HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1895-7-25, Page 1Trim maaLeoprz.rar NEWBPA Pialt -Op ±iJ± ON' OOVNTY. FORTY-SEVENTH YEAR. -2527 GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY, JULY 25. 1895. D. McGILLICUDDY, EDITOR. mw ADVERTISEMENTS -JULY 26 Pig& Serme Waned --Rea A. M.1) Alin. Somme j•deetnd Fair -Tweets.. .. i ('.say B.atiss--Jon % elm. 5 A W inter in Pari. - G T. Fallord t Ca - Summer Oolong -I. J. Pridham .... hones be Cr.ditots-Caneerea Holt Habeas. .......... 4 5 1 Found• ►CND -A FANCY EMBROIDERED .r butkwader with mouegram.O weer ran toys same M peeving p,e,•t7 sad payfas B eet et t ie setae. ltifaehsr Wtantad. fTEACHEK WANTED -FOR S. S. NO. F Celborm.. Apply •*Haig a tiwt1•ow tem. M.. e seeretary. II. LADea�N, Illpoolal MotloN- t)/1 40 OR 60 FRET OF THE MO$11 tie y dee reabis tre.tage en Hcderlcb ▪ Iis Uror sate. Apply to A. SMITH. r.. fbm I)AKGAINS ! BARGAINS 1 EVERT' N"Mannar sad liater4sy. Cash for egg. urs sddlvsred tree of ebene.-at H. J. HOW TONI rese.es1 mese, Raolltsa st K tt f*KDAK SHINGLES FOR SALE IN uuantities to salt. Orders len at the tl esdty m Varys. Oelbgraa or .t A. WITIIB stem OoderiM promptly Must led to. 16ha WHITE LIMI---PARTI1111 BUILDING sheets try say Wblto Lae. The steady Isis of it hes ...bled nes to rodeos the prior. T1s purity allows esrtourth mere sand to be mixed with It. es *•kraft It acmlly cheap- er than .ay other lime hi the vblsity. Always es U , at my Mae* Wet bS SHAea Is aI• D. MUNROE, PAINTER, DECOR- 1� ATOR AND PAPi.R HANGER. tap to maousce that Ile Is prepared to do tire oases work la his Ilse at uodetue prices. and all order. iasrusled to hint will receive prompt stina. Orders left a Mao& tlacksmthonan m chop. or at the reposer. poser. mzt door m •kep. Cambria Road. will be promptly weeded a. Ylw lk`EW DELIVERY WAGON. 1` The undrNdmed denies to intimate that be me put - • delivery weasn..ad will he Peened to 111 orders Is his 11,e Prompaes. caathiaed with flair sad raa*su•bls terms will be kis met& Mevbe torrtItuze • • Raass delivered a MI parts of to Or- ga den leis --as the Oldham. 1 Robiat steel Home premptiy s*eod.d te„ JOHN t OOU dehlm WANTED A good man is year town to represent the " FYYth1U Nurseries of Canada' over 7 ) acres- -t* largest in the Dominion. Position perni.,ent. eatery or commission to right see. With the increesies demand for fruit s pee- -owl with oe es salesmen will per you better tVa eepaing 1e Nana work. Send us year e pp*iostien sad we will Anew you how to earn good massy. school Teachers t Memo the thole for you curing the Rammer. W me tor particulars. BTONR k W kLLINGTON. in 3m Toronto Pr Oporty SOP gale. ail KST HALF Or LOT at (4 THIS 1' 1011411 Mei amities house. st yr ant ,ipird by Wm. Mdlsre. UARROW t Pitt ( DP 001% d w U I IT 1104, NORTH STREET. 000 / frame house. well situated. .eOp�y�redg by Mrs. Sharkey. °ARROW t rROL'D )'(H►T d w tf IN' OT 912. BR(K STREET. GOOD J frame house and sank- oo upied Armstrong. UARROW & PROCDF'.)OT. ` Nl'MBKR OF LOTS IN WILSON'S i 1 survey sad ether prep et the town. GAItROW k PROUD a) 1 SHARKS OF THIS FIRST 1t14Uh • l of Hares & Bram tees Ce. °ARROW k PROUDYOOT FOR MALS. - CHEAP, ON EAST' TRAM 4 : West bait :of 1m 0 ester mon s. Wes Waw•.ash, int acres. A well improved farm. Lots tl a and mart 1I...bdivlsion of Brock 1, ('There. • >K same TO LRT -TM shop lately accorded by the We Thos. �syd Apply to 11.0. JOHNPTON,barriser. Oodr rieh 01 tf WOR SA1 OR TO RENT. -THAT r '--1 vee hales en Wes a.. at pre cent by Mr, J. Cameros. of floe Cone - slate lastitnie that well situated. beteg mh ca. Wen trete Harbor Park and one Neck from Pas Ogles. (las be rented partially fur- nished. Terms moderate Alm for saki Iota ti. 21 to are IN Reed% survey. at16 moband lot ttl corner Toronto asd Mania Road. mad 1011, Harbor -M. et pens* be snit para AWAY a life. PARDONS. %N OW OW P. 0 d -w -t PnblN NotNpfi t NOTION_ ALL PSRBONB FOUND en my lands by ebostlw fabYii r etkerw1wills wbe a er. flesh lamb ani TR. the tura- the HestinaRes any hews ae the Ml of Gallatin- L l CA Q.C.pN, iw llEtitellO. U1 ANNA L UHA W, TEACHER et Maim ad �zyeeine se 60:1.M_ item .t (lapis Asr.e.dit las MR. W. A. H. CUMt OeensifeFF, ORGANIST a p1,. Orem. veal sod ![veers: a histroo W m. Rei4 ..-4t •aSreerwt mem the ofd •wne Morohl P O On NS 11 tin mottos to Creditors. N OTiCR TO CREDITORS. _-- et MADDARZT MiLNR. lea ofis the pity .t JIM en r ahem the feta day et i01. twin as or hailers TRH Om DAY Or AUGUR. Mee. to soy ptapmM n pyo . Heft k ear rbe al the climb* mad shine, •�mmeM�a�� masa dm �'� d any) held .1..4 Posreed to me mid Me �a*s, have only !• the ilei, a w b M D am a w St FROM OVER THE BORDER. N•wa Notts 1h'om Washington iedeavere so reeves/ Genoa tUllhemerlag RapedlYems-Masser werm=ai inner elms es ifs basal Tend meet'-. -TimeSr.as.ees es fir. Mew ler. humour Barmier Csrreapo•ae•t. WASHINGTON, L. C., July 22.- Smmkonel rumen iters followed e•ok other thin end fast eines Seereta-y Obey eases dere •ad presided over • secret Cahjoel meeting. The- rumors might easily leve been quieted by •a official gateman from tl.creter. Olney, but when • bewep•pr man ventured to suggest as sash to Mr. Olney last beton he started W return to I e Summer residence, he was gives • look that was &pleaded to completely modulate luau, but it didn't -black looks do sot p5w • newspaper map, it be loose his business. About no same tune Secretary Olney or rived, the Sp•atsh minister, who it will be remembered went to Massachusetts to '•leap to :ouch with the Secretary of Slate,.. also .rr,ved in W••hington. Spanish agate, and the fact that the Spanish mina ter bed been .peoielly active, through de- tectives to his ewmploy, ao trying to beat• • filibusterer expedition said to be fitting out in this county% to go to Cuba, made It egsatly cartels that a stricter enfotosmeat of e.utr•litt laws wars ops of the perucel•r subjects discussed. A mentlemu connected with the dtplom•- tic corps told • tread that the Sputa\ Minister had been urging Secretary Olney to ordee the arrest of all Cuban in tie. United State who are openly working to aid the revolutios either materially or morally, including the recently elected Proudest of the Cubes Provwoa•1 timers - meat : dao, that he should those Amari• ooze, including editors, who are openly .ymp•tbiztsg with and e000ur.ging the re- volutionists. If an, pi. blic step to taken b% the •dmiaistr tion it will probably be through • proclamation issued by the President. The most intelligent members of the labor organization w W•shiegtos do not hesitate to express the opinion that Mr. Sovereign made • mistake when he tensed that order to the Knight& of labor, that oatmeal haul n otes most after 'opt. 1 be refused by all members of thin oreavatio.. Mr. Sine: - sign ears that similar orders will be issued by all the other labor and kindred org•aiz owns, but other labor moo do not think so. At the treater% the whole thing is regarded as merely • bluff to call the aunties of the country to the non legal tender quint of the tuitional bank pow. IN course Knights of Labor, or •ay other people hive • perfect right to elites to accept nation' bask notes as money, bat to be logical they ought also to Mem gold ..d siker certificates. which ales leek the stamp of legal modes. Bat as all three classes ot now are cos vrtible into legal tender upon domain at the U. S. treasury, or ant ot the sub-fres• aeries, it is difficult to see what would be Aalssd by them and who would be pat to the trouble of maroon them for V. g not.. to pay their debt.. No on doubts that floe national banking laws need seism in lots of ways, but bot clotting sates. Sh payment of which are guaranteed by she United states Government, will not re- form the system, nor injure the banks to any narked extent. It would, ot coarse, if it b.. ame gement, greatly isoonveetissw the bank!, but would it not meosv.oioace tie• people monSomebody has apparently blundered. 1'M "Pooh Rah of the comic opera waep-t •la it with Mr. Bowler, Co.' ptrol les .t the Trento.) , it the latter gen really poetesses the authority he tanks be does. He has directed that the parties in- terested shell present arguniesta to him to show cause why payment of • claim for • eager bounty, which Ceogrees bas • w edppropn ed the moony to pay, should sot bo with- held on the grouted that the .rigisl eugar boant % clause of the McKinley Tariff Aot was uncooentetnaal Oeily the Supreme Court has heretofore assumed authority to set aside Acts of Cosines, approved by the President. because they were mot in saaord with the ('oort s oo.etructioe of the Donal tenets, but now Bowler claims it. If his claim be a good on, 1he office of Comptrol- ler will be mescal points ahead of that of President whin it conies to •atoorstio power. Rat it is men probable that the claim is merely founded of the heavy imdow which Comptroller Bowler imsiinse his immense bead caste. Anyway, hie as - Mese will be watched with interest by the elaim..te of the $5.238,000 •ppropriead by the is* (-oogrea te pay eager bounties, as well as by the general public. If present laws give him the authority he elaims these laws o•soot be too quickly M anged. The greatest OWE le ibis oeamary nut wise "sough sr grad smash M 5. trteted with smell .st.eratio sed absolute power ever polic expedttttTea THE COW TRUST. t uperi se rhovise � batt Mea se the lir A meeting of the Rasion Ameoiat4se of GedorMh nr� plass yesterday m the Flea. mar PUN'. old salt works. There was • large amssbr of tows Beeiee---or Bosses. as mem prowl* tall thee. Members Noose •lmeet every ward im Nye: were present, •ed, en the whole, rM general gel -ay el the Murat delminime was quite a metres& Same of the riot mom's Bows mealy promoted • depler.ble •ppearsee.,mo me dealt ea memo .t the reek Nes life they Ind. being Ise resin at hire, 61 dl home .f the might, sod the lose of deep mid Moony apes them : while the Reg me trite .bsrvd the tetra brie.. end aN their reg - .ler rest and bam►nmde ewes, leaked plumber end else. A great seamy el that d na belespoil be our pester ratepayers whore made d Meted tied .Mere\..s el the amp •:.P mad ribs w ermseseseads. .ed m5.eM be espied by them who bold themselves ohms the pilaf me.. The ils nem ble menti IIb0 ptrNed, mlaw Jws.y, the amiable mgallt1,, reed the aatoates of the preceding Owing to • asld she W,tF►ils amt late the provisos e-eywg-11111-11 !o�rs�lg .zpeditioo, her rens wet tippy tse.k, X04 nolo" est be beard over • el • mile away. She was •leo .tt from the effects o1 • severe wand ea bee bark. re- osived at the bands of an exasperated careen .bout 3 iciest in the rateraistaz1 who was armed with • piteblerl. W accidental or btention•lly dome, every siert will be made by the •aa-rilen to fermi wt the villus. and if found, he will be shied dear of by the members of the Boyne Aa- esaiseis. d (3odri.b. After taking • here or two, Mies Jersey proceeded to baeia na Several resol.Iiss were moved and tarried hastily. Owing to the flies patting is an appearance, business was rushed through. Mr. Steer, the Boss of Slebtown, wee pre sea, .nd •Itbouyb be was full of groes rant juice arid acted funny, no one paid Aly a- ttention tension to him. Reports of the fodder crop .ere wired for. end replies reserved from Dunlop, Cerium, the Brea Heb, Beamiller, and ether pants, report My almost • failure sad ad- vancing is pries. Thu caused • commodes bad many members heaved • sigh M the prospect of Morita; to use hay at 416 t►er toe, which will tend to the breaking up of the Bosun Aaometion to some eaten the owning year, as • number of the tamhwe swear they will die .t the slaughter MONO beton they will pay such • pries. Mr. Ayrshire moved • motion of model once oe the death of the late lamented young member, Dein Returnee, wbo wee ruthless ly ua•tched from lite by coming in ocal.eot with the business rod of • (,rend Trunk last Saturday pear the depot. any of the young members shed tears while the motion was being pmeed,•ad Miae Heifer was requested to plans • bean of gram o0 the grave, if it con be found. A petition, largely signedwas prepared sad seat to the G.T. R. bon railroad mea. cend.mninr the use of cow anchors, and asking that the trains be not run own than two miles an hour inside the oorpontiea, as it eed&nger• toe lives ot any of :he members wbo have business at th&t per' of the tows. A vote of thinks was passed to the tows council for sticking up for the rights of the sssooi&tion, and was carried uoanimoteel . n The members weinstructed to treat the council properly whenever they acme Is the way, and not be backward iw bowleg • horn with them oco.stowlly , to use tb.t the friendship was tastier. The meeting adjonrned .midst muter to molt and notes by sone of the geetlemes members We understand the pert meeting will take lace short I v, oo the Squaws, inside the chains, when • small admiesron fee will be exacted from the citizen' to enter the meloenin. Members ot the council however will 5. ad- mitted free sad opsit al terms snit the ahem ben of the Bones Aatooance. BOOKS AND PEMOD ICA LS. Tax MrTuOrnvr Mao*tirz FOIL Aet:ceT, 1896. -Of seasonable interest during the heated term will be timid the beauufully illustrated articles on "Toronto and its Vicinity- as summer resorts, and Prof. Co1em•d'b graphic description or "Canoeing on the Columbia.' . The Editor's paper on the Levant describes, with be•uutul pic- tures, Sm.) ens, the Greek elnds and the Dardanelles. Of pathetic interest is the graphic sketch by Mies Brooking of the ex- periences of her father as • pioneer mtesiaa- ary in Ash•tAi, Afriaa Additional value is given from the fait that be was efterwarda • mtesioo.ry in the great Northwest of Canada. "Mexico in Tramsitios is an ably - written &rich by the Rev. Dr. Wallace, Professor in Victoria U.iveruity. A ties mom preached before the Wesleyan Mission- ary S-i.ty, by John Watson ("las 14.. 1.r...') will be read with delight by ell ad- mirers of that most notable book of the mama, "Beside the Bonne Brier Huab.' Among the other paper are vigorous art- icles by Mark Guy Penn o.,"Cbretianity and the Poor, and by Price Hughes, on Christianity sod Wom•a,- a.d by Dr. Buck ley o., . The Church 0 the Future." Annie Swan's new story, 'Airliia Mission,' grows in interest end is beautifully illus- trated. "The Hone cm the Beach,- by Mn Jail* M'Neir Wright, gain in famine - lion. Price 82 • year ; $1 for six maths ; 20 Dents per number. Toronto : William Brigis- BLUEVALE. MONDAY, July 15. The farmers have oommomssd om the fall wheat Min Kerr, of Brassie, is visiting Mn. A. Brosa the Mary nCella, .f Toronto, s hoses for t Mrs. Fred McCracken. of Breeeds, spent S amdI y is tows. Gee. M.De old and Tad Werwiok spout Baadey i MokIswerth. Kim Cherfolt. Lackey , el Wroxeter, is vision, Mts. Jos. Page. Rim Annie Oliver tied Master Walter Berm are visiting in Brasssls. Mrs. Wiet Grey and Mie Ida (inks.. were minim L firamaals lest week. Walker And. who was teaching "abseil is Anna fa beam for the holidays. Mie XIWes, al VI/asthma. was visiting at J. Maede-•I4., of the Royal Hotel. Master Alford Pugh a visiting has enact- parents, ealp•reea, Mr. end Mea Pant, of Brpmeie. Rev. A, 1. sed Mrs. Hartley are vkillis, Rev. Mr. Me4marrie, Qaeee'e Hill, Braes county. Mrs. Morrie and Mime Agate Doman., ad ingha., est W.dn.eday Thais, Mn. Robert %sew Da at Stewart and their w are now beery .on.trww.g CYrke'e bridge, on the bib Be. of Meeei.. J. Greenaway 1' build . Nes real - donee m Wm 1st whish was /early owned by the kat Wa Dos.... TM Minim Lyle and Maggie Berges, d Owen Homed. or. risking at their greed - moths, a. Mea Daman Miss A.eM Stews lye nbassd tree her viis is Galeria. . She i --sampesiel bur all edema. Kim HMI* Tame and Sia Seeps. Moa ilab► was badly lapsed by the versed• Is L.eke.w es fibs Lbik Ube W to reach m Lsek.ow seer eight, are awas Ilbssie SN.rdy. Uk. i. THE TOWN COUNCIL "Wee -The Hallastr ewe" by (OVER THE HURON TRACT. Milligan N who sailed her, and was worth o Ties lows .eoodl tat e. Frldey ers.b.R, tihousead, her .:ergo of cordwood counting - t. lib. eeab Mho ..har, moo o. two adred ted eighty dollars, the when ty-reeve, a.a.mlMes M.rs.y. `Smith. et swan is neer 1..., is vessel and cage no orbit from J 8.ttttde.s. W Woe, (;ampoa. Dnn- were measured. The captain of the kt�Casinos and Nattet Evelyn is to be eomme.ded fur lits manatee e( last moniker ..d neon' *straps were read, approved bad sigma. TM t easaree's •tatesent for Jago wee read as follows and rdsrred a Banos cane - anise. Bala.- frees May $ 412.11 Maitland cam.try 6.00 Taxes. . 193 80 Electric light rates 83 56 Lions= ... 819.38 Jaitei s fees 21.00 Raid 30.00 Nom resde.tt taxes 9.68 Total 1475.52 Ex clip trraastt. Pumping station .. 528.40 Relief 18.36 Fin dept . .. . . .. 34.25 Special greats 40.15 Waterworks wet 4.20 Printing sad adv 2.24 Bank interest. 1.50 Merited o.mztery 3.00 Sundries 3.00 Public e.ko-1 3.00 Pablis works 401.26 Sanas. ......... ... 210.64 Balance 90.65 Total . $1475 52 The udders revert for Jan was read and relayed to flame. oemmittes. It showed • Wane ea bead el 890.65, thus asreeog with tremens's Ratement. The county treasurer wren the nosed that the tum 0'$1,500 world be required as oounty rete. A communieatioa from the Mechanism be etitute,ebewtng the sanding of the unsutute nod asking for the usual grain was reed. Moved by deputy reeve, seconded by M. O. Johnston, thin on hundred dollars be ``ranted. Some diooussicn aro- on the new leer regarding these institutes in which Mersey and Jeboatoa took part, when Campton moved is amendment seconded by Sent, that the otmmmie•tioa be referred to the normal committee to report to the oouocii. Atter the deputy reeve bad spokes stroaely in favor d the motion. the amend- ment was bet, Calvin and Smith alone voting in la favor, and the motion was carried oa the same vote reversed. Aeneas as follows wen read esti re- torted to lianas eemmittes. Ree Price & Son. $49.50 ; R. W. Mo- Keszie, 11110.00 ; W. Ratan, $27.61 ; Sto- ma.. $4.72 ; F.. Graham, $12.75 ; D. Mo - Urea, $40.00 ; Dr. J. R. Shannon, $5.00 ; X. B•eobl.r, $96.17; J. T. Goldthorpe, 4153.57: Sturdy Brea, $12.96 ; Armstrong Ca, $8.50 ; D McLaren, $1602 ; Marmon FotedryCo., 420.90; Vacua Oil C..,$11. Guts Probe Co. $30.00: Sar, $16 85. The following was ordered to be paid, on motion of deputy -reeve and Saunders, pest oIhom, 815.06. Moved by reeve, seconded by Marney, the the .eoouat Of ft. W. McKenna, $110, for market scales be paid. Afar some ds- cussion, in which the original expeodtture was prominently eommeeted upon by the mayor, Saunders, Campion. the reeve and Johnston, the mayor directed the clerk to read the minutes of the council ordering the work to be done. The report having been read, the discussion was renewed. Saunders, deputy reeve, Johnston, reeve, l'amp►on cod eentelon takiog part. The deputy - reeve moved, seconded by Campine. that ell amounts oosaected with the market scales be referred to market committee to report, which motion was duly carried. Report of fines oommin * recommend- ing the payment of the following accounts : TH1 8toir•t, $9.21: the Gotta Perna Go., $29.00; A. Kirkbride, 818.02; Nees McLaren 5 Co . $6; Chines Rawhide Co., $66: Ca - median timers' Eleotrta Go., $46.24, was reed. and on motion of Campton, seconded by Dunlop, the report was adopted. The water and light repor1,as tollows,was adopted 1. That no action los talon in th. matter of obaoging the street lights from 2,000 to 1,000 candle power. 2. That no action be akin oo the eugges- tioes to supply the G.T. R. with wear from the intake pips by means o/ • eeoond pipe from the pumplioaas to the station. 3. That the G.T.R. be supplied with 4,- 000 gallon of water per day from the pro sot wells .t $200 per year, and that a om treat be made with them to that often. Saunders movant, ..eoed.d by Smith,thet the clerk be imstraond to write the Doane ion Government, esllisg attention to the state of the breakwater, and ask that at be ✓ ises immediate attention. Carried. Moved by Clampice, that the resolution passed at the last meeting. purohedag 2,000 of The Globe be reminded. Then no seconder, the motion fell through. the discamdes, eounoillor Campton stated that if the tam waa paid, he would e ms the members who voted for it. The now question was brought before the email, sad it was advocated thin a by low Lpassed imposing • Ow on all psople al �{y their cattle to rum of nights T►e bows Ileo o•me im for • share of the die sande.. it being suggested that pound keapwa oosld now be obtained the subject dropped, mid the canncil adjoarsed. A SCHOONER WRECKED. The brew ricked en by Nita anderseb Tag &mays. Os Saadey weenie while the shrsesr M. A. Heil, .1 Pert Diver. was making it the river. • storm aroma, sad in a short time the waves bad waned away the dat- ion' sad had filled the venal with wear. As tiere was as misty a 1M Hall, the yawl was ktae.bsd, but is es dohs, it was upss5) mea the oars earned •Residu- allyay.Residu- ally the beat was riOtsd, end w mm got en board. The sow ham without seats, Mt, or hod the outlook wfar from plemast but bdtas ksg eras the beat with • Meati hoz kept We bleed km simulation. H. Moms 8 and iI *hi a.m. • hg was sees TM•,tpem ed vas paby Sap&is the ILVel.. Or**Mvb. mem had Oapeale the. _.smon ... m ones letrood bee mina e d •.l landed Mwreak- ed is.. bee..om 1and 1 *'else. TM ens IMO ONE is s.mgernbl. serine 1. .basgs of aped. 6kbr of tt. Slant , lugger. humanity in leaving as nm sed bringing fuer saff.rag wase rapidly So • plane .t o.tofort and safety. Woe as InAlf/IOND McSSRTsi! Claimed be B.pewea. ea Altered Uremia Jewelry Fina Rochester, July 23. -A tall young man, with smooth face. who said Ills name was W. Raymond McIntyre, and that he was engaged In establishing branch olfees for the Arm of McIn- tyre Brit.. importers of jewelry. 6..1 Torol:to, walked into a leadiutt jewelry store here yesterday. and after dis- playing a business card Of th:. ■op- pon'•d Arm ' he jollied the proprietor several minutes, and said he would purehaer a wattle. " just for a joke. hoping you will return the •'ompll- ment when you are In want of g3.d3." are! picked out a timepiece valued at 8150. He then disc overei that heel only tier with him. and tendered a cheque In payment for the rest. lie had a card printed showily office rooms In the Power block. Th? Rochester jeweler said he would tatty down the number of the wat^h. 11' the* qubt:Y desl.tebed a boy to the Power build - Ing, and found the rooms were un- occupled. He then refused to accept the cheque, and the Canadian dJ.- sprs'ared before au officer could be caned. SIM N nitliON ■1NCSLOT rLE TEs wit swami Tempereste Use chief raen t. Nis Plartirws- tatter L.sd'se 0. - tested 0auOIsg of air Parcae London. July 2*. -T„ -night the 'Read- ing ..f the rarione parties in the Hose c( Commons is as follows : >10*) Coreervatives. 66 Cuimiets. 129 Liberals. 56 1cCarehyitm. 9 i'uruullites. Oa to -d.3. returns the Cunservativve bar, K,iued three rats. the Chemists one. end the Parnsllites one. Amuog the defeated candidates are the labor leaders To !faun sod Clem Ed- warrls, who shared the fate of many 01 their fellows Mann ran se an independent labor Can- didate in the Coine Valley district of Yorkwbire, and bad as opponents *5r J. Kitson, the Liberal representative, sad Harold Thomas, Unionist. The Liberal& won with . smaller majority than they bad in 1892, and Mann was third in the race, with 1165 votes. C' on Edwards bad the Liberal sled labor ✓epport in the Tottenham division of Idlddleees. At the start he had to face a Conservative ma- jority of 1720 in 1892. This year the Conwevatives piled up a majority of yearly 2600. Sir William Vernon ffareourt, who was defeated in Derby, has been returned for Wert Monmouth by a majority of 7248, 28 lei than ties Liberal majority three years ago. Mr. Warmittgton, who re - aigned hie candidacy in favor of Sir Wil- liam on the latter'. defeat in Derby, wit to have stood without oppositim Sir William, notwithstanding hie experience in Derby. persisted in declaring in his speeches in West Mbrtmcwtb that tem - perabre was still the chief plank in his pia t form. OM ON TOKIO VACATIOri. 1 Ottawa, July 23.-A telegram received at the Department ail Agruetlture today from Mr. Saandere. din.et,.r of Experi- mental Ferms, curtained the following crop report : ' Bromine., July 23. -Have ren crops between Winnipeg and Braze don to -day. They look very promising. The growth is in u*cst paces even and str og. Grein well headed, ' lodged ' is spots in a hew places odyn Weat'ber bright and warm. A grand crop if wea- ther matinee favorehie Crops on ez- perieseatal farm red' stood-•' Writtag frm Cingary, N.W.T.. July 11, to the fbwstary d the Hoene Committee an Agrisaltan, John Craig, btieiicultur- let to ills Dominica Experlmebtal Farm, says : " The mope in Manitoba and nob parts of the territory ea I have sem will be phenomenally large =lea caught by hast- They have now had ample rain to carry tbtret._h flee grain to maturity, and the condition of the whole country k one of hope and encouragement" Thr Department of Agricaltare ie in receipt of intormatioo from nemeses Welk, Croydon. England. to the effect that the system adopted by shippers d binding Canadian hay with wire has led to losses among the live ' tack to rrbieh it is fed. Mr. Wells U anxious that the matter should be brought to the notice of Can- adian egrieulturiists, wltk a view to remedying what be regards In our hay as "its only defect." Sir Mar keotie Bowel] leaves Friday for Regina. aclompaded by Hon. Mr. Daly. Lord Aberdeen will formally open the sew er.ntrery at leahrw oo Thursday. Tie Countess of Aberdeen will es the ante day perform the e.rwmony of dedi- cating Aberdeen Part. Their Earellen- eiee will leave ties rams night for the wart, their intention beteg. after the ogwnlmg of the Territorial Exhibition. to proce'd throwplb to the Peeitie roast. nine was a pretreated sitting of the Privy Council today. The Ministers were engaged in the transaction of De- lete/ and rebwr work accumulated iriig Got dwelinipg de.n of the Mesion e l Parliament. Next week the majority of the abfwet will have deported for their summer bonder*. Tl. reorganisation of Caetoms Roam on the llrw el the bill recently plumed by Parliancat will be eomarassd vent - eat delay. The neer appointment& to the Ward win be mads by order i■ bamell. Tie Combed'•? of Contours will be le S aila. sett week attt..disg the men- beg awbig of the Creed Lodge of BMW& Am- edge. el which be l errand tenter. Hae. Or. tb'tlgseaey Felt yesterday M (ills Marinas hvnlnoe. During Idle e inem til a tertalor gj.r ren the .Halm Desertesase will 5. red by Mt Merles 0. the Lomita KW • Weekly Maes' N County .News served up to .all iveryttsdy - rl.b rind regal tflpeted sad l'.ndeased From ivory *11110., Wises= On Tbursi•y evening of Oat week, D. Sutherland's store narrowly es - gaped beteg destroyed by Sr.. Witigbam . Milton 5. Blackwell, we en- derstad,bas purchased the baking basins* a Jas. Seimin, •ad will take p'-.10ee this week. Brussels : Prinsip•l Cameron bee already ridden 1,000 miles on his btiyale this memos. He evidently gets the worth et his maser out of lou wheel. Sea/aril : Thomas Downey arrived here from Chicago oo Friday last and will spend some time among his frauds hen. He looks as if catty life agreed with btu. Grey : Wm. Armietrueg, Brussels, has Mau engaged as teacher of W hitfeld's • stool, 12th ooh„ for next year. He is teaching is Grey oouoty this year. W imgb•m : In answer to the prayer of the petitioners, the mayor has proclaimed Friday. July 26, • civic holiday, and calls upon all good wizens to observe the day as e eeb. Bramels: Kphraim Downing, wbo has ben on The Poet staff for the past 5 years, lett laic Saturday for Colborws, Oat., when be bee takes • position on the Enterprise,of that tow.. Se.fortb : W. 1.. McL.1l.o, who was re- moved from the Umiaio. Bank here about a esootb ago, has ran bee. *tattooed in the breach. Mr. Kennard, who took Mr. MoLellan'a place here, goes to Uxbridge. Seaforth • Rev. J. W. McMillan, of Van- couver, British Columbia, and formerly of the town, has accepted • pastorate of St. Aadrsw'• church, Ltado•y, and hie isdao- ilea will take pleas the latter part of Aug- ust. Henan : Thomas Murray, high school teacher, Brampton, and who has been .o• gaged there toe another year at &0 advance of $100 per year, is hen spending be vaca- tion with lit. parent*, Mr. and Mrs. James Murray. Belgr•ve : The little daughter of the late Richard Sperling has succumbed to brain fever. The funeral took place on Sunday, Rev. Mr. Forrest taking the service. We extend our heart felt sympathy to the f•m 11) in their sadden bereavement. Winghaai George Good received word the week of the sudden death of hie bre. thr, Adam, residing near Seaforth, who died while undergoing a surgical opentlon m Toronto for the manna' of .n sheer. The remains will be taken to Brussels for interment. Grey ; One of those events which always Maim the interested attention of old and young took place Wednesday evening of last week at the home ot L. McNeil, lbth eon., when hie estimable daughter, Mies Tena, was joined it m•tnmooy 10 James M. Knight, tit Petrone. Seaforth : Then are many here who will remember Frank Paltridge, who eras • reel deet of Seaforth • number of years ago, and will be sorry to learn that he died in C.11 forui& on the 21st of June last. He was the set of the family,he wife and children Ilei Ing all preceded him. Wisghen To cover the distance from Winghana te Wroxeter m 15 *Fontes on • bicycle, one has to travel pretty fast. That has been done by John Bernard, of Wroxeter, • couple of uses dune, the pest month, and it to altogether hLely he tan do it in lees time, if he wlabes. Seaforth : Mrs. Kirkman, of this town has received • letter from Wan. Mcqueen, ot South River, Muskoka, stating that the library books sent from the Presby trio Sabbath •shool in the town, for the use of the South River and I nay Eagle schools ar- rived safely, and were greatly appreciated by the children, and grown people as well. and that all joioed in sending hearty amok* for the timety gift. Morris: Os Ssturday,5tb Inst,Jobn tray, batt -brother to Jas. Duncan, 4th line, died at his home in Lindeei, aged 50 yearn. H. bad been all for several years, Bright'. dm - eine being the trouble. The funeral took pplace on Sud•%, Mr. Duncan atteading it. Uece•ssd left wile and three children to mourn hie demise. Brussels : Tburedaof last week A. Mann and C. Jackson, commercial travellers from Tomato, were in town on a tandem bieyel• They save considerable time in this mode of travelling from awn to town as they are not depending cm train. A bicycle hutlt for two is rather • mxe sociable way of travel - lisp than wring it done W isghsm : Lord Teeny eon, • very vale - able now, the property of .1. E. Swartz white beteg exercised on Wednesday mors- ing, broke • tendon in the left (root leg be low the fetlock. The horse was being pre pared for the W'inghamm races next week and was in splendid oonditton, hat this ac admit will lay him up all seams. Grey : The death is ansounoed of Bertha Hasa Hermitage, daughter a Thos. lir. mitre. Woodbine l ottage, Leaden tows ship, formerly of this township, en Wednes- day •persona Mies Hermitage was a led tag member of leaden West Methodist church, and •lore of the altar, being • valued On Saturday she was•tucked with iia *&tion, which eventually preyed fatal. Belgrave : Thursday ot last week Rede l'oaltes met with • serious .ad what might hays twin • fatal •evident is the broom handle department of tee mill, He bad throws the belt from the pulley whist" drives the Mathes mw, whin seetlmegd manna ter some use, .d was nipping swam Ms lees* belt to attend to ogees other dtatlies whom the bat suddenly *Mused and was drams. ht., b. batting mantis, drawtas Mr. Osalns, who became angled is it. Had the belt on beaten, se it vary fertseemly did, he would leve bass sue to Mesas by the m.. Aa it is M los . badly ant area and ie .rieady braised. bee will ewes be all tight nen. Jen Mees bed tie Praia el a 'cepa* a his hgem tame of is Ile mill a Isw days see.