HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-8-15, Page 7SIM 40.1e11. THE SIGNAL: GODBRIGH, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1895. 7 MyBaby v. living &Slake; the 4E0 tor said he was dying of Kara- nius and Indigestion. At is months he weighed only mews pounds. Nothing strengthened or fattened him. I began using Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophosphites, feed- ing it to him and rubbing it into his body. He began to fatten and is now a beautiful dimpled buy. The Emulsion seemed to ripply the one thing needful. }4r& irogNYON WILLIAMS, May zi,1894. Cave Springs, (;a. Similar letters from other mothers. Nal lepirereiler te swept • itialtheief $(uUd1L tk. awl CRISP AtilD CASUAL. Aseerdias to the Leedom Figaro the eddy rams to Eager te be admired by the Saahrea was ea Asserier, Rm. George In• Canoe, formerly Mee Letter. Babies where mothers pat them ia ear - :fuwith elute Oak or Nue sunshades er wired theta out in the sr have • siqr to howl at &Wit. The light is ape te rata their *yr for life. When lards are seat out aresseng the birth • child one should breeder errs are of esagratrintrag to the pens* A rash of born seat the mothar '0 .1.. • careful athaewledivamth Dees, the painter, is said to hays resent- ly ford r Hoerr • dirty di raves re- presenting two street bor, width tare@ eat se be • Merino. He boogie it ler 60 frame sad bao had as offer of 17.000 frame. Se me ay legal roamer were head for Sir William inreemirt's death datme that the vane of rates ea wills preyed ta mix mouths of WM was 01.000,000 less thee for these ia the Ipst en earths of 1894. Shosmakess German@ and ethers, are in- vited serselhe for a onmemasal to Jeer Boren tblisie 1• = 4.111101111. Guilin • -Nall: ap kin sire ors is Gonne three hualred ran ago. M. Martel of the Croft* Fairies. wires sporty was the military sans, about to mare after 26 years' service As he is °sly • peareare, he wih reserve • bensit, the WOW farewell perform/re berg allowed to sesietaires alone. The hear. whims sot properlycared for, kr its lestre. bermes ariss harsh. sad dry,. aad falls oat freely with every orb tag. To prevent thin the hest dressing in the Berke is Ay'. Haar Vigor. It esparto thee silky ghee so essential to puler beauty. Francisqr Sarosy, the inmate with, tea begun hie crapauts for the French Academy. He positively declines to be toe @tiered • caridate, giriag his rearms at great length. the retro* ot them berg that tie thinks Sitter is • bigger soma thee tee Academy. Mr. Nathaaiel Mortara, • wellharra mar of Laramie*. Mins.. wid editor Se - porter Pastes, who, fpr • nog time, suffered free the most excruciating paias of rheum wear, was cured, eight years ago, by taking Ayw's Sarearrilla, baying sever felt • twee. of it air& Arrangers.. are in progress in Chieage ta getortion the representatives ef the Irish nos trout every part of the world who will sesenthie on September 24, 25 aad 26 in that city, ao decide oa • policy to be pereued re - martin, Ireland and her people. Over 1, 000 delegates are exposited. Jobe Kennedy, the able/ enguseer of the Meatreal H&rbor Board, lir noir to cago. roompried by half a doom other reatiemes interested in ingimeering, to isa ern the groat work of the drainage oral and the erne whir it is supposed to pre- sent to the St. Lawmen shipping. An interesting illustration, of the 'radian's clever horeeniasehip was gives by • year buirk at Wino., Wadi.. • few days age. Corryiag in be red ea ordinary sup filled brimful of water, he rode on • arose at fill gallop the length of the main street sad return without spilling se much as • drop of the water. As the Erin* law offices' an DO 104rar parlDlibIlii SO retoto ter private preetise, Sir Edward Clarke, wbo was Solicitor Gen - ern *.Lord telisherv's last thaistry, bee refused to agate tak• the office, thouge the salary is 430,000 aud fess, averaging 112,000 a year, and it is • sure step tower& the Lord Chreellorship. Adele& Patti has jute ere in her priv• ate theatre at Craig y Noe the Int perform - ✓ oe of • aired pantries ia two sots sailed "Mirka, the Illegeontram." Ste plays the triscipal pirkiswilf in 4tuab meow, hut elegy oes ems 46 Is very wed of the piece. This may be a sew devise to su- able the public te see Patti without strain - lag her voice. lady !Lary Hansitea-Doitgles, the 11 yew *Id daughter of the duke of Hsaailtest wilt be or of the richest heiresses of bar N O. Her father Gould aot leave ber lum titles, bot left her the bunt of Isse pro- perty, including the 1.1. 01 Arran, whist is larger time the Isle of Wight. Her berme ▪ aow $800.000 &ail win he 11,259,000 by the time she seers of • a BABY'S BURNING SKIN. SL•fi Peeling oit skui Litaslly kibi. Coda sag 3seded by Armes. Th. (Goal OPOillra or Asses istamser-Ale mese lemensly 11 litinsates stellins bore' lag. enamors ease. re/rotas the wis- h • baola Go Gooltbora wren erre= are owner. yaws 10aagbegg aerogram ✓ ow le se sie war et sposibleag gibe" 01, att roar 44 darter Dena. was with NINNY el the prise M *eat of empire sae I War t la tri -t1 ataxia edverties and tem the ,:erkt die heit• week I eirehaeadw=at Dr. Meer meet. „,,th" 4'44 rollories showed the reative alba •••• *he needy. we ben ere tidy easeizth se the hos, togitiew Lir= say minor has 1 mrxwall. Joaxavcai. Ilt LO. Street. Torear. • Oro lbw was a web Wein lasetese te e ra err ba le daps ._fie tern 01the Ihell Vigor teen 1 with lear SID IffiaM 2,4bia,_ _Or 0=eIntinalai • ;Teurerewatiard :Vol= Os tree tan *sett artalls ▪ Ferrer* ▪ ears ase er Sar: TIROL 10 lemehogne Mr* THE MODIERN NEWSPAPER.I Sties lieremm • rear r serer llocetie- Lee *Niles, :W epee tree owe lath the iael whe beasts that k.8. asi use he • ampere wea- rer. Aad inlet kind et • rostra ot the gars home kW! • imam with arrow tier; et meagre salter.; of aril pubits erns ; .1 801.. genie or kaiewleige of tray ; .8. 1. forever erg tram rosary .1 1. bin busier traieratene. bream he is Wry- er of aerial vane sae% relate prises ead hes as rowed,. of lainterial dr flesh • toga ie salyernally peersad will always rears so. He will he a plod- der hying in rata, and river mily is wail- er' gripers. It is tairseihie to keep pre with the world of today without dee newspaper, .48. 1... eines • frier dialident preemie .04 .04.. betelligere es the pair wheel Without *1 01 what wean vales would be these eriedere uneatiens. the telegraph sad the great rasa err Meek regiseer the pahe here ef the world. Tbe ma a who out do without the niewspapar is • melte wank oaring Mlle foe the weil-beir of cornea - Sy, intoresting breed set as all with the reds aud wars of ethers ; oantest with the noragensent .4 41. ewe diem be - lowing. perhaps, 18.4 18. ' mut de mon,' bat that it is ao affair of his. So that bread and better are deer apes bis and errs &pea1 aireadere, or his brines. brings *sough for hie assertion bores aot trouble Simeon farther. The arepapor-the hear awl Ririe est=etanial ef les premet-le dee the beet of law, seder aad morality *het its fable pannier It is unbesitatieg in its armee is layiag bare the *villa -meth exist Is emery &ad eh,* dread extermination. The air of dries fears is.. he iler the arager 01 88.4, 8. 10 liars is will ara hesitate to rid Mee up to *hie rooratins eel prishmest. is the aleeth-hour lo juries width Never rose. It is tbe frised el Oho insert% gore bill in Ito Power " further Sr mire air her him relief. It is tbe aideotroasep of scares, bearing to lb1 greral polite the soarer et its rest itiesoyeriss awl lashing their light agrees the world. 1.4 1. the time of war, errs mighty armies are strogggling on bloody bectietields, with what • keen eye it sore the aciatent, aad how swift it is to gin speech *0 18. Whigs of &der or retry. The lightrag pram then reams insert with woo or najoinag, for it heads the epitome ot eras life everywhere, wed the tiering &ad progressive world of today arid r more do without It than it Gould disposes with the light of 1M*. If there are hare sad there rasa who fool that they raid de wiehout is, they herr se • rens w68.8i. asether aumerous aer fletrisher, led for this we may well be thrldial The Oruro is an overdraws, for the man err weal& keep pace with the world of today emus keep himself in trek with it, sod poser • sympatbetie kitowledge of its ever- varyiag orogen eir needs. ited there is no ether power in the riven* of maa that will rabbi hias to de this but doe daily newspaper, which is the mirror of the rogesity as is his food Lod raiment, and he world s light sod an apostle .1its program. To the really intelligens maa it 10.. actual would as aces thick of diapering with the ai with the otherlt is impossible to live today the wonted life of the poen ABOUT REAL DETECTIVES. what • fraismaa elestai Thinks anent gime Newel memos. The world is full of young fellows who think that lithe most glorious of all profs@ stems is that of • detective. The chaps who have get this idea are cheek full of the rot wriate4 in half-digne novels. The detective of the blood had•thuader oral is so more like the real thing seta • verosk is him ao elephiint People who think for them selves know %hit this is nee, aad the prao neat Warne- like deesetive the °wintry rotted, would blush with shame if ethipared with the chump heroes who figure in the twe-for isdinse detective stones whkh so many lads swallow at or -sitting. this of the greatest detectives la the world today is William A. Piakertoe who ia essivenation with • reporter ea the New York Ratordsr, reoently, told hear very silly the novel detesters is compared with the wide awake members of • very ordi- nary occupation. You would ooly have to look at Mr. Pinkerton 10 00 nein off that be is *et one of the *loathe derribed 1. •Ilow oovered antra. "My occupatioe.- he end, "la not walik• that a soy other man. In father was • &cootie. is Chiciago. He °peer an agency knows as Pinkerton • Iletective Bureau. That sr in 1850. Whom the war trek* out he was placed at the head of the l7e1t04 states erre ernes. Twelve yean ago be died, sad the tresses went into the rads of my brother Robert aod myself, end we have oeeducted it ever eines. " Every roe in • whit, some penny &- leer roes out with • &mat novel, dire 10, 18.1 it is • reliable record of .J, a John or a Charles Pinkerton. The ma a rubbish is the worst rot published, re has no egrestion with us at &It la we ban does everythiag is our power to destroy it, as it is the oars of more asestour wrier tryiag their rad ea the pale than any ether literature exhisL W... trees • good many crimes dimity to the inflessice .1 18. yellow -gowned newel. "1 dna me nateineete that erten stones are written frees the remora as Ale he our ernes. There was bat re story ever written under thane oireemotanoss, sad :ay father wrote that. Our eines rsoorde see e el ems to the 7.841.sad sever .411 4., least of all te belp in kalive the arboreal rot rot oat by varisese"rottliebers. "11 it were ia my power I shield at ors destroy every per of 41 .0.5 I would 01(0 00(7 melher 1.0 that it met part grim readier. No ger ma some at 41. " Had I • sea "silty .1 ...4 ardiost I would horse whip Win as week as writ That's what 1 think of derative eerier Arther Air worth diseeming, sew tar we an teethe, ow seek seatera, is *8. 14.. that derseins go round with • ramie* thirties! mak. .p8. their pother, really to arra a deem inhere diger at a messent's brim That is trey wad out - lama& I ern* pm thee there 10aothieff is It A seem may perhaps share kis hat, or drags • tittle dare& se as eel be reran arention. bus.. hr *Mir me the dis- CmSaileled him *eft erre area 8.048 8. it Wham yes Mar seen talk of their expertness se doeseltven aed taupe .8.1 4* *.8.10,A'4 -_ d. thiseard dower make -use eerie be year 0404 01 sees that they are freed& " The whole bemire ell • &obesely* simply fans far knowledge ef moo mei thee& A remain mar re lie brains awe *flea thaa be der him Orli ea& peer* kris. He &sem set red be be mese airy awl east are Neasse end a otheles If he tabard ower Irr bs better the dale red doessehet weatiteg= sae n 411110117.2Iei.* hal( what Derry' Plakerra said about his basimem is as true as ger& PLAN FOP A VACATION TRIP. "I wonder why err 160 saghboyet he :Witt expended, derbig• ...p4. 01 weeks, eerie the eights with She poi wile. Perhaps yitit afford" say done vassilan, Went pee "seal idetd" 4. Ine 1110 OS IL !MP M$1., if we are eel to emir it ! Get • notglther to rare fer year arch aniel work time mast lie dose dosing year &beers, il yea leave air or to leave on the fare, sod ito .0 .0.4 lac him when yea re - tetra hear. • little neighborly ea -opera - tea make a norm peer* *all other- wise saber seam 001 .1 the queries. Some were it would be wise pray to speed • week km • busy city, sot ileitis( friers, bac payee tor eaah privilege. Siteh • Change would be hmeallimai alike to rad wed body. The show el *many awl suffering 01tree who gannet mad will ar forsake the etty for the freedom ef sorby life, win he as oppersame as the glamor awl show of Ilas Meese aad equipage% and Me Nary atanistises. Every city is *vs - .:weeded. Irks the rare of erne ia year ros- tra se preamearl as pert* Crag. is roe, ..Ab. Leeson err te say whim shoe sphere raik all day Its trees se sawing wood. 1( 700 live read, go *0 0050. or lake ; the eight a water, the air, the baths, will de yoe wooden of good. It you live by the water, go laird or te merealas. Wherever yes 50, eke life ear. Rest. Deal try 10 105 anything. Take year emei- fort. The farmer is a Word American whoa les travels ; be ware to its everything aed see everythiag tor the least per** time aad awry. Do lem .04 see leis bat be aeon thorough. Nets chic all is not geld Gist (linen mil that every erica er 80.40.0 4*. disadveateres. Such • erre, even if *sly for • day or Iwo, lifts the farmer sad Ism mil fay right out of the ruts Aad they .0&11Yterra to the farm not .047 refreshed, but hotter ..&104.d with the homestead Ira ever. Th,. is • big, bright world, hut there% ao place to it like raw. • report to • pare or fanners' .1.8 from two or titres who have sweat Trader ..4 small sums in Ur way would maks a miming of gnat atareetive- ars .04iaterent.-Aeserier Agrisultalish ASOTIMIM ANTS-1111thila7e4 Seer rewrote ef laollioloGra Go Ilississty *111115•••••• and gir015siet Illestanaellea 1. 1/11,11 Prot Laeoliaim. Age a - tileartch to The Pall MO tinsel* from Shanghai saps that the Europeans there ridicule the idea of a Chinese escort accompany- ing the British Consul at Foietrhow to Kucheng. where he g0.. to Investi- gate the massacre of tritest meshin- g ries. When the Viceroy's troops were despatched to the ecene of the massa- cre, they immediately looted the mis- sion houses. The despatch adds that owing to the unsettled state of the province it has been decided to send ZOO Brttish Indian Sikh troops from Hung Kong to escort the Consul to K lichens. A deepatch from Hong -Kong states that a large mob of infuriated Chinese attacked the British and Almeria:eta missions at Parham near Clanton, a noon yesterday. Some of the missionar ies fled to Mhameen for safety. but the others remained at Esteban. A Chl nese gunboat has ran sent to quid the rioting. It is reported that the anti -foreign agitators Intend to soon destroy all the missions in the Kwanif- Tong province and to drive the mite aionarlea into the treaty ports. The Chinese rect knbwn as the Vegetarians, who are at the bottom of the outrages , now number 12.000 men. They are organized and Intl armed and are able to withstand the hinese trope. A deepatch to The Pall Mail Ga - nett'. from Shanghai says it is stated In that city that further fanatical out- breaks against Christians have occurr- ed at Ching -Chow, Taping, Hupeh and AnhuL It is stated that all the for- eigners escaped without injury. No onfirmation of this report has been received. Hong Kong, Aug. L-A great indig- nation meeting was held here last night to protest against the massacre of Christiana by Chinese. Among the resolutions adopted was one express- ing diagust at the apathy and Indiffer- ence of tbe British Government in falling to recognize the gra •.1 48. eituation and for not tare, measures to protect British subject& Poo-Choo, China, Aug. 11. -Dr. Greg- ory. an American missionary who es- caped from Kucheng. gives the follow - ng account of the maasacre there : 'At 12.30 p.m., on Thursday, Aug. I. a native Chrietian rushed into my study saying several foreign ladles at Hwa- ang, a mountain reeort about twelve relies from the city of Kuctienff, had been killed that morning, and that two tithes had been burned. Fifteen min - tea later a note from Mr. Phillips onfirmed this. He wrote that five tidies were dead, tbe Stewarts were missing and four persons were seri- uely wounded. I immediately went nto the pitmen. where hundreds of 'cited natives had already gathered nd requeeted the district magistrate. 'ong, to send some soldiers at once o Hwasang to protect those living. n half an hour the magistrate went Hwasang under an escort of about soldiers. Lord Salisbury and the Chinese Am - enamor naa a lengthy 111tPTVIeW at he Foreign Ofnce this afternoon. It supposed that the conference be - ween the Prtme Minister and the CM- ese representative was In relation to he mailmen. of missionaries and the eps to be taken to prevent a recur- ence of the outrage*. Camapeeted Talent. The followtag &redoes of Robert Hamm wee told es • oorrespereat 01 18 Youth's Comperes by rate Sarah people whe 8... hint ia Ids youth. Rana was living 1. 14. to., of Ayr sad though stall yore had .&1.1..d more Ira a Wel ropatatise as • poet Or day he was palming through the mate street of the tows sod saw two Wearers attar at sae of the in whirr With idle cariosity he stopped to look at thew Serra 14.and &tektite the rare aide afford them goer meassesest while try were waiting, the strangereadlei hint *004asked him to dine with them Sures readily se - espied the invitatiess and proved • merry, satertraing guest. Wine direr was mewls inithed the strangers suggested that ear should try hie band at yersainaking, and 18.1 18. or that failed to write • rhyme hod to pay ter the dieser. The rhymes were writes sad Rents read the following: I, hairy Peep, saw two resp; Two sheep saw ow. Half • erowa &pier will pay for *844 t1.... Aad I, Johnny Peep, go free. Tbo seranger's astonishment WWI great., sod try both exclaimed, "Who are you! You mar be Robe. Burr And Robbie Sures did mot pay for the direr. MIXED PICKLES. And while the roue ot joy 4. 4.,., Aod the oilers of life ars gay. Lot us think of those dist loved us dear, The friars who orwa e far ay. -Hiss. eirs Tw "Hail gentle spring !'' With pea 10 40.4 The poet thus begaa his ode; But Spring obeyed mot his erred. It don't heal: it 'sewed. -New fork Prem. An Indira Coroner's Jury nearly brourist in • verdiet ossieriag • rather company "for trying to mod two err ia opposite directions and to pass each others. a. mine track.' -- Judge. about to sentare • prisoner, asked him : "Vas have been coevicted several *4.,..Wore, haven't y00 Prieriaar-"Yes your 14000r. bet, 1 We bruin e seqed several also." -Should • man shave up or dors?" salted • youthful oily ark, fresh from oohed. "That depend& It boa I shave ea. for instates, I always shavedowa." replied the barber, with emphasis eo Mohr word. "1 tope you appregill• lie ire, sir, ia marrying toy demehler pee merry las. -.4, generous girt" " do, sir," (with emotion). " sad I bre the erne tree qualities from her father." "I think, m".44the phygisise. after • award investigates of the prier's ease, "I Orly madams, the eerie asset he with the liver." "I deal see hew that am be. donee ; I weer eat is asyo.lt, sad the lioardere h aven't "-Philadelphia Ti... A freed is • penoa with when I may he riser& Before him I may think deed. My friends have IMMO to roe areaght. The great God gave theta to me. Friend- ship. like the immortality of the meal, im tee good 1. 4. believed. R. W. Itineresia • lawyer having told a Frenelisean that he mast &dearth' his runaway wits or dee be would 4. liable ter her deer, hmertei la • weewrapar the follower Oar mereems " Kitty, die he my wile. She ruined very sad ea az ate : man ram sa want 4.4 4. leen tar yr." " My dear, 1.08 hews 8.1..," .44 Mr. Gordian, ea be steed en the bridith ge w his wife sad reed as • ear haulier • ler I4. .4 barges. " Sea b life; the eng lir the ems. workbag &.dtenter e the barges, like woman, re-" "1 row, eterrepeed Mrs. G. serlille.' "*8. tugs de all the blowiest sad the bergs@ bear all the harden." - - - - - - ?be Wed Wear It It esti there Is • reeking there hi every hewn sad yet that aims .,.Id .z erase their owe for that ef emetter. Se diet as le st may, the ing from the heart ft elaw easegt, IVIU heti of emsebeese • very err tut _p --t alma. Is Perim Ore ilierser is asseter Yea sae Wing remeaffer this Idled dlasesteste. ea =powhis. th. amill re se arx lo lart1104 N•so. An Caaeseie Lipeassauee Seisms guilt la attain Tban •peed. New York, Aug. 9. -Recorder Sprain. from Philadelphia, says : The Bald - win -Westinghouse allance is causing much talk amoug railway men and in nnancial circles here. The first vrork to be done jointly by the two com - panics is the building of a standard gauge electric locomotive in order to demonstrate the capabilities and pow- rs of the new engine for passenger end freight service. Speaking yester- day of the probable rate of speed ot the proposed locomotives, Mr. Hen - zey, of the Baldwin firm. said : "This talk of malting 150 mites an hour is pure folly. The best time which will likely be made, conelatent with nate- ty, is 90 miles an hour at most." Mr. Henzey explained that for a long haul the steam locomotive was preferable and cheaper, and for that reason. he said. the electric locomotive would N- utted principally for short runs and suburban service. seed lese Land They :lad Se rum. r. Duluth, Minn. Aug it -The suit brought by Mr. and Mrs. Roliert Crow. ley of Nova Scotia, against the Nel- ism Lumber Company.to regain isaiseii- pion of a tract of land on the Mem be Iron range, valued at over $1.000.o0u. and embracing the Audburn mine. has been decided by Judge Lewitt in favor of the lumber company. The Crow - !eye claim that they did not know the value of the property and were Induc- ed to part with the same toy fraud and ilsrepresentati,,n on the part of the company. Judge Lewis finds that the Crowley,' never had a valid claim to the land. - - - - - mass Siam glialovilir. Eganville. Ont.. Aug. R.- mix even- ing fire broke out in the McIntyre. terRiekk planing trill and spread rap- tely, taking the Bridge block. owned by John Bridge of Renfrew. and oc- cupied by .1. Renick. as bakery and confectionery store, alao store and re - Merger of John chewy. The buildings were tot 411y deatlinyed. Lc.,, het even 14000 and rale; nearly covered by 1e - r1111111100. Ogee Eurasian' me seutaategias Mese Fathisig 11110firl woo* OM NOVO Parer@ ei a aerie team. Gananoque, Ang. S.-Wm/wham enter- ed the reeiderice of It C. Tailor and earrted off MO worth of watches, sil- verware end Jewell -1. Mr. Taylor's reale was *erred and resonated while he dept. Tbe burglars, ignier tying ap the gooriearried oaths from the rellarand had a spread ia the dining ramn.- - • ellitansers O ne at Gee mousseal Searelbeess enegilee ear shme dee* allearamal. Ara. L-Chartest Jetties, wao eras arrested wlth see Haynes, as a firebug. rerfammed troday Omit Rayons had serred haarralth ptio. trial aad weed It ever frit 00- I8. Oft's Soon FATHER AND SON CURED. THE VILLAGE OF WHITECHURCH DEVELOPS A SENBATION. TES ISTRIA AIWA( IMO WITS *SD MS *On • 1111 5? VflI5 "roar ISIAT BS VutTILID NOM ST ALI. MS PEW it DOSS. Fre* WIDIttlom AGveare. Mr. Joseph Nixon is Or pr.p01.tor .1 18. *sly reel is the village of kiemeharek, sea is knees to the whole oountryside se • maa who thoroughty witimateade his are, and • ional ropsoloa as well. lt is well karts is this part of Guthrie that Mr. Nixoe's heel was destroyed by the, but with that nom which is obaracteriatio of 44.he quickly see to week to re- build. His Worry, aa told • reporter of the Wirral Adore*, whe recently had ocoasien to visit his hostelry, will prone of interest. " I was kelpieg to dig out the cellar," kw said, "aad is the repair Ind odd I retracted rheumatism which matted in my right hip. It got se bad that I rooldn't sit in a eller without doubling my leg back at the side of the chair, .ad I eouldn't ride is a bettay without letting the affected leg rag oat. I suffered • great deal more from the troutile than asy omit who has wit been aivail.,rI Lifson& ** I was kelpie° Ara eist the colter," regime. flow 1... oared is era Isere interestias Or day I -eper-t-st *mightier wear 38... bad rtionameilli reining down the read. I eallhe44.t4 asked what had cured hie ribmwasea... Dr. Williams' Piak Mlle he promptly replied. aad that detonator nie to try the err reasaily. Well, the result is Plait Pille ~se IDO, Dad Limit fa something ether modisines failed to do. I doe't kaew what is la thent, tat I do know that Ptak Pills is a wonderful medicine. 1.4 1* is an eddy in my own seen" rebiaued Mr. Niece. "that I have meson *0 4. ipatedul for what the mediae* lies dime. My son. Fred, reed terene years el age, was sakes with se atiaek of rid. laikaunation of the longs set ia .ad as be was nesovering frees this, ether oomplisatioas followed whisk developed *010 8*. Vitas dare, which got so bail that he ooeld not possibly stand still. We gins hire Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, with the result 1801 1. is now thoroughly eared, Bad looks as thourh he 404..ver bad • day's sicknom in his lite, sad it thew lane, whir are known 1.all the neighbors, will be et beats& to rhymes ekes, you are at liberty to publish thew" Dr. William& Pbak Pills are • specific for al diseases &ruing hose ea impoverished 000ditioa of the blood or • shattered radicles of the nervous forms, such as St. Vitus duos, lecemotor ataxia, rhennuitiene parelysia, sciatica, the after Arts of la grippe, lase of appetite, headmen dizziness creak erysipelas, scrofula, eta. They are also • epee& for the troubles peculiar to the female system, correctimg irregularities, suppressions and all forms of female weak- ness, buildize anew the blood, and restor- er the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. In the ore of mea they effect • radical oure in WI sere arising from mental worry, iteimmark, or roam of any Joanna Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold only in boxes hearing the lire's trails mark aed wrapper (premed is red iali) aad may be kad o101* druggists or direst by mail from Dr. Williams' Medina" Compenv, Rork elle. Ont., or Stheasetady, N. Y.. at 50 see de • box, or six bore for 12.50. GODMIJOH STEAM BOILER WORE& A. S. CHRYSTAL, Ieremear 10 01.0401 • Meek/ manufacturer of all tire a 3E30 I I_JEC FLS, Smoke Stacks, Salt Pans, Sheet Ins Works, etc_, etc., Aad Dader-a-- Eager. Mariasry Cartage, be, Pipes and Pipe Fi • all Bross Goods, Vanes, Eta All Ceestantly on Head at Lower Prior. followir asoosia-liand Dere and Mar - eery tor sale :- Owe 45 H. P. Boiler and grime. " 40 " Slide Volvo &igen " 35 " Tubolar Boiler, oonipleto. " 14 " 6 " Fire -box Soder sad F.111(iSO,08 wheels. Revelries promptly attended tn. A. 3. CEST3T6L. law P. 0. Box A, 0o4er10k.0011. W G. T. R. ration. iregoldi NEW BAKERY -IN- 0-0 D ERZ CH. JOHN A. GREEN has established a new Bakery and Gals fectionery Store on Hamilton -it, in Barrie's old stand, where be will keep constantly on hand everything in the it.. of Good Bread, Cakes and Pastry of best make. large Loaves at I 0 cta, and small Loaves at 5c. No combination; no extortion; but everything to suit the times and Wie pockets of the people. If you want Good Bread and Cheap Breed leave your orders at the New Bakery, on IlawilbomL Street Wedding Oakes a Specialty. Bread delivered to all parts of the town. JOHN A. GREEN. The Maiiiiies Wishing .4 18. Meths. 31 4. ler \and all cavil. The test ba• bra made. m. results hays hese satishotein Yo... have geed wine for • trifle. Wine has made glad tho heart of man from time briromporial. It has made him elociart: it boa cheered him in dispeadeagy. Bet the mares could DOG gr it, at least la oratries Lute which it bad to be imparted. The Bordeaux Claret Co, will sell you ea steel - lent wise foe 13.04 44 par done quarto. This they have been doing for sear time pet to tire whole people. All we delighted. Tao avian are psoxiag in A sound wen thereenhly who en irking blood and teasels. Adiress-Rerdeaux Claret Ce, 30 Hospital Street. Montreal. „ Carlisle's boor, 24 Cheese row, Chelsea, lase at last been paid for by the committee in charge of the sabeeripuea, and i aow *gin 111 the public. 11*oar= a great deal of Carlieben furaiturs, presented hill. tier before ter death, and eery of his books; 47.500 is still needed for the expenses of keeping *8. 8.... in order writ .1 10 Mi- tered. Yellers will be *erred • @hillier for adiniesios Caner Sherbet Canton sherbet is • treat to sasey tastes. Use the giager that cusses he the little etre jars; ore the and put ia • quart of water es ornate flavor. Aild • er a sugar, reit 15 talaree. and stria wad rot Add the jure of three Images sad re oranges for • quart of water, freer to • mash and sone. To get the dear juice nf ea crags out ware the grain sato halves, take out the ptilp with • =and square i* throw+ • pier of ohne sloth. This keeps or the arid ne- ver the peel. you (AN,G0 To sup (HURCH YOU'VE GOT A SAD COUGPI A piquemaxesck Curt ft/r M °bin ned! (oughteld \. Hoarseness &bflsf,s 11)E tist some Is. CTORA1 35-CA311 FREE -35 ist prize, $25; 2nd, 815, 3rd, 810; 4th, 85 5th, $2; 10 prizes of $I each, 20 prizes of 60c. each. The Proptseton of "Sala"Ceyloll i offer to school children the above ' prison competition open until Ise of May, for the best poem or rhyme, the initial letter of the Ines reading downwards to oda- pose the words-- Salada ClooTcas The poem Is expected to be the result of the child's own tlizel the are, age, address &ad to be oppended te each poen, • card. out of • package of " Salado" Ceylon T. STURDY BROS., GIBIHrIERS, The Square. Gliedertela. IIIPT.4ephon• connection. PATENTS! CAVUM TRIM MIS LCD COPYSIMITS Obtained. aad aU bermes In the U. 8. Prost Moe attired to at MODER/ TR PEAS. Our oillos Is eremite the U. 8. Pateat Ctit aad wi saa ruin Patents ia less ter haa those remote from W4 81111470 roN. Bead MODEL OR DRAWING. We .4- 4. .. to preteens,' true of there* ; and we make NO (714 101 UNLESS W Ob. r.aN PA TINT. Wo rarer, here. to the Postmaster_ , the link bl M ew Order Illy., and *0 *Mesh of the U. 8. Palest Oilles. For circular, advise ems and retereres emir anent" la yew own elate or Oiseat•. writer c • WNW Oweeette.Passet OSee.Waseingtak:g ca. 7-te 111111111111111 ANIMUS AWN PATENTS °Alma,iver,44•ADsp4 cOls` Moe g Ira sornit" h 5° Ebanes 'Or yt.e..I . 11 MI= rite " rnirit ...• 'dentine Aitiviai Pager hi wk. FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS DUNN'S BAKINC POWDER THRECIMIAIEND hyaena Terwpww, des legelee el Attie& we sir pail* • MS MINIM id roma •