HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-7-25, Page 7•
t.f b1)t6RIt'H. ONT.. T1TTTRRT)AY JULY 25. 1898.
Strange, but True
The child that cannot
digest milk can digest
Cod-liver Oil as it is pre-
pared in Scott's Emul.
sion. Careful scientific
tests have proven it to be
more easily digested than
milk, butter, or any other
fat. That is the reason
why puny, sickly chil-
dren, and thin, emaciated
and anaemic persons grow
fleshy so rapidly on Scott's
Emulsion of Cod-liver
Oil and Hypophosphites
when their ordinary food
does not nourish them.
Don't k persuaded l• rswepr a I• /Areef
ileo t ow% woe. AO. sof V.
Nutwithetaadieg the dspnwise of trade,
the •moot etaadua to rite credit of depor i
tors m the eaviams bank. of England at
the sad el 1894 was 0132,000,000, or t:9,
681.000 more tam at the close ot the pre
vices ,ear.
Here is • philanthrophic business man of-
fering • trip abroad to • foreign Count for
four to sit months, rich exposer peal and
£2,000 remuner•ttol, to the powwow of •
title betwsel. Ise ages of thrrtand fort, •
eve. A militan tole not eligible sod
the ewes for the wip w ss. " impettsat ba
--- -- ----
It bee been eelealatd by a' (ions es
journal that the discover% of Asthma oast
about £1,500. Columbus had an aanu•I
sal„r% of 166. The 'apemen of the Nina
•,d Pieta not £3b eeeb. This eiders rooeiv
.d lea cath per month. The outfit of the
expedition amounted to 1.560. Voyages of
eat discovery tee more expeoiy• now.
The muggers of a certain race course,
fearing that the weather would int were
with • r osat pngraat derided to iaeare the
"pss ler i'80O The found their hues.
sem compost , sad for t30 they effected an
'sourest !Jr 1500 to save them from •
probable Tess. The laearaues "empire)
pined the whole of the 1:30.
The following are the rates of p•, meat
1pr oertau work received bs women to Lon
des : Making paper bag., fourpssce per
1,000: buttonholes, twopence per dozen :
shirts, twop•eos each. the worker fisdieg
her owe mitten : sack towing, sixpence for
treaty Ave ; pill box making, wet shilling
tor aunt -six ,rose ; whip tasking, esu shil
Item per doses ; trousers towhees, three
paoc. to 6vepeece each : shirt l.i.hiag,
theme's."' • doses.
The latest Idea of French ph' acmes is to
our. colds by .pppph Mg ice to the spin..
Just now, when tie abrupt ohmages in the
weather have breverbt influenza. hresehitia,
or some kindred trouble, one is &iwuys glad
to hear of some sew remedy for "the meld ;
but few, we intrigues, will be daring enough
to apple this one. Set the tensiometer%
sore throat that • few %can ago most people
treated b% poultices Med warmth is now
quickly •led Bails cured by socking ioe and
keeptag the victim 1w & kw temperature,
and, is a feverish cold, ice mirht be of gen
mise um
At a ineeti.g ot the I.lisgtos Beard of
Guardians the committee of the Cornwallis
Road Workhouse recommended that the
barber be paid 12s 64. Instead of 12e. •
week. W. H. Wellabl a desired to k sow tf
one barber did all the work for the three
i.eutations. The clerk replied that there
was • barber for each Louse. Mr. liohett%
explained that for this 12&. 6d. • week the
roan shaved 500 moo twioe • week and out
their Bair as often as was neoessar.. Mr.
fi•ile. "That • three shaves for • pease.
The board agreed to p.% the iacn•eed
& mount.
It is not general . ksowo that in Fromm
u 1e forbidden, wader severe penaltiss, for
an see to give intents under one %ear
as, form ot solid food, unless such be or
dered ►y • written prescription, signed by •
legs!!% .iu.iiied medial men. Nurse. are
also forbidden to use, in the rearing of in
tants confided to their are, at any time or
under any pretext whatever, ant nursing
bottle provided with a ruhber tuns. See
eral other similar •ad *lu•!I% stringent laws
have recently been emoted b% the French
t:overeemet, which, despairing of obtaining
an. tearooms in the birth rate in their least,
is now terming is attention to the saving of
the few children that are bora.
Re --Now, iisil,r doll go and irk
your father for yes.
She --He won't give his a anent.
He -How do you know!
Sha -Because four or five base teed it be-
fore you.
'Very fine child, sir. I congratulate you.
1 doo't hesitate to say that it is one of the
largest babies 1 have ever oxen.'
'Make it the !argent, doctor. Don't mead
me -i'm an affidavit editor myself.' -Brook-
len Life.
Hie -What would you say, darling, if I
should 1011 you that you oould never he
Mhe-i should say. pet, that 1 we est
a lice bundle of year letters that would
help me to make it expensive for yen- -Tid-
aetebeisstel't Peculiar 1. tar Pre•seet
ieaterattM•• lessees• sad Mire rang.
Add each generation comes and goes it
• marked by changes, developments
..nil discoveries unknown tons predeces-
'o►s. From a physical standpoint one of
the most to be dreaded conditions an..
Peculiar for its rapid increase daring the
present generation, is when the mind
labors under the delusion of persecution,
.intense! restlessness, pain in the back
ant head. twitching of the muscles of the
fat c .end hands, furred tongue, breath foul
and ht.Avy, nausea and further indications
of stomach trouble. -there may be de-
lirium, convulsions or sinking spells.
'Medical authorities apply differept names
to the conditions that are unintelligible to
the average reader. The actual fact is
the demoralised and dangerous state of
the system is due to the accumulatiop of
'Body Poison" in the blood that should
and would be thrown oQ by
i the Kidneys
if in a healthy cosditioa n order to m-
att/re health, strike at the root of the dis-
ease with Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, the
onlys going i thkaown that will control the
ehlinghe on in e Kidneys, enabl-
Ing ( m to furnish fOT the whole system
blood free from dieeags.breeding poison,
builditlg np the dleMieud candid/in o(
'beeves, and relimriage mental
rnc2St.. Sold bg al dealers. Moen
1en,eData Ift Ca, TOMO&
i -1111 .c .Wine
By trace mime we ate seven, but 1t s
ell •unteient "'num.-United Ptwbytortau.
Chu• tumfilueas attar liver dopes& upuu
the rharaeter tri osa thoughts -Mlatvw
AuKeith oum.
"Why art thou alt down. 0 any soul!"
(:.d mutates the, serer•. Hs promise. 1.
uuchsng%d. His help 1s »till almighty
It 1s toot enough for the dleciple of
Christ t., du no lours, to hi. fellowmen ;
he must do these guard. -- Presby-
The tuna who duce tori honor hto
mother can net be trusted to honor the
mother of his children. -Young Men's
"It Is letter u, du will than to rep
well, sari the uplgn.ul . but 1t le beth.
.1111 Ise h to dh. and say well -Standard.
tial d,esn't tell the unconverted tian
that he 1• a sinner, but turns un the light
anti .how. him list lie is atm. -How's
.�...ei•rt your own frodum if you will,
but weer' It m..lt•.tly and quietly, re-
electing .'threw OS you w lab to he newel -
ad youne,lf. -Freud
The Googol is • then a call ; It lean
announcement that Gull hex matte pate
by the !demi of Christ 11. the atonement.
Will you &u. 'pt it at Ilia hand! --
Th.• 111011 whir Ir always talking &bout
the gnat thinge he has done fur the
cbur•h could to slipped out of this world
end a pwxvx•k .Upped In his place with•
out anytsely melting the diser•nce.-
Yuung Men's Ere
The ran who hetes whisky always hates
Christ.--Itam'e Horn.
Dr. Parker tolls the saloon the "street -
corner god .1 i,oiduu."
The anneal drink bill of Cleveland, 0.,
le esld to 1s• Flu,nsl,,rgt
The liquor omni, 1nu.t be ended. be -
Muer. 1t can not be mended. -Rev. Jus.
if the road to the pit didn't begin In
nslsx•tabillty It touldu't end in ruin. -
j'lam'e Horn.
Thr influence of alcohol is never to
etln.ulste life -growth. but always to bin-
der and depress it. -.1 J. Ridge, Y. U.
What a young man warns to the day
tlme'g.s's tato hi. po. ket, but what he
spends in the evening goes into his char-
arter.-ilr. T L. Cuyler.
The Hr•wer•' Journal states that Eng-
lish syndbates have p1.IIb (ret invested
in American brewerice. the dividend on
whleh. at nine per cent. twit year, was
Pe MOW), and was paid In gold.
The board of excise of Ithaca. the Rent
of Cornell unlveroite. Iters refused all ap-
pllatlonR for n'ncwal of !!tenses to sell
liquor in that town. Licenses were given
to the drug sones.
The river Rhine Sows at three that's
the rate of the Thames.
The crown worn by Queen Victoria
wctgha; forty ounces.
The population of the German empire
1s increasing at the rate of 601.,000 a year.
The heaviest of the foreign woods are
the pomegranate and the Upturn vitae,
and the lightest is cork.
Up to the pteeent tine. the Necropolis
company, the teepee undertakers in Eng-
land, have buried 1:I6,Usi teethes.
The long-dietane., telephone between
Paris and iwondon has over two hundred
calls a day. At the 0114• of two dollars for
each tall it pays
In a11. it hes been eetimated that ;over
two million acres are devoted to the main-
tenance of deer in :...Hand, and that
about fire thousand stags are annually
In Pell the told was oio severe In eastern
Europe that packs of staving weivot en-
tered Vk•nna, and all the comas of Ven-
ice were frozen, and the principal mouth
of the Nile teat blot•ked with fleeting ire
for a e...•k.
Every -state and territory of the United
Stater. ha. an experiment station, the
total number being
The spring sales of Abetdoen Anguli
bulls in England show an average of $b12
for Yeo animals.
The what ter op of South America has
steadily Inertemed from 4M,tt50,elsi bushels
In lac! to IIN,IUI,tlfti► bushels in INNti.
Ti,.' Iowa State Agricultural society,
which is in debt, nrently ertang.d for
the sale .4 atom tickets to the people of
Des Molw•a
The price of fine -class mutton *beep
and lamas on the great markets Is decid-
edly encouraging to the friend* of mutton
Ma**ar•huee.tti creameries are catching
the *pint .1 organization, and are mov-
ing for an n.a,clatlun similar to thew
elowh•n• funned.
The bili prohibiting adulterations in
batter and chcce,.o has been signed by the
Governor .1 Ylssourl, and is therefore a
law of that State.
The Ontario experiment station advises
that apple trees he planted far enough
apart so that when full grown they will
not touch each other.
Cattle feelers In the We.t have used
ootton.eed more heavily then ever bettors,
and 1t le reported that they are quite
well pleased with its use.
A Kentucky ozelunge notes the fact
that cattle were selling for export pur-
po.w at flee Dens n pound. live weight.
in the blue grew ctuntrlce
Where money make's the mein 1t uses
pot -metal.
It is next to Impossible to wound •
How often we prey • ruinous price floc
tl a:regretful ro.oellertton of a Stetting
Had Napoleon acted wisely lefnre Mon -
COW he need net have airtight consolation
in talking whtdo,n after Waterhs,
Debt is the devil's depety.
it always amens easy for others to do
i)ffer,nee of opinion 1s the motive
p,yree of progress.
Few have the tont. to !Moth do and say
The average after dinner .peri h will
impede to you Ile ntetntng of the
phrase, '•Ton fall for utterance"
that the vales of baiter be-
ereame with the quality.
Milk trust town geneteg the wind of
lereatlon doss net ohms la eae/ly se milk
been bomb cetera
A a mishear. truly eqs fiat en sery-
men everywherw owe 1lreenssvea sad their
nearowe the obi Igattoas to ow neer Owe
in saute power so swop out eau cruse ane
uwa.tluu• fated titi1.a1 tilled .;hewer.
Th. groat sscia•t In fancy butter-rnaklng,
says a dairy writer, 1e a .tudled purple. -
to keep all fdolgu eubetao«v out tel the
milk, cream and butte.., and bate only
original meter's' frwi start w finish anI
fancy butter reeulta
The New York Experiment 114.1'ke bas
been rwklug situ.' pr&clteal tarts w•111.
°owe as to the auouut of water they
drank. it was found that during lama.
tion, or the milk (Isnot peeled, the ater-
aae net tb war 11.1iiiU puuude.
ADSIGlics.n was famous for his inventions
w h, u Ye
13txvn was • wc'nulwr of Parliament at
ts; at Si one of Its lenders.
Poe was a post at le, at 34 he wrote
"The Hares. " its died at 114
Bryant wrote poetry at it. At Is his
masterpiece, 'Ttiatswpels," was pub-
Longfellow's first poetry was published
at 13. At ;c' he was nuked wttb our beast
Shakespeare lett school at 14, (.lay at 14.
John Bight at IS.
Scott raisins' the fair realm of litera-
ture at :a. At 34 be war the roust popu
lar pet of the day.
Galileo discovered the teo•bronlenr of the
pendulum at lea When 36 was the moat
faruoue astronomer in Europe.
Byron's first peons appeared at 111• At.
Yt he ruched the highuet pinnacle of his
literary fsto.
Wilberforce entered Parliament at 21.
William of Orange re tended the army
on the }'n•ueh frontier at W.
Hurtle' first volutne was published at 27.
.At A. erttirai conceded him to tie the meet
richly endowed by nature of any living
Napoleon at 27 erxnmaaded the army In
Italy. At 35 was temperer. Saw Waterloo
at 414.
Tennyson at 33 took that high stand
&Meng thn poets be sill Itis death.
Salt In whitewash nukes It stick.
Salt puts out fire iu the chimney.
Salt In solution inhaled carts cold in
the head.
Salt used in sweeping carpets keeps out
loot hs.
mall as a gargle will cure soreness of
the throw..
Salt thrown on a cal fire which 1s low
will revive it
Salt and auda aro excellent for bee
stings and spider bites.
Salt and vinegar will remove stains
from dl.coleaod teacups.
Salt in water is the !oast thing to clean
willow -warn and matting.
Salt thrown on soot which has Callon on
the carpet will pn•ven. stain.
Salt un the fingers when cleaning
fowls, meat or ash will preveut slipping.
.alt put on ink when freshly spilled on
a carpet will help in removing the spot
Salt In the oven underirking tins will
prevent their soot -thing on the bottom.
Salt thrown on a coal fire when broiling
steak will prevent biasing from the drip -
pi ng fat
All officers to the Austro-Htingariat
cavalry trust hereafter learn telegraphy.
In time of war France puts 3711 out of
every 1, Wu of her population in the Held ;
Germany. 31; Russia, 21.
,r' once of the ocean stamen an w con-
structed that they an be converted into
artnrd cruisers in thirty hours.
The Russian War Office has decided to
use henceforth exclusively grey horses for
artillery purposes, the reason given fur
the tnnutattun being Oust animate of this
Dolor have been found by experience to 1x•
Wenger and more enduring than the
brown ones now toed.
The terror inspired by the Japanese
armies in the vast is greatly enhanced by
the fart that they make no noise•. They
march with no bands, n.. drums beat re-
veille or tattoo, and In action the Japan-
ese utter 0u cheers. The ofiher% have a
node of signals by whtutling that serves to
direct the muveluouts of the trope.
ile not simply goxxt-be good for some-
Faith is the mot from which grow the
fruits of Christian life.
Hidings sin isn't a bit safer then
handling a rattlesnake. -Ham's Horn.
It is Linty the truth we follow that has
power to lead us straight to God.
He who sits at Christ's feet here shall
let on his throne hereafter. -Matthew
If a man L busy. and busy about his
duty. what more dues he require for time
or eternity !-KInastily.
Remember that religion in business is
just as important as religion in the
It dons • man gond to believe wane -
thing. It doss other good to have him
do something. -United Presbyterian.
What doth it profit a men if he gaits
every point In an argument and loans
his beet friend! -Young Yen'■ Era.
Define giving advice we most Aare
secured 11. acceptance, or rather have
made it deelr,d.-AmMI.
There 1s something wrong 11 we Mop
rv'jotetng In the Lord as coon as our *by
teens to cloud tip -Ham'. Horn.
When Paul said that godliness with
contentment Is great gain he was not
nuking an apology for plops laslneea -
The minister who would awaken his
people for their eternal good, must open
the Bible wide enough to stow them
what is in it.
"Understand well the force of the
words: "A God. who rete thee, a mo-
ment which flees from thee, an eternity
which awls thee; re (3od. whom you
serve so 111; • moment, of which yon so
little profit; an eternity, which you has -
aid so rashly."
Swallows have ben aces al els over one
thaimaade Wks from Led
It Mies lie swim yews ago, for the
Sills is gild tisk tomb.
Ata tale of relies innIn the
f ING tf1W i tooth of Mr I ewton was
s54 fie • sem equal to OMNI&
People Retell better with Moir ,nontb.
Moe clues ell the air flee Lea use of the
lags meat Mess les drawn throng% the
The einedleat metneare of weight in amu,
the vein, took Its name hose hosing artg-
ioally the welgei of a w.i1•drted gats of
Wnrry sad the mice digger get ee
wMei we get oat to mea trouble we
sever here • Meg well
%V hoe the des!! ea,. t get tehiod the
Or... 1.• r in .ay mkt" way he twu.eua.ee
gibs the oboe..
There are people w ho hate a thief, wk.
bonen beets std never ,.tars them.
He who is beating leu • wife without •
limit should nwen,aer tl.et the spouse be is
seeking may be sea. chits for • busbazd of
the mine sort.
The sees she is enit os.e reed te speak
the exact troth is set &b t to be perrelees.
It is as well to take smudge holm the
ally as essase4 from ti.e wise.
Pleases 1• ...ere esa,
From The Cased. Fa now 'a San.
Sir M&ckeaaie itow. 11 in the Semite the
other de, said, to retersooe to • oto -qtly
e upersauuat.d , fhuul. whose fate the Sew;
eon were bemoomu g l.ee•uoe the amount
of bie supraanuatlou •Ilowance was not
equal to hie seta.%, the . Iticul bele, good
ruoueh to produce • &umnber of tnumouals
of of ceeocy from fors et Secretaries of State,
In whose department he had served
"So far s. Henn J. illorgaa s 0000eroed
I lea free to oat that of I had been Secs
tart of State he wool 1 ti..e bail' dee mad
instead of reduced to tank This view was
•Ian held I. the law Chief Justice of the
Supe. toe Court, Sir N',Ilum Ris6i•, who
had asked Sir lobo Macdonald aot to press
•a invutigatio• •gemet bin, es tt would
mean bi. dumlesel.
Hada t e• better send • few farmers to
Ottawa to storm things!. $ado t we better
tell our Chief Justitw that it is jostle. we
want mewed of i•iriter` Bade t we better
steed our Sir Knights is • row and ship
them across the Doran to her wheooe came
their misfit titles'
Hu one of our dead Premien been die
honored or libelled t, our hying Premier
le the .tete cent of I'.rmier dowen true or
uotrne' 1f true, I am..i• has been for %ears
• hell of corruption, whose 'lime has been
scattered far and seer •m0118 the people.
1f we have diaboneat Ministers at Ottawa,
have we faithful molesters in our pulpit•
Do our clergymen condom wrongdoing in
high places. or do Olt .% fear to tell the
truth lest the% offea4 some liberal church
members who are adherents of the part.
ooidemed '
If • fountain is impure, ma • stream ran
P ing therefrom be elven' If fathers Toth
for onpnueipled poltticiene, can they
tell their children to believe they
are men of principle themselves!
These are ttueetions that capitol be Ind
aside b. honest mem. They are ideas that
ain't be considered. The Mors of the Bible
is that God has failed to destroy the
mations that have disowned Him. 'Our people
manor prosper if tbe% refuse to do the will
of God, which in the matter of government
has been indicated too plumk to be mis-
Henry J. Morgue merited dismissal. !air
John A. Macdonald knew it Chief Justice
Ritchie knew it. Both, however, agreed
that he should retain his position, Premier
Bowolt has known apparently all along that
the man merited diemis►•I, but • Premier
who did sot use his snthority to order an
investigation cannot now be expected to
protect the treasury from the hand of an
unworthy official who has been esperana-
• ted. ('aptaia Rowell does not any louver
command the Ship of Suite and pirates are
to possession.
Revival et Trade.
Reportsfrom the United States support
the view that trade interests have vastly
improved recently and that the business
outlook for the future is i.coursiginr.
This will be welcome news to the people of
('eaada, since our own trade interest will
be stimulated and improved. la nothing
has this improvement been shown is a more
marked we% thea in the increased sales of
Putman's Painless Corn Extractor. Times
being dull evert thin` oot absolutely heeded
became & luxus, and its sate became let•
tionar. Now it is different. Sales have
increased vastly, doubt less as it bas proven
the onk safe mare, had palette' remedy tor
oorns, and wise people will use no other.
Ns Cense Nr •tares.
Anxious Mother - I'm afraid, doctor,
that poor Willie has got bis death. He
ate tee many herd -boiled ergs pater-
day -
Doctor -Ahem ! How - eh -many did he
eat, main
Mother -Oh, be says half a doze", but I
fear the dear ohtld is deceive'. me
Willie (from pillow) I -et --two dozen
-be" .ip'a-
Mother - Morey on us ! And what,
Willie -An' two goose .a .
Doctor -There is no need e( my wireless,
mem ! I thought the boy had overeaten,
them ! But you evidently do.'t know the
Koster boy, am ! Should he become ner-
vous during the night give him • couple or
tires good-sized doughnuts cad half • dozen
sepias. Good evening. mama !
It isnot oar custom to eritici.o natore,bat
we have no b•eitancy in .e)ing that she fe11
down when she did.... grow handles to the
watermelons.--Witohita Eagle.
Doctor -Well, my has little fellow, you
have rot quite well &gals. I wee sure that
the pills 1 left von would este you. How
did you eke them, in water, or be take!
"'tilt, I used them is any blow-gun."-
Tit- Rub.
Johnny -1 found 50 cants this morning.
Mama What did yen do with it!
"Jima. Wats was with me and I gave
half of it to him."
"What mad* you do that
Jessie -You see seftber of us licked. -
(lioago Herald.
A os g gendarme had to take • prise-
s Were thet►s�es wed .iter the trial
enemy him to the avert pries. He bad
sever boss i• **Whitest Wars, sod steed
le the corridor with his ohmage net knowing
wIdele w&y M
tars. Al'At a the old .fend-
er had pity an him and said :
" Cams on : i nohow pee."__i a Rappel.
• lrimaw.er.
" Than, Willie.- amid the lad'' mother,
"• i tee mens ler yea New, what are you
geieg to bey with it e"
" !lave it up to hey fireweeks lee the
Phut of July," replied the bey le a-�i
ahem panties's. was shaset i Mow
' W`y, Willi., yes hoe* yes are tMiel
'geyser lsesov to give to the Imathes.a
.I.ti slew f' • bot lie Mises ere k1Mwr
" tadtie Alms anis tie i.a.ekbe.
deet they r
too bee t • _intim Ii het vey
UM. jot Ma aloe, •• M1t al Sable
NI lug
li Offal
of the
Old Country,
IT 40, 60, IID 60 c®T% PSB LS.
tiuLl) BY -
Probably not many women know where
the powder puff. w.th which alabaster brows
and blushing cheeks are produced come
from. There u • place in Chio&go where
some nimble -fingered girls aro engaged all
the year roiled in making them The ma-
terial is the soft, fluffy down from cygnets
or young .wase, and it oomea largely from
the islands in the Baltic
At Mostar, in the Herzegovina, • husband
and wile died a most extraordinary death
together. The wife went to the wine cellar
to fetch • mug of strong new wine for her
husbands supper, and se the enormous mk
wee not full she leaned over and tell tato it.
Her husband immediately dropped in to
save her, and both were drowned in • few
minutes. Their property is valued at 120,-
000, but they heed se simple peasants,
The time- worn theory of the orderly
ease of the earth that there is • place for
everything, would seem to have taken root
in the mind of • certain society woman
who, whenever she wants to indulge in the
luxury of • good cry, repairs to the bath
roam and wails to her heart's contest.
Some of her friends have f&oetiously sag-
that when to future she feels like
vtng & real good cry, she tarn on the
fewest' as • rowing aooempaniment to her
own flood of tears.
All women are roing to wear duck this
summer. ♦ pretty design for a d.ok gown,
and oes that will launder oosnpareuv.ty
easy, has & full, plain skirt, with • bend of
floe embroidered insertion omthere* a
doable skirt. The bodies w cot out in •
square seek, outlined with the embroidery,
sad =toads oyer the arm in onp-like fash-
ion. It hes two darts in treat and • ripple
skirt with • band of the embroidery for •
marrow beet The bodice fastens in the
Iaek with small pearl buttons. The odd
thing sheet it is nkat it is worn with • silk
gimp sad sleeves.
a nems
....s. ..este.&
!heft bio OungtpSgq,
=MI R A Ogle M Tip
.t •..es
Pyny- Pectoral
000111411. Colne.
MOARNNese, ave.
U tut&
Sewero erle CAr fps! I !!lank,!
uuufecturer of all Rade of
Smoke Stacks, Salt Pans, hheet irg�
Works, etc., etc ,
Aad I)e•ler-n-
Kagaes, Maal►tuery ('astlage, At:., Pipi
end Pipe Fitttagv, all threes goods,
Values, Gauges, Etc.
All Constantly on Hud at Lowest Priem.
The following eeooed bund Bolters ted Mach.
teary for sale :-
One 46 H. P. Roller sad Ka5it.e.
" 40 " Slide Valve Fagine.
" 35 " Tubular Boiler, complete.
••6 Firebox Boiler sad F:ngiae,on
Repotting promptly attended to.
URU•ly P. O. Boz R. Uodertek.Ost.
Works --Osman* 4,4. T. R. Station. Godesigi
N --
a-0 ERIC H_
has established a new, Bakery and Con-
fectionery Store on Hamilton -et. in
Barrie's old stand, where he will keep
constantly on hand everything in the
line of Good Bread, Cakes and Pastry
of best make. Large Loaves at 10 cta.,
and small Loaves at 5c.
No combination ; no extortion, but
everything to suit the times and the
pockets of the people.
If you want Good Bread and Cheap
Bread leave your orders at the New
Bakery, on Hamilton Street
Wedding Cakes a Specialty.
Bred delivered to all parts of the
1st prize, S26 ; 2nd, $15 , 3rd,
1510 ; 4th, S6 ; 5th, S2 . 10
prizes of SI each , 20
prizes of bOc. each.
The Proprietors of
Salada CeyionT
1 offer to school cbilares the above
prizes, competition open until 1st
of May, for the best poem of
rhyme, the initial letter of the
hues reeding downwards to eom-
puse the words--
- Salads CelonTeas
The poem is expected to be the
result of the child's own thought, the name, age, address and school
to be appended to each poem, also
• card out of a package of
Salada" Ceylon Tea,
I -
The nenarv, 4:ederich•
aiTelephone Connection.
Obtained, and all bushman In the IJ. 8. Patent
Oeoe attended to at MODERATE FRMS.
Our °Moe is opposite the U. 0. Permit Of.
Gm and w r sea obtain Patens in lees time
ban chaos -emote from WASHINGTON.
Been MODEL 014 DRAWING, We .d-
vlss as to sbllitll free of opat�.
we make OBaROE DNLEBB ani
741N PA H.NT.
We refer, ber., to the Postmaster, tha0
at M Order DIY„ and to ol5olals
(J. 8. Patent OMee. For circular,
terms and retereeoes to actual °bents la ma
awe State or °oasts, write to
c • saw It ca..
Oppoette Pelmet 'OSoe,W..klmgten,:D C.
AISSey fir ,
I 0 �n
ba� as llsnen�awav, irtirrivelit
s Atomise.
e Ari e.r* giiiveess ri f c•s : m tks
,cctentific American
twr..rt t`r.1tertn MM erelasr, tl.e s.7S•lIlNn
dmrH N. Mxomamba. A'',vKN.17.1 tbot1112'e
.Caisse...n.a•Awarw at
The slily Teasels Orem ewer ed to e
atsrsber el the fames Ligit Brigade w
Bal oleve was reseals sold d a pebble
aaettewrw be Landow.