HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-7-25, Page 6THE SIGNAL : GODERICB, OrT., TH 1 i RSD 1 , JULY 25, 189x. Bei Jenne, s sww.n. Almost Passes Belief Kr. Jas. Z. Nicholson, Illoreno.vtll., N. • , eirusgtes for Seven Lone f L vo. Tears with " CANCER ON THE LIP, AND II OUR= ST Sarsa- AY E R^ Mr. NwwMlson say,: "1 consul doe - tors who erre-Mord for tae, but to bo purpose; 11e cancer began to Eat into the Flesh, spread to my chin, and 1 suffered 1a agony for seen long years. rurally, 1 bet*u takIug Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Is a week or two I noticed a Decided Improvement. Rai ouraged by this result. 1 terse. erred. until In a month or sot the sore under my chin began to heal. lot three months my Hp Megan W heal. and, after using the Sarsaparilla for sU menthst the hist trace of the cancer disappeared•' Ayer's Sarsaparilla Admitted at the World's Pair. aras'S PILL$ Jterw/ate tks perste. HIS PNEUMOGASTRIC NERVE. Upon an asere(ge, twice • week, When anguish clouds my brow, My good physician friend we seek To know 'whet ail. me now.' He tape me no the hack and chest And *cam my tongue for bile, And lays an ear aguost my breast And Weiss thore awhile. Then he is read, to admit That .11 hr can oheerve le something wrong snide, to wit M . pneumogastric nerve ' Now. when thee betas names within Iheyeptic hulks like mine (:e wroog, . fellow should begin To draw what s called the tine. It seems. however. that this Name, Which in m, hulk abounds. Is sot. dem inte its awful name, So fatal ea it sounds. Vet. of all torment• known to me, 1'11 as without reserve, There is no Wrn.ent like to thee, Thou paeumogeetnc nerve ' This subtle, eart%us nerve appears To be . wueot foe - 1t waited nearly forty years Ite chance W lay me low Thee, like some blithering blast of hell. It struck this guileless bard, And in that evil hour I fell n'rnlsgi*us for and hard, Alas' what thing. 1 demi, love - Pies, puddings and preserves - Are sure W rouse the vengeance of All poeumograstnc nerves' fairly healed. "Gmeeetne saa.ser! Presy leas' Hew dere 11.) write cask eta? H. dare they print it' Oh, thea deg of • r ter ' no em et w. Theft Theftww000 be, etc," g'srisg mooed the tweet and addressing •a uiyiaiab fallow n1. . ' I tall you, ear. there woo t. be • Whale hose lett is his body ' His tint step was W telegraph hs errias wife W mane none ►m.edesteiy : hs oast Lo seek tee °thce of the moraine paper mid make the date for the eNihag ul • terrible pore. He w.. ushered taw tam sanctum of the editor, with whom he had • slight solu.tataeoe, sad was cordially greeted by the thin, wiry esu with yavitoot, laughing hes. Hut Mr. Helmer, was in no moot for the ameatttee of lot.. • W ben can I see the whippersnapper nkat had the audacity te write this about my wife' be demanded, giving the papier • drestrufel thump. The dolor ran hie .ye over the paragraph. •• My Geer ear, t don't sec anything ob- jectionable to that. Merely • oo.plusest paid to • well-known sad respected lad) ••Gtr, interrupted Mr. LSelmere, friars - tag darkly, the preps has too much liber - t t in these days. It is not seemly to speak with such flippant publiat of the wife of • private at tea, and the tuaeg mw must account for tt to toe. IIE KILLED PITEZEL. Holmes Has Made Thls Admission. Mss. Toe editor looked as pini for a inmate with a curious expression. •• Vert well, be said celanit. "Uur society reporter comes in from lakevtew Te-eas abs Will ideality the Ladies e1 tonight, •.d will be here early tomorrow d mysterious, Match, and that be aim It r • lort•neM dry fur • te•li when M 1 saw Ilolows at Fort Worth, Texas. This ' t1n1 disoovere the vlu. of A. w'e Sare•par- was from mall that ootid y was sub- 1's as a htu. •-purinu tl',ilu thio mereapar, l fed trot the man and kis story was sub- segiwuitly eaptlrmed by lir. Shoemaker. Mr. Kbiueatek,er said that be would not tell for men's same until he had e..tsult- One ed with Mimeo sad that he would pot the latter to' -day. PITEZEL NOW IN TORONTO. Ser cb/Yrs■ It Is yaw % Ad moroioe. and will; no doubt, be hapset to I .. e... M tet 1Jbr1, re Me aromatic to a.ada li'.r trial. Tereste, July 1t► -Mrs. PiteseI. mother of the victims ori the St. Viuceat-etnvt tragedy, arrived in Toronto last even- ing by tee 8.35 i'.P.It. truin. '1'b•• au- thorities werr wired that ,b a hod lett Chicago lot a Ten 0' rvuus and enfeebled conditiuu. Tbr ►. are of her exi.ited are sec )0u. " i don't thins he will, returned BM mw, grunt, The oext moraine Helms•* set out oa itis arced of vengeance. He °trode down the street with the an of a ouatuuror, turned into • saddler • lump, *elected • evoog,well- made horsewhip, thea with • wicked gleam in hie e) a pro.d.d to the oboe of The Morning Trumpet. A horsewhip naturally creates something of • serration w • newspaper otfioe,and true omission win no exoept.on,tbougn the tater, est was manifested w an unusual was,% Mr. Helmets we. prepared to encounter uppoSi- eon, but found a unguis lack of it. Oa demanding the whereabouts of the menet reporter, there war readwens of response sod there •ctuai1 . seemed • disp..atios en the part of over, ood\ W smooth hu path to revenge. As he mounted the stun a tele- photo meas.,. went from the door . ease- tne to the upper room : "He's Doming with • horsewhip : are os afraid' The answer was Iigb1h leeched back : "Not the laser in the world. Mr. Helmer' rushed upstairs file en in- furiated 1w11, tore headlong through the corridor, beoged open the door, sod found himself in the presence of -a tall,young wo- man, with band.ome, clear -out feetures,ead • e•ocking laugh. " t .nod morning, else mid swarth . " hood --good wornrag, be gasped. " I want to see the ,.)clef) reporter. "Yee. I am the sooiet t reporter. What ciao 1 do for t ou' , 1 thusk 1 ve mode • inutile, .tam meted poor Belmar " that is -er -er my name is Meller, and 1 called -- ' " Helmer'." cud this tall young women, who seemed .once way to grow miler every minute in Helmer's dteoreanizd eight. " Helmer not the husband of the charming Mrs. Helmer, ot i'b..taut street ' "The same, said the unhappy wretch. •' le it possible "' else drawid, looking hum over se he stood there, flushed, excited, perspiring, and tl.en added m.Iuolousty : "I never oou►d beer thought it, Rut out down, Mr. Helmer, you doo;t spm well. Von are nervous, feverish. Here, take thus cheir. There, °elm yourself, Would you like • glass of water' Allow me. Let me relieve you of this whip. And gently, deftly she drew tt Irons Ma unressttar hand. stood it against her desk and *sated hermit to the big .winging cheer before it. Belmont did not speak. He stared .t her with dilated e) ea. iie had a dim idea that he was going into .m ep leptic fit. " I Naw s our wife last eveniog,Just before leaving Lakeview, and she told me obs had been hestrl, summoned home, and no doeht that is , our errand here the morning. I will mate • note of it, and it .h.11 here • prominent place in the fashionable intent geoce. "Hut—' choked the unfortunate cres,- tura "Don't distress yourself, sir : I am really grieved to see you suffering eo, ' Me went en,Jottiay down some notes. "1 ou really *heeld ss • physician. So fortunate your wife is ooming. Very kind of you to take the trouble to call and give this item It shall appear se you wish. ' "Thank you. Ah --but .h I10ok you' spluttered Helm ere, as he roes and sneaked towards the door. "Not at .11. i)on t mention it. So kind of yam to o•ll, especially when you are not feeling well. My respects to your wife. Good morning Theo, )rat as be was bowing himself out, and uoagr*tulaltns himself that the wont was over, eke celled msercuIaault. "01%, Mr. Helmer, t on have forgotten t our whip ' He locoed, looked noes •t thole bend some rtes, spar Id nag with malicious fun, gays • groan and fled Then from all quarters of the dark hall dein' which he sped. from the kasiaeis onion below, from the open Mer of the *•notem, past whish he dashed, then arose so heaven a Amos of jeerung laughter. Nay more. At the foot of the stun • little imp of an office boy pat his tow bead out of • doer, and with • grin of ghoulish else .oreewued, "Wall, did Or thrash hw!.' Toe break ot Solman. as his friends palled it, sand him of his ia.nit7. Theno for ward his Maria had seam pew, while toe baadsoma moiety repeater of the "Moraine Trumpet had an extenstdiaar) souvenir to exhibit to her friemda--- RbtTR Saau.tes Torte Oh, that 1 could remodel man ' I'd end these cruel pains Ht hitting on • different plea Prom. that which now obtains, The etomaeb great t, amplified, Aeon should occupy The all of that domain laude Where heart and lung. now Ile, But first of all 1 should depose That (Debate curve And.uther of'mt thousand woes, The pbeumogastne nerve' Eugene Field. LONG AGO ('lumber* Journ•I When opal tints and gray invade The crimson of the west- - When dot light a I ingotisr traces fade, Aced meg birds Beek the seat - W hen shadows fall o.er hill and plain, And stare ot heaven clow, We live in memory once .gain The days of long ego. And friends of days forever o er Around us closet\ stand. We feel the ktsdlt grasp once more Of meat • " vanished hand. And though fond, lot al, brave and May be the friends we know, No friends ma match the friends we knew And loved long, long ago. tens rival had spreatl through the city sod a crowl of curious eight.e••r• ue.r.• mor- bid thus eoasiul. .art • tkr,.n_• •i Coe plat- form of lite U*iou Dept wle•u the train which bore tree heart-br,'Leu muwiln arrived. Dressed entirely iu black,witb careworn and pr,•tuaturely aged features hiddeu behind a heavy veil, the woman stepped from the train with au ut,ate+:dy moieem+•ut which betruyed the t.•rrib.e nervous *train •he -bed uiiJereone. The sleek occa.:oned by the Pews of the d:arov.•ry of the bodies of her child - raw followed by the long fisire•y unat- tended crud the i.vept.ou ueronled her et the Hutton depot. have complete:3r mo- m -reed Mrs. P.tex 1. stud it wee mit tluou;rht jud'rious to allow h.• • t.. U• iu- terve. last . venin;:. Ste idol the u.At'bt's reel etrengt::eu her sulficieatly she will undergo to -,lay th' terrible or- deal of visitiwt taw Morin,. to identify the gbiutly forty. upon the marble *luta ea threw of her .uulghtrra Etta' Alice and Nellie, whom eke I .et ..ace alive iu St. Louts, Mo., iu ti.•ptewln'r lest. 11111 Try t. 11.Y 111sa. Philadelphia, Pa., July 1`t. --`slowly tl:e web is bring wor.•:i which w III bring C.o. stolid. (secretive H. H. Holuws. sow pit- titrg in hie Manly cell do Muy'umrtsiug Jail, befoe the bar of justice, where h will have to fare the charge of murder. whether iu Philia. rlphia fur kiliiug R. F. Parfet or in Toronto for slaying the two little Ila light r.e ill Pitexrl. Huiw... a uce his ot,e uct!.reak oil Tuesday, hos refused t.r tall to auy extent, a decided chuunge iu deweate.c. N.. before the die- covery art 111e holies iu Toronto l-' wase ouuly tee williug to suggest schemes for the recovery of the wcasitig children. His nttortyy still .i.,.ks to the sauemeu: that if the bodice louud in Toronto are really these of the Pitesel children. it nowt have been the man Hatch toleo killed them. Pitezrl'e Lody was buried iu tb:. city,but certain I..rtione ui it have 6-.1 taken Dom the grave cruel lire saw to the iui.a•rsiou of the officers ill the iteur- esite rompaay vtctiwiaed by the arch-moo- afortotor lloim.'. "Holmes was colt Arlene in this horrible crime," was the utterance u1 Special .ta- s.atant "+cud that to my unite, s our sot the most remark- able things abort this great myetory. Every bit ref evnience points to the fact tuat he worked aloes, except to UM. ',there when aid was needed to his; 1 - wiuk somebody. 11;a uuly accomplice was• Pitesel, and be wa* made away w.th. There tat no doubt about it being Pite- erl who was kilie.l in the Callow 11i11 - street home, sad it was. his body that was loond there. We have evideuee to prove that which will eatisfy the mind of any ressonab,r tau. Twice Hedmero bas conlewsed that the body which war found inrineratel at the house No. 1216 Callow Rill-etrret was that of Benja- min Pitesel." " A job had been arrayed to briut herr the body of +. college. *abject," *e!d Humes, " but Piteael beanie seared. fearing the iwnrane•e people would de- tect him art the crime. He went 0o a spree, and whi:, drunk a.wwittcd sat• cid* by taking chloroform." At thin important pont Holmtw quit. and failed to tell how the fire oeenrrol that partially consumecl the body He has ail *Ions contended that he could produce Pitesel. hut now admits that the men is dead *ud that be knows how the death Deterred It *ertur as if the pris- oner is becoming rntt:ed, and his suicide would riot be surprising. There is every aseuratrrr felt by the district attorney that Holmes can b• eonv rtrd of Pitesere murder. No iud'ict- mrnt has yet been framed chargicg Holm,* with for murder of Pitesel, but it it esperted that the document will be drawn up in a few days. The latest and verhepr one of lee moot important developments in the env to- day r the fact that this criminals ..lb•g- .d wife i• exerted to reach the city in- laid/. of 13 horn. rhe has been 'stemmed here by District Attoney Graham. Georgienua Tole wee the womcru'e before .5. all,• 1 herself witb Hulm •e. Thr lattier'eyil.w et that time ea. Jlow- •ud. Mi. Yoke took the tame Howard alter the alleged mnriege at Franklin. Ind., the Mme e1 M. Yoke's parents. Ibis was shortly after Holmes' swindling operation. in Ciskego and elsewhere. The pair event their honeymoon in Denrrr where Holmes is sail to have made 127, - OO) through crooked methods. me,SlSg rp.a ABM. Tire prisripel development in the Pltrrl ease to -day was the epparaoee on the anew" of • w,tn.ws whn is to prove an alibi for Holmes off the charges of mar- deriag the children in Twrouto. The wit - /Kea refttp*d to sire bin Ila IDP or where he le staying in ch. city. Thie al'erm.n a naafi of medium height, with remark- ably b.a.ky trim grey lair sad . c :•• •r••, eitoescre ale* strew/led w'•ts grey, treat into 111, otter rat Cewver f'..oCmaLer, ens+s••I for Holmes. TM nae had tb.• Amor...ranee of a for.ig,rr ale) it was euk*eyu.stly Iraremi that Ir was a Frereh - ratas4Nan. Mr. Klee malar and the stranger were ttageth*r kir snow time. When the latter left tlw dfior M wee .er.sted by the waiting reporters. is replying to the gs.tomes pt to bias be spike with .tr.sg Fr.urb sweat sad d&Min d to gle. his name se address. Ile staled. however, *let he bed erase front T11ellinb is 1lrli.sn' an• etrtere. He etild wt M wattle kr ally a arger• flet la saw MAR dr Though smiling fortune on us shower Her gifts with right (rood will Though every passu` day and hour Bulled with .u.s6lse .11.11- j'heugh joys and pleasures deep .bound Upon the way we go, We etch cod dream o'er joys we found 1s days of long ago. And though we form new friend,, now time, New Joy,. new pleasurse tri, And though sew hopes like pbento.e rim A. in the days goes by, When Dema the holy esim of eve, 0.r tear sabidden flew A We love, we hope. we plea end grieve Again is Leag Ago. A .ZEALOUS HUSBAND. tr1 R. Reimers' was winordinate) can. Be tines rht tee beet was to e& cin wife is ..sse iadisorsties was M send hot le the eeuntrv. This he did, *rid them appeared e.dd..I) ea veriest. oeenemas. bat 'rialtos*. %Aisg anti esti e.peeiall) 4iveted to Mn. Reiner As k. Nat at breakfast ase mereirg sad u felded the dell) rarest hie gam tell apes • paragraph, •ad he beta.* se • psiaMr that kekelde the prey. The paragraph NMI a • foist) 'stem levities Iran the newt se width Me wife wee metier is the tallest ems, N the ward, sad ran es foMw : "lbw of the mete p_pslar Is bens His mom is tale sheresiag lite. Jame lialmar, whn lee by bar oarruslitali MM. aid ties was bats of °til dlNs." live..-Wtaiee freeman& London, July 111-ilr Charles Rivers - Wilson, President of the G.T.R., leaves for Canada on Aug. 7, and Mr. Price the vice-president. on Aug. 11. Their volt Is to Inauglurate reforms In that service. flume reforms baye already been Instituted by tnetructlone from the new board. iK.TIAt ay MS. .t&vII That Tb•re was any Intestates Swore tar Petty fenny/l. Montreal. July 1&-A very d Mttn- gulehed foreigner passed through this city to -day In the person of Prof. L. Pruscourtakoft. of the Russian Rail- way Department. Under Instructions from the Czar, the professor goes to Ot- tawa to consult with the chief engineer of the Dep:ertment of R►llways and Canals, with a view to obtain h.nts in the building of bridge•, the same to be utilized. so 1t 1e said, In the construc- tion of the Trans-Siberian Railway. Archbishop Laugevin and IL's:top Gravel of Nicolet were both In the c.ty to -day. His Grace of St I outface has adopted the Orangemen's w:,tehword o4 •' No Surrender." and *aye these can be no compromise. as tar as His Lo d - ship le concerned. Mgr. Gravel made tb • follow ng e .tement to the press : " it is not true that there was ever any intention of asking Rome to influence the Privy Council, and that this w a to be done through Cardinal Vaughan. Cardinal Ixd*,ehownkl, at the time of my visit to Rome, asked me what the Vattern could do in the matter, and nugge=t -d that 1t should call the att•-ntl..n of the British Government to thle matter. and that this might be done through Cardinal Vaughan, as Cardinal I.edo- chowskl was not acquainted with the British Ministers. You may re't as- sured," concluded HI. Lordship of Nico- let. "th.it there never was any idea of influencing the Judges or of having any relation with them, and that Rome newer no acts. '• What I had suggested was that the then Colonial Minister in London be reminded of the engagements made by the Colonial Minister of OM. when promises and engagements were made with the Manitoba Catholf •e of thore days. The honor of the British Crown was at stake In the matter, and we wanted Rome to tell the British Govern- ment that. On my return tram Rome Inst January I nouns that my clergy were not quite acquainted with the true state of affairs. and for the pur- pose of Infhrming them I wrote the letter. I also thought the question was finally tattled by the Judgment of the Privy Council. and i wanted to create a public opinion which would enable the Dominion to act In the matter and give the Catholics their rights." SOT* wt0S/.11 TWEAK fl•Ttgt. Iwerr.dIbt• Crime or Two tads of 11 sad 1:1 1 ears. London. July 1S. -A most horrible case of Juvenile depravity and brutali- ty came to light In Plaistow, an east- ern suburb of London, this morning. Two boys named Combes, aged respec- tively 13 and 11 years, were brought before a magistrate upon the charge of having murdered their mother, and the accusation was substantiated by their own confession of the crime. The boys killed their mother M' stab- bing her through the heart, ten days ago. since which time they have occu- pied the house alone with the woman's fast decomposing body. The husband of the murdered woman and father of the two boys is a ship's purser. and f* absent from home on a sea voyage. The house was well furnished. and pG•- seeped all the requirements of a com- fortable home. After the boys committed their crime they pawned a number of valu- ables they found In the house. and pro- ceeded to enjoy themselves by taking Mpg to various places on the river. and In the interim visiting cricket grounds and indulging In other forms of amuse- ment When they were arrested they were playing cards, In the hou"e ron- talning the decomposed corpse of their mother, 1n company with a half-witted man, end apparently getting the high- est degree of enjoyment from their pastime. despite the stench which per- vaded the rooms. The magistrate was astounded at the developments of the case and amazed at the cool demeanor of the boy*. He dee•lar•*d that he could not believe the younger *ane, and remanded them. pending their mental examinations The minds of the boys peens to have been upset by reading novels which made heroes of cutthroats, re.bbers and the ilk.. The crime has created a great sensation In Loudon. be knows he has Weed • remedy • p►u whisk M may rely, mad that los uta•. ng tel•dy r. ai Aa.* a.., quoted. Has omen *there. will oars you. Aa auditor in • Japanese t • re is allow- ed, for • emelt extra tee, to Strad up, aad the unfortunate iedividusl behind him bee •o ngbi to remoaet rale or to rip and get a meta at the stage. He as.. bear, but be °annul nee. 11 the surface of this earth wets perfectly 'svel, the raters of tie wren would *over it to • depth of 600ft. D. CANTELOI, Sldw't Ute tie £.$been. Fift) ) cars age the Preebytet1su of Meet lead insisted that services of praise should be expressed M staging to p1.a ample taw the Psalms of David in "House's vendee,' et is "meter. This certain, which easy retarded asa prompt of worehip..tplailethe following .•.cdet. : An old seetob 1.dt wbo had no relish for seders music was expn.iag bar Make te the dogleg *fan •nth.ma is her ewe ebereh ewe day, whim. neighbor said : 'Why that is • very old *atlas. ' David pang that embalm to Maul.` Te One use told lady replied, "Weel,weel ! 1 see fee the drat time moderatos' why !Sail threw Me peels at David when the led ;mag fee him ' u Years er IYtnes. Wm (folding, en..ereial traveller, I:M) Esther .t , Tort raw, says r For 15 year. I .offered snack misery from ltei sat Piles, meneanw sailed pia worms. Many sod many weeks have i W to ley riff the reed from this tenablei triad Mllglt other pile ni.tesente sad soa.Mad rsmadies wits so peemesest relief le the bloom Italics cad m*oRlag, wMek, Mind by by e weal' Seed mad al - 011204 Olat- West street BAKER, STILL LEAD Tag NUR IR -_ His bread is matte from pure !Manitoba Hour—utile from the cream of the Manitoba wheat—and therefore is 111e best in the world. This is a big thing to say but it is la fact and you have the privity of buying this bread at the alibis as made from inferior flour at the price of 5 cents per loaf. delivered to any part o the town. Orders for cakes promptly at- tended to. E7Wedding cakes and almond - icing a speciality. D. CANTNLON. uR &'BILIOUSNESS, H DYS PEPS I A,,-4 ICK HEADACHE, E6UL*TETHE LIVER. OHL PILL AFTER LATINO INSURES GOOD Dt3E3TION. CE25 CTS.TNtpODps trolRcc �9. let oreill6: ScATL. iettnu T1ss ikuf11iWA • las IM BACK OftlisM •ON ARrMurouut •S IN USING EN-HOL • • •PLATER. II' YOU WANT Seaweed Is ale. HisehMMaa• 011111*, July IL-1Rtehard Rustic* Gree*.. the *Ideal .am of Rev. Canon 0111M1t was drowsed la Lake Cowehleh- Mg. H•.war not iiiWibd till the after - new and later h1e bort was f waif with the ballast all In the bow, and the stern just floating above water. near Heron Island The steamer Longford has taken nut searehtma partit. but o trues of tie body baa lees towsA. DON'T DESPAIR WILL CURE YOU 11111 cassego guarantee asee Diavbeettess.. i.untha Dropsy. Rheumatism. Heart Disease. le.ab Troubles. Impure blood -or mosey relssdd- Sold by all dealers m medicine, oror by les1r-la mail ea receipt of ..Ace. ye per DP L. A. SMITH & CO.. Toronto. Patronise A SUMMER SUIT True ow so of First class Make, Competition. t Ten CANADIAN Psalm R•ILwav Oo. Good Material and Ta hen irp.a eetootl.i.d w a.w the. pubido �siwlans earvloe with tale and osr- It t is t ewe Latest Style, the s twetn*ee prlaefplee •ad la desstail=wloatI•Irwa.. i. dlr In ct .very perms who InfirrenClo Iger SIMS iMgMeb wee MY IroisM!7 Inas.. - soillug with all Hamale Mwse• t■ o■wd •teen. Camels awed enrwM- Direct ,yyye�wg� wires to W potato la the Itortbwest.srttW Columbia amdAsolae Coen lite we.hM. 4 tether �..- meth fade W eet.t. M. S1 tf Local MM*ai . Yell. uh -CAI.I. t' PON - HUGH DUNLOP, text le Mast of Montreal. SDo 'S o'u. Warat ptoses amine lemal Aaer4 >Rvrntt, Waith., July 11- .The Paget 5osne Mattoaa: neat Ma Mooed Its doom Tho saw.* of the fathers fr fief tot the pant them days AePgMaalg lees bur Akar ..ItitteswMtg Omit 4_. ANYTHING IN THE HARDWARE LINEP R. W. McgENZIE can supply you with • good article at • low price. STOCK COMPLETE IN Builders' and Heavy Hardware, Shelf Goods, Garden and Farming Tools, Paints, Oils Glass, &c. Also Steam Fittings, Belting, &c. VESSEL SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. Don't fail to give me a oaU. R. W. I/ ZENZIE, The Crabb Block, Goderidl• MUNRO'S_ Several Lines of (Tools to band for Spring and Summer Wear, M wb kil additions will he made as the Season advances. Goods are All marked at the Lowest Living Profit and selected with more than usual care. Customers may rest assured that everything will be up-to-date, and all Departments well assorted, therefore no need of particularizing particulars. Special attention given to small wares. inspection kindly solicited Prompt delivery of purchases to any part of the town A. MUNRO, Draper and Haberd*.bS" Intr. SHARMAX, till. BOOTS AND SHOES i We an that the wales. r keratin; that a fair primo paid Ise • sed Pair of gage se iffier be a better k.ve newel then • very leo pries pea 5. • peers flair. i. lb* Ci.Mmsr who OMNI .meq. Remembm, we will set sail yes a iaapaka er 55mMy Man wiliest Weed yea boomM. We Mai te pall wily Tiro -(ams Rasak. Ws bay It right and wig ear It rids Cag read oisemlas oar 0408, ma lidos red w are airs that w cam ma 7" is Sbple sad Qearky. r slap IM anal / far iM~m • look .1 w woo �!u mak do lbw lb" WY. =AMAX h,