HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-7-25, Page 8DISTANT FRIENDS Appreciate correspondence on our TIMSIGNAL : AODNRICN, ONT., TIMAIRDAT JULY 513, 1811. " IRISH LINEN," "ROYAL. YORK," "MEDIAEVAL," and other Choice Lines of Note Paper, with EN V EIRP Eel to match. Mrs. Humphrey Wanl'e latent - "The Story of Bessie Cottrell," Cloth, 75c. GEO. PORTER'S BOOK STORE. eters armee clumsier months at a o'clock. Telephone a:change open until If o'clock. where events, omen will be d Mrtbut.d. NEWS OF THE DISTRICT. From our ownCorreepondenta. There Is B.d.rsaU.a Barre 1 bat tunes be ....d Any woes* Lbw hew.., the fNsat' The st[saL DUNGANNON. Not C. The torsi &nese; to Dungannon tar TIN 1510, AI. is at the a/tue of J. u. Vi sot J.P.. molls nyeu.-.•r. to.. wbu rola recrtve ur- den sur .uu er.yuou., advenwntt and Job from Kis.tbridge os • wit to relatives, is ...efsl cad motive for her ,ern, beteg sow is bar 93rd. Kae was mesh pl.seed with a shamrock we had gins to esDy a frissd in Goderich township, which we gave to bar. Site ist.sd' to show it to a fellow pioneer who has cot forrott.n the dear laad of Ire land, from which this leaf of shamrock came some two years ago. Wtt I itav, July 24. PAwtn Ate*T. Death removed, os the 11th inst. • former well .sows residest of G.derich, P. K. Hysdstso, C. V., who died sear Sarnia atter a lost and painful illness. The deceased was • Don of the late Sheriff 11yodman, ted studied his profession wits the lets Thomas Molesworth, C. E., helping to build the G. T. R to the hasher from the work. and ter su.i.urised to [tire r.eeiLM tor Goderich 'canoe end surveyingtie Ma- •wouai. paid for thallium enc - Man, Tiai..ty, .luly 'l land oemetery into Iota. ter passing as• A+ )t -Mies E. Mui who hr aero C.F. be was in India building railways and the guest of kir, and kin. K. J. Crswtord, afterwards on railroad suns. in left here Da Friday last for dome at 1'Droste a ().rano, Manitoba &ed (:spa Breton. yu Luri.sotr. Compelled by lllse.s toegive asp waive weal, be wrote some stirring letters to the Cana- dt.o Press on opening lines of travel is our Dominion. As • oiytl engineer he lost to the profession. tit ing at the age of 53 ' ears. He Immo a wife, two Dose and me daugh- ter Of Inc brothers and wars residing is Canada Dr. Hytam ea and Miss li t od moa. of Exeter, Mrs. Join Hidden. of Tor - mite, Lad Mrs. K. Williams. of this place, remain. Hr remains were idterr.d at '.Sarnia. H A tt % [+r. -- Ha an u &bout finished, crap ver, light, fall wueat crop u being rapid.) secured It is reported to be well headed although the straw part isnot heavy, the grain being fret clam. Mi- DKr v..►. --W. Gsiur, of AAhfeld, with • misfortune last week. One of Inc Daws by some means got down on ber back. and when found was helpless. Short.} after beim lifted .be died. t. I L+1A TI Al.. —Mr. Ferrier, a dl Vaal titudeot, conducted divine service in the Epoimpal church last Sabbath evening. Ser- vice will be held is the church next Sab- bath, oommsoung at 3 o'clock .. tis., the dual hour. Ut .viA.a..tat+ AI MCAD.—Ain. Wm. Eisen u routing relatives at Wingbam.... Mn. James Ross and two children are awe) vetting relatives an Huron township, County Bruce. W. wish them an cloy able vis and safe return. lh t \"i..iru" Tots Our popular mil liner. Mn. Wilton, left here os irday morning, to i.uckoow,on w sit/laded visas to reletayse at London, Ingersoll, cad pointe in the Mate of New York. Ne, along with • host of frie.ds, wish her a pleasant vont and a cafe return. Ni rrut.t. --W We are, we presume, credibly informed that Sita Minnie 1-homtpson, to whom reference was mad* In our last, as being away on a runt, has taken to herself • life partner in the per.00 of • Mr. ('ole man, of Forest. We truth them suttees In their Dew sphere of c mlugal hes. Mess Muth& 1'eatlaad,now of 1tu11and, sod formerly of West 11'awanosh, and daughter .1 Alex Pentland. W. We wano.b,is on • voltam' tour to relatives and friends here and in the .urrouodtmg neighbor- hood, end also renewing former .aluAint- &neat. W • wish the \ ouag 1&d' • ptomain Bim*, Di it ('t'RL[ D[AL[a+ Atitu1As.---Messrs. A. `ltuart, the popular reeve of West W• waaosh, and John Mol. sa,eeeof our orom .cent husbandmen, left here, ria I.ucknow, ler Montreal on Thur.da.‘ Wt with cattle for the foreign market They arrived home on Saturday, having shipped their cattle to the Old l.'oustr' . Hugh (ireln, reeve of Ashfield, left here on Y.turda) ,via Gode- rich, for the Montreal market with • consign mint of cattle. J. T. ACHESON. During July and August we will close our Store at ell o'clock each evening, except Saturdays. Thii arrangement may not be satisfactory for those who are in the habit of shopping in the evening, but the inconvenience caused by the early closing may be more than compensated for by looking after the Bargains we will offer from week to week. LEESURN. Tr; -,DAY, Jal) 23. Mrs. G. H. Cluttoo, from sear Stratford, is vitiating retattvee here. (Geo. Telford, opened the fall wheat harvest of 1895, by cutting the first sheaf on Saturday last ('ttt-to •a N. —The future prospects of the church in oottsection with the ap- pointment of a successor to Roy. M. Mao- ky, mad oontinuiub its relations with the Union, will be diecuwd on Mosdaevening ot this week at a 000gregauosal meeting. We uodentand that ever.l ot the maaagere of the union will be present to report on their future and decide whether the congre- gations will remain a before. On Sun da% at usual tune. the Rev. M. McKey will preach his farewell sermon, With deep regret our resideota learned of Dye sudden death by occident of ('bas. Jefferson, at Parry bund. At one time M wee • resident here. (tilt down in the prime of early manhood, while starting out in life with good prospects. his fate is iD• deed • cad one. only . ) ear ago he was married, and with his bride left for bis new home. earning with him the rood wish. of • Isms circle of relatives and friends, We, with • .arse number of friends tender our deepest s.% mpethy to his widow on the heavy trial she has mist with. - - BAYFIELD. W[n5Lew' Y, July 1i. Mrs. M. Elliott, who had bees very sick, is quite well again. )a.. Erwin, who has been sick for some time. is reoovering. I,T[tilt NT. stn Sabbath last the re - mouse of the late Mre McConnell, of Ash • field, wen interred in Dungannon Demeter) . There was a very large commune of sorrow- ing relative, friends and neighbors present She was aged 60 .‘ ears. The obsequies were oosducted by Rev. Mr. Edmonds. The be reared husband, children and other relatives Mve the deep ev mpatb, of ib. community in their affliction. A beloved wife, • kind mother and good citizen has bees removed. I',Titan It ST.—Tueede_) the 16th Jul), the retains of Mise Isabel Campbell, who re- o.Mtly died at God.rich, as stated in our last, were conveyed from her late residence, E j 16 cososestso 6, West Wainscot'. and int.rried m Dssg saes Demeter‘, being es- corted thither by a large number of vela taw from Godriob, end other points as also manyfriend., neighbors and acquain- tances.v. R. Fairbairn oondneted the obsequies. The deceased will be mufti missed M the faintly *trate. -- We were favored with a slight shower ot rain on Friday wormier of lest wool, and donne Suaday night or early Maeda% morning • Meader and ligbt.ing .torsi, which produced a heavy downpour of rain which lasted tor about se hour. The continuous Noshes of lightning which for .bout so hour emblaweed ti.. nor' -waiters portion of the horizon. was & beautiful sight to gaze upon. In oosseeueses et the cep cue shower o1 rete which fell, all moire What We Advertise We Carry Out. 46 -inch Black Henrietta, worth 65c., for 50c. 40 -inch All Wool De Beige, in light and dark greys, regular price 33c., for 25c. Black Nuns' Veiling, double fold, for 22c. All Wool Blue :serge for Boys' Suits, regular price 35c., for 25c. Unlaundered White Shirts, sizes 14, 141, 15, 15i, 16, 161, regular price 75c., for 50c. A table full of Untrimmed Hata, worth 40c., 50c.. and 60c., for 25c. American Flannelette., new fast Colors, at 121c. Extra value in White and Grey Cot - gds, tons. J.T. ACHESON. Mrs. Robt. Roust, who was ill for a few days, r getting strong again. Ater., Fsertuon was is town Wednesday with pioneers from Goderich. Come to Hayfield when ) ons want a good days sport fishing in the neer. A large number of summer visitors and camper came to town this week. sMr butcher, J. W. Brandon, has com- meoced business amain, and is doing well. Edward Elliot, proprietor of the Albion hotel, ha received a number of boarders. liar old friend, Walter Baker spent • few days in tows and is coming back next week. Miss Mabel Whiddon and Miss Maude Ferguson are the guests of Miss Maggie Wild. Mn. %Vamuby and daughter are Ieavin4 town to speed • few days with their friends in Stephen township. Mett.rs. F. Edwards, M. Peck and (etas. Gardiner took u the lacrosse match at Sea forth on Wednesday. Chao. Falconer is noisier the sleet wages for Mr. Bemadoo, and goes out in the coun- try three times a week. Jas. Thompson is overhauling his build- ing oe Main -et a.d will have it ready tor or, cupatise i. • few day.. We bad • beautital ram hen on Monday afternoon end night, which did .o.sidenble good and meds the people smile. Mr Graham, pastor of 8t. Andrew s church. is going to live in Dr. Stanbury's house, formerly 000rpied by Mr. King. There is some talk about constructing an electric railroad from Seaforth to Bayfield, seemed to be, and is neatly revived frem the sed if they intend to do anything, 0 let it effects of Um Ions drought, and the bees&o sal .Betts on opting attd vegetable crops sed paten crop °riot be estimated. W• should feel grateful to Him who has prom used seed time sed harvest as the boaotiftil liver of all rood, and seeds rats upon the lust and unmet. - DUNLOP. Trmina%.July 23. Miss Welham. ie Onetime reiatiyes at W testes Mess E. Cumming. who has bees is ('hi • .see for the post two peen. rr bosss oe a visit to bier The fail wheat flslssM steeled hete es saterd.y last, Wis. hitt e.Nieg the first -.feat .ed iladieg N. Mee will ether the WS sheaf is the township • (her arshims% returned from K�s�krtdg. last week from Inertia, a samleoth bars Ise Michael 11..., with his movieg appar test. • sew site, • deems" ef ever nes bemired oed twenty reds. Mea J. Dem, nes ei A.&feld's eldest pismire sed sari), roiddntt whe tele Arne be Boos. One of the newest enterprise in Hayfield is • newspaper called The Hayfield Ades Otter. Its advertisi.t oolmine are largely patrosised by the tows merchants. •.d it ooetaus a vast •meant of lone. news. It is Mood week I y, sad its melees are in great demand. Talal,AT. July 23. Herbert Collider was in town Ssmdat. Steeling Menai. spent 8usdat is town. Miss R. Steeehesse if the geese of Miss Thesspsos. A large Member of goons were present .t Me River Heol $.stet. The Miser Criot, of S ifortb, are staying for a few weeks in Mrs. W• ms's hsees. Mrs 1.. Mania, et Termite. is speeding a tow days with ber sister Mile M. Martis. Mir Asses 1"... is beets t resod • few weeks with her fatter wire i..leewhat IIL Baydsld has & large .eater of A.ssler boarders sew. almost r may as kat Ste. The lady mssngles .f w Yet ' list Binder Twine! UNCTION IN PRICE All former quotations withdrawn. Reduction in Prices in the wholesale market having been made, we give our Cuitomers the Benefit of the Re- ductions. Call and get our reduced prices. DAVISON & CO. _AMR March, Bayfield, are busily engaged clean- ing and repairing the personage. Mrs. A. Thompson. who has bees visiting her .aster, Mn. Corvte, left Sunday. accom- panied by her husband, to visit friends in (oderich. ASHFIELD. Telenet% July 23. We are sorry en bear that Edmund Aa drew is again op the sick Int The farmers have commeoced cutting their fall wheat. It is rather • light crop m this viainit. Our toting minister, Mr. Fralick seems to be very popular with the 000gregatiess over whom he Me charge. This northern district is .tell suffering from the want of rein. The heavy rains seem te go round us =The young p.opli s me.tings on Sondes evenings .t 'Zion are growing to mtwrest. We trust much good met be done. Dr. Coventry has resigned as oedient health ofpser.f Windsor, and is succeeded by Dr. Lembrl. wiener Probabilities lakes --Moderate winds, fair weather, Ilittle change in temperature I — BASE BALL! eeee1110e 1 game for Your Life. THE UNIONS of Gorrie and Wroxeter, - V 13 -- THE G ODERICH CLUB of (:oderich. One of the greatest games of the season- if not the greatest game- will he posted ons the AGKICt'LTI'R41. PARK Oa Thursday, Jnly. 26 tCIVIC 51N.iDAY) The Unions are the onlyam outride of the Iayn.. which defeated the Goderich olub last rear. on the local arounds ted are billed te play the far famed Maple loafs of Guelph ea Aug. 1st. le.me called at 3 r M. Every lover or a Let clam ball paste should nosed. Admission ate. Ladies sad children lee. N. B.- Any ase Itl.ester endeavorint W Jump the tens will be take. Isco *.sm and the P.M. will de the rest. FIRST AND FOREMOST CANADA'S GREAT \OW 8 T , FAIR TORONTO SEPTEMBER 2 to 14 —fA96— T Meet and Pullen litoglayof Ll V I;K. AORICCLTV RAI. PRODITTRAsid MAN• PACTVE1126 to be sees es the 1'10 %Meet. ..crewed Priam*. Imprinted Pseltntss, sod Se.elal Attraetiese, etc. A trip to Tomato st etre TINE is as SUSAL Nu5AT. These is IIclef to SEL MORE to LEARN, and MORI te ENJOY at the GREAT TORONTO FAIR tam et all ethers pet tsossbr, QefeaNN M ALL LEVEL Entries eines Rests MEL Ter Alm Liao. r__... Ms,. Address II. J. Iia1I, INO•spie. Weems. C.R.SHANE&CO. HcLEA.1e8 BLOCK. Yes, it is Dry Weather But it is going to RAIN ! � Voice tom Ten1o. " Among the Dry Goods this is by far the moat enterprising, and is thoroughly abreast of the times. The newest Goods can always be found there, and, being conversant with the re- quirements of the trade, the people of Ooderich have a pride in taking there v isitora to this Store to have their wants supplied, knowing that if it be in his line he will have it. Mr. Robinson is alive to the ad- vantage of advertising. and novel ideas seem to ooule to him naturally One day during our visit I noticed a great crowd in front of his Store and, supposing something had happened, edged my way through the crowd and found that he had erected a wigwam in his window and had three squaws seated In it making baskets. His ad. in The Daily Signal is slwayn one of the features of that spicy sheet. When you go to Ooderich visit this Store." JAMES ROBINSON, IX.R. SQUARE AND WEST BTRKEI. 4 PoInta In Our Shoes We Pay Parl!car Allolloll to: Have you A Waterproof and An Umbrella? If not, get one at the LEADING Gents' Furnishing Store 0. R. SWIM & 00. Ap..s Iter the Parietals Ba..dry. LOOK O 04BUYYOU WILL IT TMs tsar,.♦ Worm, N MANIA Mannfactored by nil bald Bicycle Cee us. Brantford, Ont. ase YONOs sTwUT SSS ere glf)b rO.ON To I PONT pi SENO POR OATSLO.Ya G.W. THOMSON, - - - Agent. 001) 11. ONT. THE THOROUGHBRED STALLION ss. ZAMOR" win be M ear Mabl.a Acle -ret„ 611115E SOMINNHOlua GUIDRY. i 1 ---COMFORT Because no one will wear a Shoe that doesn't fit his or her foot comfortably. 2 ---QUALITY Because it must be serviceable. 3 --STYLE Because everyone wants a Shoe to fit the eye as well as the foot. No one wants back numbers. 4 --PRICE Because, while we fit the foot and the eye. we must fit the pocket too, and we can do it to perfection. Fie Bepairiat a Specialty. H. B. i OLLOOL EVERY DAY A BARGAIN IAY 1 iva.�s Our MR DOBIE has just returned from the East, where he secured some special Bargains in } General Dry Goods, Gents' Furnishings, &c., 300 Ladies' amp le Hats, Ribbons, Flowers, Laces, Handkerchiefs, etc., etc. ALL NEW GOODS, "Fritts Aai Belo Re&u1r x x x x x x Call and investigate. Yours respectfully, DOBIE & CO., North Side Square, Goderich, - - P. O'Des's Old Stand A STORY POETS are born, not made: and from the amount d trash published in .kthe newspapers of the day, therefore, not many births in that line. MERCHANTS, on the other hand, are the children of public fancy, and with proper methods, fair dealing and Right Prices, success is .anred by the public THE FAIR /,t ene � �, Oke: Prloeu ngs AASH ONLY_ BVIsRYBODY WELCOME, McLKKAP'S BLOCL THE OLD STAND RE-OPENEDI 1 have moved back into the Mare car terser of West Street, formerly eseapisd by 1). R. CALRiCK, ted can now thew a New ..d W.U-A.tseled Sleek of BOOKS, STATIONERY and FANCY GOODS. Wan Paper M Prism te jd1. 100 New Wisdrw Shooks to heed ; velem Lew. Silverware al Whaler !Mess Ape sal Valet in Nees Papers sad Remise't. Speeded Value is Raise. Ahem, Mask Resb Akha fells. Riles cleanly rad Rest Vales los eke Market. • A.LWEIR.