HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-8-8, Page 7TIM SIGNAL : OODERE , ONT., linTSPDAY. AUGUST 8, 1895. 7 ppeecribe Scott's Emulsion of pod -liver Oil and Hypopho♦ eddies because they find their patients can tolerate it for a long time, as it does not upset the stomach nor derange the digestion like the plain oil. Scott's Emulsion is as much easier to digest than the plain oil as milk is easier to digest than butter. Besides, the fish_ fat taste is taken out of the oil, and it is almost palatable. The way sickly children anmic and consumptive adults, dul gain flesh on Scotts Emulsion s very remarkable. Net N Fasuded to soup's nitereeder fM(t • loose, More. itis. arra THE LITTLE BOY'S TELEGRAM. "Id thr the lsgr•n slut!" Asked tee childish mica w day A. I noted the click of my instrument, With is message from far awsy. Ae it eased, 1 turned ; .t my elbow Stood the meter' some • boy, 'These obildish fav was .11 aglow With the light of the bade. joy. Tho olden earls on hie hothead Shaded eyes et the deepest blue, As if • bit of the Summer sky. Had lost is them its h... They .osatwd my o!f1se rapidly, From /Mime down to Seer. They turned ea me their auger gage, As be asked the queues o'er. "1a this the toffees o(bee r' "It is, any leaks •n." I mil "Pray tell mm what you wont, Aad 1.l halo yogi ifIma. ma the blue eyes grew more earesr. Aced the breath ogee thick ass fast Aad 1 saw within the **tabby Mud. A folded p•i.er grasped. •' Narse wad m., be said. " that the light - :wag (brave down es the wires come day ; Aad my mamas ha. rose to heaves, Acid I'm lesely sines she's away ; Fes my pep& is very busy. Asd hasn't mach use ter me, So 1 thought I'd write • letter. And I'm brought it for you to see. I've printed it big. se the angels Could recd est geld/ bur same Aid carry it straight to sty massae, Lad tel her hew it same ; Aad sow won't you phase take it, And throw it up good sod strong Agaact the wires is a imier shower, And the lighting will take f1 olosg." Ab' what could i 1.11 U. darling ! Ter my eyes were filling fast I turned away to bide my tears, But 1 eheorfully spoke at last. "I'!1 do the best I oan, ay child." 'Twos all that I could coy. "Thank you," be mid, thee scanned the sky , "Do y.,u think it will feeder today!" Rat the blase .k► smiled in .sewer, And the Sen *boos dazzling bright ; Aad hie foes. a. he .lowly turned away, Lost wise of it. •leda.to. light "But, auras," he said, "if 1 stay co long. Won't let me eine any Caere ; 'o good.bve ; IVU oome and see you spin, Right after • fustier shower. DOWN YONDER. In Numwrtime I'm restless and loggia' to be free From the heat as toil o' city life -jest like I ester tie ; Down yeoder to the woodland where, on the breezes, float The sweet, melodious olimbel o' the mock- s'. thr,Uis' Dot ' Down yonder when the ba►Wio o' the old spring makes a'oug. That file my soul with happiness as its waters leap along ; Dow. yonder Death the shadows of the sod - din', lazy trees I'd love to lie with daisies jest a climbia round my knees' Down yo.der where the Nissen aster nib - Ms at m. hook, An' flash like glittenn' dt'toonde as 1 pulled em from the brook ; Down yonder in the country, where the old folks look and wait To see me Dome .ctr.gglin' is the little ver - de° gate -Athena Oseditstioa Rthel4)-lid yen keen Adam named ell the Treasm (agree 41 -Did he Rows the sl. pliant ! R31•1 -Of worse, be did. Prances later • wondering paw) -How dad he name the elsvhaat' Rtbel (i■ • superior togs) -Why, i sup- pose he looked at the elephant, and he maid I tiiak yen look jute like an elephant, Sad I'teat I'll o011 yea-_i.pioat" That's the way he did it. DANGEROUS CONSOLATION. AR Risme le • Dar et Tire. Ent tb• >w Lever ,'sear. "All right in a day or two" is the thought tat consoles every one who as suffenng from any indisposition that does not pros- trate him. In the case of a person bed- ridden for months with disease of the Kid- neys being asked," 1)id you not have any warning of this condition you are now in?" Yes, i was bothered at first with back- ache, with occasional headaches, but did not consider myself sick or the necessity of medicine further than a plaster on my back or rubbing with m favorite liniment. It was months before I began to realize that it was useless to further force myself to ignore my condition. The backache had become a pain in the back and sides weak and tired feeling, High -colored urine with obstructions and stoppage. pain in the bladder, palpitation of the heart, poor appetite, indigestion and a dell, languid feeling with entire lack of energy," Had the fust signal of distress from the Kidneys -Hock -oche --received the assistance of ('base's Kidney -Liver Mk. the after state of and Pager- ing would live been as'ddedA few doses dispel int .yin ; drag re- sults in liver, heart Lto�aeh becom- ing affected. 1l is useless to= r overcome this e5a plitadat /w�i�ti.e..dtt • Zits!. 1SG,"iteie s aU dealers. Ri`gagg� liras • aa,'h••e.. CRISP AND CASUAL- 'Seel ASUAL._ ell abey�., wets hers es the Mies Adis. July j6, At Mtxwaa eze•U ssgass •ad task sset weak *Haft • Les •ageies, O•L mer, wail knees sheet the sewn se a sidewalk peer, was re- eeasly eaarieted el egliee tied otherwise aa ewes imam es ihe streets, Sad .sateaoed to week krW f d•)'e is the chain gam send Diol • bicyele hetary was ree.atly..l•MMMd is the State mews ei Middies, and M new siverege ed • ear- SS Ss eed ibley ere mid et Iodinate eho.N do wooden in sties is the State Nerrea/'i.Mlity is . sesame..ompl•ist, sepeetally aniong wanes. The hest nudist' treatment for this disorder is • persistent oosr.s a Aeon Sarsaparilla to .teams* and tmaitorate the Mead. This being s000m plashed, .stere will do the rest. • sulkies. of N isa•biok, Pe., uses • bi- .yob u seryl., his early morning outdoes era. He he. ieveated • little rig for strap ping the tank can safely to the maellime. Tremolos hays losg been used is each ger ries, hat this is probably the int msetan« .f the somewhat unstable beoyel* tesag so seed. "(bort tbedmialeter to • meta dtdwsdd'' e lks Maobatb. (Cert•ialy, m lard ; the ooaditrea of the iniad does.. largely. If sot .piety, se the eesditioe et the sto.ssek, liver sea bowels, for 011 of which sem- plaist• Ayer'• Pills are „ the wver.igseet thing on earth. A wow b.oroli.t named Londonderry wheeled 'into Albuquerque, N.M., one day last week .ad •ssou.eed thea she was mak - isg • trip round W world. sad had osly the thert stretch across this coati - nest to sever is order to complete the nisi.. She said a. was dna is Bestow en Sept. 5, ass would wiz a hilt wager if she got there es this. Rdw.rd Smart, of Utmost, Me, who has just passed kid 98th birthday, t. the only e srviyer of the war of 1812 aow living in Mains. Then ars, however, is the State 200 widows of volume of that war. It is hardly likely that unsay if say, of Ibsen were wig« si the ties .l the war. but the way the eddies survive the veterans is ssith as inomme percentage is a p ssemes- eadmaelf tie Manion baric.. pretty well eta Miadam City, Mich., bee jest organized • brass band •.apw4 merely of young we saes residents al the plana Tb. woman's braes bead bobby seems to prevail to • .oa- siderebie =bent is the Woo, jadgi.., from the umber of ansauseement• of sash heads i• the Weems Newspapers lately. Nolo Mg has bees said yet •beat the perfecto ✓ inds of the hands, ser the .estiat.ste el the ooa.asitioe Is which they t.cist-lad pestle.. A snow white otter has bees use is the vioWty el Otter Rock, .A the ease of Oregon, .sd • large &amber of fisherman sad hasten are keenly se the watch ter • thence to reptant tt Seek as salami is extremely ran, .ad its skin would probab- ly be worth pretty .1w te SLOW Sever- al main schemers have lately taken to the betimes el .assh ei otters is 'kid re gies, Indian it mash mere pesitabie than sealing. A eel lemgus a tea. St. Logit Globe-Demesset: Teas, Ariz, July 24.-A 15 -year lei hey named Jean Romero, at the Blythe regehs, en the Colo- rado river, Lamed and captured • mountain lion. He was oet with his lariat looking for a horse, when • .eantain lion attacked hi. dog. He had no wonpoa but the rope, and, throwing it, Cawed the lion around Um Dock. Hauling it tight, it began to choke the infuriated aaim01, which began to jump and struggle to pt away, the bey all Um time hatless with all his might ea the lariat. In one of the wild plunges made by the lion he ionised tato the sr. easing down behind a .toot mesquite busk, but not low 'south so that be mold touch the ground. The boy held on to hie 'Dei, with the hes ..pseded in the air, until the fierce urate was dead. hams hanged hieoif. The boy took off the 'kis, whtoh measure' .me feet Moss the tip of the nose to the end of the aiL Petted in by flies Fisk, ('leyelasd 1'laio Dealer : Reeemtly Jobe Hanley, a young merchant, was the victim ot a singular •ocide.t m wh ch be narrowly escaped drewnisg. With • party of friends he was fishing at Bourn dike His hook was takes by • bob, which is its strugglee, drew the Molder 6.hernias into the river. Hie frieed@ came to his rescue. sad he was half drowned before be was demi' into the boat Dunne his struggles he held on to the lise and his friends seeoueded in landing the fah, which proved to be • sev- sety-mi ht pound Ma•iseappi Raver catfish, the largest caught in that vicinity this year. Killed by • Wasp's Msg. The sting of s wasp is painful enough- everyou knows that --but the first imtanee of . fatal result from it is reported from Halation, N. J. A painter was out on hid laws when he was stung. He started to- wards the house As he reached the door he tottered and fell. Medical aid was sum mesad but before it could reach been the mon was deed. An examination revealed the fact that the wasps mine ba4 pesrt.-Mt- ed • Nerve which semmunioated directly with see brain. ••Muni mother -in law sever understands • joke. cove • net emendent "Se i was surprised to receive a letter • few weeks atter my little boy had .wallowed • frth- tnm is which the iyst words were ; 'Has Rises' got ever hie Rosen.' dis..lty yet!" -Tit- Rita. 9hd gang the package os the rnanter sad teed like an Wry geese while the clerk unwr.ppd the bath's, snit which foie bad p.rebesed only • few days before. His Mush paled mil his gimes fell when it met her flashing lues . said hoarsely, "it ft toldr own halt Yee @Mete have yen weaved ethat would wash.'. CONUNDRUMS ANSWERED. Why is • soldier like a round belt is • reek ! Ess w 1.'. drilled.' Why dome' the clock dank' 13' Be ease • it hasn't the fess to de it. Whet hied .t td.tide those! • gymnast weir! Sprier asthma. Why are all the hod ergoas (Amigo? Be mese they are the pradimllt' of the handle IHattitiil What kind of beelines newer thrive! The haustus Wien. What bseemes of the ph• ! They loll M the aid bases* terra -piss. Who% lees the kilts, 1 de 1 er heyw as they •dvunsn be years t 4 they mew *hue M maim them balder. 11.,.l.un Dams. of Momtrsal, see e•m- milted fire Waal lar aha mmsed d bb wRa HOT CORN. Mies Sift-- No. I shall sot fee tato the .ogservasery with you. Mr. Iflwwb.y t Pm afraid !!ea would try le kiss mea Slewbey-Why, liter Swift, did yen ever 1• year W. know me to do ao eatllsatless•a- ly thing! Miss Swift -But, yes see, se missy puede wouldn't *Mak that ameeselemaaly.- B.atw 8taadard. "1 haven't the Mee to wear them" (lash the girl se Mammies bone; They looked at 1.r and they silently thought It was her lltur's she really amain. Mrs. Hliakare-WbM! Guise away! Why - Servant -Plead., mem, whoa 1 tomo yu.turdsy y.0 says a. the keys to your trunks, and drown, and chose, and jewel boxed, to keep ter you. Mrs Blinkers-- Yes, 1 did that te dhow that. I truest' you What is the Nater! Servet Thar don't one of them 'em It. - New lurk Weeku, Fogg "1 heard a pre.ty oompliwe for you the other day Mrs. Poesy : "Indeed ' May I ask what It was'" Fogg . "I beard umaoone my bee pretty you used to be." Mrs. Peery : "Vied to be D. you Dull that • ootop*Nmeat! I ea11 it aa obituary sties. Even up-Ktbel Siegletoo-Bat tell me dear. does • mea et really angry every time he poenu home sad finds dimmer isn't ready . Mea Besadi.t isweetly)- Yee : jest abost as •spry ae • woman vets every time she has it ready &ad be doesn't come boss. - Puck. Mrs Watts --Why were you not at the 'thumb Thur.da. night! Mrs- Pots- f was out of the city. What was going on ! Mn. Wattle -We celebrated the silver se nivereary of the boy evangelist's work in the missionary field. in, we had • levetatime. ladiaaspolr Journal Wiggles --i always told you tier that love affair will end in • tragedy, and now it has. Waggles - Howse! Wigeiss--Why didn't you bear' They were tarried Tuesday sight Somerville Journal. The Teacher : "Now. who asa toll me whish travels the faster -heat or cold!" Jobeny Bright (promptly) : Heat, of coarse. Anybody is. eatch oold." IDI TER WOMAN es wart Providence, AL. Aug. 1.- Providence and Toronto broke even on the two games to -day. Wlttrock, released by Toronto. pitched for Providence in the drat game. and his old mats ham- mered him unmercifully. They teach• ed htrn up for 18 hits. with a total of 31 bases, working In three home runs. Gray pitched a great game for Toron- to, and the Providence batsmen could do nothing with him when bits were needed. Gray started to pitch the sec- ond game also, but in two innings the horse tents connected with his carves and got eve rtes. Then Crane tock his plate, and the grays got only one more run. Scores : First game : Providence 1100000101 - Toronto 2 0 0 3 i 0 0 3 x-14 Second game. Providence 2 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-- 4 Toronto 0-4 Beget. aesaea Twice. At eerantoo: f3rrunes. . . 000000100- 1 7 5 Syracuse. . .. ,r20Ii0o0o-- 5 9 0 Meaney and Rogers; Delaney sod Rat- ter, At Wilkes-Barre: Wakes -Barre. 510011300-11 17 3 Rochester. . 02030300- 8 1.3 4 Bette and Diggica; Donahue and Bar- ger. At Springfield, first game: Springfield. . .. 1111010351-10 16 3 Buffalo. ... 010010101- 5 10 4 Callahan and Gunton; roomier, Hern- don eradon and Urquhart. At Springfield, proud game: Springftrld . . 111330020-14 17 Buffalo,- 405001000-11 11 3 Gruber, Cbnriboro end Gummi; McGia- Dia, Urquhart. I Nathesal League misuse. At Boston . Baltimore . . 002050701-16 16 2 Boston . 021101000- 5 8 6 Hemming, Robinson; Dolan, Ryas. At Philadelphia : Pbilad.•Iphia . . 010034000•- 8 LI 3 Brooklyn. . . 010603040-10 14 1 Lampke, Taylor, Grady; (lambert, Ab- bey, Daily. At Washington; Washington . 110111150-- 9 15 6 New York 300003000-- 6 9 3 Mercer, McGuire Clark, German, Far- At Chlctigo lit. Louis . . . 101000000- 2 8 1 Qiitago . 001101]00-- 5 9 3 FAret, Monster, Miller, Terry, Doer. At Pittsburg : kgs. Greiland . . . 000000000- 0 6 3 Pittsburg . 000002000. 3 7 2 Curpy, Zimmer, Hawley, Merritt. remedies rrtremediesFewth yasery. Chicago, Aug. L -iter the fourth thee. Canada's cricket reprosestatt ea de feated a Chicago teem, todey+s vlo- tory being won to a walk -pen tress the Penman Maven. The Arm throee men who went to bat for Car Ada scored enough rens to yds the gams and to spare• but after the heavy- weight battens, Walker, tloldingbatq Terry and Laing. had been ret th. Pullmans braced up. and stint tbe rest of the team to the tent for as oven down runs, although the Wes weir* numerous. To.mors w the vksiting team meet an an-Cbksgo team. Scow Pullman (11.) : 0-A. E. Smith, b Wadsworth. • 0-A. C. Goodyear, b Laing. Cusemfn[e. le Laing - 31 -0. W. Duns b Laing. 47-ir. P. Philpot, c iteecb.r, b Int; 5-J. W. Wardle, c Grew. b Goidlmf lam. 1L. Longhorn. b Goldtngham. 14--F'. Rutejter, h Laing. 1i--$ Mills, run out. 9-1r. Turner. b Laing. 131-J. Garlick, b Wadsworth. ▪ Scott Croft, not out O• asaillians CAM : 4-M. Hold. 1 b w, b Smith. 4I14 -4K A. Wafter. 1 Lasgbaat. M-PC. roti out 60•-11tw. PIC . W. , s D lamin 1 -lilt. 6. Pegh b Iaserise. 4-C. S. Eymmm, h P. . 4-11 Q. Asad• . roe est . 1••-A. H. ('oust a Goels.m.. it Lind. bun 1-11. It. Wail. soda 1 dlia imMaZiLGIntim. Odd >Ds*fi,ed► Nistigist a9H Osr`k 1 e NEAR THE DARK VALLEY • YOUNG GAIL ROSCUOD FROM AN KARLY G1*AVR, PAta, ueruele UID WRAC, TO roma Or • tteestsd ammo, ens wee •rresslTt.T ii Inti IOW A 'Atli.) arlv5s--A CASS Or DRIP IpTRaan To :tsar 50151* 1N 151 From the Cornwall Standard. 11 V new • oom.oa thing in this locality to herr people •cknoe ledge the wonderful bandit they have dented from the as. of Dr. Williams Ptak Pills. and it s sot to be wandered at that the dra�w1•s• bat the oak et that remarkable mdtcias so Woo .ad yet oosst•stly. We meld pito dal suaber of isut.000s of splendid results fol lowing the use of Piok P Ila, but se noisy of *1... are well known to ...any of our read ors se to sot need rempstelation. However, sow and again • ovine ot more Chas ordinary interest arises, and we will give the puttee lam of oma of these for the braid' of the public at large. Seem years ab. • young girl ed 14, • daughter ut Mr. Leen Dere. • well known Sad respectul resident of °sea- wall, begat to thew sertone sy.ptoss, sad mused bar mother great anxiety. Sim was just at the eritio•l priori of her life, Sad medaal aid was called in and everytbiag deme .. Was merely a -Mader of he- former self..' to help her. Bat it appeared to be useless, sad week atter week .he contented to grow werse.natil it was evident she was going in- to • dstline. A haokin1 Dough set is, and the poet girl, who was formerly plump sad healthy looking, with bright rosy Meeks. began to waste away, and is • few menthe was merely • shadow (of her toroar self. Her m.ib.r had about lost all bop of is. Mg the young girl's lite, the doctors hetes app•esstly amble te do myth./ to shook the ravages of the myeterioue &meads At length the mother's attention was directed to Dr. Williams' Pink Flak, and Me 'amid ad te rise them • trial. A box wee taken, std, as the girl did net thew any whittle signs of improvemst,her mother wee en the point of di.00.tinuing the sdliina when • neighbor persuaded her thea • tingle box was sot • fair trial, and iniseed bar to ego- tism the Pills. By this time • wooed boa was Som there we some improvement sad there was joy in that small household, and no more permutes was needed to costume the treatment. The use of the Piok Pills was then eoatinued few some months, by which time the young girl bed tally recovered her health and strength. Today she is the pkture of health, the oolor in her cheeks hi as bright as it was before her illness siatmenoed. To those who cow her daring the days of her illness and suffer - use, kw recovery is lit le short of • miracle. Mr. Don freely gave the Standard reporter permission to publish an account of her daughter's illness and recovery-. She mid she meld not find words toreag u.ovgh to express the gratitude for the miraculous cure this great lite -saving malaise had ef- fected in her daughter's ease, and she hoped ber tsstimosy might he the means of lead- ing others similarly afflicted to give them a trial. After writing the shove, the reporter again called en Mrs. Dore and read at to bar, asking her it it was entirely correct. She replied that she would Uks to give eves stronger expression to Mir appreciation of this wonderful medicine. She further said that Pink Pills had greatly helped herself. She had been suffering from the •(sots of an attack of la grippe, and the Pink pills had restored her to health. Her daughter aloe expressed her gratitude tor the extraer d'nary change this medicine bad wrought in her health. In he eau of young girls eke aro pale or tallow, listless, troubled with • flattering or Palpitation of the heart, wont and 'anile tired, so time should be lost in akin" • pour. of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, wkiek will speedily atria the blood, sad bring • rosy glow of health to the cheeks. These pills .re • peonies cure for alktroubles arise use from • vitiated condition of the blood or • shattered atrveoe system. They are • specific for troubles peenli•r to feasts, oor- eeriest ',apprentice's, irregularities, and .1l forms of weakness. Manutaetered by the Dr. Williams' Mutinies Co.. Brockville, Out.. and Scbsoetady, N.Y., and sold m boxes (never is low farm by the dozen or hundred) at 50 Oeste • box, or sit but. for 31.50. May be bed of all drgugLls or direct by mail from Dr. Wilam's' Medicine Company at either address. A eetomma0 r tutu MsnaM Swamp. " 1 have jure r.*wad Mem a visit to the Dismal Swamp," said Dr. A. K. Heber, or nitbologi.t of the Department of Aeries'. tare, to • Star writer. It is s strange mien, tall ot oddities that aro not to be found elsewhere. Tit• purpose of my expedition was to iRyestieate the fauna of the loeality, and of rare imam mals and birds I segued quite a number. Snakes •-e abundant sad are alleged by the satires to be venomous, but all that I saw were harmless. When I pecked up • good- sized des from • 1e" .ad held him by Om seek, the negro who was paddling ter me shuddered en that he seedy apes* the boat I found about fifty weds' .f birds bre•dii►g in the swamp. One .1 tie. wee Swaiosog'u warbler, which s. miry Mg. I trapped several @peels of email sign -Oise Wes, Geld mise, golden stet, .mei lemmileg Wee. The lemming mise aro nerd toe**. because it will not take any met of bait : the duly way M capture K le to set • trap in its runway. 1 see my traps In dry places eat of water. Aimee other things l got twe rare shrews. ' There are plenty of castle r the mato Small, dark sad very wild. They are the ppeo�sNy e1 animal. Chet have forayed from iamss l- r herds. Hameln Mai aid sheet *set like der. Deere are samsona. le the Autumn they bed "rwiHy e• she Ina d the sour gum WHMasa, .psalms add menses. w are assess, while squirrels are a illy oboist. The squirrels have v.f� se easy way le gut • livig, by prat Mese the ass..1 fmke Dtwm- sued and dea up tee mem sad berries welsh hate MOM bee 11• weft, and drift- ed Is wlsi.a. 71. IMM elms the las DELI€IOUS MAZAWATTU TEAS, 15,000,000 Packets kV 'WWI li GJ'W The Tea of the Old Country, DI 1 LB. AID LB. LEAD PICOTS IT 40, 60, IND 60 CUTS P® Li, -SOLD BY - C. A. NAIRN, H. E. SNELL, Sad STURDY BROS. and fish them oat with their pew.. Deer & r. common, but hard to get.. le the Fall hooters run them into the hike and catch them with does • "There is doe lishiag in lake Drummond, which oont&ine plenty of perch, black bun, two kinds of pickerel, three .perces of sun- fish, and other peanuts. There is no dry emend in the swamp, and ooe sinks at e very step to bio knees in mod. The case Which rotas brakes &11 through the South is abundant Together with a vaned und.r- growth, it is tangled with vines that run up into the tress. w that hall • mile an hour is • good rat of progress (hie mast carry • knife to out the vines, walking being further impeded by the eat brier, whose thorns moth in the clothing and hold on like hooka. "The bo.a used is the lbain&l Swamp are all dugouts, made from cypress logs, twelve fest keg •ad very .arrow. To shape such a craft properly is • nisei piem of work. The novice who stops into one of them boats is apt to go eat on the other side, but the native a sds up and paddles with security. 1h. water is ds kit than amber and excel - lest to drink ; it is said to be a sure aero ter malaria Then is no malarial disease in the swamp. The swamp total' of magnolias from the •ire of bushes to treed six' feet high. When 1 was there, they were full of flowers- The entrees trees are net ter shingles. The best trees for the purpose are them which fell from twenty -live to fifty years &go, and are now cowend with terra The migrate wade in &n3 c.t off the Saw and rotten bark. Thea they eat op the lof into shieglee on the spot.. The nest best tree in ens that is newly fallen, and the third quality le the teas that has to be fell- e d. - Washington titer. " Do you think. give say &lathier questioned hap, ' i-ew-think lover, Th.beelaully. mit poise man, that yen oma 011 that she make tor" grimly. so, aur, ' murmured the '• fibs says she was,: only DoN'l! With a methk mid or .se tkrst 1'w a road, that relieves teem the start. .15tH ane ossa. w Ieaaadd Ctime' al the tryst it hemeekhl mesa PYNY-PECTORAL b e one d• ren wey bawd es • dew bow - ledgeefthedemosWessated te ems. LAM SSTTI[ OUTS. OODERJOH STEAM BOILER WORKS. A. S. C H R Y STA L, lwwvseerte Carpets! i Eteeb.f Atanuf otsrer of all kindle of BOILERS, Sraioke Stacks, Salt Pans, Sheet Ires Works, etc., etc., And Denim-n- Eogines, ]laobtnery ('asttep, •c , Pipes ..d Pipe Flumes, all Bre.. Goods, 'Valves, Gamma, Etc. All Constantly on Hated at Lowest Prima. The following l;eeosd-band Boilers and black- ing/try for sale: - O One 4b H. P. Boiler sad Regis*- " 40 Slide Valve Fogies- " 35 " Tubular Boiler, complete. •• 14 " " 6 " Fin -box Boiler and F:ogise,ea wheels. Repairt.g praaptly attended to A. 3. OESTSTAL- nes-1, P. O. Box 37, Ooderich. 011. Works -Opposite O. T. It. ltatls. OM.rk* NEW BAKERY -IN- C+ODI RICH_ JOHN A. GREEN has established a new Bakery and Con- fectionery Store on Hamilton-st. in Barrie's old stand, where he will keep constantly on hand everything in the line of Good Bread, Cakes and Pantry of best make. Large Loaves at 10 Cts., and small Loaves at 5c. No combittktion ; no extortion: but everything to suit the times and the pockets of the people. If you want Good Bread and Chesap Bread leave your orders at the New Bakery, on Hamilton Street. Wedding Cakeu • Specialty. Bread delivered to all parts of the town. JOHN A. GREEN. 3504S11 NllES35 1st prize, 525; 2nd, $15 : 3rd, $I0 ; 4th, $5 ; 5th, 52 : 10 prizes of SI each ; 20 prizes of bOc. each. The Proprietor. of "$alaua"Celmuj oder to school children the above pr*ae., competition open caul 1&t of May, for the beet poem or rhyme, the initial letter of the lines reading downwards to com- pose the word.- 'Salada'CeyflooTeas -o:o- The poem is expected to be the result of the child's own thought, the name, age, address and school to be appended to each poem, also • card out of • package of `I Salado" Cellon Tea. --///- STURDY BROS., GROCERS. The Square. Cedertek. arTeiepbos. Connection. PATENTS! CAVEATS. TISK ■ANAS 11110 CIPL111YNTS Obtained. and all beldame in the U. 8. Patent Moe attended to at MODERATE PEES. Our orae le oppogte the U. 8. Patent 01- aoe, sad w n sae obtain Petiole In less time ban tholes -smote from WIBHIVOTON. Bead MODEL ORt�DRAWINO. +leWa ad. visewwemmakeNO owe BOE UNLESS WE awl OB- TAIN PATENT. W�egr.s e.hr berm, to the Postmaster the sirs. of gbrder, Div.. and to ooleho .f the U. 8. Patent oleo. For olreslar, advise terse .ed references to actual el ante in yet= owe Bate er Oewnty, write to el A USOW oaCe.. 00.'site,Pse int Mee. O. 1111sgUi Ars srl en Ming Ar ATENTS .7 me f'ATZNTE °'..tefSs.YRiCN&UM,Nl ;tw r4writeMinnaoreeeariwo+Ax. ATontM�mt Ohm out . u°,r'slse a e . sB. bun • emus give. frau of et-. (Scientific American L t etrvwiett.., of guy seteett Wr., 1n U,. FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER ItEtcoo!ca&Si4RIExD Qualms is talking e1 • winter canthal. truss Cornwall (anal 1 sepia spas M