HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-8-1, Page 2IP
-•.ter---- .,
Tia BIG'IWAT.: non "MICR, O T • TH RIWAT, AUGUST 1, I $95•
the $iqnal
is et/SLOB/1Sn
Si D. MllmWo0MT.
Oben of Pettibone& -e sen 10. Nectheteeel.
filedorish. Ontario.
Terms .t Nbserlptten r
Ons month. la sdveinee t AI 11
Three lbs
Use year.
1 M
Lima at T..r {ease.
Year label tea .and ,n 404 thee It Is sot of the dem
so which you ere W
allowed to fall talo arrant.ar is desired. troth
When a chancre of
be old and the new ,.wirer shoeld be given.
adverelsI.'L Saws
�,ss! and miter mewl „r(v.Ri*emente. 1b.
/or 1 g00 for fleet inr•rtlne. and 3 mos par line
ter each subsequent insertto0. Measured by
somsarefI wale.
Rums.« carts of els lines and ander. 36 Per
Adverti.eme.ts of Loot. Found. Strayed
int.atlots Vacant. Situations Wanted and
BOsioees ('benne Wanted. sot eso..diae $
item nonpareil. 31 per saenth.
Houses en :hale and Farms o0 Sale. not t0
exceed S lime.. 31 for nrnl month, 500. per eab-
Mteueet month. Lamer •eels. is proportion.
Am a the potice. the pecuniary objera of be*eet of which
any met
the D^•
ve tis or ro mil ny,chs g tea arrdinal ea ad-
vertisement and chased anon cent per
Lochs notices in nnspsrelsltype 0••
word, lso Daotn.la o thanring t two
Local •oboes 1. ordlaaryottice for less teas Soo.
neat per word. No
Notions for churches and other religious and
benevolent tutituUoos half rat..
About en* a$gaal" Wellvery.
Sehscriber who fall to receive Tag 8,O*As.
regularly. either by o&rrier ormall. will
confer a favor by acquainting as of tits Moe at
as early • dates possible.
Rejected raaneScripta mown be returned.
Oorresponaenoe must be written'o0 one side
of paper only.
PO►ll.bers Medea,
potnttedtLo aI Mvellty Ami toe the kw entowi
ships of Godwin'''. Dolhseso% Ashgold sad Ws-
Looal pastmaMeee vert aha district are ales
enMw.0M se resew wbsereptlws to Tu
Bias it.
All oommtalatioas mum ho addressed to
Taiaphsa• Cell 33. lismYsiaeteh. bei
Rsturnsd Against Holmes by
the Toronto Jury.
e1Mmse' 4Tlfles . T teete.s Tb. Nusbaum s
ems of Them &woad . • eo.eee•. -
lfho A.alsrMbae r.r..t s • sweat
!'hats .r irides*. *0.tnec
sh. Aee.a.dt
!abort of funds rad wasted lbs este imam• Toronto, July 36 --That Alice Pete -
iity, the ..'Lairy would bats preferred .a► lel came to her death on or
• deolarali.a. soawf$bt•ndia 't• ShSm.,te about the 1Lth day of Os -toter. 12,4,
the wretsksd wearies' •d.eseed that the
e:trw e•eeke will Washed to give Masdteba
• 1kanOe to repeat of its mohoel policy.
But the dear public seed not marvel at
the brarea frosts of the llinrt.rt•1 leaders
at Ottawa. They ere all men who hoes
.lade politics psi bwed.oamly. and we des't
know 0s. occupant of a portfolio who dose
not owe *early. if sot quite, every dollar he
possesses to what he has ginned in the
t loverassest h•rvst Geld. Ti ersa the
Flder sever mads mosey in his pro1sisaa.
N KV B1t has there assembled s par-
t in the history of any English 'meek
in poop{^ when so many evndseoea ot in-
decision shod Irak of 'Laity have bass given
by the Adnuetration as during the mance
which has oowie to such as inglorious
eadida at Ottawa. It began wills • quarrel
yet ho is now very rich. HAMMA•T worm •
heavily mortgaged omatry miller, bet now
he be gatte comfortable. LANCZVIN sever
trade • dollar in his pr0bssies for ever •
quarter of • ostary. and he is said to hs
a000=moalwell healed : while Foersa,whe
up to the dal he was takes, i.te tbs Cab•
net, was an odd job lecturer at tea deltas
per day,re now, no doubt,posrersed a • ones
bank •000uDL
Aad se it goes. These uses, with their
$8,000 • year and the "osaual advastages.-
.:.n prate to the farmers about good times
sod plead for • day of good will and pesos
between the majority and minority of
ylanitobs, but osdereesth a11. three is the
nae desire that there be eostiased to then
and theirs a .00tisu•eoe d ales and the
tatoeso thereof.
airing of the evidence. Albert Lowe.
The following pupils haws boss saaasadel who was bookkeeper at the Albion
Hotel at the time of the murder, was
shown the photos of Alice and Nellie
Pltesel and of Holmes. The former. be
said. were registered ID October last
at the Albion Hotel, under the names
of Alice and Nellie Canning. Hla re-
collection of Holmes was faint, but he
thought he had seen him there during
the stay of the girls. The feet that the
children seemed to be alone drew his
attention to them. Their bills were
settled each day by a gentleman who
called, and who. the witness thought,
was Holmes. The girls once or twice
said they were expecting their mother.
es Mr. Isaac Armbrust, tenant of the
now celebrated. Bt. Vincent -street cot-
tage. said he was present when the
bodies were taken from the cellar.
He had noticed a very disagreeable
odor emanating from the cellar some
time before the bodies were discovered.
A small piece of material. apparently a
portion of what had been a light-col-
ored waist and a scarlet hair string.
were produced. The latter, which 1s a
piece of narrow ribbon. was knotted
.� as though 1t had been pulled from the
•' end of a plait of hair. Mr. Armbrust
raid he had found them a day or two
ago clinging to a piece of board which
had been taken from the cellar. The
ane Is a fortunate one. se It furnishes
another proof of positive identifi-
cation of the bodies as those of Etta
Alice and Nellie PlteseL
Mr. Armbrust also told of the dis-
covery In different parts of the house
of fragments of clothing. interwoven
with straw. and partially burned, sup-
posed to be remnants of the clothing
of the murdered girls which Holmes
had endeavored to dispose of by burn -
Ing. One pair of girl's button boots.
and one odd boot, were found In the
wood -box.
Other witnesses had been summoned,
but they d1d not answer when their
names were . alk d. Mr. Dewart thought
N071- sufficient evidence had been submitted
No. 2 and said he would not watt for the
who were absent.
In opening his addet as, Citron.- r John -
No. 6 son said the exact time of Alice's death
could not be ascertained. She was seen
alive on the morning of October 21.. and
nothing more was heard of her until
her body was found. Where she met
her death was at once apparent.
The coroner then reviewed the evi-
dence as given, tracing Holmes and
the girls through their movements dur-
ing the interval between October 11
and 26, laying especial emphasis on the
presence of Holmes and the girls In the
yard of the Nadel cottage on October
1.1, and the complete disappearance of
the girls on the following day. The
identification was most complete, both
of Holmes during his stay here and of
the girls before and after death. The
jury were reminded of the positive
ide.tiflc•atlon of the bodies by Mrs.
"'• �^� those of her :1.Udrew ••u5A
she not ldentlfled them," said the cor-
a diner. "It would have been necessary
for me to show you the teeth of Alice
and ask yc•u W examine the teeth of
]fru. Pltc'sel, to establish the relation-
ship between the two. The teeth of the
mother and of the daughter are exact-
ly the esme. showing the same marks
of peculiar construction."
Thr motive for the crime was spoken
of as being strong to a ran of Holmes'
dlwposition. Alice was the only person
who could give evidence to convict
Holmes of the murder of B. F. Pltesel,
and she must be removed. Holmes and
the two children were seen in the house
.....,. together. 1f Alice Pltesel was murder-
ed --and murdered she assuredly was--
ifo• 2 who could have committed the deed
but Holmes'
The esacl method by which the mur-
der was committed, the con'ner th-•ugkt,
might be of Interest, but was not ma-
terial. The duty mf the jurymen was
to decide whether or not she was mur-
dered, and who was responsible far
her death.
at the city of Toronto, and that
11. H. Hulme., alias Mudgett, alias
Howell, alias Howard. did on or about
the day last aforesaid at the Bald city
of Toronto, unlawfully. wilfully and
of rnaltce aforethought. kill and mur-
usder the said Alice Pttesel.
After ten minutes' deliberation, the
Jury empanelled to enquire into the
death of Alice Plteael reacted this ver-
dict last evening.
In accordance with the finding, Cor-
oner Johnson at once issued a warrant
for Holmes, charging hlm with murder.
Crown Atturoey Dewart will lay the
verdict and the coroner's warrant be-
fore the Attorney -General's depart-
ment this morning. and extradition pro-
ceedings will be entered into at once.
Every effort will be made to have
Holmes tried In this city. The evidence
of murder is much stronger here than
in any other city where be is wanted,
and the chances of his swinging to
York County Jall yard are good. The
Chicago authorities are very anxious
to try him there, but It U thought
Toronto's claim on him will have pre-
cedence with the authorities of Phila-
The jury empanelled by Coroner Orr
to hold an Injueat on the body of Nellie
will be called together at once. The
evidence and verdict of this Inquest
will be put in by Coroner Johnson
One hour only was taken up with the
ot die High `Sheol Rotrasos Ezemiaati•n
held oe the 27th. 28th and 29th of Jame.
The work of the Weal booed of examiners
It.. beset approved by the F.desties De-
partment sod certificates will be sent by the
103 wrote at. G.dsrieh. ol whore 60 were
Marks. Names Wiese lidao•t•d.
546 smsheamn. Oliva Godseiob M.S.
473 Fresno ..
463 *side, Alis .... " "
533 De Pesdry, Alis.... .. " "
583 Gorrow, Eleaser. ....
469 Greet, Lathe
568 Hak, Condense
477 Ksox, Names
482 Lockwood. Eleanor
469 Melvin Margaret
503 Miller, Jessie
533 Morten, Jennie
606 Reid, Eta
462 Smith. Gras
525 Turner, Rditi
451 Terser, Flora
568 Watson, vest.
510 William. Ethel
489 Craigia, John
472 Carey, Alert
514 Holt, Gseffnv
465 Kneeshaw, Alm .......
465 McLean, Wilfred
431 Martin, Ham
462 Martin, Freak
446 Murray. John
477 Punnet*. Harry
475 Rob.rtm. Jobs .. .. • . •
462 Stewart, Ore J
602 Tsrsbull, Paul "
423 Mo('orm•c, Bessie .. . Sed ate School
451 Webb,: Margaret'
454 Campion, Edmund ••
451 Lynn, Amdrew 44
497 Shama.. Frederick ....
472 Tighe, Edward
between the HADDAM' asu-remedial faotien
and the Oviutt'r-CaioN wing, within the
the Cabinet itself, where nothing but the
spoils kept the hated contestants from
clinching bodily.
Tbe session opened with the well knows
intention of introducing r.m•diel legislation
se the chist feature, for up to the day of the
amemnoeme•t of the calling of the Hose
for business it was the belief of (:oms.rva
time and Reformers alike that the elections
were moan* os with 4:mid Master Me. -
•INst. Bnwat.i.'+ promise to the Catholic
church dlgnotoriee that he would is rodnoe
it at the first esesion of the new parliament,
providing always that the Tories were again
returned to power. Instead of taking the
pluage,liks thea of courage and vending up
to prisoipl• like Captains of the State, the)
took omen*' of their timidit, and, prefer-
ring the emoluments of office for • while
longer with oert•intt• rather thwo rink •
more than uneortatn encounter at the else
Nom, sudden!. the Hones was oalled.
But that was not all, for the Hudson Boy
Ratlwat adventurers had as eoormose
money greet given them by Order -is -
Council, end gush not being comeidered eat
utectory by the chief Beaun•1 backer -
from whose pocketbook the campaign funds
were to Dane --a deemed was made for as
Aol of P•rliameol The election lubriewit
not beteg is eight in any other quarter, this
additional sad potential reams also con.
tributed to the resolve to call 1'erliameet
together, and trust to time anti opportunity
to open • gateway to 'moan at the polls.
Well, Tureen resigned and sme back;
The pieces were found In ttae bass.
meat under the drug store. In the
wet earth, tufted with quicklime, the
situ saw what appeared t0 be several
riles pr trt0iDg. They dropped their
shovels •ed spades• sad carefully un-
covered tits bows with their hands.
Seven sib. wore thus taken out. when
several station of the vertebrae, and
what Is described as • piece of an up-
per law with two teeth alta. bed. were
foun 1 Eleven inure ribs were 1 then
out. of the place. With the ribs tlleY
found a portloa of a woman's jacket.
on the jacket was a small bunch of
hair. ted much dtacolored by the dirt
to give a notion of Its original color.
Thr bones lay on a board 20 Inches
wide and N Inc hes long. and thus in
turn rested upon a dirt -hard floor. The
hard dirt underneath would Indicate
that It was the original floor of the
eller and that It had been tilled with
about two feet of earth at a later per-
iod. In this flllyd portion lay the bones.
Three sections of the vertebrae and
f. ur of the ribs were taken to the office
of Dr. Charles F. North, who examined
them carefully and gave as his opinion
that they were from a human holy.
1 am not able to apply any tests.
but from a superficial etamina'.lon 1
would unhesitatingly pronounce the
bone,. as being from a human body,"
raid Dr. North. " They are discolored
with age, or the attack of some chemi-
cal aubetance. and the damp earth 1n
whi.•h they have been lying has add-
ed to their discoloration. 1 believe a
careful examination will disclose their
human origin."
Two pieces of flat bones were found
in the hole. probably. the police think.
being shoulder blades. That se: tion%
cf the smaller bones of the body should
have been found without any tea. a of
the larger bones ire the arms and legs
makes the find more mysterious. A
glass vial. containing about four ounces
of a fluid. was found In the same place,
but Its character has not yet been de-
After reaching the building. the
Chief of Police and Inspector Fitzpat-
rick and the detectives retired to the
rear of C. E. Devi.' drug store to the
building, with the newly -found frag-
ments. Joseph Owens, who was jani-
tor, and who it 1s said assisted Pttesel
and Holmes to carry the mysterious
trunks into the building was on hand
during the consultation. Druggist
Davis suggested a theory that the
bones were too small to be a part of
the skeleton of either of the Williams
girls, and be at once declared his own
belief to be that they were a section of
the remains of Mrs. Connor's little girl,
who disappeared when seven or eight
years of age-
geBesides the finding of the supposed
remains the detectives are to -night
congratulating themselves on another
matter whlob hardly teems leu import-
ant This Is the finding of two janitors.
J..e Owens of Bluffton, Ohio, and Pat-
rick Quinlan of Evanston. who were
formerly in the employ of lijolmee. Both
men were at the Holmes building this
sffternoon. They were taken down into
the cellar where the bones were found
and asked what they knew about the
matter. but both stoutly maintained
their complete ignorance of the whole
Quinlan acted like a man who was
badly scared, but Owens did not seem
much disturbed. Both these men were
employed at the Holmes building In
11.93, the year the Williams girls are
supposed to have been murdered.
()wens was the regular janitor of the
building. while Quinlan was a sort of
jack -of -all -trader, turning his hand to
any kind of work which came up for
him to doand Holmes with his many
queer schemes kept him constantly
busy. While neither man was placed
under arrest. both are under police
eurvelllanr-e. At present the detectives
have nothing on which to hold them
except the strong susolcion that the
men coul0 tett conatuerable about the
doings of Holmes if they desired. An
examination of the men was made late
this afternoon. Quinlan would say
nothing. but Owens talked freely.
in regard to the mysterious box.
which by many was supposed to have
been used by Holmes as a re . ptacle
for the bodies of the Williams girl..
Owens said: "I helped Holmes and
Pitesel to carry the trdnk from the
depot In August, SR13, about the middle
of the month. In November, Itrn. In
conversation with me about th • insur-
ance, Holmes told me he wanted to
keep the Williams girl In h di: g so that
he did not want her to 1.e re -n by any
of the Insurance people. and t.tat he
could telegraph and get I10!c0 acy time.
About the last of Novemt.e,• or the first
of December. 1133, i a•.-1 to 1 Helmet.
to establish the firm of ('ampl..-l', Yates
& Co.. for the purpose ..' tr.•tting In-
surance on the building it th south-
west corner of 63rd and Wallace-
streetn. while Insurance he r celved
about Neve r. i&'+:f. Holmes came
to me and Instructed me to r.preyent
to the Insurance competition that I was
the secretary of the company, which I
did, and I also took in alldavit to
that effect. i *leo represented that I
had met Yates and received et-.ek from
him. He also instructed me to make
the statement then that 1 hail met
Minnie Williams, which 1 d1.1. He In-
duced me to make these statements
by promisIng me my back wage. and
by hie hypnotising ways. Whale 1 was
with him I was always under his con-
"I never knew the Conner woman. 1
had heard of her. hut nlrer met either
her of the Williams girt I never saw
any woman around the place. Plterel
was the man who bleed me, and b met
Holmes one day In the basement."
The hones found this morning are
believed by the Central Station-- de-
tectives to be those of Gertrude Conner.
the daughter of Mrn. Julia 1. Cosner,
who 1. now believed to have been one
of Holmes' victims. Mather and daugh-
ter disappeared shout the same term.
This afternoon the workmen cants
upon another deposit of lime under
the rotten stairway which was used a•
a aeeret means of Ingress to the cellar.
only one boas was found hen. aha
11 was pronounced M a ptiyekian whe
examined It to b. a part of • middle
portion of the fbnt
A menthes% orf • dna which meow
factures largo eY-bee*b furnaces was
tenni yesteremph This Arm we. asses-
thea OrIII Wr. CASON and Ar•gall resigned,
bat the two former worthies retread their
steps to the upholstered sate. and *ousted
in their oflioal salaries with tbeputeetdality
of the planetary system. Thee folie ed
greed Master WAu.Ar.'e ebj.otios to the
Ceve•nnest's remedial policy, ed his
threat of resignation should snob as act ever
be introduced, but eo weak and fearful was
ilia t:ovsrumeet that it passed by the us.
..mb ap•.tacls of one of iia hind ince
openly defying it. Never wa. there .soh a
political menagerie as was exhibited by the
Ministers and their supporters at Ottawa.
lied had the bait of mother session with the
usual 31,000 aed =clew mot been promised
to the members, just as • hone is thrown to
a hungry doe, the Govern.n.at nejority
would nave molted aw.i like snow is lupe.
It will met half a million dollars to all
the House tfy.tleer in Januar), to do that
whit* maid as easily hay nem dose darkeg
tM.4ll3h11f: bleS jpM .loved. Noor was
ftb51S s sew tt8gted Heim law a sixth em -
sees tbs. beau hems pet lie* by the Mb-
i.tarial party. Whoa Jamey arrives moth -
tag will have bene dose by the Manitoba
(cevme'Lennet, Ger the Legdslorre will not
have fret; esse.quoatly, the 1 tiendsion (cev-
era...t will hove to fan whaq they fled
Frere drift the lest session.
Had the Oavernmont honestly p.sdalmmd
thee the heads madli et fib pasty tale
436 McNee. Rose
511 1i/chutney, Wolter No. 15
43.1 Ma:masl, Maud . No. 1
. V L1M)R* L
461 McIntyre, Jas
528 Long. Henry
438 Stewart, Mania
458 `(traughan, Benseu
433 t : el4thorps, Mabel
440 Wella, Harry
459 Hughsoe, Alis
473 Dunt, Albert .. . .....
472 `(trnnahan, Floteaos.
458 Mitchell, Addis
600 Corwin, Minnie Na 1
501 Johnston, Henry ••
483 Johnston, ('latexes ••
434 Holmes, Rruos ...... No. 2
461 M.R.., Louis. .... .. "
463 Cox. Adele No. 5
4R7 Lladeav, Sophia . , . "
484 Moll !wain, Annie..... No. 6
477 N•ttel. Kayrett ••
488 Stirling, .leap• Ne. 8
.5344 Neftel, Amy
No. 11
Na 7
Na 8
33 wrote at Demgennon, of
590 H.Rle,, Wt11»
469 Crawford, Willis
577 Hiles. John.......
514 Hallowell. Lilly
477 Roberts, KAl
532 Kilpatrick. Jolla.
436 Kilpatrick. William
649 I:rjilm, Jes•pk
525 Kilpatrick, is%
489 H.rkby, Jesia .
508 Johanna. Basi.
whom 22
No. 8
w. w-AwAAaRU,
183 Italia, Mabel
464 Cory. Ellen.......
561 Orematetl, A
4* Ryan. Bertha.,..
482 10,b, Katie .....
434 McLnsgblin, Rd
494 Mills. Sava ... . , .. .
621 Rainford, George .....s
468 McAllister
612 ('-reit. Realm - ... .. , ...,
Iiia 9
Na 16
Ne. 1N M
N .•
.. ea
to by Hottrles, the tarsrance rwfndior
and murderer. to odium •• oU burner
to a furnace which be had built In the
ostler that Is sow sender Iay..tigat1oa
et Sixty -third -street.
Hulme* exhibited the furriers with
reluctanse. A bursar was tltt•11y Shad
to It. producing • temp•ratare of 3.33
degrees. Hobmes afterwards erected •
similar turasee 1s a shed et Sixty -MIS -
street, which has disappeared. It Is
thought Holmes used one of these fur-
naces to dispose tat ►1s victims.
For lour hours wed • hall Joe Olweus and
P►triek Quinlan wed 1■ the sweat
baa" at the (kutral Station to -night. The
tewtissosy of Quinlan was by far the more
insportaat. He was questivard closely
regarding the disappearance d Mrs. t'uu-
lter, and he adisitt.d that he knew d IL
Holmes, he said, first told kiwi of Yrs.
Cuouer had gone over to the north side
to remain a lew weeks, and afterwards
sod aha had gone to OJ•Illoraia to live,
and had got married teen. It develop-
ed during the eaaml••tiou that Holmes
bad had tluirdaa's 11 -year-old daughter
ignored for 31051 but whether or not
he had ever collected the insurance warm
sot kuuwt► Quinlan says he can produce
►is. datthtsr if necessary, and it is
pprobabie the police, with the late of
Miuuie awl emir W •limos iu miu•I,whl
ask kink to do it. Quinlan made toasty
coutradectury and improbable rusts
mind the police believe he cau be sea
tell a greet deal more than be tut 1
Assgaptfoa, I4.. July b. -T. L. fus-
ser, better known as " Ned " Corner,
15*. divorced kasbaad of the wamau w bo
u supposed to Wave bees =ordered by
Vudgett, ottani Howard. s.b05 H. H•
H o:ties, las beeu living at Asaamptioa
kir the past four weeks. Hs is to the
*weer, besrr01.
Coaster was at use tuns a cou'tdeUlial
friend of Holmes, but au eetraug.'tueot
rens ltsd, it is Imppured. over his ails.
Cosner secured a divorce and War sinner
married. Kiva emu Mr. Cosner said
" I can't tell all 1 know, a 1 tkiab
it wood defeat Ostler, a*d i want to
live to see that man's trek iu tie ..torte.
aEd I propse to see that it gets there.
" I know sotatiloug *boat Pintail. wad
1 know R:e`iee well, and. m fact, woo
exceediegly well acquainted with hits
When We was in the drug bs.nees at
deed and WaSacr street% to tleeagu-
We were partners a the drug buena-w.
I know enough about him to hang him,
bat what I know i will not divulge
" I have totting 10 my, .ren .1 i
bate that sew Ho:sses worse that& any
MLR living, but it won't do any good
to talk sow, and it will pot Holmw cot
his guard. That than u as mord above
the average mai in shrew -dos. se can
be. He is up to all aorta of trinks."
" Sep S.
a. .a
No. 3
Na lb
Owe .bgsver bas shows that a square
Web .t mall, will hold 728 flexes hair.. 678
shstsut hairs, and dimly 6888 bleak bat..
It fellow Frere tibb that ear Meads be.atise
Nave a dist5M adeestage ever ear brun-
ettes, is se fat as the somber and flia.nese
of their helm are soneerasd.
The lady with • geed oedowmna of
Gomm tasks, snake oat sed taa.ii ohm
performs bar t.floa about await/ O aleft
rimed • 1111•44e•en uta *• ~mei E..a.,
Chicago. Julys 111,-Pbrt of the Ando -
tau 04 • human tides wen Mead yes-
terday by wasbillas. trim were at work
dap e nAMO. tl.8lr1. le 1ag/.eeer3.
ILLI lora Elsa It They ram.
pbei.delpM*, July 26.-Tbe •utlwri-
ties have now generally conceded that
it will be absolutely necessary to find
the body of Howard Pttesel before
Holmes .an be put on treat tor an.
murder of Benjamin Pinar'. The Dis-
trict Attorney has evinced his deter-
mination to put Holmes on tr.al in
Philadelphia for murder, but It is s
wen -known Oct that he has not yet
secured sufficient evidence to convict
him. 1t is not very clear how the find-
ing of the body of Howard will affect
the murder of his father. but the fact
remains that Holmes will not be tiled
until the body of the t.oy Is found.
The authorities are hourly expecting
some startling developments to take
place to the Holmes ease, but they
have not yet materialised. The Budden
transfer of Geyer's searches from De-
troit to Indianapolis Is said to be the
result of a postttve clue which was re-
cently discovered in that city. The
District Attorney baa considerable evi-
dence In his possession connecting
Holmes with the murder of Pltezel, but
his darkness as to the whereabouts 01
Howard Waves the atronge.t link in
the chain of circumstantial evidence
that encircles Holmes' neck.
It was learned yesterday that..bould
the seacrch fur the body of Howard be
successful. Mr. Graham Is very con-
fident of forcing Holmes to make a full
concession of his misdeeds.
"While we have a case prepared even
now against Holmes," said District At-
torney Graham, "we will rest until De-
tective Geyer returns and makes his
final report for be has omitted from hie
hastily -prepared despatches a few ma-
terial hits of information that are
necessary In order to shape our course
of procedure. That Holmes will be
placed upon trial on the charge of mur-
der there 1. not the slightest doubt,
but whether he will he Indicted and
tried Isere on the charge of having
killed Benjamin Pttesel or will be taken
to Chicago or Toronto on requisition or
extradition papers to answer the charge
of having murdered the Pftegel child -
res at the latter city. .e' having made
away with the Williams sisters and the
Camper woman et the former place, has
not yet been decided upon."
Lawyer Shoemaker bad another con-
ference with Holmes at the prison this
afternoon. The two men were together
tor nearly two hours. The finding of
the supposed bones of the Williams
gir4at Chicago was under d4russion,
as was also the announcement that
the Chicago authorities intend hold-
ing Holmes for the murder of Gertrude
Custer. It was stated that Holum.
spoke at length of the action of his
wife In turning against him now in
the hour of his troubles. He prolamine
to have tared for her more than any
other woman. Now that she has for -
oaken him. he tears the .damaging re-
sult of the testimony .he may give
against him.
Geyer of I.4lmsap.lM
aro Ding de•.•ea
Ayer's Pills
" I would a ll seem like to add my testlwiosy le
of cermwho hire used Aiern
sad tom that 1 re es
Maw isew h e, al boa seeow
derMd w
For Stomach
sad beet •'sr�sa set e to fts tb earn of
Ayers smasa ok casabas by th
what b tbs best
nobody disorders of the stomach,
Liver, or Bowels,
1ag'L=e• «aalwer
y to take. and
em•aflf ire
Are the best
all-round fatally medkiae I have ever
known." -Ogre baor.w
Jo.Iu Rider
Ave., flew Tor[ Cky.
Highest Awards at 112113f4f's Irak.
Twelve Warders sew now AMged Attatsot
um need alterius.
Toronto, Jeh 27 -Thee are so develop
ante of epees 1 interest 10 record today is
00aneevon with the Toronto sad of the
Holmes cane, but the dispatches from Phil&
dslpbta. Chicago and other shies some the
lbs •bunt hour' add to the •paellas
teass of senors which has bees easedilt so-
casuist tug .gaiset the twee who now lies 10
Philadelphia jail 'soder suspense of h•aeg
during the pent two or three yew oota.sug
ed at bast a dirges cold blooded aid heart
hs murders, in •rldities to a .core of lesser
errse of various lied..
A ooze* 111:5Uga%
The ism* word from Chisewo and other
pasts show that up to midnight the list of
tap.sted =orders laid at hte deer ted
readied the iteredibl• sa=ber of twslve,.ad
there is no reason to wagesse tee went is
yet exhausted. The kosishe tie follow
Mise Faslias of Odious, who
woe associated with Haien for six months.
Little Miss Courier, daughter of I. L. ('a
Mrs. 1 L ('oncor, who left her husb•od
for Holmes.
Kate D.rl., a girl whose Life Holmes in
Alio. Phenol, found murdered in Toron-
H. F. Peitz. I. found deed in Philadelphia;
for ssourisr the insurance oo PiMasi's hie
u his confession that he had substituted •
body f..r that of Ihetzel, Holmes was ow-
viet•d cf fraud mid is cow awaiting sea
Nellie Pistol, found murdered at Toron-
Howard Pietro!, last seen with Holmes .1
Isdiaaapr le, October 21, 1894.
Miaow %% Miens, Holmes st•sographer
mid wiistrees
Amnse Wallow. Meter of Mipsie Hol
mei my a e6e was killed by Misses is a it of
jadeite., and that he put her body in a
wok and sunk it in lake Michigan.
Kitty Kelly. • monographer, ample y ed by
Holme, at his Eagl•wood drat saw's.
Twine girl,00m• seri yet disclosed by the
police, who is said to have become. mint-
ed with Holme. in 1893 and uftorw*rd• dis-
TII[ 4easho* Olt [2TEADITION.
Attar -
soy (:rah Junes yet orsaMeruly 96. -Distrito, ttthe
quoetwa as to whether Helmn should be
tried here er in Toronto until he resolves
fall repert tree DMeetlys (coyer.
"Until I know of the result .f Gayer's
search tor Howard Pietist." be ssid,"I WWI
set have earthier to may. 1 am very RW
to bear of the anise of the Tiranne.41.1.M.
bat i have as yet resolved no official cos-
nanioatinn from that oily. Even if execs-
tllties vapors were •spas& we could keep
Hshnse biro, it we saw /t."
Indianapolis, Ind.. July 14.-Detecttve
Oeyer arrived here from Detroit to -day
to investigate this end of the Holmes -
Mese] affair. It 1s believed by the 10-
officers that the missing lad How-
ard Pttew.l was murdered here and
his body taken from the Circle Park
Hotel. where Holmes was stopping. In
a trunk. What disposition was made
of the body is the mystery that Detec-
tive Geyer has come here to solve.
:. MIIglrwi••••eaewa`
A ...ural.... d.h.ti .
dans• a aoa.s•sas M a Tfena
Momtreal, July 1S. -There wait quite as
saen•y teensy ye.letd y In town when
1t was known that Mr. M. 1Senolt had
r•Mgned the position of cashier of this
Basque Natb.skt, bat It was suet SW
emealaed flat tie* rw•dgaatwos tial
bons Intoned abeat tbroeg)i a maws-
drawbatw.r•a t1M nWfler nal
Mayer Vifs.sses, t5*. Neal dlrsotor to
e0t* city. Wr. A. Degalte, this ae•Ist-
amtt. Ism boos aMd13*4 oasblsr pre
.i ::taaa
urc Biliousness, Sick Head
ache, Dyspepsia, Sluggish Liver
and all Stomach Troubles.
Arc Purely Vegetable. •
elegantly Sugar -Coated, and do
not gripe or sicken.
Act gently but promptly and
thoroughlx. "The safest family
medicine. All Druggists keel
___PILLS •