HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-8-8, Page 1be THe T -U L rs•INC3 NEW8PJ`P?1R OF HZTR,ON OOT -TNT -Ir. FORTY-SEVENTH YEAR -2&29 GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA.. THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1895. D. McGILLICUDDY, EDITOR. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -AWL 8 Dies. 8er{r-4es. R.UHsw ..... .... 8 The Lass BMt--Ora Paige 8 Nesse--Mrs. Miller 1 Golf Jetaeye-J. T. Admen ..... 8 Amebic I.prWie.- W. Admen & dem 6 Fee fk+M--Robert Ysaag. 1 Laborers 8see.eier-A. R•doldfil 6 StearPrivate Eater1 s -M3. 1. M.Ds.egh .. Ba.lyed Animal.. CAMS ON THE PRKM16E8 OF SUB .sakes. le t eon. ! W.D.. Colber.e,os Of stood sdddl. of July. • year-old bell. red s� d white. ss,�yThe owner ie requested te pe e W,aRD "num Is. tete it •� 41 E STRA] LD FROM THE PREMISFS OF the subscriber. let 11. cod & E. D. Ash sem Ave beItsv.-t we two rear ods •.d two swyewr-sW.WThe milers */ each are black, rod ream and one red sad white. A&7 (afar teeth. to Ott allfvssd their M will be receiMu a 10. Bowsaw P. O. Taches Wanted. MI•:ACHER WANTED -FOR & & NO. 1 9 Colborne. Appy. mann�a•1f/ea_ nous. kc to the secretary. D. N, Prepla ::RP Safe. WILT' RALF 01 LOT 8166. ON THIS he lugged dwelling boa., •t premat by Wm. McClure. u*RROW & PRO ' D1 tIOT. d w tf L,1T 804, NORTH -STREET. GOOD frame hone.. won situated. occupied by Mrs. Sharkey. °ARROW t efoI'O. FOOT dwtt 1 (rr 912. BRO(.'K STREET. GOOD 1.4 name Muse sad ltabis. oceepiod by E. Armes esg. (IARROW t PRO(; DPOOT. A NUMBER OFhLOTS rt111 WILSON'S 4ARROW R PPRROUDp00rP of the town. 21 SHARES OF THE FIRST DISUIs of Harem t Drum Lean Co. °ARROW & I'ROCDFOOT LAMB SALE. -20 ACREI4, 24 MILES 1. from eederieb. 11 acme in oeobeed. espiew,peachashaLnce meadow. beset In good ww•...p.soed home •er fid bairn. 14gate se. 1W RC DO EON. 41-w O1.r)e•, Oaten.. FOR MAL*. -- CHEM% 011 LAMY TERM.: West halt of IM 17, cs S. West Wa•anosb. 100 acres A improved farm. ..ors K v and hart 40 •ubdiviaio. of Block !k (.Ibor&e about els acres. TO LET -The shop lately occupied by the late Tb... Saeid. Apply to M.O. JOHNSTON. barrister. Godo. etch er tf Bpeelal Notioee NOTICE -MRS. B. MILLER STILL lives la tows sad sever left. a•d Mtll weaves ~pew a the old *Moe. 9w 11 9 40 OR 60 FE KT OF THE MOST •. kr, desireable frontage on Gc.derich &sA�are is oared to cal.. Apply to A. SMITH. or.. °odericb. 9315 PRIVATE FUNDS - PARTIES DE- Nroa. of obtaining mosey on Sretchos farm .c urtty can do mo at .`r per peal bmes ▪ i7iag re.). A. Mclk)NAGH. Room rle. Lis.1 Building. Torero. whim !'lF:11AR SHINGLES FOR SALE IN 1., auantitie to wit. Orders left at the Woodridge lir.. o.rber s, or at A. S1IITHS stare. G.derieh promptly attested to. M Im WHITE LIME -PARTIES BUiLDIN(; should try my White lime. TheM.sdy tale of 11 has enabled ie to reduce the price. Thr purity allows o•e-touch more mad to be eased with 1t. eo mashie It actually cheap- er than .y other lime to the vicielty. Always e• band •t m7 Maas .f bashers ea East -et lett EDWARD 8HARMAN WANTED A rood man la year owl to reprem.t the " Foothill Nurseries of Cathode -- over 700 * rive -thy 4rt s 1n the Dominion. Fbtta& perma&e0L Salary or oemmlzsios to risbt With the Iamseatsd demand for trait • Mei- ties with us as salesman will pal You better the tosyls in farm work. Stood ter yew • Opil.•tiss SM we .111 Dhow you how to earn gold wow. 5.8.54 Tsnhses ! Ireiset the thinfor you aurins the eneesea Wealth. ParticuYts, KMGM*WSLLING1 he Toronto 1.1111110 Nebo..• 1`v °TILE TO MAGISTRATF.S. 1 1 have received the O.tara Statutes. MV10.. 1*. and am prepare& to distribute them to all magistrates sea these don 4tmnded to m- eow. them. These wattled winfoto orrice thsreed IRA ire (cert et the Pease fer H. fled ich. Jul 15. ton- with OTICE.- ALL PIR8ON8 FOUND 4.'r5 ..1Man es say leads fes .855th misting. tsmWmg. /tlass sr aberwhe trig be the mated .eeordd to farm in Sash Sash Lada w and the wee - arty knows as til Isis A eTp.� l5 the taw. ssd Oelberse X.. B./KOHLEERtor er aim of t CAM dem MISS ANNA L. SHAW, TKAACHER ot ad Otte 40frr atim set, Pnepsas W amerieh en MR. W. A. H. CUMF, ORGANIST, ate. a et Owns% d to !reward le rivOMPE s, Testa- Pfmnsitree imam nett. R A..tew�lt (...r (8 .N SNk church& P i on Zlr 114. Nodes to Credltore. ,\ aricR TO CREDITORS. elToweTh. eredtbss.1 M�&�e�eshA,It11T 11[ N[�W. ke the Ilere...lm MEd ea fmtw *8. 11th d.7 d Aes.m, A.D. 1Ml ese ea er bene TH1 Les DAT OW AUGUR. IoM. Bek t l.t..f =h. =1 Ruled at • w 91 WEST HURON EXAMS. The Rssulla In the. Riding. ti V Pmetleatrrs . the Mcoeserhl Candi. dates at the nigh settee& mammas lad Public Selma Leayleat 1*. anetostmab--Tim meesede. WE publish below the names of the •ueoeeshtl e•adidatee at the H. 8. Batman and P. S. Leaving exanti.a•ioms u the Western Division of Bur*.. The lumbers writing .md waft at the various 'mitres are gapes is the •oo.p..yw table : RNTRA$,'I Lea MING Eat E1 God.riob .103 60 17 10 Bz.wt 61 46 29 22 Dtt•g•aee. 32 21 11 7 K at•+l 25 14 Zurich 27 13 18 9 St. Helens 22 15 6 4 Or..d Said 11 7 2 2 296 182 28 58 To pass Public School Leaving • c&adi date must elitism one-third she marks on each subject, ..d ball the aggregate marks. TM ager get is 1,225: to obtain Ent;reeo. Mssdiag, ooe-ysarter of the marks on each *abject. To perm the Katmai. man im Ston on Entrance papers • e•&dtdaso must obtain lac third the marks oa each subject .&d half the segregate marks The ygreg•te for Entrails, is 845 marks, so pas, 422. All Fatness certificates here been sent. Public School Leaving certificates will be seat in a couple of maths, just all seen . blank forms are sent to the im.psotor. W. give below the maximum mark for each subfeot and the highest mark obtained by any .aadtd•t.: ENTRANCE. 8 3 HIOHa.T aims OBTAINSD. Eaglbh Grammar, V. Watson, Geography, G. R.mbrd, Ce pemtiaa, W. Rowley, Distatios, Constance Holt, Drawing, Addis* Patz, Arithmetic I Mab.4 8048., I Agnes Hay, History, Aldo. Whiteman, Erlibe Literature, V. Wame., Writing. Danis O'Coaaser, Pbvs & Tem., John Kilpatrick, Readtog, Eva Stoneman, Total, Paul Tur.ball. P. S. LEAVING. HIG1/MT MASK OBTAINED. Reading. Flossie Stambary, Drawing i (tins Bean, l Meanie Doan, Bmkps. & Writ., E. Geiger. E.Rbeh Grammer, E. Bagwell, L.glt.h Literature. B. Jardine, Bagltsh Comp., (J. Hswy, History, Aipe Hunter, Geography, W. Finley, Arith t Mea 1 G. Walker, 1 E. Hill, Algerb. and Euclid, ('. Dow., Phys. & Tem., W. Rem. Total, Alam J.ekell, Csadidatte marked ' obtained sanding on P.S. L cavi.' epees. ASH 7I ILD. i all Mark 99 105 62 80 94 105 35 36 47 50 105 105 73 80 84 106 45 50 68 80 45 50 602 845 Full Mark 47 50 42 50 129 150 100 150 109 150 85 100 82 100 91 100 200 200 150 160 71 75 970 1225 entrance No. 1 W. Gordon, timber -Petra..., Maud McCeanell. 433. Na 2- Miss Sullivan, weher-Ester.oe, Sara O'Neil, 4.30 ; Jerry 8.Iliv., 508. he. 3. Mies flora McLeod, bomber -En - trams. Tema Carrick. 514 ; Liza. Ed- wards, 422 ; Awa M.Marehy, 457. P.S. Leavine, Fiera Mel..od, 628. No 4. Wm. J Clambers, taeber-En- tramos, Mary J. Fishyaw, 446. No. 5. R, R. Brow., teacher- Eatra.o, Eva (isrdmer, 436 ; Nary Gardner, 451 ; • Hervey A&derson,537;•Wm. Rutherford, 596 ; P. 9. Leaving, Samuel Thompson, 688 No. 6. J.. Tlgert,teaeber-P.8. Leaving, Bolls Jardine, 819, No. 7, Geo. McLeod, teacher--P.S.Le•.- ir, J.. Hog., 786: Wm. M.K. xi., 770. No. 8. Cham. 11. Kiamss, pri.dp.l- 8a - tn.os, W. Begley, 500; W. (3rawferd, 469; Joint Hilo, 517; L M•Kosgh, 514; Edith Roberts, 477. P.B. LasvLs, &sem Due. - in, 706; N m. Rogers, 803. No. 9. Geo. Derain. te•.kir-Ret a..., J. Kilpatrick, b32: W. Kils.triek, 436;P.6. Leap ILL Blake, 817;iFa. Fi1Ly,741. No. Jae. Kerr, temsher-E&trsw. Than Ford, 467; Roma Johnston*, 503; H. Vawoiokle, 471; Commie Mol.teak, 503. No. 11. Miss Edith W iggimm, teacher Batrew, Roo M.Nss. 436. No. 12. MM Alelatyro, wbor-Ea• lessee, M. Priteherd. 471; Madge Boyd, 499. Ne.13. W. H. Reid, T..mher-Entra.ss, L.yis Mae reslim, 479 Na 16. Alms. McDo.•ld, Tesler -8. we..ss, Mad McKssi., 468 ; M. Mc- Donald, 476 ; Waller MoBatl.my, 511. No. 16. Mae. J. Hawkins, l ashen-Ea- tramss, Jessek Oriels, Me • 11 LDpmtri.k, 586 ; P. R. Leader, Hewed Dura, 730. 11e. 17. Mom B, R..k,tealhsr-8.tr.ae., Jennie Barkley, 489 ; B. Jib_stea. 508. trot apu a. No. 1. Slim A. Barrows, Weir -Bs- trews, J. Malmtyre. 461. P. & Leaving, L, Gallaher, 666; Joel Hawn, Ms Grew L ah& 727: J. Melee* WA. No. 2. G.s. & Wtssdateachsr-11bisaw, H. Land. AM : M. 8»sEt. 4ii8 ; B. 468. W Oben, 3.Jas.s 81•ike ,.Mash r, --PP.. 8. L [&essay, g72; M. Mallows. 6894 iL Brews, 856: H. P..-, 640. Ha 6. G.m.Bhepp ,4,teseher- Rare... Mabsil ps Mbar s, 433: Hoery W1Y.. 440 ; Also IlInaelisa, Bra 450. W0.s% A. C. DDr A. 4'J3 wa /sh.-e. N. 8. IIg1a Ldvw li•►47i -Ibilr ' ]1•eeaes 8tr..gi., 472: Addis Madan,Ma No. 8. Mi. M. A. Potts, teacher -Ile 4r..o•. •Ota•. Lawson, 666. P, 3. laying, I Mary Tobin, 801. GOYWCa TOM lemur. No. L Jon. Risks. taker-Katr•.es. M. Carwla, 500: H. Jamas.. 501 ; C. Jokmotos,483 ; 'hennas Marsh ; 660. No. 2. 111.3. Mame. t.soher-E.Ir.m.s. B. Holmes, 434 ; L• Molise, 461. P 8. L Beason Sturdy. 617. No. 3. J. W. Roberta, masher-Ea- Wamps, lamas Yeo, 426, •E. T.bbmtt. 662. •E. Yeo 620. P. 8. Leaving, A. L Marek 723, B. Manley, 800. No. 5- J.o. Beatty, tsaober---KsIrS*.s, Adel& Cos 463, Sophia Lindsay 487. No. 6. Mi. E. SloM•th, seaober-Em- tram s, Annie M.Ilw$i&, 484, Kayoed N•hel. 477. No. 8. W. A. -milieu, Washer -Estrum, J. Stirling. 488, Amy Naiad 539. N. 11. W. S. Lawrence teacher -Es - tram s, Mad Livermese, 463. .AT. No. 2. W. H. Johan.. ta•ober-Ea' Donn, Fran& !Ceps, 423. No 3. O. Coleman, seach r -Entrance, V. E. Carry, 444. No. 4. Mss E. R. Jamaica, teacher. P. S. Leaving, Samuel Geiger, 730. Zurich P. S. J..Thoanmc. principal -Ea- trams, Maude Terrance, 511, F. 8. Rtok- heti, 484. P. S. Leaving, Writ. Geiger, 823 Ed. Gomer, 843, A. Hess, 687. No. 8, Mi. M. J. Morrison, principal - Entra.os, W. K1si.aaysr, 485. Geo. Said.r, 512. P S. Lo•vita, Wm. Be., 752, 1). Weber, 760. Hassell P. 8. Wm. Meiuy. ppnnoo.ipal- Eatras.t, C. Mitchell, 551, 1). Welker, 564, E. Stoneman. 539. Na 11. Mi. M. B. Salkeld, te.her- P. S. Leaving, Eases* Tumbril, 715. No. 14. F. D. Batobart, teacher -P. S. Leavi&g, Erne. J. Cartel., 634. No. 15. D. Mol)oug.U, towhee -Es- trange, R. J. Turnbull. 573 ; W. Mo - Dougall, 510. P. S. L, Edith Toyler, 677. STAB 1.1Y. No. 1. Geo. Baird, &r., teacher -Re - trams, L. M.Ew., 487 ; B. WLrw. 530. No. 3. Mi. A. M•rsb•1l, teacher -Ea - tram . F. Sootehmer, 513; A. Pollock, 426 ; R. Rad, 468. No. 4. Miss R. Ceplaar, teacher -Eo - trams, Helen Sparks, 512. No. 5. Ches. Mandan, te ober-P,S. L. R. Robusoe, 685. No. 6. J. E Barnwell, teacher -Ea - trams -Martha Keyes, 486. No. 7. Jns. Fwler, teacher -Entrance. A. Ferreet. 476 ; W. Forrest, 513 ; A. Kaia, 437; K. C. Stslck, 525. P.S.L. Andrew KM., 675. No. 10. J. A. McL+ughiin, pal- Eotr•nee, H. Chrysler, 443300 Graham. 509 ; A. Aikenb..d, 430 ; •D. A. Reid, 610 ; •(;eo. (:am boll, 536. P.S.L. Dust" Aikeabe&d,. No. 14. R. J. Beats ,teacher -Entrance. A. Whiteman, 601 ; D. Cameron, 430 ; H. D. Cameron, 534 : E. Morrimn, 518 ; Harri- et Cameron, 531. l+Tar1[N. No. 1. J•msa Delg&ty, principal La• tramps, H. G. Hicks, 506 ; Lather Rieke, 475; Harvey Lam, 542 ; C. M. Mitchell, 584 ; B. litichell, 503 ; 0, Walker, 443 ; Stewart Walker, 510. P.XL, Id• Abbott, 631 ; Cls. Hwggaih, 783 ; W. J. Heggith, 847 ; E. M. Hill, 830; Bt..he Walker, 761 ; i)liv. Walker, 898. No, 2. W. Sbonldiee, teaoier-Entrees, ' W. H. Salter, 587. No. 3. s. B.,ahaw. tember-Eatrans., Hattie Sweet, 464, Fred S•.dae,403. Na 5. Jno. Nmboi, Fnnoipal-E.teamos, E. Lewis. 491, H. K. Felber, 52'7. No. 6. D K Hodgson, masher -Ea- trance, Adeline Katz, 504. No. 7 I, M. Harken, teacher- FAtrmee, N. Fi•kboieer, 422. No. 8. Miss Maud Willie, teacher -Em - nano., H. Basesnberry, 549. No. 10. Miss Lamm Baker, teacher -Ea - trams, E. M. Chast. 502, W. Wallis, 445. No. 11. J.. Spencer, Primipat-Kn. trance. Jim Braun, 437. P. S. viag, Clan Bs., 762. rsmosga No. 1. H. N. Anteroom, teathsr-Ea. trams, L Blatchford, 476, M. Dun; 672 P. 8. L.vimg, Chas. Dews, 811. M. A. Mone. 864, A. Jeck.I1, 970, Tecta Swam, 902, A. McTsgrart, 672, No. 2. S. Doane, principal-Est/sae. Amps D. Hay. 518. 2iw 4. C. H. Clarkson, amber -$a- Polly �1e750.k~ 436. P. S. Leans& KilgarNo. b. P. Goon., t..her-Estraase, V. A. Hassell. 500, L M. Wmto.ts, 587, W.. Frays*, 529. Na 6. J. A. Gregory. tember--Bottoms, Her.. Ryle, 463. P. 8. i eaviag, W. C.spamd, 733, Edith Turnbull. 786. Na 7. A. M.Pheseen, ».her-lentimase H. Oervett, 475, N. Oervstt, 472, W. Hers, 418. P. 8. leaving, J. Parkas... 834 W. Porkier... 647. No. 10. Fred Hsekeey, hooker -Re armee, L. Earl, 516 ; H. 8. 8th. mom, 498: W. Kerslake. Me ; • Men Rail, 574. P. & l.rvag, 8.11a 811nrisgten, 636, Na 12. T. A. Dweas, Washer -Ea - trance, W. Morley, 478 ; H. Ogden, 470. w, w•w•110111. Ne 1. Miss 8 Wataoa, Ba. claw. M. Bailie, 563 ; 8.Nev. 4U; A. Gra.mal, 561 ; B. Ry.. 481. P. S. L. Jae. Campbell, TOIL No. 2. A. 8. WetheralL hasher -Ea- trams, 8.e. Sli11s, 424. Na 3, Mi. M. R. F'Wy, teshe or -- 8a .. tte., G. Bs.sferb d, 521 ; D. McAllen', 458 ho. 4. 3. B. Wes/lud end, h$5her-6: tra.o., Al. L Clark, 671 ; C. M.DsasM. 615 ; A. MsDmsal4. 488 ' !f, Ratherfmd. 612 ; A. Sher* 521 ; W. &WI. 540 ; leafs Ted& 51.K N. IL Thos. G. Alma t•adem-6- Ww Cit. W.b01er, 466 ; B. Wall Sed, No. 14, fL.J. Ry.., toeher-Ba mese, M. Adam% 446 ; D. O•C.a.er, 6(1 s 8. Jarvis, 411. P. 8. Leaving,D. Witmer, brl2; R. Mortis, 679 ; J. Mawr, M. lfw 15, MW. 8. Pon....., Webs -6 - Wawa Raw •'d& MIL a WAWAI.a.. II. �8.t W. J. . i.imit --dr.w. A�wEieeew,, 4IM t DI/ fab...rt, 411 ; W. MI6 L.C. rY►as', 493, Ne. 9. Mi.. P. Demmer. teseher-8.- tm.es, •P. Dimes., 667. N. 10. Mi. T. A. Sprung. taseber -8.- trm.ss, R. sia., 590 ; 8. Wiles.. 447 ; W. Jeakhs,430;IQ...,492 P.B.L. L C. 1ledsc e, 646. N.. 11. Miss A. Campbell, tesehnt-A. J. Shall, 460. P.6 L , Maggie Carrie, 707. Public Bskoel. S. P. Hall., M.A., primev- al ; Mi. I. Mamas, lne seal. -Olive Bo - swam, 646 ; Fraser *yap. 473 ; Ala. Crei'iu, 463 ; Alas De Pendry. 533 ; Klem- m (tareow 583: Lotter Gress, 460 ; Cm - slaw Holt, 568 ; Nasals Kam. 477 ; 81 - moor Lockwood. 482 ; Margaret Melvor, 469: Jas.+o Miller, 503; les.ie Morton, 533 ; Etta Reid, 506 ; Gram 8sit8. 462 ; luta Tara.r, 625; Fla. Tamer, 461 ; Vesta V1 .loos, 568 ; Ethel Willis.., 510 ; Jolla Craig•, 489 ; Albert Carey, 472 ; O.ofir.y Holt, 514: Ala.. K..whaw, 466 : Wilfred helms, 466 ; Hem Marti., 431 ; Frank Mania, 468 ; Jobs Murray, 446 ; Marry Palate, 477: J.8. Roberta, 475 ; Pee JS .Stewart. 462 ; Pose Turnbull, 602. 5s7A1ATs SC100L. Setter Mary Alphonse, priaei_p•1-B.mie McCormack 423 ; Mr arget Webb. 451 ; Edmund Campos. 454 ; Andrew Lyw, 461 ; Fred.ri.k S8•sn.., 497 ; Edward Tighe, 472 BAYI(SLD. Wm. M.Cl..ke7-. pri*oip•l -Entrance, J.o. R. Cameroon, 429 ; Alex. M.Lod, 490 ; D. J. McLeod, 526 ; • Rea Sl.bsry, 586 ; •A. W biddoe, 599. P.S. L . J. Bigg rt, 667 ; F. 8ta&bmry, 682. [Xwrs` T. J. L.skbart, K A., prinapal-P.L Leaving. 11. Faeress, 715; S. Gregory, 674 ; Francis Fisk, 647. Mae Clara Vesper, masher -in IL Biwtt, 479; Ii. Browning, 497; E. Brow.. 572; A. Handler!. 462; R Hs.diord, 513; A. Martie. 519; 0. Me lin, 423; C. Petsrcoe, 572, H. DIgsan 1: H. Foci, 636; W. Handford, 541; L. Howard, 472; 1: Sweet, 674;J. C. Smell, 462, THE PRIMARY EXAMS Wt W Saeee,uMwl eandthlases a4 the ■N - muss sr saga... Th. following •re the primary multi' for 6oderick and neighboring own. In list No 2, the oaadidat.s bay. passed all but the .,. ..ml : (.fest-1.. Bentley, A. Blake, J. Clarke. M. Dickson, 11, Dunlop, J. Taster, N. Gibbous. R. Jamie..., J. Martin, L Mom, J. McKay, W. Natt.1 i. Whoa, N M. Reid, W. Stirling, B. Watton, H. W byard. Chasm -M. Aitken, J. Abdomen, R. Baird, J. Braman, A. Batch.rt, M. Clegg, L Holism, M. McCallum, M. Mc- Gregor. J. McKay, A. Murray, M. Robb, B. Shepherd D. Smit8, E. Switzer, G. Torrance, A. TwitcbeU, C. Wawa, J. A Iliadom, M. Wilt .. Sestortb-Lest No. 1-W. Aberharl, E. Bell, G. Cbetm.y, L Gray, M. Jenks, M. Limas, J. Salla, W. Tiffin, H. V..- Egmod, A. War►, A. Woodley. Lit No. 2 -Matilda Fowler. W ingk•m-List No. 1.-- L. Bats., L Cumming, W. Farquhar..., P. H. Framer, P. Jeh.o., J. McKay, W. Robertson, L Venoms, M. W.Uwood. list No. 2.-B. Cummings. C. Vaasa.. Bruesele-rant No. 1.-J. Howe, L J.k sea, E. Lamont, 1). MoK.azie. D. Knott, fer No 2,-S. McLattcblra, D. Strata.. Esser - Let No. 1-F. Borland, F. Lutz. F McCallum. List No. 2 - - R. Candidates who are Dot eighteen years of age before close of model will not be ad- mitted. As boon . sassy board meets cmilld•ms who are admitted to the model school will be notified by tM 'screwy.. Candidata" who with to attend the model school must tend names .d addresses to either of the public school inspectors not later then Aar. 20th. THE TOWN COUNCIL. The regular melting of the, owe eamn.tl was bold Friday evening in the pout wit obamher. Members all pre.s&t exospt sountillors Bauder., Swartz ad Smith. Mi&ates a 1.1 meson read and aimed, The following treasurer's statement to July was red ad referred o the cove/ ow mitts*. B•L fro. Jame $ 90 65 Bet.bry Liam 81 58 Pubis behests 407 00 Mauled O..ss.ry 256 50 881. Payable renewal 13000 00 1411. DssSm.ted 1600 00 Betsy Light Rates 138 62 ARL PirkiWo of bay 6 50 Tess 206 43 Water Rates 706 90 Xw-.aids. Tans7 42 16071 26 D.*Oa.[IIa1IT6. Pr'$' . led Adv't'g ..5 9 21 Pealed 100 00 RAW 666 Sills Payable r.ssw•1 13000 00 Water Weeks, ess- straetlw ea C.C. t '0. lisp. Pt pier Statics =Imo as bills payable PuWi.. Werke Market (Q)0�pL. L.1it■w. Dahc.aure 1s Or rabbi Rehash. Sabrina 32 99 2506 410 45 100 00 190 67 146 60 16 60 600 00 IS 00 MO M 89 516167 90 16392 33 /Ogden& .diem et The Glebe wee Sod.OVER THE HURON TRACT. C.m.wiwties from .eerstory .t Under- writer.' Aeseoi•tiom,repudimg the ".w sap- Ipater the Ikea. was referred to the The MOIR from the Loon TM W. w ere comatA.a Wawa w head 776 67 Ceesmmal.Yen he. Jas. Kidd, swung Mat 5860 would be required ha esanwelen with the Swaim oohed. was Marred to the laws summates. C..enuede doe frees Ihs sed w ester of the Ref*/ mil bawl mss uoblttg he cane les an years .f 'm }rm�se , w •dined to the Owl a R..+ie., a. Osaaasl.Msalis. Kaes Thmimm.. 11 MIS Committee of Ooll glMte I.alitata, re wiasamnsa deed 4814 &IMO weld he re- quired tar .mak wpm*. 18. ram wee referred to ib. 5.1.55 .o..iates• The following amount. were referred » the 65.0.1 eapittee : Glebe, 540. Crpt Babb, 561. C. A. Humber, 514.31, Harper & Les, $7.06, G. Porter, 19. The ..O.. of Wm. M.C•.ghe. for 511 ter w•tsrhlg .quare, ta, was referred to the pablie weeks o...iaes. Petition Lie. F. J. POWb.m and others for .ztandem 4f water p}0e from Newman - ' s. to • esameMien on $ tat., was refound Is water and light .e.ssuta5, with po set. The report d the e.•5.* oone.tttee oo..eded pi.wt et .m.■m referred to it .1 last Sesseieg. Report et the water ad light eo.mittee recommended payment of M. Parson for 5865 fer olwfne out wells .t the puap4a' stabs.. The three wells were bared to the &Leh, . average of 240 East The market eo.mitt.e r..s...mded the payment of following •.pelota iaourr.d in replacing of the new .oaleo. R. W. Me Kase. 5110, 1). McLaren 566.22, Jainism& Rad 520. Further improvement were r.- oomts..ded, Mao the advertising of the old . Dales for sale. In the master of the second Mame as to further i.prove.rats it w. decided to ask for tenders. The .ousel then adjourned. THE BASEBALL TOUR S oars ei the Brmasels 5a.e-The v1Aaers meet In eat. Below in given the result of the game with Brussels Friday. The game w.1 nos an especially 4.1. lti.g ..e, .d the dull day prevented • Iamp turnout of spectators. The pesuli•rities a the ground., which were wire booed, thus imaging the ball to go through, told •guest the vesting team, and Brunets piled up therms. In addition the God.rteh teem w. in poor form having Men as the read for several days. The more is . fellows : O.DWC1. M•loe1mses 0. .... ..... • 6 6 R. H. E. 2 3 1 Thumps.. lo 8 5 1 2 4 H. Robrtson, s... •d A. Robertson, r.f 6 2 E. '[Yet 3b 6 2 Holness m it, al. and p 6 2 4 2 Hooper 9b 5 0 0 Dohs Lt. 5 2 3 Doyle e.f. and p 5 0 0 13 1.3 11 0 1 1 1 0 1 s&cel[tS. A.B. Gamy 211 5 ('carry Lf 0 0 R H.41. 3 1 4 6 2 2 1 MsBai• at 5 2 0 0 Williams 30 6 6 4 3 R. Rc.o .3 4 1 0 HaUiday r.f 6 2 2 0 W. Grew.r p 3 1 1 0 Corcoran .s 5 0 0 1 D. Roe 1h .4 2 1 1 J. (&revels p .2 0 1 0 22 13 10 swans BY INNINGS (,oderioh....0863031 1 0-13 13 11 Bruise's 3 1 1 5 0 0 1 2:-22 13 10 li•tt.r8.s, Grewar, W., Orow•r, J., and Rosa for Brussels, Robinson, Doyle and Holmes and M•lo.moe for Goderish. Um- pire James Ross. Time 2:30. Hoa runs, Williams 3, Ross, D., D•hD. 2 have kits, R. Rose, Maloommn and Holmes. Struck out, by Grimm, W., 5, Grewar,J., 5; Robertson 2, Doyle 5, Holmes 6 Bases on hell, off Roborao& 2, Doyle 4, Hol.. 1, 1 off each Grower. Hit by pitch er, Ross, D. - The Dame W1111 4.5455ed. This game was devoid of any feature, says the excellent work of the God.rdh eeld.n. Below we give Gm the more, srsATro0D. A.B. R. H. E. Lloyd, 2b .6 0 1 b facsimile, ea . 6 1 2 2 W right. 3b 4 1 1 1 Filey, lb 3 1 1 2 Cummiaapp, 0 5 2 1 1 McNichol, rf 3 1 2 3 Endow', 1.1 3 1 1 0 Ballard, p 4 0 1 1 Baker, of 6 0 1 1 7 11 16 ti0DIEUCII, Malem.ma, e 5 4 1 2 Thempe.., l b 6 1 0 0 W. H. Roberta.. tee 3 4 0 1 Shannon, a t .... 6 2 0 0 E Tilt, 3b 6 1 2 0 Bolas,r.f 6 0 0 0 Hooper, 89 5 2 0 1 Daher, LI 5 3 3 0 P1Slfbgtsl. 2 0 0 1 Dmyhe p salad 3 0 2 0 17 8 5 WORN NT INNISr1•. Stratford ....1 00200301- 7 11 16 (;decd' 1 1 3 0 6 1 2 0 3-17 8 6 Ballard ..d 0..- .ing&, Gedettsk, Pe..iagte., Doyle, Heinen •.d Midommoa. Boom an bald-- By B.ILrd. 4, Penni.. 1s!, Doyle, 6, Bela. 3. HN by p.hher-Thempeea sad Beeper U.prrre, A. Robert's•. TI.. 2.15. 11.1141*.• L Wowed with • Lw wit it the psrehm.s .t the Gs sty Jail as wowed la. These W beat • stied revival i. the esdumines el the Pasha man Swat •.d 7Srvit•rim• •f 1M, m••.rdi.g to topers ✓ alwlly pillared bp We B. h•sei••• Cleadeh► M.y .ldpld .d silver wort i.g• are Wog r..,4 sed mew db..verles dsvel•�•d, •d lice L • s • greatly is- e•ets•j •.Mvky to the wafts et tie way *then valuable Wows!.t the regal is addition to the peentc.0 .veto The .54 al wafer to gies.mte Webb pew Isetus.45 minimnweinery b'• sew fee. ternt58.1 gigi•ti.premise d �.11y .o<»ded .d lh. ,err kw.•k•ll ever the Patti& asset A Weetl7 flew/ et swab levee weed up t. NN Ever7Ptak and :ll Peat tapped sad Oesdiessed Frees Were •1541... Grey : A little se. et Hugh Porter's fell ..d broke • hsao is his ars. Brussels : Meters. Clegg It Dames shipped a ear of bop from Brussels Tuesday of last week. S..forth : Norman Johnnie.. of `Jas Diego,Ualttermts, is noising at the resideeme of his mole. D. Johnson. S.alorth . hiss Winnie Killon& Ma bees •ppoi.ted teacher an one of the puWIs &choots in Duluth, Minnesota. Blyth : The Blyth bseblltw went to Clinton es Tuesday and were beaus by the home club by • more of 29 to 19. McKillop : Last week John Scarlet, • well-known McKillop Orangeman, was at Halifax &heading the (:rand Lodge. Myth Mews. Wawa & Emtgh shipped 10 oar loads of cattle, use of sheep and sae of pigs to the old country markets best week. Seafortb : Chan. Wilson shipped two car- loads of tat cattle to the Old Country mar - kw last week. Td Damon took 3Wrge of them. Grev : last weak Wm. M.Keiv.y, eon. 1 was kicked by one of bis heroes in the sable while umk•rneseine to He was lame for severs! days. Brussel. : Jno. Shaw, • well known citizen of Brussels, has beea shosscprin- cipal of the Tesaw•ter Publm school and will .eeuua. duty . soon as the holidays are oyer. Morris : Last S.turd.) James Sharp threshed • small yuaaMty of Miobigan Amber F•1I wheat and when weig8d .t the /wne,g mill at }Brussels scald 62 pounds to the b.. 8L 8e•fortb : Rost Ai lbw,ye.0ge.t mw of Jamie Gillespie, sf'4his town. • bright, in- teresting little boy a year old, died ea Sat- urday. The sympathy of all is extended to the bereaved paresis. Varna : W. J. Stinson, of the Sauble line, book through bare tie largest drove of cattle we have sees this season, baying up- wards of 60 head, and all his ewe Iselin,. They are gots• to the old country. Tuo : H. Crich lost • valuable drivis teat week. W hen it was being unharnessed it ran away with the her . mss banging, and ran mama . building. breaking its leg, so that it had to be killed. Coumtaao.: At the garden party held at Mr. MN:regor's the other .venin, Robert Knox lost • five dollar hill an the gsrouuda. It was found next morning by lir. IlcGteg- o, sr., and Mr. Knox left word if it w. (clad it might be devoted so the ohureh fund. MoKillop : Robrt A/ochereto. has sold his farm cm the 12th eonoe.toa of MJKillop to John Crozier, • neighbor, for 53,500. TM farm cont•.. 100 acres .ods maven - lastly ei'p•ud to Mr. Crozier, and will nye him • fine farm of 150 sere. Mr. Bro- threto intends removing to Dakota. where his eons reside. Bruwb : Captain Bentley will be the new ohoer is command ot the Brussels corps is co0noctio0 with the S•Ivatios Army. 'rite welcoming meeting, wall be bold next Sabbath. Captain McDonald, who has boss hero ter the wt 54 months, leaves on Friday for Petrolia, where be will assist Esi,n Hunter is the District Hood - quarters. Lieut Hancock will go to Berlin. Coosma°.: Mr. •5d Mrs. E. Rands re- ceived • telegram trots Detroit, bean.g the sad sews that their daughter Emma had died in the general hospital oD Thursday. She bad bees ill only • shot time. In8•.- m•tios was the immediate same ot death. Mr. sad Mrs. Reda have the sympathy of the oo.aanity in this their hoar of trouble. The remains were brought home for inter- ment, .d were bund is the M ati.db.k cemetery. Ethel : Robert J. Sharpe, who is foreman on Premier Grwnw•y's 1,600 acre farm at Crystal City, Maob•. gives • very foyer able report of the outlook in the West. He says she orope .re heavy; hay good; sad wheat doing splendidly, the only danger be- ing • likelihood to lodge. There h. been •n • ind•nao of min. Harvest h.d. aro sores . there is •bund.00 of work. Mr Sharp rye they bad 36 days .0•t.M labor to put in this Summer. Morris : While restrain' from Wi&ghane en Tuesday of wt week, Simms Vas.ar- man toot with • eerie.. wide.t. It ap- pears that while passim' • gateway .ear the ✓ oad his hoses took (right ata Moder, whish was sanding there, sad ran away, throwing Mr. V.merm.n out of the rig es the .ark read. He was rendered .nosumU... by Ohs tall sad was es seriously injured that be was usable to mash tea until Saturday. At Int seaman he wee presreeisv fever ably. Grey : Thursday erasing of let week James Knight and wife were retarniug home frees visiting friends and when near their .wn gate the hems book fright and L the .p(y. Both Mr. nal Mrs. X= were e.uadaably shaken an, The former se mask ss that he has hew amfbed to his bed Mass. Mr. Rated W hew an deadly robust w bet . he i. abosertilL years el age be .amass he impeded to Wed aha kid of Weeniest as • yeteagereaper M W. Was the dal gentleman wwiillll able to get about. awl. Mr. Lob_ (afterwards Lard Look - mere), • muesber .f the feed pref.sele., haat rdl4tr.d to Parliament by in the your 1708. tweed resod .1404. dramd the 0.w inemdi t.ly be W token the oath. A bewey.rinterrupted his sposeli, eltiooliag be Ids right to be Wird. basmash as be .saM nut he .wide ed • " 'WW1; mem bur." rut bevklg sat dews slaw he W en Wed the Hew. Mr. 0.wpr (&herw.dd• Lead Che.ssIhhr, 1707) addressed the New Woe times 1a the day of taking lab meat. Re was -.sL4, 8.w..w by " Ora * fila atl�h� on Mame as dMamepslWas