HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-8-15, Page 1THS] T -'ea A DIZTo NEWSPAPER OF I U ON OOv'NT-
law ,DV"Ti.wI"T'-"Lias THE LIBERAL LEADER. � t: `'w al ~w't• "` el: "as t; I IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT. s acarai b_laak "" IFNI! OVER THE BORDERC1.rheate tlfey-tri8maled.•v.mt.m.
Py,des -.1. T. £.bests e
y,..i.l Dtwoter-Wilmer Hsos* b
ti sel Ostdt -Js. Rebhan e
yn a Varlet t a ,-- Sebe. McLesm1
Ai,.Iy Faft." 8
Ydbsery Pssiss o FeelasM--Mia H.M
Pit.ha 1
None to Ceedbtme---0nyw & Pttasd-
to.t b
wasted to Ree. --B. J. A. Boyd b
w.r.h Fesnd-J. G. Ward b
protium $ .short.
OTICE TO CHKDITOHS.estateq//v same Y. Ib TMS of Wad rif*,eRegiatrartote o/ Doors rd.
Neterts kaeeb gives .Mneme te It. 8. 0..
• `spos i. tauead ( . 4.lt I of that all w.boys awed James Who died ea tee
flab day .f July. A... t .ere b Joker Tped by poet• Mepal or Dieaene ••d Jon R. Tem. aedertek. P.0. eri.mu& Dicker. beaforth P.O.. the Exeoutenof the said eatatt. ea er before
THE IAT1I DAY Or 8[PTBMBIaR..ttt�.ot MMoir claims and sla writing. satsre off theirbalerity rl? say, t.ld b thee.
Aod also that after the Int mentieeed date
aboed lixseators will wrenM to distribute
tbu sans of the said seine amen the parties
retitled tense. havl.e regard •nl7 Le le•
eeklie twiceof wbill thn y @ball then have received
beliable ter the assets re
ii.ntos trod wta Itodistributed t. ay Mao• of who. clots theyNall oat have roseived Notice u the titre of
verb dtatribotteebated at aodetimL this nth A t. laid.
GARROW & P tUDroO7M-it Solleitere for said treaatere.
For Sale.
111 s wea-.ssabtlsawd .Illlsery beelaeula (Hdcrls! is dtered ler Ilan Apply to Kia
R. M. PITCHER, Ml1L.s, Waet..t. esA
Strayed Animals.
1st 1. era 8, W.IL. telberse,.net .bout middleef July. • mend bee. red
tad white. The ower Is roqu"ted to prove
y.end take It avay. iD-
the sub criber, lot 11. own. 1 g. i). Ash.
Odd. tear beer.. ---two twa7*r4tb sad two
• y..r.YawThe eaters et eyk oda Mmol.
red. rose ad one red and white. £ay lafar
eines d1eragg t their teener, will be
theaktsltIreeM.ad by MR8. Met•Ala.
serat L) --r yes P. O.
preps Sime Sale
✓ from aerie ieb. le •ares la .themed.
seoimp ars. plume. peacb.s;balsa" ."sowtenth.! lawn. geed o.d bora. every
N YOO In i= wewn M addre s
geid`lYga•i1 . 1w RF • DO RON. •w , Souderfeh, Ontario.
1' TU d:
wet balt of lot s, oonosecfou S. West
N'awanoob. 100 ocrew. A well improved
lots $ f mad mart le. •abdisbioo of BiockColborne. about * ear's.
TO LCT -The shop lately eocupied by the
late Thou. dssyd.
Apply to 1t.0. JOHNeT01(,b•rrbter. pod -•net S tt
Sp.Nal Hoer
• lives la towsead river I.R, madweaves caravels at the old plan• 24.21
stroma of obt•ial.. rsesay es Ont elwfarm ss:urity can do"•t S pin Meet. Wyrettto JJl. A. Mcu*uss. , Rea. 1 �m ye. Tomes.
ohould try�.y W Wte lame. The steady
ale of it has esi.bis4 in t reduce the price.
T e uritl allows enM*,urtk more mad to
M atied with It, se.ada. it actedly cheep -w than .*y other lie. 1. the yroioity. Always
0o band at m7 plain bahses ea i•et-.t
A good man i• your Men M represent the
Foothill Nurseries of ands" - over Two
ares--th-laegvot is the DemMies. Pestle.
perm sent, tl•lary or ooaeml,do. to right
with the increa0.[ de.ud ter fruit • peel-
tioa with nt •c salesman will payes better
than e. uiao in farm work. » us lea."ii*atter sad we will chew you hew to earn
N ed mosey.
Achoel Teachers ! Itl�umt tbe �ou
iring the Sommer. nee for
thebo BTONi k WSLWNN?OltTorwo
Ptlbits Nodees-
N()T1C,S TO MAGIST1IATEB.1 oars reeseved t e Omtarie unto[...ttld. stad m. penned t. dfetetbete them re
▪ m•gl.trates int theaet d %winged t- re
t'Nre tb... Then en will alms"nih,
5Orirethereof IRA L W18.
clerk of the Penn for Her!•Qed Icb. Jul L. 1t�.
mesewwlag my lade b •b••t�beetles*a. et otherwise .ill the
Reeeened to ei. 8.ok lands are
tae Hart farm la Tp.. sad the wrap
artyp etans a the le the tows
I1re ..Heuer Pr'.wr
04:16ldeh91 Cage!gsilos
LIR. W. A H. CUR, ORGANISTAa►►iite, et et oewtteti eh wraated
M drive Orem, Veal egad tesaaeNd. Rcddesas li Anarew+t ..ear th. eMMlle sheen) P 0 Mx ffle fn 1m
- _
Tenders Wanted.
wk W Mr. las No Governs*
oPtlaletDtamoaota atf011aNSr.L Mhos U hM Ne b wend roebeUH1y
e.psr•s* ee►.elle im l+l•mitob• ise•w Mtole end he knn. thea the 0.v*r.asse did
see .e•a w1w it Bald. (Chimera) He (Mr
Laurier) had bees •.sand tbebelly Mi.-
erva end ethers w1. cheer •r -
ds $ bees et reli�em. it pfd the. to
de •e. that he wee a soma d se navies. He
dM aim boast of befse vert bus be
ad a e-sedestosdy .1afm Mat wases re-
ligious as Mr. (siert or Mr hdelpb.C.re.,
er the peasc.t editor of I.. Misery* at else
ties times. (Antonia) The st tamest
Mat Liberals shamed no retigMm was • bw
triek resorted ee for paditie•1 purposes.
Other Leaedi•o petite Owes bed bees reviled
se be had bees reviled by the Genervative
pre" is the game feln Telpher. Feerner, who era an homer to hL rase and
owner►, had bees so reviled by th. self-
stvled religions Cesservative prep. Today
he (Mr. Leerier) was demo.seed by the O..-
'nvtive pro as being • nam devoid of re-
ltpo. ; the da might so.e when jeeties
treeld be menent te him m well a it Wbees to Foamier. (Choate.) Thera wag one
2hag which he would siovar der For so
reuses whatever would be de r help to do
aaytiiag of whin bis sessoiesse a an ba-
wd mum did mot •nroys. (Apalaans. )
The l atr.srdesry Peered.. of yah* eleaw•
letabeer•--Aa ♦w izpssare .(Ther
Twe.rga e.d Taralys ea
Th. whim. t..selt-.
SOR$I, Caw., Any. 9. -Over 8,000
pees•.• gathered m the epee mfr y 'bey
attersees to watoosae •ad to limes tr es ad-
dress by Hes. Wilfred lea i.r, leder et
the Liberal party of O•eads. The demee-
moues wee is the open sir, aid Mater
Monroe, ct Sorel, eoespied the chair. He
delivered s• ante= et Inane is which he
saki the ststea.am to be welmecd wee an
omit as es.faen ,teteemas bat a1n • e..npatron, when moble teem, whose superb
qwe., when breead views and fresk
ohereeto bas deserved for him the boor et
being .,assn a the leader of • great party,
and have made him u bean, not mly to
his native Province, but to tie ooamtry ularge a well.
After addresses by A. Brumees, M. P.,.solDr. Mtsaauls, M.P., Mr leurur waa pre-
sented with an address el welcome tree theLiberal Aneoota las of Sorel.
Whe the leader arose h. stood for n«m...m unable l utter • word. Tho .p
please was se Meet. and prolonged that nseemd N easel/ sever atop. Who he as
allowed to prowed he .xpr.md kis Qail
aside to the Liberal Club ter the kindly m-
emite whin they e.lodsed im their
address. This w. • greet tethering sol
he was gt•d to meet several of his ase luis the pro.odis of the welfare of this great
country. He ton glad to most that large
gatherise of farmats...at�naau, renhae tee,
aid laborers. What was the r.aon that
that vast arewd had there aase.bl.1 ! Be-
nne their nude wers troubled with un-
rest aid satiety, ..and by the udeeieton,
weake ss, sed tereivernauos of the Federal
Govenamt to retard to • very important
quss*e.. (Load &pylons.) ♦ se•eon of
Parlia.mt hd just bees held for the rows
whieb anther t e Gever.tacct nor the
friend. et the Government dared to explain.
♦ general election ought to have bees de-
cided ups; but • seen. had bees oosveked
itatead. The o•lling of that m.ssem had
ben lightly, eves joyfully, a s.1ed spmby Mounters, Deputy Mtniuters .ad the
0oseervuve peso at the time it ton *ailed.
Th. seem°. finished amid "saw, dimp-
poM1me.t,r*0rtnla•e1m, acsaestioms op the
part et the Inver: meet's friends that their
promise wee • frlao one ICbnre) Why hod
the Government breken its promise ! The
fate rods who oo. Utes the Governmess
at Ottawa sly knew. Qs.. thing wee oar•
tae and that wee tbat the ewe Mimictere
who went hack after their throe day.'
orike had rose b•.k to pick .p the cranes
that fl11 from the Govers.mt table, bat
the pe mean of then Ministers is the Csbe-
• •mel uy settee that they eight take
would .ake en the slightest diferencetie quust►on, the present Go'ers.etwould sever settle the question. It had
sever iatesdd to settle a� (s nes. )
They hd sowed jot and had Nara
(1-sambe r and onu .) M renes. the
eses,se hd ben esU.4 was u oder that
legrlauve foxes ag►e. be gips to the reme-
dial order. abet patios should be accorded
re the C atkelw of Mailsois. Daring the
Vereb ass el.otis the bed Cot. Usenet
spoke vet, sung lesion , acid meads •
dire threat, a beoaon • soldier. (Lughar)
He sales Wiese wilts aid and dsel•red
before high heaves and the Suprema Beteg
chat it executive sleet were sea rives to
the remedial order by Parliament at the
se"wo wktn wee then Doming he would
eat of hie head -be wwld sena to be a tmem-
bat of the Cabinet Hoven had yenned
Tete et gimme this., het sat eau q.esssr
Crisp than the *anew of Mr. Ons.n uthe menet. Haan had eyes Mr. Oui.etlose the Ministry end Heaves had neehiep book to it atter three days had ex -
,.,.d. (Applause and La.bter.JQSTICI ONLY .mtamRLK.
.f the~the
ew m isithere f InaniirD T. &SPT. 1.
ames.11111 WOO Of ala laffebitgeisee.
I+.+r ANi.• telt s+t.
alta Oboe elshe Psis d gang. bees
weelh d • r rills• 01 raheallealen T�m.Plrier
(.0 ITIDIMATl.T Ali. il.MT.To toll .eeioa.ly, tt wee a he that the
canis whin kid rsoestly .1e ed had bees
polled foe the purpose, a the Gev.r.a..thad ..sally •seared the puble a the est -
e n of giving legal terra to the remedial ..-
der. The s tiation o..stituted, be wee.orry to .y, • arias is the history of Cosfedocamos. Thai w" • eirsaat•.anee of
n ... eso.ens. H. tad ewes been, •miwould always be • trend of Ceatedelmtima.
He had the fullest (site is the immtitatbms
of tsar onager, if they were ho.ewdy •dmi••
astersl. (Applause.) II Gaiety .ad dm -
trust prevailed today, it wee wt she fault
of Confeder•uo•, bat of the me who wore
new aalauos.teriag the affairs of the ooan-
try. (Aopl•us .) Ther mw were the in-
oaraat,e of b.si1aooy, tergivers•No. .ad
v.otllatiou. 1. seemd es though their
v rilisy had boss bund in the grave of SkJohn 1'bomp•ua. Was any further proof
seesemry its•• the taot s•o • sessiw was
.fled to.ottte she echeel gwtion, mad diet
se •nsemia at ell at setWag it are mde
durum the senses ! Had set Mr. Oui.et.
eke ra Veroberec, called es God so wiener
she declaration be mad. that it mead be
.etWd! And hd nod thea deol•raeies
been proved to be folio !
Mr. L•arnr quoted, .mid derisive .beers
eta •real, is the Montreal Gazette of July
20, eating that the Government .f C•nad•
bad epesed a tette neo. wish tie Govern.
wt of Maniten, with • view to rep•irisg
an error tart bed been mode u issuing the
order u eou.otl. That wee • strange d-
mnres to mak.. H•vese emtrested the
• etre of the Attora.y-Geseral .t (uteri*,
Su Oliver Mow•►, with the Attorney Gen-
eral of Quebec, Mr. C•.graim, in their om-
▪ u teriagiag men be )natio. like Me
Gr..vy, Coen y and St. Leas, •gel spokes
of the 'yin et protectte, Mr. Lani r .m-
elded by statism that when the Liberals
got tab power they would en that such •
tariff we lovled se would beneft the masse.
of the peop/eand sot • dew .esopolrta
From the Liberal party mo.opoli.t. would
re sive ne co•aderaties, se quarter.
(C►.erm) I am • British subl.ot•'• he .aid,
'sand I •m proud of it, but I frankly *ay
that a • manor of bc.users, I would rasher
got a+g Amoricam dollar them 0 list
d ulling for the same mutest of wee er
nes."Npe.cbes war. also delivered by Hoa. Mr.
Marchand. leader of the Quebn Liberal ;
Andrew Patton', of wood.snk ; Mr.
(,heetette, M. P. ; Mr. Tatra, M. P. ; Mr.
Barthe, M.P., and 0. Desm•na., M.P.
The great d-tao.otrettou dosed with roomegchest. for the Liberal loader and the Queen.
Teraina to the repeated matesents of the
Caecervtive prom, o esi•lly d the sa.ed-
meaMes portins d it, wash a the hely
Misery., that he bed bees silent es t e
e sbs l geeeies, the liberal leader iadalg.d
is • little enter. Mush wesEs•Yy w-
jeyd by the large crowd. Heb�the same views es the oohed q on
toy nessiese and i toy tote el the
e os a power had •baf11M anol dallied wi•hthe genies far years. H• •old them sew,
a be bed don bolero.Y th;a gnei lwaeeud art be seeded ti app. to i. r by an appal te Penniman --by- an
appeal to esthete rrejudles. or by u • -
psal to Pretense• projedt.so-it amid my
be e need by • ea•i..a■ who W the seer -
lige es Meso. the gaeeies . the same
Canalise and Penn
terse fiendere holn.p,I ase.) Oar .s..S tatlwaante. (Lem+ •.r+•gesente•d te est ppk ovary t'Ns to
whin they .sad ley ebbe : h every inner-
ity. evert tight to whish it.eeld IsriMso•te-
)y and hfrly lay dW.. (Appears.) Evart
rd.rm that had hoes..ta p9shd M Om -
ads W bees wo.plWad th1llbenlLiberal (Lihelim Qssbee and Pressman. Af Omar's. (Arpin...) la
to� �• M lsmesterweader dd im•swbw aria ata e.shrb.sd r ()..•dia.eery N.1ss. Brows •.d Mahe. t e tether
• A... Edward Mahe. sod at+them. T1.,
Womb hal by se Man died est The
w hoa q_ .* eaald stay be me hd by ea
appal a the entl.ente et -5.Mesh1waled +••ser (Ap,.k )bth jtetb.lim .mel
AMMO bei*. WALLOON re.
eta • sMbgm a tem there Mr. Armen
slapped nae el Os ablest while lar.
Walter Bae1..a. reamed iia. a who
iag p ea y' News Note A'om Washington
1, Re-Sleetedf3pewlc.r.I was., mob, weaUt.rao., u the
Area d Ja.e. , er.
Mime Mama Chamber., of Port Harem, is
es • visit to the Mies Craig. Oahe sem *eete5 ea Mn wsrwre.t
Mr. sad Mn. T. Tbe.pe., of Flint, Atpdmss Jana he reeetdeallel see
Min., were in town ye.rdsy. eaa.t.g Troubles ea.Mina--Mein
lin Mdaut'eddy •.d family are vied- sad eh. Mover twee...
lay at Auburn for • few weeks.
Mt. Roberto.. mad hiss Maga Robert-
son are visaing hisses a L.ekmew. From oar ander Csrrespemdemt
The •Mas[ Wein 95.eseenth iaetlaines$
e1 llama Thlterta-T a sM•mer Y Oes-
Reasta.d es all Md.. M erY
o ssa mess Rs11aos'es.
LON DON, Aug. 12. -The toer-
teemti Parliament of Queen Viagra epee -
ed to -day with the eastemary eereetosie..
Priest to the tonal .peals/ of the House
there were the said sesame, •.oar the
mantb-rs tet the seeds they will o.cupy
duridg the Mems. Mr. : ran was the
gest a the members te arrive. lits smoked
the Mum at b Mame is the awning, mad
sat as the door for an boar Wars it was
opsaed. No was followed at half -past 6 by
Mr. Ashcroft. Mere. Hath sad Anomie
are he two tow Conservative me.bers for
Lm.mchire. Before halt -past 9 o'clock 30
.sats had been reserved ea the Government
besoles by amnion planing their hate is
theta, the onto. that is always yellowed,
The oppesttioe did sot dimplay .Teat eager,
nese se onus one as ss 9.30 they had
earsly ex.
11* How was orotund with so an
.elle throng et.embess, whew as 2 o'clock
the yentas usher of the Black Rod re-
gained the stt..dasse of she How .t
Coamtws is the How of Lords to hear the
by to Royal Co..e.os d the
opening the resin of Parlia-
ment. 01.sy members at the How of
Comma west to bear the reading. After
then return to their owe Hew, the senior
.beim! non mai pointed to Sir J. R. Mow
bray, re Oxford Caiversity, who
bad Iters o d to move the melanin ut
William Court G.11y, as bpeker of the
Hesse At than .ome.t the Right Hon.
A. J. Balfour, First Lord of she Treasury/,
..d the Right Hoa. Su Williams Verson
Harnett. (haseeller of the Reneguer i.
the Lot d.inistratiw, arrived together
and took their mate, Mr. Balfour on • treat
Government bench, sad Sir William en •
frost hen es the opposite aide of the
Haiss. As they eseeed they were greeted
with cheers by their reepntive followers,
Lssediately theresiter the Right Hoa
Joseph Ch•mierlau, the leader of the
Liberal-Uniosieta, catered. and was loudly
shared by the Geven.eat supporters,
while groans ascended from the members
oocapying the Irish beoebo., The sooner
wee • brilliant en. The sea streamed
through the windows of the Honk ohms
fmg its w•.1 dull impost Tato one et light
and warmth. The Speaker's Ladies' and
Steeoasagguerrs� Galleries were crowded with de-
viators, who watched the pre -
median with oleos •tteotioo.
Ammon shoo motion in the galleries of
she How were the Hes. Charles .x -
Speaker et she Asterism How of
.setateves ; the lies. Thema. F. Bayard
Americas Amhae.der to Great Brides, and
the Hes. Edwin F. Uhl, Amari.. Angst -
sat Secretary of State.
liar John Mowbray, in moving the re+los•
ties of Speaker Gully-, mid he rejoined that
Mr. Golly would be r. -elected without •
dien.ting yore. Su Jobs Mowbray ex-
tolled Mr. Golly'' impartiality, vigtlonoe
aad promptitude and him o o.rtees to every
member of the House. He eked the Hues
to elect Mr. Gully, who Ira as able and ooa-
e.iestious e•., irrespective of parte osu-
aideiness. Mr. John Ellis, Liberal t atm-
ist, .wended she arra, and Mr. Gully was
then formally re-elected without opposition.
Mr. Golly thanked tee How for the
liner it had m.terrod upon him, and es -
noisily is hieing proposed by both the Gov-
ovenment parties. (:outiauw, he said that
to be impartial was the least difficult though
the meet important duty of the Speaker.
He looked, is kle ennui conduct in the
chair, to that spirit of pasties and mood sone
anal away. diriagurhed the How in its
Maras with the chair.
Ca* the conclusion et Mr. Gully'■ rt
marks Mr. S•lfeer, in the name of the
How, congratulated him opo his re-eln-
Sir William Versos Hartoourt also coo-
gresalated Mr. Gull]] after which at 2:30
theo.look, . How adjourud.
The Regulation de Net Proved* ler epee/
Trims Muir.
The official deliyeeaes of the Ontario
Minister of Agriaaltore es the vexed quos
Sim of sped oostoste at taus has been re -
nivel. The rale is laid down that preen -
'sale shall set be awarded for speed •toms.
Mr. Dryden's letter tease as follow. :
Several applisatloms having been made to
this department by various .grioultural se -
amass ler the iat.rpretstfos of made. HH of
the Agrisaltural sad Arts A.S. IBM. the
foUowiag ddeol.es is gives M the .eras
and dimities for their guidesmi es Magas
evident letesti.s of the legielatere who
waft the Let :
By ...ties 9 of the said Aims, the ob jam
estb moieties. so rela1am to live .eek. is
assisted le tee Niys(s) The parolt.peet ties of .•Meries
r t. ani.•b ; ..e (b)
•w.rdimg premiam for mellows sa rabbi
creek, .beer Sob semis. 3 et this seethes de
slams that hese d the fends shall as ex -
pealed her any amass iaeo.ti.eet with
t be above.
TM *mien d the LwrgiSisMro, a .apron
la sondes El, wee that horse rating, as er-
dimsrUy eende.ted, a imeese.est with the
nines above set forth. It is peetemed,
therefets, is swarths( premiums ter hen
Iterate et My elan that form soumd.ees
aid style shell always be sesadered as well
es speed. aid that se hatse shill be plod
bat ter speed slow If, la *4..s d
the diem es jeans It le dense 4,.bls
to test the spend et the seasei g
,erose, it In oeeepolems under this
slams to de s•. bed tie rises sot im
every sae M awarded a gears/ exsefess.
" passim the above s•raseerisMea
Neither le it abended that pewees shu11 be
prepared ef ear*. beta amongst esstest-
iii berms, bet tat maims shall be
dared Is the Messy way.
Is is hoped that the openers ef this
ohms will do away with she psI-'-nel
tttosherse M oar agnsidte el ahs.. mid
tend le ptreeeses the dm►earmm-
eaniet and m-
eanie the breeding ing d .tyWh.
tilt harem, se mash M domed
the teras borne srkees d the world -Jobs
Dryden. Mbater d A.v4l4M.
Hill. Orem : While W.. Ceshrane w.
seamed is maim eats with • maw, hr
team ten away, dwgimg Yes. Omiseee
MOO diseases. Hew.., ., bawd • sato
r•ri at
us. 1.a mess she ween -'Hae.
Carla Wallow leaded i Mk hr.A.w Lm • Namable hens reemH7.
Miss Casad•y, a Owws, who hes bees
vimtist la town hes gen to sabers.
Mi. Hattie Irwin, .t Cliatoa, is speed
isg • few days with Mn Campsites.
Mrs. J. T. Gamow is spending • dew dole
over at Ridgewood Park recuperating.
Georg. Cresson, of Detools, arrived le
town by Mesmer, Wednesday morales.
Mn Jeb. M.8.. sad as Harry, .t
Norwich, are vieitiap friends i/ tetra.
Mies Gailtot reamed to Window beat
Meads; after a tee day' visit is town.
Miss Maggi. Mo1•allosgb, of Wo.d.Nrk,
is the root .f Dr. sed Mn Ri.bacd.es.
Mies Raid, of Ha.ulto., is to Godwin,
visti.g P. McBean "M -rt • Tilts."
Mist Les and Mist 1. ros Lee ars es a
• tse.th's vest to relas.►es is Neweetle.
Mn J. Armour has r.duroed home after •
l•5gs►7 visit to St. Marys sod other places.
Mime Hattie Reg hes uremia home after
speeding the pat• meth t the Forest City.
Mr. sad here. S. P. Hals lett m the
Cambria for the rased trip yesterday even-
Mom Mersey took ea the starter
C.mbrl.be arehirli.es -W- -d•, rasa.-�
Suitherd Horrid : Mem Lana Aeneas, et
Godwin i. visiting Miss M.K.igbt, Grange
Mn sad Mies Young, of Berlin, ore in
town, enjoying the Meliorating .0 off Lake
Mrs M. McKay, Hamilton, is'pendia;
her *aostiou is town, the guest of Mn P.
Mak: was.
C. J. Me0rsgor, of the Canna depart-
ment at Stratford, east Sunday let in
len. Robert Diokaw and family, of St.
Marys, are the meats of Mr. sad Mrs.
Rev. Joe. Edge, wife sad fatally, retun-
ed Wednesday, after making the round trip
es the lake.
Norman Baker has gene to Gere Bey to
vise his male, and to vies his aunt at
Elizabeth Bay-.
Gregor McL.n who he been visiting in
tows for some time, left today for his home
in Courant, Fiends.
W. T. Yates. who has depend of his
Weiser in Hangnail, le is tows yetis'
relatives sad treed'.
Mrs. Joe. Logan mad ohildrsm were pas -
mangers on the steamer Camber from this
port Moad.y morning
John Cox, sad his sister, Mary, of Kin -
lose, Coati Brune, ars vtettug their uncle,
Samuel Cor, St. Patrick.-st.
G. G. Gibson and .m, of St Lour, Mo.,
are the guest' of the gentleman's father,
(-apt. Gibson, Bayfield Road.
Mi. Flereoes aad Meter Wolter McIn-
tosh left on Moody let on • vine to .i.. -
forth, Blyth aad ocher puts.
Mi" Lain Howell, of Anton, and Mi.
Be'.. Si.p.on, of Bettis, ars on • three
weeks' visit to Mies Ethel Athena.
Cha. E. Crabb, of Won flay City, is
spending hit holidays in dews, end reports
a gross banner rote's' is W notion.
Mr. South. • prominent lawyer et Pontiac,
Min., sed faintly, are mina ing in Goole
risk aid are guests .t the Park one.
Freak Hale, who has bees yrtsimg u
Utters, Min , for the past two menthe, re-
turned on the steamer Wednesday mars -
int .
D. B. Calbiok left oti Moloy for Wood-
stock, where he has enured • edemas.
Him many friend' bore wish him aeons u
him sew venters, although imply regretting
his departure from among them.
W. Brownell, of Smtortb, is is tows.
Ma. Mary Lynn is visiting 10 BIytk.
Mi. Horgarth has returned to Rater
herrn Thompson speer Sunday i.
J. Gregg, of S&earth, .peat Ueda; is
hank Melwan, of Stratford, m op es his
Percy Walton, of Landau, spent Sibley
1n hews.
Mile Mary Mtwara is in town violin her
Mb. May now is visiting fried, is
P. Beeson, of Hulled, was in town se
Jas. A. Red loft for Toronto Tao.dsy
. it.am..
Mi. Mead Murray bee reseesd from Mr
k.ldd.y vitt.
Hebert M.K•y has gene le Gee. Bay ..d
Meths* Hay.
Male. Beek s..4 dagbier. d Detroit, are
einem in tows.
Gorse. Framer. Mite ad ehil4, .1 Detroit,
ase wallas Is sews.
Mea Jake Lewy, d Dollar a speeding
• low weeks istars.
Yea Jaya Beams& air.. hem rearmed erees
her awe l• the Sas&.
hexa Haw. d Dame. le the gees d
Mr bsehar. J. Nods.
Om. M. Cot. d Tl1esbeeg. rayed be
tows Maeda eight lea.
Ube Lete He&tr..s, d Blyth. le Tailing
bar alk Mrs. P. Lyes.
Miss Ey. bath bee reared hem •
Awl r triesd. la Masa
awe H.H. Lel 'A.••dav, he • week's
wall be lends. sad
L O. H.vl,ary 'Dings id b
paying W +sial vibe M •thee yl -
The Coban Meargwte ars steadily gag-
ing grouad.
Wheat harvesting is boomers/ saithal
abraagboat Meait.bs.
The oham el at the mouth of the T:Mmss
is to be deepened.
A eyeless did .an damage is the State
of Pennsylvania Monday.
Alphonse (lathier sed F. X. Linde
were drowsed at Ls.gaeail as Sasday
A pushed battle as mewed between
Japanese forces tad rebels m the Weed of
The Lke of the Wow& Millis/ Cosa
pay's elevator at Nina was banal down
Monday seeing
William Court Gaily has 1..n sa•aimou
Iv Commonre-sleeredSmoker w
d the imperi•1 Ho
Tao that of the steamer Paris no toned
franured es her arrival at Southesptes
from New York.
Thome ems .re said to have beertd
Nem the dross barr•eho is Wi.nipg is
the past few days.
♦ quartette of ooaterteiten was arrested
err Hada, by D..inios polio. bed ledged
i. jail.
WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 19. -
TM isere.simg probaeility ant as early war
Maras Reines and Japan revived Interest
is an episode of the late war between Chea
and Japan, wheat would have brought about
• state of attain amok might bam proves
very unpleasant for Japan had that wee
Wen jest • little Inger. That would have
bees • war with the United Mato ; and if
Jape' tontines to be of the Mea mead she
is bond to have trou►1e with the United
States if she tea • war with Rana er any
other country. Overlooking the tact that
the United Statee fought a war with • meek
mets powerful satin about that same dung,
Japan darned and still claims the right M
search American vowels sad to take there-
from say enemy found. Tei, olatio ease
dsagerously near to the .hooting point jest
beton the treaty of pens was signed be-
tween China sad Japan. In feet. if that
document hid bean delayed 48 boars there
would have bees • &4.t, Mikeitgt, alai wan
aot known at the rims. Adminl Carnotite
had sig.ided bier tatent,oa to snort an Am-
erman merchant steaentp to proven hoe
detention .t . Japanese port, and the J.p-
an.se authorities had issued orders direct-
ing the oemmand•ota of the tote al the •
south of their harbor to tire upuu the Am-
erica vessels if that ioteotto• was serried
out Those who knew Admteal Carpenter
seed set be told what would have ipend
had he been fired .pan. H. area have
give those Jap ....Mir they failed to
st daring (hair "pot wink (,•hies-• taste
ct rel Oghtias ; •1d ere ,saint would hay.
been another war, If Japan dea n't recede
from her ridiculous claims, that war is mere -
1y postponed for a tome. It will be bound
to come, as the right of .earn is one that
Uncle 8l•se will sever ..neede to arty alio.
am Ion as be has • man to resist it.
A bright *swimmer man who has just re-
ta.aed from a trip through Minnesota mays :
Seat.,r Davis will have his Bat. 4.1.g. -
tion to start with, but unl.ss he develops
unexpected strength in the roc:etica he
can't hold the votes ling. Oa bovine him
the delepttoo will probably divide between
Reed and McKinley. The Congressional
delegation is committed to Reed, but Mc-
Kinley ha., I think, • ajoraty among the
Republican of the State. The peeps aro
too busy with their crop jut sew M m-
anure or take pert is political agit•tien .f
ant .ort. I was surprised to find among the
Democrats of the suite • oon.u*erable wain -
meat in favor of • third term for Mr. Cleve -
It to believed that realist happetnge u
Chins and the demands made by thi. Gov.
neatest had semethint to do with the Chin-
ese minister and kw eaten legation retun-
ing to W.cbi.gtoa from their Summer out-
ing is aha midst of one of the warmest
. pall. we haus had. although that wily dip-
lomat denies it.. and says he intended when
be went away to rotors just wboo he did.
At any rate he to batik, but M the abeam of
beth the President and Sooretary of Slate
his memos in Washington will not be
worth mach to his Gev.r.mnt.
Not a little talk hap been heard, and . it
has not hese eonfio.d 1015.044., either, eon-
oerning the long stay Senator Mille b.g
made at his Washington home. H. bee
been here .early •II the time sine C
adjourned. Repeated attempta have
made by newspaper me to iat.rview kin
0o the h.sootal question. but moat' of them
. uomeded, and If Senator !tills. who tree
mos •.tress silver man ha* changed his
view., as some 0101., he has set team the
public into he es.IMet That's why
there io so mach talk. Me mama .y
he is dodgier the question, bat it is only
fair to Senator Mill. to ea that his reoerd
is not that of • dodger. He ba mon than
mm gooe out of Isis way to express decided
opinions wash be knew would be • dead.
.•atetge W hkm. Sam my that be is bey
writiY• bask de•liag trblr eso.onie Nab-
j.ow. Li say tats hurt Clan aiw N�
hoagies this es.es.r.
The gunner are now .11 at work triples
to All the vacancy u the Supreme Court
mab by the death .f JmKise Jackass, but
as "everybody as i. anybody . is sow away
from Wanl.gt.s they have nothing bet
imugiaatiea apes whin to ben gessoes.
aarYo.r..psedest wille not gnome 0.ash
The Bowler ..►.es. which lasted through
tour mamas, days, is ever, ae3, .124.53!
set yet aerially an.osseed, the shoe." of
the near teem Modlarie any of that beast,
Lacey are regorged a pretty seer the sero
(bred.& Erb, the Stratford amok doc-
tor, .barged with attomptiee te yeses hie
heily, is ander arrest
1 etasm to have amok • rish
von N Ym ate is the O..M Mwaaies.
W whinges* Territory.
Hem. Edward Blake will rears lame
shortly, a.d ghee masa to New Zealand
ds. fes s spaa
.se MWrebem tolom-
?1. £gamer Mara Lag is. ashore is she
Hey el QuisMa d the Mass -
dais aRem
sad Im ii w.
The hrNasth Impri•1 Parlament d
Qs,... Vberis .pass at W-,bdlater
Leroy (40.441. • ie-y.r ed bey 1. Ia.
&aso, hie mmmlMd mi i& fres a1. ells,•
gems be hIS a Me pmaasK dlveew.
The Candies Morn spires er se Lender
ere,. Sees. nesse Party.
lowDow, A. 12.-(Tel•3n. Sw151.)-
The kilter and seyieddeg animosity dL-
pl•yed by Timothy Healy awards Edward
Blake.. far Ire" we•kesi.g the legewios
wielded by the Okada. matw.a, hes
liked him several settee u the esteem of
him party and d the peo,le of Ireland.
Ther is se desist .bat.... time Mr.
Hlahe'. pada.. W bees imme.aely
mr•ngthead within the pert few dm a Se
.rash se it W seem is freely disetemd
ter the ehedr.•.shi d the
mid khat eves Jusw McOwthy tread he
willies to ave pleas to the me ss fee
'lest, i aegleed het the leader has ..t
Then aimless* he that .fees ea yet Clm.-
Ins it is, 1.... .. that i1 Mr Woke L pet
teat'wad he will ramie. • very Barras e.p-
Mr. Blake imposes to leave ter Tamen is
. Aw day, and after • brief rose all mart
ter New 7..kW, .Mo he hes k•ee tad.-
od to arbiters" ie • dapate be•.aoa the
G__ees.test d lime selemy end she Miall sm4
R5)wy. H. wall sera is elms tem Me
.rain. d PrteWmamt.derby met yore,