HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-7-25, Page 3THZ SIGNAL : DODK.IU 111, /43.4 I I 1 ittiDA Y. JULY 25, 18115. 3 DSMt8SU'Y. _ IfIt' tj ILIUM . LD R-DIi3LL moos (40$&0 PDM OArw wombat .e acs ay/rooted • no.•d sad ayed wool t, ...••tkrr(r. a 141°1 M taw.. ; se' ti.• ar bath. - - -- S. RiOH AR1t'r 1z1, L D. 8., tsa d.•_. um. .o • tsar 4 of Meth.. �r b shoe wear basis• eta taloa /t�{ 1dtt1 t a roe • W Btl•m SoMb*rbet gbfim/srteJ\ W411-17 J !t.TURNBULL, D It S . LD.ti. �.y� ..� • Lace., emoe haed wcth l i of M.atroei. "marl= W .., beth mosbted moot dame.. mots t.l Yreau.w - i.00 IS oho oreeervauun of the material t. e t ogles iu one oe., Weak THE TALI OF THi TORN. tI I t•easear The Civic Holiday has bee. precleimed Mg Thursday, the lith am, sad the bill of fob tache.. 8aaday school uoaruios to W estford, Ute aroma.. tour.as4snt M ea. llar> They are Mesa Mamma Radcliffe, ikask sad Porter, who had ban. repre.esustt 1,odricb u the Maao.to 1:r•nd Lodge et. Tomato, mutinied borne ua 1 uur.d.t eve.eg. The brothers report an .xoellotit meeti.4i, mouth boomers 141t-tf Irs..sated, and • general U101411•4110aJI o.vr Cam•ds of petroets of the raft. Cycling babe. It u rumored that is • taw days • young led•, now ,ohne; Uodrwh, will wheel to W tughaa Med rotors the tame day. 111111111114111. 1 /K.-U1Ir$n. PIIYMh;IAM. 8L'lt sem. too. Olen. -McLain.. Meek, Mon -- 4W .r. Nl.bt u.l • from British K.otb.� /M•4• R J. HAMILTON, Vt fERINARv g�•e. grad um.. ut t taisrl . Veterinary 'hfento. titr .teirel 11 Diller of 0a tow. erleary Medical A..ucaanas. Cele aa..•de] a .i1 boon, day sltk t1Iltea Greet Uppceitr (:ylkmsa tsar El�T HEAlUN - BARRISTER. Solicitor. Notary Public Acheson'', Meet Nest t4trret. lbw 17 ▪ U. JOHNSTON, BARKI$TBR, SU- ' 'icinr. 01�w podes, et.:, Mosey ts • odice.: ser. ilamlk.a awl St. As- drew•.-sta Uodereb. Oat. sol j OETVBt DANCEY, t:nl:RGiTER, L Mgr. Conem•ao.r.to .ti . Ma.y to Ism Issates. Op - mono Clelhlgs hotel. O.detieb. Ont. -u �Vj � N. LIMB, B, BAi(RIISTILR, PRUO- pMe.- douter u CoI hug.hMaritisse°« r` «Igth RO. HAYS, BARRIhTEK. SOLICIT . OR, ac. • . North u.. neat dor Sfo'•t ye." I -i • • • e.u..l.. to Lssd at lowest r*w of tatl+t. f11►_ GARROW t PROUDFOOT, BAR. r(Nrra Auur0e7e, tlelblt0R to.. Dodo rich. J. T. sorrow. Q.C.. W. Proodfb.t. /'1AMEkJN, HOLT & HOLMES, lJ 0*rrlhtrs. Sofottore in (liamory to. psd.rtok.• Holmes. sa4 C. C•reer. .U. ; P. kelt . G. WARD, OONVIIYANDER, J. Ire.. •.d onumlelA...r sur 10...uit sad re- wtvlag reeolule.oess of had. .aad.vtss es . Hrm.tloa4 ttopadthae r oo*mein Molars - nom lar consorning say &etaos. salt or pre- seethed osad/en V the Hari Oman of Jostles, the Overt of A tor Ontario. or to as. Cou.ty or Division Mem All transactions o.tefaW W IPw'igW esaest.dd. s anaud - deffilffldfa SOY 21111111114111•011. Robs Malec, who as vwttag w tows, • ooump•ated oy tan cousin, Mw Wilier*. whammed to Seafrth Med book, ,ia Bay - fold. Thursday. Joo. A. Toyer, B.A., of the teachi.g stair, 1411.616a' Coleee, mw up on his bike to weed • few day* visiting old friends . s% Motives in Godrtck. Mew mTide As angler, fishing up the river few Lys eines, booted • d.00*t b•ss,•ad when about to land it, • log eaoie tlo•ccu+ssgg down stream, The log ft -Premised the ti.b,which swam an• dr it, then jumped over is and 000ttswed the perfrm•s°, until it had wound itself tightly to theta'. The •ogler fia•Ily heel- ed the log •.bon, tool off his o•teb, •mod atter oocaidr.ble trouble, got his 11.. free to fish twain. era Will be Sold. - There was • ceniregauuol me.tiag in Knox church last owl to 000mtdr the quantum of silltue the land on whtob the old lira. stood. After cunudering the mut ter, it wa..Rred that .izt t feet of the ground .••oohed to the man.e prop.rt.% be sold bt public •uottoa. The lot to be sold will be from street to street. The ole kirk. The old botch chureh, that for many years stood on Nelson et, now rats On, pr - haps, tta last ratio, place, Victoria -.t, .ad the church from which for mo loom • pend. spiritual food had been supplied, will soon be used torestortng food for the body. The old buildtag was put together in the old- fa.hioded style, for it is now sound Med the fact thea tes large plaster wiling has not loot ova the smallest pteoe by moving, Dot only proves its stability but shows that the ouotrwtor, Ilan McLaren, ma move ♦ church as well as he can • cottage. Carden Party. The garden party Thursday •vs.,undr the auspices of the King's Daughters, was well attended, notwithetanding the ezoeding- d t $EAO&R. 0U YEYAbGING AND Iy cool overnice. The cold sir somewhat M- IL/I..mor..eme�st►411.1.oljlfrtlt.'eHOWM whored wait the disposal of cooling drink. OM.rick. sad ether Sumner refreshment., but the town band played so nicely that them pre- sent forgot it was chilly to the warmth of the music. The grounds were sial light- ed after dark, • large number of Chinese kateroe betas. tastefully placed all through the ,touod.. The King a Daughters sr* to be congratulated or. the iuoohss attending their garden party. FJ. T. NAI TLy ma, LITE AND Masonic • -.side.• Isswno. mud • u lowe t ores- Onr. Nertk..4 sad Iigws, edsada - UN EY TO LEND ON MORTGAGE at M_per met. Notes dbwanted. C. *SAUER. oaks m osin Meru.'. lIotsl.0od.- rah. MONEY TO LOAN. - $25,•00.00 Private Pods to land at tg per ae.t. ss seedy. LOTTU8IL DANCIY. Martha's block. ennosth Oeab.rse MwhL Od•rbk. .17.11 W0,000 TO LOAM. APPLY TO V CAMERON ROlar a HOL UM, G $.h. MONEY TO LEND. -A L A R ll N 86210011i Ole Private roads rnr tavestmes ••sweet (10.401 0o ars•-Dina More. ADW • OARRUW t PttOUI(YOOT RRADOLIVYZ, OENLKAL IN- ..urearw. Real Esau and *may Lacing aim'. Only 8u -Mom oompasf•s wprwmabd. Mauer to lead on Amigb le tau, et rte lowest reel el leftmost goin& la nay way w suit th. ortewer. (Oboe-- Sas gad kw true equate. Wes damelOath41 Msohnntes' Iafssttute. 1ODERICH MICOHANIVIS' IN8T1- TUTS 1.IRItARY AND **ADINM- 111000, or. or Last .meet rod BMus fop Odra Opsn treat I to s r. r.. sad tress 1 is N r.r. ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY. Leading erIbslMay, W...4y cawed Iile.0ra*.*.d P siracs, Gk. on Ale. M!]IBKRAHIP TICKET. owe: Y la. e r•attag hob w o�`brary and Appltationo tot meanber.ktp received by Librarian. 1a room .1 H. OOLNOHN[. H. H %]MILTON. .letre.ary Libr•ri.0.. Oedarloa March Ink USW THOMAS OU1IDRY. &uOT1ONUR and )a..ss..s Aasst. 0edevI . (hat. Agent Iasis. °.d L..oashlre Are Ins. 00.. and Oen DYmiet Memel Ix Co. Well .t 'ended to any part of the count 1. qly Jl)HN KNOX, fE*ERAL AUG. tlenesr sod Lead Val..tnr. sedrbk. Oak Navies bad one.Mereh1e ezprtesM e toheme seiesh thorough be u is • rondos to ��e..ee.� ugh eatl•f.otles •U cam outmoYsrt1.'. Newt. dmea't by him. viragos toAhis •ddrwse �M Icb P.0., osrehtto .tt.ad.d to.11lJJOHN zltOX O•sn$v ASetl neer About 2.000 British moldier* are die barred yearly for had ...duet - At the age of 73 Dsrwis, the naturalist. declared that • cigarette noted him mere altar hard labor thug all else. Scatty sa AOMB Wsmm.bmfr Ilbsalleidle. is ► dw.d br enamor d .r amid a 0. Masa iO4$Msds le asset salmi t1M.b' Sae antis__& W awn sea Med Mew& ssee■d• •ps'sir' d Sr �blgb r srr0 ittlts. _oboe shrmmNlms Y L...1$ orPhiliedo maim bast twhilllirt aftW r sassed 11 high Meted :.taedrh aLL.d_sles trate ab bask 3111.111PAIESSE J./w.o., left Mt bib bole u Grey tow. - .hip Friday msreiy. F. A. Mortis, of L.o•do., was an lob rick es W.da..d-y Mrs P. B. Wallace. .f Tutted*. iA Wwt- ii r (meads is base. "Well, dim wee ieugk. " 'II oboe se, ib' Mor thew. "be 1 dun's .es •.ythi•4 wroer abodes .b. •.tory." '•I• spoors ye de•.t,' said Mr. Dooley, bold o.g t,lp ofaz b.tweea Lie thumb aid f,•r.00er. " v Doorss ye deal. AU tic Mom McDe•IMS left God.rloh ..s Ili• tough dugs it to ir.•ob eo fiat the polls a • ,int to Mo koka I t a.uJd.e't get asp Wm. 1 -r -road -Chia - N.rata.Bsilie left by early tram Thursday I hen ' Buo.waw. J•w.y, b..sw.w mr.imR toe (lalltasae► la ream vs. tine, Tmw.ale. Outlaw Davie, of Wiegbam, is th. momab! i,., a care 1 was doted, pilled and of bio brother, the druggist. Mn. Amos Marti*, of S.gt.aw. is visit- pl..trroo fur wadi back, .oaldtng arise •tad c..0n •tlpsIIon, without benefit. lh1e tag relatives at the old bums. Jus. Clarke is In town for a few day. sgir l'.us ••t Chase's Kidney- Lay.r Pills re- • tour of the Ueoripaa iia% porta I limited, 3 boxes awed. R. J. Smith, T.• ..ant", L F.11ioth hum returned from • Liras week-• noliiay trip to Port Huron and other pouts Albert Gem arrived in Gedrich *roan the Seo net week, oa kis maul vat to the family renames. Roy. Jas. A. Aodersoe was in 9e•fortb sad Rgmeed vile cm Friday and delivered e eriness in both plena" Mr. and Mrs U. Stoddart, it,, •ad two children' are an • week's trip to Harrison and vicinity. Miss Minnie Marshall and brother. of Stratford, an visiting their aunt. Mrs. Mc- Gillivray and is insole is Uodcrieb. Brussels Peet : Jean' Hillier, wife sad Harry, of Godeticb, ressr•nhd home kat week alter spending • few days with Monde and r.kUvea is Orgy. Miss Blaek,of Beata., Mass., wit, h.viag att•iad her majority. in is tow■ in °ama.o- tim with bar demand graedmotber's will. is the Rues of her aunt Mn. Jr Vivian. Krauts Poet . A palm leaf fan and • oollr button ea Sunday and • fur Dap and u lster as Tuesday is almost too sadden • Mange of mammary weariog apparel to be ••Teenbla The tug Sea King has had • new set of grate bars put in. , G. M. Elliott shipped 108 tube of batter for Me.tr•s.l Friday. Complaints •n becoming amoral .bout bete.. Mug allowed 1• run around town. On all beods the oeasotl is praised for putties a tarter water service ns ter the Court Howe square. The lianas swamped as Astrid'a have old clothing enough to start • aaoo.d bead clothing shop in'1orouto. The eohooir Koltmge, that was expected in port Tburday, road to run bask to Sarnia on amount of the stormy winds of Wednes- day night. Cos•table Knox r•turosd home from Kingston on Fnday morning, having seen the man Davie, *has Lockhart, whom he arrested, safely plastid in he sew residence es • five yens' passltv. TRILBY AND DOOLEY. It may be of interest to Mations to lard that Joo. B. Shaw. who lately .pent eons. ten day. In Lderich visiting his relatives, Mrs. and Jo. Cameron and Mies Shaw, is an officer of one of the two mounted oom- m•aderies of the Knight. Templets in America The De Witt Clinton Calnroan- dory, of which he has been Recorder for the last eight years, km its headquarters in Virgin• Cit%. Nevada. while the .eee.d has h••adqu•rteru is San Fr•noeoo, California. In N'.shingtom D. l'., some three years .go • third mounted commander% was organ iced, but it was not proceeded with. The De Witt Clinton Comm.idery has had an eventful history. Throe tim.s has its quarters toren burned 1. the ground. in al- most every iastance the regalia of the tr»m- ben being lust to the building. and to the e ea.nd fin .11 the records of the sonny as well. But each time the torp .1 the Knights has repaired ell loss and evert si.oe the discouragement ot the third fin, in 1887, • fine oew building has bees erected, and • largely increased membership ob- tained. Tire Ancient Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, ot which Mr. Shaw is also • member, u an ()nested order originally is. e ut uted to put down the Thugs in India Some years ago two prominent Mums were admitted Into it. secret., .ad decided to Introduce it iota Amnia. 1t 10oludes also • •octal brooch in which the wives and the deugbt.r. of Nobles may gun the oovet d membership of • secret moiety under the nem* of "Daughters of Isis.'" A hold Mid ser Liberty. Wheal laving *arbor," 14011cs lea week wash the primmer Davie, the latter made • bold bid tor liberty. The oirosan- steaoee of the attempt, as far as cos be le•r..d, was follows : On the train begln- 0ing to move, oo..t•bl. Keo: left for the other end of the oar ter some purpose, when the prisoner, who was sitting with tam dep- uty -sheriff, asked the latter of iosr to oaks his to the water filar for • drink, and the nyuest beteg made is the mummer recently adopted b him, it Wes pealed. No serum were the two sear the plass where the water should ham bees, tbs. Davie melted for the door ..d was eat et it and ow the platform es fast ea lits tether Int ooald orry him. But be was ase quicker than the pawky depwty, arid the sett is.t.st the two were b.vhg • herd fip►R the sae to rotas W prig.ser, end tie other to moos. 1. th. esslkt Davie got els of the deputy- sherif a thumbs in bis mouth end bit it severely, his Neth pea testing the thumb math Kama, she .meld IoM gat out till Be sort .t.M.e was maabed, drove .ver t. Searber'% and 11. biggest ...ssdrwl that over invaded Harms was sons on big way to 11b geese mmsMes, where he bight t. M hope Ir life. Om Davi. bakes 0es•r•d. it w.s dieoovered that he hal is seem .banner dipped the hed- sulk busss his d.bS.rs debt for liberty. Slee Os whole lease tMemallar'or .we abaft Balsa 'ts ea arsad stte+taw at Wpm lent roe amen awn wetly a ersnw lie tab Val Ilse • Ina spud semi .he.iedies el pale Med. ed lar a• sable onnen e: s�ie .fir. r r egaili so reassbli plow sod sr Sam asp mese apse a hillee Mum -rebrpm 1111111111111Ma Ileorralkee0 Soap mem tr. ...era e ammary .r a Pte•e1.g Week of Pieties By Aa erratlesal Raeder. "Jaws,.' mid Mr. Dooley, •' d'ye wast • book to read!.. .. 1 dost mind,' mid Mr. MoKossa " Take tilts home wid y e. - mid Mr. Dooley, stadia( • volume across the liar. " An' read it behind the dun, aa be sure ye dont lave tt where y.'re wife can get hold iv it. Its • French book, antough. "' Trilby, said Mr. U.Kean, examin- ing the cover. •• That's • timer name. Where did you get It and what is it all .bout! "I got it wid • pound iv toy,' said lir. • Dooley, ' an its .bout • girl be th same iv Trilby, • French, d'ye mind. 111 tell ye. 1-e sae, this ben girl Trilby, she ain't no better than she ought to be, an' is the be. Luisa' iv the stator, she's • milkman. 1 tell ye throe. he'll U see for ye .r.olf 3o she gen in with some lade that does be le•rnin to met pictures in the city 10 Paris. France, an' she gets stock on wan iv them --a kid be the omits w Little Billea Now this here lid hu people is ha-ard work- in', industrious people, an they re son .ria him marryu this bore Trilby, tor Mei no Mather than she should be. so he goes cams gets he little skate oo be himself, an twit French sorters, oe th- nas-me iv -will, over mind the more iy thus- no has the dlirium thrums to bate two a• • kind. "So then they re two other lads Dome in -wan . gezer with long whiskers like fire ess.pes be tit' mune of Molasses (Andy and the other a So.tchmas called the laird, be- elines iv him bean' • smooth lad. Well, Wass goes on from toad to wares ..s' mon of it, whin in Domes • Jew men -what; his muse- well, River mid. will 0•U him Mose--•°' toa;ber lookin gamin ye' inter see in y e'er lite. His • piano-ohuner •ad tbayter manager. That twee • him with the whiskers all over his head. But they was cothin' the atter with Mas He wan all right. He had the evil •ves,•nd be goes and pots the oomeekr over tots hen Thrflby and takes hat round Ib' sur - rsld, .howl. her is the tbaytr. -sbe does wan eight studs is Ronnie and Boolgehria e' I think I •et it worst at *V Lyoesm,bat maybe I'm wrong. "Anyhow, 'twas • very good thing f'r Mom whim be stow bar away fr an th' kid, 1'r he cam make more main be mans iv her Maga this be cd be shunt' pia.osa. Ye sem,.he o-ddea t 0104 wNs be wasn't round, Cr save •s' .U&$ MHO ►k evil eye was ea Mr she had • seise like M.11ig a.'s sew, as was es'y goad fr was Don't Ye K.y- gimbr Sweet Alio.. Bei Bolt!' 8.t whim he hadher right she'd melt th' heart it any DOMING AND 00 IMO Miro Birdie Hay. i.' ltise in Safoetk. Jailor end Mrs Dehhss re viMtt.a is Bafala Mtn Rswher is oil • abort whit to CrTv$81 VIM& Mika= ad ins el Tett Hare, are is T. O. d Leeks. obs is Ge&. rieb a Iii erhey. W. imam, d I/e es. le elelliar Meter the p.rMe.l rest Mier A. Foye and Minsk Doak. are is Br..ebdd belay. bo. Wiese. d Tsr..M,wse is ems yea today derwsea Miss Weir►, aesaber. el alts.iti gibs i . � her vieer. Um Weir. esygMsl Isla W le gs d ed _-- -- sew. llersiy "WIN &Ile�sd. aM r seed Mr. M.-rows"z• Mia Demi, gibe wag ler Mem minas' w,. inneal ad Mr beMb.r•12-1aw. tie Inge MN. z seat mows tan' spied' A dtsu.gu t'ur•wu Custom. A very cut Me ertom in Seoul (Corea) a the law womb snakes it obligatory for •very man to nuts to his home when the huge bronco hell 01 the city had proulumed tt to be oke hour of ...net and the ems for closing the Fates. Nu mon a allowed in the streets •iter that hour under pout of 6oggtog; bat the women are allowed to go about and vett their friends. However, as tigers fre- quently scramble over the city waffle at ' wilt, cad prowl abs.t looking for food. the privilege is not mate valued by 1*. fair NII SUM KILT IU EMIR That is what you can have by trotting oat of the Celebrated HOWARD WARN AIR FURNACES put in your home. This is whet one of our citizens says about it: Goderiob, M arab 15th, 18%. Hu.runl Fur ruler ('., Geotltme.,-Io mower to your reyntnt of the let tot., I have to say, that my Howard Forneoe is • oombimattoo of bot water up son and warm air down stairs. The oos•ampuon of fuel has bee° lase than we formerly required with two Dal .Covet, Med the Winter now almost past, has been an unusually severe one, yet we have been unusually oomfortable m every port of the house. It is too easily managed and es sample to manipulattuo, that we have kept the bots at an even temperature of *bout 70 degrees all Winter, day and night. Such u ib cosotraotios that we have no dust or gas escaping, and altogether we find it se n oir', perfect io every rosppeeoot as it is pos- sible to get • Furman. My Forums was put in by your Agent hen, Mr. J. H. W or . U, In t most satisfactory manner, to tact •o much •o that when oompletd and ready for firing up we have not required him to touoh anything about it since, s perfect Pm hie work ban in every respect 1 only wonder now that we got along at all .o long without • Furnace, and I would not go heck to stoves if I got them and the opal every year for nothing. Yours respectfully, Atex Mt -D. ALLA N. If you think of having a Furnace put in, call and ate s and we will be pleased to give you an estimates J. H. WORSELL. Reagan and Fur HartLTom 81111117. YON • ryocidty. PLAITING MILL. ESTAOLISNEO MSS. llucIlaflalls & Rliyils sr•trog•ervssaa BASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealer. la all bead. of LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES A.d builder', material of every daortptlea School Furniture a Specialty. Doctor What 1sjood br cleansig the Scalp and Harl seem to have tried averythinf and are in despair Why ArsR the very bettit s PAW() TAR SOA° iris splendid for w,ealhing At load it peMn'^ / se» dies pet as tad to Duda had Reap Ike IMw brcel�. Wrote um Ban To Smokers: Te meet the wafted; of theta C.it.mri The 0..- K. twarmM A oma co.. W.. mar Inks. NO., kan1. named mesa re.•.rket A Combination Mir of 1100. "Well, thieve went a frm bud to worse, an' th' 1141 was called baa an' rot into • MI/ with • predtese•.t miiMsr. The titre kW was an infidel as debt believe is w U•wd, d'ye mid, not k.wwis' may Ma- ther, WMM' raised gm..g th' Prise*, wbo are iwtt•1 be sabers. Hs was still amok e. Tbrilby, i moils of her b.& no heather tins she shad be an' maniaof . Ith Mose. Wen day Meg iv' Wakes Wow. -the la -ad d'ye m1.4, May eeud Md.mee Deady - moats Mess •.' they have tremble' epi kis gsm&brsse bolts th' J.wmao in th eye. it was • tor-ribie ilokbat to a was This this here Digessisee Omni*, lee Roe nixie it hep with settee Prima lade, a.' wok was iv thin he sh' 1err •e' best eh' ethre wick kin 1411 he'd killed meet of •kin, whim M wit est •a' trek a Tomb bowl "Wall, ee it kese gels' W's 1ad bo wane es' so wen herd tell Is Mese, but be wee • sessd .met s' so Oh' base is P.-1. a us' B..rltbri. ash melds' swim heti' Med till he was was iv tier -rubes• J li.t wes Mobs be W • it. a � tb to where be see .h•wis' of Trilby. They malls& • desbsr, bM 'twee se me, •e' Moes he Sweet Se TbrUby .u&ie•'b d.g eee.r moms" WWW but wee tb.'...w with br r melba Mr . Md[ess. "W.wtNs' a all. o'y whin Maw we 1M binge of her Mee lest M yds," mil Mr. DtnM}•. tfn didn't oh. gm • mew imamate Y' . 0154 01. o1 Y. .soy woe Mw was w'41 M'ovtl ye." Ear Ore was fi.dbN r Mek bee se& tie nM "T& B" 11-1-c I!('s SYSTEM RENOVATOR PURIFIES and STRENGTHENS THE BLOOD. Regulates the Action of the Llvsr and Kidneys, awl will be found Indispensable in cases of female Irrsgulatlese and Urinary Diseases. dor year Bootle .e weal Ikea me Mao L0009e LABORATORY. eO..rnON. tem. SMOKING TOBACCO. Pink and Pink and Pink and Pink and Pink and Pink and Warm Weather Goods Light Blue Prints Light Blue Creponnes Light Blue Pertalineo Light Blue Chambrayil Light Blue Crinkles Light Blue Brocaded Challlbrays. Cream Cashmeres Crean Serges Cream Bengalilieti. Ladies' Vests -5c., tic., lOc., 124c.,, 15c., 20c., 25c., 30c., •Wc., 50c. Ladies Hose -4 pairs for 25c. Ladies' Lace Mitts, Colored and Black. A lot of Ladies' Capes at less than Manufacturers' Prices. Parasols -90t.., for 65c. A lot of Ladies.' Oos.•lamers at Half Price. COLBORNE BROS. The Chest Varlet and Lace Curtain Warehouse o1 the County. DIAMOND I Like the DIAMOND we shine, especially in NOVELTIE . STERLING BELT PINS STERLING WAIST SETS STERLING BELTS. Also we carry a nice line of FANS for the warm Beason. C. A. HUMBER & SON, SQUARE, GODERICH. SUPERIOR JEWEL FURNACES This supplies a long felt want, giv ing the consumer one 20 cent plug, or 10 cent piece or a li oent pieoe of the famous "T & B " brand of pure Virginia Tobacco. TM Tit Ys "TAB" b of very Piga. . .j. Are the most Powerful Heaters in the World. For Ecenom -, Durability -,and an eas- ily regulated 1. nrnace, it has no equal. FOR SALE HT HARPER & TE. It's no because I'm Scotch but you' canna smoke a better Cigar than "108 ROY." n8 oak. i/11t I get sa1M �t:►'tr-fra SWUM Teehlte0e.. ms_• MM► • P. S. -For Coal or Wood. If you catch cold now It will hang on all Summer WEAR GRANBY RUBBERS ff Hot enough-" Climatic changes, or variations in the atmosphere, have no effect on E. B. Eddy's Match 2s which light readily at any time, Hot or Cold, Rain or Shine. This can be said only of E. B. EY 'S MATCHES. Lawn Mowers________ LATEST IMPROVEMENTS AT LOWEST PRICES. Every Machine warranted to give satisfaction A Pull Line of Builders' and General Hardware always on head at prices to snit the times.