HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-8-15, Page 2et tl k dig t -;ever' -- TAR RTOWAL : GODP;RICH, THURBDA Y, AUGUST 15, 1 •lib. _`� n get''al, s t of -baut Pk.epiag • bottle of Perry Dsvis' ate Kiu,aa on the medicine .Melt. It is lambastle in sadden attacks of Cramps, Cholera Molrbw, Dyoeetery sad Diarrhoea. Mt as valuable foe all external . • • Dose -Ons tmeessode r seat "Ingi r` T t7 �4, 0 1 s C Ct i -Z TAI N, tN1LL[R <<S 4A�� ar wear or masa tweet e WHICH ARE YOU. There are two kinds ut people so earth to day. Jost two kind. of people, au more I my, Net the unser and sunt, for 'us well u dentood The rood or. half bad, sad tie bad nue ball good. • Net the nob and the poor, for to °east • man's wealth You most lint know the state of lot• cos natant and health. Not the humble aid proud, for in life's little span, Who puts s vain stn is not counted a ,Dai Net the happy and sad, for the swift (lying t sere Brise inch man his I•ughtor and each mai ha toes. No ; the two kinds of people on earth I mesa, Are the people who lift, and the people who lean. Wherever roc go, you will find the world's masses Are always divided is just them two closets And oddly enough, you wall Ind, too, I W062, Then r •sly se lifter to twenty wbo lean. la which elan. are you' Are you want the load Of overtaxed lifters who toil down the broad! Or are yu • leaner, wbo Tete others bear Your porters of labor and winery and ooze! NMI OF TME DAY. • Ierey.0 .1d eon el Ashen illedI, r Tweed tits boomed to death 15 i• reported to Weshimgt.. treat Be tie* Columbia that seds in the Retiring Sea sire pramacally eztiaet. A r•peNie has bps organized by the Coban rebels. sad • previtwa•1 organization Is natter proems of formalism An inquiry will be made by a Dominion Gev.nmet steamer next Spring Mei No navigability of the Hudeoo Strata Artnmeat in the probieitionapple' before elle Judicial ('•mmittes of the Privy Con- ed was concluded W'dse.day.Judam.st was reserved. A member of Canadian settle landed from the Huron& as hebtford os July 10, and killed, are said by British surgeon. to have bad pleuro. It is rumored at Winnipeg that Sir John Schultz will run for the Federal Parliamet in Selkirk, which is Hon. T. M. Daly's preset seat At the St. Lawrence River Anglers' As - weenie annul meeting at Clayton, N. Y., Wedoesday,the osselets of aa internatiomal park was discussed. Hon. Jeha Cation, Sir Adolphe Ceres tad Hon. J. to P• tenon attended • man Mg yesterday of the Ttbpu Valleq t: v mum Mining Company. Th. limited Stats Government has relax ed the guaranies. regul•tioas by providing that sheep and Iambs istsd•d tor im mediate slaughter may be admitted from Cammda when &ceom anted by c•rtibcaw of data health Justin M.Carthy has issued • manif..to, in which he deoleres the diaea.sicos in the Irish party ruinous te the Netionelia manse, and that the disaster. may only be reptred by diaeipline. He describe. Mr. Healy', conduct an disloyal. ,risking • Yarm. An American writer, Bob Burdett., hes put the flatmate question of total abetiae.ce to this m•ttar of fact shape, whish it would be well for all noun,' me so cipher out for their two spacial information. We rive it to the readers of The Sun for what it may he worth. Writing to • feted, who his Mia in the habit of taking his social claimer two whenever he nests an old friend, and sometimes when he doesn't and who never sees any harm to all this, Burdett., figures it out to this practical shape •' For come years you have been drinking • good Improved farm at N. rate of 100 ✓ iva• feat at • gulp. .lust figure it out for yourself. Aa sore of land coons. 43,560 square feet. Estimating for oeveteooe that it is first -case land and worth $43 56 per acre you ms that it bangs it in jut 10 mats per 10 square feet. Now take a rood square drink and you ma swallow • straw• berry patch. Call is five of your jovial (needs end treat tbem and they will thus help you to gulp down • five hundred foot garden Gat on • proloag•d.prea and you swallow pastors land to feed • cow. Pat down that elms of gra or brand% er whisker : there is dirt is it- -Dae hundred feet of good rich dirt, worth just 143 60 per •ore Figure out a Is of hear and • rood cigar •ash day , er • couple of cigars et S este each, oo this basis of calculation ane sea what the will represent when • year rolls round. The young mm of 21 who bagiesto take eve one glass .f whiskey or beer • day and two cigar, .11 at b peva ..oh, or three .agars is their stead, will lied at the ead et the year that he has nothing what ever to show for about an sort a.d • quarter of good lend. Let him *onttnue that habit for the Dolt two rears, eves though the hab it should never grow on him at •11.—which i• not probable, -sad he will have ..thug whatnot* to show for •b• vale of 15 ear•s of land. Temperance has its strew pram tical tede as well as ata es.tis.enW. IasSattlos .f Meme. A prism was seared re••.tly by the Lea- den Tit Rin ler the hese answer tot a quer ties. "What r Home!' Hen are • few of the sowers that were 11141100011 Tie golden enol g, is u hick the brightest towel is " mother." A world o1 *rite shat out, and • world of Inv* shot is. Hems in the blossom of whisk Mama t• th• trail The pl..e who the mal an esemBohm ensall and the assail alas peat et 71111111 The lath.,'. klelgil.m, the ablideen'e pees- dl.e., the mother's wield - As sheds a width the isemb, the ",- perk, Mile wfted abbe ' me pay -bash et asymee this hes cast him m howthele dewier the day. !aisle, with fifty per mat interest, every ee- 1 The jewel oak*. ost.istsg the mess pe Diose d all jewels--dosteetio h•spim es. Wbere yoe are treated best sad grumble most. Home is the mistral teetered ales of Mums love. into which run the ianamendle wires of •ffeoctee, many of whit*, though •:foaled thettsaed• of miles, are sever dis- connected with the me greet tensions. The matzo of our affection, around which our Martis bast wishes twine. A little hollow, .cooped eat of the wady hill of the world, where we era be shielded from its Dass sad •osoymes. ♦ popular bat paradosiel iestitelias, u whisk woman works is the abatises of mss, aid man reale u the presumes of ammo. ilie semeb dy We all hate ambition. Emit pmt tatheldie •emetine to do something worthy IN mei gnat. 1?aoh o e expects to be somebody sometime This is good. Whoa shall we bogie to be eonebodt ! Now! Never • bettor time. Can a boy ansot to iamb ! Can he do mock ! What cam It. sot de ! What aim be mot be! Only • few roan ago the editor was at teenage in Iowa. With him was a posy bony being sent to sebeol by his mole- Is 1886 that same boa was (towrope of Osierads. This is eddy one of the many examples that we perso.ally know. Tho hoy of today r the scan of to -morrow. 11 be does sot try *be swssebody,M will be oohed), or worse, • failure, • wreak Aim high sad ole thing you are sere to a000nplmb, and that is to be a the Use ,.mss of the weed—o atm. A (adobe* arwamar's Seery. ♦ fir years age I was s • hiking trip ap is earthen Wiseman, but the fish were not Ntist vey well, so I threw myself down oo the grass to rest. Pretty eon I motleod • large frog, eonoimg himself and oatehiag flee. (Mt would dart his tongue, and be would land • fly •nry time. By ad by another actor appeared a the seem, a com- a water maks He was looking for a breakfast, and the frog, though • large Dae. seemed jou the tater TM mike soiled himself, raised his bead. swayed it hack and forth, the slowly brtegiac it down, he grasped the bind legs of Ne fres mod berm to swallow the dusty morsel. The frog torsed b•lt•reasd, cad. seam what wealth* matter, deliberately took t hes.akeby theta, sad began to swallow it. Well, this was in- terestiag. Slowly bat rarely they were eating each other. At last sly the neck and bead of each were left, sod Non the snake swallowed the frog. The frog at the same monies• swallowed the soaks, sod beth disappeared. It is said that it takes ton thousand drunkard. to make noe millimetre brewer. A man in Unionville, Mo., that saltpeter is as Infallible ogre tor snake bite, and cites personal exporieace t. support of hu claim. Then is • feeling to the neighborhood, how- ever, that be Is an agent of the Prohibuis- ule. A jury broueht in • verdict ie illineie. Au old statute rarely alluded to, says that in crusted oases "the jury is the tudre of the law as well as floe facts. The Court had iostrueted the jury not to touch the law unless they felt satisfied that tatty tee• deratood such questions better Nan he. As outrageous verdict was brought i., and ea. *naiad the ('ourt end everyone else pre- sent. The Judge remarked: "Geatltasn, I requested you sot so meddle with the law is this owes u.len fou olearly undertood it better than I did.' A long, lank chap In the jury box arms, shifted his quid and replied . "tW• eooeidered well that point, The dowager empress of China was the chill of poor parents a the suburb of Can. ton, and remarkable for her beauty. At a tame when her partite did not know wbenoe their daily bread wee to corse she suggested that they ..Il her as • slave. She became the property of a famous ge.eral, who was so escheated with her twenty that he adopted her. K'he the general next wet to Pekin he offend lou beautiful daughter to the emperor and thereby woo great fever. The y..uog girl eo charmed his Inajen % that he soon made her his wife. Wt.eo the emperor died the former ohms became regent of Out empire and adminis- tered the national strain better than almost any of her predecessors. She is justly *su- ndered ono eflba*grest+nmws of her time. MRS Mull Jaw OII. As Oak meet Tkr.w■ trv.a a tam flaw atnkee • Was 1s Woe Fore Ruffalo.Aug. 7.—August night of No, 114 Jame. -street, a car -repairer In the Erie Mope at East Buffalo, was walk - Ing through the shop yesterday morn - Ing, when a knot from an oak plank was thrown by • buss -saw against Ma chin. tearing away part of hip jaw and paeattug through his mouth and cheekitdz or menu teeth were carried away and 1110 the rest loosened. MtmtaTlOa NLLOWS £L P.MEtT. ■serf Teo imil•r Arrest -Mer Ilm wkOai tams Was raw Port Hurt t, Asg. 7—Mary Voll, a 17 - year -old girl from Newton. Perth County, Ont,was ermined here Yester- day on the charge of elopement. It be- ing alleged that the eloped with James (ilea, a married men, on July 9. \Then I flies' funds ran low she enured em- ployment In this city, and the past two web bas supported him with her W111222. Glee left a wife and several •mall children In Canada, and now has Alssppeared. a.ol bee Lasb.tll.m Mask Csltapsea London. Aug t—A despatch from Melbourne state' that the. City of Mel- bourne think closed Its doors this morning. The London branch of the hank has not received any notice t0 this' efV.. t, but the officiate here ex- press .urprioe at the eloping of tbs halo' The branch hob has bee* 1* Itquidatlon for some tlmo, The meets •re protected, but the doors have not own rinsed. Them. have hewn Ahrens` eel of opinion for .01ne time between 1he London and Australian oAtn re - *prating the details of • reemlegrae- tboa ochetMa ewmtt�sMiM 1 NOTES FROM OTTAWA Sir A. P. Caron on the C.P.R. Subvention. TIL TORMO E RAILWAY SCANDAL err C. M Tawe M .peek M tM 2101210 .f Me SeMmii Ne•IMs rreetal d Teemsaod leased /ark The Mite} lard Timm (Sone T aterges T• tis am AN hila..° Meramapea Ottawa, Aug. 5.—Sir C. H. Tupper eft this afternoon for Nova Bcotla. He win speak next Tuesday at a Ro- man Catholic church picnic •1 little Bras d'Or, Cape Breton, and In all probability will stake reference to the status of the Manitoba school question. Sir Charles' views In regard to the obligation of the (1 -vernment in the matter of Remaedla•J Legislation, are iwrhaps more pronounced than those of any other English-speaking member of the Cabinet, and It would not surprise his friend• here were the Minister of Justice to deliver himself romewhat strongly upon Hon. N. C. Wallace's position, in 'few of his u Ier- anOre on this question before the Oath' Lodge In Halifax. 12x -President John E. Stewart Is pre- paring to make 1t hot for the direct- ors of the Toblque Valley Railway Company over what he claims to be the forgery of his signature to the return of expenditure on the road for 1:91. According to Stewart's story, !t. had a quarrel with the directors be - cause the statement of expenditure for that year contained about 110,000 more than had actually been dlsper.ed upon work. He refused to sign the state- ment and resigned. When he was in Ottawa two weeks ago he found the return for 1551, made to the Depart - ment of Railways by the company. contained this over -statement of ex- penditure duly sworn to before an Ottawa magtstra.te, and signed "iohn E. Stewart." It was upon that return that the official report of the Depart-- men epart-men slowing the expenditure on the road was based. Stewart claims the signature, purporting to be his. is forgery. In support of that etatelneht he has forwarded from his home in Andover. N.B., to the Minister of Railways a formal affidavit. In which he says : "I did not at any time sign or make oath to any return of work performed, or money expended, on the Toblque Valley Railway, for the cal year 1991." Mr. Smith, Deputy Minister of Mar- ine, returned to -day from the meeting .' the Anglers' Association at Clay- ton. N.T. The proposal was made to approach the Dominion Government with a scheme to convert all unsold islands In the Thousand bland group on both sides of the St. Lawrence In- to an international pleasure resort. Many Senators and State Legislators of New York belong to the aiwocla- tion and declare they can put through the necessary legislation at Albany , If Canada consents. A deputation I will be here next week to see floe Gov- ernment about 1t. This afternoon Sir A. P. Caron was shown The World's editorial of yes- terda in criticism of the C.P.R. mall subsidy arrangement. The Postmas- ter -general does nut seem to be over sensitive as to the ml.chief such meth - ode may do the Conservative party throughout the country. He would have it that there was nothing unus- ual about the deal. and sheltered him- sel! behind the procedure outlined in an official statement which he had prepared for the press generally. This is about the eat of it : "Th.• Post - maater-General has power to requireI every railway to carry the malls on I such terms and conditions and under such regulatkme as are made by the governor-in-Concll, and there Is no Instance on record In which any ar- rangement .f this kind has been dis- cussed In }parliament until Parliament was asked t•e vote the money requir- ed to carry ..ut .this arrangement; the action of th.• 1'•stmaster-general ham heen in strict accordance with the law•, and when Parliament is asked to provide- the• money required the Poet - master -General will be In a position to defend his action. When Sir Rich- ard Cartwright, during the discussion en the• en!Imates, asked how much was gold for the- railway mall service. the Information was given at once, and the Postmaster -General was quite correct in stating. on the 12th of July, Met. that there was no increase In the amount for which he was then asking_" Not long ago alar551me Mort, were being received front the Ofleet as to an outbreak of ohders in Japan, and our liability to an Invaelon of the plague, by means of direct eteam.hip traffic. The Department of Agricul- ture wrote to Dr. McNaughton Jones of Victoria. B.C., for his opinion on the subject. The doctor's reply has Just been received at the department. It le most reassueing. He writes "So fae recent outbreaks of ehoien have aeon ron:Inca to certain parts of china Sad to the north of Japan. to neither of whi h places do our steam- ships go, nor do they come In contact w ith Inhabitants M these districts. 11111. of bi'allb,carried by each eteam- .hlp •riving at Victoria. declare.un- der the British Concurs certificate, that no dangerous or contagious di- sease exists tri dhe port from which they sail or In the reelghborhonet The Idea had got abroad that the dlshand- d Japanese army carried cholera to slmwmt every part of the Japanewe empire. This is entirely Incorr•cl, as the armv has not been disbanded, and th.t•e soldiers wko have hewn discharg- ed were ..'grwgs,ted ss rareful►y as promtlblp. Altlre.gh cholera 1a never %haunt from certain parte of the ori- ent. lwlropwea ass very seldom af- fected by It. am native pnpnlatloe apparently iatfferlog most. Every precaution ordered M the Iapart ment of Agriculture M being taken at our Pacifer poets, aat• danger of cholera entsrint thrnogb tfbern Is eJitir ly mini- m If1xM The Inland rmtltheler accrued during 3uiy antnnathe !w7.1ll. a Night (net#.e over Om Imfurn for the cnr- remp..dheg teeMrt•f loot year The Deparitheitheme Agrlrniter' has, ate ea this eater roosted N MI - that Itlfeetamalam Baal I._M•mm oaa tee •listed discovery of pleuda-pseO- momta ••••a Caatadlaa tattle alaug tend at Deptford lain month. Secre- tary Salth oath that the cab* la ere- Oars >day's papers was the first Intintatio he had on the subject. it Is the spin bon of departmental officers then tM case la an old one re -vamped to d duty with the new Administration 1 England, by way of an offset to Cana do's urgent appeals for • removal o embargo. Dr. Dawson. Director of the (leo l.gteal Survey, will leave Ottawa on the hath for the scene of the petroleum borings •t Athabaska. in the North- west. The latert report from Fraser, the expert In charge of the work, 1s that the well has been sunk to a depth of 12551 feel. 1115 MALI WITS ■X- Waa- t11ss1y Mas Ile Oce Yee tae essediae After bks M.rlr Trsa.MM. 1. %oral Ty rise, London. Aug. it.—Telegram Special —In his reply to tie m.tolfesto 01 Jus- tin MoCar,hr puMatied yea..eta) , Tim Healy denoo.tc•'s the memaer for Scotb tongfor•i, Hon lfdward 1'13 k.. in no measured terms, and seems to have taken as great an antipathy to the Canadian as to others of the par- ty with whop, he ha -1 teetered. He say*: "The pledge we take is to act with the Irish party and not with in- dividuals like Blake. I owe no loyalty to Blake, and 1 ma never yield him any after mating atm lee emissary of the party In that shady tran*ao- tton in North Tyrone. The effect on the party of the breakdown of his at- tempt is lasignlflcant.and deplorable." The charges Healy made at Onaagh, be says. be is ready to maintain, and especially those which refer to Hon. Edward Blake's connection with the alleged sale of constituencies. The communication 1s two columns i In length and 1s extremely bitter. um mare or arottrators, ant LIMO It sttlppsrs afterwards aposated to meat blgher tribunal. the Board of Apprais- ers. ppral♦en, by whom the matter is now be- n Ing considered. Lumbermen herr re- - es- card 1t as a oaw of hairsplitting. It is understood Canadian custom au - o thorltks decided not to take any Ia- n mediate action in the matter of levy- - Ing reciprocal dues on Imported Am- erican dressed lumber. pending •'.-cla- ion of the Board of Appraisers lin New - 1 York. hAfMgles 11 ■yeti°\'w MAT. AmeaIean "Mater. noIsle' • Tolerable Mbar). Ottawa. Aug. 7.—Governor Shultz has just sent a communication to the Government here, drawing attention anew to the actions of American whaling vessels at mouth of the Mac- kenzie River. The information which be forwards as gathered from the let- ter of a mislonary who spent last win- ter to that inhospitable region. It is to the effect that no less than POS United States whaling vessels winter- ed intered at Herschell Island. Complaints have frequently been made of late years by the Hudson Hay Compute. who have protested to the Government against the unfair competition to which they are subjected by the op- erations of these intruders in the far rorth. All the Hudson Bay supplies which are brought into the country pay duty upon entry, while the goods which the whalers trade to the l qu1- emux pay no customs tax whatever, there being no organizatlea in these i tat ric tae Another objection Is that by means .f the traffic Indians are supplied with spirits, with the usual demoralizing effect Apart from these objections there is the further consideration of which the Government is bound to take notice, sooner or later, namely, the destruc- tion of the very valuable fisheries by these foreign intruders. Amerlcam whalers have a station at Point Bur- row on the Behring Strait From this point, however, they are unable t enter Arctic waters in time to be- nefit by the early fishing, whereas, by wintering at Herschell Island,they can commence operation• almost with the first breaking up of winter, as the Immense body of water going out of .Mackenzie River clean the estuary of drift It, for many miles out to sea It Is during this early period of the year, especially. that great numbers of whales and other sea animals are captured by the visiting foreigners. In view of the value of these flsher- ks and the harmful effects upon the native population which this elicit trad- ing Involves. It is more than ikely that before king the Government will be induced to send an expedition to the mouth of the Mackenzie River. As a matter of fact very rattle is known concerning the resources of that great section of country and of the waters which now through It or wash its love- ly shores during summer months. The Hudson Bay Company have never been very communicative on their subjects, although it Is well known that a very considerable portion of their valuable stock of fors and the like comes from the Mackenzie River country. Hon. John Wood, Controller of In- land Revenue, leaves to -morrow for Montreal and Quebec on a tour of In- spection. Sir Adolphe Caron and Hoo. J. A Oulmet Left this afternoon for Mont- real. The Postmaster-OeneraJ will re- turn to -morrow evening. The object of his departure was to bid farewell to his stater, a nun. who is going to African Missions. Hon. John Haggart went wept again to -day, and will not return 1111 tete e bb. Chief Engineer Schreiber Is inspecting the works at the Soo Canal. He will make a thorough exarnlnatltn of the ebannel, to be certain that It is entirely free from obstruction. be- fore the canal is formally opened for navigation. Now that the question of Imposing • duty of 26 per cent on Canadian dreamed lumber has been taken up by United States authorities, the Cana- dian Government 1. being generally congratulated by lumber men on this side of the line for their foresight to last erosion Imposing a duty of 26 per cent on dressed lumber imported from countries where almilar Canadian lumber in not admitted free. Tho matter of imposing duty upon eases - Man dressed t ntelber Is now before a board of appraisers In the United Stats and is beta= watched with In - Wrest by CanaAlan lumbermen, and empade ty tbnaw of Ottawa, am the ton- Ngmaerts upon which the question assay way shipped frown t1n rely re - wetly. It esu a oar -Iota of planed and tongued and groove* red pine de- sgned ter New York- it Was claimed by smote American authorities that the bemebew was teen than "dret•.A." at+ needing to ordinarily aceept.d mean - Mg of the berth They cxlnteaded that the Asst of ft being toilette/4 w awseed rgSseai It her the esiemper, d nbeMaM' kwah—. a. ntrrmlr Asaph tamaMa latae Maas. ser *fit MOM 11101 aa-lwa1M was flesh_ Ii1 TMX rROMnans a ATIMAL yams st She •rfasseare aessaaeat at ••►red. London, Aug.7.—Then was a Turtle* hearing to -day before the Juulcial l'ontmlttte of the Privy Council, of the Canadian ptuhlbitktn appeal Mr. Maclaren replied fur floe •ppel- tante Lord Her•cben said : One of your op- ponents contends this/ the Canedlan Temperance Act Implied the repeal of the Prohibitory Act of the Ontario Legislature. Suppurates the Temper atom Act was 1a operation at the time the Ontario Legislature passed Its re- strictions. were the two acts so Inoon- sistent that the Canadian Act repeal- ed the Ontario Act 7 Mr. Maclaren proceeded to quote floe Maine Liquor Law, with a view to meowing the interpretation generally given It by persons of the highest au- thority. when Lord Watson, Interrupt- ing, said : " Then is little good to be gained by these quotations; we are dealing with the meaning to be put on a general 'deterrent that can be obtained only by recourse to the statute, and a con- sideration of the meaning which the Legislature which passed It intended it to have." Mr. Maclaren maintained that the heal option law palmed by Ontario was not prohibitory, as Mr. Blake had stated, but was merely a restriction of the traffic. Lord Watson said he agreed with Mr. Blake that It was pro - hlbltory to a certain extent and asked whether under that law a number of workingmen could not fora a club so as to obtain liquor. Mr. Maclaren replied that he theught In such a case the matter would have to be submitted to the county Judge. This closed the argument and the committee reserved judgment. iXX•MXrrwm•deem MiTLsa. 111s War ragmerl--a* WIN Seed ■a tta- perlmestml Iempl4 M ami SHIM London, Aug. 7.—)l*jor Wllroa of the Canadian Artillery, who, with sev- eral other Canadian offlters, in April last, came to England to train with the imperial forces, has finished his course and passed his examination. He will mail for home to -morrow. The officers who accompanied him will re- main a few weeks' longer. The negotiations with the War Of- fice have resulted In an offer by that department to supply the Canadian militia with seVeral hundreds of Lee- Metford carbines and rifles, for pur- poses of experiment, on favorable terms. evatae 'ria ••tee •raillraMrP• Mr partes Tapper Addrea.ea am Impra ala reemrasd.m to Mr tlaiebeeia/s. London. Aug. 7.—Slr Charles Tep • per, Canadian High Commlasiener 11 Loads, has addressed to Mr. Joseph Chamberlain, Secretary of State for the Colonies, an Important mernoran- dum, regarding the steamship s. rvice between England and the Dominion, and recommending thta Government assistance be given the line. running between Canada sad English porta M•TALTT Aka • Marla, it MOwa, The Imam es • M5at'. Pursaee Itedsnser- ed ter retire .f w.1.., London. Aug. 8.—The Poltetnouth Mall nays that after the run of one of the torpedo boats there last week, on which occasion the Prince of Wales and the Duke of York were on board, It was discovered L few minutes after their Royal Highnesses bad landed, that the furnace crown was badly cracked. If the crack had occurred when the boat was at full speed her boiler would have bunt The Pall Mall Gazette rays that the bot was the Charger, and that the break occurred last 1 nur.aas'. i mete were a number of dlstingulahed officers on beard of her at the time. When driven at full speed the boat made 27 knots. .(tun trials were to have been made aboard of her on the day the accident occurred, but they wer•' post- poned sera ibted MalpeuAlse gem. Stratford,Ang. 1• --Dr. J. C. Yemen, the alleged abortionist, appeared fa court this morning for a preliminary hearing. He sot close to his e.OnseL G. G. McPherson, and at times appear- ed to be very nervous. Alice Duna. the young girl whom 1t Ie said Ye- men performed a criminal operation upon, was also in court, looking very pale and haggard, owing to the terri- ble ordeal through which she had re- ( ently passed. Mrs. Alex. Rob•rf.oa e.1 Mount Forest, with whom the young lady maks her home, testified as to Alice Dunn leaving her house, pre- sumably to go to work In Mr. Ireland's grocery store or the morning of the Art. having worked steadily there for a year, up to the 2att. She Aid not re- turn until 10 ceelnck the evening of the 21n, and then went direct td her r•.nm. The wltnens learned from Dn. Reyncide and Jones that an operation had been pertorm ri upon her. Ill ASITOe•'x IYWR WMI O•t M a'..alder•d by oho 6ewmw.y Cabinet A. Twe week. Winnipeg, Mao., Aug. 1. --The Tri- bune, which usually steaks with au- thority for Mr. Greenway', Govern - ment says : "Regarding the reply to the. rejoinder from Ottawa on the school question, It Is not likely the LO- CO acal Government will take it up for a fortnight yet, as nearly all the mem- ben of the Cabinet are out of tows on their vacation, and they will scarce- ly be back by that throe* Ia fact„ 1t may be considerably later before they ere. all In town at one time, and It wewM relate a ts•smk.n of the till Council to draft a reply. It Is, how - ever, boated that the reply will be a New )england one They will answer erne question by asking another. The Ottawa Cabinet M•a asked how far they are prepared to .o;the 1.00111 Gov - velment will reply by asking bow far the Doaiafoa Miami Hsieh they omgbt to go. As the agetmr k aero df the at- meet bmeet tmpoela_i the Luisa! asrerWte ret wO1 mot de arthag hamle The Nor' -Welter, IMMO le Mpt >Nt Qutww may'. aYMao. bas 1111 is Ed i Siwimetodio C� Headache CURED 11111111AIIENy Ayer's PiOs °I was troubled a Nrtg tin wassail=boadashs, !t was uwslly 1li� s agi aZassaeataawaasea.."' `sa; �w beade�a 1 lrtad a grid 01111Tpllet, but It was sot until i t� Began Taking Ayer's Pills that 1 received anything like perm•• neat benefit. A sl boa of Iheee pails =title work for no. and 1 .mo now hr• room lroadaebee. and • well seta ." C. If. Hrrcnis s, East Auburn. Pte AVER'S PILLS AWatd0d Modal at World's Fair ASsx'. asreaperitles 1s tau amt. the sante wldeet : Prom the scurry- ing of local Ministers hither and thine. se 1t 1s evident that there cannot its a Cabinet meeting to discuss the lat- est communication from the Federal Government on the school question at least for a week yet No one who r up to the tittle devices of Mr. Greenway and bis colleagues ever expected any. thing else. There cannot be a Cabi- n et meeting until the communicate* in question has been sent east and ad- vise as to the action to be taken ob- tained from Mr. Laurier, Mr. Milk and Mr. D'Alton McCarthy. These are the gentlemen who are acting for Manitoba M this matter, and not Yr. Greenway and nit colleagues. The latter have to put In the time until the advice comes, hence the scurry - tng. A report, Is current to -day to the ef- fect that on September 1 the present Lieut. -Governer. Sir John Srheitz.eill vacate Government House to make room for Hon. Mr. Patterson. The report times from sources that ere usually authentic and may explain why Sir John followed Premier Bowel to the coattt to consult with him IMF MITIL•TNtt MT a M•atIC. tiseinge 15.55111..'. Mte.Nb Stahl al Missals teeth. Melt Battle Creek. Mich., Aug. I —George McMillan, 22 years old, went insane on a to -and Trunk Railway train from Chicago on Monday night and was connn•-•I to jail here. There he muti- lated himself most horribly with a knife. and to such an extent that leek lege h::d to b.• amputated. He could not survive the shock of hi terrible Injurlete and died In the SL Nkhola. Hospital last nlgbt. Before his death. however, he reeve - ere,' his senses sufficiently to give the /Adrian of his slater In Toronto. In his pocket was found a rattily/ ticket from Chicago to Oakville. Ont, and a membership card in the Plum- bers' f'nlon of (hime.o. Ct .*... fowler MM Ir 11121014-r. London. Aug. 5 —An action for dam- ages' r .Ia ruler, wlrh t omm.'nced etefor.• Justic•- Hawkins In the High Court of Juetic'e this morning, is ex- citing comment In society circles. Mrs. Jacoby. wife of the brother of Mr. J. A. Jacoby, M.P. for the Middle D1. - trict of Derbyshire, ado the court to award her damage. against Countess Cowley. wile of Ste Mari of Cowley. who 1. alleged to Barre charged that Mrs. Jacoby was the waiter of a 1e1 - ter that was rosea les !s Itis !n Wo Badminton fltmx et, the treat dome hunting Ante -let in the went ,if Eng- land. rived .r Leer Clyde, Aug 1 Eddie King, aged 1Y years. +.!tempted to commit suicide while ,nit picking berries with his mother near Lyons. He buckled e St9ap around trim throat tightly sad Mt isty eacrtteeded In chdting himself the dleatb. Ms mongr would not lot Illha harms a dant gum SSS PILLS Cure Biliousness, Sick Head- ache, Dyspepsia,luggggish Liver and all Stomach Troubles. BRISirOI18 PILLS J Are Purely Vegetable, - elegantly Sugar -Coated, and do not gripe or sicken. BRISTOL'S PILLS Act gently but promptly and thoroughly. "The safest family iledicine. All Druggists keep PILLS •