HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-8-8, Page 64 kidif Dr. M. r. lit• Results Astonish MEN OF SCIENCE. AYI3R'S A MEDICINE WITHOUT AN EQ(2AALLe Statement of a Well Kaown Doet= Ayer'• Sarsaparilla Ii without an equal as a Woad -purifier and Spring medicine, and .asset hoer praise enough. 1 have watebed its fleets to chronic canes, where otber treatment was of no avail, and have been astonished at the results. No other blood medicine that 1 have ever used, and I have tried them all, Is so thorough in its action, and egrets so sway permanent cures as Ay.•r', Sarsaparilla." -Dr. H. P. Mxaattt, Augusta. M.•. flyer's. Sarsaparilla Admitted at tb. World's Pap. Ipsr's PW.Ibr Moor and aswgm. WHY WOMEN TALK 1 et mei sawn". t M curious fact, beyond depute L this, that men are oft= mute.; Apert from business toples they Find very little bright to w,. The opposite we all perceive Marks the long Ione which .tarts from Eye; Ws covet what their tongues can do, Sometimes admire sod often rue. With woman nothing seems to bal. A guest wtwher% of talk Though proud or humble, old or young, The muses sit upon her tongue. Why this was so, a fahle old alt Persian stomp shall here unfold ••O' ton the first pair arrived on earth The power ot speech this had its birth ; soothe their osre, their sorrow drown Teo baskets of bright tall. came down ; But while the met was sipping wine, The +Dasa took for her earl, alae THE LAKE SERPENT. I ern an enthusiastic fisherman. and fish - tag for me u e deeid.d suttees. Some tiod smu.emeot in shooting, boating or other kindred pastime", but these sports have no charms for me. The ver. .lutnteesence ot my rotation :s when I ani, rod in hand, waiting in delightful expectation that at any momost I may land• four pound bass or any ober fish that may come along. There Is something to that dreamy kind of existaecs that affords me pleasure, and hearing that (,odertch was • good point to enjoy my few weeks' holidays, I provided myself with rods and .11 necessary appurtenances to ea - joy my short vacation. The fishing at tint woo good, sad 1 =satsuma tine strings; but all at once the fish seemed to have deserted their old haunts, sod 1 was ata Ines to find out the cause until i met ooe of year lake septum, and heave me . very good rea- son for the sudden disappearance of the Yob. Those lake captains aro first rate fellows, at any time, but it is when they oommewe b spin • yarn that you find out whet triad of fellows they really are. They have obi reputation of always sticking to tie truth, sad are never well, hardly over- kaowa to have spun • yarn is which they might have bees guilty of heving said • •'single lie. B. that as it may, I mot an old lsL. chap. Capt. Str.tehit, by same, of the 50 i tug Truth, es the wharf, aad he told me • story of • wonderful lake serpent that he saw with his own eyes o•ly • few days .go, sad 1 give it tooa nailer this reserve, that it must he se if Capt. Stretehit sold so. l•mdestelly 1 asked my newly swd.•e goaiata■es haw h. was Bettis* al•ag ibis season. and if the fishing business was as praerizanosesessaL ' A's ' Pr.spwor ! Why Bair business is dos., pls.s gems. if that woo fossded varmint of • lake serpent .'ys shoat here mach i.sner ma rabbi.,' up all ow Into er else drives them away." • but. (aM•tm," I replied, '• yes don't really s... te lay Nat the great w ear - pest net we have so t...k heard • nue has nee into theae waters tad ha. ease seem .A the Gonad .east ! ' " Well. i meso jet what 1 .•y. that I law it myself, sad so did all the boys of my sr.w, e•ly • few Lys ago, and if you des'5 believe me, yon can go and ask them if it Wet .o. •1 de not dosbt you for • ssewdset,' I re- plied, ''arid vow have excited sy etwieds) to that .what that 1 shsuld very womb web yes wonId toll ase whet the tbiag looked idle, so that I may make • sofa d it." .'Well, to bogie with,' he added, "we WO Sere as reel about het o'clock is the reersi■g, te go sad eek so our mete ..d briag is aha hes that mold hays bees ee glt during the night. There wee • lira brass hes the if. N. W., Inas met sneer M make the weer rough. and nee we re op te IN Wing gri mos., about 15 .dee heal hers, • mese erweardi.i., ant met ear view. Tue *bele lake Wet= as if it was boiling wed .barmiag, just .ver the row where our mate were est, and sash as ema.rtbly rear, sessmpaaisd wish loud hea- imp, moss lot es knew that ..meebsg wee weey with the sees i gave ebe shoal to step be I. and with the Medway we W es .abed the piea where we had left our bonys the day base& and tats we maw Sha Marna tamest .1l tasted he ser mete end drift Mem I. 1 O homersi tome .1 est 1.bad fit 1 of Ono. Ms bath. Te 1«g a( the owe hlulliell me mar. On eeyting, he le was ros. -.- „--r.,ffy ,_ THE SIGNAL : GODZItIC H. ONT., TIPTlt8D&Y, AUGUST $e Lelia star tow that although we bad fatly .aught his with the sot, it was quite • du - fairest Roamer Tat as to bring hist ashore, sad eves d ws 1..d e.soesdsd to bri■gi•R bus tate Galeria. there is jog • abases Neat he would wt It... bees good to eat and wusld lave bees el se w after all.' „ W w yos sot drsid 1 &eked. "Afraid' be •rrswered, Jane udyfwtly, "Whet was there to be afraid of' I was oat .rend that the thing would go elf with my nets, and that meant a heavy loss to tae. "Well. oaptein, and what did the tkag loot OW! How long wee 11 • earl what was Use woo of hs sou : 1 wired. "Hold ort, my heart,'' he replied. "Yes wast so kww all •rout the serpent too vele\• 1 shall begot by telling you what it looked like. Well, it looked like —well, lest bks a woke, and I'm blocs d it 1 ws tell you what elms it looked like, but such • t•rnati.a bur critter that it capsized •11 ss idea. about snakes same se feu .es senors. You .ee this Wag was ell of a thousand feet luno sad big an proportion. laterruptug the os] tau, 1 remarked "But how woad you t.11 that the .oaks was salon as what you sa) it was ! ' • Well, tare oat be se doubt about that, for we know ate length of our teH,and that seal. sasseured 340 weds by the nets, so that will hug him up to 1,1500 fest, duetyou w,., ••Ob. I we : And what sort of • bead did it have''' Now. you've got me, for l can t =- describe it, but it was the •wfulleet-loeki.g hoed I ever saw. It must ha,. bees 15100i long trona the tip of has sass to the back of tbe gilt, and when opiates sod .bowing its tiros rows of teeth, you could easily have rum our yawl boat into it, with piety of r wm to spare. The eyes of the critter were about the sue of wooers, and it had two rows of horns, one on .sok side of its upper and hewer laws. The body was jaw as smooth as glass, )est like as eel, with • whole lot of bis all tbe way down, right to the end of the tail, and wets it oomiaowosd to move 11 wiggled about just like what • snake does on land.- " Well, and what did you do after you u•ms up to where he was!' " Ile ' What could we do ' We just looked on sad saw hien wirglutg and turn ing himself, trying to get nd of our note that were twisted all around him, leaving only his heed clear, and • pretty hard wet it was for us 1e see our nets tors std esa.b.d up by • ooefounded .his dust was not worth five touts to us] After lambing the water for about half an boar, ale snake raised bis heed •bout twenty fest in thous, gave • roar that fairly shook the timbers of of the tug, and came down on the wa'r with • crash that reminded me of the burst- ing of • waterspout, and disappeared, an sad alt. " It must hay. been • grand sight,' I added. • Oh, bother the sight, titer. sia't N mosey in that. It s fish we are after, not serpents, and any fellow that .nes $500 worth of his money carried away by s stake dust ain't worth • cent, don't go much on sights. We bull new to catch fish, not wakes. •• And do you suppose that the like ser• pest is arxiod her. yet! 1 a -ked. •• Well, I ain't say, for 1 don -t tbtak that any but my self and crew bare .set him ; but on. thing 1 do know is that the fish has got to be transition swore out in the deep water, rod where we used to catch fifteen or twenty huodredwelght of trout and whitefish, we don't catch more reran a hum Bred or two, That wake must be around, eating or scaring the fish away, for I even hear that the tiahermen with hook and lino on the breakwater are oompluaing that then cannot catch base any more. and some of them stay there sometimes for a whole day and doo t catch as much to take home as would make • deoeat fry . ie. ' the cot 1oundotf critter must be wound and perhaps its the '• smell of him' that drives the ti.h away •' Perhaps so, 1 remarked. •' But what are you fishermen going to do if that l.L• serpent ste% a around std destroys both your fishing prospects •' Well, young fellow, that is more than i can say, and its for longer heads than mine to find out what to do. One thing, however, I would suggest, rod that is that we report this thlag to the Heb iusp.otor in Goderich, and that that official be asked to report to Ottawa and request that some- thing be done to catch the serpent or drive him sway, for just as sure as the bass, pick- erel sad otner fish smell the critter, they will keep away, and ou fellows oo the wharf and break water will have nothing but suckers left to fish for when you go to amuse yourselves with your lines My frisul then left me, and I hays bees thinking over the wetter ever sloes that perhaps the o14 ooap was right in what he say. about the ".moll of the serpent' driv ins the Heb away,but one thing we all know re that the fish hu got to be very wane of late, rod the strings made now are indeed few and far between. If the inspector or anybody else oould bring the fish bask slain we tourists would feel most grateful and oartaialy seder • deep onetime b that of • deer. Pblpal.Bt. Wby be Was as tttxeepuaa. " it stakes me tiled to w the manse ha which these newspapers are rue," said the mea in tet smoking oar as he took off his eines and let his paper drop across be lets. The elan who set next to biro had ow lock of hair -as ons is • desert of scedp- whsob he spat meet of his Ms. ie satweh• ins reflectively. ' I ern,- be teid slowly, " that yes mad give 'em all piste'" " I'm este .f it Oeulda't yen '" " No, I dou't think i mould." " Ds yes meas to say that you amidst toll the editor bow to rim bis paper sr eland the kicker in a bas that had tibio l.a dismay in it. "1 d., indeed," replied the moo wits the ease e•nestl y Well, 1 an Gay there are set may like you.' I kens it i rod b be like you are. Bat slew i as trying to rem • newspaper tnaljtll, tiod I'll WI res my trend, I'm mat a word, net word." -Washiegtes volar. • is nerd• aad She Mean. Neatest cold in the heed sad you will merely have catarrh. Neglect nasal la- ladrsh and you will as sorely indoor)* pal - 'notary diseases or catarrh of the stom- ach with its dieg.•tfaq alt..tlaata, foal breath, hawking, spitting. blowing, kg. atop it ell by sting Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cera, Ta .conte a box wan• air. ersaders sev.rrebi. Assess. (dimes flails later Ossa Musci•. sed., J.ly 96 Ohara' (haaday, a this silty. s few days y. dteatr.red Shat r bb breed .1 yeualg einem tome wr one wed s .d41s ,.iii. Mb% mod ler 1 w la w �aibsr� eta! •n I w dleener. 15 'dm thlk r tally tI*elda den ea drib AID •F. BEST FOR AY RIGHT TO PROHIBIT Is It V•st•d In the coroner, tae Bary ignores] too Mtge of Dos, the half-witted man. who Anlyed the boys spend the money obtalapell by them by pawning goods taken Brit•• the house after the murder of than mother. Foe's case is considered dee- tinct from that of the two youthful Provino• *sere•• Wren la Lead.•. or Dq Inion THE APPEAL TO THE PRIVY COUNCIL lir. ••stere., t•4' . Amass Taal ibe rower Mlea.e se the Preglacial tattier - It's -tie.. Edward flake tar pew.ats tee Brewers sad Dhotis. London.Aug.2.-TheJudlctal Commit- tee of the Privy Council yesterday be- gan the hearing of the prohibition ap- peal to decide whether the power to pass prohibitory liquor to gtrlat on b longs to the Federal or the Pr ,vincl.i l authorities to Canada. The appeal 1e against a judgment of the Suprein - Court of Canada, handed down on January 15, 1t$5, and qu.s- tlons regar.ling th right to prohibit the manufactute and sir of intoxicating liquors are also raised. Lords Halabury. Herschell, Watson, Morris and Davey and Sir Richard Couch formed the committee of the Privy Council. J. J. McLaren, Q.C. and Richard H. Haldane. 11.1'.. Q.C.. were the counsel for the app•-Ilants, the Province of Ontario. and !,. L. Newcomb, and H. W. Loch.ala for the Dominion of Canada; while Hon. Ed- ward Blake, Q.C., M.P., and Mr. Wset lace Nesbitt watched the case in the interests of the, Brewers and Dt-t11- lern' Association of Ontario. Judges .McLellan and Burton and 81r Oliver Mowat. A.-millus Irving. C. W. Moi., N. W. Boy -les, all of them IC:saadl .5 tlueen't. Counsel, were also prea.'at. Counsel Maclaren narrated the hL- tory- of the litigation, •and submitted the seven points which had been ad- versely decided by the Supr omm Court .of Canada, and asked that an ante= mative answer be given to 5aeh. All of the points submitted. he,. maintain ed. came within the classes and rui.- jects,enumerated In section 92 of the British North America Act of Mel. which, he maintained. put the powers •af prohibition of manufacture and sale of fermented and intoxicating Ilquor+ Into the hands of Provtnc:a1 Lrg1Na- tures. Answering a question by Lord Hale - bury, Mr. Ma, Laren submitted to the committee the propoettlon that mu;al- elpel Institutions had powers which. though not stated to section 92, were root, on the other hand, conferred up- on the Federal Dominion by the pr.'- of:Ions of section 91. Lord Herschell -'Then you contend that all of the powers not conferred upon the Dominion by section 91 are e.nferrod upon the Provinces 7" Mr. Maclaren --"Though such powers nre not expressly conferred they ars tet within the rights of the Provincen. they having previously held them." Lord Herschell said that he under - ''t s d that aU powers had been taken from the Provinces by the act of 1917. Then new powers were given by sec- tion 92 of the act of 1907. He could not 'see anything In the statutes re- lating to any powers having been re- tained. Moreover, by the Act of Con- federation the Provincial legIslaturoo were debarred from amending the acts which had existed before the forma- tion of the Dominion. the powers con- ferred by such acts having been vest- ed In the Dominion. Mr. Mai:dant& continued kis Win - meta. saying dist prior to the noes' age of the Act of 1967 the Legislatures of the several Provinces had confer- red upon the municipalities within thaw ProvInces large prohibitory pow- ers In the regulation of the liquor traf- fic. He then read copses of Judgment. rendered by Justice Burton and oth- ers In defence of this contention and proceeded with his argument. in the Provinces of Quebe.- and Ontario, he said. restriction* had been placed up - nn the retailing of liquors by the Local Legislatures. Lord Hench. -11 -"it should not be assumed because certain rertrietlons came within the .cope of the munici- pal poweri prior to 1997, that neres- varily the powers .. eorelderrd to be- long to a specified municipality now." It was his opinlon that If those pow- ers could not be bought within the u -npe of section 92 of the section 1917, they were always open to beteg over- ruled by the authority of the Domin- ion. Mr. Maclaren said that the Legte- tature of the Province a Ontario only held that so far as It was not over- ruled by any ezIeting Dominion 1aw, the powers enafervv.d were not I'abl• to be overruled. Mr Maelaven hail not fnl.hed Ate argemon t wises the ernnmlttee row ■ rid the hearths WM adjosrned. Bad tM/m/..o rlingesostm se Mader 1.cweden, Aug. 1.-Tbe ending of the coroner'. jury In the case of Hobert and Natbanlel Cesbea the two troy mop were accused M having murdered their mother. was odictally artaotlnoed tooter The Jury found a vsedtat o1 wilful murder against Rohirr. the eider son, while Nathaniel was held r e •n serweery Won the feat The jury added a rider to their verdtt =wing that tet eau of bfsrmato-y and Nese.tl.'e be me doe fOr leen nit at1 iM London. Aug. 2. -Another consign- ment of California fruit, comprising Asp cases of pears, 730 cases of plums and 270 cases of peaches, was sold at auction In the Covent Garden Market today Although the greater part of the fruit was In bad order. being con- siderably over -ripe, the prices res - Used were alightly in advance of those obtained at last week's sales. Bid- ders were very cautious. however. ow - Ing to the losses they sustained atter the first sale. the fruit having spoiled before it could be gotten rid of by re- tail rides. Some dealers herr attribute the condition of the fruit to Its beteg picked too green, or to the fact that the temperature of the steamer was too low. Big Blase as tlloaelatae. Menominee, Mich., Aug. 2. -Fire broke out In the centre of the manu- facturing district of this city oat nlgt.t, and before It was cuatrofed had done damage estimated at sass - coo. Four me0 were seriously lnJured. 26.000.000 feet of lumbar was destroyed. t9se're■•• Ars■■e.at WItre■t sere. The Telegram's correep •ndent In his report says : Lord Watson, a member of the comlttle, remarked during the course of Mr. Maclaren'a address that it was queeilsnable whether the Do- Mlnlon Parliament should lose so great a power to hand over to a Pro- vince. and further said that some of the arguments advanced by Mr. Mao- iaren o ontatned no force. Hun. Edward Blake, who was pre- sent. representing the Brewers' and Distillers' Association of Ontario. was prepared with am address, but It bike B ow as 1f he would not be required 50 deliver It games feera/!Ma ab•.e. fears Apo London. Aug. L-A great deal of ire- dtement has been created in Birming- ham over the publication of 0 pamph- let written by Aid. Manton of the Bir- mingham City Council, charging the Birmingham police with having resort- ed to the most corrupt. dishonorable and dishonest methods in securing the conviction of the dynamiters White- head. Cagan and Daly, In 1384. Man- ton teas chairman of the itlrmingham Watch Committee at the time the con- spiracy oo-spiracy of Eagan. Italy and others were dl>•e',.•er el A1.uBs1 AelelapMd Lya.Btag at atr.sreed. Stratford, Aug. 1. -William Renwick bas complained to the police that he bad a narrow escape from being lynch- ed last night. While going home three men attacked him and gagged him.and then dragged him about the streets with a rope around his neck. The threee men have been arrested and will ap- pear in court on Friday. Renwick's story Is regarded as being of the ghost variety. MT= TOS 5&L$tT at+ea:STO O r. B1e5M Mwksr negates iasarasaee rroseeauaes ea Heber. Montreal, Aug. 2. -Mr. Richard Bow- ker of Toronto, a gentleman whose prosecutions In the Insurance Interest all over the land have made his name well known. has reached Montreal and begun operations with the Select Knights of Canada. Proceedings were taken In M'r. Bow- ker', behalf yesterday afternoon. The charge is that the Select Knights have been unlawfully transacting insurance business In this province without hav- ing a license under the Revised Stat- utes. Mr. James Crankshaw, Q.C., has been retained to defend the case. West atwItllsbM• yeas ramsll. Bradford, Out., Aug. 1. -This after- noon the house and stables .if Michael O'Brien of West (lwilllmbury were de. rtroyed by tire. The loss Is as follows : 1000 bushels of wheat. 10 tons of hay, 300 bushels of oats, two bones and a steam threshing maehtne, owned by Mr. Rankin of Cookstown. The build- ings were the property of Mr. Wesley Daley of West dwllllmbury. repIM. tries Drew■.d et Ottawa Ottawa, Aug. 1. --Captain Charles P. Oos,as.lstaat In the engineer's brant* of the Department of Marine and P'IM- eries, was drowned this morning 1• the Ottawa. He was a native of Lon- don, Ont, and leaves a widow and child. Cox was In bathing. Captain Cox was aged 27, and was well known in aoclal and military cir- cle.. He was a prominent member of the Ottawa Cricket Club and bek,ngsd to the Church of England 1')ec•.asrd was a member of the 42rd Battalion, and served with much distinction In the Nortbweut rebellion. goer lerewsed b • CMMber./ Omaha, Neb., Aug. L -Pour person WON. drowned and many bonding de- stroyed by a cloud burst near Casper. Wyoming, yesterday. towed B5. Mese OM Bradford. Pa.. Aug. L-sleha PenileS. aged 11, while working In a eawemdli In Port Alleghany,wast kM11g to -day. He was trillMafng bout ww��t1aa the carriage of the trhsoner .eluded wttb a slab. It Sew bank• aad thews the bey against a rapidly -whirling the �s.ting bis head Dearly offsleeve •••.aided *0 Tbsete�. The net tat.reeltsgfast hesenn,malas with the Mase hese ie probably that ie t thremrbest see sided, bath he the astern alma rod me of het various mann. The ewe halves of the nal. er both md.e of no lass are sever many alike. The eyes w digerati'. seer used mem ban the slew. and tttrof00112 are worm the .1mt1a. lain :e i. ammb eye em Mir dall ~ Ibm� Nib (NMI_ leder• Ifalai s, we ars toms of r anidex• armee ha .stiz right honed, or no fre- tless*, re- 4 , lstt- 'lhe Tang is • trite larger Ihaa the rises, sad aha ebbe hobs el the 11 .s544' .rably larger th•s the Mt, Whabno start •• movement with I. feet (generally the oft 1 rather than the Isiber ono tbs eters of • dip -sari ---aid leaner the two beads nor the two fest ever notch. 1be differsscs being ecimetitaes very marked. The greater part et the heart is ss the tat Bids, and so ea itewegbsat the oorp•.e vile ►.seam. AIAMOND 4V1 Ill LLS GU At CBILIOUSNESS, >v DVS PEPS I A a ICK HEADACHE, E6u!An 'THE U ONE PILL ArTIYREATIN• INSURES 0000 DIGESTION. PIKE t5CTs.1tt. ®OPfeil to SKIi435.40404E Rola boreacnci doslli stormier IbalA, aqd Ilia filar Pur on "tear Banialterr of Mena ni J. tioa.somass. NUN, as Chem writes: Its*. Ise Imam Ombra bet and Laster. Yea Ms Q • L. UMW Phalle. A. R Wdaas roam hem Maim: *IUD. • L Meeihd Phew is sodas ems Ilei sed Rhes etlem se a was t NY v1 tIy >ie each r slreW de Ira IF YOU WANT A SUMMER SUIT •g of First-class Make, Good Material and Latest Style, -CALL UPON - HUGH DUNLOP, The wenn. tlMbIet West me Bank ed ie■treal. D. CANTELON, West street BAKER, STILL LEAD THE TRADE. Hits bread is made from pure Manitoba Hour—made from the cream of the Manitoba wheat --and therefore is the best in the world. This its a big thing to say but it ie a fact and you have the privilege of buying this bread at the same as made from inferior dour at the prise of 5 cents per loaf. delis red to any part of the town. Orders for cakes promptly at. tended to. 7Wedding cakes and almond. icing a speciality. D. CANTKLON. DON'T DESPAIR WILL CURE YOU We guarantee Dodd's Kids.! 1111s to cure any case d Brombt's Inseams, !Diabetes. 1. Drop.) Rheumatism. He.rt I)Isease. Femik Troubles, Impure Blood a money refunded. Cold by all dealers to medicine, or by moles rereipt d once. voce per boa. Of Su tows gap DP L. A. SMITH a CO.- Toronto. Patronise True Competition. Ta. Catr•nurr Paowtc RAILWAY 00,. Tsranaara bee baro egbltab.d to glv. the pabtla • •melees .aeries wit\ fair and per lt asespeat•bathe•• pr/ndples sad 1a the lmtuem ei Its petro■.. It dearves the aappart al every paras wet belloveKla i1 Ter deepen/1 ■se tale tem g.�.���yyy Mies. .. es. ooaetleg with a n Uses and .seta• ea Waned ans. Canada and Itarepe. Direct ttbbrneeqggb� wires to •11 points le the Wort\wa.t,Brltlsb Columbia sad Pada* Cess Gwce-55 5 Bide W.stet. it. ItAINCLISTB. 1W M Lee= hawser. bode eh 3:Do You Wait ANYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LINEP R. W. McgENZIE cap supply you with a good article at a low price. STOCK COMPLETE IN Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Shelf Goods, Garden and Farming Tools, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. Also Steam Fittings, Belting, &c. VESSEL SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. Mss/'t fail $S > ve me a gi R. W. McKENZIE The Crabb Block, Goderich. "- MU N RO'S_ Several Line. of Goods to hand for Spring and Summer Wear, to which additions will be mads as the Season advances. Goods are all marked at the Lowest Living Profit and selected with more than usual care. Customers may rest assured that everything will ben toate., and all Departments well snorted, therefore no need d partiomlangdparticulars. Special attention given to small warm. .pec .on kindly solicited Preempt delivery of pnroiass. to any pert of the ,raid A. MUNRO, DIlaA1r and Haberdasher. WM. SHARMAN, Ji BOOTS AND SHOES We w not ib. wwamsr harries that • lair prise rim M a Geed Pair of Mme. .r Men r • bar bnnseeM them a very In prise paid he a per tate, ado O-weser wise lava( sway. Remember, we will see sal yes • iseplita sr shoddy hems without Testes yes now M. We ohm le lab way That -Chum Ilesrk. We hop M rt. aid tel sal b rte► Orli W .wen's• ser Oeeds mil Peke rod err are safeIIh>M bar nam sale you lm Style and In tb.:. Zit Wag fir doe w.n.len t ~ens gam Ret►!111 , ib. book Mee