HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-8-1, Page 1=KM 1133 A TDINC31- NEWQP.A.PER OP HURON OOT FORTY-SEVENTH YEAR. -2818 GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY, AUGUST 1t 1895. D. McGILLICUDDY, EDITOR. NEW ADVRRTIKMENT$-At)4 r er Seit -tom. W. Tr ij. 1 N •rated -lass 44 Sea1AL..... .. . . , 1 Heady Astra- Mitis -lie& Nita- , , 8 (abysses -Jas Heldman 8 Car -Wm. Lee Gal -P. C. 8tra.w ledsetrW Mair--Tsrosto Sidlag Penis. -Copt. Maims Property for gala 8 8 8 5 W KIT HALF OF LOT 86a ON THIN to le • dwelling ban e. at Present occupied lelr, rs a MoCtu. UARROWPROP LOT 804, NORTH STREET. GOOD frame boom, mei/ Nt.ye• , eees m Mrs. Worts,. OARRONr A UDd herr d w tf LOT 912.•.i UW IC PROBBKOCK STREET. GOOD franArrt.fraag. IiARDUDrt10T. NUMBER OF LOX* IN WILSON'S UA£LR tMAW.,st the ~en' I SHARPS OF BFs Brum Lees Cs.. FIRST Intik Aa)w t I'R+OUDP'OOT 1410R SAActa;iILLgs ▪ •s.ra•-I beautiful lawn, Mess •.d . every this/ in rood semi ro fi.c2:264.11110111. srf1 a .ddrso lMMts of wI _ TIwtu .1 . 41-w (ie er/ah, Volt SALE. - CHEAP. ON BAST r TSRM*: . est halt De Mt int emoseenion s. Wast Wsws.esk, lfll acre.. .1 well I.prwvtd slte tats 0.s sad I► enbeivfutse of Nock It, l as• h nek LAT See ,_ omegded by the ate T. > , J ,bseriete . nt:a el0uode- FOR SALE OR TO RENT -THAT Meme w Weir it.. at pre rest o W Nr. J. Ca.erea. or the Geo - mate Malt well efteated. being are as Moak tr'Hm Herber park and one bleak from Pet Piss. (Im is teased partially M •fished. Terms es %Mlot MCMaAa. for ie ter Is R r and S. mAd slalP..t tie each RRA.. sad l4ea at prima sod to snit s % r(o..aP.0. MI. PARSONS, Teasite r Wslntsd. A('HER WANTED -VOR A. S. NO. 1 9 (Whom*. Apply. steam qualifica- tions. lac . to the secretary. D. L tWBON, with Dunlop. Out. 9pMlal l OWN& W ANTKD AT ONCE LOAN OF $200-00 for ase sr seem years will w oar p rent. Aped to Ilex 44. SsoWAL Oise. stew 40 OR 60 FEETOF THE MOSTdesergable / $s••a VVui a is for Apply BxITH, sr.. Oedench. Iblm BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! EVERY N"ed.esdey sad 8.t.r'day Cash /swims Goads d.Jlvered femme( charm --at 0. J. HOR TON'! moral hors, Hamilton.. M tf / t1:DAR SHINGLES FOR SALE IN ,•uastitice to suit. Orders left at the tt °Arida, Farm. ONbarne, or at A. !SMITHS store, GodariM promptly att.•i.d tn. 161m w HITK LIME -PARTIES BUILDING hoold try my Whits lAime. he steady sale of i1 hes enabledtie teterraceM e The purity Wows eaefeeir b mare lead to be mixed with it, oe MAWS it eirse y Nmea* er than any other Hue to the vteidty. Alwels on heed et my elms of Meissen son 6o -et Mt? EDWARD &HARMAN I)•MUNROE, PAINTER, DFAX)R- ATOR AND PAPIER HANOKR. WWI to announce to do Oras came work le his trio at moderate he is prices. and all orders ieetnrled to kin will receive uremia ettestlo& Orders lett at Muaroi tl letkocilth shop, or •t the twido... .at loor to shop. Cambria Road. win be promptly attended to. ylw-lna \ANTED A rood lean is year town to repre..t the " Foothill Nurseries of °•sad•" - over NO aerr.-th, areas in the Domiaio.. Poetise permanent.. yl.rl or oomalssta r light 11,00. With the Increasing demand Per trot • Pool - imp with gem salesman will pry iea hew t►ao eepglar la tarot work. Reed us your Nglw•tiem ted we wild slaw you Mw to ears rood school?rashers! it's jest the tb(ssqq for roe tuna, the Su*s.es. W me far p.Rleumra. 18 h• 81080 tt WELLINOse Pabile Metairie NOTICE- ALL PERSONS FOUND treasurer en .y lads by abut!, bgntiar, es. er.bsrsow will be teosecute4.eeau t. ser. sash lands me the Nan s as la Po ar V'Fp. *4 aka war res knows as the la the lnws- eWii. of GoderIob and glut 8dlitsr aluida MUNI ANNA L. $RAW, TEACHER of Music sad Theory -expoM...d One do&arior Omit.l Feet et QPao..'. Weser he MR W. A. 0, CiUTF, ORGANIST, b sivaOrry Veer end Pertit 44Uur,, baa. Reildesse-et A.arow7t smear the old Mlle 'area P O Vox OS Notts, to Creditors. N OTICE TO CREDITORS, gut' of or she 1. MILXt Iso =11144 • 'hlwes u it s.•b'atb a*4*. 14Otbnusdapv of ♦spall A.D. alt. .re w sr bailees THE pia DAY OT AUGUST. Iia, nI'dispaw Prepaid is Gress. Holt t oortob ler the tea miessiotraar of toe Ila tai sr Mee id this _ralotl dto lead ll4ul:=th.Mia bovineIllord eels hem to the dams et whine be shall adap, ed 4 r r inforrilialL wit ( Lily Maxtsn, we ere,be Mem is "'1 in s Mink ofim/. u- ssyer..-. Lie 44 10i preowned him AMM •filen im bis -bb emed BRITISH ELECTIONS. :lisy t, - , JAMES DICKSON DEiD. r , ; OYER THE HURON eon, The End of the Polling at Hand The tead•It•e Ageless the Liberal. CemUs- sod with t n.basee wirer Tb. tea- eervet.vee wW rev a a••elaat Mal.rtq *vie AIL iQI1he new DON, July 16th. -With all the 0...s otsssenora el 33.3 eves70 Liberal- Cassias. as. 166 Liberals. 66 anti- Per- soliilss •ed 12 Parading. 1a the last Par- liament them 96 sees* were onespied by 18 Liberals, 4 N•uo. h.ta 2 Conservatives, 1 Usiwiot and 1 P.r..11ite. In the eroticism yesterday the Coosa.•uvo@ Raised from the Lib- eral, the seat of Westbury Diesels. of W iltrbire, the Freta titration of Somer- set •.d the RugbyDivides of Warrick - shire. TM Liberal-U.M.ar won the teas for the Sp•Idae` Divers of :.t.00lo.hire from the Libsr.ls, end James J. O'Kelly, P•ssallite, was ohenw is the North Divi - miss of Rososer.oa to encased • Mo- Carthyita The net Cesissrvtive•Unionist ..in tam for ie 81. Armor those chosen yesterday was Right Hoe. Litmad H. Co.rtoey, Ustoart, formerly Chairmen of Committees ..d Deputy Speaker of the Hoare of Crampoon. Mr. Kelly. whit woo North R eeomm.. for the Panorama, has eat la prevision Par liamesr, n • journalist and was at oats time on the sail ot the New York Herald. He was as intonate friend of Mr. Permit O'KeIly was • c..did•te for election for North Rosoummoo in 1892 but was delimited by the Nationalist candidate, Mr. M. M. Bodkin, by • majority of 52 rotes in • total poll of 6,448. DAIRY NOTES. By .1. W. Wbeau.. sererrrsary worms Belrytee.'e •.eee..ts... The obsess market was • little higher and timer last week. Prises ruled from ) te 5-16 higher than the week previous, mag - a' train 84 to 8a for fine J ase c One peoslsatity of site market daraag the past few weeks m that the proses offered •t the ober markets u Western Octane have bees 1 of • cast higher than those ot- feted a. Montero Oaten*. It m esmewhat (difficult to •000unt for this higher vela* for Western goods, is.omuch se they oar mon to get to the seaboard. It may be der to the better keeping qual- ity of the We.swu roods, whch .n stored largely toe tutors markets. H.wever, the system et making .ad the 000diuo.s are the same all over Ontario. Cheese mar u Wasters Oatario are know. in Kagl.d as ••lsigersola. This term ideates the highest standard of Canadian theme, and may have something to do with the eomp•r- ettvely high priest dairymen a this this part of the Proviso. have always ob- tained for their cheese Last meson .11 the buyers in Western O.. torso agreed to purchase .Sense only on the basis of sash cheese weighing at least l Ib more then the weight marked on the tax. Tins plan is betel continued this season and n o doubt will lerggreli amount tor the in created .alas of Western cheese as comps ed with the Eastern make Factory as have baso holding their Junes W. t Mr somswirt longer then wad, ex peetlog that the prioee would go up, By doing so the have penises toned the buyers. who bate orders to 611, to raise • little on their limit, but hive not realised much mon Ora they would had they sold at the usual Mr la fact had the factory. mon bout wilting to ee11 whoa the choose were ready for shipping. they might have dallied from 1 8 to 1-4 mon then pressut psoas for the Ent half of Jura make. The butter market has reoeatly assumed • much brighter outlook thea it has had far some time Priem for Ens creamery batter have tot advsood very mush, but there seems to be • better dead end mon a- gain for flan roods. Prioss rage from 15 to 17 oar for fins creamery, though se for as we sem Isom tiers has not been very mush Peau forward from western Ontario this swan. 1a tact the bulk of our ga- mer oreoma,y butter is mad. in Easters °s- tano and Quebec, .d therefore there is only • passim intermit felt is the butter market at this memos of the year, by the majority of wasters dairymen. Winter batter making in ooansotios with the Mosso fastener has been more largely develop4 is the Weer The firmer lead brighter cuss when the butter menet sumo te be gradually taking a would sesta to is- di.te that she prospers for the ',Rioter er'easearies the coming season are mare h upef.l that they Moe beim for sea Sims. The dry weather has caned • greet someity of Witter's teed is m•.v parts of the eosatry, therefore the chances that the Winter dairy meva.aat will be mesh ear - Medd will be very elite I. obs or two of the swarms where W icier deiryier Melissa eoasggearrly earned a for everel years, very tuIsvorebls reports of the hay crop Ian been received. 11 is likely, sherefare, that the utak* of Water batter . era of the rad Isomerism will be oe.aider.bly deereaaed She semis, amass. O.s r.daa0L.g festers of She situation a thus the p.etputra •re favorable for • geed ears map. Wb . the dairyman deps.ds miss the ear. crap and the ells for the bulk of his Winter feed. the aaorl.ge of .Iver feeds will est sliest ham very .i.4, tad be will be one te keep W sew Sweep* Me Wisner. .d mato • preb est of then at the mm• linea THE WESTERN FAIR esa.di's rawness sive mon nobeh ase. The swami advertisement .t w Western Fair has bees remelted. sad apposes is ea- . plume in this Ieso. The dbestese are 4star.i ed ee ggaitvee the people el this Prevkses soak an .dysnsod and J...Mve exhi'Nie- s hes est beim Mak i as thirwhammed raaim se cep 'hangs the Fair le e very per.ts.ler that H ant be de veldw seals et were ens ninnies et lssmer yams. buten the nanny s make M • Iho, pe/asive .hew. redia win sew peed htersaJY, .xbl1Hises. meed dao. Sem lime are pid,isg and eyns M ems el their irmenn p.psr4lwp end •-'adore, is sew t-.iar.sd szM.st pepola em. TW wee w of the aiming he. The weal at the inhibitors bays bees gsestio.o at Mat time. Ids. lhok TRACT. omrei•U7 studied. and ewoa anis a west. The Registrar PSM.. Away. •.ens eskers, believed tet She Upper Can- The Orlet trOm the Loyal MW. wherever the EA4bans meld be propenes •da re'.eisp was bang geyarid by • displayed Lower Limb unisuf41 and that it was is the 'I iviiwwto Mamma - el the norther sad quality of the ex - `afar caeatas.l a. ays.triv uw s. w•. °alp Oa aib rprawisaws aeaardiaw to linen It is taarela a reaea.•We se expect the skew will be see .f earn Ily big \ miler rel .oris The snemmodasiwe provided for Mid- is( thin Fair are mesad to we -plenty .t well atolls sod o.4 plovt, arranged straw ter .z4biwn of lmod seek, ep•oioas b.11diage for osier displays .al u4biss,••d the wt beautiful with the beet •rr.nge.este for Fur= fart, abe•p railway and express rates, .les- trr ears r she grounds, 1t.s mask, moolie eery and goody of all kind, delivered by the O. T. R. ears in the ground,, she very beat live reek market available, the shear& anima for sale, •.d . large number of bey - en in .itendasa The ssor.e•ry stases than spear mine Mae hide bees carefully aerated ted w- M.eted for without regard to sass, preemie tag the very best available, the aim of the m.n•gament ►ei.g to eaudy the p••p1•. sad theegh they may extend more for tie pleasant sad duration of their maroon thea may be direotly recanted this year they Mew it will result heraldically in the te- inn. The great wild East show consisting of 50 people, lira -ram airtime in their respso- Itese- Arenas, Turks, Syrians, Bedouins, and laches of the Turkish plass, with their horses, cartels .d ,tak.ys, will be the salient testers of the Fair, •ae is the tare - set sod moos expositive special attraction ever offered • Ganda& pubi. The pro- gram is too large to doted, but the loading tau courier et human pyramids, sword oo.b•r, msske, gm ..d digger exercises. r•cang, wrestling, Bedouin tumbling ad d.sotag. and the genuine whirligig, hooking de -.ashes and "Torkisb bnreta. Aim, the Diver, from • tower 75 lest a s..11 task of water ; Alviai, fired tram u *..sae attached to the bailees ; P•rtllo Comedy Company ; Memoir, the swinging ed wartist ; S•msos, ►bs strongest ser is the world ; maimed animals, eta ; the meet elaborate display of tinwors mob .vasiae. Those who desire prize leu or programs giving toll information of the attractions, and oesditaoas ot ere of privileges should address the seoret•ry, TINS A. Browns, who will be pleased to sad them fres to .. v address Mr. Fawcett was incorrectly stated to bad been the first member who ever ap- peared alas to the division lobby of the Hoose of Commas. Jamas Gras, how• ever, mention the case of a Mr. Helmuth, during the Speakership of Sir Charles Mas - ver >lutta The omission a elitists Mr. Fawcett ass appeared was the moha ter • groat of £30,000 for the madam potties of Practise Louses, F.brsary 16a, 1871. Tie "ayes" were 360 atuisat 1 ••.o." In April, 1875, Dr. Kenealy also found him - salt .les* on • mese. cramming "tie (Jetsam.- the numbers 1 to 433. BLUEVALE. WsD.ub•t•, July 31. Goo. Msiaes spat Sunday o. Moles worth. .1. J. Messer, of Hamilton, was is town last week. Andrew Scott, of Se.fortt, was an town leer week. Mrs. Flukes. n Tex all thr week of i. - Ba.oataoa. Mid, Birdie MoCraokeo u .uati.g fries& is Brussels. Mat Laura Craig, of Goderaeb, is visiting Mi. Hare Salta W. A. Elliott, of W togh.m, spent San- dy .t R. K. Doffs. Mi. Bella Maxwell is home from Toronto to sped tie holidays. Mi- Mable Rees, of W isgh.m, is visiting Mies Jessie Robertson. Mr. Hawkins, mum wooer of Brussels, IVY t0 tows last Mooday. A large somber of our townsfolk woes to W aagh•r last Friday tow the rocas. Mass Wilson. d M..Neeter, has Bosse to Blamer to get • sew pointed is chew making. Mr. and Mrs Molbnald and family of Cheery, are vaisaag Mr. MoDemald's parent., Rev. ad Mrs Mea (leo. Martha. of Wards, Ohio, .d W sea Will Martis, of Pastabarg, P.., were visiting at R. N. D.g'o Ives week. Jame Baryons, whit is lashing the arose making in Rothsay, spent • ample of day* n ada she p•rwsel reef last week "Ji." sobers had • logging bee last Wednesday. He had about swenty•Sve n eem •d they .coo.p44 bd • lot of work. Miss Anis Maxwell, daughter of Roil, Maxwell, of the Blrteyelr Road. was near. hied last Wednesday to Jehe Nabobs'''. of Chicago. Hien Belle Boye., wM has vee. visiting Mass ('ore Mawr for the last threw Nomcreeks, retuned M bar e m Ha.ril t es last hat..day. Miss Robertson. Miss Birdie Me- Creekw era Mins Jamie Jenkise were sae essefei ia passim the Public School leaving nominalism Mins Oren ..d Rebore Maoke.sis, oI Sarni., and Mrs. Malone sad Masers Aa. drew sad Bart were valll.g at Jens Rob ertw4 less wean. • Master Monne, sad Mins 011ie Sett gave • party lest week. when alien twenty el sheer yang friends esiberad together .d enjoyed S4emsely. i-.us-ly. Mr. Seinen, dde the sheet nee be was is Parlinsmt,kmenmLa ly aimed She w parsora (whose be anted the •4. .r Imr nes fully reverent kis Th•non eli..es was. they ..led by nos remains, W s4 a11. The nee Lard M•mts•.k wises Mr. Swift Rise, he the Re.. of Cemseesa Isle odd ea.stkisg the rennin did ass Ek& They *art him • Innen we.eiat-_see le- he p.bNoly anelesis*d, ripened he *said use b. H. dY est apologies. and imparted he was .et ler Sere nava Ranee(' - We ...t be mere e.sne.ieal be ib. use of .sal W144 (a Veneer primate) wsehe a an .reed Wilms et Isms of meal IM earth's sofas% NA -- Mg am 5, We a.pp.yirs just Arm --Nw Yank Wall. eras Mites re.tter. of {ilii - Prom the P4aeer'. Caw MUM Cssmesan Pew el Com -es.. populous. that his Provisos. us wallas she large •ed pepsins eo.0Rit.seey he repre- sented, would receive their jest inane of the public expediters. This prrasipi• eve bas Moe reeogainedm the where providing lot the Coisin of the Precasts. Mr. UNDA.Y at mesa the spirit of Dtokw gave the Co.liUse Govenmwt. hor carrying two Diana, Rogretr r .f liana, toot firmed Ne Nippon out of that soba, hie usllisaono kiss apponrt nota Coatederstios Its lt,at le the Gnat I4yeed. her •beet was an asesaplithnd Laos At the else of two Toad be had Mee • ees4r.od i0.alid, hie p•rtionstary saner is 1866, Mr. Dsek- havnag originally taw etrtoka with p•raly ser was appointed Registrar of the County e m, but he fought Death as stoutly as be el Huren in room of the lar Joie bed *adored the privations of pastier life, Galt, Esq. .std at was not sari two years had pawed Mr. Dasher will low be remembered ter that be gave sp themasque! maw* end the settee part he took is promou.g the rested fron las a lever. Tia followcsg opt- best interests of the sew settlers m tie tome of Me career will prowe et utterer to bask wood*. 0. knew from personal em- • ar readers : perne.,e the many difficulties sad din - James Daokoo., registrar .1 the meaty of cou wattes•ts iby bed to ooateed with. in Hurn, and • praetor is the comity, wait • olescuri •way the Nees: end .•king bogies mimeo of Roxburgbeitre, bsotl•ad, and was for tho.eslyto nod f.miliss. Ho .one k.ew bora es the 26th of May , 1416. Hie tattier, that the Provisos et large 'rook' M greatly Archibald 'Ashen, was the youngest eon of benison by their 'nooses end therefore Robert kriek•oc, farmer, of Gladswood, sear wryly •dvoeat.d la P.rlla.eat • .ore Dryburgh, on the River Tweed. Hie liberal policy towards them. At the sole of . otb.r, gduebeeh Rutherford nu -albeit. "Crows laude,.. which took plea at. Godo - was the eider daughter of J•811•• Turnbull, nth in September, 1854, many of the lots on arrpriotog and leedtag termer la upon whish settlers bed stand • year or T..iedel., Mr. Dickson was rimmed as two pdviomly •sd improved, were per- Jedburgb grammar sebool, end his dues- •based by apeeslasohe, who bed s issue Me there was supplemented by ciao term at tam whew's(' ef at.plyi.g with the ecu the Kdiebarge Usaversity. la August, diuons of sale requiring •imaed4te end 1833. M wub in hither, sone to whet was ertispeas settle -ens la meat of the thee Upper Canada, sow Ontario, mid o•..s of thisinSir1 lett/bt seder he' uoUsm, settled to the meaty of Hula, Mr. Nokias woo.oded in 'snag the Com - I. the folliewieg year, his mother end the a.aoosr •t Crows leads to email the remaining members of the family, two ••les to the ep.cslatove, •ed actual brothers nod 6.o wars, •11 younger then settlers,.)their great read, were l•hisosdis- himself, aro came to this oosatry, sad joined lammed and his lather a their wild - erases boas•. Oa arn.isg m Hurn. Mr. ltekson, .r., pareka.d area the Cabala Company, three 4a.dned acres of lead in the towa.4p ..f MoKMisp. He reacted • leg house .rd ot--emend a char hr Mad se the swat\ of Sopo.ber, 1833. Here, with his your" family, he had maay daf&oautn. to .ur- mount, •.d hardship• to endure, ore home nodal a bowleg out of the forest • comfortable hale for lumen and than. For may years Goderiob was the Aly market ter the Huron Trost, and even hero It was frequently difficult to dispose of farm produce .t my pries, while the labor of transportation over the roads in tiers days, it roads they oonld be salted, ens hardly be w•fpsed by the people of the present genera- tes& Bat, industry, .ombiaed with perse- v.reeoe, will .sable • men to overcome dad Soultra which sea actually usmur-mount- .Ne, nod cher *modest qualities Mr Dncksos, sr., pommelled is as eminent de- gree. He was ultiateiy rewarded, for himself rod his partner is life lived to vee all these pao.em difficulties overo.m., and were vouab.•hd the priviler* of saewms what bad once been • "forest wild 'oenvsrt• .d into fruitful fields sad • highly cultivat- ed farm. But hr timeliest met atirely eooapi.d by clearing sod tilling kis lead. He took eo active part and prominent an the public •f - fairs of hie oeighborbood. 1n 1843, he was oommmaooed • Justios of Pews, end was for mast' year. • member of the old district sodded, representing therms the united townships ot Ktlk.p, Htbbort end Logen. He was .Iso .moci.ted with the late Dr. Chalk and Henry Ransford, as district com- miestooer for settlius email debt mese. Io 1862 the portlier ot br joy.. sod sor- rows Ob. who had shared with nim is ad- versity and to prosperity, departed this lite, and in three years afterwards he foll-.w.d ber to the tomb, his death taking place is 1866, Their meenonee will long live green in the hearts of 1011111.1. especially of the older settlers, and their acts of bandages and geser.sity- will saver be forgotten. They w interred is the H•rpurhec oemetery, one mile west of Seaford'. la 1839, Jame. Dickson left the family homestead in McKillop ad purchased 900 • ares of wild land is the township of Took • e reaith, one male south .f H.rp.rbey. 1a 1861, Mr. Dicker •1.o creme .ed bead.•. as • merchant is the pillage of F4.oadville. This business he carried on su.oe.sIully for Glyen year., wawa be mild is Wille • resident of Tuokeressitb, Mr, Dias.. was elected to the portico of rave of the teereship.in whirs casein be nerved Moat 1856 to 1860. H. took an •etive i. serest in the affairs of Me township and in- stituted - *rtuted many needed public improvements He elm took • Iodise poaitia is the meaty o.u.otL Daring ha aa'amhesey,ao less . en. than 1400,000 won expended by that body for public i.prwp.ambiasi 1 Mr. Drams had the beam of thawing .p sad movimg is eo..eil the melds. apra wha4 she vast gravel rend ,Neme which bons made Heron so famous thneugbout the Pro- mise, was fo.aded. He •J.o served for any years is the mil- itia, having held .,.ural ooa.tiuseas, sad was allowed to retire, rot/rai.g the rank of Lieut.a•at Colonel. Re reeved his int esamimise while is sane sarvias em the $t. Asir freers, daring She trouble.s Wass of '37 bad '38. He was else the Iran shark of the Division. Court, established in Har- paehey, the divine embed, the town ships et Malin sad Teekenesith, Is 1861 Mr. Drakes. was nested to the C.nadla. Parliament, se the r.preaemfeyy .f the noised neaten at Here. and Woes. Her. be Goa developed apemen qualities as • kegisla or. He was • feat, forcible speaker, • wood rear -.or .d an adorers alas Melees worker. Ha mit i.1, loved disperei.a .1•o made him • .sivenal fever its with his follow members. sod balers the sad et ha frac p.rli.aaat.ry term be nee pin • pairs. •...g te4. Iwibg tad wont ioduenial .embers .t the Ream Ha y with ►M .e..sU..Ns Inv be jml inn the fon that as the mineral elenigh d Mi. he was dermal by a- ele-eilso. At that time W .f the sailed es..tM. el Hares a.L Beaty wee at last .i..ty the...d. Seen idea et the ktner whhb Mr. Diane e oselead pre- heated is his be ledged f e hie Iheny mw ma- sele.eaey, .f wnna he was the sole repe- ementive. Is en repressined in the leen sed yen& Per -eat by Wverep eme.b- te h▪ it nide.- he by eimielsrlL V 111.4 Mr. Dhh.n pedipl limn Is oppeft tl.F possession of their rads. Mr. Markus. also • Weekly hease1 .r County 1eere $ .M .p ee NUM m.erybMj - rub end Pellet clipped add Csade.aed Pram livery seetie.. Cranbrook : Wali.m Or... hes gone to • Leedom hospital to undergo medical treat - .mat, W .ghee . The Adverse hue 4445.4 hands. J•a fleecy baying sold oat 4* .Job. (hs.,.. Hairy n : Junes Gar•, sobool te.pbsr,bas returned home to grad bole holidays. He bas been teaching East of Toronto. t.ofe t4: E. Hemiltite, of Um town, had two 6agsn a his right band badly jammed is the kronor of • bander the other day. B.y4ld . For the hell -year ending 30th o1 Jua, then wen recorded with Mr. Campbell, clerk, 31 births, 5 m•rrmg.s. •.d 23 deaths. Lwdesboro : Mrs. W. F. Longman beg decided to return to Msattoba with b5, (easily. She mane on Saturday by bay from Godsridt. Hly t► : Re.. Mr. !haggis's driver got ayes the anrde. on &t.rday and was poisoned by Parts grow, whtoh bed been applied to de stilly the bags. Hol.•.ville : Whet is 'apposed to be • wild eat, or lynx. was seem by Joseph Proc- tor ow day last weak, on kis pasture land, just oast of the village. Chides : A meeting of rho beard won Mai on Monday t. Maas Nellie Grey, Warb•as, was as rooter tor the Model tarsi at • of 1175 per amnia materially •sainted m obsessing • tarn Brussels: Mrs Do.r1d &.olair •mouse from the "Improv rne.t Fend," et, who woks str4kem with plysis •rgame- oa whioh be drew .ad Sr.samitted to the tows - ships it his county aurid to the same. Three some, Samuel, of S.olorth, Robert, of Tooketm-ith, sad Jobs T., d.paty-regis- intr. Dod nch, are daughter, Mrs. J. F. Tom.ot Gedench, ed his mooed wile, whom be merri.d in 1884, survive to soars his ir- reparable 1... TM funeral took plasm this (Tuesday) •/ter.00m from the lase residence of demised to Matted o.met..y-, the pall- bearers bang J. T. Ostrow, M. PP., Wm. tee.q, ex• warden o1 -Har Cha Ganja, -warden, .t Hare., Judge Doyle, Hairy Herts., 44. H TM attendants was large, and the old triads of the family et the assessed, who Dain. from `':rtke;th, Tuckere.ith, McKillop•ad other points ware partteul.rly nonevent. Roy. Jas. Wilma, of Namara Falls South, performed the obsequies in the absence of 14.. J. A. Andarno% Floral ornaments were promoted from loving hearts. as follows : Wreath from Mn, J. 0, Tom, with the word "Father trews the yraadohildren, • wreath surround- •• Grandpa • cross from the family of J. T. Dickson ; • he.d.ome basket from Mies Dark ; also ono from Mese B.ouaont ; sad bougnsr from Mw Miner 1)iokeou, of Roxboro HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCE rumba► Remelted the [xa.l.atle.e. KINTAIL, •s1n1LD, 430 O'Neil, Sara No. 2 608 Sullivan, Jerry 2 514 Carrick, Qua.ie 422 Edwards, Lime 457 Mollnany, Auris 446 Fary.em, Mary J. 467 Ford. Themes. 503 Jo4atwo, Emma 471 V..siokle, Hugh 503 McIntosh, Cootie 471 Pritchard, Minnie 499 Boyd, Madge 468 M.Keorae, Maud 476 Moto.•Id, Maggio mi. XILBWS, 571 515 480 512 621 649 513 463 525 446 557 475 436 461 479 Clark, Mary I. McDonald, Colo.... McDonald, Rutherford, Maggie: Sheriff, Asa. Sherif, Werdey Todd Jessie. .. Webster, George ... W*Ilwood, Bartle ... Addams. Maine,. O'Cos.or, Dennis . Jena. Eliz. (larder. Eva..... Gardiner, Mary MoCrestl., Levis 114 3 •. 3 •• 3 •• 4 " 10 " 10 10 " 10 •• 12 " 15 •• 15 SR Hula's P.S. No. No. No. Ns. N.. No. No. N MO 44 44 46 w12 W. W. 12 " 14 •' 14 •• 14 •' 5 A&W ield 5 •• .13 .• RAY/11LO. 449 Common. John R.... Ea 490 McLeod, Alex 6016 McLeod, Daniel J 513 S.eteh..er, Fred - No. 426 Pellook, Ansa . No. 3 612 Sparks, Helen.... No. 4 GRAND BEND. l a 504 Rata, A4elatde 422 Fukbeiser, Nelson. 649 Bo...berry, Harvey 602 Qat, Bllb M . . 446 Wank, William 510 Mdlesg.11, Waiter 673 Tumabri, Robert J. . 611 484 561 564 639 416 444 437 416 476 613 437 505 ZURICH. Torrence Maude... Riekbdl tied. S. Molokai Claris.... Welker Dwiirht. Bre..... Eva.... Klasathver Williams Carrie Van R ... . Erma Jetta Kayos Martha . . Farrows ,liars• Terror Willie Kai. AsmM Malek Robert F Good Friday, has Prows ooaeid.rmby wsek- er, and her demise would net be an a.eg- pooted event. Tnsberemith : Mi- Jean Black, who has lees tenons wheel in Yamada, British Columbia, retsrasbiigipdnt creek to spend Mr holidays at tilitiggrenisl berme in Tuck ernmith. Maas Sake Jackson, niece of John Dickson. tows treasurer, and who has bees radar with ham for the past y ear or so, Tett for her borne a H•rtoey, Mani- toba, on Tuesday lass Hasisell: rM Mowers. Petty, and also Joh. Shepherd shipped • number of car loads of tine cattle to the old couotr% Mat week. Sir. Shepherd accompanied the shipment, as did •Iso Thomas L•a.g. Brussels : David R. Uoore,of Merrm,who is retiring from terming, has purchased Dr. Ca les condonable redden0. and half •ors of laid, Toraberry et, and will take mit Fall. The pnoe paid was i 1.t11111. Waogb•m : Re.. W. G.11•ger, formerly at this tow., was • transient visitor in town an Saturday last, He was ea his way to Asbtield, to attend the funeral of hu ,mother -in law. He is now looted at Air - lie, an Stmooe oouuty. Waltham Old Mrs. Wad' , who had bar leg broken some time ago, is recovering .ioely, not withstand mg her are. The broken ler will he • couple of inches shorter then the other. The old lad; can get ..lo.g on crutches, with some assistance. Mayhem : rhe by law to gnat aid to the Union Furniture Co.. to artist them to rebuilding their factory lately destroyed by fin, was carried on Monde% by a vote of 292 to 15, being 20 more thea two-thirds of the qualified voters on the •seisesment roll of 1895. Lodesboro : The mouse in oomnection with the Independent Order of Good Temp lore was very suoowtul. Mass Lottie Young woo the medal. This will make sir silver yodel oontasr, bad the holden of the silver medals will now be qualified to °outposts for • cold medal. Holme.ville: Ashland Form witnessed • ple•sast some on Wed.e.day, when Feather deogghter of Jos Proctor, Esq., was married to J. H. Lowery, of SnmmerbiU. The oeremoay took plasm .t 11 • r.,ormed by Re.. 0. M. Andrews, before •bout forty •esem►led guests. Brussels : Council met l.et Monday night, sad • by • law to raise the elm of $7,500 tor Ohe erwhon of • sew school. The debentures have bees Mood at 44 per smut. for 30 years, end have bees sold at par. The •.soars required to be raised .ecb year for pnooip•I and sinking had will be 1453, or 14 Mlle on the dolls, as the usual as eem.wt. Braises : Monday 1wiag of last week the see.bsre et Water. Star Lodes lade - deadest Order of Oddtellows,No. 149,Now- a appreciation of the service rendered M. Dickson. whoa nmovanr to Ir- by prssenti.g him with an elegant stamOrbot Grind's Jewel. it r in the form of a .. star sod a mob point is one of the emblem of tat Order. • e.itatsle inscription is w. graved a the beet. No. 6 Stephen 8 .. " 10 •' " 10 •' •' 15 Hey Is 15 Bat s Mayhem Zarimh P.S. Haman P.S. 44 44 64 Dashweed P.S. Ne. 3 Ray Ne. 11 S*.phw No, 6 Manley Ne. 7 famesio7 .4 mires seen rwssala. Will Rata hoe just returned tram the Paiwka sad resorts ba.y gees all threes\ les session. In may the mal son played, sad either hi nos ban ail tare d est a plight the 1.-d,. Gres. de d he- tnmellen ie iaa mess bore he Goderieb Tp . Aa ooadent happened at the farm of Jessph Whitely, ex reeve, whit* eases very near brag attended with serious eowq.e.ou. George Farmer was diitglog • well, •d was overcome by foul weir at • depth of about Aft; feet. Joseph Whitely, jr., started down to hie assistsao•, whom something broke. allowing him to drip nearly the whole distance. The air wee ee bad be had to come at, .ad making a freak stsomp so rosab Folmar bed to m- ead to'remit air wlthent soeo.ppI1nhing big remise. O. the third demoa.t he was uno- easeful mil beoiPrt Farmer to the entree. whit was easemesime. O.deri.k Tp.: O. Thursday last there did at the reide.a .t her daughter, Mrs W. Smith. am .f tie earliest settles .t 0edarW township. is the person .t Mrs. Perlis, robes of the late Theis Perdes.wbe died seam eleven y..,. •g& Mee. Pardee had bean aliens helpless far mea Sm., tend •boss three weeks age .he feel from her .hair, bmeek4.g her hip bene. it woe se be len which ber osnmrattw Geoid het sand 1.. wit • macre of Tipperary mad bed lived bane Ser .early tlitY fossa fibs was N w • ed t.4lber Gad • kSid ssl5her- SSG Immo Mine Iter 1 s•is -IIS., W. 11•11•111iri•Gad Mrs. Them Inimirt ONeetikeed MN -1 him is t bytes ee Lenore mil fiver is 116