HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-8-8, Page 5'PIE SIGNAL : AODHICJIW. OTT., 1111111111DAT A UC UST 1. 1895. ' s Another Importation of Rich Serges Cashmeres ! 7ust added to the Dress Goods Depart- ment a large foreign purchase of the most ele- gant legant tyftes of these plain and always fashion- able Fabrics. Values are unsurpassed in Canada. In our Scotch Selection we are showing the most extensive assortment of Plaids, Tweeds and Dress Cheviots, Silk Mixtures and Knotted Tweed Suitings. The Largest and Newest Stock in Godericic to choose from. Inspection invited W. ACHESON & SON. D. a. Calltl0E, PRACTICAL FINIKOMMIAPEIMUKI Oar. Seem. and North St.. w�.Ce . what. IOW C. S. Newton's Stere.) Omtls aiaht or day promptly .t- tendel to Lse.ttateatO.U.A_Tero.te. last; THE TALK OF THE TOWN. From the Roport.N. Notebook Y T.s'v. a ..i. 1e. a' fm dads. 1 rods T. Isis Y t a t hba% Among ie Takla' soles. ea' IMO IBM Post •t' -elates mare tI 0..,w�Jost arrivook ed. speoW laws in Baring sad Summer asitlsge. MsoCORMAC. TR Freeman for year .at Sala Mdhem Tax Tailor. 'GOOD EYE SIGHT- is • pripslew treasure. yes wbo have got it should t e can .t 1t Yon who hair* Tal sot it •bound have your wen attended to at pope. Ws mass the pre ..rentior of sight • specialty. and can test rser •yyenen accurately and •cientisoally. W. T. WELSH. optician and Jeweller Oona sex roe Tits em." 8vsrgli.-I take the opporsm it/ of intonate( .7 eamemors that a and .Ror Aug- 1. 110.1 shall Iawhee the cash system bite my budsees. It M the fair- est aad reset boomer way of .s.doridag bete seek ane will bo le the Interest of .11 wb• dowse to do a legitimate credo All unpaid •coonate attar Ants. tats will be headed is toe collection. J. WILION. Prescription Deog- Mltehell Clete Reltd.y. Thursday, Aug. 15, is Mitchells orate holiday. and it is the iatene1ou to rem as excursion to this town. it behooves oar ,hirers and also the authorities to see that tbo town is in as os.$ • state as possible for the oseastoa. to Accident. Saturday evening last, Master Albert Fritzley, of Saltford, mat with • misfortune kw which be lest part of ane of kis Angora It appears that he and some other boys were playing around • mower, and the young lad rdestaUy got his hand into the .. knives, .venaj part of • fiaser. • Leas Absecon Mrs. Johnston. of Port Jarvis, Pt., is visiting her sister, Mrs. John McPhee, of Colborne township. It is fifty-eight years since the two sisters last caw each ether. la some manner they had got esparat- sd in early lite, .ad neither one knew when the other was until • short tem. ago. This is as exceedingly long ti.e for two e aters to be separated. ♦ .and.•.. CesMry Slims. J o.. M o(,'looky, of the 3rd eses siert, isde- nob towasbip,hasseerlyssespletadermeldaga mat and substantial residnse on his term. The house will be ready fie •s .p.scy in a few weeks, and is • marvel of architectural beauty, oombiotng *legalese aad'o.for% in • marked degree. Sitemted s few rods from the main road. with • bsskground of trees, the appearaams is p esel g.04 denotes the god taste of the prepsieber. new. Will Travel. It r sometimes surprising set what rate • hill. pees of mews travefs. As i.otease d this is shows is the following Samoa whish we dip fru. The Monetary Timm : "Jae. Robinson, dry geode .orebest,d G.dorieh, the other day .ttrastd general attention to es sheer window by having • family of In- hale in it, weavimr harken." Mr. Robim- sm is as of star mat progressive business ma and is • liras believer 1. the .hams/ of printers' ink as a besimeta adiester. Th. Dors I. The baseball hays arrived home from their 1er,8antrday might a the lar train. It wee the btefrMem is give Ne boys • big send .L,►et ter some resume the idea failed to week, so the boys after gettie, a rossbg abase, starehsd from the steams is ..nt partitive dames The boys speak well of treat/nat reesivod from the tease visited, es4 partie.larly that of Streeter& They ere sesealsstts ever the kindness et the Stratford beset mli a and swear by the "King of Dimends" to nears the aosepli- wt at the earliest oppertmmtty. email Bina. 1b. Monty wheeled to is io.medims ea het lebesto Isaforth, whealed l �• yesterday. Mrs. r O. NN.wwi.. Inlay ks book • 32 oils spam NU., mil lege Mint se her rests. sa. Mitsbell AdvemSs : Merry Kdgsi sur - ed fee es his Mayen, leaviee bore as em .,*y�hem Sunday .eror uieg. The d hill" is Mose se me on. d be espgMs is tach W dtslrs-.es le Mews bye. IL 1'. a ra....•ems. The O.T. & sof/ rum 1Ys* Labium* en - en les le iMonMala best Am.171k M IOW The fah Y evilp .I__1a. w wetltl.j. oi1w a.npiw+ .IID Takao geed mil Nev. 3014. leave Gado rib 7 p mi. For tickles, oeredbessen, ..d full paryoal.r, apply to ill Ar slremg, town ge ticket .st; U. r R. (.o4104*. Tiekete express and telegrams to ell parte of the world. Remember Grindley Park Kaoenion, 8otmrdsv, Ang. 17. Tickets only 82 good until Monday. The Pepnlar Ferguson An instance of the pop.lerity of the Howard furnaces can be had from the feet that a Mayday J. E. Worsen received two farness .ad before Monday soon sold them both. There is no debt that Mr, Wiesen h.. • good furnace and thoroughly sada- steads patting them a. nes .seegalse has Werth. At the last meeting el the Beard of Maa- e gament of North et Methodist ahmrob ap- peairtoO of the worth of the paster, Rev. Jae Edge, wee menife.ted by imertenintbls eatery in . sebse.tial manor ad giving him • vacation of three weeks. gine' eon Eng to thee tows Mr. Edge hes seseeeeded im (seeing W laedwill .ad swam of his entire ee.Rregatie., sad it mum be • .euros el salishssion to hint to know that is has am only been meadosted by words of prim bot hes also hese .ekeowbdged ie the .ars tangible form. • hsaebelt W.•ertos. Our hove met • doable•barreil•d, heavy - motioned -edition of Waterloo yesterday sot far from Bruns, when the motives of that burg. engine that they were stre.ger, took them is aad did for them to the tone of 23 to 13. The redoubtable "Casey meet have been at the bat when the Belgians lift- ed the more to 23. At Isar sooners the Goderich oestiarest was doing as well ae could be expected, and were in hopes of gathering themselves together in uses to wipe the earth with the Stratford slab he - tote oomisg home. They mast do Dome thisg or we eon t meet them with • braes ThM eerrcelM.dest Y •11e Lady. - Wroxeter Dor. Brussels Post : Deepibe booting citizens, vulgar small boys sad . lob aided umpire with mosey as the Rams, the "Unio.s gave Goderiah bus ballots a sound drubbing ow Thursday of last week, the score ',tondos( 11 to 9 in favor of "sur boys. The vinare have little oomplant against their opponent. in the game but the unanimous option of all outsiders wee that neither the men nor the woman of (;oderieh noted the gentleman (`r and the umpire hams Creed • baseball guide slaw he out hu wi.dom teeth. Our boys ask ns favors, on ly fair &alias, and they pet up a proper game et hall every time.. . nese N Rehm, vette. Contractor S. S. Cooper has • numerous gong of men ou, Iayieg floors and vatting up partitions. The lathers aro bus., and mortar ias bees run off for skittering which will be done by Mr. Croll. Harper & iws, of (;oderich, are at the plumbing work, The steam hating work has hese let to Beason & Wright, of Tomato, who did the week of the f:oderich Court Hoang and have • orputatiee for their work. Hutson, & gong have oompletd the dating which ie • first-olsss job. The arohitsot oow has his hands full Contractor McReth is newly at the finish at his contract oo the bare : it is sided in and shingled, and the hsNdiag will be read% in a few days. ---Clistes News - Record. Goderteh Bey. Will Mesh. The following from The New,, of Wise- bledoa, N. i>.k , refers to the .on of oer townsman, 8. Cox, 8R Patrick -et : "R. R Cox, ter acme time past manager of the (A bores -McMillan Elevator Co. at this place, has been promoted to the poetise of travel- ing monist that company. Mr. Cm will have shorts of .11 the elevators between Heskb.sn soil Harvey, and will .eines thelee.sppee.e�ty of hi parities Aeries s 1 The rnglismttebihs ef Mr. Cox tor this ppoa m'lion by the.ompoov i...empkment ideal for this gumtless.. aad a tree r.eognicion ef merit. Then is tet smother mon on the lime men worthy or oompee st tor she poi - Um, turd we predict that he 'will prove a valuable ogaisitioo t. the 018... as he has in minor petitions in past year.. Mr. Con will have hi headquarters at Wirehledes.if he ore got • renitence, but be east he camel be will meas to Valley they. It is be b. hoped Net Mr. Oox will ..t be sampalitd to leave ser city, as he le ee .Irs..ble. sub- .tontial eitiU...asd we hem tow bits gen- tian* is our edit A emesis -eh. The Square wen the ease of se emttstag little dram., if seek It might be called, thls aaemi.5. Jan Marrs, s ream of Ocde- riak tewssbip, had last "swapped been with ase of sea bswnemes .bast tam dr- aw Were, and the missal. p.bsr rooms - beg ef 1rsie,issb a �� wanes rebels. his feeknga is the matter by 'MMisg.' Martie. sear Me - i ass's barber asp Me •aims.. made the aeessiM nee of a w.. sear Owde's . sae. 14*e reside hmi'tft Nes she hagp bad a rather sadden e.a1e1ea with eke shm- mamtiessd tree. On wserfk- 1memento g the Wee. kis ent. of ihe�rig ware W4* thrown est, end 4.1., the presses ef (heir daieoat to terra gess.. soh described a weer onit list weeld de WOW" le • cri- er serdst The mask .,_ills exhibi- tion was, she serlenliMMill d tie me- w. die wen mwsiiisi thalsi se.wflM memel sedposeeealibleseeshalishebelalalrs.Iiesteml sh cher Wingthey were nes allied s.dssig, is wated what wee Oh .t tiessaslven s► VOW ad reseeded be sate .p she dem Sl/wawvb, She pros eases of eke do4p had been seemed and q.Mbd. The MOW of lie wages and bees broken. sail ries slight is j.ris reedysd, whisk a short atm im drydook will, however. pmt is ate hemmer .teem of aft. wW Imneoes sees Ilesid.0 .ova The raceme visit ef the Galeria Baseball (Aub to nte.Mfoed bee Ind the biped of the baseball ..'harems ef thea good sown, end the fever ie spreadi s meet virulently. From Th. Zaftig Herald we Isom that • well-$Nwd.d esseWg W tiers bssererMd ut baseball was held at the Com.ereial hetet Mendeytg. whim • alt leagas was .rg..ised 4 o fell staff of .fal�erer. spp.fmt .d .. follows : "H...r.ry prosiel mt. W. 8. Thermos; t.We.Mows; yMe•prod dust, T.Leat; eseret•ry, Jobs Bell; treasurer, W. J. Kees; .1.b repreessisicres -Alerts. C. W. Ware; Park Nim, A. Me - Donald; G.T.K.. F. Yesadle; Y. M. C. A., H. Ballard. A ..hail.!e of lams hes bee. streak. .ut•ble rounds will be .rraeged ter at mos. .end on Tbur.d•y the .Seer., wbo also 00 p... the I.yw es..ittee,will meet to draft • cede of rake aad mode. tease. The membership fee h.s beim limited be 50a •ad slakes holder, are essield to •d. minim teal games. By the sad of the season the some d pert.etioo will have bees remised, .ad thea. say. The Herald. the bop expe.t be mop Like Hares dry with the fag ..d of the Gederieb team. • C.aet•lef Nye. faddemee. The Chomp 1.1 0.... thus raters to a mama is Doone of .ewwon iry C. C. Crabb, formerly of O.derwh : C, C. Cribb hes bad prams draw. for • gas madame which be will build at the ..utheme sereer of Arlington Mame and Lake %i.w amnia The balding will amain meaty h. ✓ eams and will son *60,000. It will be thew stones 10 height, 62i feet front aad 101 fest seq. Blue Bedford staw will be n eed for the exterior and the roof will be of slat. Eatramee to the .tai■ floor will be through • vestibule .ad reception b.1l 13.14 feet, and into the main bell, 20.24 feet in size Os the maim floor will be the parlor, library, sitting room, .mak iag-room, disi.r- reom. 00d breakfast -roe., sad the kite►.. and servants' diaiag-rep.. A large ow- ..rvasery will lead off free+ the dial.g-race. On the expend floor will he the oha.bers, five is ember, and • large s.w.g-roo.. There will be • WI room 32.32 foot in size on tis third Hoer ..d • bdtiard-room, be- sides • sapper -room .sed two &lapimg-raw.. In the bae.seet will be the ..ore -rooms ad gvmsasiam ad • bowling alley 14.65 fest. the interior finish will be i. .abogamy and other choice w•toda. A mosaic floor will be lard in the sear.... ft E. Snyder aad C. W. Nothaagel aro the arohiteote reMlr helmet Nerd. The regular meeting of the Beard was held Monday .y.miag. Thus were pretest, Messrs. Beeks. , Achesan,Colborme, Chry.W. Nicboleos .d Reid. Through dimes, Mr. Ball was absent. Minutes ef previous meeting was duly ap- proved. Am amount at Gm. Porter for *12 40 was referred to the gamin osmmittes, to be paid if found decrees. The resignation of Mss Alio. Sharman was rad and aeoeptd. A amber ef applicatiooa for the vac -ahoy were maned. Os motion Mi. Ball was pro.oted to the re.ie vacated by Mies Saimaa. Mies Rask was •ppoiated animas model ohm! amber with an aortae of 130 to her present salary. Os 'notice Mi. Wigrins was ..ppotstd to Muer Rask'e former roam for the bales« set the term at • salary of *300 per annum. Mies Ell. Stewart was appointed to the room vacated by Mum B.IL The impostor ad principal were in- strnned to equalize the •tteadem., to the ward .chem.. The amount required of the town for maintosaa., of the sae& was put at *4.800. The eestt.aoat'smmimes was empower- ed to make may nesmsmry tmprov'ments to the school reef, and my ether remain they d eased ngesenry. Th. board thus seljemefed. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. (ash paid tor latter and egos .t H. K. Soe11 & Co.'s esti Then will be a baptismal servies ..it Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock is St. Georg. church. The veneering work on Mr. Staart'e house o. South -et s ompleted, and the plasterer are mow busy. Oae dollar will bay • 28lb box of pare Crowe laid raves as G. M. Elliott', grocery store, Homilies street. The 1i/taboos" supply bast. the Lake Mtehigan, oats in with supplies Monday She is here on her usual trip. The town is pretty well filled op with Sommer visitors, aad the increase in tem- perature it adding to the number doily. The annual picnic of the Maagilirray Minos Beed, of Knox church, is to be held Msturd.y •11.0000n nett on the eboreh laws. The steam yacht Trust of Detroit meds this port yesterday evening sad the merry yachters took in the sights of the town this mooting. W. Beairsto, solicitor, of Torato, is is tows. We understand be hes entered into pert.ersbip with L. E. D.mosy, harriter,ef this tows. It appears that South .t is destined to be the residential street of aha day. No Iees Mao three hadmsme homes being sow is mum of .rMien, rix., Messrs. Howell's Stwwart's mad ea shame. 8aadmy evemisg Mier [ARO Halley reader. d a .mks is Kant ob.reh. The sob was a very lime sae, and the .ewer is Masi it was rondated lave evideme of the gee voila mad high culture which the ysong lady psa- se na Saturday het, anile Gladys, the rix -year old dmarhar of J. S. Platt, was severely scalded by having the oestoar of a teapot spilt en her arm. The Mrs ls m &even ase, but the little sufferer wee deem will M lest assesses. For the infer.etiea of pupils mail ethers immersed. it might le well i. .estien that all rani wheels open es 14.mdmy, Aug. 1914*, while the tows .ad village ortheses end Col. lertato Inelibutes open • week later -Sm- iley, AOR. 96th. Ws Mrs that Wilmer Smith hens hwgh/ wt the omdertsktng seek of D. 11. OSSA. Me has maw bombs the mstppdg.est home 1Nsly enema if A. M. Palley, and be vow be Siam sp en lb sob y ?ws.te. q sekifrg Aspartame uml Hew ie N throe • vete ea " the sew epees - time" le .ever takes is the dammer, when the sue nee ls at its hsiet4tThe beans de nes bother as mesh 1n J..sssy,whae Ms vete meanly le .maids. end the peopk'tMUM erase ere eher5-wary shark A party of Wks end grebes ss, of the - 2. mml. were sp 'maims spiwYtg, �padp/ Ibo parser IIIc s boom a■ Davis what the harm was ler. sod O15 apjr w " oi* we hand We la h sew Imes madis swim egi enema Early Closing. Our Store will be cluneal at 6 o'clock each even- ing during July and August except on Satur- days and days preceding public holidays. Special This Week : Embroideries, bc. per yard, worth 10c. All Linea of Bummer Goods at Re- duced Prices. TERMS CASH. BUTTER AND EGGS TAKEN SAME AS CASH. JAMES A. REI D, 10th July, 1895. Jordan'r Block, Ooderioh. PURR 1N*ECT POWDER y...) PURE PARIS OREAN Warranted ■p to standard, 30c. per lb. A cheaper kind, 200. TANGLEFOOT A:4D FLY PADS. 'TOURISTS WILL FIND THAT WE PAY SPECIAL AWES - TION TN AMERICAN TOILET ARTICLES 'minding Sheffield's Tooth Paste. Riekseoker. and Poa.sib Yam Powdern and many others. Anyitiag net kept procured on short ALL THE BFST PERFUMES. OUR BLACKBERRY C- OMPOUND Best *keg ler Catnips. Coli.. Isomer Ctteepiekede. •as. WILSON'S ROOT Malt -ben yet. A 103. held. makes 5 pines We also have Hire's and Adams' make. LIME -JUICE -25o., 50o. and 75n per bottle. GINGER BEER EXTRACT -• 25c. bottle makes 5 gallons. W. C. GOODE, DISPENSING CHEMIST. PRESCRIPTION WORK AT ALL HOURS. TOWN AGENT FUR POSTAL SUPPLIES. we insight it better to be sere ekes sorry.' A sale of plash good. .t extremely low pncss aad • great cut in pocket laines is the ticket for tomorrow •1 The Fair. New Heel the painter have finished. we pan say this .tore is one of the assure .rad most •t- vaNive plums is Goderieh. CARLOW. TesspAy, A.g. b. Mi. C. Halliday, of &.mals, is tow visiting Mrs. R. Vona'. Randall Farm. Our osNamed pastor, Key. 1.dsr.aa, took the pmlpit at L.bnn a Sabbath last Miss Meade Sallow, left kers ea Satur- day el lass •week, for • prolemrod visit to bar sister in Handl... The Mery seam in this vicinity is over, s and we ed mes say how sorry tthrifty hsesswives are, es they will now miss their seeiel messing sad abetting .vary day. W..otieed is paining the sshool►.nes of this pkws the other d.v that it is sadly in n ovel ef • now roof Now,we were give. to .deretemd that rat. -payers of this measles agreed be have this dome this year. The holiday. are 'early over, aad still nothing bas bees dose. Where are the officers who leek after them thing.. Echo answers, Where! BLT Tela Wno CAN. -(he day of last week there wee pulled from • geld et peas owned by Mrs. S.MoWbissy a "Mole stalk, the promos of mss pee, on which was count- ed seventy woU-glied pods oleo several un- deyelepl pods. sad part of the vis* .till b blossom. The vine was set paled es • model, bat last aeeidestly by her cos as he wee pendsg through the SUL A TELLING REBUKE. P retree.r ei.ldwl. halal'a wpt.t•m• of Jingoes .ere and Tlere. Prof. Goldwi. Smith writing 10 the Lem den Advertiser on .101, 29th from Tennis says : "A report was cireul.ted hen the other day that at • joist meeting of Cam - dime aad Ameriw.s .t Bolton, the Ameri- cans had offered an insu I t to the British flag. It turns out that instead of insulting the British gag they accorded it rubber peculiar honors. These efforts to keep op abed feeling he - tweets the two countries are ebiefly the work of persons who fancy thee by sleet- ing hatred and contempt of Yankees • man can sake himself an En gli.k reatlemaa. Ret the cost is defrayed by the industrious people of (cads, especially by the formers, in the shape of exclusion of their products from the American market by hostile tariffs, the natural fruit of international hatred. We ma yy be able to tempest displays of anti-As.stimemt, whoa we cam find • Comedies who has refused to better his s.oditiiw by the aoospesses of a ram is the United Slates. I was myself abused sea time aro by • Oanadtas Srs eater 1'1s.gesge of the utmost viol's°, for my Almeria.. preolivitees. Not long afterwards I learned that my assailant, who was • olergy.as, had bees called to • premiership is the United States, end, se deed*, after prayer- ful meditation. had weep d the call." During the last three .s.the Ado toasty, Idaho, km paid bounties a 4,612 rabbits killed in the county, a..00tisg to *2,620.36. No part of the great blasts so ?nor as let to have • pmt of some kind be afford the farmers se alternative means of liveli- hood. Sometimes it's oovotes, or ground. begs, or gr.s.bopp.n, or reinjy hears ; sometimes almost all of these, hid always seaNtmg. 4 sew process for the pruservatiom of CClodd.rhg railway transit la. been l od by • Califerebas. it oon.i.te in g= the air in the car oises the is said to (+e more oommas Nam Mo ranee. refr4er%WE system ad m..b mere eneosedel. (hdisery cars Ms be fitted with the apparatus for the presses at swan l ex}ossa, while the expense of the preemie it. wQ is said to be .o.parativ.ly frothing merge with the refrisereting memo. THE TIDE TURNS - Year Imprevemem$ t• the 0.0/14* of • Well Known fsserbere' lads. Prrriwi n o, Aug. b, --General sasief.Ni.n iesim=m.d here as she greatly improvd jiptiip.wfr et health of Mts. K. hispisseis, the well knows maids masher of this town. Her friends have bees mesh .ereisd ever her esad4Wn fees hog rhes and • slumber .f reaedise haws bees tried derbg the res Fare that aha hes beim • martyr N • eom- plimties of .mpWmw. whisk rowdy R .kms very severe. Aha misted Mobil ally with pai is she bask, .sAsse preslr0ia. ted ,..Ol log of the Iambs. She hes tees t�1 sew i wady les kidney ers.btes. iiissy .1I., d 4. shandy q- psirond the .est resale lin w•w•d toss 0....1, r tie d rmilkmw b .l aim THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. iederrf Pe- 'e's. .sgmea s. A g. 7. =- Fall Wheat. (mewl surged...... • Ila te 0 00 Floor. tastily. per ewe 150 to ! 70 Hirer. X511, per owe... ...... 1 10 to ! 10 floor. per cwt1 70 to r 70 Bram, intoe. ...iI5100le 01 $oatoo emoeniaae • sea.- ...... ..-. 11 es tot! 00 ONRpbusk ...... . .,.««.. •ttie 0 56 1ecs•4M•'114Otey.Yto 1. M O mil now...... 1 IC ttoo 0 1s I I MID11sdes/5e1.0 . 0 d...: • 9 to 0 10 Mesa 100 to 3 51 Bits. s ....-.. I.0toIe0 ...... «-.. 501.10 Litho �.. / Se 10 4 011 B oo. • 10 ttoo 0 Boom. 1% Ham for l► • alts • 14 Ham. Che. our lb.......... 111 to 0 12 F7bun-There 1s nothing doing. Straight ioTers are quoted at 83.70 to 1180, Toronto freights. Bran -Bran unchanged, being quot- ed at equal to $111. Toronto freights. Shorts 119 to 330 Wheat-Maiket continues dull. with offerings moderate. Bales of new white are reported on Northern at 74c 1. 75a Manitoba No. 1 bard unchanged at 91c to !2c. Toronto freights. Peas -There is very little demand. Car lots outside are quoted at Sec to 17c. Barley -Trade is dull. with none of- fering. Oats -The market Is a little heavier. Sales of mixed were made to -day at Ile west, and white at 31 1-2c to 322. Carson track. 36c. Rye -The market is quiet and prices purely nominal. Oatmeal -Business I,. dull.wIthpricus . aminal at 84 on track. TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes must be lett not later than Mon day noon. (..nal Advertieementa accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week. FOR SALE -FINE. BROOD SOW AND 1two heroes. For vertisedare .ppb N ROBERT YOUNG. Ridgewood Farm. - Property tow BEN. ✓ TRUSTERS SALE OF CHURCH PRO - 1 PERTY Notice s hereby Wyse that the asdersipW trustee/lot the Presbyterian church, Ooderlah known as Keo. church, will sell by peddle sammisa, at Kew's auction room. Newpte•ea la the town ef Goderioh. on SATURDAY THE loth DAY Of AUGUST. A. D. 1101. i i! o'clock sees. by John Knox, a.atissssr. the fellowitss6nleada. namely per - e. et leo number 1611per- use.g)0. and NI ram- ming attmbtes.law tows et Gederfoh. mad 4a..ribed oe Salem : emensiessieg at a merit �s the • limit ait tarda M rth where e Iaet limit .t tet. £.4.w'e street proda.a would interims emit Seuthsr. 11 Mt ; themes West Mea[ said theft w feet to . point tie ekwlha '. Batt a lot tee; theme des p . with the nesters boundary ef Is► 100; tb..e. East .b.g Breve street el foes to • point en the Northers Rath of said het. ant tbe.ee Seat0. parathe with the Eastern boas'. Miry of saki Dot to the plass O begrinn( ierN to the Trustees or (' A M. E RG. HOLT fc HOLMES Selieitor.. Terme Dated 17th day at RY,pOD. RTON0. JAMES BUCHANAN ALEXANDER BAUNDERft, 51-41 Trainees. (ANADIAN ?ACI FIC Y. llffllST 13 aad 20 wsu. aux LABORERS' EXCURSIONS To all 1'et.te Welt of Wlenlpeg to MOOSEJAW 14 ESTE VAN '0 SALTCOATB J W 1 will pons primer rged Mgrs a mons el tag 00. ~die 1 ~ Tey WWI GODEURKSK 0019. io BABY'S REQUISITES BABY MODE (•u kiwis) RUBBER NIPPLES (English) TEETHING RINGS TEETHING Nk.CKLACEB (.1.0015) TEETHING POWDER& haver It.e of fe.dlag anti.s sad pure robber sett.... -NEW PERFU (SMi►3- wosasst More `-SWISS ♦! SWISN 'CI.OYYER�.� j ANBY I'TI BT * CINTHI i' Remember the hem aad mese fashionable psrtsaiss are •iwye le be bed at Pore CHAR D. WILLIAMS. Drupa Chemist sad Dr■ggbt DONT FORGET That the largest stoca, and the finest ashore' trent of FINE TOBACCOES, CIGARETTES, CIGARS, MIFFS, And all smokers' sundries Is at • J. E. DAVIS', Phw. B. Druggist dr Optician. A FIJRNITURE SALE! GIGANTIC REMOVAL SALE of Parlor Suiten, Side Boards, ked -roam Sait..('haire,T.bles, Pictures. Frames, Mirrors, Cortone, Drapery, Wall Papers, Fancy Goods, Cline - wan. Easels, &c., ke. GKNUINE SALE, that will cause • commotion among people of every elem. 20 7, off ('lose Cut teak I'rio.s. Enough said. (`on. and seer SMITH'S F URNITURK & ART DKPOT. F. sMEETH'S PLANING MILL - AID - BASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY, I take the semsetasity to Inform tie pabYa that i am stile is the business notwithstanding all rumors to the contrary. sodas 11111= do every deem of work in my Sae from a wtadow frame to erecting • with maneard roof. 1.140.451 Ts bedlie semi 05mpetitbs Invited. The faralshiag of he/Yi.g materW, sso\ as lath. shingles .ed lamsor a .ps.sial4. F. SMERTH. Gederiob.Joly tlth lad. Loan and easings Sooloty. Tr I8 NOT WHAT YOU EARN BUT WHAT YOU SAVE. MAIMS YOU RICH. THE HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND Div tta0T COMPANY. Snr.tcttome-LLeserea Holt W Helmer. Dsrea'A.-Imt.eost Olisbeand every .x weans at perloset, per senium. en .male from me Ohm apw.sda Depeslto,. wU1 Sod It to their advantage to mine me ase ns. Loewe -My be seemed as say time without delay on the .eesrfty of apprwvyd desirable time hilelet �w w North to OMNI. Wet BORAGE HOi7 S. IL Oeneeles R EMPTY CANDY BOTTLEi(. Pars. wanting empty Candy Bottles should call at once, as we have only a few doom left. Everything that ix kept in a first class Drug Store is to be found at WILAON'S PRRACRirrIoN DRUG; Terms. errl.tly ossh. No credit. Trarsiflat 01111119. II14111D TIMMS 1gAN1.WAY. dawns bed ism aad lieges Moo