HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-8-8, Page 8TU SIGNAL : OODERIOB, ONT., TWIT/MAY. AUGUST e, kilt. THE LAST SHOT -AT- Hammocks and Hammock Pillows for this Season. We expect to sell them all Today and Tomorrow. Don't mise securing one at such a Bargain. PORTER'S COLONIAL BOOK STORE. Nitre sis.es dumaser amnia at 6 q'dssk, Tskpkeae •%change opals until 1 efekeek. whore .veal= PIP= will M dbtrlb.ted- NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. From our own Correspondefta. ?fere es Inf rmatt.a Mere Tbs1 . seam be Mad Anywarre film "'vv." .1* Ise casts Spieled, •rp.rard Ter flee alosar. UUNGANNON. Konya. The local agency 10 Dungannon for Tat awnAt. i41 at the *Moe of J. 11. %%aid, J.t . ooavayancer. ta. wbo will reels.. or , den for subscriptions. advaritung and lob work...d is auihorusd to give receipt. tor s Woi.DI• paid tor the mune rr..u%%. Asa. t,. ?4,I.,%tKR, --I PO Saturday moruiug tic .ad' during Sabbath sight we h•d•.livht'bower@ of ram. L..r, 1:.]]]] Hug Ply.- Any person, or pereosa Media( • gold hair pin. will please' e•1 %e the same at IS. J. Crawford* store. • pleasant Timbal ..•sial week: to (ri..d. u 8enforth and Goderiai. Loathe and Zell• Whitely, iron Load.. - t ore', visited relatives hors kat week. A .umber of our r.aidener took in the C. E.B. sec& sear L..bsr., u D. Stirling's, on Friday evesuag last, sad import • peed SUM Another chase has been made is our mail service. J. Macdonald, of Kintul, who has earned tie mail for the past four months, bas rammed, and J. Neville, of Sanford, is kis suoeessor, and •seemed the duties es the first last The sold wave of the olssing day. of July, 1896, wilt not os some forrotteo. 1■ all private bowies than was • drain on the wood pit. Mune boss o1 160 Szch.age had to keep • glowing an in the bar room for travellers, thew from • distance grumbling loadis at the sold, and even Mulho, the r•eserleo stens driver, wore mitts •.d driving gauntlets, and was tki.ki.R of • fur mot had the oold wave oestuued. Monday of this week therm was • ohmage for b.•1. R ltii as r 0. -Aber • pleasant se3oaro of Dearly three weeks with his paresis, the Rev. E. T. R. Naught e, B. A. assistant of the Episcopal church at Pottsville s. ,left out 1 huroday of last week by the 1.55 r. %I train to resume bum duties. While here he vieit.d many objects of interest to lend about (:odaricb, aid was pleased with the beautiful embers sod pure lake air of Huron, whish returns him to his post thoroughly rejuvenated ia health and strength to preach the glad tidings to his flock. When here he preached at the even- ing serene of St, Georges Church, Godse- nd), os the 28th inst. Di; Pili a NOP ITC,. AR0OAD.-OW popular baker, S. Roche, and Lama) visited r. - •t !Myth the bgi.niog of the amok. Suu•i•so. Hugh l.irvin, reeve of Ask field, slurped on 'Monday last to the foreign i market, vie Lucknew, • number d good settle. ('orvats rasp. The man_) friends of Mrs. Wm. Rosh. and (:w. Horne, who hate been ill will es pleased to learn that they ere recovering Iron their recast illness. i'A..ti, r•kol'.ui Hutt. -On Tuesday W A t'oiborne, of the firm Messrs Col- borne, 1:ederich, en bum return from north of bre, pawed through Ihtaganoon for home RAIN. The Tong lookd for copious rata descended on Tueeds% nubs and Wedses day morDiog. Result -tis bovines and ell herbivorous animas look and feel more °beery. Visrns...-DavidM•Lough, of the firm' of McClure & M•Ilougb, greosrs, Luck. now, and ?wily, are vatting relatives and renewing former isolwaintanIS here. Ttny seem 10 5030% themselves =menial). PP•i Iv.. ---Rasp and thimble berry pekes is taking up the spare time of some of our citizens. haves pt.c•tonal and other .pert• have been in the ereantime abandoned. The berries ars small and sear... CI% P' HOLIDAY. -- Having notiosd In the prom, that the mayors of other places have issued proclamation for civis holidays, it will now be in order for the citiuns of Dasganaon to confer with the mayor, by re.luisition as to • civic holiday here. We presume his worship will readih and cheer fulls accede to the rwluuttion, bassi . N... As the warm weather and long da). ars rapidly passing, we pre- sume that our merchants and ku•tnses men is general have forgotten to make arrange- ments as to early closing of their establish• menss for this sewn, which would he to keeping with places of lesser note than Ono Eamon, which have already adopted early closing %V. presume I►ungutnon will not be behind in thus matter. h'.. i RAI A+TP u.. -Sabbath last Rev. Mr. Armstrong, formerly incumbent of tis Fps- oopal church at Bayfield pariah, and r.osst- 1) appointed to Dungannon and Port Albert or=s=es, coadueted divue service here. Then was a rood atend•neepr..sst It s es.ouragiog to the pastors of the di6srent thumbs* hen to see the large &ttssda.o• at sorvices o5 every Sabbath, which evinces the deep and general interest which is being manifested. 111 Y.iayso.ITI') ARfOAD ---MYMr Chas. and Mies Ida Wht•rd w visiting at Sim - • near Belfast.... . Mrs. Campbell u es an extended visit to friends at est fold, Oat Misuse Maud Whyard, as- eistast teacher, Nile 8.8,. sod Rabin. Sproule, daughter of I l•vid Sprout, ars o. • visit to Tseswoor sod W iogb•st. Ni.. Maggie Wino., the popular as Insist tsesber of iktsra..os Public *oboe!, is on • visiting tour to friends in the pretty oircal•r town et.sd.rieh. Fuer Tua uiis'.. -Thomas Vedas ..d end staff have somt.ethreshing fall wbeat. Thar first for this •eases was no the prwf ✓ es ei John Park, AAbfield. The yield in the main wes, es land when the wheat was n ot *and by dresrbt er frost, abort fifteen bushels to the acre. The principles p•: t o1 fall wheat crop is this vicinity is harvested in good shops as the weather we vary favorable. Farmers are now badly ens gaged in seesring the pea crop, wash i ge.erah1 % pro.ss*osd to M geed. sad is per, bap. the hen of the osreab this meow V v ul.aw. -Alex. Stabile and wile and ehtld, of Ssatorth, ars visiting Mot. Stekis'. p•rs•n .ta, Mr. •.d n. McMath, of this vii Ian Mrs. Arthur, of `(t, rheums, Dakota, U. S.. and formerly of Geds rich, who is ss route for hl.e. Edward Islas, to visit relatives there, te...tly vt.t.a this untag., tie%.., sm y Misr 6051, via (Jod.riei Mea ('rains, of Gerrie, as Mea Sheppard, of Nile, wen es a visit last week te fr a this village. R. Sims Pentland and wits, are vii6i.e at the parental rendense .1 the rev. gentles.. H. eand.sted say vies very asosptably in the Methodist shorn en Sunday evening d. Meas tilleter, .1 °siderite. was the gunk of Mr. ..d Mrs. R. A.pnaui.s, el A hErsi , e. w. Saturday and Salibath. DUNLOP. Ternev, July 6. .1. H. Williams vomited relatives i. Ere - ter last week. Mn. Allem and d�•.as�gblur, Ins, viand at Reran a.d Breasfi.11 Ian week. Mi. Edith Tightness bes Munn. bees ASHFIELD. rr ODAY, Aug. 6. Mies Jennie Wilton, of Chicago, is os a visit to friends in this vicinity. The steam thresher oommesod rte work to this neighborhood last week. Mown. J. F. Andrew and J. Mc[onagh went on the excursion to Sarnia last week. J. F. Andrew has put up . commodious driving shed which adds considerably to the •ppear•noe of the place. The meadows are beginning to put on a green tinge eines the recut raise. The pastures were never .o bare at this time of the year, LANES. Tt i.,& a%, Aug. 6th. Angus McLean, left last week for Mani tab•. The oat and 'pes harvest is now nom .reseed. Imam and Robt. F.rr.b, of Losgsids. are at present visaing friends in this sec tion. Petr Scott and Joe. Courtney- intend Isevisg this week tor Dakota to take part in the harvest and threshing. It would now be in order for some of our agriculture journals to tell us how we out feed cows on halt tun this winter and make them pay. The trustees of our school here bare let the oestr.ct of repairing the fe.nd•tion under the school house, which is very badly io need et repairing. Joe Quin has the job. LEEBURN. TUICIOA V, Aug. 6. Mr. Be•chler, engineer, formerly of Ben but now of Welland Co. hoe been !nitisg 1riesda ben. , The C. E. N. ..}ped • p1....t nein gathering of its insmbssa with their friends at the residence of 1). Stirling os Friday evening last. Divine nervous was held bene on Sunday at. 11 A..., NI Rev. R. Henderson, a cal- low, and daring the service he declared the pulpit vacant On stud•%, at the usual time, Rev. R. Hamilton wiil preach for the next two 8a.days i. Auguet as • candidate for • sell as paster bore wad with the Unix.. BLUEVALE. WiDuno.y, Aug. 7. Mise Lizzie ,i ohn.too is hams frees Gosh - risk. Jen. Psgh is moving into the Brink Nese thin week. Masten Joh. and Fred Haney ere visit tag 1D Maaobenter. Miss Lena Robsrt.on was visiting in T.sswater last week. J. Maolonald, of Whatnot. 'peat Sunday at Mr. John Gsrdi.er a. Rebs M0Millan, et Meltill.p, was visit - tag John King last Seed.y. Msesn. Doff and Stewart have completed (lark'' bridge os tM btb Mss, of Morris. Mies Liza Messer bee returned trees Ypei1.ti, where sbe wee smiting her enter Mn. Banlay. MM Etta Vow who has been visiting her wt Mrs. ira Etcher, retnr.ed to her boa is Clinton lest Mesday. Ms' Kerr. of Brunets, who has ..ems visit's. Mr. A. Brom for • .wpt of weeks returned to bar home Inst Friday. Robe. Patterson, who bee bees suffering free %sneer for • .sm►or .f years, died at kis rose/epos at Meedat, at the age of thirty eine year,. so leaves • wife .d thew little girls, fins bevy the sneer* n mptby .1 abs wmto dip Nair ► Inti a ilesns1..lrbs N. Aa orelsoro rave Whoa rho briny btessiy Unman •n s.ies•g wy the as, blew ell tailor. tress ....w IS tib.., i abed' like te know • Wee the baby's brad is sodding and ws.w to takes a esp. bow as aaemuu IDM bar d rlhag 1. • Whir - owed w • Row ea. RrIlgee obey N. .blabs.. with ...kine be flap and (rag; rDIES' LF RSEYB Very few people know what a Golf Jersey is. We have them on exhibition in our Window this week in Cream, Gold and Navy. They are particularly adapted for Bicycling as well as Street Wear, Bee them. THEI ARE HEW AID STYLISH. We are also showing some of The Nees1 Noielfles Fall Dress Goods. INSPECT OUR NEW GOODS J.T. ACHESON. THE 010 STAND RE-OPENEDI 1 have moved beck into the Store sear corner of West Street, formerly occupied by I). B. CALBICK, and can now show • New and Well-Amoeted Stock of BOOKS, STATIONERY and FANCY GOODS. Wall Paper at .'rices to:sell. 100 New Window Shades to band ; prices Low. Silverware at Wholesale Prices Sproul Value in Note Papers and Fayslopss. Special Vales in Bibles, Albums. Blank Books. Alpha Ink., Extra Quality and Beet Value in the Market A. L. WEIR. DO U expect t. attend • BUSINESS COLLK6.E this ....o.? If so, the merit of the Forest Oity Business and Shorthand Oollege, London, Ont. is worthy' of your consideration. RU aware that we haws set the pace for Canadian Sebeola HAVE U beard anything about our " NEW SYSTEM " of Book-k.rping and Besi.ese paper • Drop • card for particulars. Catalogue free. College re-opsos Tuesday, Sept. 3rd, 1806. wwam.. J. W. WESTERPETT, Principal. wises the sreateres go • 'rabbis, is the garden in the spring • But the q.esuon most mooting that our speculations ceteh : Can she vie with nen in anion when she goes to .hike • wan , WESTERN FAIR London, Sept. 12 to 21,1895. Rr.l'1A1. QeUwo• RATIO On A1.1. *aiLw AY.. Mir&RU$H10D tt�. SAMAOA'S rA11MITE 1.11E STOCK EINIBITION CA.WOT as et'rtrA.aai.. ..teles nese i Litre Mock, Fispten.ber Irib. Alt mbar I)siartesute. September .5th. Pini Payment 1u shakes. August lith, A.e*M. Sale e1 Mer ..d rrlvilenea ea eiremede. Alum s.ele. 81111C1 AL ATY.A%rroxw-WIId (Cast show. 10 ,.eels --Arabs. Turks. Sheiks. iadies 0f the Turkish relate. ate.. were Hones. Camas sad Donkeys : sad a hest of Mamma iris Lista. Programmes and Conditions 0f flat for Boothe tree. Apply to c*ry. A.w. fl'SRTC. Wilda A. went. President. Boorman. BISHOP STRACHAN SCHOOL GIRLS. Murk/Ratios Coarse Resident Freon sod German Ooversewea Rest Mastro u Music, eta Apply s. MISS GRIER Lady Preeripl. Wykeban Hail, Tomowro. i.b..l reams, Wednesday. Ma .l,I 1051. THE THOROUGHBRED STALLION "e ZAMOR " mill be at ear Mahan. Hamil..at_ dueler We THOMAS GUWDRY. ello 1 The Old Reliable St1111 on Deck. THE BEST AND ONLY SCRANTON COAL on the market at $5.50, with 50c. a ton off for Cash, making it $ 5 A TOT the Cheapest Cell over sold in this market. All Cool weighed on the Market Scales, se tb.: you're ware :too got 7011r weight Orders lett at HARPER di LEE'S promptly attended to. WM. LEE. TOO-Prisresr librorjeuvra Odmo m. Ooa►t! R!cycl. Co. .,k Brantford, Ont as roister (YwrryI mos .T. PAUL OR maws TO SeowTAIIIgL .ff0 PON aeTos.o.u. G. W. THOMSON, - - -/Agent, mom= Alm. JAS. RO INSON Dress Serges New Dress Serges, 40 inches wide, a 20 Cents per Yard, ATS ROBINSON'S CORNER SQUARE AND WEST STREET. 4 Polnts in Our shoes We Pal Particular Allolloll lo: 1 ---COMFORT Because no one will wear a Shoe that doesn't tit his or her foot comfortably. 2 ---QUALITY Because it must be serviceable. 3 --STYLE Because everyone wants a Shoe to fit the eye as well as the foot. No one wants back numbers. 4 --PRICE Because, while we fit the foot and the eye, we must fit the pocket too, and we can do it to perfection. Flee DepairIU a Specialty. H. B. POLLOCK. Special Sale FOR THE BIT FOUR WEEKS. 140 yards 36 -inch All Wool Serge in 5 shades at 20c. 31 6 to 7 yard Dress Pieces, 30 per cent. Reduction. 9 pieces AU Wool Henriettas, Regular Price, 50c., Now, 25c. to 30c. 12 Ladies' Capes at about Half Price, in Colors. A lot of Children's Cotton Hose at Half Regular Prices. Our Immense Stock of Carpets in Wool, Union, Brussels and Tapestries at Actual Cost. Lace Curtains a Specialty. Regular - Boys' Heavy Blue Serge, 25, 35, 50. Great Value. Men's Suiting, New and Cheap. New Designs. Ladies' Summer Cloths and Mantlings. Shaker Flannels and Flannelettes from 5c. to 12 1-2c. A Good Heavy Sheeting for 9c., 36 inches wide. Towels at Special Prices and Very Cheap. COLBORNE BROS. The newt Oarpst anti Los Curtain Wareham d Ooaaty. Coal. Coal. The undersigned begs to in- form the Public that he has gone into the business of supplying Coal, and has opened out in J. S. PLATT'S W00DYARD, where he will keep on hand the Best Qualities of IJOtllI1 YaJley Co!aI which will be delivered promptly, at Lowest Market Prices. D. O. BTRACHAN. God Dad Lady Abbw M.'vb sed Qa'Ap- aairosalwod I.dadrhi &Mod ..d l..p..b.+ addeom tG. �s1weiaag tie ssb word an.l d.mead the some Is We dimity Aaa dame 11.000 mo i/Isdim 4 obese wears• /LAM�1w U...stW with iDMlsla std /MMr- .terma d many phew OIRIISHANE& 00. Yes, it is Dry Weather But it is going to RAIN! Rave you A Waterproof and An Umbrella? If not, net ens at the LEADING Bents' Furnishing Store 0. & SLIM 00. AMes M Wm remema. rimmorr. oh * trona 1114 Deka a gad beim •lrlr sees Ae Bra Wale oboe Jobs Bll.shel. who was wieder tbe Liana d liquor. era Waw re AEA bee bar bed- room