on Sabbath leer, He ,a prwiouneed m summer visitors, u there u no more saleable
be • line bouooine boy W coegr•tulate place oo the shore than Port Albert, with
Mr. end Mrs. 'Sands in the joyful event, ate fine cool p•rL, exoollwit flshtag, sadgood
hoping the heti stay he long spored,. them. harbor and river for rowing and @ailing on.
After a very successful Season's
business, we naturally have Remnants of almost every
class of (foods. These will be placed on a table this
week, and cleared out at Half Price.
You may find exactly what you want on this Rem-
nant table at j'lat Half the regular price.
There will be
fit to the root Drops and the pasture are
mush improved. It is safe to MY that the
mach aseded tall feed for the .tock to sew
G estured, and it will he possible to get tee
B.t'OwIN(i CON v•I.1re'IN T TM many
friend, sad •eriseinmaoss of Mrs John ,
Bule,,.ow of Godenoh and formerely of
West W awaoeh, who hu been eenously
ill far mow time, will he pleased to learn i
en last heard from) that she u mover
logo We hope the venerable lad% will Des
haus to regio health end strength.
Visirem+•. Mies Catherine McPhee, et
Colborne Township and her slater Yrs.
Marne, of Miahtg•. l'. 3., were to our vii
lege last week visiting rd renewing former
ewgu&intcea . We were pleased to see
then look w healthy bud 'theorist and
healthy Wm.MOIity, of P. 3. sa
visiting at the komsstasd, and other rel•►- i
Sven, here ad vteimity.
AN Ex'.W.,MT CROP of Laos Vsus-'
T•111.SN. lb Saturday last, w• were shows
en the premises of John lb/lough, Aahheld,
soot specimens of large turnips a1 mon
golds. Tattier into &eooutt the drought
which prevailed this swop, they give pro
speeta of ban`` steeliest mops, ad thus far
stool any metros is thsa etios of oountry. Mr.
M&llesgh feels quite •.nherent, as he km
• large parrot of grimed is room which
premiss • big yield. He is me of the many
pro.rsaIv tarsiers is this settles.
NEAR!' I' D*•wN IN BY • FINN. -00 Wed
s.sdsy of Wm week, as two of ear pluwi-
n eat sports took • fishing trip Mese some of
the beautiful streams or creeks is Wilt
W&wsnosk, one of them had his hook take.
by • reed ay.w1 trout, whish in its straggles
to •eo&p•, became detached from the hook.
BY strenuous etlert• ot the owner ef the
hook, and alio the would be owner of the
i.h, who bt pluagimg into the water whish
was tsisgled w1th arms, sticks, etc.,
after Mvtmg an •totting .ad dsngree•ble
escapade therein, swieseded is catching the
W. Hie eempaies states that was is
he wis
had looking trim, .d • queer obloet te be-
hold, Meier Md • morrow eseap• from be-
ing drowned. However, he se .11 right.
bagged spe wrd. of fear more .l the
G amy tribe. Ws preemie they bad an es -
Maids time picker the valent parts.
Uwr•INao HNoss 1 Me• s.Mrod is
Tits Mbn,'... intora•ties ate the result .f
the pause ..bees Issvug ad estrsaes gram
Inatome@ i. the Went Divi.ies et Hares.
whish s very ay.tem•Yeslly •retard,
'howls, the Mimes of mashers and their
e smessful pupils who wret.,with *ssrks eh
hammed Taking the division as • wMlwtbs
n umbers •vmos that red work hes been
dee b'y teachers .d pupils u this 'ebbe
.aheola in tri. diesels... We inteed me-
gr&tcLUo•e te the seems al etw in this
visited,, viz . Herbert Whyrds who has,
ass sellsgi•te etsmeasse, encasen-
Idly p.�d the primary exam. As he is
only eft•ea years of age he baarva gnat
credit. Miss Maisel Reiley, w• melee. eh
mined the fell member et marks in &rick
e mote. Hees wily tea .are .14...d this te
the Bret Wee rhe want. as tea enemas.
She is • pupil et Nile PS.. Mr Weems.
prissiest. sad daughter of Willits Baily,
President .t the Weal Hers Farm
ere Institute. D.ugm..en P.S. etsw
. well
te w front is harts( eve sandM.tes ewe
.oaf.11y p•.s the esteems, two i. P !1
leaving ad one te the prisi.ry.tuaia&sbmn,
eight i.ell, whir* Mews that geed week
Ma bass performed by the ....hero who
bac aast.td mem Its telt Molise a rd re
desks groat mega m thaw.
The w.a...�r. 10.911k0011hes IO,9e011 wast=
e+w ebe sip d :ft
000155 If Tow'quilt..
AI'OCYT, 5th, 1895.
Connell met today, members all present.
Minutes Of last meeting reed and passed.
Moved b% ('has. Williams, seconded byJ s.
Connolly, that the followin, rates os all
reel rateable property and taxable Mame
us tewnebip For county purposes 21 mills
on tea dollar ; for township purposes, 2 1-3
mills oo the dollar ; .pedal tcbool rete, 2 3
of • mill se Milt. ed 1.e•' school section
Coal. Coal.
Remnants of Black Cashmere,
Remnants of Dress Goods,
Remnants of Tweeds,
Remnants of Prints,
Remnants of Table Linen,
Remnants of Cottons,
Remnants of Everything.
Also Bargains in Underwear :
The undersigneil begs to in-
form the Public that he has gone
into the business of supplying
Coal, and has opened out m
where he will keep on hand the
Best Qualities -4
Leh!h Yalley Coal !
which will be
delivered promptly,
at Lowest Market Prices.
Ladies' Cotton Vests, with half sleeves, reg. Me. for 5 c.
" lSc. " 124c.
" 20c. " 15 c.
" 25c. " 18 c.
Men's Shirts and Drawers, regular 35c., 40c., 50c„ all same price, 22c.
Ye& it is Dry Weather
But it is going to
by 1).
I have moved back int., the Store sear ooroer of West Street, formerly
K. CA .K, and can now show • New and Well -Assorted Stook of
September is coming, the World is. awakening, and
before long the noise and bustle, which have been hushed
for a few short months will begin anew. Autumn brings
fresh trouble and anxieties, and prominent among them
the Mother's preparation of the Children's outfit for the
coming season. Every woman likes to see her children
well dressed, yet she looks at the slim purse dolefully,
and asks,
A little care and forethought by looking through
ROBINSON'S stock will help you.
People have recognized the fact that we are selling goods at figures which
must be taken advantage of now or never. We have no room is this ad. to
enumerate, but everything is being sold at lower prises than ever Were is
Goderich. We mean what we ay. When in town, visit us. You'll not be
sorry for it. All welcotne.
wc"4 Points
InOur )hoes
e Pal aflicar AUGIIiOU lo:
Well Paper at Prions to sell.
100 New Window Shades to band ; puce@
Silverware at Wholesale Primo.
Special Value in Nom Popes and Envelopes.
Special Value in Bibles, Albums, blank Koons.
Alpha Inks, Extra Quality and Best Value in the Marker.
expect to attend • BUSINESS COLLEGE this mum .
merit of the
If so, the
Forest Oity Business and Shorthand Oollege. London, Ont.
b worthy of your oos.udorstion.
RU &ware that we have est the pace for C.m.dla Schools.
HAVE U heard .nythiag about our "NEW SYSTEM of Book keeping
and Business paper 't
Drop • card for particulars. Catalogue tree. College r.-opene Tuesday, Sept. 3rd, 1896.
J. W. WESTERVETT, Principal.
per &nos
Sax required by the severed tobool trustee@
be levied on same property. Mowed by
Thos. (burahill, seconded by Jas. Je►estor,
that the clerk notify the trustees et N. 11
S. S., that they levy on the motion for the
year 1896, 10 rotated the taxes they collected
is the years 1891 92-93.94 and '96, from lot
58, Bay oosoee.ton, to No. 9 taboo' maim.
amounting to $14. Meed by Jas Cornell,
...ceded by Chas. Williams, that the tel
lowing s.eosats be paid, viz : Joe. izzard,
=west, os 17th 0000e..ies. 11 ;
Hrry $west. burying • deed pig. $1 50.
Clerk was instructed to forward bill to Jas.
Al...., Carlow, P. O , who left said pig on
public hiwhw.y. Adjourned to moot en
Wet Monday i. Aurnst.
NIXON Swam', Clerk.
A Waterproof
An Umbrella?
if ..t. Ass .ae et the I.IADINO
Bents' Fnrniahing Store
0. Z. s:AIT3 Si 00.
Ager we faM I-_- -e. ew.arP.
London, Sept. 12 to 21, 1895.
a,•*1'1•L er('CMIO�
eA lt.w • Ya.
KrrAI.LISHen 111115.
cameo? .m nt'Hi•Asesr,
rtrees timer
Live mesh. Sts lumbar Int.
All .crier iJ.e.rtaamb. fl.ttt•Mb.r Vb.
Final P ysiest la Stakes. August rub.
AweeNs este of tweaks ..d Privileges es
Seemed. . •mg. ser*.
Spat i At. ATTtu,Tio.n-WIN East Show. N
peo.le- Arabs. Tests. Sheiks. I..di . of
the Testdsk Pales. Mc.. with Horses.
camels .ad 11 ; eed • bait
et ethers.
Prise LIMB. Irepraei sae .ad Oesdlttone et
Sole for Soothe Area Apply se
CAPT. A. W. r'e1T*, TIME A. awe W KR
President. Seeretar,.
The Old Reliable
SNI on Deck.
on the ma st atiPILSOlik
50c. a ton off for Oily
making it
$5 TON
the Chespeet Coal ever .old u this market.
All Coal weighed ea the Market Scales,
mo tial you're sore yes get your weights
Orden lett at HARPER k LEE'S
promptly attended to.
ee Z MOR "
we beet our truss H..11amot.. MegthisTHOMAS GUIDRY.
INC f•s»w.r Wssiesm a. Q•.Mrle
aAanoiarevarod boa
Suuld dcl. Cs.
OPE Oat!
a. ,' ernef •T!►UY aims sr. Wallin
rwwowro MONT glee,
as. , /ens OeTa .5o.5
6. W. THOMSON, - - - Agent.
1101111111011 ,0112.
Because no one will wear a Shoe that doesn't fit his or
her foot comfortably.
Because it must be servieeahle.
Because everyone wants a Shoe to fit the eye as well
as the foot. No one wants back numbers.
Because, while we tit the footand the eye, we must
fit the pocket too, and we can do it to perfection.
FIDe Bepairilif a Specialty.
Special Sale
140 yards 36 -inch All Wool Serge in 5 shades at 20c.
31 6 to 7 yard Dress Pieces, 30r cent. Reduction.
9 pieces All Wool Henriettas, Regular Price, 50c., Now,
25c. to 30c.
12 Ladies' Capes at about Half Price, in Colors.
A lot of Children's Cotton Hose at Half Regular Prices.
Our Immense Stock of Carpets in Wool, Union, Brussels
and Tapestries at Actual Cost.
Lace Curtains a Specialty.
Boys' Heavy Blue Serge, 25, 35, 50. Great Value.
Men's Suiting, New and Cheap. New Designs.
Ladies' Sommer Cloths and Mantlings.
Shaker Flannels and Flannelettes from 5c. to 12 1-2c.
A Good Heavy Sheeting for 9c., 36 inches wide.
Towels at Special Prices and Very Cheap.
The Great Oarpst sat Igoe Wilda weta%NN d the Oaaaly
TvasD_AT, A�..{g.� IE
. .ki.msd mar
r Sk.0 d. is up
es • obit.
Ms Wm Chelsea. or., et Stratford, le
Abbas her este Jeb. sod Ales.
Willie Castor, r .M baobab bey. but
Dew .t Darren, with W bihe.hes been ebb-
ing old lute& here.
CNOTTII Mora -Rev. lir. H.tsltt.s,whe
is a es.dlMb hr the vegan pastorship d
this prat. •.d the Liaise ms (i.der5k Iowa-
prw.bed here ea ee.iy, sod will be
✓ ai.rgn pre Ma ter tab tsouth. R. will
mimemoo, se Jetor >te,tes'. hart
Weimar& till d awe weak. bolas
✓ tremblythe fere pert ef the
INC 11•11111. gal I_..-. H. O. H
el the Qom= Cale.r eeledheg a w a
serer kelp W.etb Weems,*OnM.+., is
e bb. the primp. paints sod .bjos 1 et Jo-
tkora►, ..e reereeosit.lt.g %Me pfees, as his rest'
.d IIIMMIMeg twee &gait tea synod bite sir
d Mom, sear *stsenwe oil heads seat
bre sod d*tliar over the dear Is.g Ar -
shale Yiimes6�a • Was =wetter of
Merrier Oa. sour. -Oar Messer reside"
Dr. W. H. DLit... e/ Wow, lbws
see g. bee ham Mena ea a tn.ru.e
et seats Alm_ W W'� hi breams Jall �
with Y.i, uihl mower die lige lis Eieelem*•
The haler is b Ms wear sad
haft the
m cercus ie e.1 ebb=
11. •.real .sirs el 1..+ IN waited beg
-_.oral > UNL $G 5* th. bee ern 7I'