HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-8-1, Page 8THE SIGNAL : GODWJCJ, ONT., TIMIIIIDAT,, AUGUST 1 18.5. HANDY CLASSIC'S EDITION -60 TITLES. Special sale of summer Reading CRAWFORD--4illu.trstedl b, Mr.. Ork.l1. LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME-llllostratd) by Lewd M•ma.My. DREAM LIFE --b) I1 Marvel. THE LIGHT OF ASIA -by Edwin Arnold. THE STORY OF AN AFRICAN FARM -b) Olive Sallower. Secular Price, 25c. sales Price, 15c. Eaah, 2 for 36c. PORTER'S COLONIAL BOOK STORE. titere doses limo ow spathe at k oclock. Telephone etches= open until t o'clock. where eveaias papers wW be 4letributed. NEW` OF THE I►ISTEI('T. From our owncorre.pondeata. There M lisferworglies dere l bet l •asst Lund aalrrher. haw --lew..t the ceases apeetalh S,rp..lyd ler The Signal. be DUNGANNON. NOTICE. The meal earner in I)ungaoven adios Tits $Is.,•g. a at the oos or J. U. �t'anl, J.N., conveyancer. to.. who will receive or- ders fur .ut.er ptiooa, advertid=g fust sob work. sod t» •i.,l,urized to give receipt. for .moa=ts acid for the same TursI AY, .duly 27. E.. DAv..•U, During lest week our I,.pu- tu \ . S. exch..v.d he pease for • ei..0 of polite., boggy and harness. L.i... Gut.L, Comm. -hey parson, or p.reens, findmj • bag phi chain, will phase leave the same .t R. J. ('rawford's store. Om:A> 1.T In the abs.00s of Mi.. ('bar Totts Wiggins, orRaaut of I.:relits church. oa Tart Sabbath N•osie Davidson acted as orgi.nwt a rood style. Sews tics -We are Ming favored with ossastorel slight showers. whish are drag rood to crops sad pastures fields, aloe to some extent helping to extinguish fire.. RA• a. On Thursday sad Friday of last week guns a number of our citizens tool is and enjoyed the races .t W ingbam and re - putt a large crowd of sightseer. presort. (',iNt•ALtt4't'T.-We along with the irony friends and aconaintasose of Jasob Ryan, Ashfield, are pleased to Imre that he r rapidly recovering tress injuries be re- sent!) received from as accident which betel him. JBRADY ('AL%IL . -H. Morris, .f Morru- dale Farm, is now the owner ot three ex osllent looking salves, which he has recently added to his stock of cattle, two of whims are el theJerrebreed, the other, 1/artisan; tire's ars beauties, and for their age would be hard to tweet in growth and appsaran•s. Mines Nellie and Minnie Smith who had ONs or FIVE LI►T.-Having learned of been visiting a Maplewood Farm, Laye re - the demise of Jas. Dickson. Registrar of turatd home to Wroxeter, b‘ way et See- the Count' of Enron, it recalls to mind trot of five, who is the years 188 4, were en gaged to regutratioe work Ie the registry otbce, year bumble correspondent is the only survivor. Ow by one, we are destin- ed to the inevitable. VIiITIN•.. - Min Charlotte Wiggins is visiting relatives adj.tent to Auburn Ndhe 1►avideon w ea • vatting tour to friends and rel.tivee ID I.oderich township, W., along with their numerous acquaint moss, wish them • pleasant time and • safe return Mien Adelaide Davidson, of Uederich township, was reseotl‘ visiting relatives in this neighborhood. Tux Si . , c"rci_--In looking over the lid of successful candidates who wrote) at I.oderich and Dungannon, at the recent en- trances •:amination, we noticed that a pupil of Dungannon P.S., viz., William Begley, obtained the second highest number of works --being 590, bang 12 hos than the highest obtained We exceed oongr•tula- woes ea he suoeess, which brings credit to D ueg....e P.S. We notice that 1)ungattea end Nile public school oandidates were is the main ..00.ssful, sad therefore eengratn- l.te the principals and sucoe.sfsl pupils of of both schools en the success. organist of Beithae church, were enjoying • plemash visit of several days here, the guests of Mrs. Allen during their =spurn. The rend southward of the Ifaoh.•ge above the bill tower= town, bee heat pared down a little for same distance to nm off the water should the lose existed rain . corm mime to this metier A sew .ill was put in the bridge sera.s the mill meek. Milton Woods, of the tbriviag eem.w- Mal riUage ot Ba) dell, was • woollens rim tor here last wee! and was much pleased se with the . sry •bout here and Gartland, also with the yews of the Saltferd .alt manufactories and other industries of that booming village. - BELFAST. Mornay, July 29. leli.se. Sal 1and Maggie MeCrsi. warevi.it- 1l at home. We we glad to lean that Mrs. John Me Crotty, who has been very ill, w reoorerinr. Wm. Phillips has again started the brick work on the Orangeball We expect co =torsion. see it completed tong. Min Mar Crosby has returned frees Dungannon again We think .5. intend. N ayise for a whi le this Lina J. M. Hackett, .f Tomato, who has been Mending his holidays in this virility, return- ed to Toronto oe Thursday of last week. It is our .ad duty to =now* the death of Edmund Bradford, wbo died se Than day, after three days Dickman with infLm- eatien. The funeral, which was largely at. leaded, left here en Y•turd•y at 2 o *lock for Zion cemeter . TM Orangemen attend ltd the funeral, toe deceased being a member of that order. J. T. ACHESON. During July and August we will close our Store at tlix oblock each evening, except S.turdaytt. Thil arrangement may not be satisfactory for those who are in the habit of shopping in the evening, but the inconvenience caused by the early closing may be more than compensated for by looking after the Bargains we will offer from week to week. CARLOW. MONDAY, July 29. Mr. and Mrs. Howell, of (:oderich, spent Sunday at Elmdale term. Miss Maggie Buchanan, of Auburn, ie visiting at her suites s, Mrs. Chas. Mc - Hard %. Wert Huron Factor, shipped lent week 160 boxes of June cheese. The prim receiv- ed wee 81c. NI' 1"11•1., -OD Wednesday of last week • very element evening was spent at the read.eoe of Daniel M.Nevise, Aebrad, L. 1). Tbe event whish then trasepired was the mien in the bonds of matrimony be- tween hi. daughter, Mies Christina, and WlIti.ai Habkirk, of Fordyce, West Waw•- • oah. A brie number 01 rel•tiven of tis families he had Dot bad. t•reweil to. The happy couple frau Godsricb, sag Rev. A. Heed.reoe will preach hen other petits were present to witness the as Sshey •t the sea•1 time forth. ('has. MoHard', while drawing manure, m dud she ufortuae to slip and tall off tis 1o•d. He received • serious shakier up, which confined bun to the house for a tow days. We are pissed to state, however, Lha be is aide to be around agora. The following pupils here been successful from our public school No. 1 for let leaving: Josie -Hogan, (;race Linfield, Joseph Mc. Nevin, t=ithe tial!agber. For entrance James McIntyre. Croce Linfield obtained the *wood highest number ot marks in the county' in literature. We extend to each and to Mia Burrow* our ooagratulatioes. What We Advertise We Carry Out. 41 -inch Black Henrietta, worth 65c., for 54k. 40 -inch All Wool De Beige, in light and dark greys, regular price 33c., for `2:ic. Black Nuns' Veiling, double fold, for 22c. All Wool Blue Serge for Boys' Sults, regular price 35c., for 25s. Unlaundered White Shirts, sizes 14, 14i, 15, 15}, 16, 16}, regular price 5c., for 50c. A table full of Untrimmed Hats, worth 40c., 50c.. and 60c., for 25c. American Flannelettes, new goods, fast colors, at 12 c. Extra value in White and Grey Cot- ton& J.T. ACHESON. THE OLO STAND RE -OPENED! I have moved back into the Store =ear corner of Went Street, formerly comped by D. B CALBICK, sad oat now snow • New and Well -Assorted Stock of BOOKS, STATIONERY and FANCY GOODS. Wall Paper at Prices to'.sll. 100 Now Window Shades to hand ; prio.. Low. Silverware at Wholesale Prion. Special Vain. in Note Papers ltd Envelop= Special Value in Bibles, Albums, Blank Beeks. Alpha Inks, Extra Quality std Bent Vales to the Market. LEEBURN. T1ENDA\, July 30. At the church meeting of the eotegrep- tion on Monday night of last week, the elders of the Union Wm. Momnath std J. Uevidsos -agreed to work to union with our oosgregation in supp.rting • pastor as aforetitw. Oa the wooed Sunda, in Aug teat omens' candidates in turn wall preach for a caII, se was done two )stirs ago, and ea soon as possible they will try to male • phone. SAID FAaOWILI.-Sunday deet, Rev. M. Meckat preached hu last sermon as pastor of this church, which was from Acta rent. 32, and was deeply impressive. The moa gree.tise was largo. At the close he, in • few words, tb•eked the people f. r their klaloes& to him during his oeanectioe as than pastor, and as for a time he would not leave (;odorieh he would try to see all the ss_menteen event join in the festivities. R... R. Fairbairn tied the nuptial knot. We coagratul•te the happyogee couple, ppy wishing them • haand prosperous voyage over the soma of maIriaaial life. Vier TO Motats•Ai.. FAD.. -O, Thum - da‘ of last week your humble o.rrreepomd sae had • plummet visit at the residence of John Morris, tow.•hip of Colturn.. We were pleased to men the patriaroh•1 ggen.mtle- esoob recruited frees hie regent illeees. Anima the many tepies 1. oenyersi.g with ham of the tessisdoe mea of the thirties, 1orticr, ad so es ep to the peeve= cisme, he was gdte at home b sw.m•ry,••id maned M enjoy Mein!} in relating some of Ws (aperiesen and trials u the piaa.orasg days is Colborne, he also @hewed • book is which were entered the minnbes ot the first . tapsl o..seil westing held in the muni eipallI of ('elliers. in 14136,111 which he was red declare the pulpit vacant. A. • passer Rev. M. Mackay was popular with ss.. tied a golden hal of frioodelhip is =broke* by his departure from our midst. Hie slay of two years has mos the mope. en add to ate seembership, and at the t•..muni m the largest •amber pr- aok .lase the immerse:sties was orptir.d twenty year, .go A C. R.8. was started. and at in meeti.gs he was often present to help when requested, ..d at the w=Dkl prayer metals was very regent la ae� aeon We hope the f.sadaleoas laid by Mr. Mackey is the best vaors of his ministry will on good reselta MOST INVALUABLE. The gem speetar .easdr M reins attest. Wady toed as N$.wa. Orr • A. July 29. The marvellous re coven of Mr. l:, H. Kent, of thiseitt, tress A. L WEIR. WESTERN FAIR London, Sept. 12 to 21, 1895. h igh!) interested. It was pleasing te DDD Bright s deems by the use of Dodd • Kid- tb• vemaable gentbt.an is • happy •ad . Pills is dill fresh in the .•sari.. e1 Ottawa people. and the raia.d% is bei.a fred% r•esms•mi.d both by druggists sad private dtlrerm. The dsil•r we.dertul mem of Dr. A. 0. bleCurm1k, of Ries mead. Qualm, and Mr. Arthur (:.My, ef flem•rese, Masataka, te my s othus ef many others, are it...r•ll, quoted in fiver ef the ee..rti.n that no temed'. of =Are times he@ go.s on so eno.•.fall through awe= trial, sad been se is ell mea ef kids= trouble. it . am previa, itself ia- =table i. the .dirt form et slams which appear deans the Ifrlmer. cheerful raced. He is in his RStk year et a•gge� beim nee of the oldest if me the is eldest settler ie Colbtres Re took delight a. Mewl= see kis garden of vegetables, whisk lashed apparently ie geed treed= style, and very geed for themeless. He deserves great credit for his energy std pluck in having seek • .te display of vete tables, of which he is goat* pleased to have taken ears, ad ism. 1 . wort himself. Ry his appean.se we ,...._e be is likely M live for epee eases 1 =the visit eery .ser, and hoe f. es other eneh visit. - -- DUNLOP. MONDAY. July 29. Min Tenor rMsr.d from • plemest visit ie Gewhirieth T.we hip. Mies ..uta. Waares, a 1h. .ayl.1d It.ed, .cele M w 3amt.a, ef 4i•efisepl•, ea tey.d a 01../de .test M ._kMpa 5.. leek ..est Ma 8lewert M ef Porter's 5111 l eiedesbere : M.a Ohm. Moaning, ef ewer M t5. 19th ens. , ora aro pmi , was salad seri ewt inaly 1.11 weal . Kb• wen Oat en ma usual T.day se well and seem time that day emi pip' -1 a Wog well. Mb. Mmm tied Mwee= get sail dad golly rsg e n Friday witraShp unsex • young child ef • low .oa1L god smos, w ood • mos,►e.- uaad to misers hMiss. OM woe Mama es ft Senday asras.. The fabsisl twos • vary with Mlss NYE( IAL axCRPSIOD RMB ON *1.1. LILWA\D. E•TAI.usit>m WY. CANADA'S FAVONITE UIE STOCK EXHIBITION c ANNOY Ng et'RI•As.*I'. the Magg ii probe liter oma inertia time !sirs Stook. Hep a 'bur lits. All other DMsrtmenb. September lth. rtaai Peyssest 1r. usakes. August Uth. Ametlns NM of aD.Ms sad MvIl.sS ea Grenadetog. tear. 51'al't41. Arrow-rms.-WM bast Show. PI pseple- Arabs. Turks. sheiks. ladies of the Turkish Palace. etc.. with Horses. Camels and I rowkeys : and a host of others. )'rias Lists. Programmes and Conditions of Hale for Boothe free. Apply to CAN'T. /LW. PORTS. . TRIM. A..s.WNE. President. Secretary. Coal. Coal. The undersigned begs to in- form the Public that he has gone into the bushiness of supplying Coal, and has opened out in J. S. PLATT'S W00DYARD, where he will keep on hand the Best qualities of Lehigh Yalley Coal ! which will be delivered promptly, at Lowest Market Prices. D. C. STRACHAN. FIRST AND FOREMOST \OA/ CANADA FAIR TORONTO SEPTEMBER 2 to 14 - 1896 The nowt and "WIC, AGRICULTURAL MANI AOTIiI to gest PRODU15. C deed. fess C Ineremed Priam. !.proved p'siiltlsr sed llesNal Ato'aalss>t. Ob. A tripes Termite at puri ISIS ism MISSAL 111011.1111141. Ther.!. MORE to MIL MOMS to LEARN and MORE esINJOY at the GREAT TORONTO FAIR thea et all Misses pet tssseb.e. IM4111161011B N AA& UM. NabSm else Amami ISO. tins r.M IAsst rump.-, ds. Aiken .IL J NM. - - ___ r• *.mala HelIo! The OM Reliable Still 01 Deck. THE BEST AND OILY SCRANTON COAL JAS. ROBINSON Cashmeres alBest Value in Town Compare Quality with Quality Compare Price with Price. ROBINSON'S CORNER SQUARE AND WEST STREET. 4Polnts � In Our Shoes Na Pay ?arlicolar AUellfioll 10: on the market at $5.50, with 50c. a ton off for Cash, making it .,A. TON the Cheapest Coal .ver sold in this market. All Coal weighed o. the Market Scalss, se the: ou re *ore you get year weight. Orders left at HARPER & LEE'S promptly attended to. WM. LEE. LOC; PO, PC-' G,,irV most WILL J res Tow /Faavww, Wweet its Da=ps M.. •••••..i n. /Oo:Cl Bicycle Cs. ll. - Brantford, Ont 39 YONOlf es etET 319 or. P1111. ST. TOR7N TO YOM Tweim, •NDO POR O.r.t0e4r0 G. W. THOMSON, - - - Agent. QODER1(' H. ONT. 1 ---COMFORT Because no one will wear a Shoe that doesn't fit his or her foot comfortably. 2---QIIALITT Because it must be serviceable. 3 --STYLE Because everyone wants a Shoe to fit the eye as well as the foot. No one wants back numbers. 4 --PRICE Because, while we fit the foot and the eye. we must tit the pocket too, and we can do it to perfection. THE THOROUGHBRED STALLION g• ZAMOR" rie @cies en . ss•tees. see slMAmble ?ROMA GUNDE?. Fie Bepainai a Specially. E. B. POLLOCK. Special Sale FOB THE KEIT FOUR WEEKS, 140 yards 36 -inch All Wool Serge in 5 shades at 20c. 31 6 to 7 yard Dress Pieces, 30 per cent. Reduction. 9 pieces All Wool Henriettas, Regular Price, 50c., Now, 25c. to 30c. 12 Ladies' Capes at about Half Price, in Colors. A lot of Children's Cotton Hose at Half Regular Prices. Our Immense Stock of Carpets in Wool, Union, Brussels and Tapestries at Actual Cost. Lace Curtains a Specialty. Regular Boys' Heavy Blue Serge, 25, 35, 50. Great Value. Men's Suiting, New and Cheap. New Designs. Ladies' Summer Cloths and Mantlings. Shaker Flannels and Flannelettes from 5c. to 12 1-2c. A Good Heavy Sheeting for 9c., 36 inches wide. Towels at Special Prices and Very Cheap. COLBORNE BROS. The Great Omit sat Laa• Curtain Vanhasas of the °out?. PORT ALBERT. W.Drsu.AY, July 31st Thos. Riohardaou's tow hate hoose is soaring eomplei:iot. Mn. Drake, of Hibbert, is vidtiag Mt dwhtor, Mrs. Jas. Oliver. Miss J. W. Merri.oe, formerly tea.Mr Were, and her niers, are renewing eols.imt- anass. A. MaMilltm sad Jim Cony have gone to Menitabe this week std • number mere will follow Mord). Miss Margie H.wkiw loft last Saturday tor Laud River, Algoma, ea • two weeks' visit to friends thee.. Mrs. N. M)tehell, of Hamlltet, who has base .lsisisg .s Jas Stevenage's, retuned to L.skaaw led .weak. Robert Burma tad Mrs. A. B.rsstt, re - tamed to Gimp this wont, suer opendbog • two weeks' viols to an farmer's pinata A Mosher a Mrs. Gainer in .Wthg her rat peen@tt H. ie teem Yorkshire, LR - Ind. Mrs. (Shrew eat net seen his lar Mr years. Dneot cttois or PAarmosst,. - Mr. %hued hos retired from is tis gear .dl bora, sad his ItssMy hos soma sway egoisti 5. s 1esparto, le sow am- pplol d, seewell tt.d penny- i roe - (op are Woking= Binet the re- sent Ammer Yeas napMsRf }��ss� • INr aro, sad ami abs kite walL Tb. 11101 wheat is harmoboil moi shams vary pad ��in Samth e raiieg it doss this wsni<. Than aro• til • t amp all apple. i. a aambor~et gtsesrdo ohm Os lake shorn. Oasessv,- _Pts 110Ossssll, wet of Jas Y.p.su.il, 14d! acs., AsWdl. 4e- portal .prod shitPrIW id y, July Oa. ,tis se Menthes. MraMIMW. Fair to warsr. Loral @beware today .d tomorrow. C.R.SHANE& GO. >t ULLIS airoaz. Yes, it is Dry Weather But it is going to RAIN 1 Have you A Waterproof and An Umbrella? if aM, gas eas at the LRADINO huts' FerYin� atm 0.S.IRA= •o. Aerate Ar lip raelmem sa.a5ep. oars eco LL...ad is ori.► eery the SsNowtet Seeday. by • her drab d Seised sod esquaisissela The anis was _d.4 Rev. Mr. ad putts get