HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-8-8, Page 44 Till SIGNAL : GODKRIOB, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 8 TORS. kt $ignat, ,Omairo HY RY THURSDAY MORNING RT D. meSUAit'U1t. flash « PakMamsle d sad Mt llertbemrea. Testes .t asbaerbgeass s amo mmsth, is Mvaawe Oes yew. gr el Lose et Veer label. Veer Istel 1s • smadtna receipt sr the date w►iob yen are p.ld up. Bee that tt V act te fall tate arrear. a chums of address is desired. beth be old sad the mew address ahead d bs gives. ddver,MIag latae aga1 ted otter, tassel advertisements. Ms. gar Mas fr gnu le.ertlse. Gad! ovale par Ono glr each nbesgses$ lseert/o.. Messersd be aneonepp•arr eel!t S00 B,iaess Dards .f ex Maes Gad ander. fit per vvertlegaseate of Lost. Found. strayed ae.ell. is Voosat. 8ttwettoss Wanted sad •mi.me Chasse. Wanted set sxosedtsg ease se no•. t1 per mo. Hews ea time and Farms on gale. sot be exceed 4 IInee, •I tor first Inestb. Ma pr sub- sequent month. Larger .dvte, a peepertisle promote 0 e the notice,thedMma of welch i to the an keimM Of any indi- vidual or company. te be an ad. ve thsment and charted Local flakiest* non typo see neat per word, seamiest* less t Local mottoes in ordl .iy readied tette two ass per word. No nodes fee less thaw Mo. Rotioss for churches and ether religious end bssevolesl Institutions half tees. Ab.ut "'Tire algaal" Selly. y. P ottecriber who fall to receive The It,en*L rendez-1y. either by carrier or by mall. will wafer a favor by acquainting us of the foot *t s early • date as possible. Refected manuscripts' cannot be returned. Oorrsepondence must be written on one side of paper only. rueibiher'. notice, J. C. le Tousel, of Ooderloh, bee been •p pointed Loral Travelling Anent for the tows - ships of Dederick', Colborne, Asb4Nd and Ws- wLeeseabl pessm.ehee over the district are 11.0 empowered to receive .uboorlptioe. to Tus Memel. An eemmalotttie s must be addressed to D MoOILLiCUDDY. Tag Own LL. TdmMeas Call>N. Oedersb. Oat. YODKRICH, THURSDAY. AUS. 0. hits. SNAP SHO18. -Before the Hon. J. C. PArroosox retires from his present •mbleu«s pesitas ea nineteenth weather of the Federal Cain the, ought be not to put forth some effort to have tate public improvement made on the ' Doderiob harbor of relive' -The easiest way to get rid d Hours+, the Philadelphia feed, w.sld be to put weenie, chloroform, • knife •d • rope within easy reach. He appears to have been an expert is the ase of them death made easy methods, and his toward nature might be impelled W take the of these plane to cheat the gallows. -It is beginning to look as if the Hen. J. C. PATrm.soN a Got, atter a11. to - the M•an h% guhsrnetort•I plain. The Manitebaae cenwd that the poeitios should fall to the lot of • mar belongier to that Province, and Atha that they have among thew many men who rank higher in rates m•eship and tate than does the Hon. J. C. I'a rrzaao .. The sanitary conditions of Ott• tow• jail must he Ili • wtetehed eo.ditioa. There ba..'t been • political thief, from TON to Wavelets, who basal oon- treated • fatal malady while inaroersted is Ottawa jail Aa • result, they have to he liberated to save their Item, ad when lib Hated their rwyery is marvellously raped. la the interest of the poor devils who have no political pall, and who have bo put in fall time, the samtery ooedition of Ottawa jail shield be improved. -11, as wax contender! by Govern- ment organs • short time ago, the N•tieoal P011e V ran the price of wheat up to one dol ler • bushel, why deem it net month* to keep up the priceNow, Wila10 the farmers are likely to hare some wheat to plass ns Use market, would be • good time to have the figures range amongst the -three figure.. Or, will the N. P., wait enol the millers and speoul.tore have got the whist out of the hoods of the (Armen, before it again get in it good offices • -CLARK It WALI.ArI1 as Grand Muter of the Orangemen ef British Nortb America, believes that the Government, of which he is an outside member, will never eaferoe remedial legislation. Which mesas simple and solely that ('t.ARK■ WAI.,rra believes in his heart of hearts that when the Goverameat plotted it honor to peas re- medial legisf•tino siz mem►he hence, the Government which gave that pledge was ea aggregation of liars. Ad CIAa.. WAI. LACE ..Statues to be • door .bap .amber of the •vgnp.teos_ While JOSS' WANNASARSR, of Philmdesphi•, has been demonstrating that the accumulation of wealth under oertaia conditions is a thing easy W •eeompluh, his son. Rnrw.., is showing te the ray Parisians than an American millionaire . sen oast make of himself the most thorough ex emplifie•tioe rpt the old adage that "• fool and his men.y is eoily parted." Recently, the hunger 11' y. Au ' startled t . smart het in Paris by giving • little lash• eon which made • hole in his bank .noouht to t e tune of 120.000. Joe'* should pat • tight line en his .gaadatl.m. sen. 1 t is now stated that an arrange- ment is no foot hip which Sir JnH. Srurtn.. the heldever Driest (loverwor of Manitoba, is reins to settle the Manitoba question. it u claimed that Ii Germvw Ar doesn't secede to the request of the Federal 4:erermms's, the newly baked Sir Knight will dither the Gatto' At Government The Mery dome% Re quite far eneeg0. it docent say what wesld bemuse .1 Srwretz after he had acted sno...titvtl.s•B, as a re rwtlaW,. of the (alwwa A gustlsssaseated Catalog the flus Net 01. head let Ism than that, and 0. was • bigger mess than Joao Swvlaa, R,C. M.G. -A Berne pgalriswt writes as that t4. Sertptatem hire owed le hsn sg tliMd q te• Deem ar i t - Ma gat tar tat WWI psstahetb sato • ma, thither .hall • man pet ea • weenae'5 permest, ter all that de so tee as •bemieaWS sato the lard lay God." 1e reply to ow.er.espoadewt M might remark that Mesmer, are set, ter- reeNy speaking, ahs garb of ..oa. Mesas sever wore bloomers, and ler that m erte1, he .ever won breathes. se far es we have bees able to leans. As • matter id 1.ot, the great Israelite ware skirts all ea IMe, it the pictures of bias we have ,sem is Su - day wheel books are of say valoa And going book to the Gerdes et Kd.., we fid that Adam Gad Saye bad their int pr- ated* out from the teed Weise plate, THIS IS THE SEASON WHaN the small boy wonders when tits oppiso will be ripe enough sot to give Mm the cola. When the man who has an orobard real- ism that Menial vigilance it the pries of frail Wb.. the farmer lies awake o'niehW try- ing W decide whether be sell his w►cat se loom as it is threshed or wait for • dollar in the dim sad probably daWt future. When the ohuah there wonder bow much linger the preacher will let them off with • short aerenee. When the yeas, mss who wrote at the July .zaasmataeos wishes the regalia would appear, and .et dreads to see it, for fear his same will be almost from the list When the boemk.sper sptadt two hours sash day chasing flies, cod esquires, with tears in her eyes, what flies were made for any way. Wises the sumac visitor wa.a W know where the people of this tows were brought ■p that they give the .owe the freedom of the burr. When the sae who has not yet taken hie holidays needs t. get • hustle a if he does not want to go without them. When the sager sakes up for his slim string of bah with creat yams about the catches he made in days gees by. Whelk the yoaag lady who makes tansy work toile early and late at beautiful and (health* things to exhibit at the Great Nsrtbw.starn Fatr. Whim everybody is tows' would like be see another bwb•Il intoe. THE RADIAL RAILWAY. ON July 11 Tee SIGNAL began an agiatioo in favor of the ooaetreetion of an electric ra:Iway service which would thin nen the seeaty town with the Northers pour• tioa of the oosaty sad called open the Citi- zens' Committee •d Board of Trade to as- sist is the agitation. W• are pleated to hear that the matter h.m boon taken up by the Citizens' Cern mites, and W some extent amplified. .o that the proposal now oder consideration in • radial lino mirth to D.sgMnon, thews to W wham, to Braman w the boundary between Tarnbrry sad Morris, and the gravel read lidless Morrie and Grey, theme to Se•forth and to Bayfield via Verne, and finally making the ootaplde oir• ant• h returhier to Godrish by the Larks Shore Road. The manifold advantages of such • cheat will be •pearent to anyone who is at all commitment with the geography of the county. The proposed lies would not only give • badness oonntotien with every part of the thinly. hat would be able to control • perfect tourist service for others than tholes engaged oxclu.iv.ly in the baninets. At Wingh•m connection would be had with the C. P. R.. and W. G. & B., at Brussels, the 'southern extension of the W, 4;. and H. would be topped at SesJouth, the B. & L. H., branch of the (:. T. K. would be crowd, and facility of connection with the railway system of the county would be .forded the pompe et Rayfield and •dj•oent sections with • minimum of impedes To men of capital there 1. air money in the proposed scheme, which would prove to be the most s.rvidable enterprise that the oounty has had before it in many • year. We hope the exertions of our fatte.. con mitree will result in bringing the natter to a suocr,esf u l issue. Mrs. R. S. Boothe and daughter Inas have retuned to their home in Toronto after • lengthy emit to relatives is God.- rieb, accompanied by her sues, Miss Nandi* Kaox. CONTEMPORARY OPINION. r11 "+Par.' CAN'T coN,'m1v11 OF IT. Hamilton Speeator If Sir Jolts Schulte, at the dictation of Sir Mackenzie Howell, dames.. Mr. (:reeeway and he Ministate, we tear the Dominion electors will dismiss Sir Mackenzie and his Ministers. Rut then is no fear of the Dominion premier doing anything so foolish. T11t. 1.110 OON'T ACT • IIAN,L Toronto ear The treatment of our young men who succeed as gold medalist and take an honorable st•edteg in the high- est educational institutions is ealculated to drive them to more oongani•1 .limes, when the hand of e.00uregoms.t is bed out to those who essay to climb the dif6eult paths@ of high endeavor and learning. 11117 AT TH5IB o*' ■tr•*.C. Toronto T.le,rsm: Tb. finales Jourthl advises to Federal Minister to travel empty, .ad so avoid the criticism whit* tier toe free the of private ears excites. Village Inmate and es.try donors wbe olimp to C•bi..l reek bemire altogether too throe= to the t.he trowelling facilities whish • e god though for men le private life with aims brains td more meet, thea they over will have. 'ale people know that them Minimise sad tar families travelled simply essewb before their fmporl•.to sedated them to borrow grwade.r from the railways. Gee theme wad families doe did all Navel is private care when they were oat d the ODIi.M yeslerd•y, .ad who waste have me private ears if they ware est ef t0. Osiris* te-reefrew, dm aeatMipsa end Meir prly me reed by splurging Ihrmyi the .masse, is charas Meg tis r tD J, aasreed tar Me ten of railway magsden ate Maw et - beam DOMING AND 001140. Aka Hark Jebnstea is vinitias in law•. Neil McLeod visitedKacardtes h.4we.0. W. S. Hemphill, a Hama its. is is tows. Mks IIv. Acme Probasc, ie editing is haw.. Joek O,agg. et Soden0, "part li..d•y a tows, Mims Mary Klliett, et Detroit, in viiYyl in tow.. Mas Mary Gasbags. of Detroit, a phos. is tows. Ates. Moir, of Heima11 is Is Mara lar • few days. Mies Annie Murray, .t Detroit, a hems ea • visit, Herres Best, of Woodstock, is hems ea • short visit (;.s. W►Ituey, d 11 oedetook, spent Sem day is tows. Mrs. Oliver, of Balt, u visiting her sister Mrs &waders Rev. Father West has goes os • visit to Babb, N.Y. Re.. Mr. MoK•y, of town, preached at Carlow Smoky. Mn. M.Ksdrick cod family, of (:ab,•re •letting is town. Miss Marie Nevis left e. Saturday on • visit bo Ssaforth. Mise *41. Halls in visiting her sues, S. P. Halle, North -stn Mw Graham, of Atwood, u'podia, a • week is Gedsri00. Mrs W. N. Aadse.w, of Toronto, is visittg Mrs. W. Kay. Rev. Mr. Sage and family left by steamer today for • round trip Mas and Mia Ben wilkiest= left today ter Collingwood. Mr. sad Mrs. S. P. Halls are aktag • resod trip a the lakes, W. Libby, B. A., 0 Toronto, a visite*" J. S. C•mssea, Went -et Miss Sarah Lathers, of Detroit, a the gat of Miss Tillie Cox. • war!!* Charlie Placket', of W im.ipeg, is spend - is( • few weeks in Mess. Miss Cameras sad Mise Ralph thawed from Detroiter Tuesday. Mrs. Shorts and Mims Ebert, of Chat- ham, are visitant, in tows. Min Helen MorTaoa, of Owes Sound, is heath( t0. Mimes 94e tg. Mrs. Adanson and Mas Masses lett on Monday for Loss Bra.mi. P. A. M•lenthon, barrister, of Leoksow, was in town ever Sttod•y. i Miss Brooks, teacher, of Str•tbrey, is spsndtg vacation is tows. H. Tants, el Tn. SINAL Safi, a taking a mead tri c. the Cambria. Mas Haogggg.errt'k► et Esther. is heath( the Mimes Workingsow, ltad-st Mrs. C. C. Ser... of !Janet, arrived is town per steamer Wednesday-. Mw CamMd•y, et Ottow.,a vatting rela tides is Dederick and visialy. Teresa McIntosh relented os Saturday from • visit to Hallett township. Joe. Tighe .54 Andrew Flynn, of Hallett township. spent Sudsy in town. Mies Webb and Miss Radish', of Obio, are the guest of Miss Kato Reid. Mast, Albert sad Miss Id• Izztrd, of Clinton, spent Smalley ia (odsrtoi. Fred. Seymour. et Detrain, is is tows paving • .bort .aft to W. T. Keely. Miss Grammstt, of Nile, is visiting Miss Kate Reid who is boos from Bu*.lo. frank McLane, of Stratford, is in town, having made the Journey os his whoeLl Wm. Brownell, of Seaford. was a town over Sandal renewing old •quaestancs. Mrs. Oto. Rhymers sad family have bens visit's, Mrs. John Hunter, of BsnmUler. R. Diokco, of St. Mary's is visiting at Castle Dickson. He whealed the trip sp. Miss Gaffney and Miss Mclean, of Wood stock. are the guests of Mrs. J.F. Sharman Miss Maprie Wiles., ot Dungannon, is visiting Mim Basil► Buchanan, Church ct. Miss Fitzgerald, of Ietreit, spent Sunday in town with the Mines Doyle, Church -et. Mr. •std Mrs. Pickard and family, of Sea forth, are spending part of the Summer in town. Mrs. and Miss Eliza Blair, of Auburn, left per steamer, en S•tarday on • trip to Al- goma. Jas. rhomeoa sang at theannivere•ryesr- vises in tie German ohurch sew Rsussiher Sunday. Beason Guest 1s taking in the lake breezes on board the steamer, whisk was here this mnraing. .Jeannie Smith, of Guelph, is visiting at the residence of her somas, Mrs. Aleck Saunders. Ned Garrow left for Tomato Mon- day morning after spayed*, his ree.tion to l:oderieh. Miss M. and Master T. Doyle, of Wysa- dette, w visiting theta uncle James Kyle, ('bureh .t Mimes May and Florence McCreath, who have been veins, near Clinton, have re- versed home. J. T. Garrow, M. PP., is paten, in • portion of he vacates .t old Orchard Beach, Maine. Judge Carpenter and family and Mr. Smith, .f Detroit, r. roan arrivals .t the Park House. Mim Edith Simmons, who has been the chest of Miss Mary Elliott, hoe gear en a vast to Auburn. Miss Ella Fraser and sister, of Detroit, are visiting in bows, the gnat of Mrs. Peter McFarlane. Mitchell Adverts: Miss Klee Skinner. of Mitchell, is speeding • few days with friends in God.nok. Gro. McPhee mid wife, of Clinton, passed through town oh Saturday, ea • visit to his mother, a (elborna Mies Mia. Leahex, of St. Marys, who had hoes visiting Godsriob, left for her home tea afternoon, Rev. W. Jamieson, of Hamilton, wbo is speeding holidays is town, p1l•cked • very thoeptelilis throes la Nsetb-at. Methodist ehureh last evesiag. We are pissed to hoe that ()wt. Barter has se far recovered from ha Munn es to be able to be out again Mims Flo. B•11, les returned from • ...alio. w Highland (:reek, Toronto, Arlon. and ether peists. P. Dlarim, of Buffalo, N. Y , arrived is town Tuesday, sad will sped • week v4i4- Ng relatives and Meads T. C. Wright eft ee T sad y, atter epesdiag • Pew Gaye at. Point Farm. Mrs, Wright rather for ewe weeks. Hardy Mere.., represedisg the Lesion Sumiseas C.Uti►-V. C. S. C. -ars Is teen today ad hailed on To. lbs(At. Ms J. Meese, of Ways*, Mia, pawe4 through here Saturday es • v1si• it hay say tet hrr. Ms Mentes. Joh. Mees. Cabaret twa- 1<imardae Review : MRS. Dank. and Wet hand e., ed whe had baa reinensd is W alwulhesseitli leek l by WAR ON THE 1 ARIFF. T.a w srou Taupe s • PIA0D. H..uw Tunas : Harper'. weakly I. dk.ewriee the 4 0.astery of plate se ti - meet In the Matra by the posies enthuse ✓ ays : '•Wlw people have ante arrived .t this stag' el Pew lWkteg.,it is Mt • .herr ay to the further a..olides that t.IN swearing*, fsrgag teslime y ler eh - Warne • peered is • very alight .H1.es, if say dLaoe at •1l " This applies te the d.- morahiag afise.te of the N.P. as well There are geed people who would ahs Risk of nabbing Muir sehrhises boereeal sr pten lag kis pease, who rat the same and by political triek.ry cod ths prwMtaties of law; cad if their eeessitaw tresbis than it is set esengh M Mktg Meet re- pented* and resMttetaa WESTERN DAIRYMEN'S ASSN. (Neta b w S.crwary•) Daring the pest law weeks I.spseler Miller has made visite ed iespsetbu sod is- stretKsm to the Silver Corers, Kenilworth, Bothwell, ♦icteric, Walsh, Sasser►til. Lyon, Thaaseiesl, fithet. )(tabors, sad Carthage het.rie., T0. larger .ember of Mises Omits have bees made for the parpote ell imsoaotiog the sulk. While thei.epeeter has very maxi test - mg to do, it is net po.ible te give meek N finite iaete.ettea in m•klag, as • large share of the time a taken tap in easpliug the milk and in m•kiag the tett. To give proper is - sweetest in .ierse-m.kiug. the peones re doing ebeuld he in a enmities to examine the Savor sad quality- of the silk when being put Into the vat ad te take fall *barge of the vat from the fist the milk is heated till the curd is ready for the press. Uoles 0. is able to do this the i.atraelor wtU not he able le show his pupils how the milk should to handled at the; various sages, and to point enc the important features Si the Indies ptetes is preceded with. Ha.... if factory.., whew •pplyins for the taeps• tr, want iastrastio. in .hew s•klN they should not expect him to de muck milk io•tio.e t r the i.opeot*r's dervtote have been oomiag in very Net rOtemtly-,witk one or two sxceptioos they are •11 tor milk insp.otao. A great many f•ctorytnen write or tele- graph tor the inspector am wen as there is the least auspices of the milk being •s- pared with, and *sped • vat from his the next day. ween it may not be possible for bier to make • visit for • ewple of weeks. Where peribl., applications should be made at least • week before the inspector ..,veer we required, or if this cannot be dose then Weald of be say disappointment it • week or se elopers before the visit is nada Th. Asoeoue. i. •rrahging for • special exhibit of dairy cattle in coameeteoa with the Guelph Fat Steck Show on D.e.atnr 10th. Iltb, 12th, 1896. Cash .ad spacial pride se the amount of 2210 will be given. These prizes will be datribeted in live elude, four pure brad climes ad one grade e1...: and .hall b. awarded •ocording to the following mode : 20 point for constitution and eoaforna- tion. 1 point for each pound of milk. 20 point for each pound of fat. 4 points for sash pound of .olids not tat 1 point for each ten days in milk atter the first twenty days (limit 200 days). 10 potent will be deducted from the total soot* for each per Dent of fat below 3 per esus. in the milk. It is sincerely- hoped that breeders of dairy cattle in Western Ontario will take an intermit in this .how and forward sumer- ow exhibits. It will be a theism for • Winter dairy .how. The cheese markets last weak were ez- oeedinrly dull, very few .ales taking plum. Some -lane's were disposed of at figures les than 8 cent. Not many Jane's were .old, factory -men preferring to hold for awhile. though some July's were offered for 8 owls, but were not talkie up M the livers. WESTERN DUST STORMS. Meet selbe Mad Sweep..f toe Wlads leer Ile Creat Desert. Hertford Times • Then is no poisst climate en this round earth we eal1 oars. Paradise may afford such : but meanwhile, between herb and there, is a champs to make a variety ot iaterestiag observations. The dud storms of the "Gnat Anwriosa Dame" .re not fully treated in the "attractants" et various new towns issued by speculators, The dart storms of Colorado, New Mexico, Arizesa-the whole desert eectieo in what- ever Sate -Gee important factors is the chanes for comfort. and soothes of the new settler. rte mirth of • coming dust storm .n, many. The air is electric, • feather will cling to the fifteen, the sky is oft times /ray and streaked. the children 11* the schools. even the primaries, are nervous. Saddsly the bit et paper in the ,treat bogie to wind; 804.0 you will see the deet coming like • nailing storm cloud : the sky is obeenred : everything out of doors is " se the ay :" the slim branches of the meant ootheaweds shah the air. and if you are eafeetasabo enough to be out of doors, your eves. nese, sad mouth will be titled with alkali duet, while yes are @ trivia, to make headway amino • whirl- wind. If yen are actor .over, you will baste. to drop windows and shades : bat the duct is c ire it w11 penetrate whatever air ed. The pattern of the carpet may be eMitsra4.d, sad is some et the went has in New M.zioe an eye-witaem has said that drifts ave been farad es the flaw fres OSS to two inches In depth - "How lone does a alarm last' ' Sometime' an hoer, semhetimes three days --awning with great violin., at intervals. We ad known eat that masthead • weak, with the ezesptiea of ono day for • resets T0. .fed upon • dryad temperament is datr miar : there is • desire se hide the bead like an d,trioh : to creep tete thee hole, tooevurthe Nee seasnot to the this wild turmoil of whirling things. The irritability ie se great with some preens as to onlmia•te is Its ef waging. This is fel leered by ni•et'iah. it is not improbable that yawl stores had aa to the bender of the "Ail dwelllmp." A dust Herm may .car at any time et the year hal the Spain. is especially welds. W0.n the k m," the wind from the desert. 'Haws in," be It..rtT et water, the weal kid of • .lam Millr die se its shunt The 0.r- ease .aped m.alle M .018.4 e Mesews, what' dretek he Wise bore and Yore en's plata, tedity be t0. 501 .p winds that ever • lh.. s.1 segues et deet has. W *al ,sad them far .enterta ily seam, dust steer are essidered e savesgae. Same thank the sir seams purer pia atter emq sad se N d..., en t0. p t. 1s. oboe t e teeth Wm latherwhoaN h.._ 4s... Nubia bar tbt.0 am hasffitlw as dry satbh b • din h5tewd,Ms Wing fret the threat sed te the serve •ad Ohs ~d►.areva ease a 'gEls.Ihl •ala le evIdalnu fW glRi6wtlea A POLITICAL BOMB. Hon. N. C. Wallace Expected to Throw One Ere Long. CONTROLLER TO ISSUE A MANIFESTO ibY as the Toper es grasp 1Ir,la (5 M.aheat Mea 514.11. are ret ultra as N Masa ab. a1..If1Me 1. L.hbed Ter It Ras 11M_,... ter awns *yoke. Montreal. Ang. 7. -Some of the ec- hoes ofthe recent ()range mt. t.ug at Halifax have reached the city and are the subject of a good deal of com- ment amongst members of the Montreal lodges. Mr. William t1.1 - t•ralth, the leading Orangeman of Montreal. and perhaps of this I'ro - vince. states tb::t Hon. N. Clarke Wal- lace may be expected to throw a bomb- shell into the political arena In the near future, but when any details are asked regarding the nature. site or chan.cter of this promised projeetlle that U so soon to tome from the (;rand Master Mr. Galbraith becomes as dumb as the proverbial oyster. and no fur- ther details can be gathered. 1t is believed, however, by the NIont- teal Orangemen that Hon. N. Clarke Wallace will resign his position a. Controller of Customs. and at the same time issue a manifesto t• fling I.1s friends why he has seen lit to do ,0. The only difference that exists In the minds of Mr. Wallace'* friends here 1s that a certain portion 1..lfeve that the hon. gentleman's resignation is only a question of a very few weeks. while others are of the opinion that the crisis will not come so soon. There Is likewise a good dead of talk amongst the brethren regarding the strained relations that exist between the Grand Marler and ex -Mayor Clarke. It has only leaked out to -day in tact,that Mr. Clarke was the one gentleman of the Grand Lodge dele- ration who was not invited to occupy • place In the car allotted to the Grand Master and hit friends when the Orangemen were leaving Montreal for Halifax. There can be no doubt that the Deputy grand Master felt the alight very keenly and was not slow in exprrpsing himself In this sense to any one who might come along. TO. report of the Government en- gineers who were appointed to enquire Into the state of tfie Montreal Har- bor Improvements and report there- on Is to -day made public. The har- bor commissioners had asked the Gov- ernment to assist them in raising the FLIP of 14.000.000 In carrying out and completing the work. The commission- ers advise that the guard pier be con- tinued nut, but that the Immediate future does not warrant the expendi- ture of two millions In this part of the work, as proposed. They advise that the scheme of high level when.•s be reconsidered. as Mo great need exists for the same. It Is also stated that, whether the aid given to the Montreal Harbor Commissioners be a direct loan. purchase of bonds, or a guaran- tee of interest. Is a matter for Gov- ernment consideration. The oo-nmis- sloners. In fact, consider the exten- .Ion eastward preferable. and also hint that the dry-dock at Maisonneuve will be a necessity to a few years. They conrider that In the event of their construction the root should be borne by the Dominion Government and the work placed under Its con- trol, not because the revenues of the port of Montreal would prevent the •-immixalonere from undertaking them. but because the natural Importance of the trade warrants its assumption by the Dominion. On the whole, M. -sant. Thomas Munro, Louis Cost, and Will- iam Anderson, the commis,Mner, In question are of the opinion that 112.- 100.000 will be sufnclent to do all the necessary. work. A very Strang, ease Is about to come before the courts In Terrebonne County, and this Is only another proof se to the people's easement to go to law. It appear?, that quite a number of the faithful, both sexes being re- presented, were waiting their turn to enter the confessional when a dotpute• arose between a man and worn ars to who had the first right to enter. The lady was about to claim that It was her turn when, as le nth g, d, the was taken roughly by the h n.1 and pushed back. in fart. .1 finger was hrrtken during the werimmare. h^nm the (t, tion for damag. w that In i,+ out to be Instituted. Messre. Fred J. illrrhard roe! A. E. McFarlane, second -year student.; of Toronto t'nlvenl!y• rolled Intim treat to -day On 1.11-) -1.-s. They left the Queen (`Ity Thule -lay week. and after wheeling Into Rine -ten. 180 miles, they took the boat to Brock - yllle, and thence to Ottawa t -y the road. Th.- Lie were also used from the t':pit:.l to this salty, the yrwee !.•nib m.•n leaving for Quebec by the North whore this afternoon. Mesons. Birchen, and McFarlane will travel bark nn their %%held? from Que- bec to Toronto. eToectIne to rea.D nom. about the 222nd of Aufu.0 The 4'..helt.r el atisasens, The Controller M Customs. Hon. N. C. Wallace. was In town yesterday,but returned to Woodbridge In the after- noon. Sine, last Naturbt7 he haw been taking a whort holiday aeons hie constituents In Wart York. and 5111 continue amongst there for tbe balance of the week. He le certainty entitled to a holiday. A friend of the Controller's, who evidently p(tasr•a,u his confidence, says these in PO Iut•n- tlon of the Cnntrofpr resrptteg for tbe prevent, sad that none of his vol- harues are in any way disposed to Ouggeat the mama Femme re irselwds tea Aga. San Francisco. Aug. l -Tag elate Labor Commissioner has prepared a petition to 1'4one/ream adkttrg for the ps..*ge of a law to rennet the beast - grottos of Japanese ab tap United StaTh.t.. fact 1s set forth that hteeati- re Don of Japanese labor a this Mtate prot -ed tlsat 5014 tnkor Lis 0.154 .SppIamtId b (-j tmpot'tn_ Goma red that era pen remit,, r rtvmaeeA by Congress the white `bnewn we thou be torsed oft 0f the Sate it M the ',stealth's to Awe liar widths' etiritedebeil tenth rarrt1'd r tut Ise be SWIM 1111 Qmam■ a riche ee ream's, 1m 1111111111110111 SAE. Aates.ca. 5MJ.es RieM/sta a Valaatli ''/hams Ottawa, Aug. 7. -Governor Shultz bee rust sent a communication to the Go teat hen, drawing altentie• anew to the actlone of American whaling vessels at mouth sal the Mee- keosle River. The Information sleets he forwards is gathered from the let- ter ..f a mislonary who spent last win. ter In that Inhospitable region. It s to the effect that no lea. than lot United States whaling vessels winter- ed at Herschell Island. Complaints have frequently been made of late years by the Hudson flay Company, who have protested to the Government against the unfair eompetltk,n to witch they are subjected by the oe- ermtWns of thew Intruders Is the far north. A11 the Hudson Bay sul.p.ies which are brought Into the country pay duty upon entry. while the goods which the whalers trade to the RequI- maux pay no customs tax whatever, there bring no organisation In these districts. .Another objection is that by means of the traffic Indians are supplied with spirits, with the usual demoralizing effect, Apart from these objections there Is the further consideration of which the Government is bound to take notf. e, sooner or later, namely, the delltrue- tkm of the very valuable fisheries by these foreign intruders. American whalers have a station at Point Bur- row on the hearing Strait. From this point. however, they are unable t•-• enter Arctic waters In time to be- nefit by the early fishing. whereas, by wintering at Herschell Island.thry can commence operations almost with the first breaking up of winter. es the Immense body of water going out of Mackenzie River clears the estuary of drift be for many miles out to era. 11 Is during this early period of the year. especially, that great numbers of whales and other sea animals are ca:ltured by the visiting foreigners. In view of the value of these fisher- ies and the harmful effects upon the nettles Copulation which this illicit trad- ing Involves. It is more than Ikely that before long the Government will he induced to send an expedition to the mouth of the Mackenzie River. As a matter of fact very little is known concerning the resources of that great section of country and of the waters which flow through ft or wash Its love- ly shores during summer months. The Hudson Bay Company have never been very communicative os these subjects, although It is well known that a very considerable portion of their valuable stock of furs and the like comes from the Mackenzie River country. Hon. Jots Wood, Controller of In- land Revenue, leaves to -morrow for Montreal and Quebec on a tour of In- opection. Sir Adolphe Caron and Hon. J. A. Ouimrt left this afternoon for Mont- real. The Postmaster -General will re- turn to -morrow evening. The object of his departure was to bid farewell to hs sister, a nun. who Is going (0 African Mlesions. Hon. John Haggart went west again to -day, and w111 not return till the lth. Chief 1•;ngineer Schreiber is Inspecting the work, at the Soo Canal. He will make a thorough examinatl n of the channel, to be eertafn that It is entirely free from obstructions be- fore the canal is formally opened for navigation. Now that the question M Imposing a duty of 21 per cent. on Canadian dressed lumber has been taken up by United States authorities, the Cana- dian Government is being generally congratulated by lumber men on this side of the line for their foresight In last se -pion imposing a duty of 25 per cert. on dressed lumber Imported from countries where similar Comedian lumber is not admitted free. The matter of imposing duty upon Cana- dian dressed lumber is now before a board of appraisers In the United States and Is Delmer watched with In- terest by Canadian lumbermen. and especially those of Ottawa, as the con- dgnment upon which the questloa arose was shipped from this city re- cently. It was a car -load of planed cad tongued and gr oved red pine de- ptlned for New York. 1t was claimed by some American authorities that the lumber wee more than "dressed." so - cording cording to ordinarily accepted mean- ing of the term. They contended that the feet of tt being tongued and grooved displaced It from the category of " de•sned'• lumber, as "dressed" 'limply meant lumber planed on botk sides. This contention was upheld by the board M arbitrator., but the ?hipper. afterwards appealed to next higher tribunal, the Board of Appraise era by whom the matter is now be - Ing considered. Lumbermen here re- gard It ar a cane of hair-splitting- It M understood Canadian custom au- thorities decided not to take any Me mediae, action In the matter of levy- ing re -Iprocal dues on Imported Am- oy -lean devotsed lumber, pending de.ia- i.•n of the hoard of Appraiser. is New York. Maim Is the a.N.r. At Providence Provl.lence ..I 0 2 0 0 0 3 1 1--0 14 3 ituffalo 002000002--4 a 2 Rudderham, MoAulay; Herndon. Ur- quhart. Umpire. fltwarawood. At Wilkes-Barre : Wilke.- Barre 4,8yrmcu.e 1; no pate only 3ISMS'S, rein►. Rattetie..Kernan. regains; Harnett. Heat. t'atplre, Haff- ner. At Roston Brooklyn .... 1 1 0 0 2 0 4 00-4 11 0 1117tir.0001 10 2.` 1 8t,1n,n Kennedy. Grim; Ne3xton-7 411- 12 vette, Tenny. Umplrea, Burnham and Hunt. At New York • Washington. 00e00•••e-4 4 6 New Toth02.111••!-• 11 0 MemGu Mercer. Mcfrac allegligi, POrreil Umpire, Emalie. At Phila4elpilm 2 1'Allsdelpha 1••es•1014-i• 10 2 Raltlmon 0 0 0 140114-1 12 Taylor. Clememti =via' Clarkson. ROMnann. Umpltr Jest._ At Pittsburg . St_ Lours ••1.000.0-, 7 4 tr.eu,,( 2 0 1 1 1 3 1 0 0--11 17 2 RreRMtHawley, Mer- ritt. Hpvitt,tmo'D Y. At aeveleed : Qppgbsaa e, I. vtW .tubi At o.alumn =rasa 111 2 till