HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-8-1, Page 44
�hc $jul,
Moe et Pe i*r4S. Ilorth wrest.
Terme or Nm.estrase 1
Cmeal.. la Micmac"
.f seethe,
(tae year.
9 1
..... •
1 M
Loeb at weer Latest.
Tour label is. wadies receipt of ihe eats
so which you are paid up. Sea tint 1t 1s set
allowed to fall 1.te server.
gybes • amago of address 1. desired. teak
M old .ad the sew address ..saki be elves.
Adv.vtWag gate.
�,�gal sad other msual adveRlesmenta He.
par llse for gest 1a•ernea. and...aft per limo
ler each •ab•gseat Isssrtbs. >Yeneered by
swtar-1 male
BusLees cards of els Imes sad ..4K, 50 per
Advertisements of Lost. Fosse, Strayed
situation• vacant. Saabs Wanted sad
Ikaisa r Chamois W net 'xseedieg t
lbs seawall, h per
Heves• no flak and Parts en sale sot to
e rased I Imes, 11 tor ant ..sok. IS.. per sub-
s.g1.t month. Larger .dvIL is properties.
Any speraid notice, the odest sf which Is to
e mend• the pecuniery Masa d any iedl-
�vr1 eseteet�W thine as•rileeb. as ad.
Lord *otiose lo nemp0eol type ems raw per
weed. politeness lees ('buss 160.
!oral motions in eMfasry reeding type two
mints per word. No melee for lose time IS..
Notices for churches sad other religious tied
benevolent Institutions halt rote,
♦best • 'Tb. Mgeal" MHvey.
Subscriber who fail to resolve Tart Besx*L
r.relerly, either by carrier Or by scall will
reefer • favor by aogu•intiag es of the tact at
as early • dittoes possible.
Retorted manuscripts cosset be relented.
C..orre.pon4enoe must be wrlttea'on one side
of paper only.
r.bul.bers gs1...
J. C. to Touael, of (condo.. W been ap
pointed Local Travelling Agent roe the tows -
ships of Godertob. Colborne, rakish' .ad Wo -
Local postmasters over the district are also
e mpowered to receive subeerlp•fons to Tog
Ibex at.
All oomsualotitlon• must be sddrssssd ts
D MoO1LTi R.sss *z.,
lunar ---.Dahl. filederkik.Ont.
-Several men whom the National
Palen base t made rise ars now asxuas to
gat is good shape SamoWly by amt of
-The crop of applicants for office
hnot been derttd_by the droath. In
10.1, skin mass. tit 10 likely to brat all pre-
views resell.
-The man who has made the great -
eat saniese far be party 10 bobbing .p in
every part of the °misty these days His
same it I.eg1OS.
--Everyman cannot get the vacant
appoihtmeat, but every man will consider
he is bettor .lualined for the officio than the
nem who will ger it.
-her weather in .July should
bring Ja1 wvetbsr in Geuther. The oldest
lnhabitaat is busy searching for • oold Sum-
mer to parallel 1896.
-The way the Cabinet Ministers
scatter around at the oleos of • session of
Parliament would lead see to believe that
the deputy heads of deprtatenta do nearly
all the work.
The iteration, "Who will be the
next Regutror' u the sell -absorbing topic
from Ambrley to the Whalen'. Coroer,aod
the •1.idnuns are oeowiag the cud of re
Memos mat vigorously.
-There is a berry little war on in
the local seal trade, • id the people of the
tows will get the basalt in th.ahape of cheap
feel. As the old woman said leer, long
ago, "Its an ill wind blows nobody good...
It is almost a pity that Hotline
the Imeur.tee fiend, could mot be hanged in
every tewo whore he committed a murder.
And yet there are sone aentimenta►uta who
claim that there should be no death
If they are not careful in Hwmil-
ten the corporation limits will be split by
the exuberance of entbu•iasm of the i.b•bi-
t•ote of the Ambittots Cit, because one of
ita marksmen bit the Mallory, on • tercet at
Riley once or twice oftener than another
--That thriving town -Clinton - -is
Just new pestered with an Tadao ot the
traveling gentry of whom • ooetempor•ry
es. "it makes their foot sore to ride and
their heads sera to sleep. • Our pretty tows
e sngulerly free from time unwelcome
guests, and we hope it will coins. so.
The Hon. J(Mml'H ('li•miuteLAIp
is the real eentroller of the destiny of the
new imperial Parliament. Hes the 1,aderof
the Liberal Colonists. and as the Tories
have only asejorlty of niter votes over all
the other elements, he, with he immediete
tacking of 72. will be • large factor in d.
termising the future ratify of tie adenine,-
denine.t stiest "Hrummagim .lac aila power
behind the throne.
Glisten A M. Todd has gums to Halifax
at • delegate to the Orange Grated Lodge
Clinton : W. Waldron, of the London
read, chipped • eooeiggantent et rattle to the
old eonrtri oe M•turdsy, .tel accompanied
It is estimated by a shrewd ' n.i-
seso man that i. • year .et lees than 920,
000 worth of the busmen o1 the town hods
its WMT to Toronto, Leedom, Rrantford,
Moffat°. and other potato Tie geode weld
all be obtained is (.oderieb, d rens- 01s
prism, as ahem are .mental to stook, but ear
busies= nose as a rule dent anneuess that
the gads are on gala Asatbr hegira=
raw told as on Tuesday monads that as
this mein holiday • Indy went to Brantford
sed snow meeting bask .:knelled • cerebra's
whin' she bad meds sed quoted no prim.
He ass selling tee sales geode el es.Mird
the rasa, ..d .ho did.'• knew he ..rried
it n. Mese.
--Th. death of J ANES Diooao.,
llmgwptr of rted sines.Omistti.Nhn. l..
mom oma re tile oMtub sto=w d Riot..
emmN7. MGM lion 11eMned tr MSb
lo Sae mei M sod an tattoo met
fret two white thea be .stile ow the north
beak of the Aestk bens* .1 the Slier Ms/8-
land. are of the ..Sar. or 1Y33 are new
left b the count , rad Me possess .way .f
Jason Del Sous re.n.v.s a.otber luk be-
.times me past red the pesos► Ha wee •
rani mos, • lova. pared, • clever d.
beam. • Ntera1 order, sad • 500d Mtl e..
A fill biographies' Moral .1 the demagog
appears elsewhere le MAI Mane
A N English journal hav�ing.eked the
�riws of IY madam as to rho •..eea•►y ma-
prevell.esM of tie bicycle. resolved • large
.amen of .ayeutioaa Ase reeem.omds •
movable seat to temlo• a Morahan ep orad
down kill He sats that if the moat staid
b. plated • few robes forward he nsssmlimg
ad • few robes backward i. d.eeseding,
*ys5ls riding would be tear. pleasurable.
This a•gwttoa won • galas• prise
'wAa 00r weals • brake that will .N se
WPM wheels, se that the m•tht•s meld he
soddenly stopped without shrewd( the
r'iasr, sad wether warts an addition. so
Mat the wheel told be shopped' Alb.et
the .ydMt having a diseonst. One sug-
gests that the protest driving *bed be die
sanded, ..d one large sir obambr be need,
that it be math is the shape of rho present
one and mashed entirely te rho b.0, aad
ere that is ea the saving aide wants • tire,
" that will rover skid, weep, sow ell or
praetors," hat does sot Mat at • .atrial
that will fulfil ►10 eerditiera A rider who
le looki.i for • eeabinaMion of lightness and
Maranon say's that the whole moahins
Mould be made of paper .aohe, and um -
Mom tie foot that railway wis=M are adds
of that material, mrd the mit wants the
treadle to keep an dcelris lamp in tell
glow. Vet amoeba want' the smokiest os
adds as to .tore power, that might be wood
whoa •aoendi•g • loll, or append to • brake
who d.aoondiag err.
The suggesaio M ales mad. gid • red be
substituted for the ramie gear, and that an
apparatus at the will of the r'idar whilst in
mitisem, be added, so that the roar or env-
ieg wheel may he made to revolve otos or
*res toms with oto r.y.1. io° of the
pdala A cycling, who has evIdenaly Mot r
whoa, worts •a elestrio attar msout that
may In imitated to b•11 and handle so that
uv ono toae0isg the mr.bi.ewhin teem are
sm. will start the 0.11 ageing and imam se
onion* shock.
A lover of the water waists 'yokes that
ran be "ridden ea water es well as land,"
and hes faith is es groat that be eremite
within • short time to be able to tars off
the dusty read for a twenty mile ride as a
river. "The hands ehe.ld be tri to sorry
objes5. Of all kinds' says an enMsmas1, who
reoem.eads that tin mathinry should ho
so arranged as to girls enure omtrel for
guiding .ad driving to the feet. A.other
wants • double gear attachment, oat of 54
i• sad sic of 68 ie„ the smaller to Its tad
when climbing a hill, en muddy roads and
mania head triads, and the larger as de-
clines and level roads : and • sea who says
be knows what the centre of gravity mesas,
waste tie erasing machine tai have only oar
TO.,. ars numerous suggestions at to
motors .ad the fuel to be used. bat most
et them ere of such • erode nature that
meation .t them is unnecessary.
N almost every community there is
m ' Hosed J ii r.' Sooner or later it hap-
pens that the p•rticul*r "Honest .lox."
maks • break from moral pri•otples and
dose t appear to the pubis to be quite so
horst as he had previously remind credit
for Mur.
The "Honest .Jot's to not sacred to
• moll places or limited arms. Trus, he may
be found is the rural municipality. the
village, the town and the city, but he can
• Iso be found higher up in the sale -in fact,
he sometimes takes his place with tie fore-
most of the I•sd, and not infrequency hold.
down . high position in the cousily ot the
nation. "Honest J..11, - CARL,vu, for ln-
e taaoe, was • phrase to conjure with in Ind
don for .) e•n .*d years, but to one occasion
be .ospt.ed • stolen constituency, and sow
the London "Horst Jour s' name e
"Dass Ls."
Then there wail "Honour Jetts" HAG4 ART
who was called to the Callerat, not bemuse
of his statesmanship or culture, but owing
to his record for bulldog perseverance and
rugged honesty .f purpose. For • long time
HAo.:ART bore the soubriquet of "Honest
liter, but whoa the Section It exposures
were made, and the history o1 the Toy
Hrtdee was nude public, the prefix was
drooped from his name, and now, iseg•d of
"Honest ,'ohs" he is widely knows as
"Bluff .1 ACK Hamlet?. •
The tad "Honest Joe it•• to tinier ices
of prestige is no tem • person them the Hon.
Minister of island Revenue, "Heeeellt
Jose ('oe.rtu*q. Up to • short rune go
('omet•. was 100004 Spon as • piece of
straight geode polttis•Ily, with a deeided
knack for impressing upon the people of this
Canada of ours that he was the (;od-given
representative in the t)omiiios (nilgai of
the Irish res u this oounail. Outside of
his ..tionslity then was °otiose lo rowan -
mend "Honest Jove" ('...r,, ane to a port-
folio, far he is no orator, oo N•teea.a, and
not even a painstaking departmental load.
He 10 eimplh • limes ansa to match tis
(range sad Blue colors that haws always
Mom eompienw is the mak. up of Censer -
reties ('abisses awe Cerfdrsti.a. IMt,
if ('n.erer. p was net orediwd with states-
manlike premiss. oratorio! ability or seen
en armor, brain power omiide at what
10 required by tee erdimdry word pelitioaa
is was generally admitted teat is a 0.v...
.l when Tin*' and Ttluv, and Mao
amiss, and Coast, and Lrxo.tr..•d a
beta of =Mem W ramie risk, "Some*
Joxs" Camvssae W rob am gin Mmes hi
position le imam his ewe n.1. end amass
quietly remail* • pew oma lob, Was I
she id•11• d.dbsssd.aed today Jane Com-
mit in Ms oyes of henes0Ms saes 10 devoid
.1 he prods, •odd i.id .bab.memt 1 the
ease. taken from The Work will eine
hew he lest W god tame
Wien IM subsea, tar pmestl Moo tomb.
or wits vies to oromend a semi, pose
Ise in dins` •a IS amM_Um no Ike i.�tlp f
meet •I nasal therarhthbaw fa kis pupth
may dad ea b.m.Nint see is . meat .v
wre.mas in Par110.s•a A w in est of
oho Provisos owes soma ureases' bends.
The lea -Mor ell the trade is amok that noir
.--st.ial vains dips& slteB 1hee arm
she .osstr.sehe of • =lain railway. If
the railway is bsilt Ibn mines will. it M
morally eor.u, bosoms calash*. If the
road is mea b.Ut ahoy will .endow met-
md.colored sed virtually ~Wow Th. eon.
.Main's. ad Met railway aerosols ueso ako
remorse et a way from Parham et.
Without snob Paoli maatary groat then M
no hom of its bona bndll This owner a
the (meds Ma bad tom 1.& in
hogs Qat amok a graat maid 0.
giism, but W inally gime ap the kers,
and oars no loads for ease at a very
low dote.. A man as Ottawa who knows
tit* aromm-tasaoa. beeeetss pnsmnd .f
f.c.t wbia make It mes.117 amimia that no
G.ssr.ons genet will bagmen immdiatah.
H. at mos sands • Woman to the owner of
no hinds amiss is random tits property at
the very 111/W kale at whish it was boss
oared. The .dkr M ..s.apted, dm agr.s-
mas% mads. NerS day the P.rliams.tary
nest is steed. The Panel% 10 that wiMia •
short ponied she mw win paraded no
property ler, my $2,500, sells it for $10,000.
What do you teen o1 M. teanneralea
Wm it as homed and hoar.b1. eta ? Give
residua for year rawer. How wo.ld its
.r.l totality he and= if any parses who
profits so largely by the bmeinsm win •
ssember of Parhamsad. and .t the Gomm -
meat, sad s able to brise abat, er
Isms .atrially aid im arias* sheet, rho
bestowal .f the mat, by 0110 vein and in -
Miss Swift M visiting is Lodoa.
Row. Fr. W. Min Clinton today.
Beason Cod 10 deities the old home
Mrs- Cash, .f B1y'M. is vititimg is tom.
Thos. Nairn visited Wodato•k oe Thurs-
Mies AUio Sharma 10 deities it Chi-
hisago. 1
Mn. Tanner and son have r.arasd be To-
Wes Platt, of Platteville, is riming is
R R -mentos, of Hillsdale, Kish, M in
Kits Taylor, of Detroit, is .stir la
H. P•remes, of the Beak .f Communes,
Stratford, 10 holidaying at the family ma -
Miss Emma Campbell left for Detroit on
D. Dolan, left tor N sllaeabarg by boas,
Fred. W rider, of 'voodoo, sped Sunday
la town.
Jen•tb.. Frieder, of Luoknow, is timid=
in town.
Harry Black, of Montreal, is urines she
old helms.
MRs Minnie O Reilly is visiting Prima,
m Buffalo.
Ht aortae has returned from Ma trip to
Now York.
Wrroa Tbompaon, of Loodoa,spest San
day in town.
R. Tait returned to his bow is ti •pans
on Saturday.
nom Teresa McIntosh is visiting in Hal-
lett township.
Mrs. sad caul Turnbull left on • what to
tb. Forest (.icy.
Mins 4.b.alas, of S.aforth, arrived is
town ea Friday.
Miss Doherty, .f Detroit, a visiting the
Misner Campbell.
-1 ,
Thos. dad Jennie Burrows visited St.
Marys last week.
Mies S..gmiller, of Stratford, visited
town over saoday.
Jack Johnston has returned from • trip
to the Old Country.
Mrs Hall, of Buffalo, is vhit'no •t the
old home, N.Moo et.
Miss Lena Holmes, of Aches. is
Mrs. Jos. Robinson.
Miss Grano Selby. of Berlin, is wonting
the Miens Caron. jpm�
R. W. 1.tgss and D. Mot'ormick spent
Sudsy in Wisgham.
MW Sarah Acheson te vetting at her
bon. is Holoeeville.
New Era: Mies Mslver, Gedench, is the
roost of Mrs. Trouts.
Mies Ethel Hunter, of I.eamiagton,te vis-
iting relatives in town.
Mies Mabel Detlor is visiting Mrs Christ-
opherson, Nowise.* et.
Rob'. McLean, jr., has returned from a
trip to the Old Country.
Arthur Currie, of (loderioh tow0.hip is
visiting frisade in town.
.John Ferguson. of I)otrait, is •e the fam-
ily rssid.nos, Colborne .t.
Mies Corns Prison•, .f Detroit, 10 visit -
rag Mrs. Parsons, Wed-st.
New F.r. : Mn, Julian Wall is visiting
Mrs. Btookst.ee, (iodrieb.
Mies Thomson left this morning on • vat
te Toronto and other pinta
Ths Misses Species lett last 8M.rby on
• .tat to friends in Kingeter.
Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Read rad children, of
Detroit, aro visiting Ooderiob.
Mrs. Sharpe of Toronto, is veneer at r
parietal reoid:ho
ee., Churn -M.
Mrs. R. W.L.p..and Mrs.
mink are visiting in Winston.
('has. de P.rdr, reburied on Saturday
from • two weeks visit to Sarnia.
Mae Sharma& lett en Tabards) , per
eteraer, for Seal& SM. Marie, Ont.
The Mimes Stivems, of Gmaph, are neit-
her their mat, lira H. Arm.tr..g.
Miss Elsie Skieear, of Miteeal. M sped -
beg • tow days with fried& in town.
livens Devic, of Detroit, was the guest
.f bin .ensu, J. E:. Davin, loot week.
Mrs. Win. J. Dvre, o1 Galion, Ohio, 10
v10ltur Mahe relegates of J. F. Raton
Mr. Jahn Raley 10 very Ill did gram
hopes are enbsrmiecd far torr menvery.
Miss Mined Cooke lett town en bee res
tern to bar hone in S•gima* ea Saturday.
Kra Capt. ilh.pterd .red amens,
H.Rem, have ntsr.e4 from Meir l.k. trip.
Mrs. R O. R.ssell, of W.Ik.rville, 10
visiting bier iter, Mts. Mamas Swansea
Mr..md Kra Gregory Tess, of British
C.uahia, .re in tows es Moor bridal tour.
Mrs. Lover, of iLL, arrival
P'$day of m M vine mistime
John Kay, of the leek of Csm.•re.,
Snail Rea M.eM, 10 Amities r.Mbiv. 1.
Chas J. Harper wheeled to Clunes
Tasday atomise sod roans= is Mm
Wm S. Dasher sod etildrea r.lernd
harm a vide M K is.&rdu. Sunday, par
Mama J. A. Reid .td J. Li1Mbb, ohs
Ina a Mad oR natal M fid. anamtad
lent '~gibs
Mho inset& W ntwb.md bin
AM • sla Weir MO N kiln* r
1). MoCer-
• or, D.ts.te. Wood- mad Salle River.
ids is a..o.pased by Mt.. Ten. Heg.p,o1
M10a Tea.a. a.d Load Slowest, of f*s
Marta, aro nava' at Lbw socio'. Wm.
Mine Hay, who a.e bas v00 d►.
Wont Beady, has rstenr time Itjoate,
Mies May McC.11w, of 9trovord, who
has boon visiting is (.oderid, left for home
this .orsiag.
J. G. Ward. J.P., of Dammam, attend-
ed Iho Masai .1 his bin friend, Jae
Moeda Tesday.
lira Arnimr, wbo bas bon vomiting as tin
residse.. of Capt. Gibson, hod relented to
her home in Dakota.
Mi.s tfleek.whohad beeavatieg bar amM,
Mrs Vins, the past two weeks, lett for
Saginaw ea Saturday.
Kim 61450 8l.snene and Mins Paal1
Sllietc, of Toronto, are the guest. of Mico
Mary IGltolt, Wert -vet.
Wiggled' Time : Mr. and Mea 8. M.
Halliday ofdod.rioh,w.ro Montag triennia
tows daring the week.
New Era : Kim Same (,s.pbell, amide=
P M. of Godwin. moot alto crusty lows's
civic holiday ie Cli.tos.
Alt Soloed, now of Ei.a.rdise, was tali,
tag o round trip on tin ageser that celled
is hero Ssadav atterao,a.
Mn Jas. Baoharan .ad her daughter,
Mrs. Sharpe, of Toruato, left by rammer
Setarday em • visit to the Soo.
Prov To has retuned trees Loden,
*ben be hos boss writing as 10. boor
nutria .ad eoholarnhtp papers.
Mr.. Kn. sad the Memos Frady, Win
Skiver mid Yr. Calder Ido Poul Farm
Monday for their resposti.e .canvas
Kra G. F.81IIss and am, Harold.rstsrmsd
to Stratford this •floroeos, after . vol to
t0. form.'s outer, lira C. G. Newton.
W iaghent Times : Mrs. Js. T.ammat,
wbo has bees visit= frisson i.0.4.riob
for the past two .oath., has esteemed to
Toe Misers Creivbten, who hod hoes vim -
'nag the Miaow Stream for some new left
ea Mosby ter chair home u To-
115. Thos Watoss sad da.ghtr, Mr..
Wm. Glaser and hoe children, left Tuesday
afternoon on • three swath& visit to rela-
tives is Caere°,
1 (Postmaster Diction, woo 0.d soon is
town attending the funeral of hie fatbr,tbe
lateJ•e, Disbud, left tor his bow,`ieal.th.
Thurday mor.i.g.
S..forih Sen W. W. Kacvioar. oil
clerk en the Stratford and Goderioh br. 04'
at He Greed Trask R.ilw.y, staved over
at Sealortb for • low boars yesterday and
shed the rays .f bia brainy oosmt.0m.ss on
the Bea
We. Testator and the Metes Marguerite
Skelton ..d Maggie Baxter, arrived down
ea the Cae.o.s last MOB sad are stoldse
• brief viol at the residence of Cbae Foster
Eq., Tara street, Wore pr o..di.R to
their dsuoatioa.-Sarni Daffy Poo. ,,
Tinesr maid Armbrltea aselbr.
London. July 30 -Sir Charles Tup-
per. Canadian High Commlastoner, had
a 1004 interview with Mr. Joseph
Chamberlain, Secretary of State for
the Colonies. to -day, in regard to a
teat steamship service across the At-
lantic. and other matters affecting
Morning Peet es eanad5. Capyrleb5.
Landon, isty 31. --The Miw'aing Poet.
In dierweing the copyright question, sttg-
geRs that Canadian pabtishers follow the
English example lad ewtablbh branch of-
fices in the flailed States, in wbleh event
Amro cats may possibly be lectured to
u ntie restrictions which offend their
n eighbor.. in any effort of that kind,
rays The Post, the colony may rely upon
the rapport of the British Government,
but any imtetefOrcrce with an interna-
tional under1sndins and imperial leg-
islation would be disastnone to the ia-
tereets of all parties oobeernsd.
Cr.ver's •.bMM. is To Rave IS *erseied
That aN *..J/asd a Third Tenet.
Buzzard'. Ray. July 31. -President
Cleveland w111 not be a candidate for
a third term. Though the President
declines to discuss the question, and
does not authorize anyone to speak for
bin, there is the best reason for nay -
lag at the proper time Mr. Cleveland
w111 make announcement of hes unwill-
ingness to be a candidate for re-elec-
tion. This announcement w111 be made
over his own 'denature. and w111 be
emphatic enough to stop all specula-
tion as to Where he attends with refer-
ence to the subject. Mr. Cleveland
would 110. to go into history as the
man who refused a third term as Pres-
ident. He Is waiting an opportunity
to make that record.
* SIN lass At waSrle..
Waterloo. Ont.. July 30. -Between 6
and a o'clock this morning Are como-
pletely burned the house belonging to
Jacob Erb. The lore Is 11500. Insurance
• *twos..e rasing gill.
Wlnd.nr, Ont.. July M. -Meagre Pig-
gott a Sone craning mill seas con -
pletety destroyed by fire to -day. The
crop of the are in unknown and (. .
lens w18 be war sad above the nu
geddee Dem\ At lelgttM..
Blenheim. Jelly 31.-Mrw.7.abina Burk
awoke last night to find herself gasp -
Ing for breath. She rose and called as-
sistance, but died within a few min-
utes. Heart dlnsmae le set down ee
the cause of death.
Mast *eNoeased Re a ran
Iderrltton. July 11. -Morley Schooley,
seised 16. not a trolley ear while riding
a horse. In turning to avoid the car
the horse stumbled and fell with the
rider. Young Schooley was seriously
hurt and it 1■ feared his neck is dislo-
• MAW Sonne re *tail.
Belleville. Ont.. July I0.- Oi, Sunday
a little child of Robert Smith. a farmer
wbo 11..m near Queenabo iro', was a.eJ-
dentally burned to death.
• iWP'. Peet tarda*.
ICdtnortoq N.W.T. July 11.--s1�
nether, a two-year-old boy. drank a
cupful of lye In mistake and died hi
a pew boort
famne WO WS amelia MASS
• rim am Om *anile of leemdsW glean►
Bingbw•te en.k17.11�iRd. TortertItsi
mom enddmile M•tstMlama �rg w.l1orremeno e*t•ri•/
of tbe bent Ill
*aim omblem Perim f.lr monis
a laltam - aM9 �
Th• K.ynots of Grand Soviet --
Men Wallaos s Addre1111..
he gasses, aye i 7.00.04 Reya ab.n
do A1Nw,d To IIMet.M la aMYer.
Yseattsmr'-Us MW aver
Oppea• abesdve lsre-
Halifax. N.B., July le. -The session
K the Orange Orand Lodge 1* the 'tam-
est In the history of the assucw,lon.
Delegates are prosnt from the Atlantic
to the Pacific. Mr. Sperling of Van-
couver la the representative from Brit-
ish Columbia. The election of officers
takes place to -morrow afternoon. Kr.
E. le. 'Clarke w111. It Is said. not be a
candidate 'for the position of Sovrr.•Ign
Grand Master, and It now looks as .f
Hon. N. Clarke Wallace w'111 t..r re-
elected wltMwt opposition.
tae ..ra.d a..e►e.aa'. td/re..
The Sovereign Grand Lodge was
opened in the afternoon. Grand Mae -
ter and Sovereign Clarke Wallace pre-
siding. In his address he Bald :
immtieg once more the •iekgatw to
the Grand Lodge of British Amer -its, I
desire to sr how much termer.• it af-
fords nor to greet you to ala• Capita. City
cel \oIleitis, a proviso rich iu y
toric eventvas, *elan i"-ble loge the rabve
deeds of Its early ern . • laud o1 Et,-iil(e"
line, femora in story and ems, a pro -
eines lu whirb the two races that maks.
uy car pupulatiou are tumid worktult o
harmony side by side end Mud iu bawd:
a province endowed by nature with the
lisiteble resource* ul field, ttaberiaee and
mines. a province winos soil ha. wit -
noosed deed. u1 beruisn iu the cause of
the BNtisb Empire that will ever retire*
glory spot k► people mad make her one
of the brigbte.t stars in the F,•drral
The posterity of oar association u
Canada haw never in its history bore
more marked thou at the present tints.
There le es province iu our bread Do-
minion that tails to mad word o1 cun-
tiaco.. ;amities of increasing memte:ship
of augmented vitality. Our mrmt.•1r are
grrater tkas ever before, and our Aria-
ciptre oaf puryosra at* .teadily winning
more and more eionmeadation from lo-
on of liberty, loyalty sad equal right*
toward,. all, with gerbil privileges to
n ose. The celebratioe of oar Gloriotm
Twelfth was this year .sosuelly rather
best In •Imost 'very leading city of
tb• Dominion oar brethern turned out
in tbu°sauds to proclaim their fidelity
to Queen and country, the Proltaaut re-
ligion mad the principes of the British
caxKitutiou, while in remote .smuts,
smaller though the members participat-
ing may have been, the rause fervent
spirit of devotion to our principles was
1 bad the great pieaeure last summer
ol attending the meeting in Loudon,
England, of the Provincial Council of the
Orangemen of the world, and the hist
honor of presiding over the proceedings
of that body. The occasion war oar
long to be remembered. The coswopo-
ltau character of the gatberiug. tb>
emtnepte of the ince assembled. the im-
portance of the subject* dectr^d, aft
combined to wake the event a .penial
owe in the annals of our order. From
every portiou 01 the (lured' Doanniou,
aa well ea from the ()cited Star., oar
brethren' were represented, and I ss
rejoiced to be able to tell yam
that without it single exception
they reported the principles of
our •seoe.atio• to be taking deeper
mud deeper root wherever the English
tongue is sp ken, sad wherever men
learn to prise the value of liberty of
spreeh mind conscience and the tents of
the Protestant religion in Australia, in
South Africa, to the same degree as in
Canada and in Great Britain, then cams
kir which our forefathers tonight is up-
h eld with the courage and ardor that
enabled them under the blessing. of
heaven to win victory, and so aware
for us the rights we now enjoy. Let nes
proy tint tin' seat of the men of Derry,
Augbrim. Enni*illen and the Boyne will
More continue as now to animate tbeir
descetadaots. anal that the priceks. beri-
tage we enjoy will be kept as a sacred
trust, unsullied and unstained.
Addressing the Grand Lodge at its an-
nual meeting last year I reviewed the
legal pees through which the Mani-
toba retool question bre. paired. •tad
concluded with the obervntinn that the
*brie subject might, i thought, be re-
garded as having reached n finality,
. ince the Supreme Court of esutada bad
declared that tie appeal of the Roman
Catholic minority to oke Goer! hor-Gen-
ersl-iuLbeneil should be entertaiurd. in
this ezpectatioa l have beeu di.wpp riot-
ed. The decision of the Supreme Court
respecting the appellate jurisdiction of
the (ioveruor-eu-/',,unci►, was taken in
appeal to the Judicial Committee of the
Privy Council, and in January last judg-
ment was rendered by the latter tribunal
evening the finding of the Supreme
Court and declaring that the appeal
might be hexed by the Federal authori-
ties. This .uhjert is of such great im-
portance .ltd b.■ evoked s> large and
active a public interest that 1 tuay as
pardoned i1 1 proceed to refer to It of
mune little length. In the firma Johne I
would diet your attention to the ekar-
acter of the decision of the law Lords of
the Privy Ct uuril, embodied in nu 1m-
pe•rial Order in Council passed at the
court at Osborn. Hous-, Isle of Wight,
csu Feb. 2 11495. and .areot.d to by
He: Majesty the Queen. That deeisfad
stater in relation to the appeal re4 the
Roman Catbolk minority of M.nitaba
the " the (:tin Rine -Gene ru-ru•toeneil
has jurisdiction. and the appeal 111 well
founded, but that the particular commie
to be pursued mart be determined by
the autboriti.s, for whom it has been
t,enmitted by the restate that the gen-
eral Character of the steps to be taken
M sufficiently defined by rub -rection 3
of section 22 ,rf the Manitoba Let, 1/70."
The judgment ``ors us to say that "the
acts of Manitoba relation to education
plumed prior hi the motion of 1/90 did
eombr on the minority a right or pri-
vilege in relations to ed.atioa within
the meaning of sub-sretion 3 of section
22 of the Manitoba Act, wbiek slow ap-
ppitr: that the two mets of 1890 eosin -
panned of did effect a right or privilege
ed rho mdmority in stork a moaner tat
se apprraI win tk
11. erai
itdsr to the °D-
sl9ar-tea est -l.-1 sirmei l
ilpw. as you aro *ware, a poet deal
Mere.. hs. bo!en laid edr
lksrrr.dlal I.mgblatlon by upon rte 10fsis10 dm -
of the highest convert le the een-
apprnv.d by H.r 5.1in
ee ba-� ppk'ally1001a emessmaed
nevetttmamt sa7d tiet
to pvw.td, file
W the Masan Denuded.
namely. reran ails of Separate
Seaman (a amities, bat 1n tate earn
view, and 1 know lett I am rent alms 0
In holdlog It, all tee Jelin&I OO.tmNt-
lee has SeMmeid le diet tin appeal of
the alawtte »T be broad. mord vet
1ueami5rmm rat bs Aden& ea Mom
Ilam.mt o! Canada by the Governnient
by Ittasking a* order .pure tM1 Manituty
aatbarlt r... 1'It1s yliase of the , a.-
tbn, her.teter, Is essentially and di.
tinily potltcal, and nut judicial or
..rely sututnatte. '1'h• Uominlun Guv_
raiment cannot divest Itself of polite
W r.uralbtllty by uauming 1. •,X
�a a Judlespbl body• le ale last rer•,rt,
the Parliament of o'anada. the motet
s,tlet be dent with ua pulltloal,thuu'k
Best on party grounds, Aa yuu aro
leware, the JudMlal a'uminkier rr,tdrr-
d Its decision. the Federal Govern -
geoid Heard the appal of the Moore and subsequently made an order .,,,
the Manitoba authorities t" retie re
the Roman Catholks the rights and
privlirgos which they bad euy..)..d
previous to the enactment cf for 1•,h.
Ilc (school laws In leas. the orate: has
not been complied with. The Pr...
Mal Legislature. 1n a moderate's- o.
memorial. has net forth the r.•s-on.
why the Order cannot he earrk.l 11.•0
effect, at the same time Inti .,at,ng
that If any real grievances on th • t art
of the minority exist, they will be duly
ooneldered with a view tri Ib.•,r rr.
mutat and in consequence 0, lit.. in-
timation the Federal Gov.. -ument has
resolved. *410 the approv it of the
House of Commons, to renew .ammur.l-
cation with the Manitoba auth..rI''Irs
for the purpose of ascertaining n •.re
detrnit.ly what the latter are disposed
t.. regard as grievances calll:yt i•., is -
d vara.
1 here never enucealed from myself that
this queetioo is surrounded with d,1-
firuit{ •e. torr have 1 h.•.it.uted to Ira,,.ly
revives my own opguiou• upon it whet
tece•iuu has required. The liar of dts-
tiurlion betwres ercular atsl religiose
edueatiou is rustily drown. The un•' is
the duty and the carr of t0• state th.
Other pertains to tine rhea.., and lust
in .x. lar es the twA an• e"uj.uiurl u
Mime the Public .►cots to that extent
is the danger of church ail indite ,rlli-
t io'r created. No mai. knot et all mem
bb•re of our easociatiou, would desire to
ride rough -shod over .oa to any en, in-
terfere with the roti.eiettm" of the r.•i,-
gtoaa convictions of say portion ..1 .our
population. Liberty of ruisrie nor n..d
the free exercise of religiou lies at the
very rout and louudetiva of Oralone
prineplrs. But 14.•pr. rate wrhooI., he
rw.galtlon by the state of .,sr dt•,.,.mr
matins as entitled to ■penial prtv.l• .e.
in matter of education. n. .nems to u..
wholly incompatible with that absolute
Aeon.. of Church and State which we
0..!.1 to !.• .'..•retial to the well-being
of the community at large. olid neee•-
avy to t0e ittcukatio• of it spirit 01
nommen, citiseuship std s ware
moa patriotism. &lacehoe has been
committed by our constitution to the
provinces. Art of the seven provinces
which form the Dominion of Cama& is
two only has a system of Repents
trboola been staMishod by law, and
e peakiug Isere. in the C.spital of Nova
Scotia, 1 /types' to.you of the Maritime
Prnvinc.e to bear a. out in t0. .late -
meat that the Public school system.
whish you have so long eujuyod.
worked to the advantage of all cias.,••
and creeds, to the bsnslit of the prey/
tun a whole. and to the injury of net.,
either in respect of secular or reliere.u-
edueatio n. i do not b.li•'ve that tt.,-
people of. Manitoba would tolerate the
infliction lit any class in that pn•vie.r
of real. tangible. manifest grievance lu
the matter of the schools. I know them
well enough aad have sufficient faith
their ranee of right and justice to le
convinced that s, appeal made to thin
which is based on a easel of actual hard-
ship or oppression will be allowed to
remain unheeded, but I do strenuously
object uuw and at all times to say law
bring iaprred epee that or arty otb•-r
province at the dictation of a eburch.
What has been proved by expeuieirre to
be mound polity in the case of Prince Ed-
ward Wand, of Nova Mortis, of New
Br'aswiek, of British Columbia. may
solely be applied to the youtag and Im.ty
Province of jaauitoha, and if the time
5 ouid e..r arrive wbr s eorreiertintcr-
ferttee with ill rdbeatknaal system is
attempted, I will not fail to give el -
len to th•• views Which i beer an oft. -n
previously r.pre..d, and which i hat.
now one.• more reiterated.
Thr public meeting In the Academy
of Mudc was largely attended. The
speakers Included Major Arinstrveng of
Rt. John. Sam Hughes, who said Nov t
Scotlans should take d•'ep interest in
the Manitoba school question: R. Spar-
kle, Grand Master of British Colum-
bia, oho said there would never be
.spar.: t. ...chords In MIS prnvinee ;
Grand Master Mcalaehan of Quebec :
Alex. Muir, Toronto ; Peat Greed Matt -
ter Galbraith of Quebec. who dealt
with Manitoba questk,n In vlgon.us
manner . Rev. T. G. Gregory, Halifax:
Rev. A. L. Geggie, Truro; Rev. Wil -
Ilam Walsh, Brampton ; 0z -Mat or
Clarke, Toronto, who said : "if we have
been easy-going and for the sake of
peace have stretched the co.nslitutio•,.
we must not have impelled on ur .i
system which will ;Poor Mize the right.
of our children. The time ha• n ' e
when nrwngemen moot break w •h
ct•,s•' w'Ith whom they I
been :,00elated In the t1
He held that question.,
party- politic. w..u'd 1. in t • rh' f
in next election if -,n. e'Iarke Wn 1 -••
followed in yet, moderate me rh •.n
linen 'Miler too hie ad Ir et, r red :he
meeting wxt closed by Rev. Madill.
Tint cattle s .-a sluices&
H1e ted of *err. sad address M the
e:raad *seep.
Hallfa., M.B,, July 30 Grand
slack a'hapter .1 Rrltlah A-Themerica n..•1
at the Ma/ionic Hall here last night
The Moot Worshipful Grand Mast. -r.
Blr Rnt..•rt Weir of l'eterbnro', woo In
the chair. Per R'1111am Lee of Tor..nto
In the deputy chair. and 81r Major A
T. Armstrong of Mt. John. N.B., 1m the
associate deputy chair.
The address of the Meet Worshipful
Grand Master cont ed the Col/owing
refer.nox to the **.hobo school Qom.
Th. IItself at the nenl.nt, bavin0
pledged Itself at the n.04 ..04on t0
pans an act to compel the Prorime of
Manitoba et tore suntan holic
B.parat. Soho ol•,res11 1 the dutyCatof Para
of us to do all In our power to defeat
that measure by bringing what 1010-
0157. we can to bear on our npresone-
tiv.s, and :.i ye ;ring .11 candidates
for Parliamentary honor. Ix retire to
to use his yoke and vote for the noes
nominee of our Public Behoof 4xfant
throughout our dominion.
Am address of welcome was read. la
width were thew words : "Should a
tfiles $rrbvE wbw tt *01 ire nmtalr r7
far is to (fee 0 pr.otl�l dmm•mstar
Mom of our loyalty to Os •aura w
teal 1.110ced that Nova Bootle wll
not M to'a'd wsttNong."
T1es !peek (''Rapier elected wig.*
IowY1g oAlotrr : (Zeno /room wlatt.
Los, le : Dsplet7 (k.s ppg�trr.
S. O Am.tomg, et lois - Agee+*
D.1g. W., .1. 'A. Snot 1[tatar•jlsr t_r
Clmplats. Rev. Wl
ton : Greed R1gettr*r, 3
Terabits : D.p�y Genoa 50 1 ' '
.ear, J. i.R J.s.r.... Fw1wnls.. '+le*.tl..a.: Orrsd
stsel+es•ImaS- Qr
of the Deputy (leveed ft alssse•
4;.�TerTo tI ; .1► -