The Signal, 1895-8-8, Page 3THE SIGNAL: GODIPJCH, ONT., THTMDATY AUGUST i. 1SU. 3 D..wtrs. - oWON 0.1 1ia.D w►r4, .0 i wit trwp eed }ad evevel 1smJ ,ymttettm w Mar caw posies, Maly reads testy, DK. Z. RICH 1Rirl(bN. L D. e.. .rn•us deans. a.. we .naYssi els .d�tr,slYsd fur pongee , t ta, et tgat0. ,.tel.ats.'ina aero ,s tri- neemirr.ti� e Jr ewtw Inoth bins• •.a ham., garter sae 4 Jr.M. TURNBULL. D1►t+. Daalal egrs.w.. aL.o loris w wee L. Gila. a troel a p«eelea twinkled teak nWeete oa .n,41 a altm- r.as easeal eitte.1(.m ho mien& to t �j p of the natural ten b. is 1_... taw blot - Medloal. '- I( HEINTRft. PHYSICIAN SO 1 see. gOdoti e,-McLe Night eel s. fiats /trait& g„ .1R. J. HAMILTON. VETERINARY usensas. graduate of t/.t.reu Vetelley Odlt.e, Toronto. thegunnned no-n.l,ar of Oa - mpg Veteria.ry Medd Amucietioe. �a,,e�nm'tpt1• ieteadod at all ball ttwY tit llMoikrusliws street gleans 13 err Iitap6 EKNOST HEATON - BARRISTER, Solicitor. Pecan Pubic Achmos's lack West ihrer4 few ty MO. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, SO- after. oemseeede.er. «r:, Mowry In Orem : wee Manias ..d I. As- dr.w'rae. (1.d.rls&. (het. MI IOFTC'S Z DANCZY, BARRISTER, .i Solicitor. Oo.vge e.r. tit.. ate. Money was at tweet rales Rer1.'. Bleck. Op- posite Colb0res Hoed. feeder's!. Ost. 11161-u FFli-- N. LEWIS. BARRISTER, PR00- c. tee Is Maritime e s1M Censors* tete. of (earls . D 0 BAYS. BoMUSTIER. SOLICIT 1 .. OR. Ito. tl0os North .L_ oat door e,bNat. U4See. tort, .t• r -war to [cad 1 lovas rates of l.Nr+1. 1'760• !v ARROW t PROUDPOOT, BAR - risers Attorney*, aollettere, lox. Bode Mph. J. T. Oarrow. Q.C.. W. Presentee. `,AMERJN, HOLT & HOLES, V Barrister., Bolbtters la Chn0oery as. fi b. M. C. O•wn ea. 4.1:. ; P. Ildt Q. WARD. OONVSYANOIR, J. to.. sad s..missl..- tor taxing ad re - swiss malars vee. of WI. .tadavlts n . 00th. dspeetio.s or solemn dealers - tram la er gay suttee. *tit or pro *admit is the Court of J t.+eee, the Carte Appeal tar or in gay Casty or Division Court. AM trsarmot tons ad promptly caseated. Residence tad P. .ddrrss-Dnse..no. One rr -tt heaths amt iasuranow SEAGZB. CONVEYANCING AND inearaneserae. s.p0Mt4MartlesR.tel 11IONEY�pTO LEND ON MORTQAOI S[AO.R 01/. app site MMs:nil a H1 OWI.Ode rick. MONEY TO LOAN. - $25,000.00 WM Private Paid. to Isad at (s• per deal an- araagy. WPPUS & DAli('tY. Norton's Moak, W ilesite Celaew Mosel. Clearest'. 45f -t( L'J. T. NAFTEL, FIRE, LIFE AND . amides% tasle.ace agent : at lowest rate*. Odliao---Cor. Norte -ea. and tlguer. God- aeiat 7l - S600,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO `P CAMERON HOLT it HO1.MIMI. Bede- rtok. till MONS) To LEND. -A ._ A R 0 means of Private load. for Iave0n.5 al low',* rate se tirstd.m Mor'-g.see. Apel) . DARROW t PROUDr/1OT [1.RADOLIVPZ, GENERAL IPI- . ,tante., Real hidroa .sd Meda/ laas1N 4 ugly an nixed e.mp.ules reptessaar Mensa to Load eta send. lots. at tr. lowed rate of Iatea.M .Nig. 1. as wto .tut tha oorrower. OS..- saway door from Square. West a*t;e.L Bed lob Ott► rNi Ribiame Institute. - J I '1 ODEItIOH 11NQHAIYIUb' INSTI- l]< TUTZ LIBRARY AND BOOM, tor, .t East tenet and 8gaare Ise Offs hem 1toeode..sad tress 7a1eeat. ABOUT 2000 VOL'B IN LIBRARY. /wading Daily, Weekly oddUw /afir.ted MEMBERaAIi' TIC 1EST, ONLde. et.Y •0. e reatlag free use of Library and Reeding - Resat. nepliestiens oad - AM("mtiens Mt Iltellibenato resolved by Libreria. Innen' J. H. CO�LBOeeRNE. H. HAMILTON. fiedertop Moroi 1140 11111.1.(be.rlas 'PHOBIAS GUNDRY, AUCTIONEER .mode I.egmetsall� 1. Uo4erls.. Oat. mea ens+.' IIiweiss $asd Les. Co. Saks *l•1- asaded to In say port of the aunty. ably doHN KNOX. ORIGEN AL AUG - tease sal Leal valuator. 0d«tek. DAL Moving had eweide ate. e b thseme trate. he Is 14 • OS m1*a� mewith owed to himat W m. aiSitM to hie t - NCO., Rsantsin atWdM to. JOOIt 1(Ox osionty Austtwser oath Fust sow wo.na.-Teat's • mem Moo )(Mrs woollies, Malde Nomad raw woman-- Yak, my linerord gave me • hes of 'em ter Christman. het f1 1 dost smoke 'esti it will break kis heart. - Wenn Nowa cot...E1 ZYarsaoarilla THiS SPRING TAKE THE NEW MEDICINE AND THE TALE OF THE TOWN. s.ve,eiy Isl.,sd, lits. Lewes, East st-, e..t•i ed • seven inquiry Wednesday afternoe., by OS *add white possessed the .de l lar low. .ad ivaloted se .even • we..d that she is caw tumble to walk, adds rade nedM•1 tri_____ wver0.red Der Ara ll.1 week Mrs Wm. I.aeh.m had the stinlortuna to badly fraoture Mr arm. She was standing w tin supe dame the .teem door, was • strung dust of wird struck it and the duos swinging toad .tree► lin. !..sham, who tell heavily to the around, *uelsiesse • seven (reignite of 10 arm. Mks is atm programme favorably, although the wound r e.e of mammal ..•city. • 5 vl.N *0ru.sery. Messrs. Collins, father and see, teem Glegme, bare punbao.d the pleat sad ma- ehtuery of the old wools. mill at Piper's dam, leerily ran by Mr. Dickson The new firm aro practical mes mi the bsmre s and mead iatrodust.g improved mmobnwtry tad ratters the prsmses up to -date improve - sesta Leman work will be • speoaali1y, and they are new yropsred to puro►sm wool. We wise them stese.a. tfle .Mrtg's caw Spada. C. A. Humber t So., have saver pitted the .pend. that Sheriff Gibbons used u [.ra- mi tori fins end for the Uderteb Curling mrd Slates, Riak, and it is now ea view it the *bow wiadow of that firm. The follow- ing inewipcion is engraved on the tare of the spade : "Presented to Robert Gibbose, Shand's( Hiro., Hon. President of God an - rich Curling tad Skating Aseoeutioe, ea the meaam et his turuis4 the tint sod and breaking the ground for the .rection of the building, July 4, 1846.' The Rler.le Parade. The bicycle parade on the Slane Wei- ned•y *venni, wadi ao tntawtiaa sp«taol. to • lave sumac of onlooker*. A proces- sion was formed, and mude several toss of the Squ.ra,to tb• calcanei of tee 'poem. on. The leading t..turw in the prossenoe wee seven old whale, of the vintage of 1880, white were airmailed arise the I.aderebip of Frank Humber. Amasyst the wheelers of toe ancient days who took part were 1. S. Platt, Harry Parsoas, A. Nebel, Greg. McLea, Jas. Thoma. and Jack (Arks. A number of evolutions and intik movements on u • big wheels were per formed by Humber. Platt tai Greg. Me- lon, who were eatbusiastimlly applauded by the onlookers. The parade tbrougnout was much .ppreeiMd by the epscators, many of whom were Summer viaton to tee town. (auadma. 04.100 Very well. Canadians generally, have ben some remmrkaoi• things quite renally A H.m*ltoe an (Hayhurst) has teeu from the teak shots of th. whole world the pipest prize is the greatest shooting .om. p01111 . en earth. A Hamilton girl (Min Mollwraith) has entreil one of toe "'rightist, beet owe 'eructed ad moot entirely iaaresttrg bite of dation. "The Making of Mary." that the literary world km sem in many • loon day. A London sal has woe the prim offered by • Washington paver for the best cry a. George Waahi.gto.. Caesium' Hail was the best member of the Cornell crew at Henley. (w.aden Hackett was the fastest oars - aro at Saratoga. Cardio Peter McArthur. • yammer who • few years aro was writing rperte on toe Toronto Mal, hem just ben made editor of Truth, the New York comic weekly, at • salary as large as the aerie' they pay bank presidium In Cada. The folks of the northern zome seem to b. doing tel.rubly well - Ex. an t.prsuable riebing-bout. Some short time .go, • tows angler was tempting the wily ham from • boat -house. Afar lading two, wither of wheel could be stretched to ten inches, he made another cast, and at was from this throw that the trouole cam. .bout, for the orayddish, with whish he hook was heated, had backed in to some hole. Afar tr tag for a tame to ✓ elease the book, and Mathis it impossible, be .ought the easista.os of • canoe that was betide him. and t) tar it to the boat -house door, be was sew using the most buoyot of water -craft for the purpose. Carefully holdt.g on to the beet house be placed his right foot .s t he prow, and with the .sots care he placed the left beside it. At this mom - .at the door, unneti.d by the malar, some . wing nand, ev.rtars.d the omce.,mod left rho am,it« of the wily base astride Its keel It has been suggested by some that as sorter was trying to (eel the bottom ; that he was trying to motet* • well knows 0osst official who h.d, the day enviously, w teroogh the river ; by other" that be as.amed the pesitter bemuse be could not help it Then is one suggestion, however, 10.t has not hose made, and that is, that be may hove hem trying to work out aces or- lgiaal echeme for • patent ware-.yele. glow • calf. -..mar was cored For the benefit of ore or two legal wife beaten we give tie following, from an ex- dAWermaa Doeohue, of Wilke*Mrr., Pa, W . star method of perishing wife-beetesa Mn. Charles ))or..y , wife of • colored era, eenplaird to hiss that her busload kinked add boat her. The widen.. did not wart to seed the w to jail. eo be tried 0Ld• n ese. Calling Dorsey b ode eke he gave him ifty oma ad told Lim to make triads with hie wit add doe to beat her again. Thor he ion the easels slow. Mtge be retrraed the *ettlens.t had wet hen' eAiese- .d, and the woen was aryl.,. i*.a*raed that Deny preferred geJer to jail es May- tag free mid working t« his family. 1'6e roamed the ire of Dowhw, ad he galled the aggro tato kis rear .des "Take MQ your mat !" he sheeted to the lot"- he' t', hem!" queried Messy, bosons Mg Mame& " T.0.a that seat !" th.rimoed*nD...- N &ss. r•lef ►is ewe. The else reit( with ren* trepidation and may looks. He was .et kept Mu, V copies As men as Der.00ee throw he east .sib be *pent .t Dorsey sad keeeksd him deux A. he mesa the Alarm= maid him right sad left sad k.sa ted hinmerdeo�wn y.ir. The e we �▪ *n~p.Ai glieetiagive mJwoteh.� W par Ai she .ad .1 that oma D..skeeim«ged Iran the i••. r(at slimp d bead Me. Nsidmeta he w hrtzpthe fifty gees gam Ogre, W Thee he .....* s&. "CN oma inert ides a.+ bow year beak of your 'apb'.f'apgnad "'Tea1.. edMel Ma I w, ," . aggro gage eeptemed ani in eali to ill` *eel ham ilea. Terata --.kir. rd yes an .d ie gggg d areas feeds I gore ION T '* flat tine tree to psi 11r111 T' » r4 1 NEXT IMMO YOU WILL TAKE NO OTHER INSANITY HIS DEFENCE Murderer Gauthier Pleads That He la Crasy. LANCIyIN'a COLONIZATION SCENE • A..ode Maung is amebae w Colonise Ronnie** w fah Vre.ea Coilielles- eaut.. Was A0t.law 1 •aeehoe nuardor wags. anew Tsars Ails. Montreal, Aug. 1. --Mr. Loafs J. A. Papineau, Soo of the Louis Joseph Papineau of Rebellion iamme, and cab., wax made 00)40 aced some time ag , by ren.,uncing Catholicism to become a Presbyterian, hes contributed 1100 to the Cbenler monument fund,wblch, by the way, appears to be dragging lust now. Mr. Papineau says. That It was worthy of the oligarchy that rules Canada to -day, when they had lust admitted free of duty the statue of its idol, Sir John Macdonald. Thi, oligarchy, ears Mr. Papinrau. le the near par'ae.t - it that b-auro racy which it took such efforts and suffer- ing -to destroy at one of the most me- moilable periods of our history. What we want Is a new generation of pat- riotism to relognlze our liberty. awn- ed. Louis J. Papineau. Montebello, Aug. 1. 1896. Archbishop Iatngevin ardently desires to strengthen his position In Mani- toha if a around school difficulty should present itself In the near future. Rev. Abbe Morin, apostle of colorgsatlon for the Northwest arrived to the city to -day and states that His Grace of Rt Bonitace has given instructions to the iter. Abbe Corbell of that dlocest to go to work In the interest of French rettlement In the Prairie Province. Hp to the present time all efforts In this direction have teen confined to the Prince Albert and other districts to the territories. It appears, however, that Archbishop Langevin .s about to make an- attempt to fill u;. the unoc- cupied lands In Manitoba with French speaking people and that with the end in view the Rev. Abbe Corbell will be started out to preach the new colonisation crusade. Asarle Gauthier. the murderer of Celina Costigny, was up before Judge Desnoy-ers to -day. Mr. E. N. St. J,oha appeared for the prisoner and wilt put In the plea of Inanity. Gauthier 1.14 Detective Lafontaine that the d••ceas- ed had confessed to him a se ret, and ever atter he had as uncontrollable de- sire to kill his sweetheart. The prison- er says he wants jurtice and does not want to be treated like Chatelle. The Inquest will be finished to -morrow and Gauthier will go to the Queen's Reneh for trial. The court officials do not put any faith In the Insanity plea. Gauthier s the young man who was arrested about eight years ago and tried for the murder of a farmer named Monteith In the Lower Lachine - road. The case was a celebrated one at the time. Gauthier and two other young men named Belanger and Bherl- en went to Monteith's farm to atrial apples. Mr. Monteith te_±uted the thieves add ran after them. Beteg three to one. they showed flight. canal the farmer, who had a pttchfork In his hands, ran at Gauthier, who drew a revolver and shot him. Monteith died a few days afterwards. and Gauthier was tried for murder. but was acquit- ted. his friends proving that he shot In self-defene�e. ME NINOWIe■ rMTMAayZRMltr. A inhale finds. M M 0std..t tar I..taar. of Mea 4. C. Pau.sa.e. Windsor: Ont.. Aug. 1.-A few weeks ago Postmaster Ouellette of Sand.- h was suspended. Among a number of applicants for the place were C. F Pequegnote and John Spiers.ixoth gen- eral merchants of the town. It was given to Pequegnot. but the appoint- ment was made without consulting Hon. J. C. Patterae'n of Essex. who was nn a western trip. On his return he took a hand In the appointment. with the result that Pequ••gnot's com- mission was recalled yesterday and Spier. appointed. PART ATLAS/11W SIMV 1('. air Ckartee Tupper *gals !.erre Willi ■r. (lagabertala. London. Aug. 2. -Sir Charles Tupper Canadian HIgh Commissioner, had a long interview with the Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlaln,Secretary of State for the Colonies. yesterday. Sir Charles made a number of e.ggestlons regard - Ing a subsidised service between Can- ada and the Mother Country, and Mr. Chamberlain made counter sugges- tions. No decision upon the subject under consideration was reached Sir Charles Tupper Is preparing to submit i,1, proposition In fuller detail to the Colonial Office. Another despatch says : Joseph Chamberlain, Secretary of State for the Colonies. ins under con,lderation the question of aasuttng th tn.' est.o- Ilahment of a fast Canadian eteamshtp service across the Atlantic. With the view of arrtvtng at an early decision, the Colonial Secretary has tnstrneted the Departmental Committee having the matter in charge to expedite Its report on the subject. Ilan* Amara A0A1VT Tri. raga amiss .-md..es `*mesial ore Take a Thr raisin use. et Petersburg. Aug. 2. -An execute, conspiracy has boss discovered tit. of the Seminary aad Unl- it A 1 Z1 . aiming at the Intro - d a pus et greater freedom et sea* wee the f.wv.ulsig .� NE f. ileo r.«eaw i pier& that the 0.s been made that the Velma b the Ulavt silty at Iteseeww are planning g�to .slwdd kte the Clear. received bar* kf w s vellestreport s 1.,d�e. to t0e tr tasMwlty to ori .glq In a ora tali Ilio ssrasslssllns et M czar. Mom w a errs r liwedr� I Latakia. •-•wheal40 M alp t1e.a. tesla **art - Waled ea Leask Dm a Vii. w. ▪ a.. took Mead tale 0.�a nod feed M. Mtwara/it Tribute ; CaammeaLeut, B. N., July 90.-Akeet sixty were leads ./ Ingham from Y..kt.. anon pend thrombi town te attend • fave.M.a el lee Norte and &sal Dakota I.disee, wbish •e caw u se the Lower Brale mammy soder eke supervises of Wisp Hare. Oes N ed delegate iron Stradag 1(o.k needs)). expected to die daring the jerrwey sad took • «!iia with him i• the wades. His es- pemt•ttos* were realised, and he bag been buried at lower Oral.. erU1te'e rrenlMnt /wrafers Dater elves /ane. Orilla, 1'eb. 111th, 11194. ELM AN8IJN, BATh.8 A 00., Ueutlemeu, - About three or four weeks ego I bed an attack of Itching Piles. l tried two or three different remedies recommended by dtwgists as "the beet and only care," etc., eta, but got no relief. About the time 1 wee be- ginning to despair of finding toy relief, carie sumo .light mte,iviugs I bought a butt of your pile cure, which 1 em pleased to my gave me almost umlaut mite( and permanent cure. l consider your (hut. meet• (iod-send. ALF. .1. DEAN. BUM BIT IH WINTBB Thet u what you oa have by getting ode of the Celebrated HOWARD WARM AIR FURNAC ES put to your house. 'Tie is what ooe of our attze.s says about It: Goderioh, March 15th, 18115. Howard Nurture (b, Gentlemen, -In answer to your request of the 1st cast., I have to my, that my Howard Furnace is • o.nbi.maroa of hot water up stain and warm a down stairs. The uoasamptioa of fuel has beau Lem than we formerly required with two opal stoves, and the Winter now almost past, has bees a unusually seven one, yet we have been unusually oomfortabls m every part of the bourse. It s so easily messaged and so amele In manipulation, that we have kept the house at •u even temperature of shout 70 degrees ail Winter, day and night. Such is its construction that we have no duet or gas escaping. and altogether we Dad It as Dearly perfect in every re* as it u pos- sible to get • Furnace. My Furnace was put m by your Agent hen, Mr. J. H. Wor- sen, to • meet eati.t•ctory manner, in haft se much oro Yat when completed and ready for briar up we have Dot required him to touch anything .bout It amps, so perfect bee his work been in every respect. 1 only weeder sow that we got along at all se long without a Furnace, and I would not ro hack to stoves J I got therm and the oral every year for nothing. Yoram respectfully, Ata( Hub. ALLAN. If you think of having a Furnace put in, 0.11 and see ea diad we will be pleased te gave you an estimate. J. H. WORSELL, Hoofing and Fur ii•ntLTow ST*OST. race . epectaltp. PLANING MILL. ESTABLISHED 1811. Bllchailalls & 8hluas r.rvr•orvneam SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dellen is all Mods et LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES And bander', material of every description School Furniture a Specialty. �pANONu iP • eGtNTtLMRss ems o PALMO TAR SOAP tsOtu.ITMT h cwfat$ nit SCALP. RELIEVE; Nit ORYNt$S Ally so PREVENTS 11A� fRUAIR alit. r :sus To Smokers: Te mesa whine N Oar Cnea.mers Time W.. t. a IM. Co.. w.. Into., 040.. [fare placed .pee the mreelN A Combination Pla4of "T& B" SMOKING TOBACCO. This supplies a long felt want, giv- ing the consumer one 20 cent plug, or a 10 cent pieoe or a 5 cent piece of the famous "T & B " brand d pure Virginia Tobacco. Tile Ttv Tee "T & B" b os Burl Pieta. Rob Roy Cigar A END'S SYSTEM R[NOYATOR PURIFIES lad STRENGTHEN. TiS Swop, Deviates dos MINI of the Deer and ;Y11� N/ gal be found Indispensable in cases of Female Irreguled and Urleary Diseases. ate Per (IesgalM «.ens MI.N te Mao LfiOD�H LABORATORY. MU H,. EVERY DAY A BARGAIN DAPI Our MR DOBIE has just returned from the East, where be ham secured some special Bargains in } General Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings, &c., 300 Ladies' ample Hats, Rib3ons, Flowers, Laces, Handkerchiefs, etc., etc. ALL NEW GOODS, "Fria: Aral Belo IIc�ular Call and investigate. Yours respectfully, DOBIE & CO., North Side Square, Goderich, - - P. O'Dea's Old Stand IAMOND 1 Like the DIAMOND we shine, especially in NOVELTIES. STERLING BELT PINS STERLING WAIST SETS STERLING BELTS. Also we carry a nice line of FANS for the warm season. C. A. HUMBER & SON SQUARE, (01)ERI('H. SUPERIOR JEWEL FURNACES It's no because I'* Scotch but 701i canna eflrke a better Cigar than ISY,tf fes Nit 5c. but I get tat A :err f•T a metier. Are the most Powerf,.l Heaters in the World. For Ecenom� , Durability,and an ea.- ily regulated Furnace, it has no equal. Foe S•Lit rt; HARPER & LEE. P. 8. -For Coal or Wood. 4. --HAMILTON. n►n►rnnr " Hot enough---" Climatic changes, or variations in the atmosphere, have no effect on E. B. Eddy's Match is which light readily at any time, Hot or Cold, Rain or Shine. This can be said only of E. B. EDDY'S MATCHES. You perhaps won't know it with its New Diiss on, BUT IT'S - THE FAIR JUST THE SAME. Saturday is Our Bargain Day. DON'T MISS IT I We are again in shape after our ssige of house-cleaning to welcome all who come. A BRIGHT SPOT Aso MRRA, BARGAINS ase Sure te masse. Te.Maa WarG4 sal 1111•11 0 •ottlese es SW. 7� weed/ !♦► ~ e•ewoo send *eresTNee► THE FAIR. Binder Twine RIDUCTION IN PRICES ! All former quotations withdrawn. Reduction in Prices in the wholesale market having been made, we give our Ouitomers the Benefit of the Re- ductions. Cell and get our redgeed prioel4 DAVISON & 00.