HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-7-25, Page 44 THE SIGNAL : OODKRICR, ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1818 1 motes. SYRRY THURSDAY MORNING ..._ St W. Oo sf Pates -4 Nerthwlrect, Terme of 0.beertpinea Nurath, 1• advaes Nur {oar u Snare Label. • 12 IM Whirl to hr10.l1.•.41.1 receipt of the date Mu late arrow. peld up. flee that It 10 tet When a *Image of .ddrem is Beard, butt he old ..d the new eddies should be alma. Advertising Pates speer il•tad ether leesirsstlaols..dved1.e.amseesaa e.k Riesimrat lasertY.. Measurperd by wide. a.rde st six Ilnes and aider. M per esie Adverolaemente of Lost. rood. Strayed atteatione He. Chewier W Wantedtnetions tied. aot.zoedeg I .esp•reil• •I par month. en Sale and ravine o. Bele. sot to ege..d Sues, $1 for *ret month. Om Pe' sub- se trent 0anah. Larger dvta. la properties. ♦17 WOW notice, the onieot of wh/ode 1s to .rem to the peconiery benefit of any lade widest et easep.ay. to be 000.lderd as ad- veetn.m.st amid charged .000rdi.aly. L.e.t .01ime In nonpareil type ens east pee names settees lees th.. tee. Ilenl.Olhes la ordisery reading type two OmisO per lira e word. No notice for 1e.. 011e. N ttleat t for churches sad other religions and benevolent la.itutlona half rate. *heat **Tate stied- " male vest'. 8ab.oriber who fall to receive Tug Seurat regularly, either by carrier or by mall. will confer a favor b7 .oqu..ntl.g us of the fact at s early . daises possible. Rejected manure -rime cannot be returned. Correspondence most be wrltteseon one side Of piper only. r■wNteer'. settee. J. C. Le Towel. of Goderich, b.. be.. 1p pdsted Loral Travelling Agent for the tow.- swbjgs of Godt tcb. Colborne. A.4Aeid and We- = postmasters over the district are elm emt mitweto receive .nbeorlptlo.a to Tem gall.*. red All eemmuale•tbaiitiet be addressed te D 1111011ILLIOUDDY. 1WepheBOAS. TGG Al bliM GODES10H. THURBDAT. JOLT 18. MIL SNAP SHO1 -The Brussels Post is twenty-two veers old, sad under the able m..agesnest of W. H. Kees has become • power is Fast Rural. Continued movers to it. my we. The people who object to the wearing of bloomers are the same who aka exooption to the low -slaked dresses. They Dean that bloomers and the seesaw dram have • tendency to make gads meat. The effort to railroad the subsidy to the Hudeoa Bay Railway tbreugh proves that an election is on the apo and that • bold attempt was being mads to obtain the sinews of war far the Doming electoral ooe- teet. -Now that the town council will take so &cuss le the nmtter ef applying for the Iocateoe of the prep.wd hospital for coosumptives an Godsrid, would it not be well for the eitiaen•' usamit4w to do • little oorvespsPi4.g en the smbjesi! -How is it that the sea and wo- men who aro shouting tbeasdves hoarse egotist whealwomen wearing bloomers, will go on a grandstand at • bicycle meet and applaud the competitors. who have little on but a breech clout and a winning smile' -The Pan-American ('os;;rssa has been anything but • mo••s in fact, it has been • failure most dismal, and the people of Tomato are almost as much die - gusted with its the) aro with the Toronto Bas Ball club, which is Daytime • great deal. --This is the season of the year when the man goes fishiest with a full bait - ):•n, • natty looking rod and • rather disreputable tont ensemble. He usually mews back with the tout ensemble not on proved, the rod not quote eo natty and the bait can • hollow mookery. Amd,of course, no fish. - The lion. WAL.Tre lit'MPIIRIaIl 1dmTA.•I c has boon Hooding West Hurls with his "speechesifree of postagehand it ism believed that she will be turned down in Haldiman4 a0 the next eleetien, owmg to hie stand on the remedial order, he is now metier sheep. eyes at this 000titueooy. From • peruse. of the doctor u address we have come to the conclusion that the Hero of H•Id.maad is affected with lumpy jaw. I lrcg..n State ret.. oat pained a law against fights( on Sunday, and it is the intention to have the law rirldly enforced. No clam on moral ground• was advanced in favor of the paean, of the •c0, but the plea was made that en great a el•ught r of salmes was made .n eonneetioe with the canneries oe the Columbia river, that It was negem•ry a have a easestion every seventh day eo as to amble the fah to etch up with the depletion tensed on time no working .fay.. A Dock -and -bull yarn about Am *neem spies Ming met te ('•sada by the Washington authorities to ez.alne the armament we detonate of (,...d., was 1.41► omit on the muscle. (H mares, the whole things • humbug. ,1st is.tasine one of them spies warms to 4.044,4.4 and Ovine p.rtioulars of the two old played cot poems of I wdwieo that frown on Lake Ha ma from the brow of the hill: and thee im- ams' the .pies getting the number of relive mon in No 1 Co.. and the quality oaf their field r.iuipm.mt. And, se it is in (Mastic*, eo 15 to &4I over Clouds. What defenses hove Mentro•1, ()Haws or Tomes ! The whole t.hiag is • baldheaded fake ABOUT BICYCLE COSTUMES. A N malignant feminine anbac riher writes ts the journal d Wills epiei.., 0. nal es we are dna wren" l■ saying Ibis al • whaoiw.ssan caste be wear bleemsw she might to be allowed to de esu Our adnteaM leagues* ..rrempsmd-st sloe Asir Shy long Midrib have bean the privilege .all drib el fueilelt, hem •ins. imoimerla , a •W me esu Inking Me tomb via et shoulders ween we decree to frees dew• Ye bieems fad. Fatty, homey, easy. Time immemorial trek Pigsty sear te the time of the ( ries ei Eden, and we west yes to dr er the reveler h•sglsUrr mit liK IwIm4nd es or shut that date. i M sa we 4.d that it was the (•sbios asmagell the •.Gast yes, sod Iso snout the WO - ;reeks for the gentlemen of leisure te wear skirts sad allow the women to do the obsess sad wear the tic bloomers. Bat we w .ot snag i. for • 1Moaesies aloe, tae has. We don't say it is sure right er dead imam for • wheelwolp.n to wesg M.emsrs. Ks • atter of lam, as the old lady said. whon eh. kind the cow: sed if • yoga, mesa with • poor dap predate to ride es • 'levels with main fell set nod halloos sleeves, o•tehing .very wed that Mews„ vesreg .ad taaeing ageism the wised, like • dip is distress, why. hien bar. let her do it. 1f, es the other heed, she prefers to diem r.tie.•1ly sad wear bloomers, them let hr Mom. Thetis nobody hot bemuse • girl as • wheel wean bloomers my mon than whoa • girl sem minimise with • bathing mit on. Nobody kicks •grist the scarcity of raiment on • Nepalis boy, aid why os earth should they want to jump with suss bolt. sod • wide mouth ou spume of • $f040 girl --- - GOOD TIMES COMING. WE hear a great deaf about the r• - Irma! veva! of trade wrote the line, but, uoswith standing the boasting of Cabinet members and their friend., no sign of improvement is visible in Canada During the past .ix menthe the pay of some 1.500,000 operatives to denerie•a enterprises have increased by from 10 to 15 per Dent, but even the " philanthropic -- M..eey Manufwturi.t Coenpso%. of Toros to, has given oo i.dicetiou of following site to the Americas brethren of the craft. Amesgat those on the other side who have IMi sed the wage of their workmen by 10 pr neat Is the Pullman Co.. which in itself as an indication of better times over the Boa When the Wilma bill was passed, and • r1sotion in the protective dates was b(t.seht 'about, it ws contended by the high t•x•tiooie1 that ruin to the manufac- turing industries would result, and last year and the year hetero, jot before the Novem- ber elections mane of the factories owned by Repblio.ns, were closed down for • month or two, to •oe.twy the hard times and compel the workmen to believe that Demeer•tic rale and the Wilton bill had thrown them out of work. The result was that at the poll wore reverses were met by the party ia power, and discredit sus pot upon Fres Trade lapebntion Fort.aately for the Demonatio party there were two .ears before the Presidential election, and in the interval the beneficent working of the Wilson tariff, with reduced tariff, and the pursing down ot the silver agtatio°, had • tsar chance of turning the tide which had set in against them. One of the first Reputlicaos to see that the new order of things would be in the interest of the country was A'.DRRw CAR x+;III, and immediately after the pawing of the Wilton Rill he foretold that the depres- sion that existed would be transitory and that an era of preeprih would follow in snort order. His prediction has been vert fled, and now, trout one end of that great country to the ether, creme encoure,ing re ports of revival in trade. It is to be hoped, therefore, that as Cana de was severely affected by the depression that first aught our neighbors, eo the era of g ood times which is looming across the line will overstep the border and envelope this land. V. Mb abort crop and low prices for the taxpayer*, and the filching from the treasury b) the ax eaten, the condition of the commix) today is at a low ebb, and that the tide will turn at an early day is the prayer of all who toys this land. CONTEMPORARY OPINION. • MN*PTY *NARY 'Mks.. The Throe River! Le Quotidian : "To sum up,the action of Mr. Angers was proud, n oble and disinterested ; it commands ad• mirwtion, and will be probably • powerful factor which will ooutribute sillkaQli o gain s justice : hut the line :of conduct of Memo. Caron and Ouimet appears to s. in another some. to have been ane atonal set of courage, which circumstances made asoes- Telt Ting I. TI'R'.I\.;. Montreal correspondence of The Toronto Week One the,( is very noticeable on the "street and that is that here, as else- where, lwwhere, the advent of the Liberals to power within the next twelve mouths is regarded s • likely contingency. The oonfidence et victory so noticeable before the el.cteoas of 1887 and 1891 is wanting, 1..1 .: ov THa. vt0.11Tt'TION .410RT0RagV- RmNrnrr. Tomato News . Cos.tititio.•I practice 1110 permit Clarke Wella.s to held as te his Controllership while differing with the Government is regard to the greatest rime - ties .ow before the palate is federal affairs, bat self respect should have forced the Con_ troller to let go the moment that diffru.m became mote. ALIVE TO THEIR DANGER. ■ I.wp0N People /snag Itirriihrleo with regard to • trasNW M.esvery. Mieesarel.ti, Jaly 22. There h.s beim an samosa! .ember of deaths front heart 44 - m • is thin maty drier the lest dew meatM ..d in nes.y awes the 'letter were maven miens of beteg sufferers from the dread ena- pktint. Petemortwle have skews u ser cal inseams= thee the trouble was Crossly tmssea4.4 dimmed dimmed snmdities def the kid- n eys, ..d people hay heroine alive to the &neer. A .ober of enquiries have Men 1sal/eted with regard te the hese methods d sero sod the new (llu.dim apedfle remedy knew es Dedd's Kidney PRI. has some b1 for a pest skie a enmities owing te Ib. ausabe se calms While Innboas thluagb this ap may. !b Riga= Rand Mob Ira boo m bmitksw la ea sambas with Ib. MI IPd COMING ANO GOING Jabs P1•ri• is taking • weld's holiday a Detroit. Rad Freer bas reMoad fwm hie visit te Dagen Mrs. D. Me(.5(mek VAIMS rsl0Mvas 1. Whitlow Mrs C. Forte. of Torun=, VW in Gede- rid Meaday. Mas rename, el Chimes. waste Goderteh an Wed.md•y. Mies Demigb left tows Wednesday e. • visit to Detroit. James Reid was vimtiag in Beyeele ea Tuesday evening. Mea Asada. C.mpbvll, of Seeloth, was ia town for 8.sd.y. H. B. 4NhwoU, of Toronto. arrived le 0edertob Mesd•y. Mies Loss Cdespbell,of Weemdold.is non tag triode in tows. Mrs. Miller sad doe hoer are ei.iti.( Mr. •ad lin. Jas. Yetea A. M, Kay, Deputy 1'. M. of Strwtterd, spent Sunday i. there. B. L Diok.ases, of Wugham, was L Godwick ea Saturday. allies Mw Men left tows on Sunday es visit relatives in Detroit. Fred Pries renewed oe Tuesday Irem a few days visit to B.gale. Albert Cox returned to kis home, Salt St. Maria, ea Wedneed•y. W. F. Disksoa, of Symons*, nen bis 10- .1.1 bait to the old hoot.. W. Rotten left on Saturday on • Weird, 114,4- iJehastoe's Harbor. J. R. Davis rstureed Wednesday Iron a visit to relatives in *410.1011. Geo. Whitely, d Ss•lorth, was in God. - nob no Wednesday atteraeos. MR Julian W.H. of (.'Batas, is visiting Mrs. C. Blaoksten., West et. T. Chilton, of New York, is again Net- isg at the Americas Co.eal•M. Mies Liman Thompos bet returned /tram • visit to relatives u L.oknew. Mies Bra Adenine has retarded frees • visit to Kingston and Belleville. R. Teempns. ot Leekeow, is viaitiag al the re.id.mss of hie mole Robert. Mr. ..d Mr.. W. A. Johnston, of Lee- dom, arrived u town on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Reed and two children, of Detroit, were is Goderiob Monday. Mr. mod Mrs. D. M.Laod, of !:raves• burst, sumo u Goderioh ea Friday. Mrs. W.toen is visiting her children, lis R. Watson and Mrs. Frank Smith. Mimes iesi• Campbell •ad Mem White- head were in Clinton on W.dned.y. Jne. Great, of Detroit, is spendis. • few days is Goderid visiting old friends. Mrs. Chs. Green. of Windsor. is visiting at the redd..o. of Robert Black tows. Mies Lillie Asdr ws. d Clinton, is visit- ing isitins at the resident* of John Storey, tows. Rev. Come Young a.d daulbtar left on Friday shorans on the return to Simco.. P. R. Jarvis and two grwsd.ou., of Strat- ford, took in the lake blesses over Su.dsy. Mn. John J. Fraser and three obildren, d Detroit, are visiting &1 Peter MoF.rl.ne's. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wilms, of Detroit. are the guests of Mr. end Mrs. Wm. Camp- bell. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. smith, of ladies - .polis, lad., arrived in Goderioh en Satur- day. Miss L Driver, who has been home on a visit, returned to Windsor nes Sunday by boat. The town treasurer returned on Saturday from his two weds' trip to the North West. Miss and Mim Emma Hyslop are visiting their numerous friends in the town of their birth. Fred .1. Netted, o/ the Bank of Moetre•1, Chatham, is visiting relatives in town ted township. Bert Ross left on Sunday ,on • two weeks' holiday to Sarnia, Windsor and other phots no the river. 1. H. Webster and three children, of Ow..00, Meeh., .re visiting the gentleman's brother, W. H. Miss Maud Doherty, of Clinton, arrived from Ibteen on Saturday on a vett so the Mimes Campbell. Mies Ro reside, who had been vieitiog Mies Dave, left for Mr home is Philadel- phia oo Saturday. Mr. Brown, of Galt, formerly of the O;ede- rich Soap Factory is visiting for • few weeks with friends i. town, Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Wilson, of Se•fortb, were the guests of Postmaster and Mrs. Campbell the past few days. MK Hard who had bash visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jamie/ion Reid. re- turned to Detroit on Sunda). Mr. and Mr ..john Gilders,who had been attending the funeral of their mother, have returned to their home in Ohio. .I. .1. Simpson, of Whit shuroh, who wrote on the .*sIor leaving and junior metria. papers, loft for home oo Tuesday. Mrs. Fred Rnettcher..ad her daughter Min May Noble, of Detroit, Mich., era the guests of Mr. and Mn. George Bates of town. Mies l'roudfoot hee obtained her degree as s duly qualified nurse from Grace Hospi- tal, Now York, ..d is now in tow. en • holiday visit. Mn. John W. V..•tter ted Mimes M. Skelton ani M. Baxter left per steamer es Weds/ed•y on • .itis to Part Herron, De- troit and other places. Mr. and Mn. (;ser R. lobwten sad child ren, of Fort Worth, Texas, arrived in Godo. rich on S•turd•v. Oar old townsman eve• dontly dies aot torge% der hirtbpdaee- (Tinton ti .w.- I10oord : Miss Mousey, of Godwin, was saltier on friends here lest Meador. She was on her way te ?ornberry, oe • visit to the family ef deputy -reeve Cruickshank. Mts. P. R. Wallace, of Threat., ..d formerly of Godoich, who has bow visiting hen for semm time, left W eds.sd.y er • rims to her daughter Mn, .1. R. Newton, of Maysville, Wieb. Mies Osehef Qamiltos,renenUy • teat.c in the (.1entral, and • brother, are on two wank. Yids te ( loderich. They an guests at the residues* of Mr. ant Mrs. A. P. Me - Lean. Hors. Rend. Raw. J. A, sad Mrs. Moderns aid de then, l.h by heed WedOhnd y for Kummer dins. A may el . few weeks will be Made at the Iry=end geatnasen's old been, • few miles Ansa* tress that sewn. Mn. W. R. Kon sed her am Leslie, n- amed baa. le Rre oak after • pleasant .wt ee (ioi5(bb. They were •asemp.-W StSatYWrd .Mod Miss Dishes ef o.dertob. Owe1M Margery, tlatri.y : M... J. C, M.Ldga., A C.,(as/..el Abraham Wsies- e been waling an *need .i Mr ) i Daher , ieft cis aus.i, M Mlkeb.a wow elm will spend • low dpi ao ale n memdP IL, PREPARING A DEFENCE Holmes' Counnal Visits Toron- to for That Purposes A WARRANT I==NED AT CRICACO N...dve toyer Tares Ter/ new amid Mr Gear le Taw Clq • Waresat lowed .. t1►4rgo ('des idles Somas With Ire ■.rd., or Er lar a.d Iles► tlotam•. Tua,.T0. Jeir H. Already the lawyers cotueeted with t►.• defence of 11. H. Holmes have been ar- tier in iuveatigatias the Toronto red of the tear aFaitst their client. E. Cooper Nbapley, a prominent criminal lawyer'ul Philadelphia, and an ex -judge et the State of Peunsylvania, le one of those ea - D onated in the defence of lbs alleged tour - drier. 0n Friday he arrived in the city and registered at the Iloomiu Home. Ou Saturday be visited the house at 18 8t. t',uceutetreet, and made a thorough examluatiou of the premiss. He ale, had a leugt►y interview with Mr.11.yv.s, for old ge.tlemao who will be the chid witness against Holmes, .beuld be be tried in Toronto for the murder of for PIteerl children. Shapley went into every detail of the old g?utlrman'e story. Judge Shapley remained in the city until Monday. when he returned to Phila- delphia. Before Ie&viug hr ezpr..rd the °piston that Holmes would be tried iu Philadelphia kir the murder of A F. Petrarl. and Only brought to Tor.,utu in the event of hie acquittal ou that charge. Aba.desed tree %mere 1. *chaise D•tert. Mich.. July MI. -Detective Geyer of Philadelphia gave up the a.•aieh torr the miming boy. Howard Pitrwl, in Detroit thio altenawo, and left i0 re- e potnsr to telegrams nteirrd about tom calling him to lndiauaµdis. where. it is said. tensile de•elopmente have brru made in the cane. He says . "There is one thing a•rtain ; it Howard Pite- sel ever cater to Detroit be waa destroy- ed in the furuaee at the Forest -avenue boenr, and the indestructible mistime of his clothing were carried away by Holmes." Milt for IM Madre Chicago, July 221. -Four laborers dug all day in the cellar a( the hose for- merly occupied by H. H. Holmes at tilled and Wallace -streets and found little en- couragement for their teak The building is sow dosed to everybody. Not a clue has yet been diesovered which is coo - c drive. Arthur Manion of 413 State -street took out a warrant this a.teruoou for the arrest of Homes kir murder. .Manioc bay. des believes his aunt, lire. Julia (bo- ner, was murdered by Boise. between Aug. 1 and Nov. 1, 1892. Eighteen 'ochre beneath the •irrven surface forming the d.x,r of the hawe- ment to the Holmes bu 1 ng In a wood, was dleouvered last evening a bloodstained undergarment. supposed to have belonged to Minnie W,litsm• before her dilepp':inn, Detect Ie •a Norte:, and Fitzpatrick from the start have believed that the search of the Englewood basement would b. ort forth startling developments.. Last evening, when the workmen !tet the building. the detectives remained and began digging In a corner, w hick had not barn touched. After digging some time a piece of amine] muslin cloth. evidently half of a suit of un- derwear. made for a woman, was found. It was taken to Inspector Fitz- patrick, who made a careful ex.mina- tinn, and repressed time 'pinion that the Maine were those of blood. A phyel-lan made an examination of the garment, and pronounced th • . tains those of blood. A woman who had leen waehing f••r Minnie Williams said the ml+r11 r w- - man wore nnderelothing like that found by the officers. Pit,get traveled under three different names while be was with Holmes.. Thew were B. F. Perk, B. T. Lyman and Robert Jones. Hearne. assumed the names rel iliram S. ('t.mpbel' and H. H. Howard. With thew interchangeable mimeo the two worked their varies schemes to perfection. For instat.ee, when comatreetiug hie cattle Holmes would boy ma0y of the supplie. for 11. 8. Cern [Awl repremmtiryt that he (Holm.sl was only the agent for Camp- bell. lu tbie nay be purthaaed heavily of E. G. Curtis. 616 Cuatmbrr of Com- ment building. in due c..uree of time, When the bill bream. piyable. Holmen turned over to Curtis the fol- lowing note Chie.*gn July M. 1491 FMrr montbl after hate 1 promise to pay (e air order of 14. H. liaise,, three Modred and seventy-eight dollars end eight rend., pslyable at 701 Sixty-third• stmt. Valor reeoived, with interest •t 7 per cent. (Signed.) H. 8. CAMPR/LL. This note wee not indorsed over by Hoboes to Mr. Curtis, bet delivered to him. N'vetaber 9 Mr. Curtin retuned It. Holmes rover toed it again. The bpm of the note is in the handwriting d lslia Conner and is in green ink. The elevator. w in blast ink. in a stomata's band. di'ree rd. On paper d this character Holmes raised considerable money. Pat Quinlan's wife is delig'hte.I that her ►uabeed men red 4.0,.. ,c an i■- garepee rietim n1 Haines. While Pat was in hie etnreloy he rei snaale.l I.i.w fe tar dot an modest nrenrnoeo prdiry. He did so and kept it for fire month,, whoa be craned to pay the ,nano'.a diad it lapsed. attn. Quinlan believes now that if hew ►unbend had kept the poliey up la oho time Holme. would ban caused a.mathing fatal to happen tri him and radii then have reheated her ant d the rotary. Mn. Pitesrl's story of how Hol mea h•p- oetised her baa Ivewive.l angular eon lbsatim throng% Detective Crawford of PhibidelpWa. if. It the n(fjrer who ar- rested Holmes is Battn for the murder el Pltewl and trent inn to PMlade Iph,a. it the party at the tiro was the yew. Haward-Jiotrss el Franklin. ind.. and Demtie Pared. Bohner *14 to Crawford whisk th wen en s they totes The drteesive imbed what lar. "Se that I nest mime. I will give yen ib00 iI tone will let me do it -I ka/w bow to I leaned how Irma • pale se whom i met la the inset. It win to meth your wee to let me try it" (wind redem& but Helms, rwmrw. ed the eller severed brass halos rents- ies Philadelphia mad ~et te Pledge the word el his mels and methe that Ile money abused be gaud te 4.mdm4 Y be be him f4. that ,etre Tao last due& it seems liken get s Jrlg..11 blblf>• elle latter', Nib tbp www teras Ulm est ewe lie lkegd flan mrwer7- ntera appealed tare. en Owteher 1. 1118. and. seder W sans el Rebore Joe. attempted to pees A airqm lie 410.000. hat the huger shares - tor el the eigt &tan wee discovered and Jesse er Piteeel thrown tato jail. Bs thea ssslemse that kis oar wsa Ptt.a & that be was in the employ el H. 14. 4110. sed H. 8. 010,1011 la .Rytbiral prrecume t mid by names in his Wei- Rws), and that the cheque bad rums te him throng4. Nom. lidmr1 was seat for sad 1101 toTerre Hash. 11. rlae0- ed that the charm had some to him thrvagb moss Miekigait siemens will whom he tad lumber desks cal that id Y was a forgery he would quickly have it etrait:4bard test. tie au imposed es the &laborites that they reheard Piteesl u nder email bail. eke bund Ming meered by Hoie se. The two immediately left the city awl Trrrs Haute later limed out that the band wee s Mom as the cheque. N.. 011.1.4 t was made to briegg' for noes back. as on trace el them eutid be feed. will E. Toted In a'sa.da Philadelphia. July t1. -To -day's de- velopments indicate that Hulmer win not be turned over to t4., t'hicago au- thorities on the charges of killing site Williams and Conner women. but the case. as viewed from its present a- vee. la now safe In the hands of the legal authorities i, (heels. and a is fair to presume that his conv'.-ll.-0 there can be secured. Lawyer Thomas Fahey, who repre- sents the interests of Mrs. Pltezel In this efty, to -day received a letter frons the father of his client, who In among language states that there are others in coutwetion with the mysterious. raw who should be arrested. He stated that he thought all the conspirators were not yet known. LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. Cash paid tor /mum and eggs et H. E Snell t Co.'s eel B•bb's bathe., establishment was In tall swing es Tuesday. There was early communion at St. George's on Sunday. Gundry dipped two splendid hunters to New York yestord.. Geo. Green sold • uretiy horse to Prof. Greenside, of Magyars, for /100. Fires were started in many bpusss ester da. an incident never before knowo um the 22 -ad of July. The water and light committee of the town council did not meet Tuesday r e cht,for want of • quorum. The dendlook in the hors business seems to have passed bv, tor • carload of horse were shipped Tused•y Jamison Reid des oompleted the stone work of the foundation and cell .r for Howells new bow oa South-st. The tog whistle ws blowing all Sunday •ftersoea, the meas thereof bang the smoke from the Miehigaa sad other bed tins. Newly thirty guests arrived at the Pout Farm es Saturday, sod • verge somber d n ames was added to the Park Hous list. Jew Sa1kead sold • hone last week to PreL Gren.dd., of Niagara, for /125. The animal was four vers old, and the progeny of Zanier. It Is understood that the Masons sod the T.mylare 01 Temperance •re each trnng to range for • boat for an 01enreiou to Sarnia asil Port Huron. it ie rumored that Sunda) fishing up the Maitland has commenced amain. As them is no question as to the practice house *I- ias.l,outside of the violation of the Lord's Day, A gentleman, on St. ()avid s street had • visit from • member of the Bovine Aseseia- tien on Stator's, might. The vont was not only unexpected, but most uofn.adly, as his best vegetables are gone. Two hosts in the barba vseterdy were running tor the dock, to get first Toad for fishing purposes, when the) collided. No damage, however, occurred from what, cue of the crew said, was only • kw. Sarnia Daily Post : The new steamer John. J. Long, Wilh•m Chapman, lollin,- wood, Out., aster, will hereafter call at Oodericb, Knowrdn. and Southampton going up every Weda,oday 'venire. There woo • special meeting of St. George -a Guild on Tossdav evening to settle matters In co.neetioe with the meat flan• den party. Hearty •otos of Unmake were passed to the many ki.dly onotribetions on tete 00001ion, and to Mrs ft. R. Smith for the ass of her pretty lawn. When you go to Brantford on Thursday %on will want some article for your toilet. fat Fair hae jot received • fresh stock of limey hair pins, side combs, curling toap, shin cups, maga, beach pails and spades, which it is selling .t clan omit prices See .d. 00 page four, and rive them a all. A. .1. Knowles, the popular general travelling agent of the Goold Bicycle Co., of Brantford, is in tows sad will be pleased to call upon an, intending 4.40 .4e parches era, and explain to them the superiority of the Brantford wheel. He may be sees by *squiring at G. W. Thomson'. I?mpnrium. The c000srt in Victoria hall. Wednesday evening promises to be the musical event of the Genoa. Monsieur ('barba Ina Simple, the creat violosoelllei, Mr. Than. Martie, the celebrated pianist, .m4 Mr. .1. W. G. Andras, the versatile reader and metier will take part. Tickets on sale at Porters book- store. SRUCEFIEL D. Tasvu,y, July 9. S. J. Pollack is at present modified to hr bow by ibises.. W. Simpson met with • very paimfill as indent on Thursday last. While loading • wagon with onrdwood, be slipped, and • stick fell en lois finger, breaking and mese hag it. A large number from here intend 1•kiag in the Roel 'Despises' laws social in Vara. oe Tbu14•y evening. Aug. 1st. A geed time is exposited. The obmp .:wrens 1. innrrt. Aug 21st to 4th, premises to be patresized by • reed ly number teem file verify. 0. Quietist is .t present worlds( with J. H0. W. F.ffgdooa is visiting in (Bann. R1.evle : Win Gey bte wbsg haMilerhere - eon Thursday y of WI wtleek iia ON Ossein► 8.045(44.: Fed. (ler8.,... d Abmsder Ceram., el this Nwa,hm gam te Mende* North Dakota, when his elem. Mn. Week Reiman . Harry Broaden and Mia Drying were sited in sm.4iy. en Wed- n esday 0t the renis--- of The Rrydpm., father d to bride. Remain : Omeml se Lasele 404 was tie owner el • Jaren mat three menthe old that he add he a gentlemen in 4en*er1 f5( fid, and le be bearded i5(.b. TM a.M um ike1d el sem seed by the h.4ainer§ at Mr. [.iii . end 'Waal end mama - breed amber' ead, abeam 4 leek male. ilurr deal& The =limed IS -dIjl la Os ire A WINTER IN PARIS. Met. (Q T. FULFORIY/ RETURN FRO* TIER WURLD'8 OAYIDNT PITY. • UMW= lis Iafllgaalrise tlrTsavlsw w ITO 11,111-.0!!■ rrarawnt* mitt IsruamA- T1or ter 41/M1 11. SALDL. Free the Reserdeg. Breekvli4, Qat Mr. G. T. raided, who is eadereleid to have boos den.g beg things le Paris oaring the pass Wats, a.d Spring, istredning Dr. William' Pak PUIe. bas sashed lims with hs tmdly, mad an the eyelike el be arrival was 'stet -viewed by • Renner re_ plater, a.d asked to give an .ao0aat el hat. soil. **Well,- he said, is reply to • gwttos os the Matas of she Pink 11111 beam. i. Fame,: •'(N corn it Ira't •lyaesbar s easy matter to mitosis's • nate ./pen into • etreage market. bat I dem%think we ass '..plats of the peeper made, and it le gmtifyisa to report des same, at Last, of the Peru doctors are open M resew& a w idow of wbch the Misname amts on be dvmomiarted to them. Ons of the beet et theta -et Versailles, tb. Parr suburb were the Kmprrll rad to keep their mors --boa given favorable un,tmoey A/ogb the prem of quite wonderful sures Armagh the sea of Pink Pills in ►r prat ties : sad the Religions, an order et Nu•. Oke the Sisters of Charity , have •4*, made as extensive nes of the Pink Pills in then ehartiable wa k,•nd gives etro•g tesUmoot ale as to their good limy. "How do jou find buss..me all round • ' "Pretty aloud. We have sold is the pest twelve ...o.tha • little ear two milltoa three busdr•.d sad sixty thawed boxes of taint P5IM. • That i• • pro y large seder hes t it • "11 i• the beat twelve swaths busts... yet. Look for • nuance at what the bgur.. at.an. If .Il the pills wore turned out into • beep, and • person set to count teem, wsekmg tan hours • dta) mad six dey. • week, the job would take 1 have reckuaed at 4 y ears, 21 daps. 6 Yours a11d 40 stout.. oouateg at the rate ot 100 • mesa,. Or, if you west farther maintain. it is soma where •:.oat two pills a head fee the com- bined adult popal•tton of Cased*, (:rest Britain, Ireland, sad the United Sestet 1 den t give thaw figures to glorify the bum - amok you will a.donta.d, but to enable y ou to make the !sots mantels to an ordinr) rm•dr. "Dues Great Brilais do its share in the liminess,- asked the reporter. "Yee, 1 think we have had • record there. The bead d a 'mediae advertising argosy in Lemke to whom I showed m res, told am that no business of the tial had ever reached the same dimensions in Fsglasd is as short a time : for though we hay ask) been work iso u F..gl..d two years, there are hot two 'indictees there that have as large • sales Pink fills, and ons of these is over thirty years olid, while the other hae been .t work at. lest halt that time, "How do ou •cooust for the w•) Pink Pill. have 'lumped cite English market Ill. ••1 cannot attribute it in re•.ossak bet. to an, thing but the movies of the pile. Was every thing lovel), asked the report r, r were there any crumpled roof-1mves In the °ouch " Can't grumble, except in Dns way There's • certain amount ef substitution to some renal styes, .cod therm is • mea ism Manohenir, F.sgl+.d. that 1 had to prese- nt* on the criminal charge for it. - . Bat what do the subetitutore do -do that' duplicate vear formula wader some other .use' No, not • bit of it : that is the wort festers of the fraud. No dealer cm posit b - 1y knew whet is in Pink ihlk ; •d d he did, be could not prepare thea in smell quantities to ell at • predt, They aro sot oommo0 drugs, sad b7 10 mews cheap to make I suppose I have spent ver to twelve thousand dollars. since I took over the trade mark, in to tog if the formula could be ins proved, and spent • share of it for seting " What do you mesa b) ' for .Mhug' " After I acquired the trade mark I sew that if the thing was to be mads. messes it was imperative that 1 should have the asst tonic pill that could be gotten up. Conse- quently I obtained the advise and episioo of some of the most noted men in modMimi is Mentre•1 and New York and expert r vice of that kind comes high. I made the changes in my termite suggested by these medial ethentl.t., ted the favor with whisk the public has received the 'Indicants, de- monstrates the tact that it is the most per• toot blood portlier and serve tome knows. However. I was Saliba. (0 steel further int prove the formula, if that could he done, and have since upset • ,rest deal of motet with that end is view. ()n going to Los don, two years aro, to place Fink fills, 1 went tato it •gain, with the best medical men there, as von knew, tat medical impart r sot too fnendly to prepnet•ry meaning ; and least of all to • geed one : and I don -t blame the donors either. It ra't goad for their baseness if • teas .•n get for fifty orate medicine that will des him more good thus 410 is doctoring. Own - quaintly adv1es mise high. bat I obtained the best therm n, net only se this eestinest but in Lamde. and Paris. When I carat to Paris Iwo Wiese 1 placed my female sad • supply- of Pink Pills in the hands ef sae of the most soled doeten in that eity tor • three menthe trial i. his ,reties, with a view =petting s.ggostione for improvement ; at the end of that time bis mower was "Ls.ve it ohms. it coact be bettered Yon have • ,rtes* blood and serve 10dicioe." This ep4.ies oast me 10,000 fence, hot 1 smolder it tsasy well spent, as it determines the fact that the fermata tor Pisk Mk is sow as priest as medical senesce oma make it And 'mining bask be the question of sub.WmY'. and Whelan : whoa I have jest Mid yell will .hew what a pow thing it is for • w wile g.rt ter • sere for Ptak Pito to 1s0 1crr.thing else be pushed onto him in ph.m of them -mere =r - ally if it is • were oat thing like Blend's pi1!..A formula in W Fiona pbrmsss*ogla that has been • bask number ter y..n seal • few innkeepers trod to pent it ea' she et Pink P111 •dvmrtlsisg. Ye. sea oak frees ate that • sterekeepr who tells anyone that B1 .4'. pill (width is .et • proprietary at d1, sin ane eon make it that wane be) kis in say way • enhatian der Pink Pili e m 11.16,• 1111 and *1vr code to ha tresis..& M 1111 .»Gismo at an. • draggkA se bneuM es that ertately era's fes be port up s grew* Meet, and will poises wrens sae airy." Rev. J.F. (74k5( iagm.s1,b0a beau called to the pasterns et the Resew Tinsels avenue llapsist abarnb. Nib - wish At 1nnWr. •h1 4.dlmy-Grmless a el VE, bora fasrpr+sM thorn men have • /opa1MYen Ib 14 brblg *.o...4* 7m.,. she $ Etat w F 01410, M wli 14.. se 1 yan '. wow Tba w tallith el llydmlr- 211111