HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-8-1, Page 7THE SIGNAL : °WittiAH. ONT.' TillinDAY AUGUST 1. Mk N physicians prescribe Scott's Emulsion et Cod-liver Oil and Hypopbo phites because they find their patients can tolerate it for a long time. as it does not upset the stomach nor derange the digestion like the plain oil. Scott's Emulsion is as much easier to digest than the plain oil as milk is easier to digest than butter. Besides, the fish - fat taste is taken out of the oil, and it is almost palatable. The way sickly children, emaciated, anemic and consumptive adults, gain flesh on Scott s Emulsion 4 very remarkable. Pecs f be Mes•w l• •atnpl • itt.tedhite gMt ♦ Cons. 11 L lL. Ides and IL " WHAT'S I1N A NAME?" IT all came about through winning teat prize, and getting my same published hesitate throughout the length .d breath of the lead. It is, of coarse, • flees thaw to wake up sena morning .ad kad oneself famous, bat Loma this app.restly W it. drawbacks. I de sot aired the crafty sp- peakel(or hall, the wily prospectuses of tor- toises to be wade by tokiag .hares is thio or that eoap•ay, or ems the well laid •.homes et the raise pmts. that nese is by gooey pest ; but when it mane to downright ai.r.pe.e.ai•tlm, I thought the limit had bets gabstappsd. It rim issue • helE1sh% after the day es wheat my tomato privative= was blazon ed forth as the wilew of a mach-eoveted prise Net 1 Heaved the bilowieg remark • able semaaoimetien : "At lams, 1 hays fooled yoa,villaim ! Veer Ming-platesis no /eager • secret, for I have read in • public prim% your Waist name and seinen ! Seoa.drel ! These whoa yea are booed by every eery tie to okr.h sad support have been cruelly loft to the leader etcraies of the parish, while you, doubtless, have lived a life of luxury ! Eat the game is now pkyed out, and • day of retribution in at head ! I. your lawful wife and .ix chiselres-your children -will make it oar imeinsen M sell ea yen mad d. - mrd the riehte a benband sad • father has es loam withheld S beware 1 Yea bre extended toes an mom ; we will thew aone 4. yes !-Yes Ivies wife. Sumo." To m7 that I was ksm.kd bask by the straags .pNile 41 only to arpeggio bit the truth, It fairly took the wind oat of may sada )12, wife and children !-aix of them! This was surely coming is strong towards s yoaag fellow who may • few weeks pm - Vesely had o.l.beat.d kis tweaty:thid birthday. I did not even ponied that in - dimmable desideratum to • Wally mam- a wife. True, 1 we moo. goiag to laws one, for -.ad this is w dale ..arm between oar - e lves -tet beano of marrow Werth the •000mpli.hed Clementine Wilke and ay cod had been ailed tor the third time only e the previous Sunday, and • week bow was to see us tatted former to the bonds of matrimony. This by the way. Of o•aroe, I know then must be ewe terrible mien oke in the document I bid in sy band.,bet that knowledge did not snake the perusal of it any the more agroesble. I ',odd plably goo that it sigh sadly lead to ewe Intl* ewkwsrda.es s1 • time whoa I low weaved. any. However, I was d." itemised not to let the thing oadaly worry MG. se. swallowing the matmtiaal tea and toast, I shortly afterwards lit • cigarette sad ..t eat fee the ptrform eine of my daily duties, `sally coe..U.g ayes( by Dousing to the oasolaien that the affair was probity • maid joke ea the pert of ewe freakish tnoad, mod 1 should hear so more of it. At a little later than my usual hour 1. the thermos l returned to my lodgings, and the 're --a foot of which I we not pre viooely awes -that I had stupidly lett this very remarkable .ommanication behind me on leaving how in the Mhoraiag, for 11 lay on • sideboard open for sayome to read. I guessed, of enures, that the landlady bad, by virtue of • landlady's iaaliemble rigba, made herself by this time familiar with its omtonts, but did not .ailing, her on the point. was more o.soorsed to know if ayose We led dose so tue, sad with Net view sagaired if tiere had hem any whetters daring the div. " Only Yin Wilk.," wee the I•adlely'. .spilt, with a sort et b.t$kd-up smile. "She orae shoat ea hear ago, thinking you weald be hams, and •fir staying • few miutes, soddenly lett" Saddeal7 lift 1 Had she then read the I1 .1 several emsw • very n/ seas hen well" N JOLT ton -twin? -?fit (less to m ,yaao.1t r.-�fl� I1eet .said ship ? De -lows Althtmgh I ks+w Clomtatm• t. be • see cim this ordinarily l.gn41IYve girl, the ems oppress k of ear marriage ee.my to give her a tort of right le who swell ammi.ad any- thing that .u.sersed aW.. .0 .i 'Om acre .,Lural s►.s then air .kali tltbl • ✓ eal Moroi is the eerreep..d..« et she teas who • weak ►,a.e woad ho her has bad ! Oh. yes, I felt sure .he had read It ; but thea, she wee • eearble girl, and mold sorely ass the thing is its right light ; d muse she wea'd. But I would nimbi rather time Laid bar •boat it us)mit thea that eke amid wire thee Mewled.* of it by bar awn moa.- Row annoying it war. le be B ore, It wee some tise later when I sallied forth to the hem. .f my beloved to speed the .sual evsdng trait. How pretty the little villa looked whoosh the dwelt, with it. sloping gram lawn and brilliant reran - IMM. ! How proudly she maga reared their beads above the blue -flowered iris test skirted the garden wall ; how fragrant the bosywcklo that olimbd mound the .rt fully desir.od entrance : and whet • wealth a floral beauty was displayed is the miss - tare eoaesrvtcry that eooireled the draw iag-roma window ! But how Inuit more lovely than all was ClemenW herself, as she stood amities me within the teem in all the beauty of budding woaw- hod, with her brilliant eyes and Amities I raised forward to meet my oh•rmer with •11 my oustemary efusiveaea 1 did sot get guile the reception i expiat.d. "nausea!' cried Clementina, dr•wi.p herself ep to her fell height of ire feet Mae. and waving me off with her hands "Approach not sot ! Hay. yea the of - ftoatery to instal me with year polluted preemie, you base we For • woman who in MU -.-doom days is expected to become one's wife, I thenp►t this rather no! ; betas I ham Chaeags. had • hank snag atter stage ibid. I ma - chided aid ma acting, and leaghed at bis. "Ab ! you meek me, vile thing! Quit toy. preemie, ..d go-go to your wife and ehildnashrieked the fair tae, evdestly AU earnest. "Cl.meatiaa, den't he .tepid." 1 mid. "Tera is • mistake. I know to what yea allude. You have been to my roam. sad read • stupid pot. sideswiped to - I tell you it is all a mistake." "Ad • pretty .iat•ke for nee ! ' erred slew "Bat. 'Mak heaves. I hew dM- .e,.e.d it he time. before it bowie impair - able. Ott, yore monster !" "Hear Mo, Clens ',tins. like the sensible girl I've always taken yes to be," I plead- ed. "I 4.11 you the whole tbian ism error, a d.1...., without s word of truth i. it. I will hove the wr t bed Maass. cleared ftp at otos Beside, think • moment. The des is prepoeereo. It you oosld bring y.sn.0 to imagine me the husband of soother, yea Barely could sot he1Mve me at my age the father of holf a dozen cbildrs.. It se too absurd r Aad I smiled • sickly anile at the folly of the thing. "Hew oma I toll ? Perhaps you have de- ceived me to your age as well ! Of whet value 41 • ewe unsupported word ? But Imre me : g., end pct me break my Mei is solitude'" Ia this strata she went on, blindly refus- ing to be oeatorted, until the thing got e bot that I seized my bet and rushed to me' odgiap a despair. with the mention of forthwith tying myself to my bed -poet, in- stead of • week hew to ay woe. On eon - 'adoration, however, I 1.0454 to delay the fatal sot for • day or two, is order that f might ham time to arr.ago the disposal of my worldly goods and .8.14.41, as I did not wish there should be any wrangling over the possession of my het b..es after ay do oe.a la this determination I retired early to ret, to enjoy the sleep of nos- ham Bat I Aid not have thiap quite to myself. My mew slumbers of the night were • fesefully enlarged editio. of the day's pro- mdisp. The six children, quickly multi- plied .p to sixty, shared my d41treesful comb, and made tho night merry with their pranks. They danced borapipe on my attest : turned somersault. cos the bridge of my noes ; seized toe by the hair of my bead, and whirled me round the room in • w- eer that would have surprised Mr. Maske- Iyme lamed, toeing me over sad oyer like • Shrove Tuesday psaceke. Needles. to et tb•t 1 awoke in the morn - tag with • splitting headache, aid feeling generally so unwell that I decided to pars the day indoors. I% was afternoon, and I bed thrown my . eat iota as easy chair aad filled my pipe with the intention of upending half sa hour in the regime( oblivion and tobssoe mike, when • violent rae-tat is the outer doer e anwd as to orris. le sty feat. A few sea- med. kir the door of ney roes was thrust saddest, open, and a powerful feminine Woe exclaimed : " Go to your father, my dean, and lot bin se how you love him r Is an Natant half • doze. brats of every oos..ivable degree of dirtiness rushed into the now mad made ter me. A ample siegbt bold of each leg. while the .thea pl.b.* 1 iso securely by the arm', and the whole of ties buret into a (tracked therm of " paddy ' Moldy 1" 18. steno was probably hideous. sod 1 believe i mild have imbed at It myself. bet that *roach the epee doer I thought I meld esti (asrmeatlna with • semi spas her hew "Whet does all this mesa ? Take them brats away t" I shouted. manly etreggliag 4. free myself hos the whew of the yams writhes. A wows .f mosendoe build heeseed hents the reals aid Intel her gkeitg eyes apes "i*'e the wrong ass !" she aheaeed s sad them, ta...1.st to the Mem mid, "Cents .way, m, deers, mem sads s embl•8. Thee's net your father r "Them whet die yes meas W nsding lse lid lytsg M/yr W easing M nes M this way T' f ti --dad .f the ww.Q.ifg thought you were my hatband.' the .e,fl4 seely, "Yta'me pa the air . oma anasaliem mow .tapped herward. "le .at this gelatinise. than. your Imo - bumf. ma'am !" she Irked. timidly. Tia woman regarded brr...to-pea.ady. "Sly bntbad, mhos. orad so he is. he 41 • ass t" wee her reply, ;idiot Walt to la Jen. c--- laughed loudly. A. fee my - . etl. 1 heat eoidem telt wile( in my hie. 1 wee gaits aware of my yosthfld appear e ase, is bot, prided myself apes it, b.IM.- he it • mist is my favor. But to by. It threat at me 1. this way was west 4.aUlat• lag. However, it seamed to side eves sod ler .11 the isogametes* et the tetter, cod evi4.stly maimed (stations br..U, for .bMUy afterwards. with the smhot•ass of the landlady, she mise d to draw .ff the horrible weeess sad her brae, sad even to .street aa apology from her for the mlatake she had silo Whim they had gem C7ementlna aim up tome end said : -- " Will you forgive me, dearest? 1 ..e how stupid 1 have bass, and am mad with myself for ever bevies distrusted you. But the Mem r was the amass of it all. How .illy of ate to have believed it ! (u yea ever overlook my folly end love me again !" For • few stomata I had serious iambi of taking • third single to the deaderioh !shads, Dat Clsmsnttms pleaded so prettily that- 1 par way, and we went aw- ned at the date previously arranged. rainy. and eae.ces 1t is often .11 the little shins that o.erti- tate the wide dtler.nee between swam and t•tlure. Some uses, earnest ea purpose. capable io way way*, teles melds to dis- cern the import of sumer. aewerikelsea im- portant elone.ts. end mean is cow gssaee to gr•.p the oppertuaities that if ea copied meld carry them on to victory. In the setae way people are imposed apes by .00vaery draggrto, who, to gala.', addi- tional profit. practice e diabow% method of sutati4.u.a. Caen for Paloea'@ Pain- less Cern li:tractor, they e000pt some worthless Aesb-eater .b.oiat., eel, to be dimppssated or suffer minty. Putnam's Cora oare is the only reliable one. "WHEN THE KVE COMES NAME" ttt pert Nebo Hosmtar marls of ah. Cels. ?Lei Bovine A.eeetdtes. AS per anaounoetsent of last week, the regular ves.Yag .t the Geologisk Bowie A..od•tiom took pity on the Dart How Park. gone s number of the member, were pr.m.mt. At daybreak many of the guilty boyish ..aid he gem approaching from ell potato .f the esapso, lathing give eoatent.d after their sight's exploit* Sew of them oar rod on their bores souvenirs is the shape of ea►bage leave., grams ears, piste tope, Ms., bodes laving .eat ugly mean ea their pbvslrga Yea, ef our exasperated animas had 4.en ivied to attend, ..d • silver sal.- ts. was to bye been takes ftp .t the ..- to the park. This lest part of the programme. however, was looked open by Brothers Short -tail and Oae-hare as rather • tootle toe mei of • grab, and sonsegaest- ly ti. perk we thrown cpm to the mimed sad the public free. A wire some was costed armed the Nannies to protest the jollier bovines from the ravages et the enappiag Ladles who harmlessly swim aroma in the bastes. The home guard protested the Gowen and shrub as beet they eovld,bat it wag • tedi- ous task. owing to the eerarity of bras mash and gear at beam. As the moa wee rising quickly, .ad the q. re Retie' ali.e with people, the 'nest- ing was rushed along i. • lively amasser. Miss Jersey, the oeoret•ry, having recov- ered from boy injures, was quite spry aad frisky, and her voles was u line order. The president, Mr. Bull, was lam in •r riving, laving mot with • mishap by fetus tangled up in • cow -Ilion with • barbed wire fence and • bulldog, down near Bing - ham's grove, and the old taloe's of hied stank and whiskers were in bed shape. He readied the meeting just is time, on three Ws, but by the application of • little strap applied with • make whip at intervele, be will ems be 0.E. to order to liar. up to the park regul•tios sign, " Keep Off the Gram," the Court House stem wonpiss and • banner bowies " We are 48.oTl m(p)g." was hung .eross the sad of Ne building. It looked very attritive and will appear br the new Godshall Globe. When the business was ever."' social took gale.. Tb 'lawl' opened by Mien Heifer singing • beautiful ballad entitled " We Won't go Home till Hornig, the presi Mat s..itiimm be the *bores. The effect was a*gim1, aid the m.ladines voice. doming on the early momism sir. was • rare treat to our vision), who .aver heard smelt swine music before. A hornpipe, danced by the ieltford Boss, was imam sad .early brought the stare don. A stump(tail) optima by old Beneo Steer (s), Mr. Holstein, ouo..4 Nish amuse - suet. A dame by the Devonshire Slaters, en- titled "Ia the Gree. Fields, Far Away," wee very effective end testator, aid seamy of the poor old female bovines shed tear*, it Miss Waked • tender spot in their mem- grim At this point of the entartoi.ment • for rile wise std howling was beard at one of the fountains, ose of the juvenile bo- ving. Billy 0m11, bating ventured too scar the bed.. the big Nudtsrtle 'seethed if quite • ehank .t that valuable fly prim - ter -the toil. The uta s sppie soon re- vived after taking • been er two of 10(k. feet, and will be se ge.d se ever by the ap- plM•Ilen of • Mile hair ?wirer. Y1.Yaps never ewe .i.(I,. At tido jso.Mrs me of tib tow ma - sashimi mime • writ her dentems es �t Mies Jersey, who took no wiread esatesle, whit& •rs as follows : The tl.dmbh Beim Anemsa- ti.s to the des.. garde. .ad Tatra ...e& Damsons and presented for 18�000das the 1, 000 bona, e... sad a few 0. ess,mall Aso4.. cary -.ylw alesarap basil.. ly,he- Win adhmiged ff hams, /ewer pats, nos .- ffat.�i. flh.�aiib was eet eaApd. lase shot wee lis smelt ler the brehmihnM ASF it wIn he s itg� fait le lo- eft the newt et the whmb1h1e�g b et Isis eww tr tedd sue Thee Wag rep io the haste .t the barbs de. swat AWN to eaimi.ed .sed ser A np =sissies. Na rNaws sties.afrom the eawagne of a hsi d IS PARAYLSIS CURABLE ? MK 01110ROS LITTLE, OF ESSEX COUNTY, SAYS 1T Irk M■ Maria as OWN Ts.atal-C gS,asliMca TO ?sows Tis MUTE Or aA AmOOTION -- srrrame res °Taft TWO YaaMm-NOTN ■ItmiLN AND RAWLY T5WOMT TM*? ONLT DI ATO COOLY END Mm sarriaLNM.$ -At1A1N 5NJOTIN1 Teti sista Mo Or 110CNA ■LLT.. Pram TM Mases rr.s )nota 1.i a •e truly • burden to thews not blamed with • full ms•.ari of koala' and str000th. but when •.trona aim se brostht to the verge el almost utter hots lemseae, when d x Mr• bil, &ad there is mammal, ootblo5 Iaft to do but wait tet drool ema.mom that comae but cow 4. all, the ow •rumee as aspect of esteems ssdiees. 1■ ouch • me- dium ae we did Mr. t;...rg. Lade, of the townohip of Colehaster Nath, Dud btmerlf, sail recently The Free t'rw Mario aim doatall) that he had reeeeored health and . reagtb, a repot ter wee peat to ia.e.Ngat. Whenasss,Mr.Litde expressed', willio.aee to state the ',mitre of hexa oae,and hexa story et as Niles : DELI€IOUS NAZAWATTU TEAS, 15,000,000 Packets Oil Milk b Int -'Had to sit wit fret to a hot cryo." Some four year' eqo Hr. Little suffered from • severe attack of I. grippe which left hie lower limbs perttaliy paralysed He called i. es. .1 the beet sw.wm physician of 1i...g sooty, who appeared to do all thus lay is his power for the relief of Mr. Little, bat N se sued. Tor two send • half years he suffered the meet iot.ese pain and was omitted to his bed fa the /team part o1 the time. The doctor was purled with hie ores and as he seemed to obtain so r. li t be obawged demon for s pored The w ood doctor did so bettor thea the other, sad Mr. Little retersed to the one be had Stet called ia. Finally, despairing if ever obtaining relief he told the pkyeieiss tact he did not se may further use of taking Isis ..thein.', sad believed be timid die if he did sot obtain relief 1a • sitars lima H. had wasted sway to little mere then s more .keleten, and was au objet of pity by hes . wkbors, .oil felt homed • buries to hie family-. His wife and family had rives up hope, and Me a.wbbon all thought it was rawly • quassia of time whoa Mr. Little'. death would relieve his .af.risg. While kis limbo were partially paralyzed Le mold he them sof toient to hobble about the how sad door yard, but rt he undertook to walk to the stable be would be confined to hie bed ter • week after. Hie limbs mew .umb sad cold. During the bottoms tom - seer days be was obliged to sit with hie Not and legs in . hot oven, wrapped in flannels sad het Moths until the .kin would come off a scales Mr. Little beLi.wd that hu physician we doing .11 then *.old be dose, and has nothing hat kindly feelings for the treatment be relayed at ha ber but be is carotin that the doctor tied no hope of he recovery. H. bad tried an advertised mWrs1 water, taking to all w.ee pllo.s of it, butt failed to obtain mist. After suf- fering for two and . half years, Mr Little, in the Sumner of 1893, real of s we simi- lar te bis owe, thee bed been cured by the um of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Grasping at this lit hope, be .tut for • few boxes aid began taking them• Before the mooed hex wasell u.od, Mr. Littlew.s.stisied that he had found • remedy that would oare kin of hu.i...dingly painful and 'mysteri- ous ailment. Mr. Little aon►uoed the nes of the Pick Pals for several mouths, and me able to got out and do light work about the farm, which he had not bees able to do for over tw. years. He oostinued using Pink Pill. • while longer, when be was fully recovered and waa able tie do any of the hardest work on hie farm, and is the wises time worked •Imwt steadily at log sawing and wood -chopping. paring the past Fall, he my., he was fregacstly ossght out in heavy rain storms when be was sway free home, but he bad .o far r o.vsrd that his imposers' have not brought any bid results. Darien the very .old weather of the pe.. est Winter ho was bawling wood to Wind• nor, • d41tes.w of ittesa mil .. He looks at present es if he had hardly esen a eiok day to hie life time. Mr. Little feels deeply vratfal to Dr. William: Pink Pills and claims that hie complete recovery se sntirely due to the w .f the pale. H. gime his tc.Mmoey tar the ►entffe of others who may be sialiariy afflicted, Mr. L ittle's wife who me present at the interview, corroborated Mr. Little's tesiimeay and believes he.w.e kis satire rya emery to the w of Pink Pills. The satin family look apes the husband and father as w wised from the grave by the timely w of Pak Pills. O. esgairy saong Mr. fettle's neighbors, we gad that he 41 s man of undoubted ver- soity. H. has limed in Essex meaty all hi. Mistime, sad ou his prises% taro in Cold eh.eter North, about lour years. H. is the saporhiesd.at of tb. Edgar Mille Sunday sad hie ease is too wall known in that district to be disputed. Si. neighbors bokd upon his oars as s ..at miraculous es.. W death bvitsm been expected woos( lksm for sissy !months bice he began the use Punk Pills. OF NO INTEREST TO BALD -HEADS A hair warms .f a root. a .hePo, sod • point. The root is eenlsi.d within • mho ate tabular rooms is the ski., .bob 41 hand the heir-hflielm ; the shaft 41 the sari widish mimeo beyond the serfage of the integam.at ; noel the point 41 its attest - mead hes estr.sity. Reek hair in famished with two or mese tit winds, which .screw . greasy fluid for the memo* of k.npine the hair .smith, gl•my end plisse. Nem therefore q Che alt► no ies har tom � bb sad • , the hip , retired. Hair grows at the rote .f about 6 imus • year, ..d ion swage lengthen One .sle bead varies heat HI to illi ba m Ran reels are res.rded 1..bieh It .....reel ha. A he fi No. We are In the habit .f esgsrditg ams as being akgralw• sew amino them ...ow This le nee the ten., he.em.e. b1 every prapitir4Imeass. Iwlle kir Is es miss en hell an MM sl .ler. !7e The Tea of the Old Country, 0 1 LI. IID 4 LI. LBLD MUM 1T 40, 50, LID 60 MIS PIM L11. --SOLD BY - C. A. NAIRN, H. E. SNELL, aad STURDY BROS. average s.lsbr of hairy growing from the hip is oboist 180.000. But this is greatly iaflu.s..d by the oelor'.f the keit. Alberta's live stook enterprise sees in • most 8ouriehtog condition. The body of Was. Br.we was found in • pend at Scotland village. Yic8ael Benoit, .tiers! Manager of L. Bemis NatiosaI., ha. resigned. Kingston Young Liberals will hold a oos Test ion at Lake Ontario Park. Redmond hates on hay shipped from Manitoba to (Ontario ha.s been offeed by the C. P. R. Sir Adolphe (;eros a acting Premier during Mackenzie Bowell'. visit to the Northwest. Wheat was weaker in Chicago yesterday, and September closed 1}o. ower. Alex. Uous.eao, of Lavaltrie, was killed by the exploitiao of • boiler in hie creemtery. An ecologies of Ore damp in • Wetphalit mine killed 32 maim and injured oar a bemired. •'liemae, mus that • sugar plum you just pie air asked little M•b.1. "No, dear, it was one of Dr. Ayr's Pith' "Please, May I he.. another?" "No, dear; one of those Moe pills 41 all you need .t present. become eery does 41 effective - Am nisttes wooled seem to show that brunettes, are more enooeseful is obtaining hesimade is the proportion of about three to two. Po.ta have a proforma, for fair hair, but prolate mart•!, a mann of • wife seem to prefer the brow. and the bleak. Whit moats bad dreams is • question they be. Meyer been satisfactorily answered: but, in nine cases out of tea, frightful droaw are the result of imperteot di iee width a few dose of Ayr'1 's•,spari 11 m .11) effeeteally moody. D..'t delay -try it to day. ?batch .. • ittititSiterbs bat del try Se mmea tap a Eng.vlag maga s add Its trying grpwhmwraf wmedlas Tab* PYNY - PECTORAL sad read 41 obis Is fes... Oma. 1b most cbUma.o ..°Mia Taiga cue tt.w. r m .tort moa et mei lees r le eider 41rusm.im ► • dame W ma leges likes m. 1111 Ostia GOIMIRIOH STEAM BOILER WORL$. A. S. C H RY STA L, Rewemoart. Carps .1 d/ Biwa.1 r.•aON4.arer of ell kinds of BOILERS, Smoke Stacks, Balt Pans, Sheet brei Works, oho, She, i Aad baler -.- Bogies, IUachtaery Castamp, to., Pipit mid Pepe FittisR., .11 Breen (;cods, Yalhse, Gauges, IQo. A11 Cosotaat:y os Head at Lowest PrIoea. The following ltecoae.kand Hot/ors.ad Maeaw inter toe isle - (n. 45 H. P. Boiler .ad Engine. 40 " Slide Valve Knits*. " 35 " Tubular Boiler, complete. ., 14 " ., .. " 6 " Fire -bot Roller and Eagiae,ea .h.o41. ihneirlsg promptly .treaded se. A. S. CESTSTAL. 1 -ly P. 0. Ho. T. ttod.rsch.Oat. Worts -Opposite 0. T. R, *title.. Ooderi1 NEW BAKERY --IN- 0.0DERIOH. JOHN A. GREEN has established a new Bakery and Con- fectionery Store on Hamilton -et, in Barrie's old stand, where he will keep constantly on hand everything in the line of Good Bread, Cake. and Pantry of best snake. Large Loaves at 10 cts., and small Loaves at 5c. No combination ; no extortion ; but everything to suit the times and the pockets of the people. If you want Good Bread and Cheap Broad !ave your orders at the New Bakery, on Hamilton Street. Wedding Cakes a Specialty. Bread delivered to all parts of the town. JOHN A GREEN 35-CASII ?RIES35 1st prize, $25 ; 2nd, $15 ; 3rd, $10; 4th, $5 ; 5th, $2 ; 10 prizes of $l each , 20 prizes of b0c. each. Th. I'roprietory of u $pada"rermuj offer to school chilaten 18. ahem ! prizes, competition open until Int of May, for the best poem oe rhyme, the ?Mittel letter of the lime reading downwards to ons' pose the words- SaladatCoylooTeas ---o : o --- The poem is expected to be the - result of the child's own thought, - the assn, age, address and .�1 to be appended to each poem, aloe T- a card out of • package of 1_ Il Salada" Ceylon Tear s- ' -/ l /- STURDY BROS., The a.earv, L./erleh4 firT.lephos.. Connection. TENTS! CAVEATS. Tlafit M IRAs Alta coPY 1toiTs obtalaed. aad ell business to the U. S. Pawl Oleo attended to at MODPRA rR PESB. our .diem 41 opposite the C. A. Putout Oden end eaubtain Pal- Ma thwwom.ta trout W4SIII VGTON. Beed MODEL OR DRAWING. We Lid. Mee es to patietabllity fres Ofs w. snake RO causes UNLX88 VIZ OB- TAIN PATRNT. We roti hent, to the Postmaster, tetq 1s. 114 bed*? DIv.. aad to onolai. N tie U. 8. P�ttwt Odoe, "'or otroalar, Myren ra ars anA r.derwoe to actual thenen to seer awn State or Gouty, writato c A sw.w a a.. Omelette Patent Oeoo,Weebinet*e,:D C, t-tt 1 Asmiltr PAK. AT ENTS OAYtAT awfUxx r1ONTs, .0 . . 1,7.1•1.'7"71, tOs. am=ebya°hameepvtbwM.,. ecihereon fur tao?,patrn is 015.1Aea. cz cutific Alumni !;'2"`dr""'""'"t�dot...y eareoRf 1110* w theb Ky►�arr M Nrl dotmag, w •O0. Ppnttaa.e., efi t ) FOR TWENTY-FIVE YEARS DUNN'S BAKING POWDER nistcWm_cliazs FrmEND aAaysale Ins ssii�i d 1141/0Oerwira swiftsIllestres1 ere to a ti w